Preparatory reading assignments for future first graders. V

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Average secondary school No. 62"

“School of the future first-grader”

"Fundamentals of Literacy"

Krepkikh Natalya Vitalievna

primary school teacher

MBOU "Secondary School No. 62"


Kemerovo region

1 lesson
Lesson topic: Visiting Smeshariki! Hatching (vegetables).

Lesson objectives:

1) Acquaintance with the rules of shading, introduce the concept of “word”, replenishment of vocabulary.

2) development of horizons, auditory and visual memory, preparing fine motor skills for writing.

3) Foster a love of nature.

^ Lesson progress: notes


In a certain round state there lived Smeshariki. They lived quietly, played and had fun, but then it was time for Krosh to go to school. Losyash, Kopatych and Karych gathered for advice: “We need to prepare the little bunny for first grade.” And they began to ask him riddles about school supplies:
Author of riddles - Natalia Ivanova

(The answers are written from right to left)

You are a colored pencil

Color all the drawings.

To correct them later,

It will be very useful...


I'm ready to blind the whole world -

House, car, two cats.

Today I am the ruler -

I have...


I'm big, I'm a student!

In my backpack...


I'm ready for training starts,

I'll be sitting down soon...


I draw corners and squares

I'm in class...


And every schoolchild understands

What I really need...


Straight line, come on,

Draw it yourself!

It's complicated science!

Will come in handy here...


I look like a box

You put your hands on me.

Schoolboy, do you recognize me?

Well, of course, I -... (lanep)

Glue together a ship, a soldier,

Steam locomotive, car, sword.

And it will help you guys



Images of Krosh, Losyash, Karych, Kopatych.
At your discretion, you can selectively

^ Breathing exercises and articulatory gymnastics.

1) Deep breath- full exhalation.

2) Inflating the cheeks - pressing on the cheeks with your fingers - releasing air.

3) “Horses” - clicking the tip of the tongue behind the upper lips.

4) “Hide and seek” - without closing your mouth, the tongue must be moved back, the tip of the tongue is at the bottom.


Krosh took a long time to figure it out, everything was interesting and mysterious to him, well, a real adventure. And the friends decided to go sailing. “Where do you think they will go?

Game “find the odd one out”: boat, oar, steering wheel, sailor, flower

Conversation with children about the sea, reproduction of the painting “The 9th Shaft” by Aivozovsky

You can offer pictures of objects (for visual perception) Answers can have 2 options: sailor (live), flower (not related to the sea)


The Smeshariki sailed to the island, where they decided to rest and sent Krosh for firewood (brushwood)

But then bad weather broke out and it began to rain. Let's shade the umbrella for our heroes: place the tip of the pencil on the top of the umbrella and lower it down, repeating our actions again until the entire umbrella is shaded. The lines should be straight and at the same distance from each other

Find out the meaning of the word "brushwood"

Picture "rain"



Smeshariki were so happy that they invited us to play with them


To the cheerful tunes

Let's turn right, left.

Hands up, hands down!

Up! And bend over again!

Right, left with your head!

Hands up! In front of you!

Stomp your right foot!

Step right. Stay where you are!

Stomp your left foot!

Turn right towards your friend.

Give your right hand to a friend.

^ Exercises to prevent visual impairment.

The head is fixed. The eyes look straight ahead. It is necessary to practice eye movements in four main directions (up, down, right, left).


You need to fold the twigs so that you get a hut (house). We will help him! Let's take a pencil in our hands and draw short lines on our lines.

work in lines according to the sample.


Night fell on the island, the Smeshariki went to bed. Let's NOT disturb them. We will return to them in the next lesson.

What did you and I do today? But most of all we talked. We have collected the words. This means that when we name something, we pronounce words.

^ See you at the next lesson.

Lesson 2

Lesson topic: Smeshariki in space. Letter of direct short lines with a curve at the bottom.

^ Lesson objectives:

1) Determine the nature of the attitude towards learning. Introduce children to the rules of behavior at school.

2) To form the child’s motivational readiness for school.

3) Development correct breathing in colloquial speech, familiarization with the ruler
^ Lesson progress: notes


Today we will go into space with our Smeshariki. What is space? Before you fly you need to know magic words, because in order for Krosh to go to school, he needs to learn how to behave correctly not only at home or in space, but also with friends and with strangers you need to be polite. What magical polite words do you know? What should you be like to become good students?

Please continue with your suggestions:

1. He is not used to being lazy,
He is diligent: (student)

2. He will always help a friend
And in trouble he will extend his hand,
Explains the problem instantly
He is good: (student)

Do you guys want to go to school? And for what?

Introduction to the concept of “Politeness”

Images of Smeshariki and rockets.

The children's answers are listened to.


It can be affectionate
Can be rude
It can be loud
Or maybe quiet.
It may offend
Might make you laugh
It can be said.
Or you can take it and write,
But for this you need to know the letters.
What is this? (children's answers - word). Now let's check how many words you know? Let everything that surrounds you help you

Form the concept of “word”

"Say the word" game


We fly among the stars and planets, but the planets also have their own rules, they each rotate along their own path. So the school has its own rules:

When children come to school, what do they do when they meet adults and each other? (children's answers - say hello).

Rule No. 1.
At school they say "hello"
And they give you a look with a smile!

What should a student do before the bell rings for class?
-And when the bell rings, where should each student wait for the teacher to arrive?

^ Rule N2.
Come before the bell rings
And put things in order!
When the bell rings, everyone is in a row
The teachers are waiting, standing.

What should students do to learn new things and learn a lot in class? How to contact your teacher if you want to ask something?

Rule No. 3.
Don't bother your friend in vain,
Take care of his peace.
There is silence in the lesson,
Raise your hand then
If you want to answer
Or something important to say.

If a student answers a teacher's question, is it possible to give him hints? (children's answers).

Rule No. 4.
In class they are waiting for the answer -
Some people know, some don't,
Only he answers.
Whom the teacher will name.

Images of stars and planets

physical minute

stood up, tilted the head forward

steps in place, turning the body left and right, standing at attention

turning the body left and right, putting a finger to the lips, raising a hand, imitating the situation in a lesson.

Raising and lowering the shoulders up and down, pointing the index finger to the sides, turning around its axis.

P.S.: movements are arbitrary


Our rocket landed on the palm planet. What is a palm tree? What grows on palm trees? Shade only the coconuts in the picture, and what colors are found on the palm tree? Shade only green objects, shade or paint only brown objects.

Finger gymnastics:

This finger is grandpa

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me

That's my whole family!

Alternately bend the fingers, starting with the thumb. When finished, rotate your fist


A palm tree grows by the sea, who lives in the sea? Smeshariki need to eat, we need to catch fish, we need a hook for a fishing rod. We write short straight lines on the lines with a curve at the bottom according to the sample.

Prescription according to demonstration and sample.


So the Smeshariki’s journey has come to an end, but they are so lost that they cannot find their way home,

let's help them!

In the next lesson, the Smeshariki and I will learn how to behave correctly on the road.

Outdoor game " ^ CATCH, FISH!” Each participant ties a thin rope (about one and a half meters long) with a stick at the end to his belt. fish.

You need to “catch” the most fish, that is, be able to break the ropes of your opponents by stepping on their sticks, and save your fish. Players who lose their stick are eliminated from the game.

Lesson 3
Subject: Smeshariki on the road. Writing short lines with a curve at the bottom. Games with sounds

^ Goals: Development phonemic hearing and vigilance. Update your knowledge of traffic rules

progress notes


Today, together with Smeshariki, we will go on a journey along the road. What types of transport do you know? Guess riddles about transport: What a miracle - a long house!
There are a lot of passengers in it.
Wears rubber shoes
And it runs on gasoline.
^ Bus

Floats boldly in the sky,
Overtaking the birds in flight,
Man controls it.
What's happened?

Lifted by a giant
Piles of cargo to the clouds.
Where he stands, then
A new house is growing.
^ Crane
This horse doesn't eat oats
Instead of legs there are two wheels.
Sit on horseback and ride it,
Just drive better.

He starts digging and replaces a hundred shovels.

Children's answers are listened to


Today Traffic Light came to visit us. Why is it needed on the road?

Color green –
Come on in!
Yellow -
Wait a little.
Well, what if it’s red?
The passage is dangerous! Why are there rules? traffic? What sounds do you hear on the road, on the street?

Well, what is it:

Here's a road riddle:
What is that horse's name?
What lay on the transitions,
Where do pedestrians walk? (zebra) Why do we need a zebra crossing on the road? Let's shade our figure like a zebra.

Children's answers are listened to

Let's play a game: I show a red card - you get up, a green card - you go, a yellow card - you jump on the spot.

Hatching obliquely from right to left.


But when our car arrived at the river bank, what kind of transport do we need? Let's remember what items are needed on the ship? Take a pencil of your favorite color and color the boat
We draw smooth lines according to the sample.

Updating the knowledge of the first lesson. Reflection of mood in a graphic editor

Display with commentary on the board.


We all know that living objects make different sounds. Let's play: I name the animal, and you depict what sound it makes: snake, cat, dog, goat, cow, goose, chicken, rooster, donkey, wolf, mouse.

Formation of phonemic hearing.

Game "living-non-living"


So, you and I returned home with Smeshariki. What interesting things did you learn from today's lesson?

In the next lesson we will learn how to behave at a party.

Children's answers

Lesson 4

Subject: Smeshariki welcomes guests. In the world of sounds and letters and words

^ Goals: Correlation of sounds and signs. Use polite words in speech, familiarize yourself with the rules of behavior when visiting.

progress notes


Mother's Day is approaching and Smeshariki decided to invite their friends to visit. What does it mean to visit?

What do they do when visiting? We will drink tea, but to set the table, let's play: I name a word-object, and you say what this object does (the action of this object)

A teapot (boils, hisses, seethes), a cup (rings, stands), water (runs, pours), tea leaves (rustles, falls, brews), a goose (hisses, walks, flaps its wings). Which word is missing? Why?

The children's answers are listened to.

Formation of the concept different meanings words

Development logical thinking, ability to justify.


We've set the table, we're sitting down to drink tea, but what needs to be done before that? We took soap in our hands,

Open the water tap,

We rub our hands together cheerfully without boredom.

Three palms, three fingers,

And we wash them off later,

We wipe it with a towel, we don’t know any more dirt.

Pour tea into cups: there are droplets in front of you, let's shade them according to the pattern.

Wash your hands: physical exercise to warm up your fingers (develop fine motor skills)

Hatching diagonally from right to left.


We drank tea, got bored and decided to send Smeshariki boats along the streams. You have different boats on the pieces of paper, let’s try to draw them exactly according to the pattern and line. Please note: the mast of a small boat touches the middle of the wide line, and the mast of a large one passes through the narrow one, to the middle of the next wide line. To make our boats festive, we will draw flags for them according to the model.

Formation of graphic skills, orientation in a line.


Krosh won the boat launch game and decided to play with you ^ Physical education lesson "Visiting the Bunny"

I'll draw a Bunny.
This is the head. /circular movement of hand
Ears on top of head
it will be two. /puts palms to head
Three - Bunny will have
fluffy gray tail / body turns
And four are eyes
They look very funny. /applies binoculars to hands
To eat carrots deliciously -
Mouth, teeth five and six! /shows chewing a carrot
The Bunny's fur coat is seven / strokes the sides, arms, shoulders
Eight - he's absolutely fast! /jumping in place
Nine - ran until sunset / reaches out to the sun, and then shows how it sets,
Ten - the Bunny needs to sleep / shows how the Bunny puts his paws under his cheek.

Teacher speaks and imitates movements as if he is drawing:

Lesson No. 5

Subject: Smeshariki in the forest. Writing straight lines with curves at the top and bottom.

^ Goals: to develop the ability to listen, retell ; develop associative memory; develop fine motor skills, the ability to work frontally

No. Lesson progress notes


Guess the riddle :

^ It's big, thick, green
Represents the whole house
Birds will also find shelter in it.
Bunnies, wolves, wild boars

Today Krosh and Hedgehog went to the forest. Say the word “FOREST”. How many sounds does it have? Let's clap every sound. What trees grow in the forest?

Pronounce by sounds.

Formation of phonemic hearing


Hatching the Christmas tree according to the pattern.


Guess the riddles of who our Smeshariki met in the forest

In the summer, in the swamp, you will find it.

Green frog. Who is this?
-Angry touchy-feely

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

There are a lot of needles

And not just one thread.
-Lives in a mink, gnawing on crusts.

Short legs; afraid of cats.

Cunning cheat, red head,

The fluffy tail is beautiful!

And her name is...
She walks in the rain
Loves to pluck grass
Quack screams, It's all a joke,
Well, of course it's...a duck.

Describe the duck, what is it like?

^ Our duck quack-quack-quack,

Cleans the feathers on the sides,

It flutters its wings,

He really wants to swim.

^ Prescribing according to the sample

Children's answers are listened to

Finger gymnastics

Development of fine motor skills


We clap our hands, clap, clap
clapping overhead
We stomp our feet, stomp, stomp
raise your knees high
Shaking our heads
move your head forward back
We raise our hands, we lower our hands
hands up, hands down
We squat low and we stand up straight
sit down and jump
Hands down, on your side.
Unclench it into a fist
Hands up and into a fist
Unclench it to the side
Get up on your toes
Squat and stand up
Feet together. legs apart

physical minute


Take a pencil of your favorite color and color the duck in the drawing.

Color reflection

Lesson No. 6

Subject: Smeshariki go to school. Game “Words are different”

Goals: Familiarization with the rules of conduct at school. Developing children's attention to the sound side of audible speech (their own and others') Continuation of shading

No. Course of the lesson: notes


Guess the riddles:

1-The house is worth
Who will enter it?
That mind will gain.

Answer: School

2-Stands on one leg,
He twists and turns his head.
Shows us countries
Rivers, mountains, oceans.

Answer: Globe

3- I’m lying in my school bag,
I'll tell you how you learn.

Answer: Diary

4- There is a white hare in a black field
Jumped, ran, did loops.
The trail behind him was also white.
Who is this hare? ...

Answer: Chalk

5- I carry a new house in my hand,
The house door is locked.
The residents here are made of paper,
All terribly important.

Answer: Briefcase

6- If you give her a job,
The pencil was in vain.

7- If you sharpen it,
Draw everything
Whatever you want!
Sun, sea,
Mountains, beach...
What is this?..

We will need all these items in first grade.


But before we study, we need to remember the rules of behavior at school:

There is a magical country called “School”, where students live, but not everyone can become a student. Do you want to be disciples? To do this, you need to follow generally accepted rules. Let's remember them.

Children's answers corrected by the teacher.


Guess the riddle:

^ He who does not spin does not weave,
And he dresses people. (ram)

Barash also wants to be a student. Let's help him? He brought these cards, where the letters were mixed up (tik-kit, mdo-dom, yrs-cheese, lyua-yula, tko-cat).

Picture with a hero.

The guys make up words according to the specified digital scheme (tick: k-1, and-2, k-3, each word has its own scheme)


Find Brother Barash on your pieces of paper
Tell us what you know about this animal? Shade it with oblique lines from top to bottom, from right to left.

Speech development, shading.


Let's write down on the lines how the Boran's fur curls. First small curls, and then more and more...

Barash has prepared farewell surprises for you: Winx coloring pages for girls and Spider-Man for boys.

Work on the lines

coloring pages

Preparatory classes for future schoolchildren should be carried out, albeit in game form, but persistently and methodically, smoothly transforming the game into a small lesson.

Education - mandatory process for everyone and for everyone. It is difficult to do without school, because, in addition to the necessary general education knowledge, it provides communication skills, instills a certain system of values ​​and a sense of responsibility, and gives the first experience of adapting to the future. adult life... In a word, he teaches everything that is almost impossible to comprehend while at home.

School gives knowledge, but a child should be sent to first grade not with the expectation that he will be taught everything, but prepared. Then the preschooler will have less stress, and educational process will not cause difficulties and problems with adaptation to the new status of “junior” school age"will not arise.

Preparatory classes - the sooner the better

No matter how strange it may sound, the older the child, the more difficult it is to prepare him for school. Especially if he doesn't go to kindergarten(in a preschool group, the teacher conducts classes according to a specially established methodology, and the children, competing with each other, grasp the material faster), and sits with their mother or grandmother at home. And even more so when no steps had been taken towards this before. At 4-5 years old, the baby happily learns the concepts of “larger-smaller”, “vowel-consonant”, “sound-letter”, “number-digit”, especially if the parents do not act as a strict teacher, but offer an exciting game.

Thematic material:

But at 7 years old - turning point age from toddler to schoolchild - the child begins to feel embarrassed about his ignorance and at the same time resist studying. It’s no longer appropriate for him to play “like children,” but he still doesn’t know how to play “like adults.” A conflict arises, which first results in “I don’t understand - I don’t want”, then in “I don’t want - I won’t - I’m not interested.” Especially if the baby is closed by nature. And here parents need to work hard (the main thing is patiently and tactfully, without shouting and accusatory labels!) to turn the situation around.

Perfect time study school life– 5-6 years. By this age the child:

  • has quite an impressive vocabulary(it, as a rule, is about 2 thousand words, among which there are both temporal and spatial concepts);
  • perceives and uses complex sentences;
  • familiar with the elements educational activities(albeit in a playful way);
  • plans independently, and then controls and analyzes his actions;
  • understands the difference between a request and a direction;
  • his fine motor skills are already quite well developed (at least, this should be the case if he draws, sculpts, assembles construction sets, mosaics, puzzles);
  • knows how to use the senses and understand their signals (distinguishes between “large” and “small”, “high” and “low”, “short” and “long”, “black” and “white”, “light” and “heavy”).

All caring parents need is to choose a methodology and material to properly use this baggage, developing:

  • baby's memory;
  • logic;
  • ability (skills) to write;
  • basic mathematical knowledge.

Game as the basis of classes

Any parent should make it a rule: the child is the greatest life value. He demands respect for his interests and will not tolerate if they are not taken into account. Be prepared for the fact that the offspring you are trying to teach something will often take it with hostility. In children's mouths it looks something like this:

Initially, preparation for school includes activities for preschoolers in an entertaining way, but persistently, consistently and methodically, smoothly transforming the game into a lesson, albeit small (15-20 minutes).

Preschoolers and mathematics

Conduct your first preparatory arithmetic classes right on the way home, to the store, even while sitting on a chair. Here sample tasks Developing numeracy, problem solving and logical thinking skills:

  • We’re walking down the street, we see birds sitting on a tree branch (on a bush, on wires), we say with interest: “Look how many birds there are, let’s count them.” And we expressively say out loud together with the child: one, two, three... A bird flies away, and we immediately say: “There’s one less.” How many are there now? She flew in and sat down: “Birds have been added, shall we check?” Here we have counting, understanding of the operations of subtraction and addition, and observation;
  • We go up the stairs to the apartment: “I wonder how many steps we have here?” The baby will begin to count them - this is a pattern. If he doesn’t know the next number, we give him a hint. And the next time you go down or go up again, you suggest: “Let’s check if there are more (fewer) steps” - we fix the count;
  • sitting on a chair, say, deliberately making a mistake: “How does he not fall? Most likely, the stool has six legs. Shall we check? After the child has counted, we continue: “Are there more or fewer backs (seats)?” – we develop the ability to compare, compare.

The same can be done with any objects that catch your eye or your hands.

  • draw a dot in each cell, after one, two, three and so on;
  • circle the cell, counting how many lines there are, saying the words “segment”, “side”;
  • connect with a line opposite angles cells;
  • We introduce the concept of “geometric shapes”: we invite the child to connect two or three cells so that they get squares, rectangles, triangles. At the same time, we explain that if all sides are the same, it is a square. Saying the words “length”, “width”, we say the difference between a square and a rectangle and explain that width is the short sides, length is the long sides. We also point out the features of a triangle (it has three sides).

By the way, circles, squares, rectangles and even trapezoids tightly surround us at home: large, smaller, inclined, sharp, blunt. These are pieces of furniture, pots, blankets, pillows. The main thing is not to forget to show and tell what shape they are. These are also math classes for future first-graders. And to avoid getting bored, compete to see who can find the most squares, circles, and so on. On the street - who can quickly count the cars in the parking lot, the pigeons near the bench, the trees along the alley...

The next phase is numbers. It is not necessary to write them, the main thing is to know them. We do it like this:

For educational purposes, also use stencils, cut out numbers, and glue them to the sheet.

Preparing future first-graders in writing

Classes begin after the child has learned to hold a pen and pencil correctly. Written preparation Before entering school, it begins with showing a line in a notebook in an oblique (!) line. Yes, yes, exactly like that, and by running your finger over it. It is us, adults, who can see the lines, the beginning and the end of the page, it is clear that you need to write from left to right, and not vice versa. For a child this is not at all obvious, he does not know and should not know anything like this - and there is nothing to be surprised about.

And remember important rule: It’s not just NOT NECESSARY to teach a child to write letters, it is IMPOSSIBLE to do this! Moreover, it is harmful. Even if you are a teacher or your mother is an honored teacher. Write letters correctly and clearly established order, specially developed techniques are taught by the teacher - in the first grade. The child just needs to be prepared to write them.

So, having decided on the lines, we draw next classes:

  • put dots on the line in any order;
  • learning to write points at a uniform distance. First, one of the parents puts the dots with a pencil, the child repeats them with a pen, then the baby continues to do it independently;
  • we connect two adjacent points with a line, leaving a space between adjacent segments;
  • We write straight, then inclined lines from the top to the bottom line of the line. Don't worry if the resulting sticks "dance" and are not parallel to each other. It will come with time. It’s better to draw, say, a flower (a car) in the middle of the line and ask to fence it off with fence lines on one side, and then on the other;
  • draw out the bottom loops. It's difficult and boring. Therefore, it is better to use a pencil to draw in your notebook some small animal with a curved tail (a cat, a mouse, a snake) and ask them to complete the tip-loop with a pen;
  • We are practicing the skills of writing a dash with a loop. For example, we depict umbrella hats, and the children add handles to them. To make it more interesting, use multi-colored ink;
  • We draw in a notebook a small and a large sun, moon, month and shade (do not paint over!) them. Hatching, like no other exercise, develops clarity, lightness and smoothness of lines;
  • We connect adjacent dashes and loops with a continuous line. It could be waves, lamb's horns, dragonfly or butterfly antennae, a fence, the roof of a gnome's house, flower petals, smoke from a steam locomotive.

During preparatory writing classes, the child:

  • draws small items(for example, mushrooms, cherries, eyes of a bear or fairy);
  • depicts happy and sad faces by drawing circles;
  • traces the outlines of pictures;
  • shades the proposed figures in one direction without going beyond the line;
  • Without lifting his hand, he draws zigzags, a spiral (for example, a snail's house, a coiled snake, an assembled hose that was used to water his grandmother's garden) - from the largest turn to the smallest.

By the way, this is very difficult and extremely important stage preparation - the hand and fine motor skills of the fingers are developed, perseverance is trained, which is indispensable at school, the ability to concentrate, and be able to use a pen and pencil freely.

All these classes are conducted not in one day, but over several months (at least seven to eight). So if you haven’t paid attention to preparing for school before, subtract eight months from September and get down to active work. Already in the first grade, the child will thank you, and the teacher will note good base, so necessary for the baby to start into adulthood.


The beginning of schooling is a natural stage in life path child: every preschooler, reaching a certain age, goes to school.

At what age is it better to start systematic schooling: at 6 or 7 years old, or maybe at 8? What program should I teach my child? Will he cope with the school load? How to prepare a child for school? How to help a little schoolchild when he encounters his first school difficulties? These questions worry parents and teachers of future first-graders. Their concern is understandable: after all, how successful the start of schooling is will determine the student’s performance in subsequent years, his attitude towards school, learning and, ultimately, well-being in his school and adult life.

Support for future first-graders is structured in such a way that targeted work is carried out with parents and children through joint activities teachers.

The main task is complete and harmonious development child. It is important to clearly understand which activities with a child most contribute to the development of qualities that are significant for school learning and ensure the necessary level of school readiness.

Parents are offered a series of classes on this issue and a survey with them.

It is carried out with children psychological diagnostics, preparatory classes. These classes allow you to eliminate existing speech disorders, prepare children for educational activities and develop motivation for learning.

It is advisable to conduct classes once a week.

Organizing classes at the school of a future first-grader will allow you to systematize the available material and draw up methodological recommendations.

In this brochure we present methodological developments for developmental activities at the school of future first-graders, with children and their parents.

We hope that this material will help teachers in successfully organizing classes with future first-graders and their parents.

Chapter I. Methodological developments developmental activities with future first-graders.

Lesson objectives:

Ø facilitate the natural process of getting to know the school and create favorable atmosphere, allowing future first-graders and the teacher to better understand each other.

Work is progressing in the following areas:

ü development of attention and memory;

ü development of small muscles of the hand and fingers;

ü development of coherent, grammatically and phonetically correct speech;

ü mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities in mathematics (counting forward and backward, working with sets of objects, working on the composition of numbers, spatial orientation, solving poetic problems...);

ü development mental abilities;

ü literacy training (the ability to hear sounds, operate with them, encode sounds);

ü development of socio-psychological readiness for school (ability to communicate, listen to teachers and friends, act together with others);

ü development of the child’s volitional readiness.

Lesson 1


Target: Development of speech, visual memory, auditory attention, micromotor skills. Establishing contact with children.

Equipment: 7-8 rubber toys, a fake orange, an audio cassette with a recording of 6 sounds.

Progress of the lesson

  1. Conversation on the topic: “Me and school.”

· Do you like school?

· What do you like to do most?

· Who doesn't like going to school?

· Who is afraid of school?

  1. Today we will play different games, be careful.

· Guess the description: round, orange, sweet. Show orange dummy

What orange?

Finger game

“We shared an orange. There are many of us, but he is alone.
This slice is for the hedgehog, this slice is for the siskin,
This slice is for ducklings, this slice is for kittens,
This slice is for the beaver, and the peel is for the wolf.
He's angry with us. Trouble! Run away in all directions!”

The game is accompanied various movements fingers. When performing it, it is necessary to ensure clarity of movements from children.

· We relaxed and closed our eyes. Listening to an audio cassette (the creaking of a door opening, the gurgling of water, the squeak of a rubber toy, the rustling of paper, knocking on a metal object, knocking on a wooden object.)

List what sounds you heard?

Repeated listening, memorization.

  1. Reflection. – What games did you like?

Let's praise ourselves. Right hand stroke yourself on the head from the back of the head to the forehead, with the left hand - in a circular motion on the stomach.

Lesson 2


Target: Develop verbal memory, fine motor skills, passive vocabulary. Introduce the concept of "row". Learn to understand prepositions for, between, before. Form learning motivation.

Progress of the lesson

I. Introduction

The music of the song "ABVGDeyka" sounds.

Teacher. Today you all became students of the ABVGDeyka school. Although our school is small, it is already a school. And the school has its own rules. Want to know which ones?

If you want to answer, don't make any noise.

Just raise your hand.

If you want to answer, you have to stand up,

When they allow you to sit down, sit down.

A desk is not a bed

And you can't lie on it.

You sit at your desk slimly

And behave with dignity.

The bell is ringing.

II. Speech development.

Ø Today we will go to one for all of you famous fairy tale. And what kind of fairy tale this is, the words “It pulls, it pulls, it can’t pull out” will help you guess. Let's remember the heroes of this fairy tale.

Ø Children name the heroes of the fairy tale, and at this time the teacher takes out the dolls.

Ø Now we will have a puppet show, and you will become artists. Artists should not be shy, speak loudly and clearly.

Ø Children play out a fairy tale.

Ø Why did the family pull out the turnip?

V. Hand placement

Ø Now we will go to visit our grandparents. But getting to them is not easy. We open the notebook with the words:

I I'll open my notebook

And I'll put it on an angle

I won’t hide it from you, friends,

I hold the pencil like this.

I'll sit straight, I won't bend,

I'll get to work.

Ø You see a path in the notebook. It is quite narrow. Your task is to follow the path without going beyond its boundaries. And in order for your fingers to obey, they need to be warmed up.

Ø A finger massage is performed.

This finger is the thickest, strongest and largest.

This finger is for showing it.

This finger is the longest, and it stands in the middle.

This ring finger is the restless one.

And the little finger, although small, is very dexterous and daring.

VI. Change "Cat on the Roof" (automation of the sound "sh-sh-sh-sh")

Ø A child is sitting on a bench with his eyes closed. He's a cat. The rest of the children are “mice”. They quietly approach the cat and, shaking their fingers at each other, say in a low voice:

Hush, mice, hush, mice!

The cat is sitting on our roof.

Mouse, mouse, beware

And don't get caught by the cat.

Ø The cat wakes up and says: “Meow.” Jumps up and chases the mice.

VII. Mathematics.

Ø On the board there are drawings with characters from the fairy tale “Turnip”.

Ø Let's count the heroes of our fairy tale. How many heroes are there in total?

Lesson 3

Visiting the turnip

Target: Develop verbal memory, micromotor skills, train facial muscles.

Equipment: poster “faces”, ball, masks of “turnip” characters, cards with numbers, mirrors.

Progress of the lesson

I. Game "Snowball".

Ø We name the seasons. ( Children and an adult stand in a circle. The first one names the word (winter) passes the ball, the next one names the previous word and adds his own, etc.)

III. Reflection.

Ø What did you like? Choose the face that you like right now and draw it.

Lesson 4

Progress of the lesson

I. Introduction.

Teacher. Mishka-Toptyzhka has come to visit you. He wants to invite you to a wonderful house.

There are miracles in this house:

There are many desks, the bell is a wasp.

The bell rang and there was silence.

It's time to start the lesson.

What is this?

III. Games for attention

The game “We’ll take it or we won’t take it?”

Ø The teacher shows objects, and the children clap their hands if they are school supplies. Items for display: pen, album, cracker, pencil, eraser, doll, pencil case, textbook.

Game "What has changed?"

Children look at objects, then lower their heads to their desks. The teacher changes places at this time. Children guess what has changed.

V. Motor memory

Drawings on the board school supplies. If the teacher points to the pen, then the children stand up straight, like soldiers. If on an album - hands to the sides, if on a pencil - hands up, on an elastic band - sit down, on a pencil case - hands back and forth, on a textbook - jumping.

VI. Hand placement

Now I'm in a cage, now I'm in a line,

Feel free to write for me.

You can also draw

I call myself...(Notebook).

Ø In front of the children lies a sheet of paper, folded in half, like a notebook. The teacher explains what a sheet, page, cell is. Children show the upper right and left corners, the lower left and right corners. Circle the cell, place a circle in the upper right corner, a triangle in the lower left corner, and draw a square in the middle of the page.

VII. Outdoor game"U bear in the forest"(sound automation [r])

The bear has mushrooms in the forest and I take berries.

But the bear does not sleep, but the bear growls.

Ø When the bear starts to “growl”, the children run away.

VIII. Development of thinking

Game "Question and answer"

Ø The teacher asks a question and throws a teddy bear to the child, the child answers the question and throws the toy back.

Ø How should you address the teacher at school?

Ø If you need to ask the teacher something, what do you do?

Ø If you need to go to the toilet during class, what will you say?

Ø What is a lesson?

Ø How do you know when it's time to go to class?

Ø Why is the change needed?

Ø What is the name of the room in school where children study?

Ø What is the name of the table at school where children sit?

Ø Where does the teacher write when explaining the task?

Ø What is a mark?

Ø Which marks are bad and which are good?

Ø What are vacations?

Ø What kind of holidays are there?

IX. After the game the teacher asks homework and says goodbye until the next class.

Lesson 5


Target: generalize the child’s knowledge about the seasons and months of the year.

Progress of the lesson

Teacher. Which four artists are mentioned in the poem?

Four artists, as many paintings,

I painted everything with white paint.

White forest and field, white meadows,

Snow-covered aspens have branches like horns.

The second one has blue skies and streams.

A flock of sparrows splash in blue puddles.

There are transparent pieces of ice on the snow - lace.

The first thawed patches, the first grass.

There are countless colors in the painting:

Yellow, green, blue are available.

Green forest and field, blue river,

White, fluffy clouds in the sky.

And the fourth painted the gardens with gold,

Fruitful fields, ripe fruits...

Beads are everywhere - berries are ripening in the forests

Who is that artist? Figure it out for yourself.

Ø Children solve riddles and find corresponding pictures.

I. Spring.

1) Children describe spring. They pronounce the word “spring”, emphasizing the first sound. Next, children “collect” words with the sound [v], which are associated with spring.

Ø What spring months do you know? March, April, May.

Ø Is there a letter v in the names of these months? No.

The teacher introduces the symbols for each month. Then he names the month January, March, February, April, August, June, May, September. Children clap, but if the teacher calls the spring months, then you cannot clap.

II. Summer

Ø Summer certainly comes after spring. Find pictures that correspond to this time of year. Children complete the task. - Which summer months You know? June, July, August.

Ø In summer everything comes to life and enjoys life. Animals have babies. What animal are we talking about? (Picture of a fox)

Children describe a fox.

Ø Not only animals enjoy summer, but also insects.

Children play the outdoor game "Bugs". Children (beetles) say: “I am a beetle, I am a beetle, I live here. Buzz, buzz: buzz.” At the signal “rain,” the beetles fly home, and the driver catches them.

III. Autumn

Ø Summer follows...

Ø What autumn months You know? September, October, November.

Leaf fall! Leaf fall!

Our garden is all colorful!

Ø Look at the board, how many yellow leaves are there? Six.

Ø How many green ones? Five.

Ø Which leaves are there more? Yellow.

Ø How much? For one.

Ø How are the leaves different? ( Color, shape, veins.)

The teacher distributes pieces of paper to the children.

Ø First put a green leaf, after it put a yellow one, between green and yellow - red, fourth - maple, last - aspen, penultimate - orange.

IV. Winter.

Ø Following autumn comes...

Ø Name the winter months. January, February, December.

The teacher asks the children to finish drawing a snowflake.

Lesson 6

Days of the week

Target: generalize the child’s knowledge about the days of the week

Progress of the lesson

Once upon a time there lived a fly - a clean one.

The fly was swimming all the time...

She swam on Sunday

In excellent strawberry jam.

On Monday - in cherry liqueur.

On Tuesday - in tomato sauce.

On Wednesday - in lemon jelly.

On Thursday - in jelly and resin.

On Friday - in yogurt, compote and porridge.

On Saturday, after washing herself in ink, she said:

I can't do it anymore!

Terribly - terribly tired.

But it doesn’t seem to have gotten any cleaner!

Ø Name the days of the week. ( After each answer, the teacher attaches a circle to the board; each day of the week corresponds to a certain color. This is how the Rainbow pyramid turns out.)

Ø What day comes before Friday? On the board.

What day comes after Tuesday?

Ø What day of the week is between Saturday and Thursday?

Ø First day of the week?

Ø Last day of the week?

Ø Close your eyes for a moment. (Children close their eyes, the teacher at this time swaps the circles. After the children open their eyes, they must say what has changed.)

Game "Fly".

Children indicate the movements of the fly.

Ø Let's look at the days of the week. We will be the first to visit on Monday.

Monday"Day of Sounds"

Ø Your task is to find "lost sound"

I sewed a shirt for a cone

I'll sew some pants for him.

In front of the children

The rat is being painted by painters.

Ø Outdoor game: “If you hear a sound in a word [h], then clap your hands, friend.” (The teacher names the words: airplane, bunny, fire, kid, frost, winter, leather.)

Ø Let's say goodbye to Monday and head to Tuesday.

Tuesday is “Letter Day.”

Ø Children play game « Letter - movement " Each letter corresponds to a specific movement. Children must do them correctly.

Ø Here we are visiting Wednesday.

Wednesday – “Day of the Mind”.

Ø Repeat after me the tongue twister:

The parrot said to the parrot - now I will scare you.

Lesson 7

Temporary performances.

Target: Introduce the concepts of day and time of day. Develop tactile sensations, spatial-temporal concepts, phonemic hearing.

Equipment: stars different colors, squares (yellow, red, blue, black), cards with three letters completed in class.

Progress of the lesson

III. Game "Show me like me."

Ø Hands down, to the sides - morning (the sun rises), hands up, fingers spread - day (the sun is shining), hands down, to the sides - evening (the sun sets), hands down - night. The presenter shows, the children show and name.

IV. Ball game.

Ø The presenter throws the ball, calls the time of day, the child - what is the name of eating at this time of day.

V. Summary of the lesson.

Color diagnostics.

Ø Choose a star.

Ø Why did you choose this one?

Ø What did you like most?

Ø Why?

Final lesson 8

Target: learn to navigate in time and space. Develop: phonemic hearing, auditory-motor coordination, tactility, visual memory.

Progress of the lesson

Teacher. Guys, you studied at the ABVGDeyka school.

Ø What did we do in class?

Music is playing.

Ø So, we are going on a train journey. There are carriages on the board, the numbering is wrong.

Ø Count the carriages. How many are there? (Nine).

Ø Our train cannot depart because the numbering of the carriages is incorrect. Your task is to arrange the cars in order.

Children go out, take a trailer each and form the train correctly.

The music "Blue Car" is playing.

Ø We will go on a journey not alone, but with the characters of one famous cartoon. Which one? You will find out if you seat the heroes correctly.

Cars on a board of different colors.

Ø Cheburashka rides in the red carriage, Crocodile Gena rides in the third carriage, Giraffe rides to the right of the Crocodile, Monkey rides to the left of Cheburashka, and the dog Tobik rides in the penultimate carriage.

Children complete the task.

Music is playing. Children perform physical education exercise “Dance while sitting.”

Ø Our train is moving very fast, and the first station is already here - “ Sound ».

Ø There are many different sounds around us. What sounds can you hear?

Children's answers.

Ø At the “Sound” station we were met by...

She has four legs.

Scratchy paws.

A pair of sensitive ears

She is a thunderstorm for mice.

Who is this? (cat)

The cat has three kittens, they meow loudly.

We look through the basket, where did one go?

Suddenly we see a cat carrying him out from under the bench,

He was the first to stand on his paws and climb out of the basket.

How many kittens can't walk?

To the music of “The Blue Car”, children perform physical education.

Ø Station " Gaming " The train stopped. We run out of the cars. Look how big the lined square is. Let's play hopscotch.

Children are playing.

Ø Now let’s draw the same square in our notebook. Children draw a square under the dictation of the teacher: 6 cells up, 6 cells to the right...

Ø Now the next game. Let's get acquainted with its rules.

The teacher tells the rules of the game (a game like “Fly”).

After the game there is a physical education lesson “Letter - movement”.

Ø Oh, hear - it's a train whistle. Hurry up in the carriages, otherwise the train will leave without us.

The giraffe ran faster than Tobik, and Tobik came faster than Cheburashka.

Ø Who came running first? Who's last?

Ø Is everyone seated in the carriages? Did everyone take their seats?

Game "What has changed?"

Music is playing.

Ø Our heroes go to their fairy tale. Let's wave them goodbye.

The children are waving. Then the teacher rewards the best.

Meeting 1

Back to school soon.

Target: creating conditions for the inclusion of parents of future first-graders in the process of preparing their child for school.


  • To acquaint parents with the problems of first-graders (during the period of adaptation to school), their causes and methods of correction.
  • Involve parents in the process of analyzing the possible difficulties of their children.
  • Provide practical advice and recommendations for preparing your child for school.

Equipment and materials:

  1. Projector.
  2. Computer.
  3. Presentation “Soon to school”
  4. Box with a set of paired geometric shapes (according to the number of parents)
  5. The bell rings.
  6. Booklets for parents of future first-graders.
  7. Recording calm instrumental music.
  8. Pencil case.

Preparatory stage

1. It is important to timely notify parents about the upcoming meeting. Parents are notified using individual invitations (a sample is presented in Appendix 1.

2. Preparing the audience. The tables are arranged in a large circle. Before the meeting begins, quiet, calm music is played. The “Back to School” presentation is shown on the screen.

Progress of the meeting

Acquaintance stage.

Psychologist: Hello, dear parents, I am sincerely glad to see you. My name is………., I am the future class teacher your children.

Our meeting today is due to an event that will soon happen in your family - this is the child’s admission to school.

Now let's get to know each other. To begin, take any figure from the box (the participants pass the box around in a circle).

Walk around the class and find a person who has the same figure as you (in color and shape). Please sit together at a desk. Now you are communication partners. I suggest you get to know each other and ask each other. (Slide)

Be sure to ask the following questions:

  • Which children go to school? What is your child's name?
  • Are you excited about the upcoming changes?
  • What makes you happy and what worries you about your child?
  • Do parents need to prepare their child for school?

Time for acquaintance is 6 minutes, 3 minutes one asks, the other answers, and then you change at my signal ( bell).

The time has come for each of you to introduce your neighbor and share what you have learned about him. So that we don't have any hiccups, we will pass this pencil case. Whoever has the pencil case represents his communication partner.

(Parents introduce each other)

Thanks everyone! You introduced each other wonderfully. In their messages, most parents noted that they were concerned about their child’s enrollment in school. And this, on the one hand, is very good, because it means that you care about the child’s future and you will find the time and energy to help your child avoid some difficulties. And now I would like to talk about the difficulties of first-graders and their reasons.


Speech by a primary school teacher: “Difficulties of first-graders, their causes, methods of prevention and correction.”

Teacher: In my speech, I would like to focus on the school difficulties of first-graders, their causes and ways to correct them. Maybe someone has a question, why talk about school difficulties today? I answer: “To avoid them tomorrow. And if something suddenly turns out to be missed, then it’s not too late to catch up.”

Let's look at the stage of a first-grader's entry into school life.

It should be noted that, perhaps, there is no other moment in a child’s life when his life changes so dramatically and radically as when he enters school. There is a gigantic gap between preschool childhood and the beginning of school life, and it cannot be overcome in an instant, even if the child attended kindergarten or preparatory courses. The beginning of school life is a serious test for children, as it is associated with a sharp change in the child’s entire lifestyle. He needs to get used to it

  • to a new adult, to a team;
  • to new requirements;
  • to daily duties.

And every child, without exception, goes through the process of adapting to school (adaptation process). And naturally, the more the child has the necessary skills and qualities, the faster and painlessly he will be able to adapt.

But for some children they turn out to be school requirements too difficult and the routine too strict. For them, the period of adaptation to school can be traumatic. What problems do first-graders face at this time? Where do these difficulties come from? And can they be avoided? Many difficulties can be avoided if you pay attention to them in time.

Most of the sources of possible school difficulties and troubles are often hidden in preschool childhood. Parents of a child under 6-7 years of age do not often pay attention to the child’s development (“may he still have time to learn, that’s what school is for!”), and do not pay attention to the peculiarities of his communication with surrounding adults and peers (“with time will pass..."), for the presence or absence of a desire to learn (“he’ll get involved, grow up, you’ll see, and everything will pass), they do not teach the child to manage his emotions, actions, and obey the requirements the first time. As a result, children do not develop important components of school readiness.

Now I would like to dwell on the criteria for children’s readiness for school, i.e. consider what should be characteristic of a child in order for him to be ready for school.

While I am revealing the content of each component of school readiness, please try to “try them on” for your child and decide what you need today pay attention to ensure your child is successful in school.


Traditionally, three aspects of school readiness are distinguished:

  • intellectual
  • emotional
  • social

In the intellectual sphere, the characteristics of achievement school maturity are: the child’s presence of a certain range of knowledge and ideas about the objects of the surrounding reality, development cognitive processes(attention, memory, thinking, perception, imagination, speech, etc.), the formation of subject-specific knowledge necessary for school learning ( mathematical representations, speech training, spatial and graphic preparation).

We can say that intellectual maturity reflects the functional maturation of brain structures.

Factor intellectual development is a necessary but not sufficient condition for a child’s successful transition to school. Often in practice there are “smart” children, but with great difficulties in behavior and communication.

In emotional terms, school maturity is characterized by the achievement of a certain level of emotional stability, a decrease in the number of impulsive reactions against the background of which the learning process is carried out, as well as the ability to regulate one’s behavior, the ability to sufficiently long time perform a not very attractive task.

Social maturity is determined, first of all, by the formation of the child’s need to communicate with other children, to participate in group interaction, to accept and obey the interests and customs of children’s groups.

This component of school maturity involves developing in children the qualities that enable them to communicate effectively with other participants educational process(classmates and teachers).

In a broader sense, social maturity is the child’s ability to perform social role schoolboy.

Let's return again to the components of school readiness. Have you tried them on for your child? Don’t despair if something else is not yet developed enough; there is still time to catch up.

Firstly, you need to ask the question “why did this happen?”, i.e. what is the cause of school immaturity?

Secondly, outline specific actions to eliminate problems.


The reasons for school immaturity may be:

  • Disadvantages in educational environment(required: systematic activities with the child)
  • Disadvantages of the somatic development of the child. (Required: consultation with a doctor and treatment of the child) sick children are less resistant to various stresses, get tired and tired faster.
  • Neurotic character development. (Required: consultation with a psychologist, medical psychologist with subsequent behavior correction)
  • Prenatal or early postnatal damage to the central nervous system. (Required: consultation with a neurologist and treatment). Cooperation with a teacher, psychologist, accompanied by a child in 1st grade, especially.

In my speech, I talked about the difficulties of first-graders, the criteria for children’s readiness for school, the reasons for school immaturity and ways to correct them.


Please ask your questions. Perhaps it is the answer to your question that someone present urgently needs, but this person has not yet decided to ask it. So be bolder and more decisive.


Teacher's speech : “What a first-grader should be able to do by the end of the 1st quarter.”

Teacher: In my speech I would like to debunk the myth that “ the child will go to school, and there he will learn everything without prior preparation for school.” Now I would like to bring to you information about what a child should learn in one quarter.


  • Know the concepts: speech, sentence, word, syllable, stress, speech sounds.
  • Be able to isolate sounds in words and determine their sequence.
  • Correctly name the sounds in a word and characterize them.
  • Distinguish between vowels and consonants sounds and letters.
  • Determine the place of stress in a word.
  • Be able to read syllables.
  • Be able to write the studied lowercase and uppercase letters, their compounds and words.
  • Have spatial and temporal concepts.
  • Count items up to 10 and compare.
  • Count to 10 straight and reverse order.
  • Be able to read written and printed numbers and write them correctly.
  • Correlate the number of objects and numbers.
  • Learn the composition of numbers: 2,3,4,5.
  • Read the simplest mathematical notations.
  • Know and distinguish geometric shapes: circle, triangle, square.

Do you think a child with whom no one has been specifically trained is capable of mastering this information? Of course not. Perhaps some of you already have a question inside: “What can I do? How to help a child become ready for school and avoid a number of difficulties? We have prepared recommendations especially for you and issued them in the form of a booklet.

Demonstrated (Slide), booklets are distributed to parents.

Teacher: I would like to dwell on the recommendations that must be followed at the preparation stage so as not to discourage the child from learning. (Slide)

Avoid excessive demands. Don’t ask your child everything at once. Your requirements must correspond to the level of development of his skills and cognitive abilities. Do not forget that such important and necessary qualities as diligence, accuracy, and responsibility are not formed immediately. The child is still learning to manage himself, organize his activities and really needs support, understanding and approval from adults. The task of fathers and mothers is to be patient and help the child.

The right to make a mistake. It is important that the child is not afraid to make mistakes. If something doesn’t work out for him, don’t scold him. Otherwise, he will be afraid to make mistakes and will believe that he can’t do anything. Even as an adult, when he learns something new, he doesn’t succeed in everything right away. If you notice a mistake, draw the child’s attention to it and offer to correct it. And be sure to praise. Praise for every tiny success.

Don't think for the child. When helping your child complete a task, do not interfere with everything he does. Otherwise, the child will begin to think that he is not able to cope with the task on his own. Don’t think or decide for him, otherwise he will very quickly understand that he has no need to study, his parents will still help solve everything.

Don't miss the first difficulties. Pay attention to any difficulties your child has and contact specialists as needed. If your child has health problems, be sure to get treatment, as future academic loads can significantly worsen the child’s condition. If something bothers you in your behavior, do not hesitate to seek help and advice from a psychologist. If your child has speech problems, see a speech therapist.

Have holidays. Be sure to have small celebrations. It’s not at all difficult to come up with a reason for this. Rejoice in his success. May you and your child be in a good mood.


Teacher: We would very much like to hear your opinion about what we heard today.

Has your understanding of the problem of a child’s readiness for school changed?

Has your vision of parental assistance at the stage of preparing your child for school changed?

What are your wishes to the organizers?

Thank you everyone for the productive and open communication.


  1. School readiness criteria.
  2. Ivanova E. Preparing a child for school: practical advice parents
  3. Shulgina A. 10 commandments for parents of first-graders. // Women's health. – 2007.- No. 10. - P.54-57.

Meeting 2

Guys and animals or individualization according to Oster.

1. Increase parents’ interest and attention to inner world their child.

2. To encourage parents to accept the typological characteristics of their children’s character.

Preparatory work for the meeting

1. Print and distribute invitation cards for parents.

2. Pick up soft toys(up to 10 pieces).

3. Print out the application forms for each participant.

4. Prepare a video recording of the cartoon “Tomorrow will be tomorrow” based on the fairy tale by G. Os

A series of classes with future first-graders
promoting awareness of the student’s position.
Progress of the lesson
I. Game "Dating"
First, the psychologist introduces himself and talks about himself. Then the children throw the ball to each other,
calling your name before throwing, and then, at the leader’s signal, the name of the person to whom the ball is thrown.
Who knows who a psychologist is? (children's opinions are listened to).
If someone feels sad or ill, a psychologist will console, protect, and give the opportunity to rest.
II. Conversation "What is a lesson?"
How can you show that you are ready for the lesson? For example, at school there is a rule “Ready for class”:
When the bell rings, the student stands near his desk and waits for the teacher’s command. Let's practice
follow this rule.
What to do:
a) when the teacher (or someone older) enters the class;
b) when you want to say something;
c) when someone is late for class, etc.
III. "Bosch dishwasher."
Game of contact, rapprochement.
Stand in two columns opposite each other. Now we will go through one by one
our resulting “corridor,” but everyone must figure out who they see themselves from the dishes.
We name the dishes and walk along the “corridor”, while the rest of the participants “wash”, i.e. stroke,
IV. Working with a fairy tale. Fairy tale "About Kolya" (N. Selezneva)
Children listen and discuss a fairy tale in verse.
(Appendix 1)
Once upon a time there lived a boy named Kolya.
I didn't want to go to school.
Didn't like doing homework

And he said firmly to his mother:
"Why should I get up in the morning,
When can I do everything myself?
I can become a policeman
I will protect everyone around me!
Or treat people as a doctor,
Or maybe teach children.
I can do anything, I can do anything,
And I won’t go to school again!”
I told my mother so and left,
And at night Kolya went to bed.
I fell asleep and had a dream like this:
It's like he's in a different country
Where I became an adult a long time ago
And everything is allowed to him.
“Since I grew up, thought Kolya,
I don't need to go to school.
Then I'll go to work
I can do anything, I can do anything!
I'll go as a doctor and treat people.
So I will be useful!”
He said and sees: the doctor is coming
And he carries a thermometer in his hand.
Kolya runs to the doctor,
He shouts loudly as he walks:
"It's okay, I'll help,
I can do anything, I can do anything!”
The doctor looked at me sternly,

He said to Kolya sternly:
"Do you know how to treat people?
What should you drink when you have a cold?
What kind of medicine should I give to children?
To bring down the temperature?

I didn't study any lessons at school.
You didn’t know the addition table,
I couldn't find solutions to the problems.
And if you don't go to school,
You won’t find anything to do in life.”

There are a lot of professions in the world.
I can become a policeman.
And I will protect everyone."
Looks like a policeman is coming
And he carries a whistle in his hand.
Kolya shouted loudly:
“I’ll catch the criminal cleverly!
It's okay, I'll help
I can do anything, I can do anything!”
The policeman looked at me sternly,
He said to Kolya sternly:
"Do you know how to save people?
Protect other people's lives?
How to catch criminals quickly?
How to become a Minister of Military Affairs?
You didn't go to school as a child,

I didn't study any lessons at school.
You didn’t know the addition table,
I couldn't find solutions to the problems.
And if you don't go to school,
You won’t find anything to do in life.”
“Well, it’s okay,” thought Kolya,
There are a lot of professions in the world.
I can become an artist
I will draw pictures."
And right there, right in front of him,
The artist is the master of colors.
Kolya took an easel and a brush
And he began to move the brush.
"Nothing, I'll help.
I can do anything, I can do anything!”
The artist looked sternly,
He said to Kolya sternly:
"Do you know how to move a brush?
How to create portraits and landscapes?
Stop dirtying up the paper here.
After all, you need to study!
You didn't go to school as a child,
I didn't study any lessons at school.
You didn’t know the addition table,
I couldn't find solutions to the problems.
And if you don't go to school,
You won’t find anything to do in life.”
Kolya thought about it:

“Maybe I really need to go to school?
Then I'll find a profession,
Then I will help people.
I will learn and be smart,
I won’t forget the strict lessons.”
Kolya immediately woke up.
He shouted to his mother: “To school, to school!”
Get me together quickly
I'll run there quickly.
I want to know everything in the world,
I’ll be smarter than everyone else on the planet!”
Kolya did not study in vain:
He became a wonderful artist.
Or he could have become an engineer,
Doctor, policeman.
Learned a lot of new things
And he became useful to everyone.
Questions for discussion:
Why didn't Kolya want to go to school?
What dream did he have?
Why did he then want to study?
What does it mean to "become useful"? (Khukhlaeva O.V. Path to your Self: lessons of psychology in
primary school (14). M.: "Genesis", 2006. 303 pp.)
V. Game "Pinocchio goes to school"
Pinocchio goes to school on September 1, but he doesn’t know what to take with him. Children need to help
Pinocchio collect a school bag, that is, tell him what needs to be put in it. (Application
VI. "Beautiful Garden"
A game of unity and support. Materials: pencils, felt-tip pens, Whatman paper, scissors, sheets,
glue stick.

"Imagine that you are a beautiful plant in a garden. What kind of plant do you want to be? How
what do its leaves look like? Are they soft or hard? Does this plant have thorns? What about the fruits? Does it bloom?
it? What color is its inflorescence?" (Appendix 1). You are all different, but you have to learn in
one class, be a united team and accept others as they are.
Invite children and parents to draw a flower each. Then cut them out and glue them onto whatman paper and
you will get a beautiful, bright meadow.
VII. Farewell game "Magic Snowflakes".
Instructions: “Stand next to your chair and shake your legs and arms:
Have you ever seen magical snow, very large snowflakes, shimmering blue?
sparkles? Whoever inhales such a snowflake will feel fresher and more energetic, as if by magic
magic wand. Fatigue and worries will leave him. But for this you need to inhale the snowflake
very deep so that it gets inside the stomach.
Imagine the snow swirling in the air. Ordinary ones spin in the air and tend to the ground
small snowflakes and among them huge magical ones. If a magic snowflake appears in front of
you, take a deep breath, you will feel that it has become easy and all the tension has gone away.
Anyone who manages to inhale three magical snowflakes can make a wish."
Lesson notes
“Character traits. Development of tactile memory."
1. Formation of moral ideas, regulation of behavior and character
2. Correction and development of the cognitive sphere of the psyche. Development of tactile memory.
Equipment and materials used:
1. Doll “Vasilisa the Wise”;
2. “Wonderful bag” with a pebble, a plastic toy, a rubber ball, a wooden
a cube, a napkin, a key, a perfume bottle;
3. Computer equipment for viewing electronic material.
Stage 1 – organizational.
Objectives: Creating a positive emotional climate in the group
Developing the ability to explain your mood.
Game "Mood Barometer"
Development of nonverbal communication skills.
Greeting: “How are you?”

How are you living? - Like this!
Are you swimming?
Are you running?
You look into the distance...
Are you waiting for lunch...
You wave after...
In the morning you sleep...
Are you naughty...
(Children respond only with gestures)
Stage 2 – motivational.
Development of the ability to determine various features character of a person.
Focus children's attention on positive features character.
Developing listening skills
Development of the ability to analyze character traits.
Exercise sketch “Brave Hare”.
The hare loves to stand on a stump, sing songs loudly and read poetry. He's not afraid of what might happen to him
hear the wolf.
Expressive pose: one leg slightly higher than the other, hands behind the back, chin raised.
Facial expressions: confident look.
Sketch "Sentry"
Children portray a border guard. The presenter reads poetry:
He stands on guard
And vigilant and brave,
To disturb the world
Nobody dared.
Expressive pose: head held straight and slightly thrown back, gaze directed forward, legs
slightly apart, hands holding an imaginary machine gun.
Sketch “Good Boy”

Winter. A little girl lost her mitten while playing with the snow. Her fingers were frozen. This
the boy saw. He walked up to the girl and put his mitten on her hand.
Reflection. Children discuss what character traits they were showing now.
Stage 3 is practical.
To develop children’s ability to identify character traits of heroes visually and verbally by looking
computer material with riddles.
Development of visual and auditory perception
Development of mental operations.
Development of attention stability
Developing the ability to work in a peer group.
Children are encouraged to watch interesting riddles and, using the competitive moment,
solve them. Together with a psychologist, discuss what character traits the children saw in each other
Stage 4 – psycho-gymnastics.
Purpose: relief of psychomuscular tension, relaxation.
“We wind a small ball of thread, put it wherever you want” children using gestures
show actions.
“We are winding a large ball of thread, where can we put it?”
“The cat is scratching” children’s arms are straightened forward, fingers are bent like a cat’s claws,
movements of the hands to the chest,
“The elephant flaps its ears”: the children’s hands are closed at the back of their heads, the children move their elbows forward and backward.
“Rest”: arms are lowered down, relaxed.
Games to develop tactile memory.
Game "Seeing Fingers"
Goal: development of tactile sensitivity, active vocabulary.
Children are asked to close their eyes, run their fingers over their clothes, then describe their feelings,
talk about clothes.
Game "wonderful bag"
Goal: development of tactile memory.
Children take the object in the bag with their hands and, without taking it out, describe it in as much detail as possible.
The final part.

Reflection: discussion of the past lesson Children share their impressions.
After the lesson at recess, the psychologist plays a game with the children low mobility
"Blow up, bubble"
Psychological readiness
Psychological readiness for schooling: multicomponent education. Every
of the components is necessary and requires consideration in the process of preparing the child for
systematic education at school.
School immaturity is determined not by a general developmental delay, but by partial immaturity
one or more components of psychological readiness at school. These children with
developmental delays and disorders require increased attention and creation
individual educational environment.
What are the components of psychological readiness?
Content characteristics
Intelligent Readiness
Having a broad outlook and stock of knowledge.
Formation of initial skills in educational activities"
Differentiation of perception as the basis of thinking.
Systematic perception (observation).
Developed visual thinking:
the ability to highlight the essential in the phenomena of surrounding reality;
the ability to compare them, see similarities and differences,
Developed imagination.
Good orientation in space and time
Good memory.

Intellectual activity (ability to transform learning task to an independent goal
Development of phonemic hearing
Development of fine motor skills (use of a pencil, pen, scissors, drawing skills).
Prerequisites for abstract thinking;
ability to understand symbols;
ability to formulate questions;
the ability to reason independently, find the causes of phenomena and do simple conclusions
Personal readiness
Acceptance of new social position.
Positive attitude to school, teachers, educational activities, to oneself.
Development of cognitive criteria, curiosity.
Developing a desire to go to school.
Voluntary control of one's behavior.
Objectivity of self-esteem.
Loss of “childhood”, spontaneity
Social and psychological readiness
Flexible knowledge of ways to establish relationships (the ability to establish contact with
teacher, with peers, ability to enter into children's group and find your place in it).
Development of the need for communication.
Ability to obey rules and regulations.
Ability to act together and coordinate your actions
Emotional-volitional readiness
Development of “emotional anticipation” (premonition and experience of distant
consequences of their activities).
Emotional stability(regulation of emotions).
Maintaining performance during one lesson and during school day.
Voluntary regulation of attention.
The ability to prolong actions by putting effort into it.
The ability to limit emotional outbursts (for example, not interrupting others in conversation).

Formed lack of fear of difficulties
Education of will
Teachers often complain about the infantilism of children, about the predominance of play rather than educational activities.
motives. Such children usually perceive only game situations, they are not accustomed
limit their desires, overcome difficulties, their behavior is impulsive.
Teaching requires constant effort, the need to restrain, control one’s
behavior, engaging in activities that are not always pleasant. All this can appear
cause negative attitude to school.
In this regard, one of important conditions a safe start to school, one of
indicators of a child’s readiness to learn is his conscious desire to school,
the presence of interest in school educational activities, that is, the formation of school
It includes:
presence of cognitive interests (the child likes reading books, solving problems, doing
other intellectual tasks);
understanding the need for learning as a mandatory, responsible activity;
minimal desire for games and other entertainment and entertainment (preschool)
elements of activity;
emotionally favorable attitude towards school.
When faced with a child’s reluctance to do something, first of all think not about how
force, but about how to interest.

By the end of classes, future first-graders should
1. your name, the names and patronymics of your parents, your address,
2. name of the country, city in which he lives,
3. your teacher, school psychologist,
4. rules of conduct at school during class and recess,
5. location of the toilet, first aid station, wardrobe in the school,
6. how to properly organize your workplace,
7. rules for seating at a desk and organizing the workplace,
8. names of seasons and their signs, natural phenomena,
9. names of the days of the week, name of the current month,
10. names of animals and plants found in our region,
11. number series from 1 to 10, forward and backward counting,
12. numbers,
13. signs +, , =,
Be able to:
behave correctly in class and during recess,
prepare everything you need for classes,
sit correctly at a desk,
hold a pen or pencil correctly

listen carefully to the teacher, perceive what he says,
fulfill the teacher's requirements,
switch from one type of activity to another,
react correctly to your failures and victories, to the successes and failures of your classmates,
slow down your motor activity,
make sentences of 34 words, divide them into words,
make up stories based on pictures,
12.tell about what you saw and heard,
13. express your thoughts clearly,
14. distinguish between sounds, words, sentences
15. correctly pronounce sounds and be able to distinguish them by ear,
16. determine by ear using clapping the number of syllables in a word,
17. print your name, familiar letters and words,
18. count to 10 and back,
19. recognize numbers and use them when indicating a number,
20. compare and equalize sets by adding and subtracting,
21. recognize objects by description,
22. recognize simple geometric shapes,
23. navigate in space and in a notebook,
24. do simple ones graphic dictations,
25. carefully color pictures,
26. hatch in different directions,
27. complete pictures in half of them,
28. redraw and copy graphic designs, figures, elements,
29. solve mazes, able to distinguish between seasons, natural phenomena, animals

Lesson “Getting Acquainted”
Goal: Creating conditions for future first-graders to meet a teacher, psychologist, and friend
with a friend.
The psychologist and teacher greet the children and greet them.
Progress of the lesson:
Teacher “I am very glad to meet you. You came to school, and our school will become the place where you
learn a lot of new and interesting things, get answers to various difficult questions. And of course
here you will meet many friends. And so that we all get to know each other better, get to know each other better
our future classmates and our school, we will meet in dating lessons. On
In these lessons you can work and play together.
Guys, the signal for the start of the dating lesson will be these words, listen:
One, two, three - listen and watch!
Three, two, one - we'll start now!
Guys, in order for this lesson to begin, let's say these words together. Stand up
please, near your tables. Look at me and repeat the movements that I will
show. Try to repeat the words after me to remember them better.
The psychologist, together with the teacher, pronounces words that serve as a signal for the start of the lesson,
accompanying them with the following movements:
One, two, three (claps his hands 3 times) - listen (points to his ears with his hands) and look
(points to his eyes with his hands)!

Three, two, one (claps hands 3 times) - we will start now (extends towards the class
hands palms up)!
Psychologist: “Thank you! Please take your seats and look at me!”
“I'm a psychologist. My name is (says the name and attaches a flower cut from colored paper to the board)
paper on which the name of the psychologist is written in block letters)
Teacher: “I am your future teacher...
Look around how many kids are in the class. You don’t all know each other yet, not with everyone
familiar. Of course, everyone has their own name, and it can be difficult to immediately remember what someone’s name is. And we
We will study together, and therefore we need to know all the guys in the class.
Let's get acquainted. When I say: “Three four,” everyone will shout out their name on command.
Well, let's try! Ooooh!... They seemed to be shouting loudly, but I didn’t hear a single name! A
did you catch all the names?
Let's try something different. If it doesn't work out loud, let's say our names in a whisper.
Again, something is wrong... No one shouted, but still nothing is clear. And you have many names
did you hear? No too?
Probably the thing is, guys, everyone is talking at the same time. Work well together, play well
It’s fun, it’s great to sing, but it’s bad to answer: when everyone says different words at once, then nothing
It's clear. Let's try to talk one by one, one at a time, and listen to the name
boys and girls of our future class. I will approach each of you in turn, and
the one whose shoulder I touch will loudly and clearly call his name. I have flowers in my hand with yours
names, I will give each one one of the flowers. Thank you! Now all the names were heard.
There are flowers with your names in front of you. Listen carefully to the task. Flowers can give you them
The psychologist asks those he names to pick up flowers. Examples of tasks: “Boys, raise
flowers up”, “Girls, raise flowers” ​​“Lift up flowers, those whose names begin with the letter
..."" (Names several letters in turn).
“Let's grow a large flower meadow on our board. Let's do it this way. I will call to
board of some guys, they will come out here and pin their flowers on the board. You need to listen
carefully, shall I call you? I ask you to come to the board, all those who are called...
The teacher takes out a sign with the inscription “OUR CLASS”. “Guys, look how many flowers there are
there were as many of us as there were of us. And we are all one class (places a sign above the names).
This is our class.

Now I will ask those who are sitting to come to me. Please stand next to me, in a line,
facing the class. Well done! I will ask (says name) one of the children to touch everyone’s hands and
determine who has the warmest hands"
Another child determines who has the warmest ears, forehead, nose, etc.
“Let's give our class a gift: decorate it with golden suns! Let
each of you will draw a sun that can warm, cheer and lift your spirits!
Then our classroom will become the brightest and most comfortable.” (Quiet music is used during
completing the task).
“Whoever has finished the drawing, put the pencils in place and the drawing in front of you. I'll come and you too
Tell me quietly which place in the class your sunshine liked.”
Goal: Creating conditions for children to preliminary understand their future status
Progress of the lesson:
The teacher and psychologist greet the children and the lesson begins with an already familiar action.
“Now we will play the game “One, two, three - whisper.” Clench your hands into fists. I will
ask questions, and you answer me, but answer in a special way. I ask a question, and you whisper
count to three: one, two, three, raise thumbs and whisper the answer. Let's try it.
What is your desk neighbor's name? Etc.
Guys, what do they call you in kindergarten? What will they call you when you go to school?
Tell me, what is the difference between a schoolchild and a preschooler? That's right, the schoolboy is doing his homework,
goes to school, studies in class. What do preschoolers do? Can a schoolboy play and
run? In fact, a schoolchild can also play and run. I'll open it for you little secret:
each of you can behave like a schoolchild, and sometimes like a preschooler. Need to know when you
You can behave like schoolchildren, and when you can behave like a preschooler. Now I will call
different situations, and you will think about how to behave in this situation - like a schoolboy or like
preschooler. - In class. At home. With friends. Etc.
Thank you very much, you did an excellent job with this difficult task. You know when you can
behave like a schoolchild, and sometimes like a preschooler. Now, let's see if you can
whether you quickly turn from schoolchildren to preschoolers and vice versa.. Now we are with you
Let's play a game that many of you probably know. This game is called "The Sea Is Troubled"
once...", but we will play it in a special way. Instead of a sea figure we will depict
figures of a schoolchild and preschooler. The driver will say: “The sea is agitated once, the sea

two figures of a schoolboy (or preschooler) are worried and freeze in place.” While the sea is rough, you can
walk around the class, and Anna needs to freeze the word “freeze”, depicting the named figure. Driver
chooses the most school student or the most preschool preschooler. The first driver
I will. Please stand up and come to me.”
“What’s in the briefcase” task
“Now tell me, what do students go to school with? That's right, with a briefcase. What does he take with him?
in a briefcase? And what will preschoolers want to take with them? Now we will draw pictures
riddles. Draw three items that schoolchildren would take with them, and one extra item,
which a preschooler would take with him, which is not needed at school.
(Children draw)
“Who wants to tell their riddle to the class?”
“Thank you, now we know a lot about real schoolchildren. Real schoolchildren
They differ in that they go to school and do their homework at home. At school you have to behave like
schoolchildren, but at home, on the street, you can behave like preschoolers.
Goal: creating conditions for children to understand their future new status.
Progress of the lesson:
The teacher and psychologist greet the children and begin the lesson with a well-known ritual.
“Guys, now you and I will find out new game. It's called "Nose, Ceiling, Mouth." For that
To play it you need to be very attentive. Look up. What we have
over your head? Let's point our finger and say: ceiling. Great. What's under your feet? We'll show you
finger at him. And now he points his finger at his nose and says: nose.
And now I will confuse you. I will name one thing and show another. You don't say anything
Just point to what I call. Believe what you hear, not what you see.
Be careful.
Teacher: “Well done guys. And I’ll tell you a story about first-grader animals.
THE BEST FIRST GRADE STUDENT. On a clear September morning, the animals came into the forest
school. The bright sun was shining outside, the breeze was playing with golden autumn leaves. Call
The bell had not yet rung, and the animals were sitting at their desks and talking. They really liked it
go to school, and each of them wanted to become the best first-grader.
Let's try to help the animals and each of you, receiving a drawing of the animal, will
talk about why his ward is the best first grader.

I will say why they go to school, if true, then you will clap your hands, and if false
you stamp your feet.
They go to school to play.
They go to school to read.
They go to school to make friends. Etc.
And now we will draw riddle pictures again. Now I will give you the sheets. On one
draw a schoolchild on one side, and a preschooler on the other so that you can understand immediately
guess who is drawn where.”
Now take your drawings and exchange them with your desk neighbor. Try to guess where
a schoolboy is drawn, and where is a preschooler.
So, today we learned that we go to school in order to study, to learn a lot
new, etc. Thank you for your work.
Goal: to create conditions for future first-graders to become acquainted with educational skills
Progress of the lesson:
The teacher welcomes the children and invites them to start the lesson with poetic lines that
accompanied by the movements of the children and the teacher.
“One children’s song says: “It’s fun to walk through the open spaces together and, of course, sing along
better in chorus." Of course, sometimes you want to play alone, and there are things that a person must
do it yourself. But it often happens that it’s not interesting to play alone, and there are things that are better
do together. Today in class we will work together when we need to do
tasks not alone. And with one of the guys.
And now we will play “Colorful Mittens”. Two people need to play. I'll ask
unite in pairs of desk neighbors. Take ONE SET OF PENCIL for two. Before
each of you has a drawing of a mitten. Look how colorless they are, without patterns. In each
As a couple, agree with each other how you will decorate these mittens. Each of you will
paint your mitten, but the patterns of two mittens should be the same and beautiful. To you
understand the task? Then you can start working.
Our next exercise is for attentive guys, and you guys can all be
attentive. The exercise is called "One or Two". Consider yourself, your body,
touch your face. Have you noticed that a man has two hands and one forehead?

I will name some part of the body, and if I name something that a person has only one,
for example, forehead, then only girls stand up. And if I often name a body, which is not one, but such
There are two parts, then the boys get up. Is everyone clear?
Well done, I am very pleased that you are so attentive.
Each pair will have only one leaf. You need to draw together, holding one hand together.
pencil. Draw a picture together on any topic, but in this picture you must
house and tree to be drawn. What will they be like, and what else will you draw in your picture?
decide for yourself. While completing the task, remember that you must work together, without quarrels and
(After finishing the work, those interested can tell the class what they drew)
Now we will play “Echo” with you. The game will start (89 guys).
I will ask you to go to the board (the child is called by name). Listen carefully. I'm now
I’ll clap the rhythm, and you try to repeat it exactly. You will be my echo. Well done you
You've done it, now call yourself an assistant. Who will you invite? You can call by saying
"Please help me and name."
Now try, together, to repeat the rhythm that I clap. Are you ready? Listen
Well done, you completed the task, and now you can invite another assistant with
with the words “Help me, please...”
(and so several people)

Dear friends, I congratulate you on the fact that our classes have come to an end. are you okay
got to know each other. But our adventures did not end there, they only
begin. Today we have to go to great trip By fairyland. Here
she (card opens). I wish you good luck. Are you ready to hit the road? Then let's begin.
So we come to the island of strangers. This test will be easiest for those who
I remember my classmates well. You will have to guess who left the island
strangers. But, attention: once you guessed who we're talking about, under no circumstances
shout his name, don’t point at the stranger, but just... smile. According to you
With a smile I will understand that you recognize him. When I say stranger, appear - the one who recognizes himself,
just gets up from his place (description of children).
Well done, you recognized everyone who appeared in the Grove of Strangers, they were our friends. But maybe
Maybe one of you can name the names of all the guys; there are so many of us.
Now attention! What is this island? This is the Island of Friendship. You can get to this island
only together. So, we got to the island, we need to help the grains of sand build
new city. There is a tray with sand. Let's all build a city together. So, if you are friendly and
If you are united together like these grains of sand, then you can handle any task.

Now let's come up with a name for it.
Let's draw an emblem.
And we will write wishes for the grains of sand. Well done! We passed the tests, and we are the city
built and painted a coat of arms. AND NOW... Everyone who has completed all the tests will receive a prize under
your applause.
Well, the dating sessions have come to an end. But the acquaintance itself has only just begun
September when you come to school. You have to learn a lot of new, interesting and important things.
Sometimes we will remember our magical activities, and play games that will make us even more
more attentive, even smarter, even smarter! Goodbye, see you again!

Irina Skvortsova
Lesson notes at the “School of the Future First-Grade Student.” Lesson 1

School of the future first grader


Topic: Getting to know each other.

Target: Creating a positive emotional environment.

Hello guys! Today we have our first lesson where we will get to know each other and play! First of all, I want to introduce myself to you, my name is Irina Vladimirovna. And now I would like to know your name. For this, I have prepared colored bracelets for you with your names. When I put the bracelet on Yaroslava’s hand, all the other guys will say her name in unison! Etc.

1. Greeting ritual. Game "Let's get to know each other." 5 min.

Each participant calls himself by name and takes from the psychologist a colored strip of paper with his name on it. Using a stapler, the psychologist puts a personalized bracelet on his wrist. The rest of the children say in unison the name of the participant who won the bracelet. After each of the children receives a personalized bracelet, the psychologist offers the children a train ride.

Well done, guys! In order for us to get to know each other better, I want to invite you to take a ride on the magic train.

2. Game "Train". 5 min.

Now I will be a train, and you will be my carriages. (Sounds “chuh-chuh”, “tu-tu”). But the trailers will be attached to me one by one, each at its own station. During a stop, every last child on the train asks, turning to the child they stopped near: “What is the name of the station?” He answers (says his name, and he is invited to board the train. Everyone sounds the departure whistle together: “Too-too.”

What a fun little train we have! Guys, did you like our locomotive? Well done!

Now please rise from your chairs. I have another interesting game prepared for you!

I have three flags in my hands: red, yellow and blue. Each of the flags will correspond to a specific action: when I show the red flag, you will need to jump, the yellow flag will require you to clap your hands, the blue flag will require you to walk in place. I repeat: red - we jump, yellow - we clap our hands, blue - we walk in place. So, do you remember? Let's check which of you is the most attentive. The one who does not make a single mistake will receive a token.

3. Game “Attention, flag”. 4 min.

Children stand near a psychologist who shows them three flags of different colors, each of which corresponds to a specific action: red - you need to jump, yellow - clap your hands, blue - walk in place. At a signal (raised flag), children perform the appropriate action.

Raise your hand, please, those who have not made a single mistake. Smart girls, you are very attentive, for this I will give you a token. Guys, in our lesson, each of you, if you try, can earn a token. Anyone who receives as many as three tokens during an activity receives a fourth one, with a large picture, as a gift. We will call the guys who get small tokens smart guys, and those who manage to get a big token - smart guys. Agreed? Try hard, guys, you will all be smart, I’m sure of it.

Guys, do you want to earn tokens? Let's try it! Now I will ask you questions, and the one who raises his hand first will answer. We won’t shout anything from our seats; the raised hand rule will apply during our lesson, okay? So, let's start.

4. Game “Riddles and Questions”. 5 min

1) What time of year comes after summer? (autumn)

2) What happens to the leaves on the trees in the fall? (turn yellow, fall off)

3) Where do birds fly when cold weather sets in? (to the south, to warm countries)

4) What saves us from heavy rain? (umbrella)

5) Which boots are not scary to walk through puddles in? (in rubber)

6) What time of year will come after autumn? (winter)

Let's move on to the riddles:

1) He is friends with the owner,

The house is guarded.

Lives under the porch

Tail in a ring. (Dog)

2) Doesn't bark, doesn't bite,

But he won’t let me into the house. (Lock)

3) Red maiden

Sitting in prison

And the braid is on the street. (Carrot)

4) This is the house:

One window

Every day

In the cinema window. (TV)

5) A hundred clothes and all without fasteners (cabbage)

6) No windows, no doors, the room is full of people (cucumber).

Well done guys, you got your first tokens, smart guys!

Guys, now I want to check how well we remember each other. The game will be like this: I say my name, next person repeats my name and adds his own, the third one repeats my name, the neighbor’s name and adds his own, and so on in a circle. It will be the hardest of all to the last person, he will need to repeat the names of everyone who is here. Well, shall we try?

5. Game "Snowball" 5 min

Smart guys, you did a great job! Now I think we all remember each other, don't we?

I have another game for you. Be very careful! I will say “floor”, “nose” or “ceiling” and point to them. And you - point with me. At first I will do it correctly: say, for example, “gender” and point to the gender, and then I will confuse you - say “gender” and point to something else. You must point to what I call, and not what I show. Shall we try? Let's start!

6. Game “Floor-nose-ceiling” 5 min

Well done guys, you can't be tricked! Very attentive! Today I will give you all a big token, today everyone is real smart!

7. Reflection. 3 min

Guys, did you like today's lesson? What game do you remember the most? What rule have we introduced in our classes? (raised hand rule). Now everyone knows each other by name? We will still have time to get to know you better! Thank you all very much!

Anyone interested in the primary sources from which the proposed games are taken, please contact me in private messages, I will definitely answer.

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