Reading school preparation. School preparation literature comes to the aid of parents

06. 08.2016

Catherine's blog

Hello, dear readers! A friend recently came to me and shared her problem. The child is about to go to school, but he still doesn’t know how to read. Previously, this was not a problem; on the contrary, teachers did not recommend teaching children before classes started.

But now everything is different, future students must come with a certain amount of knowledge and skills, among which is “learning to read and write.” How to teach children to read? Let's figure it out.

Late or early?

From time to time, sensational reports appear about child prodigies who can already read the classics fluently at the age of 2-3. Some parents are haunted by such fame, and they begin to intensively educate their children. Is it necessary?

If the 2-4 year old child himself does not have an increased and ardent desire to learn to read, there is no need to rush. Everything has its time. Let him listen to reading, develop phonemic awareness (pronunciation of sounds) and vocabulary.

But at 5-6 years old, children, as a rule, are ready to learn to read and write and are diligent enough for systematic study. It's time to start, because before entering school, the ability to read syllables is often tested.

Mom or tutor?

Is it possible to teach a child to read at home? Of course, yes, special pedagogical abilities and no specialized education is required for this. The main thing is that little fidgets study with desire and interest, and for this you need to choose a technique that is suitable for your baby and combine lessons with play .

Parents and grandparents can master all this themselves. There are many ways to teach literacy. Some recommend starting with letters, others with syllables, and still others generally believe that it is better to immediately introduce whole words, rather than “dragging” on symbols and sounds that are abstract for a preschooler.

What to choose? I'll tell you about the main methods.

We read syllable by syllable

For learning to read by syllables, the best primer compiled by N.S. Zhukova. It can easily be found on sale or downloaded from the Internet. This technique helps the child understand how letters form syllables, and syllables form whole words.

Everything is simple and clear, there are not many pictures in the book, but you won’t get bored. Ruslan and I only learn from it.

It is important to name them correctly: not “em” and “en”, but simply “m” and “n”, otherwise the baby will then be completely confused as to how the letters “em” and “a” are formed into “mom”. Then the turn comes to hissing sounds - Ш, С and so on.

To prevent classes from turning into dull cramming, play and creativity are necessary. For example, letters can be shown on cubes, written with multi-colored markers on stickers and cards, drawn in the form of animals and men, sculpted from plasticine, folded from pebbles and pasta.

It’s fun to guess with your child what a particular letter looks like (for example, “M” for a swing, “C” for a month or a piece of cheese). After some of the letters have been mastered, you can begin to show how they are “assembled” into syllables. The letter “M” runs as fast as it can towards “A” and catches up with it.

You can sing: “mm-aa-mm-aa.” The letters are pronounced together, without breaking away from one another. So gradually from simple syllables you need to move on to more complex ones. You shouldn’t get ahead of events and “storm” whole words; it’s better to linger on the syllables, so the child will master the mechanism faster.

Teach to pause and not sing “maapemirimire” in a row, otherwise the baby, when reading words, will pronounce them in the same way, in a tongue twister. It is important to learn the skills right away correct reading, this will save you from many problems in the future.

When the syllables are read easily and simply, you can teach them to add them simple words– LA-PA, MA-SHI-NA, MA-SHA. There is also complete scope for imagination. Words can be laid out from construction sets, buttons, leaves, shells, colored paper, drawn with chalk, paints, burned, sawed out, cut out.

It will also be useful to visit the website “ IQsha" This is a site that helps children develop useful abilities and online skills: memory and attention, logic and spatial thinking, creativity, motivation and even more!

One, two, we read the words

Sometimes parents complain: well, the child doesn’t want to learn letters, and that’s that. He's bored. I don’t like abstract icons that I don’t understand why they need to be memorized. Learning comes to a standstill, resentment, tears and whims begin.

Isn’t it better to immediately introduce them to the spelling of familiar and favorite words - “mom”, “dad”, “Sasha”, “Misha”? You can make cards with words and show them to your child, for example, 5 a day, explaining that “this means ELEPHANT” and gradually adding new vocabulary.

Or make letters yourself from improvised materials and, together with your child, put words and then sentences from them. According to the experience of many parents, this teaching technique allows you to master literacy quickly and without unnecessary nerves.

You may also find it useful when learning to read:

Jump-jump, the lesson begins

Many people probably want to know, how long should the lesson last? It’s better to start with 5-15 minutes so that the child doesn’t get tired and start “catching crows.”

Gradually you can increase the duration to 35-45 minutes (almost like at school), but no more. Then your studies will be beneficial, and there will be no negativity towards classes due to overwork.

Don't forget that the main thing is to learn with pleasure. Successful mastery of literacy! Bye everyone, see you again.

Every mother wants her child to be fully developed. First he folded a pyramid, counted to five, and then he could recite Pushkin by heart. People think about learning to read from birth.

Going to first grade and not being able to read is out of the question! In this article, we will figure out at what age it is better to start learning to read, how to prepare for classes on mastering letters and syllables, what methods are used to teach reading at different ages, reports the portal

Optimal age for teaching a child to read

Recently, early child development has been promoted everywhere, and the sooner the better. And this has a direct bearing on reading, because there are methods that allow you to teach a child to read and write from birth.

But is it really as important to teach a child to read at 1-2 years old as they say? How to teach reading so that in the future he does not have problems at school and does not lose the desire to explore the world further, including through books? Before sitting down to learn the alphabet, it is important for a child to master the following skills:

crawls on all fours;
rearranges objects from place to place;
plays with water;
jumps on one and two legs;
closely monitors the behavior of insects and animals;
able to handle fragile objects carefully;
can catch the ball with one or two hands;
understands speech addressed to him and fulfills simple requests;
the baby does not need the help of a speech therapist; he pronounces all sounds correctly;
the child orients himself in space, does not confuse the words “left” and “right”, “bottom” and “top”, etc.;
uses in active speech first words, and then speaks in sentences;
able to hold a pencil with three fingers;
handles animals carefully;
walks along the curb.

At first glance, these skills are not related to reading. But if a child has not mastered these abilities, learning to read will cause him difficulties. Reading is not easy thought process, requiring a certain psychological preparation. The listed abilities provide the necessary basis that will allow you to learn to read in order to gain new knowledge and write to express your thoughts.

One year or two years is age motor activity, not dating theoretical knowledge. The fact that a child does not learn to read at this age will not affect his further development. By the age of 7-8, a child who has mastered reading early, as a rule, is no different from peers who began reading at age 6 or earlier.

Having drawn conclusions from the above, it becomes clear that there is no need to rush when it comes to learning to read! You should not look up to the son or daughter of your friends; it is better to carefully observe your child in order to notice in time that he is ready to learn. The optimal age to learn reading is 4-5 years. According to statistics, a child at this age has perseverance and shows interest in mastering reading skills.

Methods for teaching reading at home

Sound method The system consists of the correct pronunciation of sounds and letters. Only after all the letters and sounds are learned and pronounced correctly does the stage of reading syllables and then whole words begin.

Advantages of the method

The main advantage of this method is that it is taught in most modern schools. If you have decided in advance to prepare your child for school, then this method is worth choosing.

The method is simple to explain, and it is easy for parents to get used to it, since they themselves learned from it. With its help, a child’s phonemic hearing develops, and this is the key correct pronunciation and spelling. If there are speech defects, the method will help you learn to read correctly and get rid of them.
It is based on many games that can be played anywhere. This will diversify the baby’s activities and will not let him get bored.

Disadvantages of the method

This technique is not suitable for parent-fans early development baby. The method was created in such a way that training in it should begin no earlier than 5 years, when the child pronounces almost all the letters and composes a short story.
A significant disadvantage of the method is the child’s misunderstanding of what he reads. To prevent your child from losing interest in reading, it is important to properly motivate him and discuss what he has read with him.

Zaitsev's cube training method

The method is built on the principle of warehouses. Warehouse - a pair of a consonant and a vowel, or of a consonant and a hard or soft sign, or one letter. Classes are conducted using cubes on which letters or syllables are written that make up a word.

Advantages of the method

It is easy for a child to remember a combination of letters.
On Zaitsev's cubes only those combinations of letters that are probable in the Russian language are glued. Thus, in his system there are no combinations Шы or Жы. Thus, the system will protect the child from ridiculous mistakes in the future (for example, he will never write incorrectly: “zhyraf” or “shyna”).
With the help of cubes it is possible to teach children from an early age. But even at 5-6 years old they are used as an additional aid in preparing for reading.
The author claims that the system is designed in such a way that the child will begin to understand the principle of reading after just a few lessons. The game format of classes does not let you get bored.

Disadvantages of the method

Children who have learned to read using Zaitsev's cubes subsequently make mistakes in parsing words according to their composition. Already in elementary school the child has to relearn, which leads to learning errors. On the cubes there are combinations of a consonant letter with a vowel letter E (BE, VE, GE, DE, etc.). The child gets used to this combination as possible in the language. Meanwhile, in the Russian language there are almost no words in which the letter E is written after a consonant (except sir, mayor, peer, ude, plein air). Cubes are a rather expensive aid.

Methodology of Nadezhda Zhukova

The methodology is based on a traditional approach to learning to read, supplemented by the author’s features. But given the popularity of Zhukova’s method, this method was separated into a separate technique. On the basis of which primers, copybooks and other manuals for studying at home are created.

Advantages of the method

The methodology is based on the successful combination of literacy training with the ability to prevent errors made in writing. The method uses the principle of isolating a syllable rather than a sound. By the third lesson, the baby is already reading syllables. It’s easy to practice at home, without the help of specialists. The primer is designed in such a way that for each lesson there is a summary that makes it easy to study.

Disadvantages of the method

By the time classes begin, the child should already be well acquainted with the alphabet.
Not suitable for early education reading. Training using Doman cards In the method, the word is considered as a whole unit. No letters or sounds are taught here. The child is shown a card with a word several times a day and is pronounced clearly. Children remember and read the word immediately, which leads to fast and early reading.

Advantages of the method

Training can begin almost from birth. The principle of classes is a playful form, it is fun for the child to learn and communicate with his mother. Thanks to this method, children develop phenomenal memory, which later helps in their studies.

Disadvantages of the method

Preparation teaching aid takes a lot of time.
A child who studied only using this method before school experiences problems mastering the school curriculum. Very often a child reads a word at home from a card, but if the same word is written differently, he will no longer be able to read it.

Maria Montessori Method

The Montessori system first teaches children to write letters and then pronounce them. The manual consists of various letter inserts cut from corrugated paper, which are glued to cardboard. The baby pronounces the sound after his mother, and then traces the outline of the letter with his hands, on kinetic sand or cereal. Next, children learn to add words, phrases, and texts.

Advantages of the method

A huge advantage of the method is the game format of training. Here, preparation for writing, reading, and everyday skills takes place in the form of bright, entertaining games.
Children who learned using this method read quickly, without dividing words into syllables.
The child manages to immediately learn to read independently and silently.
Exercises and games develop logic and imaginative thinking.
In addition to teaching writing and reading, Montessori books develop fine motor skills.

Disadvantages of the method

Classes using the Montessori method are difficult to organize at home, as a lot of additional didactic material is required.
The technique is designed for classes in children's preschool institutions, not at home.
For self-study At home, mom will have to take training courses to understand the principle of the method.

When choosing a technique for your child, it is very important not to settle on one specific one. It is best to study all the methods and choose from each one that is suitable for the age and abilities of your child.

Preparation and start of training

It doesn’t matter whether you choose one method or use extracts from several. First of all, you need to be ready yourself and prepare your child for exciting process reading. Of course, you need to prepare for any technique didactic material, purchase the alphabet, primer and books with in large print to practice reading technique.

But to prevent reading and writing lessons from turning into a routine for you and your baby, we will give some tips on when and how best to start. We will describe several games that are also useful in learning. We have already indicated above that optimal age to learn reading and writing techniques is 4-5 years. Here it is important not only not to start early, but also not to delay it.

If you start learning at 7-8 years old or leave this activity for school, it will be more difficult for your child to master the first grade curriculum and keep up with his peers. After all, his brain is already used to not reading, it’s already good for him. But don't despair! If you want to start reading, but your baby is not yet 4 years old, and you are afraid of doing more harm than teaching, you can play with him various games that will help you master reading.

Lay out letters from sticks, cubes, mosaics, buttons, peas, and pebbles.
Model letters from plasticine (from sausages/flagella) or wire.
Trace and color three-dimensional letters, shade them.

When the letters are well studied, compose a fairy tale based on them. For example, one letter was walking and met another, and what adventures happened to them. If you want to go further, cut out letters from cardboard and colored paper, connect them in a fairy tale, and this is already learning syllables.

Look for letters in books, the alphabet, or on signs on the street - this is a fun game for a child that will help them master the alphabet.
Exercise from point to point. Preparation for writing, drawing lines, developing fine motor skills, mastering a pencil.

Read to your child from birth and even when he learns to read himself, this helps in mastering reading and instills a love of books. And for you, these are additional minutes of communication with your baby.
Always discuss what you read, this helps your baby create images and promotes memory development.

Play outdoor games with your child as often and as much as possible. To achieve successful results in reading, everything that is achieved by developmental tasks in early age: sensory sensations, movement coordination, large and fine motor skills.

What is important is the opportunity for a child to learn independently, and not just be an observer.

To develop rhythmic hearing, listen to music together and dance to it.
Play in cities, this wonderful game develops memory and phonemic awareness.

For development phonemic hearing A game in which you need to isolate sounds from a spoken word is also suitable. Its rules are as follows: agree with the child on what kind of sound he will look for in words. Then the parents call different words, and the baby, having heard a familiar sound, loudly notifies about it with a clap, stomp or knock.

To summarize everything that has been written, I would like to note that the success of mastering reading depends on how natural this process will be for the child. Your main assistant in learning is the curiosity of the baby himself. Only play, and not activities in which the parent plays the role of a controller, will help you quickly and painlessly master reading.

In learning to read, everything is simple and complex at the same time. Always consider the child's interests. If the child is not interested in the letters in the book, he does not want to sit at them for even five minutes, and actively resists, then you should not force him.

Thus, not only will you not be able to teach him anything, but you will also cause irreparable harm, discouraging any desire to learn and explore the world. Do not start classes when you or your child are sick, tired, sleepy, or just tired. bad mood. The learning process should bring joy and pleasure to both you and your baby.

Preparing for school and activities for preschoolers is a topic that worries many parents. What should a child know before entering school? How to instill in him the skills needed to master school material? We’ll talk about this in detail in this article.

  1. What should a 6-7 year old child know and be able to do?
  2. Preparing for school: where to start
  3. Assignments to prepare for 1st grade
  4. Basics of mathematics - our personal experience
  5. Games to get kids ready for school

Hello, dear readers! This article is dedicated to those whose baby will soon become a first-grader. Preparing for school and activities for preschoolers is one of the main topics for caring parents. In addition, they are worried about many issues. Will the child study well, will he go to school with pleasure, will he overcome a considerable amount of program material? True, some parents believe that preparing for school is unnecessary, “they will teach you everything there.” This is not true. An unprepared child will definitely encounter certain difficulties when learning. If you want to school curriculum it was easier for your offspring, help him!

In this article I will describe the main parameters, using them you can determine for yourself whether your child is ready to take a step into school life. I advise you to take a sheet of paper with a pen and, as you read, make note of the points that you need to work on. I study with my son on a regular basis, describe our classes in detail, and share my experience with readers. Therefore, in the article you will see links to the classes I have already covered, and if you need to work on this point, do not be lazy to go and read a separate article. So let's get started!

What a child needs to know and be able to do

There is an opinion that a 6-7 year old child should have the following knowledge and skills:

  • Know your own last name, first name and patronymic. You also need to know the last names, first names and patronymics of your parents, their place of work, your address and telephone number;
  • know the name settlement where he lives, the correct names of other countries in the world;
  • know the names of animals, be able to distinguish wild animals from domestic ones, be able to divide them into categories (sparrow is a bird, shark is a fish, bear is an animal). In addition, you need to know the names of the most common plants, vegetables, fruits and berries;
  • know the times of day, seasons, their sequence, as well as the number of months in a year, the number of days in a month and week. In addition, the baby should know what the days of the week are called;
  • you need to have an idea of ​​basic natural phenomena;
  • names of the most common colors;
  • know the names of several sports;
  • answer the names of the most common professions, be able to tell what people belonging to a particular profession do;
  • the baby needs to be able to talk about her favorite activities;
  • at 6-7 years of age children need to know the rules traffic and purpose of road signs;
  • basic knowledge is required for learning reading, writing and mathematics (the ability to highlight a certain letter in a word, write block letters, count to 10 back and forth, solve easy examples within these numbers, even using visual objects).

Many? Yes, a lot! The task of parents is to help master this knowledge.

Where to start preparing children for school

Preparing children for school includes the most different tasks and exercises. Let's look at the main areas.

Development of cognitive, emotional and communication spheres

It is in preschool age the foundations of communication in the team are being formed. Be that as it may, a school is, first of all, a team. What do parents need to know?

  1. Consider the child’s temperament, his habits and desires. Don't rush things. One child cannot do without friends, another has a great time in the company of his favorite toys. Allow your child to be himself.
  2. Be an example, children, without realizing it, often copy the behavior of adults towards other people. Own example works better than any edification.
  3. Listen carefully to your son or daughter, ask questions, show that the story is truly interesting.

Development of oral speech of a preschooler

Here are some tips for speech development.

I also advise you to listen to the opinion of a speech therapist:

Reading training

Contrary to many myths and speculations, no one will require the ability to read fluently from a first-grader. Another thing is that it is important for the child to remember the names of the letters and their corresponding sounds. To do this, there are many options for cut alphabet, cubes and puzzles with letters. There are also a huge number of computer educational games (below I will recommend our favorite), but you shouldn’t get too carried away with them.

Useful exercises when teaching a preschooler

These tasks for preparing for school will help with mastering writing and drawing skills, and develop the ability to think and make inferences.

Logic exercises

Quite serious requirements in the field of logic are imposed on preschoolers. For example, you need:

  • So that he can find the odd one among several objects;
  • make up a story based on the pictures provided;
  • combine several items common feature(this sign must be found independently);
  • continue the proposed story.

Logic exercises help a preschooler develop independent thinking, speech, and the ability to communicate with peers if several children are involved. Here's an example logic exercises for preschoolers from Mersibo company. After registering on their website, you can select games at correct age and start an exciting journey.

I assure you it's interesting! My son is delighted with the program, and I am delighted with the game form in which the complex tasks. Do not leave your child alone with tasks; if it is difficult for him, and there is no one nearby to help, interest will disappear and time will be wasted.

Development of fine motor skills

Preparation for school and activities for preschoolers are unthinkable without the development of fine motor skills. The formation of fine finger motor skills is all the more important because by the age of 6-7 years the formation of the zones of the cerebral cortex, which are responsible for the development of small muscles of the hand, ends.

For the development of fine motor skills, drawing, making crafts from plasticine, clay, wax, assembling construction sets, applique from various materials(fabric, matches, colored paper). Let not everything work out and not always! It is important to support the child in his efforts, to tell him that everything will certainly work out. The baby becomes more confident and his self-esteem increases.

Closer to 6-7 years old, boys and girls can get involved in modeling according to the instructions. The result becomes important to children; they follow the rules with pleasure. Simple but very visual books by Vera Grof can help them with this.

Preparing the foundation for mathematical knowledge

Mathematics is one of the most difficult school subjects. As a rule, mathematics in preparation for school causes greatest number difficulties. I advise you to familiarize yourself with our experience in preparing a preschooler for first grade. Here are a few interesting articles, which will undoubtedly be useful.

Mathematics for preschoolers

Mathematics is not only necessary and difficult, but also very interesting science! In this article, I showed how to interest a child in a decision math assignments. It is much more interesting for my son to study by imagining that it is not mathematical examples for addition and subtraction, and delicious pancakes or a magic flower with petals with tasks and the answer in the center.

Five funny fingers

Take a piece of paper and a pencil. Ask your child to trace the fingers on his hand. Now a few tasks:

  • Count the fingers on your hand;
  • assign each a specific number.

Looking for quadrilaterals

Draw some geometric shapes and ask your child to find only quadrilaterals. Let the child count them and color them, say, green.

Remember the number

Prepare cards with writing different numbers. Take two cards and ask your child to remember their names. Then mix them with the rest of the numbers, ask you to choose exactly the ones you remember.

Make up the numbers

This game is for a child who knows well how to write this or that number. Prepare cards with numbers from 1 to 10. Cut the cards in half and ask the child to put the halves together to create images of numbers again.

Here's our video about “heart math” for Valentine's Day:

Possible difficulties and errors

Let's look at the most common mistakes parents make and find out how to avoid mistakes when preparing for school.

  1. Complete inaction. As already mentioned, some parents mistakenly believe that the child will learn everything on his own, “there is no point in drying out his brains.” Of course, he will learn, but it will be much more difficult for him than for his trained peers. And the child’s self-esteem suffers.
  2. An equally serious mistake is to shift all responsibility to a kindergarten or center child development. Nobody says that teaching a preschooler is a simple matter, but it is available to all parents who are interested in a good result.
  3. "Better late than never". In this case the proverb does not work. Trying to make a genius out of a child a few months before the significant September 1st, feverishly completing various tasks is, to say the least, unreasonable. It is necessary that preparation for school and classes for preschoolers be regular and several years before the first school bell.
  4. The most common misconception is to try at all costs to teach your child the skills of reading, counting and writing. Of course, these are wonderful skills, but they do not at all guarantee that the child will successfully master school material. Much more valuable skills are the ability to think, compare objects, trace connections between phenomena, and draw conclusions.

Sometimes it happens that the baby cannot understand the material or does not master it well enough. There's nothing wrong with that. It’s just that the future student has not developed the prerequisites for this material. It is important, when teaching a child, not to discourage him from studying and not to harm the future educational process. Do not make preparation for school and classes for preschoolers turn into a routine. How to do this? Very simple. First, exercise regularly. Secondly, choose games and exercises that are not only useful, but also enjoyable for the child.

That’s all for today, dear readers, if the information seems useful to you, share it on social media. networks with friends, observing . And I will try to please you no less interesting articles. To avoid missing the weekly newsletter, please subscribe at the top of the page.

Hello friends! Preparing for school is a responsible matter. And it is very important not to make mistakes. In order to avoid mistakes, literature on preparing children for school is in a hurry to help mothers and fathers, a huge number presented on display bookstores. If you make a list of “preparatory” books and manuals, it will take up more than one squared notebook.

Lesson plan:

How to choose books?

How not to get lost among bookshelves? How to choose the right, high-quality publications? I answer. You need to listen to the advice of specialists and those parents who have already walked this path and can recommend good aids to you.

Of course, I am not an expert in the field of pedagogy or psychology, but I am a three-time mother. And this year my dearest one will go to first grade. youngest son Artemka. In order to prepare for training, he attends free courses at school. He is also provided with excellent training in kindergarten. But we don’t forget about it either.

In kindergarten, classes are taught according to N.S.’s ABC book. Zhukova. This is a speech therapy primer. Workbooks and copybooks are included with the primer. But the primer is also a primer in Africa! Letters, sounds, words, reading. But there is also something about the development of the necessary mental functions cannot be forgotten. Therefore, the kindergarten recommended paying attention to the literature of the Lomonosov School. I converted. I liked it! And now I, in turn, want to recommend these books to you.

But first, I’ll tell you about what the Lomonosov school is.

Lomonosov school

Lomonosov school is private school. Or rather, an entire holding company uniting schools and kindergartens located in Moscow and the Moscow region. Founded in 1993. 900 people study here. The school produced 128 medalists. Not a bad indicator. Do you agree? Students also show best results in the country for passing the Unified State Exam.

But it’s too early for you and me to think about the Unified State Exam. We should prepare properly for school. And this is where the manuals, the authors of which are teachers from the Lomonosov school, will help us. They were published by the Eksmo publishing house.

Annual courses

It is very convenient to purchase a course of lessons for a year at once. And money is saved and it seems like everything is at hand.

A one-year course of developmental activities intended for children 4–5 years old.

This course is divided into four main parts:

  1. Let's start counting.
  2. Preparing your hand for writing.
  3. Learning sounds and letters.
  4. Let's get to know the world.

Each part has classes on specific topics. Each lesson contains tasks that are performed either together with an adult or by the child independently.

For children aged 5-6 years, there is also a yearly course, this time of educational classes.

It contains sections:

  1. We count and decide.
  2. Let's start reading.
  3. Getting ready to write.
  4. We write block letters.
  5. We study the world around us.

Well, for children 6–7 years old there is a year-long course to prepare for school. Artemka and I have just such a book. Very cool. Beautiful, smart. You can study it and carry out diagnostics.

It consists of sections:

  1. Let's do math.
  2. We read correctly.
  3. Let's get to know the world around us.
  4. Checking your readiness for school.

The creators of the courses assure that it is enough to purchase one such annual allowance corresponding to the age of the child and not look for anything else. Since these books have everything you need for development, learning or preparation for school. All tasks in game form, many of them are aimed at developing thinking, logic, memory, and speech.

I would like to draw your attention to the quality of the books. They are large format, with bright, thick covers. The paper is excellent. It's nice to hold such beauty in your hands and practice with it. For classes you may need pencils and colored pencils and scissors.

But the series of textbooks for preschoolers “Lomonosov School” is not limited to just these three publications. There are them here whole list! Calculated benefits for children of different ages. Let's start with the smallest ones.

Benefits for children 4 -5 years old

"Experience the world"

Egupova V.A.

The purpose of this book is to give the child an idea of ​​what surrounds him. Classes are held jointly with parents. Not only in orally, but also in the form practical tasks. The kid will cut out, color, and draw. This will help take care of his fine motor skills. Along the way, imagination, speech, attention, and memory will develop. Your vocabulary will be expanded. The book contains many poems, riddles, and stories. In general, it won't be boring.

152 pages. Year of release 2016.

"I draw patterns"

Egupova V.A.

This manual contains exercises that are aimed at developing fine motor skills and improving movement coordination. And many finger games. The tasks are completed either together with the preschooler, that is, you stand behind him, he holds a pencil in his hand, and you hold his hand in yours. Or as a child on your own. After a series of classes, tests are offered. They will allow you to understand whether it is possible to continue or whether it is worth practicing more. I think it's very convenient.

96 pages. Year of release 2016.

“Growing cultured”

Pyatak S.V., Tsarikova N.A.

This book helps introduce your child to the norms of behavior in society and teach him how to communicate. This is not even a book, but rather a workbook. It suggests specific topics. After the topic has been reviewed and analyzed, you need to answer questions and complete exercises. The publication will help develop curiosity, patriotism, and speech skills.

144 pages. Year of publication 2015.

“I recognize letters and sounds”

Pyatak S.V.

This is a book for children who cannot read. It prepares them to learn to read. Classes go from simple to complex. It describes in great detail how to properly work with a child. How to introduce him to letters and sounds. The manual solves five main problems:

  • development of phonemic hearing;
  • formation of grammatical skills;
  • speech development;
  • enrichment of vocabulary;
  • printing.

152 pages. Year of publication 2016.

"I'm starting to count"

Pyankova E.A., Volodina N.V.

With the help of this manual, your child will be able to get acquainted with numbers from 1 to 10. Find out what “more”, “less”, “same” means. The simplest examples of addition and subtraction are given. The child is encouraged to color, count, compare, and write. The child will also become familiar with geometric shapes.

128 pages. Year of publication 2015.

Benefits for children 5 – 6 years old

“Exploring the world around me”

Egupova V.A.

The purpose of the book is to expand the child’s knowledge about the world around him (natural phenomena, society, man, etc.). There are a lot of practical tasks in the book. This guide is also valuable because it helps answer children’s endless “Why?” Work together between an adult and a child. First, you are asked to read a story or fairy tale to the child, then explain the task and invite the child to complete it.

160 pages. Year of publication 2016.

“Exploring the World: Native Country”

Lipskaya N.M.

This manual is made as a workbook. First, the topic is discussed, and then the students are asked to complete exercises on the topic. The goal is to instill in a child love for the homeland and patriotism.

There are only three sections:

  1. Man and society.
  2. My country is Russia.
  3. Poems about the homeland, Moscow, and native nature.

136 pages. Year of release 2015.

"English language"

Krizhanovskaya T.V.

The goal is to develop speaking and listening skills in English. The manual is workbook with tasks built in a game form. If I understood everything correctly, then this book is suitable for children who already have some basic knowledge. Well, it’s also advisable for parents to own English to practice.

116 pages. Year of release 2016.

“I count and decide”

Volodina N.V.

This publication examines the composition of the numbers of the first ten, the connection of numbers in number series, a number line is provided to improve understanding. Children learn to solve word problems. The tasks are presented in the form of pictures to make them easier for preschoolers to understand. There are also exercises for writing numbers and drawing patterns.

128 pages. Year of release 2016.

"I want to read"

Egupova V.A.

"Writing letters"

Volodina N.V.

This manual continues the development of graphic skills. The child is invited to type letters, syllables, and words in a playful manner. Pay attention to how to properly hold the handle in your hand. It is recommended that you complete the tasks exactly in the order in which they are presented in the book. Lots of coloring and shading exercises.

112 pages. Year of release 2016.

“I read words and sentences”

Pyatak S.V.

This is a guide for children who are already familiar with letters, but still read poorly. The goal is to improve reading skills. There is an acquaintance with the syllable, with the sentence. The manual contains 25 lessons, for each lesson there is methodological recommendations. A table of syllables is proposed, which is recommended to hang somewhere in a prominent place and read the syllables or even sing them.

120 pages. Year of release 2015.

Benefits for children 6 – 7 years old

“I read words and sentences”

Pyatak S.V.

This is a manual for children who already know how to read syllables well. The goal is to improve reading technique and develop coherent speech. The tasks here are more serious than for children 5-6 years old. You could say this is the next level of training. There are 23 lessons in total, each with methodological recommendations.

120 pages. Year of release 2016.

“I read easily and correctly”

Pyankova E.A., Rodionova E.A.

The manual is radically different from “Reading Words and Sentences.” It helps to understand at what level of development the reading skill is. The publication contains classes scheduled by day. Each lesson contains a short text to read and questions to answer. There are also tests. Tests are taken before the first day of classes, after the twelfth and after the twenty-fourth. Tests also contain text and questions for it. There is a rating system. All classes and tests are designed for three levels of difficulty.

96 pages. Year of release 2015.

“I write beautifully”

Volodina N.V.

The manual continues to develop the graphic skills of future first-graders. There is already italic (oblique) writing here. Lots of graphic exercises. Writing skills and proper pen holding are strengthened. The skill of writing line by line is developed.

128 pages. Year of release 2015.

"I speak beautifully"

Volodina N.V.

This is a guide for developing beautiful and coherent speech in a preschooler. The goal is to teach him to express his thoughts, build a dialogue, retell the text, etc. All tasks are presented in a playful way, which is important. There are many works on the pages famous authors, for example A. Barto.

"I'm doing math"

Sorokina T.V.

This is where you strengthen your ability to solve addition and subtraction problems. Already within 20. Knowledge about geometric shapes is consolidated, and the concept of volumetric figures. There are many tasks for shading so that fine motor skills do not “stagnate.” A preschooler will learn what even and odd numbers. What is “difference”, “sum”, “additions”, “subtracted”, “reduced”.

144 pages. Year of release 2016.

“Exploring the world around me”

Lipskaya N.M.

This is the final book in a series of manuals on studying the world around us. More detailed information is provided. The manual covers the following topics:

  • space;
  • water;
  • minerals;
  • plants;
  • Human;
  • the world of things;
  • Moscow.

136 pages. Year of release 2016.

“Am I ready for school?”

Pyatak S.V., Maltseva I.M.

This book contains tests and allows you to diagnose a child's development before school. Assess his knowledge base. Knowledge is assessed in four sections:

  1. Mathematics.
  2. Speech and writing.
  3. Awareness.
  4. Space.

With the help of the manual, you can find gaps in training and address them to “close” special attention. The tests are performed either together with an adult or by a preschooler independently.

160 pages. Year of release 2015.

This is such a pretty good review. I think that from the presented manuals you will definitely find one that suits you perfectly.

And some buy in bulk right away. Watch the video. More more information about books from the Lomonosov School.

An excellent addition to all of the above benefits will be free webinar on preparing children for school. I am sure you will learn a lot of new and interesting things there!

I wish you successful preparation! And also happiness and health!

All the best to you!

Evgenia Klimkovich.

Reading training Lesson 1

Topic: Speech consists of sentences. Dividing words into syllables

Dear adults! Today you will begin your homework for the first time. In the reading program, your child will have a variety of tasks and games to develop phonemic awareness, sound analysis words and reading itself. Doing homework is mandatory, because... this helps to repeat and reinforce the material learned in class. However, you should not put pressure on your child if he does not want to read today, because in preschool age only what is interesting to the child is learned. We recommend alternating homework with games, during which the child will quickly remember the letters and their combinations.

Homework should be done with colored pencils, and written with a pencil or pen. Don't forget to monitor your child's correct posture while doing homework.


2. Read the sentences to your child, find the corresponding pictures, and connect them with multi-colored pencils.

A beautiful rose grew in the flowerbed.

The bunny is carrying a big carrot.

M Ishka found a bell.

A butterfly flies to a flower.

Vowel sounds: Consonant sounds:

-do not encounter obstacles or only noise

- sung - not sung

- form a syllable - meet an obstacle

- do not form a syllable













All words can be divided into parts called syllables. There are as many syllables in a word as there are vowels. You can offer it to your baby simple game on the ability to divide words into syllables: clap this word or sing it in parts: saaa-mooo-leet!

Name the pictures. Count how many syllables are in each word: one, two, three or four. separate the syllables with a dividing line.


Color each picture with as many circles as there are syllables in its name:

Reading training

Lesson 2

Topic: Sound and letter A

: Ahh Learn a poemA - beginning of the alphabet,

That's why she's famous

And it’s easy to recognize:

He puts his legs wide.

Color the letters Aa with a red pencil (vowel sounds are indicated in red)

    Color only those objects whose names begin with the sound [A]

    Guess what?Which picture in the row is extra, color everything except it. Pay attention to the first sound in words.

3. Circle the letter A as the arrows show. Add the line yourself.

3 . Where is the sound [a] hidden: At the beginning of the word, in the middle or at the end of the word. Color the square red.

4. Find and circle the letter A

5. Find all the objects starting with the letter A, color them:

Reading training

Lesson 3

Topic: Sounds and letters O

Dear adults! We continue to develop the child's phonemic hearing. We offer you to secure the result. Offer your baby simple but effective games: find objects that begin with the letter O. Such simple tasks will help the child quickly learn new knowledge.


Color the letters Oo with a red pencil (we denote vowel sounds in red).

    Circle only those objects whose names begin with the letter O.

    Name the pictures. Circle the pictures starting with a vowel sound with a red pencil, and those starting with a consonant sound with a blue pencil.

2. Where is the sound [o] hidden: At the beginning of the word, in the middle or at the end of the word. Color the square red. (Wasp's word)

3. Color those objects that have the sound [o]

Pay attention to where we start writing and where we lead our hand.

Reading training

Lesson 4

Topic: Sounds and letters U

Dear adults! We continue to develop the child's phonemic hearing. We offer you to secure the result. Offer your child simple but effective games: find objects that begin with the letter U. Such simple tasks will help your child learn new knowledge faster. In Zhukov's ABC book we read the letters A, O, U.

Learn the poem by heart:

U at

Color the letters Uy with a red pencil (we denote vowel sounds in red).

1. Using a simple pencil, connect the letters and the words with which they begin


2.Color the consonant sound blue and the vowel sound red.

3.Color the pictures that begin with the sound u

Reading training

Lesson 5

Topic: Sound and letter m


Color the letters M m with blue and green pencils (hard consonant sounds are denoted in blue, soft consonant sounds are denoted in green).

2. Color only those objects whose names contain the letter M

3 .

5. Trace with a blue pencil the items whose names include: solid sound m, with a green pencil, objects whose names include soft sound m.

6. Solve the puzzle. Write the first letters of the names of the pictures in the boxes and read what you get.

    Write the letter M according to the example

Lesson 6

Topic: Sound and letter s

1. Learn the poem by heart:


    Guess which picture is the odd one outcrossed outand (pay attention to the first sounds in the words):

4. Write the block letters s and m.

    Write the syllables in the table:







7. In the primer we read p. 9-17.

Class 7

Topic: Sound and letter X

1. Learn the poem by heart:



4. Determine how many syllables are in the words. ( We determine the number of syllables by clapping or placing our palm under the chin. The number of times the chin goes down during pronunciation is the number of syllables)

    Say the names of these objects. In which words does the first sound sound hard? Color the square next to this word blue. If the first sound sounds soft, color it green.

Class 8

Topic: Sound and letter r

Dear adults, Do not forget to periodically review the material you have covered with your child. At this age, a child needs not only to be able to merge letters into syllables. it's important to learn how to do sound-letter analysis words: distinguish between vowels and consonants sounds, determine their softness/hardness. Simple exercises activities aimed at developing phonemic awareness can be performed in a relaxed atmosphere, on the way from kindergarten or while walking. For example:list the insects whose names contain the sounds [r] or [r ] . Can list months, days of the week, fruits or vegetables, geometric shapes, transport… Patience to you and your children!


2. Guess which picture is the odd one out in the row. Pay attention to the last sound in the words:

    How are the sounds different? [r] and [r ] . Tell me what the sound can be [r] . (consonant, hard or soft, voiced). Add sound[r] or [r ] at the end of the word, draw a blue circle or a green circle at the end of the word).

KOVE___ ZVE____ TOPO____ BOBO_____


6.Trace the letter P using the arrows.Complete the line to the end:

7. Read the story to your child and offer to retell it.

Hare and tortoise

A hare and a tortoise once argued about who was faster. forest clearing will run around

The turtle sets off, and the hare lies under a bush, chuckling: “ Hurry, hurry, turtle, I’ll still overtake you.” But while he was having so much fun, the turtle, although walking quietly, turned out to be at the goal. The hare rushed after her, but it was too late.

He knew how to run, but he didn’t know that if he lay still, he could get behind the turtle.

8. Take any colored pencil and color in those parts of the drawing in which you see the letters “P” and “r”

Dear adults! In the next lesson, your child will write the first test on

reading. The test will include tasks that you have already completed, so the test

shouldn't cause much difficulty. However, in order to make it easier for the baby,

Pay attention to the difficulties that arose when completing tasks. Set your child up to believe that everything will work out for him! In the primer we read the letter R. We repeat all the other letters, we read in the syllabary table.

Class 9

Topic: Sound and letter w




sound [w]

Class 10

Topic: Sound and letter s

What color should we paint this letter? (Red) . Why?

WITH do a sound analysis of words:


Learn the poem by heart.

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