Assessing the effectiveness of training programs for management personnel of the organization. Assessing the effectiveness of staff training

Nowadays, any leader with more or less foresight devotes increased attention staff training. In order to maintain the occupied market share, and ultimately the entire business, the employer must constantly monitor the improvement of the educational level of its employees.

From this article you will learn:

  • why is it necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of staff training;
  • how to organize the process of assessing staff training;
  • what models exist to evaluate the effectiveness of staff training;
  • what four ways to use to organize an assessment of the effectiveness of staff training.

If assessing the effectiveness of staff training requires large expenses from the employer, then how to justify the expenses? As experts note, the relevance of the problem of how to evaluate the effectiveness of staff training is only growing over time. Modern universities cannot cope with business demands: there is a clear backlog educational programs higher and secondary educational institutions from the constantly changing requirements of companies, rapidly increasing market expectations. It so happens that an employee, a recent university graduate, comes to production with already outdated knowledge, often unsuitable for efficient growth and company development. The employer is forced to invest in staff training, especially for young professionals.

Personnel training assessment: how to organize the process

Well, the company is ready to spend money on employee development. After all, she herself commercial activity involves investing money, albeit for a specific purpose - for profit. Otherwise, it is no longer a business, but a charity. This is where the difficulties of assessing the effect of preparation are revealed. To ensure that the procedure is not carried out “for the sake of evaluation,” it is important for HR managers to understand what they will do with its results and whether the efforts are worth the investment.

You can spend millions on useless personnel development, which will not bring any economic efficiency. So wouldn't it be better to give this money to orphanage? In this case, your charity will bring at least someone tangible benefit.

What models exist to evaluate the effectiveness of staff training?

Most companies have different approaches to the question of how to evaluate the effectiveness of employee training. But almost all employers use the four-level model of American researcher Donald Kirkpatrick, described by him in 1959 in the book “Four Steps to Successful Training.” The instrument is now widespread and considered traditional.

The monitoring of methods for analyzing the effect of employee training, used at different enterprises, carried out by HR specialists showed: what more levels given model is used, the more complex the evaluation procedure becomes. The complexity of assessment activities carried out using the methodology using the fourth level of the Kirkpatrick model even exceeds the costs of conducting the entire training cycle. According to the author of the technology himself, conducting training assessment at the fourth level is not always advisable due to its high cost.

Another American, J. Phillips, added a fifth level of assessment to the Kirkpatrick model in 1991 - ROI (return on investment in employee development). Today, his model has received recognition (ASTD) from the American Association for Training and Development and is successfully used around the world.

ROI is calculated using the following formula:

Along with the calculation of ROI, quite often they are involved in calculating the payback period indicator, which reflects the period of time for the return on investment invested in training. The payback period indicator is the inverse of the ROI indicator.

There is another model, it is practically unknown in our country, this is the so-called “Bloom's Taxonomy”. The model consists of three overlapping parts, spheres, which are often called KUN (knowledge, attitudes, skills):

  • Cognitive sphere (knowledge);
  • Emotional sphere(installations);
  • Psychomotor sphere (skills).

This model in a practical sense is similar to the Kirkpatrick model, only with its help it is impossible to make a financial assessment of the effectiveness of personnel training.

Assessing the effectiveness of personnel training: the place of the process among the overall function of personnel development management

Assessing the effectiveness of staff training is the final stage management of personnel development in modern organizations and enterprises. Funds spent on vocational training are considered as investments in the development of the enterprise's personnel. These investments should bring a return in the form of increased efficiency of companies and enterprises.

Methods for assessing employee training can be distinguished by quantitative and quality characteristics. At quantitative method learning results are assessed based on indicators such as:

  • total number of trained employees;
  • number of employees undergoing training, by category;
  • selected methods of advanced training;
  • the amount of costs for personnel development.

Quantitative accounting of the effect of employee training is needed to form the social balance of the enterprise. However, quantitative methods will not help you analyze the results of staff training in terms of level vocational training, its compliance with the goals of the enterprise.

Only through qualitative methods for assessing training results will you determine the effectiveness of personnel training and its impact on technical parameters production.

Four ways in which the effectiveness of staff training can be assessed

Experts identify four main methods qualitative assessment results of professional training. In the first method, the abilities and knowledge of employees are assessed directly during or upon completion of the training course. When using the second method, professional knowledge and skills are assessed specifically in production conditions. The third method is to evaluate the impact of training on production parameters. The fourth method is the method of economic assessment.

Using the first method, you can determine the degree of mastery of professional knowledge and skills. The assessment procedure usually involves the participation of only teachers and students; a classical form exam, “test situations” and so on are used.

The trainee's immediate supervisor conducts an assessment professional knowledge and skills in the production situation. The result of the acquired knowledge is assessed after a certain time interval (six or twelve months) after completion of the course. During this time period, the significance of the knowledge that the employee acquired during the training process will become apparent, and the state of “euphoria” that arose immediately upon completion of the program will pass. The use of this method will help determine the degree practical use acquired knowledge.

Establishing the degree of influence of employee training on production parameters can be considered as the main assessment level that connects training results with the requirements necessary for successful work and production development. The indicators of such analysis are expressed in physical quantities:

  • number of personnel,
  • defect rate,
  • staff turnover rate and the like.

Currently unavailable complex methods analysis, the use of which would allow us to more accurately determine the degree of influence of training on each individual factor.

Economic assessment The effectiveness of employee training is based on the feasibility of investing in personnel and human resources. The criterion for the feasibility of investing in personnel is the amount of additional net income received after the training programs are implemented. In this case:

  1. If the increment is greater than zero (D< C, где D – инвестиции в персонал, C – возможный долгосрочный эффект от инвестиций, наблюдаемый в производственно-коммерческом процессе), то вложение денежных средств в this program training of personnel pays off and is expedient. Moreover, the lower the market rate of return on capital, the higher the expected increase in net income in the Nth year, than longer period the time it takes to use the acquired knowledge, the more effective the investment in personnel;
  2. If D > C, then investment in this program is inappropriate and there is a need to search for other areas of capital investment.

The expediency of the personnel training program is directly proportional to the duration possible use acquired knowledge.

The creation of some training programs does not aim at developing specific professional skills, but is aimed at developing a certain type of thinking and behavior. Measuring the effectiveness of such a program is quite difficult to do directly. After all, the results of the program are designed for a long-term period and are associated with the behavior and consciousness of people who cannot be accurately assessed. IN similar cases are used indirect methods:

  • conducting tests before and after training, which show the degree of increase in students’ knowledge;
  • monitoring the behavior of trained employees in the workplace;
  • monitoring the reactions of students during the program;
  • assessment of the effectiveness of the program by students themselves using questionnaires or during open discussion.

The established criteria for assessing the effectiveness of programs should be brought to the attention of all participants (both students, trainers and process managers) even before the start of training. After the completion of the program and summing up the results, the results are reported to the personnel management service, the management of the trained employees and the employees themselves, and then are used in planning further training.

Why is it necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of staff training?

The effectiveness of staff training can be assessed using various models. After all, each of the above models has its own advantages and disadvantages. Which of them will be chosen by a specialist assessing the effectiveness of staff training will completely depend on the goals set by the company’s management.

Application of the Kirkpatrick model allows you to quickly get a clear picture of the effectiveness of training activities. Using the Bloom's Taxonomy model makes it possible to more thoroughly evaluate the effectiveness of training, and also allows you to choose a specific personnel training strategy. Using J. Phillips' model, you can evaluate the financial aspects of training, for example, the effectiveness of investments in personnel. Therefore, today, according to experts, the problem is not the need to evaluate the effectiveness of training or the lack thereof, but the determination of the choice of its specific algorithm.

Technologies for assessing the effectiveness of personnel training are currently the most important link in the personnel management system. They are also one of the significant components of the overall development policy of the enterprise.

An extra link or a reliable management tool?

Despite this stated fact, large number representatives of company management considers the analysis of the effectiveness of personnel training as extra link in the system of ongoing activities. It is a very common belief that the time and financial costs spent on resolving issues related to assessing the effectiveness of personnel training do not bring any benefit to the enterprise and are among the unprofitable methods of work.

Of course, for so-called fly-by-night companies that seek only momentary benefits and are not aimed at successful and long-term development, a judgment of this kind is completely justified. But for large companies that set global goals and are determined to occupy key positions within their core markets (and occupy them for the long term), such an attitude is this issue seems unreasonable.

What benefits does auditing provide?

In order to clearly imagine what “options” are provided to enterprises by assessing the quality of employee training, it is necessary to list the advantages of using these assessment technologies. Among the advantages are:

  • the opportunity to assess how advanced training of employees affects the quality and dynamics of enterprise development;
  • harmonization of the degree of professional training of employees with the best domestic and foreign formats;
  • HR training performance indicators answer the question of whether the choice of training organization was made correctly (that is, it becomes possible to assess the level of work of the selected contractors);
  • security dynamic development professional competencies of employees;
  • promoting competent policy development in the field of training and education of specialists;
  • the ability to monitor the skills and abilities of employees;
  • creating a stronger basis for tracking the professional growth of specialists (or a decrease in the level of their competencies);
  • audit of personnel training results in better functioning of the company and increased productivity;
  • a greater economic effect of the organization’s activities is achieved.

Technology for constructing a system of assessment activities

When a company’s management decides to implement a system for assessing the quality of employee training, the question arises of how to most competently evaluate this activity. Make correct calculations in this direction- a very complex and labor-intensive thing.

In general, experts tend to identify four main methods of assessment vocational training.

The first method is based on assessing abilities, skills and specialized knowledge workers during training and after completion this process. Within the second method, skills, abilities and professional knowledge are analyzed, as they say, specifically in production conditions.

The third method can be called more global, because it is based on monitoring the impact of training on the production indicators that the enterprise achieves. The fourth method can be called “economic efficiency”, that is, it is a method of economic evaluation.

More specifically, it should be emphasized that today there are various models for assessing learning outcomes. But almost each of them is multi-stage. This is largely due to the fact that analytical processes, implemented in this direction, are very large-scale and responsible.

Let us give as an example one of the models containing methods for assessing the training of enterprise employees.

This model contains four levels of activities related to the appraisal audit.

So, let's look at the first level. It can be called as follows - “reaction”. Based on this name, it is clear that this level analysis of how employees respond to training programs is carried out. Among other things, the degree of employee satisfaction with training activities is assessed.

How exactly does the assessment mechanism work in in this case? One option is to create special questionnaires containing relevant questions. The survey will help assess such indicators, in particular as:

  • achieving learning goals;
  • the level of implementation of the initially stated training program;
  • the degree of subjectivity of knowledge, that is, its practical usefulness;
  • literacy, effectiveness and quality of teaching (the extent to which the training program was presented is also assessed);
  • provision of teaching materials;
  • conditions in which learning processes take place.

So, we've sorted out the first point. At the second level, the knowledge acquisition by employees is assessed. At this stage, information is collected related to the extent to which learning goals and objectives have been achieved. That is, auditors analyze how much new knowledge was acquired, what additional skills were developed within the framework of training programs, whether participants in the process received more advanced professional competencies.

This assessment of the degree of accumulation of new knowledge and skills is carried out using tests: before the start of training, the baseline existing skills and knowledge, the same measurements are made after completing training courses. Comparative analysis tests passed by employees “before” and “after” will reveal the degree of increase in new competencies.

By the way, to obtain a more objective and accurate assessment, you can organize a thematic business game or give employees appropriate practical task. The results of such an “exam” will help to carry out an adequate analysis of personnel development ensured through the implementation of training technologies.

The third level is called “behavior assessment.” Here it is determined to what extent the information received during classes is transformed into practical skills employees, that is, how applicable new knowledge is within a specific production process. In other words, the degree of subjectivity of knowledge and how applied it is is determined. Of course, such an assessment can only be carried out by a line manager - through monitoring the work of employees who have completed special courses.

There is another technique. It is also associated with a survey. Only in this case the survey is conducted among fellow trained specialists. The results obtained are compared with those that were planned to be achieved during the implementation of advanced training programs.

Let's finally look at the fourth level. It is referred to as “outcome assessment.” At this stage, all information obtained as part of the analysis is consolidated. But the basis of analytical work at this stage is the assessment of the benefits of training and the return on investment aimed at the professional development of employees.

We confirm with documents

Any activity that has an exact vector and a clear algorithm is “doomed” to success.

Is no exception personnel policy, in particular, such a component as assessing the quality of advanced training of specialists.

Enterprises aimed at carrying out such assessment activities are recommended to develop and approve a special document that will regulate a set of measures to analyze the quality of employee training.

The created documentary base will eliminate multiple erroneous actions often performed by enterprises in this area.

And it will help to correctly structure the policy for assessing the quality and potential of the training programs used.

So, in order to competently manage this activity, it is better for the company to develop a Regulation on assessing the effectiveness of personnel training.

What should it be? Let us note the key components of this document:

  1. General postulates that prescribe who is involved in the work of assessing the effectiveness of personnel training, explaining the goals and objectives of assessment activities.
  2. The procedure for assessing the effectiveness of personnel training. This section of the Regulations prescribes the course of the activities carried out.
  3. Analysis of personnel training results.
  4. Development of measures to improve the learning process.

The analysis of such socially oriented activities as an audit of employee training, necessary to improve human resource management policies, effective for the personnel development system, and also important for the development of the organization as a whole, allows us to make the following key judgment. Despite negative attitude many managers relate to this segment of work (evaluating employee training technologies), it is one of the most important areas overall strategy enterprises.

IN modern realities rapid pace of technology development, high competition and dynamic development of management approaches, a company that does not invest in the development, training and assessment of personnel is, at the very least, acting short-sighted. Moreover, taking into account a certain archaic nature of the education systems: both professional and higher, which are completely behind the constantly changing demands of the market. Therefore, any organization seeking to gain or maintain a leading position pays increased attention to personnel training and development.

However, the question always arises about the need to evaluate the effectiveness of personnel training. Training costs are always significant, and therefore it is reasonable to require an assessment of the cost-effectiveness of investments.

Today, many companies limit themselves to filling out evaluation questionnaires based on the results of the training: “Did you like the training/trainer?”, “Evaluate the organization of the training?”, “Was the training useful?”, “Will you use the acquired skills in your daily work?” etc. This method is only a small part of the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of staff training, and is applicable only for the initial summing up of a specific event, training, internal satisfaction, and work specific people from the HR department, but not the effectiveness of the training program as a whole.

In international practice, several methods for assessing the effectiveness of personnel training are successfully used.

The most famous of them is Donald Kirkpatrick's four-level model, which is considered a classic today. The model was proposed in 1959 and published in the book Four Levels Evaluation Program.

Modelestimatesefficiencystaff trainingD. Kirkpatrick

Stage 1 Reaction. The primary reaction to the training program is measured, the so-called “feedback” or feedback: interest, usefulness and quality of the material, the trainer and his skills are assessed, the complexity or accessibility of the material, the organization of the training event.

Tools used: , Interviews, Focus groups.

Level 2 Assimilation. The extent to which participants have acquired new knowledge/skills is measured, as well as how they plan to apply the acquired skills in the workplace.

Tools used: Examination, Mastery Tests, Practical Skills Tests, Planning, Training of Other Employees.

Level 3 Behavior. Measures how it has changed general behavior participants, and to what extent training participants use new knowledge and skills in the workplace.

Tools used: Checklist for assessing changes in work behavior (job review, checking action plans - developed according to the principle of 360 0 assessment), KPI, Balanced Scorecard.

Stage 4 Results. It measures the extent to which goals have been achieved and how changes in behavior affect the organization as a whole, that is, changes in the organization's business performance are identified and analyzed. Results should be assessed for at least three months after the end of the training so that delayed effects can be seen.

Tools used: KPI (indicators must be selected before starting the training program)

It is worth noting that when using all levels of the model, the process of assessing the learning effect becomes very labor-intensive and costly, and not always advisable from a cost point of view. The fourth level is the most difficult to analyze, since it is necessary to track the dynamics of the organization’s business indicators (increased productivity, increased sales, improved quality, etc.). In 1975, Kirkpatrick published the book "" (Evaluating Training Programs), where he described the use of the model in new realities and not only for evaluating the results of personnel training, but also for the process of change management in the organization. In addition, it was proposed to use the model in reverse order, starting from the fourth level to the first, that is, first the expected results should be determined, methods selected and key indicators- in this case, the final assessment will be less subjective.

The process of economic evaluation of personnel training

In 1991, Jack Phillips, an American HR expert and director of the ROI Institute, added a fifth level to the Kirkpatrick model - ROI (Return on Investments). In fact, he introduced a specific quantitative indicator into the personnel training evaluation system, such as calculating the percentage of profit from a training event to its costs:

In addition, he noted that performance assessment is not a separate program, but an integral part of the system. Assessment should be carried out at all stages of the training process, starting with the assessment of staff training and development needs, then during and after the implementation of the program, and also afterwards certain time when the results will be more obvious. Thanks to this approach, it became possible to make training cost-effective: to evaluate the training program as a business tool, and also to show the direct relationship between increasing the productivity of the organization and the personnel training system.

J. Phillips V-model

Another pretty one famous model"Bloom's Taxonomy". Benjamin Bloom proposed this model in 1956. The main idea of ​​the model is to develop the need for analysis, self-development, responsibility and self-sufficiency of the students themselves, in other words, “teach employees to learn” and apply the acquired knowledge in daily life. In this case, the employer is required to create the necessary base for training, an atmosphere favorable to learning and motivation.

In his system, he divided all stages into three domains: cognitive (knowledge), emotional (attitudes) and psychomotor (skills).

B. Bloom's Taxonomy

Cognitive domain

Levels of High Thinking


Able to reason and evaluate ideas, can present and defend opinions based on logic and facts

5. Synthesis

Able to integrate parts into a single structure, draw up plans, generate new ideas, draw conclusions, creatively solve problematic issues

Key: integrate, modify, replace, compose, formulate, summarize, organize, plan

4. Analysis

Able to identify parts of a whole, relationships between elements within an organization, finds errors, sees driving motives, analyzes cause-and-effect relationships

Key: differentiate, divide, explain, connect, classify

3. Application

Applies acquired knowledge in practice, finds connections, solves problem situations

Key: Apply, Demonstrate, Solve, Test, Improve, Change

Levels of Low Thinking

2. Understanding

Interprets facts, rules, compares, identifies groups, anticipates and explains consequences

Key: summarize, conclude, compare, calculate, discuss, continue, justify, explain

1. Knowledge

Knowledge of specifics, ability to operate with terminology, facts, knowledge of trends, classifications, procedures, methodologies, theories, structures

Key: list, define, describe, depict, name, select, quote, who, where, when, etc.

Emotional domain

5. Assimilation of the value system

Loyalty, choice of ways to solve problems

Key: Prove, Listen, Follow, Verify

4. Organization of a personal value system

Correlating the value of objects and phenomena

Key: propose, reason, report, demonstrate

3. Assessing value - understanding and action

Understanding and accepting values

Key: Initiate, Shape, Share, Track

2. Reaction, answer

Attention, active participation

Key: discuss, help, perform, present, describe

1. Perception and awareness

Passive perception and acceptance of information

Key: describe, answer questions

Psychomotor domain

Assessing the effectiveness of training at a manufacturing enterprise

To ensure that the qualifications of employees of manufacturing companies correspond modern requirements, their training and development must be built into common system personnel management. Each employee must continually participate in training programs.

Timely, regular training personnel is especially important for those enterprises where high-risk work is carried out. Employees performing this type of work must comply with legal requirements: be competent in matters of labor protection, fire safety, technical operation of machines, mechanisms, etc. This means that they need to be provided with special training and the development of the necessary skills.

At our enterprise, everyone who performs work with increased danger undergoes special training. First, an interview is conducted to determine the current level of knowledge; Based on the results of the initial assessment, aindividual vocational training program . Before you start independent execution work, the employee must undergo:

  • initial instruction;
  • special/vocational training in accordance with an individual program;
  • on-the-job training;
  • primary test of knowledge (exam);
  • stage of work as an understudy (for operational and operational-production personnel);
  • primary emergency and fire training.

    Admission to independent work is issued only after all necessary training activities have been completed (this period can take up to nine months). In addition, employees are provided with periodic (once every three to five years)advanced training in licensed special educational institutions. All requirements for qualifications and training programs for performing high-risk work are described in detail in government regulations.

    To work successfully, people need additional knowledge and new professional competencies. The requirements for the level of knowledge of the personnel of a developing enterprise are constantly increasing, so HR must be able to promptly identify training needs.

    There are many methods for identifying training needs; the choice of one or the other depends on the characteristics of the company and its capabilities. We use the following:

  • analysis of job interview results;
  • analysis of performance results during the adaptation period (probationary period);
  • analysis of the annual assessment results;
  • technology change plans;
  • analysis long-term plans;
  • Questioning and interviewing company managers and employees.

    Obtained using various methods data helps to analyze the quality of human resources of the enterprise (the so-calledHR audit).

    When determining the need for employee training, you should first of all proceed from:

  • the company’s goals and long-term plans for its development (determined by top-level managers);
  • data on the implementation of these plans and the problems arising from this (formulated by middle managers);
  • employee self-esteem.

    Personnel development programs should be focused on achieving long-term business development goals, and specialized training should be aimed at solving specific production, technological or organizational problems and improving the quality of employees’ performance of the tasks assigned to them functional tasks. At the same time vital role The desire of employees themselves for professional excellence plays a role in increasing the effectiveness of training.

    The tasks of the personnel service at the stage of determining the need for training are:

    1. Information analysis.

    2. Methodological assistance managers and employees of departments.

    3. Organization of training events (rice. 1).

    At our enterprise, training is planned based on the resultsannual staff evaluation : for each employee of the engineering and technical staff and managers is developed individual plan development (IPR), where the necessary competencies are indicated - the “corporate minimum”. Employees of the HR department are responsible for drawing up the IPR and implementing the measures provided for in it.

    Based on the experience of past years, we see that important conditions the effectiveness of training programs are:

  • efficiency of their implementation: if six months pass between drawing up a plan and implementing training activities, training loses its relevance;
  • application of modern approaches and teaching methods;
  • efficient use of allocated funds.

    To optimize the learning and development process over the planned period, we have developed procedures that 1) ensure the successful implementation of employees’ IPR, 2) increase the level of organization of educational programs and 3) allow us to evaluate the effectiveness of training programs.

    What are these procedures? First of all, the new regulations forcareful selection of providers educational services. In the process of searching for training companies, we analyze the experience and reputation of their specialists, evaluate the quality of the services offered (including reviews from their clients). Key selection criterion (otherwise equal conditions) - opportunityprogram adaptation to the needs of our enterprise. Moreover, each program (course, training) must be agreed upon with the head of the structural unit, and, if necessary, adjusted taking into account his wishes.

    Before training begins, we assess each employee's need for it. Department heads evaluate the qualifications of their subordinates according to the following indicators:

  • quality of work;
  • labor productivity;
  • availability of necessary skills and knowledge;
  • acceptance and implementation of powers delegated by the manager (reliability);
  • independence in performing functions (independence).

    Appendix 1

    rice. 2

    Based on these assessments, the need to develop certain competencies in a particular employee is determined. Employees also rate their need for training (Appendix 1): answers to the questionnaire help to specify the objectives and areas of training, assess the prospects for further “translation” of new knowledge in a particular department, and clarify expectations regarding the results of training programs.

    After processing the questionnaires, a specialist from the HR department meets with employees so that people can justify their wishes and clarify the conditions and terms of training. Based on the results of the interview, adjustments are made to the IPR, and a decision is made on what kind of training program the employee needs in a given period of time. The training specialist presents his recommendations for organizing training to the line manager of the department or top manager.

    Upon completion of the training course, the stage followstraining effectiveness assessments . We took Kirkpatrick’s technique as a basis* (rice. 2), which was adapted to the needs of our enterprise.

    * Donald Kirkpatrick is an American researcher who in 1959 developed a four-level system for assessing the effectiveness of personnel training. For more details, see the article by G. Bazarova “Assessing the effectiveness of training.”

  • Assessing the effectiveness of training programs is the final stage of personnel development management in modern organization. Increasingly, the cost of professional training is seen as an investment in the development of the organization's personnel. These investments should bring a return in the form of increased efficiency of the organization.

    There are quantitative and qualitative methods for assessing learning outcomes.

    With the quantitative method, learning outcomes are assessed using indicators such as:

    Total number of students;

    Types of forms of advanced training;

    The amount of money allocated for development.

    Quantitative accounting of training results is necessary to prepare the social balance of the enterprise, but it does not allow assessing the effectiveness of professional training and its compliance with the goals of the enterprise.

    Qualitative methods assessments of the results of advanced training make it possible to determine the effectiveness of training and its impact on production parameters.

    There are four main ways to qualitatively assess the results of vocational training:

    1. Assessment of abilities and knowledge during or at the end of the training course.
    2. Assessment of professional knowledge and skills in a production situation.
    3. Assessing the impact of training on production parameters.
    4. Economic assessment.

    Using the first method, you can determine the degree of mastery of professional knowledge and skills. As a rule, only teachers and students participate in the assessment procedure; here the classic exam form, “test situations”, etc. can be used.

    The assessment of professional knowledge and skills in a production situation is carried out by the student’s immediate supervisor after a certain period of time (six months, a year) after training, during which the acquired knowledge is integrated with existing knowledge, its value is revealed, the effect of “enthusiasm” is eliminated, which can manifest itself directly completion of training. Using this method, you can determine the degree of practical use of the acquired knowledge.

    Determining the impact of training on production parameters can be considered as the main assessment level that connects the results of training with the requirements of the functioning and development of production. Indicators of the impact of training on production parameters can be expressed in physical quantities of the number of personnel, coefficients (waste, defects, staff turnover), etc. However, at present, comprehensive methods of analysis have not been developed that make it possible to accurately determine the degree of influence of training on each individual factor.

    The economic assessment of learning outcomes is based on the feasibility of investing in human capital. The size of the increment in additional net income after the implementation of training programs is taken as a criterion for the feasibility of investing in human capital. In this case:

    If the increment is greater than zero (D< C, где D – инвестиции в человеческий капитал, C – возможный долгосрочный эффект от инвестиций, наблюдаемый в производственно-коммерческом процессе), то инвестиции в данную программу по обучению персонала окупаются и являются целесообразным. При этом, чем меньше рыночная норма отдачи капитала, чем выше ожидаемое увеличение чистого дохода в i-ом году, чем больше срок использования полученных знаний, тем эффективнее инвестиции в человеческий капитал;
    if D > C, then investments in this program are inappropriate and it is necessary to look for other areas of investment of capital.

    The expediency of a personnel training program is directly proportional to the period of possible use of the acquired knowledge.

    Some training programs are created not to develop specific professional skills, but to develop a certain type of thinking and behavior. The effectiveness of such a program is quite difficult to measure directly, since its results are designed for a long period and are associated with the behavior and consciousness of people that cannot be accurately assessed. In such cases, indirect methods are used:

    Tests conducted before and after training and showing how much the students’ knowledge has increased;
    monitoring the behavior of trained employees in the workplace;
    monitoring the reactions of students during the program;
    assessment of the effectiveness of the program by students themselves using questionnaires or during open discussion.

    Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of training programs should be established before training and brought to the attention of students, trainers and managers of the professional training process in the organization. After completion of the training and its evaluation, the results are reported to the personnel management service, the managers of the trained employees and the employees themselves, and are also used in further planning of professional training.

    Planning and forecasting the organization's human resource needs and identifying sources to satisfy these needs

    The workforce planning process can be divided into four stages.

    First stage- analysis of the organization's strategic plan. What goals will the organization face in the future? What productivity, quality, and customer service goals does the organization plan to achieve in the next six months, one year, two, five years? A clear definition of strategic goals is the benchmark against which everything will be measured. important decisions in the field of human resources.

    Second stage personnel planning - forecasting the organization's personnel needs. What divisions (departments, divisions, divisions) will arise as a result of the implementation of the strategy? What specialties will be required? How many people? Which job positions will no longer be needed? How will the process of improving technology affect the qualitative and quantitative need for personnel? At this stage it is necessary to compare the needs government agency(organizations) and available human resources. Is there a gap between what we need and what is available? present moment? What job positions are key to achieving your goals? Who's in at the moment ready to take on these key positions? Is the organization ready for the necessary personnel changes? Personnel planning, solving the problem of replenishing qualitative or quantitative personnel shortages, allows you to outline specific areas of personnel work. One of the approaches to assessing the personnel needs of a government body (organization) is to forecast vacancies for various job positions. In this case, statistical data on the movement of personnel belonging to the main professional groups can be used to identify the key factors causing this movement.

    Quantitative staffing needs- this is the need for a certain number workers of different specialties.

    The following approaches can be used to determine quantitative personnel requirements:

    A method based on accounting for the time required to perform individual management functions or tasks;

    Calculation of the number of personnel based on data on the labor intensity of the work process;

    Calculation method based on service standards;

    Calculation method based on headcount standards;

    Statistical methods, allowing you to link the need for personnel with the complexity of the work;

    Expert assessment methods: simple expert assessment(when the need for personnel is assessed by the head of the relevant service) and extended expert assessment (when the need for personnel is assessed by a group of experts).

    High-quality staffing needs- this is the need for workers of certain specialties, a certain level of qualification. Can also be used to determine qualitative staffing needs different approaches, among which the main ones are the following:

    Professional and qualification division of work based on regulatory documentation(in the state civil service - on the basis of administrative and official regulations);

    Analysis of the regulations on the state body (organization), structural divisions etc.;

    Staffing table;

    Analysis of documentation defining the professional qualifications of performers to perform specific job responsibilities;

    When determining staffing needs, often crucial is given to expert opinions to better understand what qualitative changes personnel composition must be produced by the organization for successful achievement set goals. Employees of the organization who have required experience, knowledge and training, and external experts.

    The need and readiness of a government body (organization) to introduce systematic personnel planning increases as the size of the organization, scale and complexity of the activities carried out increases. There are changes in the content of employees' work, as well as in technology. These changes bring to the fore all new requirements for employees that must be taken into account during selection. Personnel planning should ideally provide answers to all questions related to providing the company with the necessary staffing and determining the associated costs.

    Third stage personnel planning - assessment of the state of internal human resources of a government body (organization). What are the capabilities of the staff in the light of the goals set strategic plan? Do the staff have sufficient knowledge, skills and experience to implement the developed strategy? There is a significant amount of personnel information to be analyzed: demographics and educational level, results of surveys and tests, results of periodic assessment of personnel performance (certifications, qualifying exams), job requirements, actual performance levels and much more. Since the own capabilities of a government body (organization) to meet the growing quantitative and qualitative needs for personnel are often insufficient, personnel planning almost always requires study and assessment external sources labor force. Workers with what knowledge, skills and experience are easy to find on the foreign market? People with what characteristics are difficult to find? Which institutions (schools, associations, agencies) should be contacted to facilitate the search for the required personnel?

    Typically, the human resources of a government body (organization) are assessed in the following directions:

    Assessment of the state of available resources (quantity, quality, efficiency and effectiveness, merit, competence, workload, etc.);

    Assessment of external sources (employees of other organizations, graduates of educational institutions, students);

    Assessment of the potential of these sources (quality reserves for resource development);

    Assessing the adequacy of requirements and resources (currently and in the future), which adjusts the quantitative and qualitative needs for personnel.

    Fourth stage personnel planning - preparation of plans, determination of time frames for solving the entire range of tasks to provide the company with the necessary personnel. Development comprehensive plans HR planning activities are aimed at reducing the gap between the current supply of human resources and the future needs of the organization.

    When planning personnel, in addition to determining the need for people taking into account the planned volume of production or services, it is also necessary to take into account the expected planned (transfers, business trips, studies) and natural attrition of personnel (illness, maternity leave, dismissal at will). In addition, as part of personnel planning, it is often necessary to plan for staff reductions. This is especially true for civil service in the conditions of the current stage administrative changes aimed at optimizing the number of civil servants.

    Sources of covering staffing needs:


    · educational institutions;

    · commercial training centers;

    · intermediary recruitment firms;

    · employment centers;

    · professional associations and associations;

    · free labor market;


    § own internal sources(retraining of employees).

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