On the territory of what plain? Plains: characteristics and types

Earth's surface. On land, plains occupy about 20% of the area, the most extensive of which are confined to and. All plains are characterized by small fluctuations in elevation and slight slopes (slopes reach 5°). By absolute altitude The following plains are distinguished: lowlands - their absolute height is from 0 to 200 m (Amazonian);

  • elevations - from 200 to 500 m above ocean level (Central Russian);
  • mountainous, or plateaus - over 500 m above sea level ();
  • the plains lying below ocean level are called depressions (Caspian).

By general character The surfaces of the plain are horizontal, convex, concave, flat, and hilly.

Based on the origin of the plains, the following types are distinguished:

  • marine accumulative(cm. ). Such, for example, is the lowland with its sedimentary cover of young marine strata;
  • continental accumulative. They were formed as follows: at the foot of the mountains, the products of destruction carried out from them by streams of water are deposited. Such plains have a slight slope to sea level. These most often include regional lowlands;
  • river accumulative. They are formed due to the deposition and accumulation of loose rocks brought in ();
  • abrasion plains(see Abrasia). They arose as a result of the destruction of coastlines by sea activity. These plains arise the faster the weaker the rocks and the more frequent the waves;
  • structural plains. They have a very complex origin. In the distant past they were mountainous countries. Over millions of years the mountains eroded external forces, sometimes to the stage of almost plains (peneplains), then, as a result, cracks and faults arose, along which it flowed to the surface; it, like armor, covered the previous unevenness of the relief, while its own surface remained flat or stepped as a result of the outpouring of traps. These are structural plains.

The surface of the plains, which receive sufficient moisture, is dissected by river valleys and mottled complex systems beams and .

Study of the origins of the plains and modern forms their surface is very important economic importance, since the plains are densely populated and developed by humans. They contain many settlements, a dense network of communication routes, large lands. Therefore, it is with plains that we have to deal with when developing new territories, designing the construction of settlements, communication routes, industrial enterprises. As a result economic activity people, the relief of the plains can change significantly: ravines are filled in, embankments are built, during mining open method Quarries are formed, and man-made hills of waste rock - waste heaps - grow near the mines.

Changes in the relief of ocean plains are influenced by:

  • , eruptions, faults earth's crust. The irregularities they create are transformed external processes. Sedimentary rocks settle to the bottom and level it. It accumulates most at the foot of the continental slope. In the central parts of the ocean, this process occurs slowly: over a thousand years a layer of 1 mm is created;
  • natural currents that erode and transport loose rocks sometimes form underwater dunes.

The largest plains on Earth

A plain is an area of ​​land whose slope does not exceed 50°, and the heights do not differ by more than 200 meters. This is the most common type of relief on the planet, occupying about 64% of the territory. On the territory Russian Federation there are about 30 plains, the most famous of which is the East European one. In area it is second only to the Amazonian lowland and is the second in the world.

For Russia, the plains have great importance, because almost 75% of the country is located on this type of terrain. Historically, it was on the flat areas that the Slavic civilization developed: ancient cities and roads, political upheavals and wars occurred. Fertile soils plains not only provided people with food, but also brought unique features into culture and craft.

East European Plain (4 million km2)

One of the largest plains on the planet, covering most of Eastern Europe, received a second name - Russian. The distance between the northern and southern borders exceeds 2500 km. And from west to east it extends for 2700 km. Borders:

  • In the northwest are the Scandinavian Mountains;
  • In the southwest there are mountains Central Europe(Sudetes);
  • In the southeast - Caucasus Mountains;
  • In the west is the Vistula River;
  • In the north - the White and Barents Seas;
  • In the east - Ural Mountains and Mugodzhary.

The height of the plain above sea level is not uniform. Frequently occurring elevations are located at levels of 200-300 m, and large rivers such as the Volga, Dnieper, Danube, Don, Western Dvina and Vistula flow through the lowlands. The origin of the vast majority of highlands and lowlands is tectonic.

At the base of the plain lie two plates: Russian with a Precambrian crystalline foundation and Scythian with a Paleozoic folded foundation. The relief does not express the intertile boundary.

Glaciation had a significant impact on the process of relief formation, especially changing the surface of the northern areas. The passage of the glacier gave rise to the formation of many lakes for which the area is famous. This is how the Beloe, Peipus and Pskov lakes were formed. In the southern part, glaciation activity is weak due to erosion processes.

Central Siberian Plateau (about 3.5 million km2)

In the eastern part of Russia there is another largest flat area - the Central Siberian Plateau. It covers territories Irkutsk region, Krasnoyarsk Territory and Yakutia.

  • In the south - mountain system Eastern Sayan, as well as mountainous areas Baikal and Transbaikalia;
  • In the west is the valley of the Yenisei River;
  • In the north - the North Siberian Lowland;
  • In the east is the Lena River valley.

The plateau is located on Siberian platform. Feature- alternating plateaus and ridges. The highest peak is Mount Kamen (height 1701 m above ground level), which belongs to the middle mountains of Putorana. The western edge of the plateau is covered by the dissected hills of the Yenisei Ridge (the highest point is Mount Enashimsky Polkan, 1104 m high). The territory of the Central Siberian Plateau is distinguished by the largest permafrost rocks in the world, the height of which reaches 1500 km.

West Siberian Plain (2.6 million km²)

The plain is located in the northern part of Asia and covers the entire territory of western Siberia. It has a characteristic trapezoidal shape, which tapers towards the north. The length from south to north is about 2500 km, and from west to east it varies from 800 to 1950 km. Borders:

  • In the west - the Ural Mountains;
  • In the east - the Central Siberian Plateau;
  • In the north - the Kara Sea;
  • In the south - the Kazakh small hills;
  • In the southeast - the West Siberian Plain and the foothills of Altai.

The surface of the plain is relatively uniform with a slight difference in elevation. Lowland areas are concentrated in the central and northern parts, and low elevations are located along the eastern, southern and western outskirts (height does not exceed 250 m).

Baraba Lowland (117 thousand km2)

The Barabinskaya stele is located in the southern part Western Siberia, between the Irtysh and Ob rivers. It is an undulating plain, in the southern part of which there are ridges (parallel elevations). On the territory of the lowland there are Novosibirsk and Omsk region. It is composed of thick deposits of Mesozoic and Cenozoic age.

In low areas (height 80-100 m), fresh (Ubinskoe) and salt (Chany, Tandovo and Sartlan) lakes, swamps filled with peat moss and salt marsh fields were formed. During geological exploration activities, deposits of oil and natural gas were discovered in the north of the plain.

Kulunda Plain (100 thousand km²)

The Kuluda Plain is southern part West Siberian Plain and covers the Altai and Pavlodar regions. Its appearance is associated with accumulative activity large rivers- Irtysh and Ob. The southeast of the plain adjoins the Altai foothills. The highest point does not exceed 250m, low-lying areas are mainly occupied central part(100-120 m above sea level).

The relief is distinguished by the alternation of elevated ridges (50-60m) and low areas separating them. The valleys of the Burla, Kuchuk and Kulunda rivers pass through the lowlands. For the industry of Western Siberia, the plain is of significant importance due to the endorheic lakes, from which table and Glauber's salt (Kuchukskoe and Kulundinskoe lakes), as well as soda (Petukhovskoe lakes) are extracted.

Azov-Kuban (Kuban-Azov lowland) plain (about 50 thousand km2)

The lowland is located in the Western part of the Ciscaucasia and covers the territory Krasnodar region, Stavropol Territory And Rostov region. The height of the plain above sea level does not exceed 300 m.

  • In the south - the Kuban River;
  • In the west - the Sea of ​​Azov;
  • In the east - the Kumo-Manych depression;
  • In the north is the Yegorlyk River.

The main part of the plain is located within the Scythian plate. Rocks of Meso-Cenozoic age, predominantly of sedimentary origin. The lowland area adjacent to the Black Sea is divided a large number branches of the Kuban River. In the marshy areas of the plain there are floodplains (flooded floodplains of rivers) and estuaries (bays that arise when a river flows into the sea).

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Plains and mountains are the main forms earth's surface. They were formed as a result geological processes, which throughout geological history shaped the face of the Earth. Plains are vast spaces with calm, flat or hilly terrain and relatively small fluctuations in relative heights (no more than 200 m).

Plains are divided by absolute height. Plains with an absolute height of no more than 200 m are called lowlands, or lowlands (West Siberian). Plains, the absolute height of which is from 200 to 500 m, are called elevated, or hills (East European, or Russian). Plains whose height is over 500 m above sea level are called high or plateaus (Central Siberian).

Due to their considerable height, plateaus and hills usually have a more dissected surface and rugged terrain compared to lowlands. Elevated plains with flat surface are called plateaus.

The largest lowlands: Amazonian, Mississippian, Indo-Gangetic, German-Polish. represents an alternation of lowlands (Dnieper, Black Sea, Caspian, etc.) and uplands (Valdai, Central Russian, Volyn-Podolsk, Volga, etc.). Plateaus are most widespread in Asia (Central Siberian, Arabian, Deccan, etc.), in (East African, South African, etc.), in (West Australian).

The plains are also divided by origin. On the continents, the majority (64%) of the plains were formed on platforms; They are composed of layers of sedimentary cover. Such plains are called stratal or platform plains. The Caspian lowland is the youngest plain, and ancient platform plains, their surface has been significantly modified flowing waters and other external processes.

The plains that arose as a result of the removal of products of mountain destruction (denudation) from the destroyed base of the mountains (basement) are called denudation, or base, plains. Mountain destruction and transport usually occurs under the influence of water, ice and gravity. Gradually mountainous country smoothed out, leveled out, turning into hilly plain. Denudation plains are usually composed of hard rocks (small hills).

The main lowlands and plateaus of the world

Lowlands Plateau

London Pool

Parisian pool

Central Danube

Lower Danube


Manselka (ridge)



Great Chinese Plain

Coromandel Coast

Malabar coast



Changbai Shan




Mosquito Beach

Great Plains

Central Plains

Yukon (plateau)

Amazonian (Selvas)

Orinoco (Llanos)

La Plata

Central (Great Artesian Basin)


Plain is one of the main forms earth's relief. On physical map In the world, plains are indicated by three colors: green, yellow and light brown. They occupy about 60% of the entire surface of our planet. The most extensive plains are confined to slabs and platforms.

Characteristics of the plains

A plain is an area of ​​land or seabed that has a slight fluctuation in elevation (up to 200 m) and a slight slope (up to 5º). They are found at different altitudes, including at the bottom of the oceans.

A distinctive feature of the plains is a clear, open line horizon, straight or wavy, depending on the surface topography.

Another feature is that the plains are the main territories inhabited by people.

Natural areas of the plains

Since the plains cover a vast territory, almost all natural areas. For example, the East European Plain includes tundra, taiga, mixed and deciduous forests, steppes and semi-deserts. Most of The Amazonian lowlands are occupied by selvas, and on the plains of Australia there are semi-deserts and savannas.

Types of plains

In geography, plains are divided according to several criteria.

1. By absolute height distinguish:

. low-lying . The height above sea level does not exceed 200m. A striking example— West Siberian Plain.

. Exalted — with a height difference from 200 to 500 m above sea level. For example, the Central Russian Plain.

. Upland plains , whose level is measured at levels above 500 m. For example, the Iranian Plateau.

. depressions highest point located below sea level. Example - Caspian lowland.

Separately, underwater plains are distinguished, which include the bottom of basins, shelves and abyssal areas.

2. By origin plains are:

. Rechargeable (sea, river and continental) - formed as a result of the influence of rivers, ebbs and flows. Their surface is covered with alluvial sediments, and in the sea - with marine, river and glacial sediments. From the sea we can cite as an example West Siberian Lowland, and from the river ones - the Amazon. Among the mainland accumulative plains include marginal lowlands that have a slight slope towards the sea.

. Abrasion - are formed as a result of the impact of surf on land. In areas where they dominate strong winds, rough seas are frequent, and the coastline is formed of weak rocks, this type of plains is more often formed.

. Structural - the most complex in origin. In place of such plains, mountains once rose. As a result volcanic activity and earthquakes, mountains were destroyed. The magma flowing from cracks and splits bound the surface of the land like armor, hiding all the unevenness of the relief.

. Ozernye — are formed on the site of dry lakes. Such plains are usually small in area and are often bordered by coastal ramparts and ledges. An example of a lake plain is Jalanash and Kegen in Kazakhstan.

3. By type of relief plains are distinguished:

. flat or horizontal - Great Chinese and West Siberian Plains.

. wavy — are formed under the influence of water and water-glacial flows. For example, the Central Russian Upland

. hilly — the relief contains individual hills, hills, and ravines. Example - East European Plain.

. stepped - are formed under the influence internal forces Earth. Example - Central Siberian Plateau

. concave - These include the plains of intermountain depressions. For example, the Tsaidam Basin.

There are also ridge and ridge plains. But in nature it is most often found mixed type. For example, the Pribelsky ridge-undulating plain in Bashkortostan.

Plains climate

The climate of the plains is formed depending on its geographical location, the proximity of the ocean, the area of ​​the plain itself, its length from north to south, as well as climate zone. The free movement of cyclones ensures a clear change of seasons. Often the plains are replete with rivers and lakes, which contribute to the formation of climatic conditions.

Largest plains in the world

Plains are common on all continents, with the exception of Antarctica. In Eurasia, the largest are the East European, West Siberian, Turanian, and East China Plains. In Africa - East African Plateau, B North America- Mississippian, Great, Mexican, in South America- The Amazonian lowland (the largest in the world, its area is over 5 million sq. km) and the Guiana Plateau.

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