Samples of reasoning about the role of gerunds in a specific text.

Task No. 0641DB

Essay based on the text by K.G. Paustovsky

The famous Russian philologist F.I. Buslaev wrote: “Only in a sentence do they get their meaning individual words, their endings and prefixes." I completely agree with this judgment. Indeed, words acquire a certain meaning only in a complete utterance, in the construction of which formative morphemes participate.

Let us turn to the text by Konstantin Paustovsky. The word “came” in sentence 20 is a verb perfect form. The prefix “pri-” helps to form this form, which, in addition, has the meaning of approximation.

The adjective “thin” in sentence 23 agrees in gender, number and case with the noun “work” and stands in singular feminine nominative case, what the ending indicates -th. If given word was in a different form, the meaning of the statement would become incomprehensible. At the same time, “fine” (work) is an epithet, a figurative definition that contributes to a more accurate expression of the author’s thoughts.

Thus, Buslaev is right: the meaning and form of a word are realized in a sentence.

Task No. B57E86

Essay based on the text by M.L. Moskvina

Russian writer Konstantin Paustovsky claimed , that punctuation marks “exist to emphasize a thought, to bring words into proper relationship, and to give a phrase ease and proper sound. Punctuation marks are like musical notations. They hold the text firmly and don’t let it fall apart.” I completely agree with this statement. Indeed, punctuation marks play a huge role in conveying various shades of meaning and constructing phrases.

Let us turn to the text by Marina Moskvina. At the end of the sentence there is 3 exclamation mark. Means, this statement is emotionally charged and pronounced with exclamatory intonation. It turns out that the punctuation mark gives the phrase the “correct sound.”

In sentence 17, the clarifying circumstance “in the House of Culture” is highlighted with commas. This is the case when punctuation mark brings the words “into the correct relationship.”

Thus, Paustovsky is right: punctuation marks “hold the text firmly and do not allow it to fall apart.”

Task No. 747d3b

Essay based on the text by S.A. Lubenets

Verbs are most often used to convey someone's actions. However large number words of this part of speech in the text can lead to monotony. The result is a boring “list” of actions. Decide this problem gerunds help. By indicating the additional actions of objects, they make speech more precise and expressive. I think this is exactly what A.N. meant. Gvozdev.

Let us turn to the text by S.A. Lubenets. Sentence 1 describes the rat Marfusha, who “with her transparent legs outstretched, sleeps in an aquarium.” The adverbial phrase with the main word - the adverbial participle “stretched out” - allows the reader to better imagine this funny animal.

In sentence 27, Venka’s main action is conveyed using the predicate verb “got in.” But we would not understand what feelings the hero experiences at the moment of trying on a new jacket, if not for the adverbial phrase “gritting his teeth.”

So, analysis linguistic units in the text by S.A. Lubenets confirms the legitimacy of A.N.’s statement. Gvozdeva: “Gerundial participles... eliminate monotony in the list of individual actions of the same person.”


Gvozdev A.N.: “Gerundial participles... eliminate monotony in the list of individual actions of the same person.”


1. What is a participle?

Participle- unchangeable form of the verb - independent part speech, combining the characteristics of a verb (aspect and reflexivity) and an adverb (immutability, syntactic role circumstances), denotes an additional action with the main one. Answers questions doing what? what did you do?

ROLE of gerunds in speech

· Participles make speech more precise, dynamic, they convey many actions occurring simultaneously.

· Participles have rich expressive possibilities. Capacity, compactness, expressiveness - these properties of gerunds are widely used by poets and writers in their works.

· Simple sentences, complicated by participial phrases, are more economical and capacious compared to synonymous ones complex sentences with adverbial clauses. Their use helps the writer, in a fairly small space of text, create visible, vivid, memorable images, accurately “finishing” the actions of the characters.

SAMPLES of reasoning about the role of gerunds in specific text

Sample 1

I explored the role of gerunds and participial phrases in an excerpt from the novel by A.S. Pushkin’s “Eugene Onegin” - “Winter!.. Peasant, triumphant...” and discovered that in 11 lines the poet used five gerunds and participial phrases.

The participle “triumphant” accurately conveys the state of the peasant who has been waiting for winter for a long time and is now rejoicing that his work will be made easier and illuminated by the beauty of renewed nature.
The adverbial phrase “smelling snow” helps to understand the action of the horse. She “travels” because it is difficult for her to move with a load in the snow.
A surprisingly accurate drawing of the action performed by the wagon helps to create the adverbial phrase “exploding the furry reins.” When we read this line, we not only see the fluffy snow, but we smell the winter freshness.
Thanks to adverbial phrases (“putting a bug in a sled,” “transforming himself into a horse”), the author managed to create a visible image of a yard boy rejoicing at the arrival of winter, and convey his kind, playful attitude towards him.
Thus It is no coincidence that Pushkin used gerunds and participial phrases so widely in this fragment. With their help, such “painting” is achieved that you can even take a brush and paint this picture of the Russian winter that has begun.

Sample 2

I examined the role of gerunds and participial phrases in excerpts from the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov “Mtsyri”, and this is what I managed to establish.

In the adverbial phrase “showing off the transparent green leaves between the trees,” the adverbial participle “showing off” plays an evaluative role: with its help, the poet evaluates the action of the vines.
The participial phrase “glittering with smooth scales” not only “completes” the action of the snake (“slipped”), but also helps to imagine it appearance, focusing on the quality of action.
The gerund “charter” not only denotes the additional action of Lermontov’s hero, but explains its reason: “... the charter lay down between the high mountains.”
All this allows you to doconclusion that gerunds and participial phrases perform various functions in Lermontov’s text, being expressive means language.

Sample 3

I examined a fragment from the story of I.S. Turgenev "Bezhin Meadow". This text is a narrative. That is why verbs and gerunds predominate in this passage.
Verbs help the writer talk about sequential actions, and gerunds help to “complete” them, convey their exact picture.
Thus, the adverbial phrases “sitting without hats in old sheepskin coats”, “dangling their arms and legs” help to imagine not only the pose of the peasant boys, but also their appearance, the nature of their movement.
Visible images of a horse and a red haired man also help create participles. By using participial phrase“with ears pricked up” conveys the state of the horse while running, and the adverbial phrases “with its tail raised and constantly changing legs” help to imagine the appearance of the rushing herd and convey the nature of the movement it makes.

So It is no coincidence that Turgenev uses participial phrases so often. Simple sentences complicated by adverbial clauses are more economical and capacious compared to synonymous complex sentences with adverbial clauses. Their use helps the writer, in a fairly small space of text, create visible, vivid, memorable images, accurately “finishing” the actions of the characters.


Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist A.N. Gvozdeva: “Gerundial participles... eliminate monotony in the list of individual actions of the same person.” When justifying your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the text you read.

Option 1

The use of gerunds allows the author to picturesquely convey the details of the action and enhance the imagery of the literary text.

For example, in sentence 2, the gerund “shining” “completes” the actions of the sun (“pouring honey”, “coloring the crowns”) and helps to vividly imagine a city flooded with light.

How can you not play football on such a wonderful day? The picture of how this exciting game begins in the courtyards is again helped to recreate the gerund: the football players, “having divided themselves, will scatter into two teams” (sentence 6).

It is precisely this function of it - to specify, to describe in detail any process - noted by linguist A.N. Gvozdev, who argued that “gerunds... eliminate monotony in the list of individual actions of the same person.”

Option 2

Participles denote an additional action, clarifying the main one, and give speech special dynamics and clarity.

So, in sentence 12, this form of the verb details the main action (“he arrived limping”), and we understand why the old man sat under the bird cherry tree until the evening: apparently, the pain in his legs did not give him the opportunity to actively move.

But the narrator’s childish carelessness and his joyful perception of “life” are emphasized by the gerund “you walk, whistling” in sentence 8. Just two words - and they have such figurative content!

And in fact, according to the fair statement of linguist A.N. Gvozdev, “gerunds... eliminate monotony in the list of individual actions of the same person.”

Option 3

Participles and participial phrases are highly expressive, which is why they are widely used in the language fiction. Using them, writers accurately “complete” the characters’ actions.

Take, for example, sentence 42. The participle “freezing” accurately conveys the state of the boys who heard the whistle of the old coach, who strictly ensured that the game was played fairly. The old man became a real authority for the young football players, so everyone felt his death.

And the gerund “sob” in sentence 48, denoting an additional action to the predicate “turned around,” helps to see emotional state the narrator's mother, who understands how much pain the sad news that the old man has died will cause in her son's heart.

This feature of gerunds was once noticed by the linguist A.N. Gvozdev, who said that they “eliminate monotony in the list of individual actions of the same person.”

Text for work

(1)Summer. (2) The shining sun pours honey into hundreds of yards and paints the lush crowns of trees with bright green. (3) I approach the open windows and see a motley flock of boys on the playground. (4) Voiced: “Pashka and Mitka are at the gate!” (b) Football players! (b) Now, having divided, they will scatter into two teams, and the game will continue until mom’s “Home!” will not break the last couple, already chasing the ball in the dark.

(7) Just like in my childhood.

(8) I remember as a boy you walked, whistling, along boulevards drowned in the aroma of bird cherry trees, and the houses of leaf roller caterpillars twisted into tight cones fell under your feet. (9) You take one of these in your hands, and if the owner has not fallen asleep in it in anticipation of wings, she will slip out of the shelter, frightened, and hang on a thin cobweb in the air. (10) So is the memory of childhood: if you touch its fragile cocoon, it will give you, alarmed, a long-forgotten story...

(11) There was a grandfather in our yard.

(12) He usually appeared early morning, limping, reached a bench under a shady, spreading bird cherry tree in the very center of the yard and sat there until the evening, watching us.

(13) Whose grandfather was this? (14)Where from? (15) Who did you live with? (16) Childhood is not interested in old age.

(17) For us he was just immutable attribute summer yard. (18) Grandfather never started conversations with us, and we did not interfere with him, because we constantly ran away to the school stadium, where we counted goals with the boys of the neighboring area until the night. (19) There were no gates, but four sticks, installed in pairs at different edges of the sand field, served their role.

(20) We never had to dream about such a football box, where now, with their hands on their knees like adults, Pashka and Mitka each stood with their chests behind their own goals, and with them for the honor of the team and the glory of the best goalkeepers of the school. (21) Therefore, the day when someone’s father got hold of somewhere a pair of real gates with a white mesh, not torn and not patched with a hundred rows of laces, became a real holiday for us. (22) We are now the masters of all championships and the rulers of the tournament calendar!

(23) The gate was installed exactly opposite the bench where the grandfather was sitting. (24) When the work was finished, he slowly walked around them and left the yard. (25) “They drove away the old man,” my father frowned.

(26) But a few minutes later the grandfather returned. (27) We did not immediately notice him, carried away by the game, and he had to attract attention with a quiet call:

(28) - Eagles! (29) Come on over here!

(ZO) Grandfather brought us a ball. (31) Real, made of black and white hexagons, tight - no match for our worn out gray deflated one! (32) “Why are your mouths gaping? (33) Come on to the field - march! (34) From the breast pocket of his shirt, he took out a real referee’s whistle and whistled deafeningly, loudly for the entire yard.

(35) We capitulated. (Zb) Boyish arrogance, feigned contempt for the football advice of our fathers, our positions in the boys’ ranking of players - everything was cut off and left in the past by that whistle. (37) Our twelve hearts in every game until the very end of the season that summer kept their eye on the withered figure in the shade of the bird cherry tree.

(38) Grandfather turned out to be a noble strategist and a strict judge. (39) We listened to him without breathing, while during breaks he drew diagrams on the sand with a stick and quietly explained to us how to bypass the opponents and break through to their goal. (40) He had weak voice, and he couldn’t scream, so he communicated with us by whistling during the game. (41) A sharp, piercing sound was heard over the yard at the moments when one of us performed a forbidden technique or dared to cheat or allow himself to play to his fullest. (42) The grandfather did not shout out names, but everyone, freezing, thought: “Is it me who is being whistled?”, and it seemed to everyone that the grandfather was looking at him alone, and everyone tried not to let the old man down. (43)3 and for some three months of summer we became the most honest, most fearless, disciplined and for some reason the most friendly team in the area.

(44) And then my grandfather disappeared.

(45) We didn’t notice this right away: the first week of September arrived, school, musical theater on subscription... (46) On Friday evening I came home, pushed open door- the parents, apparently just returned from work, quietly stepped into the corridor and heard my mother ask my father with a sigh: “How can I explain to Kolya that his grandfather is no more?”

(47) - Mom?!

(48) She turned around, sobbing:

(49) - Ring, we wanted to say...

(50) ...In all our boyish childhood there were no bitterer tears...

(51) Childhood knows no excuses for death...

(52) Our yard team lasted until graduation. (53) And until graduation, none of our guys allowed themselves unsportsmanlike behavior on the field in a single game.

(54) No, we were no longer afraid to hear the stern call of the whistle.

(55) The worst thing for each of us was to let our bird cherry grandfather doubt, even for a second, that his lessons in honesty - before the team, the enemy and, first of all, before himself - were not in vain.

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist A. N. Gvozdev: “Participles... eliminate monotony in the list of individual actions of the same person.” To justify your answer, give 2 examples from the text you read. When giving examples, indicate numbers necessary proposals or use citation. You can write a paper in scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of A. N. Gvozdev.

15.2 Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the sentence in the text: “He, however, had never heard from anyone offensive words about his clothes, but with his whole being he felt that in these jackets he in no way fit into the male class team.”

15.1 “A gerund is a part of speech that denotes a sign of an object by action,” - with this definition of the gerund from school textbook Everyone has been familiar with the Russian language for a long time. However, probably few people have thought about what lies behind this meager definition. Let's analyze the participles found in the above text by Svetlana Lubenets.

In sentence 1 we encounter the gerund “extending”, which with dependent words forms the participle phrase “stretching out its transparent paws.” This adverbial phrase is isolated circumstance mode of action, explains how the rat Marfusha sleeps. The introduction of a participial phrase into a sentence makes speech figurative, colorful, expressive, and helps to avoid tongue-tiedness and monotony. In sentence 27 (Venka, gritting his teeth, got into Vitalka’s jacket), the gerund serves the same purposes: with its help it is concretized state of mind Venka, his attitude towards the “ill-fated” jacket.

Indeed, we managed to prove the statement of the famous linguist A. N. Gvozdev:

“Gerundial participles... eliminate monotony in the list of individual actions of the same person.”

15.2 Where does self-doubt come from? Like many other misfortunes, it is often formed in childhood, when knowledge about the world and about oneself for the most part consists of other people’s assessments, and not from real facts. This happens with the hero of the text by Svetlana Lubenets. Venka is so unsure of himself that he even perceives his jacket as an enemy, damaging the perception of others around him. This is stated in the sentence: “True, he never heard any offensive words from anyone about his clothes, but with his whole being he felt that in these jackets he in no way fit into the male class team.”

"dressed up."

In sentence 29 (“Venka just didn’t need this elegant jacket!”) we are talking about another jacket, which also seems to be fine, elegant, but again, in Venka’s opinion, it prevents him from being like everyone else. That is why he thinks that when he grows up, he will definitely listen to the opinion of his child.

Self-doubt creates fear and prevents a person from feeling self-sufficient and defending his opinion. Formation adequate self-esteem- one of important tasks self-education, it is correctly formed self-esteem that will help overcome self-doubt.

15.3 Self-doubt prevents a person from feeling self-sufficient and defending his opinion. He has to adapt to other people and make decisions, relying on their advice, without taking into account own point vision.

This happens with the hero of the text by Svetlana Lubenets. Venka is so unsure of himself that he even perceives his jacket as an enemy, damaging the perception of others around him. This is stated in the sentence: “True, he never heard any offensive words from anyone about his clothes, but with his whole being he felt that in these jackets he in no way fit into the male class team.”

An insecure person either withdraws into himself, feeling like a victim, or, even worse, becomes a tyrant. To hide his weakness, he screams. A teacher who screams out of self-doubt will never be able to gain authority in the class, and therefore will not be able to teach anyone.

An insecure person has low self-esteem. He lacks faith in himself, his strengths, his capabilities. It is possible to overcome self-doubt only if a person is able to correctly set goals, relate them to external circumstances and positively evaluate their results.

Nina has been around for a long time

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist A.I. Gorshkov: “The best stylistic possibilities enclosed in vocabulary(vocabulary) of the Russian language. The syntax is also rich in them.” To justify your answer, give 2 examples from the text you read. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

You can write a paper in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of A.I. Gorshkov.

15.2 Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of a fragment of the text: “She acted decisively and methodically, as if she was preparing for some new life, clearing her room of cheap rubbish, toys and stupid magazines. And after some time she suddenly realized that all the changes, according to by and large, were only external: her life is still empty, boring and very monotonous: school, home, books, the Internet..."

In your essay, provide 2 arguments from the text you read that support your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the phrase LESS CONFIDENCE? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-

discussion on the topic “What is self-doubt”, taking as the thesis the definition you gave. When arguing your thesis, give 2 examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience. - Answers to the OGE in the Russian language

15.1 Linguist A.I. Gorshkov argued: “The best stylistic possibilities lie in the vocabulary of the Russian language. The syntax is also rich in them.” Let's try to understand the meaning of this statement.

This statement consists of two parts. Let's look at the first part.

Man needs words in order to give a name to everything that is in the world. This means they reflect people's thoughts. Figuratively speaking, language is a cast of our thinking. That is, the “dictionary of a language” indicates what people think about, how they think. For example, using in monologue speech heroines of the word with a reduced expressive coloring inherent in youth slang (mobile phone, tsifir), the author of the text emphasizes that spiritual world The heroine is not very rich, which is why she feels envy towards her classmates and friends.

Now let's look at the second part of the statement. To understand its meaning, you need to find out

meaning of the word "syntax". Syntax is a branch of the science of combining words and constructing sentences. Without possession grammatical rules You cannot master the language perfectly, you cannot speak and write correctly. Let's analyze several side by side worthwhile offers text: sentences 21-25 (He is, so to speak, a virtual hero! (22) Virtual... (23) Virtual?! (24) Exactly! (25) Idea!) monosyllabic, nominal. They are used to emphasize the abruptness of the heroine’s ideas about what she is creating. virtual world your illusions. This allows the author to attract the reader’s attention with a special form of narration - the resources of grammar help to accurately express the author’s intent.

Thus, we were able to confirm that vocabulary and knowledge of grammar together help us formulate our speech correctly and clearly.

15.2 If you do not believe in yourself, in your strengths and capabilities, this inevitably leads to loss healthy self-esteem and the development of an inferiority complex. Likewise, Nina, the heroine of Svetlana Lubenets’ text, feels insecure because she doesn’t have a boyfriend. She strives for change, but does not believe in it herself. The following lines of text are about this.

The first sentence of the text (“Nina has long existed in a state of enduring emotional tension”) conveys the heroine’s deep feelings about the fact that she is not like her friends. Next, the reason for this state of the heroine is revealed: “But there is no friend...” (sentence number 11)

The efforts the girl is making will help her forget this condition, but not for long. Nina doesn’t understand this yet, which is why she took on the task of “creating” a virtual fan with such enthusiasm. He, in her opinion, should help her not feel deprived. This is stated in sentence number 42.

It happens that a person has with remarkable forces, abilities and capabilities, but self-doubt and low self-esteem prevents him from taking advantage of these benefits. Often this happens because a person consciously or unconsciously compares himself with others, as does the heroine S. Lubenets. You can feel self-sufficient only when you manage to find your own way. When you learn to respect yourself, others will begin to treat you differently.

15.3 Uncertainty hiding behind modesty, low self-esteem hiding behind shyness, an inferiority complex recognized as character traits... All these words mean one fairly simple phenomenon - a person’s lack of faith in his own strengths and himself. How often low self-esteem and self-doubt have destroyed a person’s career, and sometimes relationships!

Nina, the heroine of Svetlana Lubenets’ text, feels insecure because she doesn’t have a boyfriend. She strives for change, but does not believe in it herself. The efforts the girl is making will help her forget the oppressive state, but not for long. Nina doesn’t understand this yet, which is why she took on the task of “creating” a virtual fan with such enthusiasm. He, in her opinion, should help her not feel deprived.

An insecure person either withdraws into himself, feeling like a victim, or, even worse,

becomes a tyrant. To hide his weakness, he screams. Screaming with uncertainty - Answers to the OGE in the Russian language

The teacher himself will never be able to gain authority in the class, and therefore will not be able to teach anyone.

It happens that a person has remarkable strengths, abilities and capabilities, but self-doubt and low self-esteem prevent him from taking advantage of these benefits. Feel yourself self-sufficient person It is possible only when you manage to find your own path. When you learn to respect yourself, others will begin to treat you differently.

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