Annual report of the teacher on teaching the Tatar language. From work experience: “The teacher is the main factor in creating a language environment for teaching children the Tatar language

Marina Kondratieva

Kindergarten is the first link in the education system. Therefore one of main tasks kindergarten - formation of correct oral speech children based on their mastery of the language of their people.

The main goal of speech education is so that the child creatively masters the norms and rules of his native language, was able to apply them flexibly in specific situations, mastered main communication skills.

Language learning - systematic, purposeful development process cognitive abilities children, their assimilation of a system of elementary knowledge about the environment and the corresponding vocabulary, the formation of speech skills.

I use different forms and methods depending on the intended goals and assigned tasks. I also take into account age characteristics children.

I try to carry out educational activities in a group form. Education in a group is fun and effective because linguistic situations are worked out in dialogues, in games and thus overcome the language barrier. I create in the group there is an atmosphere of relaxed communication and children speak in Tatar language, listen to the speech of others and thereby the mutual influence of speech on each other occurs. I carry out my educational activities with the help of following methods And techniques:

One of the most important forms learning - game. Game is the leading activity children preschool age. It is also a method training Tatar language . While playing, children, without noticing it, learn certain vocabulary, master language skills, speech skills and thus children develop the basics communicative competence. They are being trained correct pronunciation words, the construction of a coherent statement, consolidate and activate Tatar vocabulary.

The game is effective and accessible form activities during teaching Russian children Tatar oral speech. Children don’t even think that they are learning, without noticing it, they learn much better Tatar words , phrases, sentences and on this basis they practice the correct pronunciation of specific Tatar sounds.

To increase the efficiency of the educational process, I use information and communication technology, that is, the use of a computer, the Internet, TV, video, DVD, CD, multimedia, audiovisual equipment, that is, everything that can provide ample opportunities for communication. For example, using a computer, I give children information (slides, reinforce the material covered with the help of various didactic games. For example, "Who is absent", "Guess and name", "Who's the odd one out?", "Count", "Treat the Bunnies", "Make a salad" and many others.

The computer helps improve the level of teaching by providing clarity, control, a large amount of information, and being a stimulus in training. Development computer technology allows you to really individualize the educational process, enhance positive motivation training, intensify cognitive activity, enhance the creative component work like a child, so teacher. The computer also helps me organize watching cartoons.

To develop full-fledged gaming communication, I use game situations in which the character finds himself (Akbay, Miyau). Through the game plot, you can play out the process of a character’s acquaintance with a new object, examine it in detail, study it, and examine it. The game character provides teacher the opportunity to put the child in the position of a subject cognitive activity. For older people, gaming games are most effective problematic situations. In these situations, the adult attracts the child’s attention to his emotional state and the condition of other characters. By actively participating in problem situations, the child finds a way out for his feelings and experiences, learns to recognize and accept them.

To achieve effectiveness in communicating with children on Tatar language, we have produced didactic material. Since all classes are held in the form of a game, the best way to reinforce topics is didactic games. Didactic educational materials produced by us games: "Add to cart", “Treat Alsou and Bulat”, "Invite to the house", "What changed?", "Who?", "Commander", "Let's help mom", "Magic Colors" and many others.

The purpose of these didactic games: development of sound culture of speech, activation and enrichment of vocabulary children, coordination of parts of speech, development fine motor skills hands

In order to develop and strengthen memory I use word games, such as “Who is there and who is not?”, "Take a vegetable", "Shop", “What, which, how much?” and others.

On the development of fine motor skills I conduct finger games. For example,

Boo barmak - babai,

Boo barmak - bi,

Bu barmak - ti,

Bu barmak - no,

Bu barmak – malay (kyz)


Of great importance in teaching a child a language, the teacher has questions for the child. When the teacher asks a question, the child thinks, understands and selects the right word from your vocabulary. In this way, we train the child to master tongue. Experience shows, which is skillful and on time questions asked change abruptly in better side baby's tongue: choice the right word, logic of speech.

Material for creation language environment on teaching children the Tatar language.

"Add to cart"

“Treat Alsou and Bulat”

"What changed?"


Exercise in pronunciation of words in Tatar language on covered topics;

Formation of the ability to answer and ask question: “Nrs yuk?”;

Development of attention and memory.



As stated earlier, methods Language teaching is varied. You should take advantage of their diversity teacher, in order to solve the tasks in the most accessible and interesting way for the child. The choice of methods is determined by age children and the tasks set for solution. Need to build teaching the Tatar language this way to exercise children in speech skills and abilities in order to form their first elementary knowledge about the environment.

Thus, the educational complex ensures unity educational, teaching and developmental goals and objectives in the education process children preschool age. It is built on age-appropriate activities and forms working with children. Also aimed at mutual understanding with the family in order to implement speech development children. The use of non-standard methodological techniques contributes to the development of curiosity, activity and creative abilities of each child. Audio and video applications, aesthetically designed visual demonstrations and handouts provide maximum variety of children's activities.

Language teaching is a systematic, purposeful process of developing children’s cognitive abilities, their assimilation of a system of elementary knowledge about the environment and the corresponding vocabulary, the formation of speech skills.

We will consider only some effective forms and methods of teaching the Tatar language. Educators use different forms and methods depending on the intended goals and assigned tasks. They also take into account the age characteristics of children.

A teaching method is a set of techniques and ways of organizing cognitive activity children, interaction between teacher and students. The language teaching method is implemented in the unity of purposeful activities of the teacher and children, movement towards the acquisition of knowledge, mastery of the relevant speech skills and skills provided for by the content of training.

Form of study - the external side of the organization of children's cognitive activity, carried out according to the established order, in a certain mode. There are a huge variety of forms of training. Tatar language educators select and apply those forms of teaching that are effective in solving the assigned tasks.

The main forms of teaching the Tatar language in preschool institutions are: learning in everyday life and in direct educational activities. Effective form- training during educational activities, which solve certain problems of speech development in preschool childhood, in the most favorable period of language acquisition.

The main goal ECD for teaching the Tatar language is the formation of correct oral speech in children. The development of oral speech, mastery of elementary forms of spoken language, the formation of speech skills and abilities does not occur spontaneously, but under the guidance of a teacher. A child in everyday life (during walks, dressing, washing, organized play activities and other typical situations) does not pay attention to certain linguistic phenomena, speech patterns and does not follow them. During NOD, children fix their attention on them, which become the subject of his awareness. Educational activities helps compensate for the lack of communication between parents and children.

Teachers carry out educational activities in a group form. Group learning is entertaining and effective, because language situations are practiced in dialogues and games, and thus the language barrier is overcome. The teacher creates an atmosphere of relaxed communication in the group and the children speak the Tatar language, listen to the speech of others and mutual influence of speech on each other occurs.

It is known that each child has an individual speed of perception of information, so some require more time and effort to master the material. In such cases, educators resort to individual form training. Educational activities in this form can be recommended in cases of fear of communication, fear of mistakes and misunderstandings. This form of training is an excellent opportunity to effectively master the Tatar language.

One of the most important forms of learning is play. Play is the leading activity of preschool children. It is also a method of teaching the Tatar language. During the game, children, without noticing it, acquire certain vocabulary, master language skills, speech skills, and thus the children develop the foundations of communicative competence. They learn to correctly pronounce words, construct a coherent statement, consolidate and activate Tatar vocabulary.

One of effective methods learning - the use of information and communication technologies, that is, the use of a computer, the Internet, television, video, DVD, CD, multimedia, audiovisual equipment, that is, everything that can provide ample opportunities for communication. The use of this method in teaching the Tatar language contributes to the individualization of learning and motivation speech activity. Children are interested in material using ICT. During educational activities for teaching the Tatar language, we show children cartoons in this language, animated stories and listen to audio recordings. Thus, we immerse children in the country of the Tatar language. They very quickly grasp the semantic basis of the language and quickly begin to speak themselves. The presence of a native speaker contributes to the successful learning of the material. Children also learn some phrases. For teaching the Tatar language, ICT serves as the “raw material”, on the basis of which we compose our presentations, slide films, and carry out our educational projects, thereby creating numerous options and methods of work that will help diversify and improve educational activities.

Currently separate place in educational educational process The preschool educational institution is devoted to computer didactic games. Educational activities using computer games very interesting for preschoolers. Interactive didactic games promote comprehensive development creative personality child. The child develops: perception, hand-eye coordination, imaginative thinking; cognitive motivation, voluntary memory and attention; the ability to build an action plan, accept and complete a task.

The teacher’s questions to the child are of great importance in teaching a child a language, but this method not appreciated by practice. When the teacher asks a question, the child thinks, understands and selects the appropriate word from his vocabulary. In this way, we train the child in mastering the language. Experience shows that skillfully and timely questions asked dramatically change a child’s language for the better: the choice of the right word, the logic of speech. Instructions that force the child to perform a specific action based on a word are also an excellent method in solving many problems. program tasks, in particular to clarify and activate the child’s vocabulary. Conversation is a rich method applicable to most aspects of a child's language development. Children's storytelling, in particular retelling, is successfully used to develop coherent speech and activate vocabulary.

As stated earlier, language teaching methods are varied. The teacher should use their diversity in order to solve the tasks in the most accessible and interesting way for the child. The choice of methods is determined by the age of the children and the tasks set to be solved. It is necessary to structure the teaching of the Tatar language in such a way as to train children in speech skills and abilities in order to form their first basic knowledge about the environment.

Cooperation between a speech therapist and a teacher in teaching children the Tatar language

"In the clearing of childhood"

and Akhmetzyanova Rimma Zavdatovna

MADOU "Kindergarten No. 62 of a combined type" of the Kirovsky district of the city of Kazan

1. Introduction.

2. Relevance.

5. Literature used.

1. Introduction.

Parents and teachers are always concerned with the question of how to ensure the full development of a child in preschool age. How to properly prepare him for school. It is no coincidence that in the history of human development the role of hands is especially emphasized. It was the hands that made it possible to develop, through gestures, the primary language with the help of which primitive people communicated.

The relationship between general and speech motor skills has been studied and confirmed by the research of many leading scientists, such as I.P. Pavlov, A.A. Leontyev, A.A. Luria. The higher physical activity child, the better his speech develops. When a child masters motor skills and abilities, coordination of movements develops. The formation of movements occurs with the participation of speech.

Usually a child who has high level development of fine motor skills, can think logically, he has sufficiently developed memory, attention, and coherent speech. Insufficient development of the motor analyzer and fine motor skills in childhood is becoming increasingly commonplace.

The purpose of this work is to reveal the relevance of using innovative pedagogical technologies to improve finger motor skills in correctional speech therapy work and the presentation of the author’s methodological development “The use of traditional and innovative pedagogical technologies when learning poems of Tatar poets during correctional work with speech-language pathologists” (Collaboration between a speech therapist and a teacher in teaching children the Tatar language within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard).

2. Relevance.

Hand movements are always closely related to speech and contribute to its development. V.M. Bekhterev

The problem of developing fine motor skills in preschool children has been relevant for many years in the theory and practice of preschool education.

The development of fine motor skills and preparation of the hand for writing was carried out by T.V. Fadeeva, S.V. Chernykh, A.V. Melnikova, and many others; analysis of children's graphic skills - D. Taylor. They prove that insufficient development of gross and fine motor skills, visual perception, and attention can lead to developmental delays in the child, problems in interaction with adults and peers and, as a result, to a negative attitude towards kindergarten and then to school.

Fine motor skills are very important because through it such higher properties of consciousness as attention, thinking, coordination, imagination, observation, visual and motor memory, and speech develop.

Gross and fine motor skills should be developed in parallel, offering the child exercises appropriate to his age and abilities. For example simple exercises to develop general motor skills - movements of the arms, legs, torso - you can teach him to listen and remember tasks, and then carry them out.

Speech is one of the main elements in motor-spatial exercises. The rhythm of speech, especially the rhythm of poems, sayings, and proverbs, contributes to the development of coordination, general and fine voluntary motor skills. Movements become smooth, expressive, and rhythmic. With the help of poetic rhythmic speech, the correct tempo of speech and breathing rhythm are developed, speech hearing and speech memory are developed. The poetic form always attracts children with its liveliness and emotionality, setting children up for play without special settings.

Typically, a child who has a high level of development of fine motor skills is able to reason logically, his memory, attention, and coherent speech are sufficiently developed. Teachers note that first-graders often experience serious difficulties in mastering writing skills. Writing is a complex skill that involves making fine, coordinated movements of the hand. To master the skill of writing, a certain functional maturity of the cerebral cortex is required. Lack of preparation for writing, insufficient development of fine motor skills, visual perception, attention can lead to negative attitude to study, the child’s anxious state at school. Therefore, in preschool age it is important to develop the mechanisms necessary for mastering writing, to create conditions for the child to accumulate motor and practical experience, development of manual skills.

But in preschool age, it is preparation for writing that is important, not teaching it. The ability to perform small movements with objects develops in older preschool age; it is by the age of 6-7 that the maturation of the corresponding areas of the brain and the development of small muscles of the hand generally end. Therefore, work on developing fine motor skills should begin long before entering school.

With normal development, the child masters the sound side of speech simultaneously with the development of general motor skills and differentiated hand movements. Systematic exercises that train finger movements stimulate speech development and are a powerful means of increasing the performance of the cerebral cortex.

To develop fine motor skills, teachers, as a rule, use Russian folklore and poems by Russian poets. Due to the revival national traditions, national culture of the native language in the republic, the law “On the languages ​​of the peoples of the Republic of Tatarstan” was adopted, developed and adopted Government program for the preservation, study and development of the languages ​​of the peoples of the republic.

In accordance with this program in all educational institutions(preschool educational institutions, schools, etc.) the study of the Tatar language was introduced. Since 2012 in our kindergarten is implemented by the teaching and learning complex “Speaking Tatar”. Taking into account all of the above, the task was set: developing small and gross motor skills children, using traditional and innovative pedagogical technologies, to introduce speech-language pathologist children to verbal art Tatar people and Tatar poets. Folklore works and poems contribute to this modern authors, dedicated native land, its nature, the seasons; literary works, revealing the beauty, diversity and mystery of the flora and fauna of their native land.

3. Analysis of literature on the problem of development of fine motor skills.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky argued that “the child’s mind is at his fingertips.” Formation verbal speech the child begins when the movements of the fingers reach sufficient accuracy. The development of fine (finger) motor skills, as it were, prepares the ground for the subsequent formation of speech.

I.G. Toporkova, N.L. Kutyavina, S.V. Shcherbinina, S.E. Gavrilina in the book “Developing Hands to Learn to Write and Draw Beautifully” (Yaroslavl, 1997) write that the development of small muscles of the hands in children should begin to be dealt with systematically from one year to school, and they recommend exercises for children that are accessible to their age. The book pays a lot of attention to finger gymnastics, the performance of which is accompanied by poetic speech. This kind of exercise for coordinating poetic speech with finger movements is also recommended by V.V. Tsvyntarny in the manual “Playing with our fingers and developing speech” (St. Petersburg, 1996), indicating that such exercises activate hand motor skills, develop dexterity, the ability to control one’s movements, develop coordination and develop speech.

All these authors refer to widely famous studies Professor M.M. Koltsova, who through experiments established that the formation speech areas brain occurs under the influence of impulses from hand movements. Consequently, the level of speech development of children is always directly dependent on the degree of development of “fine” movements of the fingers. And when entering school, it is important that he not only have good developed speech, but also a trained hand, had hand-eye coordination.

E.V. Vladimirov and R.D. Triger in the manual “I am learning to write” (M., 1994) indicates that preparing a child to learn calligraphy must be done in several directions. They suggest doing exercises on orientation on a sheet of paper, developing graphic skills, etc., thereby justifying the approach to the development of the hand as comprehensive and advanced.

Thus, the role of the engine of development of the central nervous system, all mental processes and, in particular, speech play a role in the formation and improvement of fine motor skills of the fingers.

4. Cooperation between a speech therapist and a teacher in teaching children the Tatar language within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The development of a child in all its manifestations is inextricably linked with speech. Therefore, if a child has speech disorders, he needs to be given timely help, prevent negativism, and give him the opportunity to master the program.

The new generation standard is characterized by a system-activity approach, in which the main thing is the development of the student’s personality. Speech development is the most important component in the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. If we help a preschooler form communicative universal learning activities, then we will form his abilities for self-control and knowledge of the world around him.

It's important to note that speech development allocated to a separate educational area. It is necessary to emphasize the following fact: in this educational field, a sixth point has appeared, speaking about the formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write.

The preschool education standard is, in a way, an indication of the rules of the game in which the child must win. These are conditions for the child’s development, not his learning. For the first time in the history of our country, preschool education became the first level of education. The main idea of ​​the Federal State Educational Standard for Education is to support the diversity of childhood through the creation of conditions social situation, assistance to adults and children for the development of the abilities of each child. It spells out conditions and development programs that take into account the diversity of preschoolers. The preschool standard gives each child the opportunity to develop at the pace that is characteristic of him and allows children to express their individuality. Modern children are different from us, therefore, it is increasingly difficult to establish interaction between a child and a parent, a child with a teacher, a child with society.

One of educational areas in the Federal State Educational Standard is speech development, which includes:

Mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture;

Enrichment of the active vocabulary;

Development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing;

Acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature.

The stronger and more mobile a child’s fingers are, the more confidently he learns about the world around him. The more perfectly he can perform fast rhythmic movements associated with taking and holding a certain pose, the more the muscles of the body and limbs are involved in such work. Of course, strength, agility, and activity do not come on their own. This is the result of their systematic training.

Working with children with a variety of speech disorders, we encountered a problem that is very often observed in children with speech pathology. This problem lies in the long period of automation and differentiation of the delivered sounds. When working with children with speech impairments, it is noticed that they are included in educational activities. As a rule, such children have memory impairment, decreased attention, and are not as mobile. mental processes, they show no interest in search activity, are not ready to complete tasks, and do not have high performance.

For these and other reasons, children with speech disorders they do not like to learn poetry, retell texts, and do not know the techniques and methods of memorization. Memorizing poems causes them great difficulty, rapid fatigue and negative emotions. At the stage of automation of sounds in poetic texts, children's self-control over speech decreases. It is very important to awaken interest in activities in children with this pathology, to captivate them, and to liberate them.

One of effective means enriching and activating children's vocabulary - getting to know fiction, learning the richness of the language through poems, fairy tales, poetry and folklore.

The joint work of a speech therapist and educator in teaching children the Tatar language in a preschool educational institution consists of: rough planning at the beginning of the academic year of study lexical topics. For this purpose, the general methods and techniques used in working with children were agreed upon with the teacher-speech therapist: creating a game situation, clarity, use in educational activities fiction(folklore, nursery rhymes, riddles, fairy tales), the use of songs, music, physical education. As a result, classes are conducted emotionally, which reveals internal potential child.

For vocabulary work We use games, fairy tales, and get children to accurately memorize words and phrases. Dramatization games further liberate children and help them better understand the material.

The games presented in the application can be used by a teacher-speech therapist and educator for teaching children the Tatar language during the parallel study of lexical topics (during physical exercises in educational activities, in special moments), as well as a teacher-speech therapist when automating and differentiating the given sounds.

Topics jointly studied by a speech therapist and educator on teaching children the Tatar language and sample list physical exercises and mnemonic tables used:

An approximate list of physical exercises and mnemonic tables used by a teacher-speech therapist in correctional work on sound pronunciation and vocabulary of speech-language pathologist children:

Appendix No.

Sound pronunciation

7, 10, 21, 31, 42

3, 6, 11, 17, 21, 56

1, 6, 10, 11, 12, 17, 23, 24, 41, 42, 45, 46, 50, 55, 56

16, 24, 26, 29, 46, 49, 59, 55

6, 8, 9, 12, 25, 39, 43, 46, 49, 52

2, 7, 19, 22, 39, 51

17, 18, 21, 24, 29, 36, 38, 44

5, 6, 8, 14, 19, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 38, 39, 41, 43, 46, 54, 55,

1, 8, 11, 14, 23, 27, 38, 39, 46, 52, 54, 56

9, 17, 23, 47, 52, 53

23, 32, 33, 43, 48

Lexical topics



“Where did the bread come from?”

"Days of the week"

"Road Safety"






5. Literature used:

1. Volina V.V. Entertaining ABC learning. – M.: Education, 1991.

2. Finger games. Publishing House "Karapuz", 2001

3. Kartushina M. Yu. Logorhythmic classes in kindergarten: Toolkit. – M.: TC Sfera, 2004.

4. Lopukhina I. S. Speech therapy - speech, rhythm, movement: A manual for speech therapists and parents. – St. Petersburg: Delta, 1997.

5. Lopukhina I.S. Speech therapy. 550 entertaining exercises for speech development. – M.: Education, 1995.

6. Maltseva I.V. Finger games for children. From three to seven years. – St. Petersburg: Publishing group “Azbuka-classics”, 2010.

7. In the clearing of childhood: a reader for teachers of preschool educational institutions and parents. – Kazan: Editorial and Publishing Center, 2011.

8. Finger games for the development of speech of preschoolers: A manual for parents and teachers /A. E. Belaya, V. I. Miryasova. – M.: Astrel Publishing House LLC: ATS Publishing House LLC, 2003.

9. “We develop our hands - so that we can learn to write and draw beautifully.” A popular guide for parents and teachers. Edited by S. E. Gavrin, N. L. Kutyavnin, I. G. Toporkov and others - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2000.

10. “Child in kindergarten”, illustrated methodological magazine for preschool teachers. 2003, No. 4,5,6.

Articles: G. Lyubina, “The hand develops the brain” (No. 4)

G. Lyubina, O. Zhelonkin “The hand develops the brain” (No. 5)

G. Lyubina, O. Zhelonkin “The hand develops the brain” (No. 6)

11. Seliverstov V.I. Games in speech therapy work with children, - M., 1981.

12. Uzorova O. V. Finger gymnastics \ O. V. Uzorova, E. A. Nefedova, -M.: Astrel Publishing House LLC: AST Publishing House LLC, 2003.

13. Tsvintarny, V.V. Playing with fingers and developing speech. – St. Petersburg: Lan, 1996.

In the conditions of the new language situation in the republic, the formation of a person occurs under the influence of two national cultures, traditions, two systems of ethical norms of speech and non-speech behavior. Teaching children the Tatar language in kindergarten is one of the most difficult methodological tasks. How younger child, the greater his chances of mastering a second language to the maximum extent possible and with natural pronunciation. Issues related to teaching the Tatar language to preschool children are quite controversial. On the one side - early childhood is considered by experts as the most favorable period for mastering a second language. On the other hand, preschool children have certain difficulties in learning a second language because they are not sufficiently motivated. At preschool age, there are still no real motives for mastering a second language. In addition, for children, and for some children from Tatar families, the Tatar language is essentially .

This is where a properly organized language environment can come to the rescue. The natural language environment sufficiently stimulates the processes of mastering the native language

The goals that we set for a child are abstract for him, so we must build the learning process in order to satisfy the cognitive, gaming, and personal needs of the child. Preschool children may experience psychological barriers due to unusual sounds of Tatar speech, unfamiliar and strange words and phrases for children, and associations with their native speech.

Achieving success in teaching children allows, on the one hand, the use of a person-oriented approach to the child, which involves individual work, the use of a reward system, and involving children in success in their activities; on the other hand, the creation of a Tatar-speaking development environment.

My goal in the upbringing and development of a child’s personality is a child who successfully adapts to further educational activities, already in school;

And the main thing in my work is creating conditions for free communication preschool children in the Tatar language using effective means educational technologies.

Educational tasks:

1. To awaken interest in learning the Tatar language through information and gaming technology.

2. Develop communication skills among each other in the Tatar language.

3.Develop perception, attention, memory of children; interest in various types of games, encourage active activity.

4. Foster interest and respect for the culture, traditions and customs of the Tatar people.

When learning the Tatar language, children face an additional difficulty: a decrease in motivation and cognitive activity may be associated with the difficulty of mastering speech skills in a non-native language. For a Tatar language specialist, the educational process is facilitated by the use of such forms of visualization as cards, pictures, illustrations, toys, audio materials, but also (multimedia presentations, design methods, electronic manuals, various software products, developing communicative-oriented gaming methods and techniques) contribute to increasing the cognitive activity of children and nurturing a love for the second state language. The main types used in preschool institutions:

Health-saving technologies Project activities Developmental technologies Corrective technologies Information technologies Personally-oriented technologies Technology "Teacher's Portfolio" Game technology Technology for creating a subject-developmental environment in preschool educational institutions. In my work I rely on gaming and . My topic of self-education is “Use of the Tatar language in teaching children.” The use of ICT in classes in preschool institutions has a number of advantages over traditional forms of organizing classes. Methods of visual support of the material make it possible to achieve long-term concentration of pupils’ attention, as well as simultaneous impact on several of the child’s senses, which contributes to a more durable consolidation of the new knowledge acquired. Relevance of ICT use. Computer technologies are actively used in the educational process, opening up new opportunities for the education sector: the efficiency of searching, structuring information, formulating an educational problem in various information and communication ways, working with various information resources, ready-made software and methodological complexes that allow you to design a solution practical problems. Usage interactive games makes it possible to expand Creative skills teacher and has a positive impact on the upbringing, training and development of preschool children. The use of ICT in teaching preschool children the Tatar language" assumes: - the complexity and versatility of the use of interactive games in teaching classes on teaching preschool children the Tatar language; - adaptability of electronic educational resource, the possibility of making changes and additions to it depending on the program and the characteristics of a particular educational direction and the goals of teachers. Therefore, I am interested in creating electronic games to reinforce the material on the program. I can present my author’s electronic games: “Salavat Kupere (Rainbow)” for the senior, preparatory group - we fix the colors in the Tatar language, “My first fairy tales” for 3-7 years old, (fairy tales from animated stories) can be used in the OOD “Tugan Telә soylәshәbez”, based on the projects “We speak Tatar”, “Koshlar” for 6-7 years old And compiling gaming technologies from individual games and elements - I think this is the concern of every educator.

Game technology: is built as a holistic education, covering certain part educational process and integrated general content, plot, character. It includes sequentially: games and exercises that develop the ability to identify the main, characteristic features objects, compare, contrast them; groups of games to generalize objects according to certain characteristics; groups of games, during which preschoolers develop the ability to distinguish real phenomena from unreal; groups of games that develop the ability to control oneself, speed of reaction to a word, tic hearing, ingenuity, etc. Currently, in our preschool educational institution, the process of implementing teaching materials for teaching children Tatar and native language. The main goal of this process is efficient organization work on the use of teaching materials.

Based on this goal, the following tasks have been identified that concern all participants in the educational process: 1. Study the regulatory documents on the implementation of the new teaching and learning system in the educational process 2. Develop a plan for working with teachers on teaching the Tatar language. 3. Contribute to the creation of a language environment in groups in order for children to acquire a minimum vocabulary. 4. Develop didactic games and material for teaching children the Tatar language. How to reinforce with children the new vocabulary learned during educational activities in the Tatar language - vocabulary that is not native to Russian-speaking children? Of course in the form of a game; We should not forget that, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the educational process must be based on age-appropriate forms of work with children. And play is the main form of work with preschool children and the leader for them.

A hypothesis was put forward: Along with the systematic use of the new teaching materials in classes and during routine moments, the development of didactic games will contribute to the high-quality assimilation of the minimum vocabulary, the skills of mastering the minimum vocabulary in colloquial speech (dialogues) of teachers and students.

Thus, the most important task currently is:

Creating the conditions necessary for wider adoption of original games

in the educational process, in our case, in free time from classes.

In class, in individual work children into a foreign language environment gradually, through play. Therefore, play, being the main activity of a child, allows one to overcome most of the difficulties associated with the conditional nature of foreign language communication. For positive impact of the Tatar language on the development of personality, the author’s multifunctional ones significantly help didactic aids“Field of Miracles”, “Magic Flower”, multifunctionality lies in the fact that you can use many pictures, that is, you can cover all topics UMK projects, in several versions (4-7 years), didactic game made from felt “Matur bakcha” on the topics vegetables, counting up to 10. Abundance game situations, fairy tales creates an atmosphere of joy, creativity, and a favorable psychological climate in the classroom.

In classes teaching children the Tatar language, I encountered the following problem: there are very shy children who have a hard time making contact; it is difficult to build a dialogue with them, especially in the Tatar language. Although the child quickly remembers words, I can find out this only in his actions (in games, errands, didactic games). But there is one moment that could not be overlooked - these are finger games, finger theater, during which he repeated the words with pleasure. (show finger theater) And I caught myself thinking about what to do, a puppet theater, in order to arouse their active interest, to captivate them. At first, these fairy tale characters came to our classes as a surprise. And then joint efforts the team made heroes from the fairy tales “Shurale”, “Su Anasy”, “Kolobok”, “Goat and Ram”, “Three Bears”, this is how the work of the “Ekiyatler Ilende” circle began, in my opinion this further increases the interest of preschoolers in learning the second state language . (show dolls) Children are very fond of fairy tales. Through fairy tales, we can solve all the tasks assigned to us. A fairy tale has an advantage over other educational techniques; it plays vital role in the development of imagination, an ability without which a child’s mental activity is impossible during preschool education.

If play is the leading type of activity for preschool children. age, and theater is one of the most democratic and accessible forms of art, which allows you to solve many actual problems pedagogy and psychology. By participating in the theatrical activities of the circle, children get acquainted with the world around them, in order to learn and consolidate the Tatar language, the child’s vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, because the children in the roles are revealed, it is easier to build a dialogue with them, since this is the main task of teaching the Tatar language. Theatrical activities activate children so much that the child’s memory automatically turns on and he remembers everything. When playing a role, the child wants to portray his character, so attention switches to the image itself, and memorizing speech is easier. Besides theatrical activity allows the child to solve many problematic situations indirectly on behalf of some character - this helps to overcome shyness, uncertainty, and shyness. Of course, creative process- this is a real miracle. I really enjoy watching children reveal their unique abilities, it is clear that they are interested, and when it is interesting, everything is better remembered and consolidated. At this stage, according to the plan for senior preschool age for teaching the Tatar language, we have such a topic as “Och ayu”, and in club work we consolidate all this, not only in senior group, but also in the average.

For example, in middle group With dolls, the three bears very willingly take on the role: - Isenme, min zur ayu. _Isenme, min kechkene ayu. - Me, ayu, alma asha... etc. Thus, they spontaneously improvise. Expected results: - activated and improved lexicon, sound pronunciation - the ability to construct a dialogue is formed, memory and thinking develop - behavior is corrected, experience is formed moral behavior. But we cannot do without the technology of creating a subject-developmental environment in a preschool educational institution; without this environment, the child will not perceive an understanding of the material being taught. Conclusion. Informatization of preschool education is the process of its development; the sequence of transitions of an educational institution from one state to another. This transition, as a rule, requires special efforts from teachers, which must be organized in one way or another: these can be one-time events or an entire program of work. - prospects for informatization of preschool educational institutions. - possibilities of informatization of preschool educational institutions as a means of increasing the efficiency of upbringing and education; - possibilities of informatization of preschool educational institutions as a means of increasing the efficiency of educators’ activities, heads of preschool educational institutions; - problems of informatization of preschool educational institutions. A necessary condition The implementation of all these areas is to ensure the appropriate material and technical base:

Installation and Maintenance computer equipment and in classrooms and groups;

Security technical specifications to access the Internet.

Thus, the work on the use of ICT and teaching children the Tatar language is relevant and requires further implementation. Games have a powerful effect emotional impact Students develop many skills and abilities: primarily communication, the ability to work in a team, make decisions, and take responsibility. They develop organizational skills, foster a sense of empathy, and stimulate mutual assistance in solving difficult problems. Thus, the use of game methods in the educational process allows us to solve a whole complex pedagogical tasks. The use of gaming technologies in the process of teaching the Tatar language in combination with other pedagogical technologies increases the effectiveness of children's education. But we should not forget that even the most Best game cannot ensure the achievement of all educational goals, therefore gaming technologies must be considered in the system of all forms and methods used in teaching.
Taken together (game, information), new pedagogical technologies guarantee the achievements of a preschooler and further contribute to successful learning at school. The creation of technology is impossible without creativity. For a teacher who has learned to work at the technological level, it will always be the main guideline cognitive process in its developing state.

The use of innovative pedagogical technologies contributes to: improving the quality of education; advanced training for teachers; application teaching experience and its systematization; use of computer technologies by students; maintaining and strengthening the health of pupils; improving the quality of training and education.


Computerization in the field of education: problems and prospects, M, Pedagogy, 1997.

Mashbitz, - pedagogical problems computerization of education, M, Pedagogy, 1998.

Informatization of education: directions, means, technologies, Manual for advanced training system, Ed. ed. , M, MPEI, 2004.

On measures aimed at introducing modern educational technologies, Educational Issues, 3-2005.

New pedagogical and information Technology in the education system / Ed. , M., 2000.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution“General developmental kindergarten No. 5 “ The Scarlet Flower» Chistopolsky, Republic

Report on the topic

“New approaches to teaching children the Tatar language”

Prepared by:

training teacher

children Tatar language:

Chistopol, March 2016

“Interaction between a teacher in teaching children the Tatar language and kindergarten teachers on the implementation of teaching materials”

We started working on the educational complex in February 2012, when we received educational and methodological kits, audio-video materials.

To organize the work, I made a presentation of this work (on teaching two state languages) to kindergarten teachers and its implementation and implementation began. In order to involve teachers and parents in the learning process, it is recommended to watch a television program on Sundays at 9.30 on the TNV channel “Akiyat Ilendi” - “In the Land of Fairy Tales”, where the material learned in kindergarten is consolidated, since the plot of each program is created based on the teaching materials . Parents of each group are informed about the day and time of the children's broadcast transfers. Parents and teachers have the opportunity to observe and enjoy the success of their children not only open events, but also in the everyday life of the kindergarten.

89% of Russian-speaking teachers of our educational institution have completed courses on teaching Russian-speaking teachers the Tatar language, and 11% (1 – young specialist) will study in this academic year online according to the Ana tele course. Every week, I conduct mini-courses with educators, taking into account the idea embedded in the educational complex. In these classes, I introduce teachers to methodological techniques, teaching aids, visual and handouts, the aids and equipment used, which help create and maintain the developmental and educational nature of the Tatar language environment in the group. The language development environment includes both the language environment and the subject environment. The subject environment attracts the child and arouses his interest in language. The child knows that he can come up, look, pick up what he needs, and arouses his interest. In this regard, it is stimulated real communication in the Tatar language within the subject environment. This environment is interactive in nature. Our preschool educational institution has a specialized classroom for teaching children the Tatar language.

Each group has visual material for the parents of our students to consolidate their knowledge of the Tatar language at home. Preschool teachers purposefully and consistently create positive motivation for the pleasure of communication and co-creation with adults and children for each child throughout the entire educational process, organize situations that create a need for communication, taking into account the age of the children and their speech experience using a variety of methods and techniques that are attractive to the child (game, surprise, problem-search), creative tasks that stimulate speech activity and contribute to the development of initiative speech and creative speech skills.

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