What the author makes fun of in the story is the microscope. Portrait gallery "Great Freaks of the World"

V. Shukshin is a talented Russian writer. The defining place in his work is occupied by the image of the Russian national character. Shuk-shin loves his hero. He himself wrote that “without love for those men, without compassion, hidden or obvious, without genuine respect for them, it is impossible to write about them.”

The hero of the story “The Master” is Semka Lynx, “a loser, an unrivaled carpenter.” He is not evil person“, but “wasting his “horsepower” on anything, yelling, grinning, doing mischief somewhere.” In addition, Semka drinks heavily at times. At first glance, this is not an attractive image at all. But gradually the author, unfolding the story about the hero, reveals such sides of his soul that force the reader not only to show condescension towards Semka, but also to admire him.

Firstly, Semka “could mess up such a closet that people’s eyes would run wild.” There is no master equal to him in the entire region. People come to the hero from afar, place orders, and pay a lot of money. A simple Russian person is gifted by nature, unusually talented, skilled. But Semka Lynx is truly surprised when we see his ordeal about the abandoned temple. The hero knows how to feel beauty and appreciate it. Seeing the Talitsky church, he loses peace. Fascinated by her charm and admiring the skill of the creator of the temple, Semka becomes eager to restore the church. “I’m sorry, such beauty will be lost,” says Lynx and begins his walks. He patiently and consistently moves towards his goal. He listens to the ordinary priest, then to the metropolitan, then goes to the regional executive committee, because he understands: “This is the pride of the Russian people, but everyone has given up on it.” Semka's heart is full of patriotism.

The image of the hero in the story “The Master” is multifaceted, just as the Russian character is multifaceted in general.

The hero of the story “Microscope,” Andrey Erin, is also a carpenter. He works in a small workshop at Zagotzern. However " little man“High” interests are no strangers. He is ready to “break in” for one and a half shifts, is ready to be completely deprived of his earned bonus just in order to acquire, for example, a microscope and become initiated into the mysteries of the universe and science. Andrei understands what kind of conversation with his wife such an acquisition could be fraught with, and nevertheless, having realized his dream, he “quietly beamed.”

Andrey examines the “microbes” with extraordinary curiosity. For him, their existence at these moments is a matter of utmost importance. Erin’s wife and children involuntarily become interested in the microscope. Although the wife, of course, cannot understand her husband’s spirituality. As soon as Zoya understands how much Andrey got the microscope, she without hesitation goes to take her “lucky purchase” to a second-hand store. For Erin, material things are secondary. Even children's fur coats and everyday problems are the last thing he remembers. And he feels bitter because “everyday life” still takes over.

Uncle Ermolai from story of the same name Shukshi-na is touching because of his honesty, which he passionately tries to find in others. Faced with the frank and persistent lies of playful boys, Ermolai sincerely cries from his powerlessness in the face of lies. First he demands recognition from them, then he begs for it, not for the sake of discovering the truth, but only for the sake of the truth itself, so that the truth will triumph. At Uncle Ermolai's kind heart. He promised to take away the workdays from the boys for lying, but he didn’t, even though they didn’t admit to anything. He didn’t take it off, despite the fact that Ermolai was offended to the point of tears.

Shukshin created a great variety of characters. His characters make you think about a lot, make you fall in love with a simple Russian person, and be surprised by him. Researcher E. Pawlak rightly said about Shukshin’s heroes: “All these drivers, carpenters, tractor drivers, village “all-knowing” sages, merry fellows who ridicule everyone and everything - all these people, at first glance, are uncouth , seemingly even primitive, in the depths of the soul conceal a rich world of experiences.”

Literature lesson in 7th grade

based on the story by V.M. Shukshina "Microscope"

We decorate your life,
giving a dream, a fairy tale, and hope!

Nikulina Nadezhda Vladimirovna,

Shcherbakova Marina Aleksandrovna.

Lesson on “discovering” new knowledge (1 hour)

Lesson objectives:

Activity: creating conditions for mastering the topic, developing the readiness of thinking to understand and assimilate new ways of activity, teaching individual reflection on achieving a goal, embodying a situation of success

Content: to establish a connection between Platonov’s works and his life as a writer, to develop students’ need to improve their speech skills; the ability to formulate the main idea of ​​the text, correlate the text and the title, learn to express one’s attitude to what has been read, characters, events; achieve understanding of the text at the content level, teach emotional experience read.

The student will learn conscious and expressive reading, which will ensure the value-semantic orientation of the student; will be able to correlate his actions with ethical feelings on the basis of moral standards; analyze the moral aspect of your actions.

The student will have the opportunity : design a variety of monologue statements based on the author's text, experience interest and need in identifying the author's position, the features of his imaginative vision of the world, and moral and value judgments.

Planned results:

cognitive UUD: search and selection necessary information, conscious and voluntary construction speech utterance V orally, free orientation and text perception work of art, semantic reading;

personal UUD : self-determination, moral and ethical orientation, the ability to self-assess one’s actions and actions;

regulatory UUD: goal setting, planning, self-regulation, highlighting and awareness by students of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned;

communicative UUD: planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers, compliance with the rules speech behavior, the ability to express and justify one’s point of view.

Means of education: computer, projector, textbook, illustrations for the work.

Methods of work: educational and research; communication technique; person-centered method; method creative thinking; method of critical thinking.


Watch the video.

What determines how a person perceives the world? (from the mood, from loved ones, from the character of the person himself). One and the same thing can be looked at in different ways. For example, a pessimist says that the wind howls, and an optimist says that the wind sings.

“The world belongs to optimists, pessimists are just spectators,” said Francois Guizot. Let's try to look at the world through the eyes of optimists today.

    Updating knowledge.

So, the crossword puzzle “Remembering means of expression” awaits you artistic speech" If you remember everything, that’s great; if you forgot something, we look at it through the eyes of an optimist: it’s good that we repeat it, it will come in handy in the exam.

    Use of a word or expression in figurative meaning(hidden comparison, not formalized by conjunctions) – metaphor

    Comparison of two phenomena in order to explain one of them with the help of the other - comparison

    An artistic, figurative definition is an epithet.

    A figurative expression containing excessive exaggeration - hyperbole.

    The unusual word order is inversion.

    Repetition individual words or phrases at the beginning of the passages that make up the statement - anaphora.

    Sustainable , whose value is not determined included in it , taken separately.

    An exorbitant understatement is litotes.

Happened keyword"original". Look at the meanings of this word.

Genuine, original thing, work, recording

A strange man, eccentric

Someone who is different from others in some way is an eccentric

Quirky Man

Atypical person

It’s these people who are called originals, eccentrics, weirdos that we’ll talk about today.

    Portrait gallery"Great Freaks of the World"

In front of you Albert Einstein, the great scientist whose theory of relativity is still irrefutable.

American writer, a man of extraordinary viewsMark Twain.

Salvador Dali, famous artist, famous original paintings in the style of surrealism.

Faina Ranevskaya, who was repeatedly recognized as the best actress of the USSR

What unites all these people? Many considered them eccentrics.

In childhood A. Einstein was not a child prodigy. Many doubted his usefulness, and his mother even suspected her child’s congenital deformity (Einstein had a big head).

The scientist trained himself to rise above a problem, see it from an unexpected angle and find an extraordinary way out. When he found himself at a dead end, playing the violin, a solution suddenly popped into his head.

Samuel Clemens

Having become a successful writer, Twain continually invested money in unsuccessful enterprises and went bankrupt. Interestingly, when he was given the opportunity to invest in the development of a phone, he refused. The developer, Alexander Graham Bell, subsequently became famous throughout the world. Mark Twain himself was a good inventor; for example, he invented adhesive sheets for notepads.

Salvador Dali, having collected large group friends and acquaintances, he could spend the whole evening in a restaurant, treating everyone to any dishes and drinks from the menu. When the time came to pay the bill, the artist generously signed a check for a huge amount, and then... turned the check over and wrote a few warm words of gratitude to the owner of the establishment. The calculation was simple: taking advantage of his fame as a living genius, Dali was sure that the owner of the restaurant would never dare to cash a check with the original signature of Dali himself!

A phrase from the film “Foundling” literally haunted the actress: “Mulya, don’t make me nervous!” – There is a legend associated with this phrase. Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, who presented the Order of Lenin to the actress, allegedly said: “Here comes our Mulya, don’t make me nervous!” Ranevskaya retorted: “Leonid Ilyich, this is how either boys or hooligans address me!” Brezhnev was embarrassed and confessed his love to the actress.

    Discovery of new knowledge.

Geniuses, or as they are also called “eccentrics,” fill our world with original ideas, interesting events and statements. Over the course of hundreds of years, people have appeared who, by their behavior and their projects, aroused admiration and respect for their personalities.

V. M. Shukshin in an interview with the Trud newspaper said:“There are people, in the city or in the countryside, who seem strange to others. They are called "eccentrics". And they are not strange or eccentric. From ordinary people The only thing that distinguishes them is that they are talented and beautiful. They are beautiful because their destinies are merged with people's fate, they do not live separately. They are loved with special love for their responsiveness in joy and trouble.They decorate life, because with their appearance, boredom is banished anywhere. I want to talk about these “strange” people, whose example teaches us how to live an interesting life.”

He creates the image of just such a hero in the story “Microscope”.

Let's remember characterization methods literary hero :


- with other heroes;


Speech (what and how they say).

Today we will evaluate the characters of the main characters by analyzing their speech.

“I lived like in a dream for a week...”

Why did Andrei Erin change with the advent of the microscope? Find verbs in the text that convey the hero’s state after the microscope appears in the house.

Where did you find the microbes? How did you try to destroy them?

Is it funny or sad to watch the hero's attempts to discover the secret of longevity?

Does the hero understand that one microscope is not enough to make a discovery?

How do the character traits of the hero appear in the dialogue? (Andrei’s fanatical passion comes out more clearly here. The thirst for knowledge inspires respect.)

The characters' speech is replete with colloquial expressions. The characters speak the way ordinary village people speak in real life. find colloquial words in the text.

Freaks - h at good or weird s e? Let's get acquainted with two views of poets on such people. - print

Don't fall, arrogant grief!
Arise, young melancholy!
Long live beyond categories
The high role of the eccentric!

He will be - it is clear in advance -
Ridiculous and insignificant in appearance,
Surrounded by a ring of failures,
A haze of disorder surrounds... (P. Antokolsky)

Funny visionaries and dreamers,
Romantics, artists, poets...
Let them say they wasted their time
In dreams and long wanderings around the world.

What's in it for us? What do we care about people's rumors?
When we the whole world do we hold it in our palms?
We are eccentrics - we decorate your life,
Giving a dream, a fairy tale, and hope! (Author unknown)

Whose point of view is closer to you? Who are your weirdos?

Shukshin - writer, master short story. He spoke about the art of storytelling: “Here are stories as they should be:

1). The story is destiny.

2). The story is the character.

3). The story is a confession.

The smallest thing that can be is a story - an anecdote.”

What type of story do you think "Microscope" is? Why?


What does Shukshin, the writer, hide behind his humor? How does he relate to people and life in general?

To better understand the person - Shukshin, listen to the excerpt from a letter from V. Shukshin to his friend:

“Glebovich! Why are you sad there, Kolomna Versta? Life is so wonderful! And amazing. Look how I do: I’ll pee, I’ll pee, I’ll go out onto the balcony, howl, and then pee again.

Such vigor will take over that you have no strength. I want to tear and throw. Throwing - I don’t know what it is, but tearing - please, the basket is nearby. We're tearing...

But to be serious, “I’ll tell you already”: it would be good if we still managed to survive. Didn't you see how the arcs are bent? The birch tree is steamed and carefully, gradually bent. It happens - it breaks. Man... he's steaming a new one.

I was somehow very touched by your letter. And I sit and think: what should we do? And I can’t think of anything except to hold out.”

Behind the humor, which the writer emphasizes with sadness, hides love for a person, the troubles of everything that disfigures our lives, and the affirmation high standards morality, human dignity.

POEM (to music)

He did not come out with either rank or stature.
Not for fame, not for pay, -
In my own unusual way, -
He walked through life above the platform -
Along the rope, along the rope,
Tense like a nerve!

A slight tilt to the left - it still won’t save you!..
But he must really need to get through
Four quarters of the way.

And the rays knocked him out of step,
And they pricked like laurels.
The pipe burst like two!
Shouts of “bravo!” he was stunned
And the timpani, and the timpani -
Like a blow to the head!..

He laughed at the mortal glory,
But I only wanted to be the first.
Try this one!
Not on the wire above the arena -
He gets on our nerves - we get on our nerves -
He walked to the beat of drums!

Look! Here he is walking without insurance!
Tilt a little to the right - it will fall, disappear!
A slight tilt to the left – it still won’t save you!
But - freeze! He just has to go
No more than a quarter of the way. (V. Vysotsky “Rope Walker”.)

Homework: creative work"Freaks in our lives."

We are living through a time of total interest in metaphor. Philosophers, logicians, psychologists, psycholinguists, stylists, literary scholars, and semasiologists have focused their attention on the phenomenon of metaphor. This fact is associated with the changes that have occurred in the structure and dynamics modern knowledge about the world, as well as new problem verbalization scientific knowledge. Over the past decades, many fruitful ideas, interesting interpretations of factual material, and practical developments have been introduced into the study of metaphors. However, the heterogeneous material is not generalized; its analysis contains contradictory conclusions and solutions, as always happens when a phenomenon is studied intensively and multidimensionally. This is the relevance of the work.
The purpose of this work is to explore the use of metaphor in the works of Vasily Shukshin and prove its significance for a more complete understanding of the text.
Object for this study were inspired by V. Shukshin’s stories “Space, nervous system and a shmat of lard”, “In the Autumn”, “Uncle Ermolai”, “How the Old Man Died”, “Microscope”, “Bright Souls”, Stenka Razin”, “Ignakha Arrived”, “Styopka”.
The subject of the study is special cases of the use of metaphor in these stories.
Metaphor, how different it can be! Metaphor is used in everyday and artistic speech. Artistic metaphor differs from the familiar everyday metaphor in its freshness and novelty. In poetry and prose, metaphor is not only a means lexical expressiveness, but a way of constructing images.



“Features of the use of metaphors in literary texts

V.M. Shukshina"

8th grade student

Municipal educational institution "TSOSH No. 1"

Pribaikalsky district

Republic of Buryatia

Supervisor: Shulgina Oksana Anatolyevna

  1. Introduction ___________________________________________________3
  2. Chapter I.

§ I Classification of metaphors and metaphorical transfers ___________4

  1. § II Language metaphor in the socio-psychological aspect ______6
  2. Chapter 2

Features of the use of metaphors in V. Shukshin’s stories ______8

  1. Conclusion _________________________________________________11
  2. List of used literature _____________________________________12

I. Introduction

We are living through a time of total interest in metaphor. Philosophers, logicians, psychologists, psycholinguists, stylists, literary scholars, and semasiologists have focused their attention on the phenomenon of metaphor. This fact is associated with the changes that have occurred in the structure and dynamics of modern knowledge about the world, as well as with the new problem of verbalization of scientific knowledge. Over the past decades, many fruitful ideas, interesting interpretations of factual material, and practical developments have been introduced into the study of metaphors. However, the heterogeneous material is not generalized; its analysis contains contradictory conclusions and solutions, as always happens when a phenomenon is studied intensively and multidimensionally. This is the relevance of the work.

Target of this work is to explore the use of metaphor in the works of Vasily Shukshin and prove its significance for a more complete understanding of the text.

Object For this study, the stories of V. Shukshin “Space, the nervous system and the fat of fat”, “In Autumn”, “Uncle Ermolai”, “How the old man died”, “Microscope”, “Bright Souls”, Stenka Razin”, “Ignakha Arrived” were used , "Styopka".

Subject research are special cases of the use of metaphor in these stories.

The purpose, object and subject of the study determined the following tasks:

Identify cases of manifestation of metaphor in the text of the work;

Identify the types of metaphors used by the author;

Analyze the contextual significance of metaphors.

The following were used during the study: methods : contextual analysis method and method stylistic analysis artistic text.

The purpose and objectives of this study determined it structure . This course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

II. Chapter I

§ I. Classification of metaphors and metaphorical transfers

Origins research interest The metaphor is usually associated with the name of Aristotle. In his Poetics, he first described metaphor as a way of reinterpreting the meaning of a word based on similarity. Metaphor, according to Aristotle, gives the opportunity and the right “when speaking about the real, to connect the impossible with it,”in other words, we are talking about a way to call an object “by a name that does not belong to it” through elements of similarity and comparison: “To create good metaphors means to notice similarities.”Aristotle owns one of the first classifications of metaphors, which is referred to almost modern researchers: “metaphor - transferring a word and changing its meaning from genus to species, from species to genus, or from species to species, or by analogy.”

Metaphor symbols show great diversity both in their semantic structure (monosemic, polysemous) and in the nature of the connection between the original meaning and the metaphorical one (more or less direct connection, indirect, etc.). In accordance with these differences, the following types of linguistic metaphors can be distinguished: 1) motivated ML; 2) syncretic NM; 3) associative NM.

It should be borne in mind that this classification is conditional and has methodological goals. It is not always possible to clearly distinguish one type of NM from another - this is facilitated by the unstable and mobile nature of the metaphor symbol.

  1. Motivated linguistic metaphor: the formal criterion for selecting such MLs was the data explanatory dictionaries. Example: Caricature. A drawing depicting something in a distorted, funny way. Peren. An unsuccessful imitation, a funny distorted likeness of someone or something. The metaphor is transparent, the mechanism of its formation has been revealed.
  2. Syncretic linguistic metaphor: in works on historical poetics A.N. Veselovsky opened psychological foundations formation of metaphors and epithets and showed that most of metaphorical transformations modern languages goes back to ancient times when "physiological promiscuity" human consciousness led to the fact that sensory impressions(visual, auditory, olfactory and others) were perceived indivisibly, unitedly, and this unity was fixed in the language in its “everyday formulas”: black melancholy, dead silence.
  3. Associative language metaphor: based on the ability of consciousness to find analogies between any objects of reality. For example, the signs “noise, scream” are associated with the perception of such a reality as a bazaar; the qualities of a person “soft, lethargic, weak-willed” are psychologically associated with such a reality as jelly.

A systematic approach to metaphor made it possible to discover and describe the directions of metaphorical transfers in their diversity, covering both material and ideal entities involved in the process of metaphorization, while the metaphorical transfer is carried out in certain directions in a fairly rigid sequence.

Types of regular metaphorical transfers:

  1. Subject → item

Waterfall (tears), gold (hair), stream (letters), beads (sweat)

  1. Subject → person

a) characteristics of a person

club, splinter, idol, statue, treasure, burdock, etc.

b) designation of parts of the human body

poles (legs), bowler hat (head), mitten (mouth), sign (face)

c) designation of a group of people

sea ​​(of people), crowd (of writers), flow (of visitors)

  1. Subject → physical world

Hail (of blows, kicks), wave (of light, sounds, smells), wall (of fire)

  1. Subject → psychic world

Star (good luck, happiness), granite (science), medicine (for laziness, love), dirt (life, relationships)

  1. Subject → abstraction

An abyss (of affairs, questions, worries), a chain (of events, adventures), a grain, a grain (of benefit, joy, meaning, kindness, peace)

In addition to the described regular types of metaphorical transfers, some irregular ones were also discovered. They are calculated in units:

  1. Animal → object

Behemoth (heavy weapon), feathers (frost), scales (water surface)

  1. Animal → animal

Hippopotamus (about a horse), snake (about a bull)

I washed all the nooks and crannies, all the secluded places - no bull . Well, I think, if only I could find you, snake , I'll show you. (Shukshin “From the childhood years of Ivan Popov)

  1. Animal → psychic world

Tail (debt for any academic subject), flock (of thoughts, memories)

  1. Man → animal

The cat needs to be whipped. Is not a cat and a bandit . (Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”)

  1. Physical world→ physical world

A flurry (of applause), a flash of (illness, laughter)

  1. Physical world → man

Fire (hot, energetic person), slush (spineless), plague, cholera (expletive)

§II. Language metaphor in the socio-psychological aspect

Metaphor plays important role in constructing a linguistic picture of the world and in dividing reality. Linguistic metaphor of reclamation assessment – ​​positive – clear falcon, galaxy, the salt of society. The linguistic metaphor of pejorative evaluation reveals great semantic diversity. Vices are assessed negatively (stupidity, indifference, cruelty, etc.), misbehavior(swagger, pretense), etc.

Table of language metaphor of reclamation assessment

Examples of NM

  1. Appearance
  1. Handsome (attractive, elegant, etc.)
  2. Tall (+slim)
  3. Strong build
  4. Has a fresh, cheerful look

Toy, toy, candy, candy, doll, cherub, flower


oak, ridge


  1. Character
  1. strong-willed
  1. Brave, courageous
  2. Alive, active

Granite, flint

Lion, eagle, eaglet, falcon, falcon

Fire, gunpowder

  1. Behavior
  1. Agile, playful

Little devil, goat, goat, robber, robber, dragonfly, imp, spinning top

  1. Social qualities
  1. Empowered, powerful
  2. Plays an important role in the life of society (famous, illustrious)
  3. Experienced, skillful
  4. "The Best People of Society"
  5. Who is loved, who is worshiped
  6. Affectionate treatment

God, lord, commander, matron

God, star, birthday boy, giant, colossus, queen, king, lioness, lighthouse, eagle, patriarch, luminary, sun, rod


Constellation, juice, salt

Goddess, deity, idol, madonna, treasure, sun

Dove, swallow, bird, little bird, little bird, berry

  1. Others

Wizard, nightingale, philosopher, poet, diplomat, nugget, righteous man

Pejorative Evaluation Metaphor Table

Evaluation parameters and metaphor symbol

Examples of NM

A. Name of person

I. Appearance


1.2. short (+ nondescript)

1.4. slow

Kikimora, monkey, parrot, scarecrow, stuffed animal

Cinder, pigalitsa, morel, latch

Club, tower, shaft


II. Character

  1. Weak-willed
  2. Timid
  3. Stubborn

Kissel, chicken, weakling, mattress

Baba, sheep, calf, lamb, heifer

Ram, donkey, donkey

III. Behavior

  1. hot-tempered
  2. unsociable
  3. pretender
  4. cocky

Boiling water, gunpowder

Monk, hermit

Actor, actress, performer, performer

Ruff, splinter, rooster

IV. Social qualities

4.1. takes high position in society (arrogant)

4.2. occupies a low position in society (despised)

4.3. " Worst people society"

4.4. tormentor, oppressor

Nobleman, governor, turkey, sturgeon

Dwarf, booger, midget, stub, carrion, wick, trash, worm

Garbage, scum, scum, trash

Serfdom, executioner, tyrant, jailer, feudal lord, predator

  1. Others

Foster, guest performer, dinosaur, juggler, ichthyosaur, maniac, blind man, piglet, trickster, devil, gravedigger, cripple

B. Name of parts of the human body

Booth, sign, rake, pole, claw, paw, muzzle, shaft, snout, grater

III. Chapter 2

Features of the use of metaphors in V. Shukshin’s stories

Using metaphors found in the stories of V.M. Shukshin “Space, the nervous system and the fat of fat”, “Autumn”, “Uncle Ermolai”, “How the old man died”, “Microscope”, “Bright Souls”, “Stenka Razin”, “Ignakha has arrived”, “Styopka” I will fill in tables that I wrote about in Chapter 1.

Table No. 1 Linguistic metaphor of reclamation assessment

And the man is like a cucumber. (“Space, the nervous system and fat”)

There are a lot of interesting people,” Stepan continued. - There are such eagles! ("Styopka")

Table No. 2 Linguistic metaphor of pejorative evaluation

Evaluation parameters and metaphor symbol

Examples of NM

A. Name of person

I. Appearance

1.1. Ugly (unattractive, ridiculous, ugly dressed)

1.3. excessively tall


Versta Kolomenskaya

II. Character

2.2. Timid


IV. Social qualities

4.8. Has repulsive → qualities


  1. Others


You swamp kikimora!.. (“Microscope”)

Crawled... what a reptile. ("In Autumn")

Where for a month? Oh... watercolor! (“Bright Souls”)

... Well, what should I do with you, Kolomenskaya mile? ("Stenka Razin")

... He’s some kind of chick with us - he’s shy about everything. (“Ignaha has arrived”)

Table No. 3 Semantic types of linguistic metaphor






Fasten 8

Flighted 9

Rose 9

Flashed 10

3 will play

Rinse 5

Came in 6

Tug 7

Swallowed 11

Spread 12

Good 12

Stegal 13

Pushed 13

Cried blood 14

Darkness 15

Whined 16

Break 17

Fucked 18

Fresh 19

Broke off 20

Dense 21

Stunned 22

Gallop 24

Cloud 1

Strain 2

Marinate 23

Chests 4

1. The old woman got dressed and went out, letting a white frosty cloud into the hut. (“How the old man died”)

2. Such weakness, as if all the blood had been drained. (“How the old man died”)

3. Better give me half a glass of wine... Maybe the blood will sparkle at least a little (ibid.)

4. Shake all your life over it, but you don’t understand, vodka is the first medicine. Some chests. (ibid.)

5. Then you’ll be rinsing around the village - who wants to fuck around in such cold weather? (ibid.)

6. We threshed early that day because it was raining. ("Uncle Ermolai")

7. The sky was blue, and the wind was blowing. ("Uncle Ermolai")

8. And he, reluctantly, also began to get ready. (ibid.)

9. Swooped strong wind, dust rose. (ibid.)

10. Lightning flashed. (ibid.)

11. Everything seemed to hang in the air for a moment, only darkness swallowed everything. (ibid.)

12. The morning unfolded clear, washed, quiet. (ibid.)

13. A kind wind was blowing on the river. Whipped and pushed. ("In Autumn")

14. My heart cried blood. (ibid.)

15. We will never get out of the darkness. (ibid.)

16. The soul whined for something. (ibid.)

17. My heart will ache and ache at night. (ibid.)

18. Philip finally pulled his legs out of place. (ibid.)

19. The face is still fresh. (ibid.)

20. I broke off a piece of happiness from a young age. (ibid.)

21. I don’t answer such dense questions. (“Space, the nervous system and fat”)

22. Yesterday you deafened your nervous system and slowed down. (ibid.)

23. Others, on the contrary, marinate: they say it will be meatier. (about a pig) (ibid.)

24. Geography... Now we are galloping it. (ibid.)

Types of regular metaphorical transfers in language

  1. Subject → person

Let me take your darling away, you crooked nose! ("Microscope")

II. Animal → human

1. Am I the only one who barks like this? (“Space, the nervous system and fat”)

2. Whined like a dog outside the gate (“In Autumn”)

3. He is as healthy as a bull (“How the old man died”)

4. Watched as an eagle (“In Autumn”)

Types of irregular metaphorical transfers in language

  1. Physical world → animal

I constantly carried this pain-snake within me. ("In Autumn")

  1. Animal → animal

Here they are, dogs! - Andrei Erin whispered. With some kind of eerie delight he whispered: “They’re walking around.” (about microbes) (“Microscope”)

III. Physical world → man

And spring came – kind and stupid, like an immature girl ("Styopka")

IV. Conclusion

Metaphor, how different it can be! Metaphor is used in everyday and artistic speech. An artistic metaphor differs from the familiar everyday metaphor in its freshness and novelty. In poetry and prose, metaphor is not only a means of lexical expressiveness, but a way of constructing images.

I analyzed several stories by V. Shukshin:“Space, the nervous system and a lot of fat”, “Autumn”, “Uncle Ermolai”, “How the old man died”, “Microscope”, “Bright Souls”, “Stenka Razin”, “Ignakha has arrived”, “Styopka”.

Metaphor is the most common means of creating new meanings; most of our everyday concepts are metaphorical in nature. Our everyday speech replete with metaphors: it’s raining, he’s lost his head, he’s dizzy, commercial network, the sun rises.

There are several types into which metaphor can be divided: individual-author, expanded and general linguistic. It can be simple, consisting of one expression used in a figurative meaning, and expanded. Also, a metaphor can be nominal and verbal, each of which is divided into: personified and non-personified.

From the work done, we can conclude that the metaphors used by V. Shukshin are diverse in assessment, semantic types and types of metaphorical transfers. Most of all there are syncretic metaphors in the works. With the help of these metaphors, the author describes nature and weather changes in an unusual, special way: the rain came, the wind whipped and pushed on the river, the morning spread out.

V. List of references

  1. Aristotle Poetics. - L., 1927
  2. Aryutyunova N.D. Functional types linguistic metaphor ∕∕IAN SLYA 1978 V.37 No. 4
  3. Vinogradov V.V. Main types lexical meanings words∕∕VYa 1953 No. 5
  4. Vygotsky L.S. Thinking and speech∕∕Vygotsky L.S. Selected psychological research.-M., 1956
  5. Gak V.G. On the problem of general semantic laws ∕∕General and Romance linguistics. – M., 1972
  6. Gusev S.S. Science and metaphor. – L., 1984
  7. Korolkov V.I. Metaphor∕∕Brief literary encyclopedia.- M., 1967
  8. Larin B.A. About the varieties of artistic speech∕∕Larin B.A. Aesthetics of the word and the language of the writer. – L., 1969
  9. Levin Yu.I. The structure of Russian metaphor∕∕Works on sign systems. - Tartu, 1965
  10. Shukshin V.M. Stories Tales. - M., Bustard, 2002

The story “Microscope” is the fate of a person outlined in one episode, taking only two weeks. According to Shukshin's classification, this is a “story-fate”.


The story rises philosophical problem purpose and meaning of life. The main idea of ​​the story is that life without a goal is empty, it is not life at all. Other problems are mutual understanding between people and family relationships, moral problem human dignity and self-respect.

Heroes of the story

The main character of the story is Andrey Erin, who worked as a carpenter in a small workshop nine kilometers from the village. This is Shukshin’s favorite type of heroes, the so-called eccentric, that is, ridiculous and uncomfortable person, who has an idea that has become a life goal.

Shukshin identifies only two portrait features of the hero: yellow face and a red nose with excitement. Nose - characteristic feature hero. It is broken, crooked, with a hump. For this, the wife calls the hero a crooked nose. One might think that this is an affectionate nickname, but despite diminutive suffix, crooked nose is a swear word. The wife’s other curse words are also offensive and well-aimed. She calls her husband a woodpecker (because of his appearance) and a well (into which her money, happiness and life flow). The wife despises her husband, considers him a nonentity and is sure that he does not know how to joke.

The hero is soft and indecisive. He humbly endures his wife’s scolding, does not answer her when she fights, but defends himself with a pillow and tries to persuade her. He agrees to all his wife’s conditions because he feels guilty: he’s ready to walk to work, work two shifts for a month, and not drink “little drink” after the bath.

Andrei Erin is transformed after he brings home a secretly purchased microscope, saying that he received it for his shock work. Andrei was so happy that he “stood and quietly glowed.” And his wife compares him to a bare bottom that glows in the moonlight. At the moment the dream comes true, Andrei receives a first and last name from the author. His character changes. He fusses not guiltily, as usual, but condescendingly. It turns out that he knows how to joke and laugh. Having become the owner of a microscope, he feels surprisingly brave. Now Andrei is rude to his wife: “You’re glaring!.. You’re a fat woman yourself. Whole ham." He criticizes her for finding any penny in her pocket, but doesn’t see any germs. Erin became the “loud boss of the house.” He improved his relationship with his wife, who respected him, and had a common cause with his fifth-grader son. Andrei stopped drinking himself and even disdained drunks.

During the week that Andrei had a microscope in the house, he became the main person in the house. He talked about microbes, about science, and made plans for humanity’s fight against microbes. Andrei was shocked when he saw through a microscope that there were microbes in the blood. He tried to kill them with a thin needle, and figured out how to destroy them with electric shock. All his ideas were far from science, but Andrei became famous in the village, so his fellow villagers talked about his microscope and science.

When Sergei Kulikov, who worked with Andrei, let slip to Andrei’s wife Zoya that they had not been given any bonus, Andrei, deprived of his dream, turned into the same drinking, timid man who depended on his wife for everything. He became unhappy again.

Andrey's wife Zoya sees the meaning of life in the well-being of the family. She holds both her husband and children under a tight rein. The wife not only calls her husband names, but also hits him with a frying pan in order to “take away his darling.” Zoya received a name in the story (as if in passing, in parentheses) only when she became interested in the microscope.

Zoya is the voice of many Russian women who are forced to carry weirdos like Erin on their shoulders. This is what her cry is about, her lament, telling about Zoya’s difficult fate, about how she denied herself and her children, and saved money to... buy them fur coats. At the end of the story, having taken the microscope to the commission shop, she actually goes to buy fur coats.

Immersed in everyday worries, Zoya missed her happiness: her husband, carried away by his “business,” again lost his purpose in life and turned into a nonentity. Zoya chose material things – fur coats for the children and a vacuum cleaner.

Plot and composition

The story “Microscope” has no compositional beginning and end. In the first paragraph we are talking about the fact that “he” (there is no name or even nickname of the hero) decided on something. From the next paragraph it becomes clear that the hero lost 120 rubles of money and decided to tell his wife about it. But soon the reader realizes that Andrei Erin decided on an adventure: he deceived his wife, lost money, and he himself bought his lifelong dream - a microscope. Understanding comes to the reader after the phrase: “Andrey was waiting. Finally he decided that it was possible.”

Andrey's life is divided into life without a microscope and with a microscope.

The microscope is the meaning of the hero’s existence; it becomes the title of the story. Erin's life is transformed thanks to a microscope. But the reader understands that the microscope in the hero’s hands is just a toy. Erin sees no more through a microscope than his fifth-grader son. The whole story is a metaphor that has lost its imagery: Andrei literally hammers nails with a microscope, just plays with it. For him, the microscope is a source of intense emotions and deep thoughts. Are the most important points 120 rubles in life?

At the end of the story, Andrei is forced to become “normal” again; he realizes that he cannot spend money intended for family needs, because, of course, he needs to buy fur coats.

Stylistic features

Shukshin conveys the change in the relationship between the spouses by changing their speech. Having asserted himself, Andrey begins to talk complex sentences, tries to make conclusions accessible to him. But he remains the same simple man, calls microbes dogs, claims that they walk around, snoop around, and beat up the body. Having lost his microscope, Andrei again speaks in short, incomplete sentences.

The events of the story are depicted from the hero's point of view. For example, his excitement on the evening of the microscope's appearance is conveyed through unfinished sentences with ellipses and repetition of the main word “microscope.”

For the average citizen of our country, Vasily Makarovich Shukshin is, first of all, an actor and director. But our article will focus not on his cinematic, but on his literary achievements. Our focus is on the story written by Shukshin - “Microscope”.

Loss of 120 rubles

It all starts with main character- Andrey Erin - it’s being decided. True, what exactly is not entirely clear, since the first lines of the story tell about a family quarrel. The hero comes home and tells his wife that he lost 120 rubles (decent money in those days). She grabs the frying pan, he grabs the pillow. The scene of the showdown of marital relations, on the one hand, is funny, on the other hand, tragic.

The most interesting thing is that V. M. Shukshin (“Microscope”) reproduces in his story a certain archetype of a family quarrel in Russia. Even now, when we think about a picturesque marriage showdown, a frying pan comes to mind as a tool in the hands of the wife.

We continue further. And so they ran after each other until his wife hit Andrei on the head. Then it was decided that our hero would work for a month and a half without days off and thereby patch up the family budget. Of course, he works at a factory, but where else?


One day Andrei brings home a microscope, or rather a box with it, and says that he was given a bonus at the factory for his hard work. The wife complained: “It’s a pity that it’s not a vacuum cleaner.” From now on and forever a device for scientific research becomes the center of attraction for the whole family. Even the spouse is curious: what are they (father and son) looking for in this thing?

What does V. M. Shukshin present to the reader? “Microscope” is a fantastic-realistic work that truthfully describes the characters of people.

Bacteria attack!

Erin Sr. looked into the microscope all evening long and saw bacteria in large quantities. He examined everything possible: ordinary and rain water, street dirt and even blood. His “scientific” research led to the conclusion: bacteria are everywhere! And scientists hide from people terrible secret: bacteria do not allow a person to live for the 160 years he is entitled to.

Suddenly, Andrei's colleague Seryoga appears in the house. He is completely drunk and shouts loudly to the whole hut that he also wants to look at germs. Andrei's fame as a scientist spread throughout the village. My wife is pleased that her Erin is becoming a popular person. But here she talks about her regret that bonuses at the plant are given out exclusively by microscopes, and not by vacuum cleaners. Sergei, whom Andrei did not have time to warn, made his eyes wide and asked: “What awards?” The wife understood everything, but decided to briefly retell Andrei’s story to her husband’s colleague.

Of course there was a scandal. The friends went out to drink. They squandered 20 rubles - Andrey came home only at lunchtime next day. My wife went to take the microscope to a second-hand store. Naturally, the device will no longer be at home, but the children will have new coats for winter.

What did V. M. Shukshin want to show us? "Microscope", summary which only makes you smile, unexpectedly ends on a moral note. The hero tells his son to study. By being literate, he will be able to live a more meaningful life than his father.

Is the story told by V. M. Shukshin true?

Someone, having read “Microscope” (Shukshin’s story), will say that this is fiction, and there are no such factory workers. We are afraid to disappoint the reader, but such people exist. Imagine that a person, by the will of fate, became who he is. It doesn’t matter who he is - a factory worker or a train driver, but his spiritual beginning is alive and requires some kind of food for its existence. In a similar way, such an eccentric with a microscope or a machinist who is fond of books on the history of Russia arises.

Existentialist philosophers say that a person can do anything, including overcoming the force of circumstances. Unfortunately, this is usually very difficult. Especially when a person has a desire to live his life in an already mature age. For some people, self-awareness matures quite late. A person wants to live, his spiritual aspiration rebels and demands an outlet, but he already has a wife, children - the complete set. Therefore, he seeks salvation in wine, but does not find it.

V. M. Shukshin (“Microscope,” the contents of which were discussed by us a little earlier) forces us to analyze the moral side of the story. It’s not for nothing that the writer decided to talk about an ordinary person. He tried to show, on the one hand, the comical nature of the situation of such a hero, and on the other, the tragic nature. There is nothing funny about a broken destiny and broken dreams. Shukshin does not choose such a hero on a whim; he tries to draw the reader’s attention to an ordinary, ordinary, nothing remarkable person in order to remind us of the aphorism of J.V. Goethe: “Each person is a whole world that is born with him and dies with him. Beneath every gravestone lies a world history.”

Complementing the classic, I would like to say that a person is truly a whole world, but inside him is the tragedy of unfulfilled desires and aspirations. This is why life is mostly sad, and not at all because there is death in it.

The full version of the story, written by Shukshin (“Microscope”), is recommended for reading by both adults and schoolchildren. Moreover, it is small. You can finish it in about ten minutes.

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