Violation of habitual lexical compatibility. Violation of lexical compatibility

Types of lexical errors.

A speech defect can be defined as: 1) an inaccurately used word or fixed expression; 2) a word or sentence that violates the stylistic unity and expressiveness of the text: this also includes the monotony of the vocabulary and grammatical structure speech. Speech defects are divided into lexical, morphological and syntactic.

Among the lexical shortcomings we can highlight: a) inaccuracy of word usage; b) violation of lexical compatibility of words; c) errors in the use of phraseological units; d) violation of the stylistic unity of the text; e) errors that weaken the expressiveness of the text; f) monotony of vocabulary, violation of euphony.

Inaccuracy of word usage. The accuracy of speech depends on the writer’s ability to select words or expressions that best correspond to the conveyed content. Violation of norms of word usage leads to lexical errors:

1. The use of a particular word in a meaning that is not characteristic of it or is not suitable for the given context.

Chatsky is especially deeply opposed to the serf owners. Griboyedov reflected in his comedy the decomposition of the noble class into two camps. Chatsky is not alone, he has many accomplices.

2. Errors caused by confusion in use paronyms(words similar in sound, but different in meaning).

Alyosha resignedly endured all the hardships of life. Onegin leads a festive lifestyle. Bazarov's sideburns were sandy-colored.

3. Consumption unnecessary words (pleonasms). Pleonasms arise when using unnecessary definitions ( the main point, valuable treasures, dark darkness), unnecessary circumstances ( go back, fell down), as well as as a result of unjustified stringing of synonyms ( finish, complete, complete a task).

Vanya and Petya sang the same song together. He spoke while gesturing with his hands. The model that the guys so diligently glued together was trampled by Vadim..

Katerina has a premonition of her death... She cannot return back to the Kabanovs’ house and prefers death to the everyday routine of a joyless and dreary life in which all the noble impulses of her sublime soul are uselessly lost.

Tautology– repetition of words similar in meaning and sound: oil, fence the garden; you can ask a question; for example, this example; this phenomenon is, impeccable in serving its cause, multiplied many times, renewed again.

Speech redundancy is also generated by the connection foreign word with Russian duplicating its meaning: memorable souvenirs, an unusual phenomenon, a driving leitmotif, a biography of life, one’s own autobiography, ultimately, scanty little things, a leading leader, a counterattack, folklore, demobilize from the army. In such cases we talk about hidden tautology.

4. Lexical anachronisms - the use of recently emerged or borrowed words or expressions in a story about historical events(“dealer” instead of “merchant”, “social gatherings”).

Pechorin received a ticket to the Caucasus. Chatsky went on a business trip abroad. One day Chichikov was fired from his job. Griboyedov was killed in the Caucasus by Chechen militants.

Violation of lexical compatibility of words.

Lexical compatibility is the ability of words to connect with each other. At the same time, some words are freely combined with others if they suit their meaning, while others have limited lexical compatibility.

You can say all year round(day) but don't say " around the clock (week, month)"; It happens deep night, but not " deep day", possible deep autumn, but not " deep spring" Eat the Velvet season, but not period, time, month.

The basin made a cozy impression on us. Dolokhov was promoted to soldier for his recklessness. Whichever hopeless situations No matter how he gets into trouble, he will always find a way out. This exhibition will enrich your horizons. You will see the health and shine of your hair!

Errors in the use of phraseological units.

Destruction phraseological turn– stylistic error associated with unjustified transformation of the composition stable phrase. A similar error occurs when:

1) replacing one of the components (“ like behind a stone back»);

2) contamination (combination) of two phraseological units based on reference wordbe silent like a fish on ice" - cf.: " be silent like a fish" And " fight like a fish on ice»);

3) unjustified spread of the lexical composition of a phraseological unit, leading to its pleonasticity (“ hard Sisyphean work»);

4) omission of one of the components of a phraseological unit, leading to lexical insufficiency (“ you need to understand where the success of this work lies»);

5) mixing paronyms as part of a phraseological unit (“ swipe around your finger»);

6) misunderstanding of the meaning of phraseological units (“The graduate joyfully sang her swan song»);

7) change grammatical forms components included in the phraseological unit (“ the voice of those crying in the wilderness»).

We need to take him out into fresh water. Youth was in full swing from him. Now this story has long since sunk into oblivion. There were tears in his eyes.

Violation of the stylistic unity of the text. Stylistic unity of speech is created through selection linguistic means in accordance with the purpose of the statement. This quality of speech assumes that the writer feels a functional style, understands the features of a given situation and, when choosing words and expressions, takes into account the specifics of speech conditions, that is, the selection of linguistic means is carried out taking into account their relevance in a given style, in the conditions of a given utterance.

On the eve of my birthday I got sick. Mom bought it for her son board game. On school holiday Several awards were given. Those who raised their children the way their grandparents did, the easier it is. Today I went to the store to buy a tape recorder. It's cold outside. Put on your hat.

Exercise. Read the sentences and find errors in them. Explain the nature of the mistakes made and correct them.

1. There is a tremendous danger in all this.

2. In the agreement we relied on the above-mentioned document.

3. Physical training players played important in the last match.

4. By the middle of the second half the situation had calmed down.

5. The following factors should be taken into account in this agreement.

6. The business traveler arrived at the specified time.

7. This was an important Russian initiative made by our Foreign Minister.

8. At the Winter Olympics, the athlete won again.

9. The young prodigy was known throughout the country.

10. Now this story has long since sunk into oblivion.

11. The short blitz tournament has come to an end.

12. Issues of economic cooperation were the focus of the meeting in Tallinn.

13. I would like to get to know the representatives of this new movement better.

14. Regarding this event, the entire press is singing the same tune.

15. At the head of the table, as a presenter, sat a famous comedian in a chic outfit.

Related information.


There are many words in the Russian language that seem to “attract” to each other. For example, they say: “a herd of cows”, “a herd of horses”, “a flock of sheep”. That’s why the unfortunate combination of words makes me laugh: “A flock of ducks and hares appeared in the distance.” IN in this case the words are connected incorrectly, i.e. lexical compatibility is impaired.

Lexical compatibility is the ability of words to connect with each other. After all, in speech words are used not one at a time, not in isolation, but in phrases. At the same time, some words are freely combined with others if they suit their meaning, while others have limited lexical compatibility. Thus, very similar definitions - long, long, long, long - are attracted to nouns in different ways: you can say a long (long) period, but not a long (long) period.

Limitations of lexical compatibility for certain words are often explained by their use in special meanings. For example, the word round in its basic meaning - “one that resembles the shape of a circle, ring, ball” - is freely combined with words of the corresponding subject-thematic group: round table, round box; round window. But, speaking in the meaning of “whole, whole, without interruption” (about time), the word round is combined only with the nouns year, day, and in the meaning of “complete, perfect” - with such as an excellent student, an ignoramus.

In other cases, the reason for limiting lexical compatibility is the assignment of a word to stable expressions. For example, the velvet season - “ autumn months(September, October) in the south." This expression has stable character and the word “season” cannot be replaced by any other word, even the closest in meaning, for example, “velvet autumn.”

Violation of lexical compatibility is often explained by the combination of similar phrases. For example, they write: “satisfy modern requirements”, mixing combinations of “satisfy requirements” and “meet needs”; “conversation read” (“lecture given” and “conversation held”); “improve the level” (“improve quality” and “raise the level”).

lexical compatibility error

1. Violation of lexical compatibility

Semantic errors

Violation of lexical compatibility is caused by semantic errors of two types - logical and linguistic.

Logical errors are associated with failure to distinguish between concepts that are close in some respect. Often people do not distinguish between areas of activity, cause and effect, part and whole, and related phenomena.

Thus, in the sentence “Residents of a seaside town witnessed a large theatrical performance,” an error is found in the phrase “witnesses of the performance.” The word “witness” means “eyewitness” - this is the name given to a person who was at the scene of an incident. This word is associated with the field of judicial and legal activity. In the field of theatrical and concert activities, about which we're talking about in the sentence, the word “viewer” is used. This error associated with not distinguishing between areas of activity.

The erroneous combination “prices have risen” is due to a failure to differentiate related concepts“prices” and “products”: goods become more expensive and prices rise. You can give examples of similar errors in sentences: “The timely launch of the plant raises concerns”; “There are 52 trees in the park”; “As a result of the plague epidemic, people left the city.” All these errors are not explained by distinguishing related phenomena: they fear not that the plant will be launched, but that it will not be launched on time; they are not laying trees, but a park; people leave the city not as a result, but because of the plague. Possible corrections in these cases: “There is concern that the plant will not be launched on schedule”; “52 trees were planted in the park”; “As a result of the plague, the city was deserted.”

Linguistic errors are associated with the failure to distinguish between denoting words that are in any semantic relations. These are mainly synonyms and paronyms.

Failure to distinguish between synonyms, words that are close or have the same meaning, leads to errors in use. For example, the words “role” and “function” in the meaning of “work, circle of activity” are synonymous, but genetically they are associated with different signifiers: role - with the sphere of theater and cinema, and function - with logic. Hence the established lexical compatibility: the role is played (played), and the function is performed (performed). The words “brave” and “courageous” are synonymous, but “brave” is associated with external manifestation called quality, and “brave” - both external and internal, therefore a thought, decision, idea can only be bold, but not brave.

Not distinguishing between paronyms, i.e. words that partially match in sound also lead to errors in use; most of Paronyms are words with the same root, differing in suffixes or prefixes and, as a consequence, shades of meaning, as well as stylistic coloring. For example, a misdemeanor (fault) is an act (an action committed by someone); guilty (who has committed a crime) - guilty (who has been guilty of something, who has violated the rules of morality, politeness, etc.); pay (for something) – pay (for something).

Paronyms can be associated with different options common root. For example, short (small in size, the opposite of long) – brief (stated briefly, in a few words). That's why they say short text, But brief retelling text.

Borrowed words may also appear in paronymic relationships: parity (equality) - priority (superiority, advantage), dequalification (loss of qualifications) - disqualification (deprivation of qualifications), etc. To distinguish paronyms foreign origin it is necessary to refer to dictionaries of foreign words.

Below are frequency pairs of paronyms:

Execute - have to fulfill general meaning“to carry out, to bring to life”, for example, to fulfill (fulfill) an order, but the second verb has a bookish character;

Long - long-lasting coincide in the meaning of “continuing, lengthy”, for example, a long (long) conversation, a long (long) pause, but “long” indicates an extension in time, and “long” emphasizes the procedural meaning of the noun; “long” is usually combined with the names of periods of time (long night, long winter), and “long” – with the names of actions and conditions designed for a long period (long flight, long treatment);

Agreement - agreement differ in that “agreement” means a written or oral agreement, a condition of mutual obligations (agreement of friendship and cooperation), and “agreement” means an agreement reached through negotiations (an agreement to include an issue on the agenda);

Truth (truth, the actual state of affairs) - truth (correspondence to truth). For example, the desire for truth is the truth of the assumptions made;

Ordinary - ordinary differ in that the first word emphasizes inconspicuousness, unremarkability, and the second - typicality. For example, an ordinary person – an ordinary day.

To identify the specifics of words connected by paronymic relationships, it is necessary to correctly represent morphological composition words and the way of its formation. For example, in pairs learn - master, complicate - complicate, make heavier - make heavier words with the prefix o- have a meaning of more high degree manifestations of action. In pairs hygienic - hygienic, logical - logical, practical - practical, economic - economical, distinguished by the suffixes -ichesk-/-n-, the second adjective denotes a feature that can manifest itself to a greater or lesser extent ( qualitative adjective). This implies compatibility: hygienic norm - hygienic fabric, logical laws - logical conclusion, practical use– practical clothes, economic policy- economical device.

Stylistic errors

Stylistic errors are a violation of the requirements of unity functional style, unjustified use of emotionally charged, stylistically marked means. Stylistic errors are associated with ignoring the restrictions that its stylistic coloring imposes on the use of a word.

To the most common stylistic errors relate:

1. The use of clericalisms - words and phrases characteristic of formal business style. For example, “As the income portion of my budget increased, I decided to purchase a new car for permanent use” - “I began to receive a lot of money, so I decided to buy a new car.”

2. The use of words (expressions) of inappropriate stylistic coloring. Thus, in a literary context, the use of slang, colloquial, and abusive language is inappropriate; in a business text, colloquial and expressive words should be avoided. For example, “The trustee of charitable institutions is sucking up to the auditor” - “The trustee of charitable institutions is cozying up to the auditor.”

3. Mixing styles - unjustified use of words in one text, syntactic constructions, characteristic of different styles Russian language. For example, a mixture of scientific and conversational styles.

4. Mixing different vocabulary historical eras. For example, “The heroes wear chain mail, trousers, mittens” - “The heroes wear chain mail, armor, mittens.”

5. Incorrect sentence construction. For example, “Despite his youth, he good man" There are several ways to fix these errors. First, change the order of words in the sentence: “There are many works that tell about the author’s childhood in world literature” - “In world literature there are many works that tell about the author’s childhood.”

6. Secondly, remake the sentence: “Of other sporting events, let’s talk about the barbell” - “Of other sporting events, we should highlight the barbell competition.”

The lecture discusses compatibility as a property lexical units, are analyzed typical mistakes associated with incompatibility

Lexical compatibility words

The lecture examines compatibility as a property of lexical units, and analyzes typical errors associated with violation of compatibility.

Lecture outline

9.1.Word compatibility

9.2. Violation of compatibility

9.3.Types of word combinations

9.4. Violation of compatibility as a stylistic device

9.1. Word collocations

When using words in speech, it is always necessary to take into account the features word combinability- their ability to connect with each other.

The possibilities of compatibility are largely determined by the semantic features of the word and its meaning.

For example, the compatibility of the word strong, used in different meanings can be represented as follows:

Although the words hatred And envy, like Love, mean "feelings" and rain, heat And humidity, like frost, wind, refer to “weather and climatic conditions”, however, one cannot say: *strong hatred, envy (you can: strong love) ; * heavy rain, intense heat, humidity (but: strongfreezing).

§ 9 .2. Compatibility violation

The compatibility of a word is determined by the semantic (semantic) features of words, but at the same time it has its own boundaries.

For example:

1) Unlike the word wash, its synonym wash can be combined only with the names of objects made of fabric or having the properties of fabric.

2) Promote maybe something to which we apply the parameter high:

high yield - increase productivity;

high speed - increase speed.

Therefore, it is impossible to say: “increase the training of specialists” (only: improve preparation...),“increase the output of machine tools” (increase production of machine tools).

Combinations of words that contain I deny-talking to each other semantic signs: “ Due to the upcoming departure." Pretext due to implies that the action has already taken place, but the adjective upcoming suggests the opposite. It should be said: in view of the upcoming departure.

Errors in word combinations may be due to the fact that one of the words is used only in application to something negative, bad, while the other, on the contrary, means something positive, good. For example: hordes of (-) workers (+); thanks to (+) illness (-).

9 .3. Types of word combinations

As you can see, combining words into phrases can encounter various kinds restrictions. Depending on the restrictions governing the connection of words, there are different kinds compatibility:

1) semantic compatibility;

2) lexical compatibility;

3) stylistic compatibility.

Semantic compatibility is determined by the meaning of words, as well as by subject-logical relationships between objects of the surrounding world. Thus, semantic compatibility is violated in the following examples:

borrow money from someone - word borrow has the meaning “to lend, for temporary use,” so it should have been said: borrow money from someone;

most of the time - word majority combined with words denoting objects that can be counted: painmost writers, most villages, most voices; because in collective meaning contains the concept of a certain number of homogeneous individual objects; the word does not satisfy this condition time, therefore it should be said: most oftime

believe in inevitable victory- word inevitable close in value to word is inevitable, but associated with something undesirable: imminent disaster, imminent war, inevitable hysteriabelle and so on.; should have said: believe in inevitable victory;

priority attention - word priority means “uncomplicated, requiring implementation first”; these meanings are not applicable to the word attention; you can say: a main attention, Special attention etc.

Lexical compatibility is determined by the tradition of using words in a language. WITH points of view modern language It is often difficult or even impossible to explain the reasons for the different combinations of words that are close in meaning: pay attention / attach importance to the development of sports. Many combinations of words are fixed by linguistic tradition. These combinations in " finished form" are included in the vocabulary of native speakers, and the ability to use them is part of linguistic culture person. For example, in Russian they don’t say “to do a feat”, only accomplish a feat.

Often a violation of lexical compatibility is associated with misuse polysemantic words:

deep autumn, but not summer, spring;

extreme old age, but not childhood, youth;

deep night, but not day, morning.

Stylistic compatibility is determined by the stylistic and emotional-expressive coloring of the combined words. Can't make up the right combination stylistically dissimilar words: A new barn was erected on the collective farm and a bathhouse was erected. Book, solemn verbs erect And erect do not combine with nouns barn And bathhouse In this sentence it is better to use the verb built.

9.4. Compatibility violation as stylistic device

In artistic and journalistic styles In speech, a violation of the compatibility of words can be used as a stylistic device that enhances the expressiveness of speech. Breaking the usual connections of words can give them new shades of meaning and create bright artistic images: Poets walk with their heels on the blade of a knife and cut their barefoot souls to blood (V. Vysotsky); “Tomorrow there was war” (B. Vasiliev), “ Hot Snow"(Yu. Bondarev)

A stylistic device such as oxymoron. For example: I love lush nature withering(A. Pushkin); But beauty their ugly I soon comprehended the mystery (M. Lermontov); Look, she it's fun to be sad, such elegantly naked(A. Akhmatova).

Violation of stylistic compatibility can be used to create a comic effect: The forest owner loves to feast on polydruplets and angiosperms... And when the siverko blows, how the dashing bad weather makes fun - the general metabolism of the toptygin sharply slows down, the tone decreases gastrointestinal tract with a concomitant increase in the lipid layer. Yes, the minus range is not scary for Mikhailo Ivanovich: no matter where hairline, and the epidermis is noble (T. Tolstaya).

Description of the combination possibilities of the most common words Russian language is given in a special dictionary: Dictionary of combinability of words in the Russian language / Ed. P.N. Denisova, V.V. Morkovkina. - M.: Rus. lang., 1983.

Training exercise

Find errors associated with violation of compatibility standards. Test yourself.

1. Some dressed up as a bear - wearing a fur coat turned inside out, others as a goat - pulling on a mask with horns and securing a broom.

2. He says this with the conviction of a man who has already had the opportunity to re-evaluate something in life.

3. Shortly before the end of the match, the Greek players evened out the result.

4. One saint will rise in full height, and the second, Methodius, according to the author’s idea, kneeling, should hold a huge cross.

5. Voropaev looked at everything that was rushing towards the car with a feeling of great anxiety, as if he was now about to recognize a familiar creature in the rushing cavalcade of rocks, bushes and birds.

6. He, a Sukhumite, came to the Zhigulevsky plant after college and in six years became its inveterate patriot.

7. Many comments and valuable suggestions were made during the discussion of the issue.

8. Perhaps, while studying at the institute, Pivovarov showed any special merits?

9. Tractors and tractors saved wood located on the banks of the river.

10. Almost everyone in the class is an inveterate mathematician.

Word compatibility and accuracy

Accuracy of speech requires not only knowledge of the semantics of words, but also the ability to take them into account combinability - the ability to connect with other words in context. It is in the context, in combination with other words, that the semantics of the word is realized, clarity and certainty are acquired. It is known that the compatibility of words is determined by their lexical features, grammatical properties, and stylistic coloring. In accordance with this, three types of compatibility can be distinguished: lexical, grammatical (syntactic) and stylistic. The boundaries between them in specific acts of communication are very unclear; all types of compatibility are organically interconnected.

Lexical compatibility determined by the semantic features of the word. Depending on the lexical meaning of a word, there are two main types of it - free and non-free, limited to a fairly strict list of words. In the first case, we mean the combinability of words with a direct, nominative meaning. It is determined by the subject-logical nature of words; it is based on the semantic incompatibility of lexemes. For example, the verb to take is combined with words denoting objects that can be “taken into hand, grabbed with hands, teeth, or any other devices”: take a stick, pen, spoon, knife, glass, lamp, branch, etc. Such lexical connections correspond to real, logical connections and relationships of objects and concepts expressed by combining words.

The boundaries of the lexical compatibility of words with a nominative, or direct, meaning are determined primarily by subject-logical relationships in the reality of the denotations of the corresponding words.

The combination of words that are semantically incompatible with each other leads to alogisms (resonant silence, ordinary miracle, smart fool, drag quickly, etc.).

Non-free compatibility is due to intralingual, semantic relationships and relationships. It is typical for words with phraseologically related meanings. In this case, compatibility is selective; lexemes are not combined with all semantically compatible ones. For example, the adjective inevitable is combined with the nouns doom, death, failure, but not combined with the nouns victory, life, success, etc.

The rules of lexical compatibility are of a dictionary nature, they are individual for each word and have not yet been codified consistently and completely. Therefore, one of the most common mistakes in speech is violation of norms.

Stylistically unmotivated, unintentional violations of lexical compatibility lead to inaccuracy of speech, and sometimes to unjustified comedy. For example: At the meeting, the shortcomings achieved were sharply criticized (the lexeme lack is semantically incompatible with the lexeme achieved).

Grammar The (syntactic) compatibility of a word is determined by its grammatical meaning, belonging to a particular class or category. The laws of grammatical compatibility are manifested, for example, in the fact that adjectives are easily combined with nouns (an interesting interlocutor, a cheerful person, green leaves, etc.) and are not combined with cardinal numerals and verbs. Or the compatibility of collective nouns majority, minority is limited to words denoting objects that can be counted (most students, workers, cities, parks, etc.), and words like group, population, people, intelligentsia, the collective meaning of which contains the concept of what - the number of homogeneous individual objects. Combinations such as majority/minority of time, space, rest found in speech are erroneous.

Stylistic compatibility associated with the stylistic connotations of linguistic units. Stylistically marked words are freely combined with lexemes that have identical colors. Neutral words, having book and colloquial synonyms, are freely combined only with neutral ones (N + N): to speak nonsense, a bad habit, to be stubborn in vain, to tell the truth; bookish - with bookish (K+K): to speak the truth, to persist in vain, to persecute, to sing of virtues; colloquial - with colloquial (R+R): talking nonsense, bad habits. Combinations of words with different stylistic connotations are limited in use. Thus, the phrases utter stupidity (N+K), bad habits (N+R), and be stubborn in vain (K+R) are permissible only for a specific stylistic purpose.

Stylistic restrictions on the compatibility of words, in comparison with grammatical and lexical ones, do not have the nature of absolute, “hard” norms. In this case, much depends not only on the stylistic marking of words, but also on the specific conditions of their use. The combination of stylistically contrasting words is justified in a humorous or ironic context. Here, stylistic restrictions are deliberately violated in order to create irony, humor, and satire. For example, I. Ilf in “Notebooks” uses a vulgar mug next to the lofty word radiant: “They wandered knee-deep in the water of the Pacific Ocean, and a magnificent sunset illuminated their radiantly drunken mugs...”.

Unmotivated violation of the boundaries of stylistic compatibility leads to stylistic inconsistency, stylistically unjustified comedy, i.e. to stylistic errors. Whether the combination of stylistically heterogeneous words is an error or a stylistic device can only be determined based on the analysis of a specific text.

Violation of lexical compatibility as a speech error

Although in these competitions our favorite skaters were defeated the audience greets them standing (correctly: win, lose)

satisfy modern needs (correct: satisfy requirements and meet needs)

They recovered material damages from him in favor of the victims (correctly: compensation for material damage;money collected)

Improved artistic level expositions folk museums(Right: level may increase rise;improve Can quality).

are associated with the inability to distinguish between concepts that are close in any respect (fields of activity, cause and effect, part and whole, related phenomena, genus-species relations): Residents of the seaside town began witnesses big theatrical performance (correct: viewer)

verbosity, or speech redundancy

Unjustified repetition of words (tautology)

Using a word in a meaning that is unusual for it.

Keep in mind that the most common violations lexical norm are the following.

Non-discrimination of paronymous words. Paronyms (from Greek. para"nearby" + Opota“name”) - words with the same root, similar in sound, but different in meaning: dress- put on, business trip- businessman, meaning- significance, warranty- guaranteed, economic-economical and so on. For example: At this enterprise there are selective(instead of elective) positions. Registration of travel allowances(instead of business travelers) is carried out in the lobby.

Incorrect use of synonyms. At the same time, the writer demonstrates inattention to the shades of meaning of synonymous words, leading to semantic violations. For example: 1) It's time to sum up the results(instead of results) of the meeting. Flaws(instead of shortcomings) in the team’s training were revealed at the very first competitions.

The presence of pleonasms in the text. Pleonasm(Greek pleopastos- “excess”) - the use in speech of words that are close in meaning and therefore logically unnecessary. These errors are most often caused by ignorance of the meaning of the borrowed word (when combining words of Russian and foreign origin that mean the same thing). For example: price list(necessary: price list), autobiography of life(necessary: autobiography), reality(necessary: reality or actuality), professional colleague(necessary: colleague), vacancy(necessary: job vacancy) and so on.

This is repetition (Greek tauto - “the same” and 1оgos - “meaning”) within a sentence of the same word, cognates, making it difficult to perceive the phrase and making it dissonant. For example: The processing process lasts several hours.

The use of words and phrases that carry unnecessary information. For example: words are superfluous work, activity, event with a pretext By in the following phrases - work to implement(necessary: implementation), implementation activities(necessary: implementation), implementation event(necessary: implementation) and so on.

Lexical compatibility is the ability of words to be combined with each other in speech: to pay a visit, to take action, to be of interest, to bring to attention, to be aware of. Typical mistakes: have a role(necessary: play a role), play a role(necessary: matter) and so on.

5. Using a word without taking into account its stylistic affiliation

The stylistic coloring of a word is an additional lexical meaning words, phrases or sentences information about the scope of their use (official - unofficial), about attribution linguistic unit to style literary language(official-business, scientific, newspaper-journalistic, colloquial, language of fiction), about belonging to the time series (obsolete - new) and to the expressive category (high - reduced; literary - non-literary) of language means.

The use of words in speech in a communication situation that is unusual for a given situation or this text stylistic coloring perceived as a speech error.

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