The optimal speech rate is. Violation of the tempo and rhythm of speech: types, symptoms, recommendations for teachers and educators

Pace - speaking speed - can be fast, medium, slow. Optimal condition easy comprehension is an average pace - approximately 100 - 120 words per minute. The speed of speech depends on the meaning of the statement, emotional mood, life situation. Slowing down allows you to depict an object, emphasize its importance, highlight it.

Using your voice effectively is all about varying your tempo. Speech quickly for a few seconds, pause, return to normal, then speak quickly again. The number of words spoken on average per minute will remain the same, but the monotony will be gone.

Loudness is the intensity of sound, the greater or lesser force of pronunciation, which also depends on the communication situation and verbal content. The pitch of the voice can be high, medium and low, it depends on its nature.

A special increase in tone, accompanied by increased word stress, greater intensity stressed syllable, is called logical stress.

Timbre is an additional articulatory-acoustic coloring of the voice, its flavor, “color”. Each person has his own timbre - dull, trembling, ringing, sharp, hard, velvety, metallic, etc.

Clarity and clarity of pronunciation is called good diction. It prepares the speech apparatus for creative process, makes accurate articulation of all sounds habitual. Helps expressiveness of words. Good diction involves the ability to “hold a pause”, diversify rhythmic organization speech.

There are physiological (breathing), grammatical (punctuation marks), logical (meaning-distinguishing) and psycholinguistic pause (subtext, emotional coloring).

A speaker, an interlocutor who can easily change the pace, volume and pitch of speech, has good diction and timbre, can express various feelings and experiences with his voice. This is possible with correct speech breathing.

Thus, using these techniques when delivering a speech requires some conscious effort:

Emphasizing the main words of the sentence;

Changing the pace of speech;

Use of pauses.

Speech technique - important element culture speech activity- includes work on breathing, voice, diction.

Euphony of speech associated with aesthetic assessment sounds of the Russian language and involves a combination of sounds that is convenient for pronunciation and pleasant to the ear.

Euphonious and dissonant sounds

In the Russian language, sounds are perceived as aesthetic and non-aesthetic, associated with the concepts of “rude” (boorish, khrych) - “gentle” (mother, sweetheart, lily, love); “quiet” (quiet, whisper, squeak) - “loud” (shouting, calling, roaring).

Causes of cacophony

In the Russian language, the combination of consonants obeys the laws of euphony. Anything that makes articulation difficult creates cacophony, for example, the frequency of the combinations up, up, up. Surnames are difficult to pronounce.

The accumulation of identical consonants also reduces the euphony of speech and creates monotony. The so-called gaping is also dissonant and not characteristic of the Russian language, i.e. a combination of two or three vowels: the word about renewal, Araknaa, Woday, Watchaa. Therefore, some borrowed words undergo phonetic changes in accordance with the laws of the Russian language: John - Ivan.

The repetition of certain vowels, such as i-o-i-o, also causes cacophony in speech. Some abbreviations can also create a cacophony: DYUSSH - voluntary youth sport school, EOASTR - expeditionary team of emergency rescue technical work.

The loss of consonants (for example, kazhetsa instead of seems, military instead of military, not odam instead of not giving), as well as the disappearance of entire syllables (che-ek instead of man, ta-ashchi instead of comrades, so-rshenno instead of completely) makes speech illegible, unaesthetic, although in colloquial speech such phenomena are justified by the law of economy speech means. Compare: thousand instead of thousand. Involuntary rhythmicity, as well as random, inappropriate rhyme, are a defect in speech and cause cacophony.

Euphony is one of necessary qualities good speech mandatory requirement speech culture, since difficult articulation and unjustified repetition of the same combinations of sounds interfere with the perception of the material.


An important element of the sound organization of speech is compliance with accentological norms related to the placement of stress in a word. The main function of word stress is the phonetic combination of a word, highlighting the word in speech.

Movable stress

Stress in Russian is free, not fixed on a specific syllable; it can fall on a prefix, on the root of a word, on a suffix, on an ending. In addition, it is mobile, i.e. can change place when the form of the word changes: water - water, judges - judges. In addition, some words have variations in stress placement, Violations in stress placement

The placement of stress is influenced by territorial and socio-professional dialects. Lawyers, unfortunately, also quite often violate accentological norms, pronouncing expert instead of expert, convicted instead of convicted, instituted instead of instituted. But what is permissible in the speech of miners is impermissible in legal sphere communication is intolerant in the legal sphere, the status of which is too high and responsible.

Speech rate refers to how fast you speak. It determines how fast or slow words are spoken and how clear and understandable they are to the listener.
Using Pacing to Deliver Your Message Effectively

Many people speak at the same pace in any situation. Omi pay little attention to who they are with this moment are dealing. IN different corners The land of people has its own characteristics of speech. Some may speak slower, others faster. In the business world, you have to communicate with different people who have different speaking styles. Therefore, it is very important to be able to maintain an even pace in conversation so that your words sound clear and understandable to those people with whom you have to deal.

This tool requires the ability to find golden mean between too fast and too at a slow pace speech. A steady pace will help you speak effectively with a huge amount different people. At the same time, this tool tells you that sometimes there is a need to slightly change the speed of speech depending on the audience you are communicating with.

Here are some tips on how to use this tool.

- Pronounce your words clearly. Pronunciation is about saying words the way they are meant to sound. “Are you going to the meeting?” and “Are you going to a meeting?”, “Is there something you want to tell me? and “Is there something you want to tell me?” - Different things. These hidden differences (the list goes on and on) are often noticed by listeners and they wonder what the speaker really wanted to say. They may also get the impression that you are not very confident or knowledgeable in your message. If people start judging how you use your lexicon, they are less attentive to what you have in mind, and you can no longer influence their interest.

- Pause your message from time to time. What's your hurry? Allowing yourself to think and breathe a little air before you speak will only have a positive impact on your message. This is precisely the effect pauses have on the entire utterance. Instead of rushing out of nowhere and thinking out loud, filling the void with various interjections, pauses help to even out the pace of speech, collect thoughts and clearly state your thoughts.

Always give yourself a chance to think, take a deep breath, and only then start speaking.

— Adjust your speaking pace to the pace of your interlocutor’s speech. The last aspect of using speech rate is a bit like mirroring. The main thing you need is to get on the same page with your interlocutor and show some flexibility in relation to his style of expression. For example, when communicating with an emotional communicator who speaks at a fast pace, try to increase your own speaking rate at least a little. When communicating with a rather reserved and reserved interlocutor, you should slow down the pace a little. Focus on being approximately the same speaking rate as the person listening. If your tempo is opposite to the recipient's, it will be more difficult for him to listen to you, no matter how fast or slow he can do it.

Speech rate helps to achieve mutual understanding with other people. Mutual understanding presupposes a good working relationship built on mutual trust and respect. We usually find it best mutual language, doing some kind of work, with people who have exactly these qualities. If you can adjust your pace to the pace of speech of the interlocutor, this indicates that you have a good relationship with other people. When people think you understand their message, they are much more likely to understand what you mean.

Avoid mistakes with speaking tempo

In this section you will find a description of the main mistakes that communicants make when using speech tempo. Most likely, you also failed to avoid some of them, but this confirms only one thing: you are human! After familiarizing yourself with them, try to improve and make your speech rate understandable to your interlocutors.

We're talking too fast. If you are familiar with the type of gibbering salesman, you will immediately understand what this mistake is. A speech rate that is too high indicates excitement, and the sincerity and persuasiveness of your words are lost, so the interlocutor does not perceive your message.

Swallowing words. Sometimes a person speaks unclearly and it seems that all his words are cobbled together and pronounced in one breath so that they simply cannot be understood. If your message is difficult to grasp, it is even more difficult to appreciate and appreciate it.

We speak too slowly. In this situation, the communicator says one sentence in the time when the other could say three. This behavior causes the listener to become impatient and stop following what you are trying to say.

You don't have to completely abandon your personal communication style, just remember that you need to talk to everyone as a unique individual. This means that you need to speak faster with one interlocutor, and slow down a little with another.

-I (introducing additional sentences).
-Well, you know.

Copyright © 2013 Byankin Alexey

A study of the literature on linguistics, psycholinguistics, physiology, medicine and speech therapy showed that the rate of speech of a hearing person has been studied quite deeply and comprehensively (Zhinkin N.I., Arkhipov G.B., Vygotsky L.S.). Depending on the specifics of a particular field of science, they are given various definitions the concept of “rate of speech”, the physiological mechanisms of this aspect of pronunciation are revealed, the role of speech rate in ensuring its communicative function is determined.

A study of literary materials on speech therapy showed that in this area, defects in the pronunciation speed of a normally hearing person have been studied and methods for their correction have been described (Martynova N.Yu.).

One of expressive means oral speech is its tempo. By slowing down the pace of his statement, a person emphasizes the importance, the special significance of what he is communicating. And vice versa, by speeding up the pronunciation of certain phrases, we often thereby express the secondary importance of what is being communicated. However, the pronunciation does not lose its correctness and intelligibility. Thus, the normal pace is characterized by slowing down and accelerating. These fluctuations in the speed of utterances will depend on the speed of pronunciation of phonemes, words, phrases and on the frequency and duration of pauses between words and sentences.

It is considered normal to have a tempo at which 9 to 14 phonemes are pronounced in one second. A necessary condition For a normal speech rate, there is a correct ratio of the main processes occurring in the cerebral cortex - excitation and inhibition.

Most hearing children do not immediately master a normal speech rate. Many preschoolers speak too quickly. This is explained by the fact that their inhibitory processes and control over their own speech are still weak. Often, imperfect speech tempo occurs as a result of imitation of others. The child sometimes speaks very quickly, sometimes too slowly, even within the same phrase. But in most cases, such phenomena in hearing children disappear with age.

The pace of speech attracts the attention of researchers from different areas Sciences. Works in the field of speech psychology, linguistics, medicine, speech therapy, and education for the deaf are devoted to the issues of its study (Artyomov V.A., Arkhipov G.B., Beltyukov V.I., Ilyina V.I., Chistovich L.A.)

Most studies reflect the study of the speech rate of a normally hearing person. The rate of speech of deaf people has been much less studied. IN literary materials reveals itself physiological mechanism speech production with impaired hearing and the influence of this defect on the rate of speech of the deaf (Zhinkin N.I.), the unsatisfactory, too slow rate of speech of deaf schoolchildren and teachers of the deaf when communicating with these students is stated (Beltyukov V.I., Chadova S.V. , Shustrova L.G.). Impact described individual factors on the rate of speech of the deaf (Shustrova L.G.), the influence of the rate of speech of the deaf on the formation of their lip reading skills was studied (Beltyukov V.I., Chadova S.V.) General methodological provisions were formulated for teaching deaf schoolchildren the correct rate of speech ( Rau F.A., Rau F.F., Volkova K.A.).

Analysis specialized literature devoted to the study of the rate of speech of deaf schoolchildren, allowed us to obtain certain idea O modern level research on this problem. Many authors state the unsatisfactory state of the rate of speech of deaf students (F.F. Rau, V.I. Beltyukov, K.A. Volkova, S.V. Chadova, L.G. Shustrova). There are statements about the too slow rate of speech of teachers of the deaf when communicating with deaf students, regardless of the level of education. The relationship between the tempo of oral and tactile speech at the initial stage of schooling was studied (E.N. Martsinovskaya), as well as the influence of the speed of pronunciation of deaf schoolchildren on the development of their lip reading skills (S.V. Chadova). The influence of certain factors on the rate of speech of deaf schoolchildren was studied (L.G. Shustrova). General methodological provisions have been developed for teaching the deaf the correct rate of speech (F.A. and F.F. Rau, K.A. Volkova). Psychological and physiological studies rate of speech of the deaf (F.F. Rau, N.I. Zhinkin). In many literary sources emphasized great importance formation of the correct tempo of speech in deaf schoolchildren in the system of working on speech as a whole. The belief is expressed that the deaf have the ability to learn the correct rate of speech (V.I. Beltyukov).

As has been repeatedly noted, the most important task School of the deaf is the formation in students of intelligible, articulate speech that can serve as a means of communication, the maximum approximation of the oral speech of the deaf to the oral speech of the hearing.

Among the factors influencing the intelligibility of oral speech of the deaf, the rate of speech is of significant importance (V.I. Beltyukov, K.A. Volkova, F.F. Rau).

The speed of pronouncing speech segments per unit of time, i.e. speech rate is an important indicator phonetic design oral speech. It has been established (G.B. Arkhipov) that the most favorable for listening (listening for the purpose of obtaining information) is the rate of speech of the speaker that is close to or equal to the rate of speech of the listener. For the Russian language, this optimal rate is a pronunciation speed of about 250 syllables per minute (V.I. Ilyina, 1965).

It is known that the pronunciation side of the speech of the deaf suffers from a number of shortcomings, including last place takes place at an excessively slow pace.

In the literature, there are various definitions of the concept of speech rate, depending on the aspect of the problem being studied and on the indicators that are used as the basis for the definition. So, L.A. Chistovich, V.A. Kozhevnikov, studying the influence of articulation tempo on quantitative changes sounds, they write: “...we can purely formally define the tempo as the speed of repetition of syllabic commands, as the coefficient by which the intervals between syllable commands specified in the program are multiplied” (We are talking about commands that cause the implementation of the entire complex of speech movements) [L.A. Chistovich, V.A. Kozhevnikov and others. Speech. Articulation and perception. M.-L., 1965, p. 96]. Researchers studying the temporal characteristics of speech (Arkhipov G.B., Gatenby D.Kh., etc.) understand the tempo of speech individual differences in the duration of pronunciation of phrases by each person, provided that for each of the speakers this duration of pronunciation is normal. V.S. Kochergina, in her study of the age-related dynamics of the rate of human speech, following Essen and L.F. Malanova, defines the rate of speech as “... the number of syllables pronounced per unit of time, combined with pauses and stops” [V.S. Kochergina. Age-related dynamics of the tempo and rhythm of speech in normal and pathological conditions. On Sat. " Psychosomatic development and the norm of reaction." M., 1975, vol. 85, issue I, p. 48].

In the practice of teaching oral speech to the deaf, the rate of speech usually means the rate at which a student pronounces speech segments per unit of time, most often syllables per minute. When determining the tempo of speech, it is necessary to take into account that there are two types of it - general and absolute. The overall rate of speech is characterized by speed speech utterance generally; the absolute tempo of speech allows us to judge the quality of the speaker’s articulatory movements (E.L. Nosenko). To characterize the rate of speech of deaf students, both the general and absolute rate of speech are equally significant.

The rate of speech of a normally hearing person can vary over a fairly wide range, and its fluctuations can be not only in the range of maximum and minimum values, but also in terms of the stability of tempo from phrase to phrase. The reason for this is a number of factors (type of higher nervous activity, level of speech proficiency and development of verbal-logical thinking, age, gender, degree of fatigue, mood, etc.). However, despite the rather wide range of changes, the rate of speech of normally hearing people is usually within the limits that allow oral speech to perform its communicative function.

Oral speech, always having a certain number of phonetic defects, is often characterized by a slow pace. V.I. Beltyukov, characterizing the rate of speech of deaf students, indicates that its value is almost 4 times less than that of hearing students. At such a speed of pronunciation, oral speech breaks down not into syntagms, as it should normally be, but into individual words or syllables, losing their rhythmic-intonation structure. Speech becomes drawn out, monotonous, and incomprehensible to others (M.A. Aleksandrovskaya, 1960, V.I. Beltyukov, 1970, K.A. Volkova, 1967, F.F. Rau, 1978, etc.).

Speech rate- speed of pronunciation of speech elements (sounds, syllables, words)

One of the expressive means of oral speech is its tempo. By slowing down the pace of his statement, a person emphasizes the importance, the special significance of what he is communicating. And vice versa, by speeding up the pronunciation of certain phrases, we often thereby express the secondary importance of what is being communicated. However, the pronunciation does not lose its correctness and intelligibility. Thus, the normal rate of speech is characterized by slowing down and speeding up. These fluctuations in the speed of utterances will depend on the speed of pronunciation of phonemes, words, phrases and on the frequency and duration of pauses between words and sentences.

It is considered normal to have a speech rate at which from 9 to 14 phonemes are pronounced in one second. A necessary condition for a normal speech rate is the correct ratio of the main processes occurring in the cerebral cortex - excitation and inhibition.

Most children do not immediately master a normal speech rate. Many preschoolers speak too quickly. This is explained by the fact that their inhibitory processes and control over their own speech are still weak. Often, imperfect speech tempo occurs as a result of imitation of others. The child sometimes speaks very quickly, sometimes too slowly, even within the same phrase. But in most cases, such phenomena disappear with age. However, due to various reasons, which will be discussed below, children may experience a pathological disturbance in the rate of speech: either excessive acceleration - tachylalia, or excessive slowing - bradylalia.

Tahilalia- pathological accelerated pace speech. This name comes from Greek word tachus, what does "fast" mean, and lalia- speech.

According to the definition of M.E. Khvattsev, with tachylalia, 20 - 30 sounds are pronounced per second (the norm is 9 - 14 sounds). Such rapid-fire speech can be difficult to understand, even when the pronunciation does not change. But often, due to the speed of utterance, syllables are repeated or, conversely, they are skipped, sounds and sometimes words are distorted. But the speaker, as a rule, does not notice all this. He often does not listen to the end of the interlocutor and is in a hurry to speak out himself. A stormy stream of sounds and words is pronounced without respite, until it is completely released. Sometimes immoderate fast pace speech is accompanied by rapid, sometimes erratic movements of the arms, legs or the whole body.

Tachylalia can occur already in childhood and, if special treatment is not carried out correctional work, intensify in adolescence and stay for life.

Bradylalia(from Greek bradus- slow, lalia- speech) - pathologically slow rate of speech. Some researchers use the term “bradyphrasia”.

With bradylalia, speech is excessively slow, with prolongation of vowel sounds, with sluggish, unclear articulation. Most children with this pathology are characterized by general lethargy, lethargy, and slowness. Often there is a slow pace of not only external, but also inner speech. Children with bradyllalia usually also have problems gross motor skills, attention, memory, thinking.

You have become acquainted with rhetorical techniques that help better reveal the content of your speech. In order to give a speech in front of an audience, it is important to use methods of presenting material from which speech technique is created: intonation, diction, articulation, tempo, gestures, etc. This lesson covers oratorical techniques that will help you when delivering your speech.

All these useful tricks studies a science called paralinguistics. In public speaking, paralinguistic methods can be divided into 2 groups:

Voice techniques

In rhetoric, all phonation and vocal techniques for pronouncing a text are called speech techniques. Speech technique is a set of vocal techniques using breathing, diction, tone and intonation, timbre, tempo and volume of speech. The following will describe the main components speech technology, as well as ways to develop and train them.

Breath. Breathing is the basis of speech, since speech sounds are formed precisely when exhaling. It is important to learn to breathe and develop your breathing potential. The whole point is that during public speaking(monologue), unlike ordinary situations, inhalation and exhalation are not equal: exhalation is much longer than inhalation. Breathing during speech occurs like this: after a short and intense inhalation, there is a pause, the abdominal and pectoral muscles tense to hold air in the lungs, and then a long exhalation occurs, passing through the vocal muscles and forming the sounds of our speech.

It turns out that public speech requires, firstly, more air than usual physiological respiration, and secondly, the ability to use this air economically while pronouncing words. To achieve this, you need to practice more.

Exercise 1. Blowing out the candles. Imagine that you need to blow out 3 candles. Take enough air into your chest and blow on each of the three imaginary candles. Now do the same for more candles, and increase their number gradually: 4, 5, 6, 7. As soon as you feel tired, stop and rest. After this, try to straighten up and inhale more and deeper, using the muscles of the diaphragm (at the lower ribs), and exhale more calmly and directed. After this, repeat the exercise, trying to blow out more imaginary candles, but in no case overexert yourself, otherwise you may feel dizzy from lack of air.

Exercise 2. Learning to correctly use exhaled air is one of the most difficult tasks. To train the optimal exhalation technique, you can use the poem by Samuil Marshak “The House That Jack Built”, try to pronounce each part of the poem in one breath. The recommendations here are the same as in the previous exercise for developing speech breathing.

Volume. Voice strength or volume are characteristics that anyone should be able to vary. good speaker. Moreover, the ability to speak both loudly and quietly is equally necessary. By skillfully managing the volume parameters of your voice, you can highlight the most important places delivered speech, which you already know well from previous public speaking lessons.

The main problem that arises for students of rhetoric is how to learn to speak loudly enough without putting too much strain on the vocal cords. Learning this skill may seem easy to some, but may require some effort. serious efforts and a lot of time, it all depends on your physiological characteristics. To achieve high volume without strain vocal cords You can use the following general recommendations:

  • Slow down the pace of your speech so that you can use more air on each sound of each word, if necessary. Breathe deeply (from your diaphragm).
  • Try to increase the resonance (vibration of sounds) in the vocal cavities: in the nasopharynx, larynx and chest.
  • Try to articulate better and more clearly (intensively use the organs of the speech apparatus), which will help better perception your speech even in the absence of strong vocal tension.

Test your knowledge

If you want to test your knowledge on a topic this lesson, you can work with the case and take a short test consisting of several questions.

Case Test your skills with the case "Forensic Elocution"

For each question, only 1 option can be correct. After you select one of the options, the system automatically proceeds to next question. The points you receive are affected by the correctness of your answers and the time spent on completion. Please note that the questions are different each time, and the options are mixed.

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