Soil resources examples. Question: What is the importance of soil resources for the residents of Kuban

Soil is the basis for obtaining agricultural crops, the main wealth on which our existence depends. Soil, plant and fauna belong to exhaustible but renewable natural resources. However, one can hardly agree with the attribution of mail and vegetation to practically the same group. For example, it takes decades for a felled forest to regenerate, but for the soil to regenerate? Essentially, soil is a renewable natural resource. We can use appropriate reclamation measures to increase the yield of crops on soil in which the top layer has been partially or completely lost, but it is impossible to restore natural pristine soil, since it was formed over many millennia in conditions that are already unique. At the same time, there is a significant difference between soil and other non-renewable natural resources (oil, coal and other mineral resources) is that if used correctly, it can not only age, not wear out, but even improve and increase fertility. Thus, soil is a special natural resource: it is both non-renewable and, at the same time, correct use, inexhaustible.

Soils used in agriculture for arable land and for growing crops are characterized by different fertility - the ability to provide plants with water, nutrients, air, and this creates the possibility of obtaining crops. One of the important indicators of the level of soil fertility is the thickness of the humus layer and the humus content in the soil. The humus layer is a storehouse from which plants receive food in the form of mudflow solutions. Humus glues mineral elementary particles into lumps, gives the soil an agronomically favorable structure, which creates an optimal regime for providing plants with water and air. Thus, the soils of the Ozersky district of the Moscow region belong to high level fertility with humus content: sod-podzolic soils - 2.5%, gray forest soils - 3%, chernozems - 7%.

There are two types of soil fertility: natural and effective.

Natural fertility is determined by the humus content, gross reserves nutrients, natural water, air and thermal conditions. Effective fertility is determined by the yield due not only to the natural properties of soils, but also to properties modified by human economic activity (liming of acidic soils, fertilization, reclamation measures, etc.).

Man, cultivating the land, increasingly changes the fertile properties of the soil. At the same time, through its interaction, it can increase or decrease soil fertility, increase or decrease the manifestation of erosion, deflation, and salinization. More than 2300 years ago, Aristotle’s student Theophrastus wrote: “Beans are not at all burdensome to the earth and even, apparently, fertilize it...”. When using land intensively, it is necessary not only to think about how to take more from it, but also at the same time to take care of increasing soil fertility.

>>Soil resources of Russia

§ 28. Soil resources of Russia

The importance of soil for human life. Without exaggeration, we can say that humanity owes its existence to the soil. soil - main source obtaining agricultural products and raw materials for some industries. Humanity receives 90% of its food in the form of crops from cultivated land. If we take into account livestock products obtained through grazing in meadows and pastures, this figure will increase to 98%.

But the value of soil is determined not only by its importance for the production of food and raw materials for industry, but also by the great ecological role the role that soil plays in the life of the biosphere. Through soil cover sushi - this thinnest surface shell - go very complex processes exchange of matter and energy between earth's crust, atmosphere, hydrosphere and all organisms living in the soil.

What should the soil be protected from? Soil is an easily degradable and practically irreplaceable type of natural resource. Natural enemies of soil are water and wind erosion. Human economic activity sharply increases erosion. By cultivating the soil, man deprives everything large areas land of natural grass cover. Plowed soils that are not protected by a fastening turf are subject to washout and erosion. Due to erosion, field productivity is reduced by 20-40%, so the fight against erosion is the most important means maintaining fertility, ensuring high yields.

Main anti-erosion measures: introduction of correct soil-protective crop rotations; strict adherence to agricultural technology; field-protective and anti-erosion forest plantations; special hydraulic structures.

About the importance of forests as water-protecting and soil-protecting factors, F. Engels wrote: “The people who in Mesopotamia, Greece, Asia Minor and other places uprooted forests in order to obtain arable land in this way did not even dream that they laid the foundation for the current desolation these countries, depriving them, along with the forests, of centers for the accumulation and conservation of moisture. When the Alpine Italians cut down the coniferous forests on the southern slopes of the mountains, so carefully protected in the north, they did not foresee that they were cutting off the roots of high-mountain cattle breeding in their area; still less did they foresee that by doing so they would most of for years they will leave their mountain springs without water, so that during the rainy season these springs can pour out even more frenzied streams onto the plain.” This classic assessment of forests is a serious warning to those who, regardless of the consequences, cut down forests in excess of scientifically based norms.

Rice. 50. Soils and soil resources

In which areas of our country do you think irrigation, drainage, and chemical reclamation prevail? Measure yourself on the map (Fig. 50).

The role of land reclamation in increasing soil fertility. Reclamation in agriculture is a set of organizational, economic, and technical measures aimed at radically improving soils, increasing their productivity in order to increase crop yields and feed for livestock.

The main types of agricultural reclamation are: drainage and irrigation, erosion control, chemical reclamation.

To protect and increase soil fertility, they play an important role various sciences: geography, biology, chemistry, etc. The task of geography is to study and identify areas requiring reclamation work, to predict possible influences reclamation of soils and other components of nature. For example, drainage reclamation requires great care. Excessive drainage of land can lead to the shallowing of rivers and lakes fed by wetlands, as well as the drying out of forests. During chemical reclamation, it is necessary to strictly observe the norms and regimes of fertilizer application. Their violation can cause oversaturation of plants minerals, deterioration of their nutritional qualities, and also lead to the washout of fertilizers into water bodies and their clogging.

Soil protection. Significant influence soils are affected by human activities. Using soils, a person changes their properties both for the better and for the better. the worst side. The annual plowing of the land does not leave its mark on the soil. Industrial development of territories has a significant impact on the soil. Waste released into the atmosphere and sewage ultimately ends up in the soil. Therefore, the soil in and around large industrial cities is heavily polluted with heavy metals, etc. To protect soils from negative consequences activities of people in our country, the “Fundamentals of Land Legislation” have been adopted - the main legal document on issues of use of land resources. Research institutes are studying issues of protecting soils from wind and water erosion, comprehensive measures for the protection of soil resources and methods for their rational use are being developed.

Human activities greatly influence soil formation. Proper soil cultivation (constant application of fertilizers, deep plowing, etc.) leads to the fact that podzolic soils turn into turf soils richer in humus. There were many such soils before mid-19th V. in the forest zone of the European part of Russia. But the intensive development of chernozems has led to the fact that forest soils have lost their meaning. Arable, cultivated lands began to be abandoned. And in 20-30 years turf soils began to turn into podzolic again.

Caring for forest plantings and grass during hikes, excursions, everyday life- this is the feasible contribution of each person to the protection of soils.

Questions and tasks

1. What is the importance of soils in the life of nature and humans?
2. What should the soil be protected from?
3. Give examples of the simplest reclamation to protect soils that are carried out in your area.
4. What types of land reclamation are carried out in our country? What is the reason for the choice of one or another type of reclamation?

Final assignments on the topic

1. Prove using any soil as an example that soils are a “mirror” of the landscape.
2. Explain what soil fertility depends on. Name the most fertile soils in Russia, explain the geography of their distribution.
3. What soil formation processes occur under conditions of excessive, sufficient and insufficient moisture?
4. Assess the main types of soil in our country. Indicate which of them are most favorable for agriculture, on which forests are mainly located.
5. What types of human activities lead to disruption of natural soil fertility? How can soils be improved?
6. What soils are common in your area, how are they used by humans, what measures are taken to improve the soil?

Geography of Russia: Nature. Population. Farming. 8th grade : textbook for 8th grade. general education institutions / V. P. Dronov, I. I. Barinova, V. Ya. Rom, A. A. Lobzhanidze; edited by V. P. Dronova. - 10th ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2009. - 271 p. : ill., map.

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Natural resources are elements of nature that can be used to meet the needs of society when this level development of productive forces. Security of Russia natural resources is assessed as very high, but their distribution throughout the country generally does not correspond to the distribution of sectors of the national economy.

According to the traditional classification, resources are combined into the following groups: land, soil, agroclimatic, mineral, water, forest, recreational.

Land and soil resources are similar concepts, but not identical.

Land resources- that's all physical surface Land that can be used in any way by man; soil resources are reserves of high-quality, fertile land suitable for use in agriculture and forestry as a means of production.

The country's land resources make up its land fund - 1707.5 million hectares. The land fund of Russia includes lands,%:

  • agricultural purposes - 38.1;
  • settlements(cities, towns, villages, etc.) - 0.4;
  • non-agricultural purposes (industry, transport, communications, military facilities) - 1.2;
  • natural reserve fund - 1.2;
  • forest fund - 51.4;
  • water fund - 1.0;
  • state reserve - 6.9.
  • The basis of agricultural land is agricultural land (arable land, perennial plantings, fallow lands, hayfields, pastures).

    So far, 45% of the country’s land resources, mainly forest funds, have not been affected by active economic activity. This is more than half the area of ​​land in Eurasia that has not been affected by economic activity. Free lands- one of the main resources of Russia. In terms of territory actively used in the economy, Russia ranks fifth in the world after Brazil, the USA, Australia and China.

    Soil resources make up a small part of Russia's land resources. Specific gravity agricultural land in the country's land fund is 13%, including arable land - 8% (about 122 million hectares). The bulk of agricultural land (70%) is located in the European macroregion, including 18.7% in the Volga, 16.2 in the Ural, 11.5 in the North Caucasus economic regions. In the Asian macroregion, the West Siberian economic region stands out - 16.3% of the country's farmland.

    IN Russian Federation in the structure of agricultural land, arable land accounts for 61%, hayfields - 9.5, pastures - 28, other agricultural land accounts for 1.5%. The structure of agricultural land depends on zonal characteristics and has significant differences among economic regions. The share of arable land in the structure of agricultural land ranges from 37% in East Siberian economic region up to 80% in the Central Black Earth region, hayfields - from 2% in the North Caucasus to 31% in the Northern region, pastures - from 14% in the Central Black Earth region to 47% in the East Siberian region.

    Land undergoes structural and qualitative changes, which in lately wear negative character. So, from 1985 to various reasons from rural economic use Over 18.7 million hectares were lost, including 10.3 million hectares of arable land.

    A significant part of agricultural land is unfavorable for the cultivation of agricultural plants. More than half of the lands are excessively wet, have high acidity, are salinized, and are subject to water and wind erosion.

    From north to south on the plains of our country they alternate following types soil

    Tundra - common on the Arctic islands and the coast of the North Arctic Ocean. They are characterized by low power, low humus content, and high acidity.

    Podzolic and sod-podzolic - formed under coniferous forests under conditions of positive moisture balance. In the south of the forest zone, podzolic soils give way to soddy-podzolic soils, in which the amount of humus increases and a lumpy structure appears.

    Gray forest - common at the junction of podzolic soils with chernozems, formed under deciduous forests.

    Chernozems are steppe soils, represented (from north to south) by the following varieties: podzolized, leached, typical, ordinary and southern. Typical chernozems are the most fertile subtype of chernozem soils. The power and humus content in them reach their maximum. Geographically, chernozems in Russia represent a strip running from west to east and limited from the north by the line Orel - Tula - Ulyanovsk - the lower reaches of the Kama River - Chelyabinsk - Omsk - Novosibirsk. In the south, black soil massifs reach the river. Kuban, the upper reaches of the Kuma and Terek rivers, rising to the northwest to the Don, and to the east they are limited by the line Volgograd - Saratov - the border with Kazakhstan, ending in the foothills of Altai. Chernozems are more plowed than any other type of soil.

    Chestnut soils are soils of dry steppes, formed under conditions of negative moisture balance. They are poorer in humus than chernozems, have less thickness, and exhibit salinity.

    Brown, gray-brown and gray soils appear during the transition to semi-deserts. They are poor in humus and are interrupted by massifs of salt marshes.

    Krasnozems are the southernmost soil type in Russia in a small area Black Sea coast Caucasus. They have great power and are favorable for the development of subtropical crops.

    Under the influence natural factors and human activity, soil fertility can either increase or decrease. Unfortunately, negative processes prevail today. As a result, black soils, which provide about 80% of the country's agricultural production, are subject to degradation. Due to the growth of ravines, up to 30 thousand hectares of chernozem soils are lost from use every year. The humus content in the soils of most regions has reached extremely low values, beyond which degradation occurs: in Non-chernozem zone- 1.3-1.5%, in the Central Black Earth region - 3.5-5%. Annual losses of humus on arable lands are estimated at 81 million tons. Due to the sharp reduction in the use of mineral and organic fertilizers Most regions have a negative nutrient balance.

    Thus, in modern conditions the problem is getting worse effective use land. Main directions rational use land resources and their protection are as follows:

  • conservation natural environment by creating stabilizing and specially protected areas capable of maintaining ecological balance;
  • preventing land degradation;
  • restoration of lost due to irrational economic activity and degradation of original properties and qualities land;
  • transition to resource-saving technologies and land management systems.
  • In solving problems of rationalizing the use of land resources and their protection important role belongs to federal target programs implementing economic policy states.

    How are soils used by humans?

    Soils are a source of agricultural raw materials and food.

    Questions in a paragraph

    *In which areas of our country do you think irrigation, drainage, and chemical reclamation are used?

    Irrigation is used in southern regions countries (the south of the Russian Plain, island areas in the south of Siberia). Drainage is carried out in the middle and northern zone of the Russian Plain, Western Siberia, south of the Far East. Chemical reclamation is used everywhere.

    Questions at the end of the paragraph

    1. What is the importance of soils in the life of nature and humans?

    Soil is the main source of agricultural products and raw materials for industry. Soils have a huge ecological significance. Soil is an important link in the cycle of matter and energy. In the soil organic matter turns into inorganic.

    2. What should the soil be protected from?

    Soils should be protected from erosion, chemical pollution, degradation of the upper fertile layer, desertification, and compaction.

    3. What types of land reclamation are carried out in our country? What is the reason for the choice of one or another type of reclamation?

    Irrigation and watering, drainage, anti-erosion measures, chemical reclamation. The choice of one or another type of reclamation depends on natural conditions and soil type. For example, in arid climates, field irrigation is used, and in excessive moisture, drainage is used.


    1. Prove using any soil as an example that soils are a “mirror” of the landscape.

    Let's consider the formation of chernozem. Chernozem is the most fertile of all others known species soil Chernozem is formed in the steppe and forest-steppe regions of Russia, and its formation itself takes several decades. For the formation of chernozem, the presence of certain natural conditions is necessary, for example, such as a moderately cold and dry climate, an abundance of meadow and steppe vegetation. During the process of decomposition (humification) huge amount remnants of vegetation that accumulate annually in the soil are formed and accumulated in top layer soil so-called humus, which is essentially humus. Humus is considered the most valuable element in the composition of chernozem. Thus, flat landscapes, dense grassy vegetation, certain climatic conditions– factors of formation of chernozems.

    2. Practical work No. 6. Identification of soil formation conditions for the main types of soil (amount of heat, moisture, relief, vegetation). Assessment of their fertility.

    Explain what soil fertility depends on. Name the most fertile soils in Russia, explain the geography of their distribution.

    The fertility of the soil depends on the content of nutrients, water, air, and its mechanical composition. Special significance has an amount of humus. The most fertile soils In Russia there are black soils. This soil contains much more humus than all other types. Formed under conditions of a continental temperate warm climate in the steppe zone and on open areas forest-steppes.

    What soil formation processes occur under conditions of excessive, sufficient and insufficient moisture?

    Under conditions of excessive moisture, bog soil formation occurs; under conditions of sufficient moisture, podzolic and soddy-podzolic soil formation occurs; under conditions of insufficient moisture, soddy soil formation occurs.

    Give an assessment of the main types of soils in our country. Indicate which of them are most favorable for agriculture, which ones are mainly occupied by forests.

    Tundra gley soils are found on plains. They are formed without much influence from vegetation. These soils are in areas where there is permafrost(in the Northern Hemisphere). Often, gley soils are places where deer live and feed in summer and winter.

    Arctic soils are produced by thawing permafrost. This soil is quite thin. The maximum layer of humus (fertile layer) is 1-2 cm. This type of soil has a low acidic environment. This soil cannot be restored due to the harsh climate. These soils are common in Russia only in the Arctic (on a number of islands in the Arctic Ocean). Due to the harsh climate and small layer of humus, nothing grows on such soils.

    Podzolic soils are common in forests. There is only 1-4% humus in the soil. Podzolic soils are obtained through the process of podzol formation. A reaction occurs with the acid. That is why this type of soil is also called acidic. Dokuchaev was the first to describe podzolic soils. In Russia, podzolic soils are common in Siberia and Far East. Such soils must be properly cultivated in agriculture. They need to be fertilized, organic and mineral fertilizers added to them. Such soils are more useful in logging than in agriculture.

    Gray forest soils are formed in forest areas. A prerequisite for the formation of such soils is the presence of a continental climate. Deciduous forest and grass vegetation. The places of formation contain an element necessary for such soil - calcium. Thanks to this element, water does not penetrate deep into the soil and does not erode them. These soils gray. The humus content in gray forest soils is 2-8 percent, that is, the soil fertility is average. Gray forest soils are divided into gray, light gray, and dark gray. These soils predominate in Russia in the territory from Transbaikalia to the Carpathian Mountains. Fruit and grain crops are grown on the soils.

    Brown forest soils are common in forests: mixed, coniferous and broad-leaved. These soils are found only in warm temperate climates. The soil color is brown. Typically brown soils look like this: on the surface of the ground there is a layer of fallen leaves, about 5 cm high. Next comes the fertile layer, which is 20 and sometimes 30 cm. Even lower is a layer of clay of 15-40 cm. There are several subtypes of brown soils. Subtypes vary depending on temperatures. There are: typical, podzolized, gley (superficial gley and pseudopodzolic). On the territory of the Russian Federation, soils are distributed in the Far East and in the foothills of the Caucasus. Low-maintenance crops such as tea, grapes and tobacco are grown on these soils. Forests grow well on such soils.

    Chestnut soils are common in steppes and semi-deserts. The fertile layer of such soils is 1.5-4.5%. On light chestnut soils, farming is possible only with abundant watering. The main purpose of this land is pasture. The following crops grow well on dark chestnut soils without watering: wheat, barley, oats, sunflower, millet. Chestnut soils in Russia are common in the Caucasus, the Volga region and Central Siberia.

    Chernozem - this soil contains much more humus than all other types. It is formed under conditions of a continental temperate warm climate in the steppe zone and in open areas of forest-steppe. Decomposition processes occur quickly in the warm season, and partial leaching of humus occurs only in early spring and late autumn. Humus constantly accumulates, creating very high soil fertility. On chernozem soils In the steppes and forest-steppes, grain crops (wheat, corn), sunflower, and sugar beets are grown.

    3. What types of activities lead to disruption of natural soil fertility? How can you improve soil fertility?

    As a rule, soil disturbance is the result of unsustainable agricultural practices. Soil fertility is lost due to non-compliance with crop rotation, improper application of fertilizers, compaction of soils under the weight of agricultural machinery, and overgrazing of livestock. Soil fertility can also be lost due to erosion, which is caused by improper plowing and deforestation. Soil fertility can be improved through reclamation (irrigation, watering, anti-erosion actions, chemical reclamation) and the introduction of complex crop rotations.

    Soil resources - which are the main source of raw materials for production food products, as well as some types of non-food products.

    Concept of soil

    Soil can be described as the center of an ecosystem. implies careful treatment of the soil. The absolute majority of flora and fauna are concentrated in it. Soils and soil resources accumulate energy, the basis of which is humus. All this is due to the fact that soil is not the whole earth, but only its surface layer, which has fertility.

    Earth and soil

    Land resources are earth's surface, on which it is possible to potentially place various economic facilities, as well as buildings and settlements.

    One of the most important areas The use of land resources is agricultural. The latter is possible only in relation to soils. Land resources in our country are enormous; soil resources are much more modest.

    In this regard, they often talk about soils and soil and land resources.

    Soil importance

    The soil is a habitat for many living organisms and also performs a protective function.

    What is the importance of soil resources? When answering the question, you need to try to imagine the entire wave of pollutants that is poured onto the earth by various manufacturers. It is the soil that is the primary link that connects them, making them to a large extent inaccessible to flora and fauna, from which trophic chains some of these harmful substances could reach a person, causing irreparable damage to his health. However perpetual motion machine does not exist, so the capabilities of soils are limited, especially under conditions of technogenic pollution.

    According to some reports, a lack of magnesium in the diet can cause stomach cancer. All necessary elements enter food through food chains from the soil.

    Soil resources are concentrated large number microorganisms, most of which are beneficial.

    In addition, many animals live in the soil, which, together with pathogenic microflora, can cause human diseases.

    Thus, there is both positive value soil resources, and negative.

    Soil resources and their features

    Soil resources are a place where phytomass accumulates; animals and microorganisms live here and decompose dying residues. As a result, all organic matter accumulates in the soil. This is the peculiarity of soil resources.

    Occur in the soil various processes on creation and destruction chemicals of different nature, both organic and mineral.

    Chemicals necessary for life accumulate in phytomass. Not all of these substances are needed by plants; most of them undergo migration, the speed of which is largely determined by the granulometric composition of the soil.

    The soil resources of our planet together form the pedosphere. Soil processes included in all global biogeochemical cycles.

    What are the characteristics of soil resources? Thus, the answer to this question lies on the surface. The peculiarities are that there are many different soils on the planet in terms of type, granulometric and chemical composition, physical properties, they grow on them various plants, they are inhabited by various microorganisms, which determines their different properties.

    Russian soils

    Our country has many different zones. In this regard, Russia's soil resources are diverse.

    In our country there are brown, brown, gray forest soils, chernozems, soddy, podzolic, permafrost, yellow soils, red soils and many other types of soils.

    Gley soils are mainly located in the north of our country. They contain a large amount of oxygen, they are waterlogged and practically unsuitable for agricultural use. In this regard, the flora growing on these soils is quite poor and is mainly represented by shrubs and mosses.

    In the taiga zone of conifers, podzolic soils are common, which are characterized by high acidity due to the decomposition of falling needles. Thanks to precipitation, the acidity is somewhat neutralized, but podzolic soils are considered infertile. On these soils it is necessary to apply large quantities lime materials that help neutralize acidity or grow crops that are not afraid of high acidity: potatoes, lupine and a number of others.

    Closer to the center of Russia there are brown and gray forest soils. They are rich in ash. The most fertile of these soil types are located in the forest-steppe zone.

    In addition to these soils, Russia's soil resources are also represented by chernozems, which are the most fertile soils. Among them, there are 5 types of chernozems, which differ in humus content, and, as a result, fertility. In some cases, the thickness of the humus horizon in these types of soils can reach or even exceed 1 meter (while in brown and gray forest soils it can reach a maximum of 45 cm).

    In arid conditions, steppes predominate. They are less fertile compared to chernozems. These types of soils, as well as others common in steppe zones - gray soils, gray-brown soils - belong to saline soils.

    Improving soil fertility

    Not all soils have the same soil fertility. It needs to be improved in soil resources. This is achieved by applying organic (peat, manure, compost, green manure, straw) and mineral fertilizers (all mineral fertilizers, except those containing chlorine, are universal, therefore, when fertilizers supposedly intended for vegetables are on sale, this is not entirely true , they can be used under various cultures depending on the supply of soil with nutrients available to plants). In addition, acidic soils are limed, alkaline soils are gypsumed, swampy soils are drained, and soils located in arid conditions, on the contrary, are irrigated.

    Granulometric composition

    Soils are formed through the process of weathering rocks. In this case, various particles are formed. Such particles have soil resources of organic and organomineral origin, which are formed as a result of natural processes.

    Particles having different size, have different effects on fertility. Thus, stones interfere with ensuring the high-quality implementation of agrotechnical requirements.

    Gravel is characterized by poor water-holding capacity and moisture holding capacity.

    In sand they are slightly better, water permeability is high. Agricultural crops grown in open ground can be cultivated on sand when the moisture capacity reaches 10% or higher.

    Coarse dust has approximately the same properties as sand. When medium and coarse dust predominates in the soil, they become prone to swimming.

    Fine dust is capable of swelling and shrinking and is characterized by stickiness and dense composition.

    Soil fertility largely depends on the silt content. This fraction promotes the occurrence of physical and chemical processes, is characterized by good absorption capacity, and is characterized by a high humus content. Basically, silt particles contribute to the formation of well-structured soil resources. This doesn't always happen. Thus, in the case of a low content of humic substances, soils may have unfavorable water and air properties.

    The same soil can contain different particles. Their ratio is called granulometric composition.

    Soils with a predominance of sand and clay have different properties. As the granules get heavier mineralogical composition soils are improved, which leads to an increase in the content of nutrients, an improvement in the accumulation of humus and on the processes of structure formation.

    Thus, soil fertility is influenced not only by the type of soil, but also by its granulometric composition.

    Chemical composition of soils

    Soils contain the most oxygen. Lots of silicon and aluminum. Compared to the lithosphere, soil resources contain more carbon and nitrogen resulting from biogenic activities.

    Compared to the lithosphere, the content of hydrogen and oxygen increases, which is associated with the processes of weathering of rocks.

    Each type of soil has its own chemical composition.

    In conclusion

    Thus, soil resources are soils that are located in a certain area. There are many types of soils in our country. This is due to the fact that spatially Russia is divided into many zones. Various types soils are fertile. It is influenced not only by type, but also by granulometric and chemical compositions. Different soils have different thermal, water, air and nutrient regimes. All this determines various types living organisms that predominate in different soils.

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