The noun is the richest. Syntactic functions of nouns

On initial stage learning English, you must first of all develop at least a small vocabulary. Then you can move on, gradually expanding it. If you are a beginner, then 500 worked words per English- this is quite enough for a start. But this does not mean that you need to open a dictionary and learn everything in alphabetical order.

To begin with, you must select and learn only the most commonly used words in everyday speech, let's call them basic words. In order for you to be able to navigate at least a little in the English language and understand phrases on everyday topics, this basic dictionary must include different parts of speech. The main and most numerous are: nouns, verbs and adjectives.

Now we will focus on nouns. To make things easier for you, we have sorted out 100 nouns in English that you need to know first and compiled a table. I suggest you first remember what characteristics a noun has in English. What can nouns mean in English?

A noun is one of the most important parts of speech in the English language. A noun can denote objects, living beings, abstract concepts and phenomena. The noun answers the questions “who?” So what?".

According to the expressed meaning, nouns can be classified into proper ones - proper ( Great Britain- Great Britain, Olga Popova - Olga Popova) and common nouns - common (freedom - freedom, and woman - woman). Common nouns are divided into concrete (a table) and abstract (love), animate (a dog) and inanimate (a house).

The topic of plural formation of nouns is very closely related to the above topic, to which we also devoted a separate article. In addition to the number category, a noun also has a gender category and a case category.

In my own way morphological composition nouns are divided into simple (sky - sky, man - man), derivative (friendship - friendship, teacher - teacher) and compound (seaman - sailor, girl-friend - friend). Get acquainted with this topic in the article “Formation of nouns in English”.

100 basic nouns in English

In the following video lessons you will be able to get acquainted with the list of basic nouns in the English language. They are divided into groups of 20 and are also presented with translations and examples (in the context of sentences). I advise you to work through one video lesson a day to quickly gain and consolidate the following vocabulary.

Table: 100 basic nouns of the English language

To make things easier for you, we have listed the 100 fundamental English nouns from the above video lessons in the following table. The nouns are given with translation and arranged in alphabetical order.

Noun in English — Noun translation
air - air
animal - animal
answer - answer
area - area
bird - bird
body - body
book - book
bottom - bottom
boy - boy
brother - brother
car - car
child - child
children - children
city ​​- city
class - class
color - color
country - country
day - day
day - day
dog - dog
door - tree
east - east
example - example
eye - eye
face - face
family - family
farm - farm
father - dad
feet - legs
fire - fire
fish - fish
food - food
foot - leg
friend - friend
girl - girl
hand - hand
head - head
home - house
horse - horse
house - house
idea - idea
king - king
land - earth
letter - letter
life - life
line - line
list - list
man - man
men - men
month - month
mother - mother
mountain - mountain
music - music
name - name
night - night
north - north
number - number
order - order
page - page
paper - paper
pen - pen
people - people
person - person
picture - drawing
piece - piece
place - place
plant - plant
problem - problem
product - product
question - question
river - river
rock - rock
room - room
school - school
science - science
sea ​​- sea
sentence - sentence
ship - ship
side - side
sister - sister
song - song
sound - sound
south - south
space - space
state - state/state
story - history
sun - sun
top - top
tree - tree
watch - watch
water - water
week - week
west - west
wind - wind
woman - woman
women - women
wood - tree
word - word
world - world
year - year

Of course, people distinguish basic nouns in English differently. Therefore, this table may not be ideal for some. Someone may dispute the importance of some of the nouns given in the table, or, conversely, add other nouns to it.

The noun and the culture of its use in speech

The noun is the most numerous class of words and makes up 46.35% of the total vocabulary language. It is nouns that are most often used in oral and writing. The vocabulary of this class is most convenient and rational to use in Russian language lessons in order to develop students’ speech and form high level her culture.

Appearance variant forms in the category of nouns, associated with patterns of change grammatical categories, at the same time reflects general processes development of the modern Russian language (more precisely literary speech). Thus, the replacement of the feminine forms of the nouns banknote, dahlia, hall, shoulder strap, rail, sanatorium, film and other masculine forms: banknote, dahlia, hall, shoulder strap, rail, sanatorium, film indicates the manifestation of the already mentioned tendency towards saving means of expression , as well as about the active interaction of various speech styles. Similar reasons in the field of development of forms of the genus (partly also by the conditions of borrowing from other languages) caused the appearance of variants such as anemone - anemone, aviary - aviary, worm - worm, gelatin - gelatin, giraffe - giraffe, keys - keys, cuffs - cuffs, etc.

The grammatical variation of nouns in modern Russian is manifested in the following:

    many nouns are used as words of different genders, that is, there is variation according to grammatical gender, or gender variation; one and the same noun can have grammatical features of both singular and plural with the same grammatical meaning, that is, act as both a singular and plural noun plural simultaneously (variation by number, or numerical variation); many nouns are used as inflected words (they change according to cases, take on different case endings), then as indeclinable (variation in inclination-inclinability); the same inflected nouns can be inflected differently, i.e., acquire different endings individual case forms within the same type of declension (variation by cases, by case endings).

Variability grammatical gender, according to him, “in the Russian language the phenomenon is decreasing, although in the modern Russian language there are several dozen names that do not have an unambiguous generic characteristic.” The professor wrote that favorable conditions fluctuations in gender occurred, first of all, in words ending in a soft consonant, since such a ending is characteristic of words both masculine and feminine. Among such words there were many borrowings from French and other European languages. And if in modern Russian language fluctuations in gender are a decreasing phenomenon, then in the language of the 19th century it was very common. Genus different from modern norm, in the 19th century had such words as piano, veil, carousel, briefcase, quadrille and many others. In modern Russian, the gender affiliation of these words is completely defined. Deviations are typical for dialect speech or vernacular, that is, they are deviations from literary norms.

Depending on which of the three genders the different variable forms of nouns belong to, the latter are divided into four groups: a) nouns belonging to the masculine and feminine gender (dahlia (a), aneurysm (a), mongoose (a). The variability of this type is most widely represented in the Russian language; b) nouns belonging to the masculine and neuter gender (horn(o), ples(o). Such variation is represented by isolated examples in the modern Russian language. But it should be taken into account that this group includes indeclinable borrowed names nouns such as boa, cocoa, cafe, coupe, etc., which in explanatory dictionaries of the modern Russian language, particularly in BAS, refer to words of both masculine and neuter gender; c) nouns related to the feminine and neuter gender (kolenka - kolenko, sivka - sivko, uimishcha - uimishche). This group includes small quantity borrowed indeclinable words (avenue, madrasah); d) nouns belonging to the masculine, feminine and neuter gender. This group includes the least number of nominations. Thus, in the form of all three genera, the words fresco - fresco - fresco, myrr - myrrh - mirro and some others are recorded in the BAS.

There is a tendency in the language to eliminate generic variants. The fact that this phenomenon is decreasing and alien to the language system is evidenced by the fact that the existing variants in the modern Russian language are opposed to each other as normative and non-normative (boot - shoe), as modern and outdated (piano - black and black, bed - bed) . Only in isolated cases do both variants exist in the literary language, but one of them is used less frequently and is gradually being replaced: key - key, giraffe - giraffe, stack - stack.

In modern Russian language, gender variations various types manifest themselves in to a greater extent in unchangeable nouns. For example, coffee (M. and Wed.), avenue (F. and Wed.), tsunami (F. and Wed.), clogs (M. and Wed.). In some cases, the gender of these words is defined differently in different dictionaries; in other cases, the word has two labels. “This is explained by the fact that two tendencies operate simultaneously in language: in accordance with the first, everything is not animate nouns must be neuter; the second focuses on the genus of the generic concept,” noted.

Along with the variation of nouns in grammatical gender, in the modern Russian language there are fluctuations in number, i.e. numerical variation. As reasons for the variability of number forms, linguists name “the lack of consistent opposition of numbers as an expression of singularity (singular) - plurality (plural), the variety of meanings associated with the use of singular and plural forms,” which “leads to the functional identity of number forms (and singular and plural fulfills nominative function), to semantic parallelism (both singular and plural forms convey real meaning, name complex objects, etc.), to lexicalization of number forms, and, consequently, to the variability of these forms.”

The variation of nouns in number is manifested in the fact that to express the same grammatical meaning (the meaning of singularity or plurality), forms of nouns with both singular and plural endings can be used. Moreover, “depending on what grammatical meaning (the meaning of singularity or plurality) is expressed by varying forms of singular or plural, numerical variants of nouns can be divided into two groups: 1) variable forms with the meaning of singularity and 2) variable forms with the meaning plurality").

The words of the first group in modern Russian include nouns - names of specific objects, which in dictionaries have parallel singular and plural forms. In this case, usually as the main, initial dictionary form they have a plural form. In explanatory dictionaries of the modern Russian language, such words are indicated in the plural form, but at the same time the singular form is given in brackets, for example: mezzanines (mezzanine), entrails and (less often entrails), etc.

In some cases, as original form the singular form is indicated, although attention is often drawn to the more frequent or predominant use of the plural forms. leads following examples: door and in brackets doors (in individual values), handrail and handrails marked “usually plural”, ruin and ruins (usually plural). In addition, in some cases, the singular and plural forms are used as equals, for example: lace - lace, sky - heaven.

In modern Russian, numerical variation of the second type is also presented, when singular forms of a noun are used, along with plural forms, to designate many homogeneous objects - persons, animals, plants, specific objects and their parts. As noted in specialized literature, singular forms of nouns are used to express “generalized-collective meaning”, while attention is drawn to the fact that “the generalized-collective meaning of nouns with a pronounced opposition in number appears in such contexts when the indication of quantity is unimportant...” . This use of singular forms is called grammatical synecdoche and "is considered one of the most striking stylistic phenomena in the category of number." In a certain context, singular forms of animate nouns - names of persons and animals, and less often - names of specific ones acquire similar meaning. inanimate objects, for example: the man has left the war, will the Japanese attack us or not?

There are also other cases of using singular forms of nouns instead of plural forms. We often find such usage when it is indicated that identical items belong to or stand in the same relation to every person or thing in the whole group.” For example, some generals walked with their heads down (B. Polevoy). This value is called distributive (distributive) value.

The grammatical variation of nouns is also manifested in the fact that the same words are used in speech either with case endings or without endings. In this case, there is a variation in inclination-inclination. This applies mainly to nouns, which are usually distinguished in special group Not inflected nouns.

Many nouns, classified as indeclinable, in modern Russian speech are often used in an indeclinable form, that is, they acquire case endings. However, declension of such nouns is a violation morphological norm, and therefore “usually used for certain stylistic purposes, as a kind of stylistic device, especially in fiction." It is this type of variation of nouns that, according to some scientists, is the most common in modern Russian. According to him, “it is the variants of inflected-indeclinable forms that occupy almost half the share of all registered variable forms of the noun.”

Many inflected nouns in the Russian language allow the formation of variable forms of cases, i.e. case variation. The case variation of nouns is manifested in the fact that the same case is expressed in different case endings: a lot of snow - a lot of snow, moon - moon. In this case, one of these endings is the main one, the other is variable. The use of both endings is differentiated lexico-grammatically or stylistically.

Basic and variable endings are noted primarily in inanimate nouns masculine 2nd declension in the genitive case: basic - a, variable - y: buy sugar - sugar, a glass of tea - tea. The presence of variable inflection is explained historically: it belongs to nouns with an ancient base in y short type son. In Old Russian it was special type declination. Subsequently, this declension was lost due to the unification of case inflections for all masculine words. The - forms of material nouns have the meaning of parts of the whole, are quite productive, but not strictly obligatory. They are gradually replaced by forms ending in –a. In abstract nouns and some specific nouns forms in -u are colloquial in nature (to space, shine, from home). In general, in the modern Russian language there is a tendency to eliminate forms ending in –у and replacing them with forms ending in –a. Back in the middle of the last century he wrote that “the closer to our time, the more genitive case on -y becomes smaller. The younger generation has a noticeable preference for forms ending in –a.” The decline of forms ending in –u in modern Russian is also discussed in other works. However, it should be noted that in phraseological turns endings in - y are quite stable: not to give way, to confuse, to leave without asking.

Masculine nouns of the 2nd declension in the prepositional case with the prepositions in and on also use different endings. The variability of inflections e - y is observed when expressing certain meanings: a) “inside something”: in the workshop and in the workshop, in the snow and in the snow; b) “on the surface of something”: on the snow and on the snow; c) “in the conditions of something, in the state of something”: on vacation - on vacation. As noted in Russian Grammar -80, “forms prepositional case in -u they form nouns (usually unmotivated) that name a space that can be a container for something, or a surface on which something can be located (shore, forest, edge, circle, forest, meadow); substance or mass (fat, glue, ice); a collection of people or objects (world, regiment, row, formation), as well as some words naming actions, states or periods of time (running, battle, delirium, century, duty, vacation, review, move). These are mostly words with a monosyllabic stem.”

Variative endings of the prepositional case are also historically motivated and are the result of the unification of types of declension Old Russian language. In modern Russian, there are two opposing trends in relation to these endings: on the one hand, the endings –е and –у differ semantically: with the objective meaning of the case, the inflection –e is used: to talk about the forest, with a spatial, objective meaning – the inflection –у: to walk in the forest. On the other hand, there is a strong tendency to overcome variability, as evidenced by the facts of its absence in a number of cases: in battle, in the garden - the need for vacation. However, as the researchers note, “for a number of words, the form -у in combination with the prepositions в and на must be qualified as the only possible one from the point of view of the modern literary norm. These include: hell, side, side, eye, hump, debt, ice, forehead, nose, parade ground, captivity, raft, regiment, mouth, bitch, hops, fumes, closet, toponyms Don, Klin, Crimea and others. etc." In phraseological units, forms with - y are also obligatory: by ear, at full speed. In other cases, on the contrary, inflection –e is required: in the prime of life, in some cases.

Variable case endings have nouns of the 1st declension in the instrumental case singular: wall and wall, earth and earth. The original ending is –оу; - oh arose in Russian as a result of the reduction of the final –y. The variability of inflections in nouns of the 3rd declension with an abstract meaning in the instrumental case is explained in a similar way: life (original form) - life (the form arose as a result of reduction). In modern Russian, these inflections differ stylistically: - this is typical for book speech, -yu is perceived as outdated and is used mainly in poetry.

Variable forms of the genitive, dative and instrumental cases form words in –ishko and –ishch like domishko – domishche: genus. n. little house and little houses; date n. little house and little house; creativity n. little house and little house. However, forms with feminine endings (domishki, domishke, domishke) in “ Grammar dictionary Russian language" are qualified as "less literary" compared to the standard ones (domishka, little house, little house).

Animate nouns like wolf and cat (with magnifying meaning) in colloquial speech also have variable forms in some cases: wine. p.: wolf and wolf, c. n. volchischa and volchischi, dated. p. wolf and wolf, creative work. n. wolf and wolves. The second forms arose under the influence of the declension of feminine nouns into –a. Variable forms of the accusative case are classified as less literary. The remaining forms in the above dictionary are characterized as colloquial.

Variable endings are noted in forms instrumental case the plural of some nouns: daughters - daughters, horses - horses. And in this case, variable endings are the result of the unification of ancient types of declension and the convergence of their inflections. In the modern Russian language there is a tendency to overcome variability, mainly in favor of inflection -ami. Only in isolated cases is the use of endings -mi: children, people (and not children, people). The form with the endings -(b)mi is also distinguished by the words bone and whip in phraseological units to lay down with bones, to beat with whips. However, when used freely, bone and whip have the standard ending -yami. Individual nouns of the 3rd declension - door, daughter, horse - have forms in -(b)mi and -yami, which Russian Grammar - 80 qualifies as stylistically equal.

Some nouns have variable endings in the genitive plural. These are endings - ov –ev –ev –ey and zero endings, which are also explained historically as traces different types Declension of the Old Russian language. In some cases, the use of these inflections is strictly normalized in favor of one of them: for example, the ending –ov, –ev is characteristic of masculine nouns with a base on a solid consonant (except zh and sh) or on y: mushroom – mushrooms, shed – sheds. The ending -е is characteristic of those masculine nouns whose final sound is singular is a soft consonant (except th) or zh and sh: dove - pigeons, knife - knives. In other cases, the options are considered as stylistically equivalent: sneakers - sneakers and sneakers; Buryats - Buryats and Buryats. However, the tendency to overcome variability also operates here and, apparently, over time the zero ending will be replaced by the ending -ov -ev.

The fact is that the desire to save linguistic means, along with the influence conversational style, contributes to the spread of the genitive plural form with null ending(without –s in masculine words) like without shoulder straps, from eggplant, one hundred grams. In the pairs Buryats - Buryats, Lezgins - Lezgins, Mordvins - Mordvins, Turkmens - Turkmen (names of nationalities), Eggplants - Eggplants, forms with a zero ending are more actively used. Can be marked as general rule, that in a “competition” between two forms – a longer and a shorter one – the shorter one usually “wins”. In particular, this is indicated by those cases when the influence of colloquial style is excluded: in the names of units of measurement such as microns - microns, ohms - ohms, roentgens - roentgens, the second forms are now increasingly common (at the beginning of the twentieth century forms with the ending -ov were used : amperes, watts, volts).

Variable endings of the nominative plural of a masculine noun of the 2nd declension -ы/-и and - а/-я, among which the dominant ending is ы/-и, which appears in masculine and feminine nouns (countries, lands, tables) . The ending -a is originally found in neuter nouns (windows, seas); in masculine nouns it is secondary and appeared under the influence of nominative case forms. dual number, primarily those words that denote paired objects (horns, sleeves), and later spread to other words (poplars). In modern Russian, the use of these inflections is strictly regulated in some cases (boxer - boxers, address - addresses), in others both endings are used as equals, or one of them belongs to book speech, for example, poetic: snow, thunder, husbands, sons. Thus, the relationship between these forms in modern Russian is ambiguous. Researchers identify the following groups of such words: 1) variants of form within the literary language: years - years, bills - bills; 2) accepted literary language professor, teacher uniforms; their variants are stylistically marked: professors, teachers ( school teachers, but teachers of generations); 3) literary forms are functionally different: editors, proofreaders, diesel engines, cakes, forges, soups, mechanics - and forms characteristic of professional speech: editor, proofreader, diesel, cake, forge, soup, mechanic; 4) the options differ stylistically - literary-bookish and colloquial or colloquial: contracts - contracts, directors - directors, boilers - boilers.

Thus, the main difficulties in the formation of variable case forms are: forms of the prepositional case of nouns such as in vacation - in vacation, in alcohol - in alcohol; nominative plural forms of the noun type: proofreaders – proofreaders; mechanics - mechanics, tractors - tractors; forms of the genitive plural of nouns like: kilograms - kilogram, Turkmens - Turkmen.

At the same time, an important trend in the development of noun forms in the modern Russian language is the desire to unify them, to establish greater uniformity by aligning them according to the dominant model. Thus, masculine nouns have a genitive case form with quantitative value(genitive part, genitive disjunctive) on –у (-у) is increasingly displaced general form genitive case with the ending –а (-я) in combinations like a cup of tea, a lot of people. It is interesting to note that in this case “wins” is not colloquial form, but bookish. On the contrary, under the influence of colloquial speech it began to spread in different styles Currently a very productive form of the nominative plural on the stressed –a (-я) in masculine nouns (such as inspector, mechanic). Under the influence of analogy, this process becomes more and more intense.

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  • repetition, generalization and systematization of knowledge about nouns, monitoring the acquisition of knowledge and skills;
  • development of students' speech;
  • cultivate love and respect for nature.

Equipment: multimedia and projector, textbook, pp. 71-73, task cards, code, tables, additional materials to the lesson.

Lesson plan:

  1. Org. moment. Greeting, organizing attention, establishing contact, checking readiness for the lesson.
  2. Updating previous knowledge:
    a) review of nouns: game “Find the odd one out.”
    b) Restoring in memory knowledge about animate and inanimate nouns: the game “Cyphergram”
  3. Work on the topic.
    1. Conversation on the table.
    2. Work on the rule.
    3. Calligraphy.
  4. Physical education minute. Game "Clap and Stomp".
  5. Fixing the material. Doing exercises.
    1. ex. 182 (oral);
    2. exercise 186 (written).
  6. Summing up the lesson.
  7. Homework: ex. 188, write a mini-essay on the topic: “The word “forest” is a noun.”

Lesson progress

I. Org. moment.

- Good afternoon, guys. Let's all get ready to work. Let's start the Russian language lesson. Duty officer, report.

II. Updating knowledge.

- Children, look at the screen.

- Read the words.

Notebook, tree, cat, green, boy.

- Find the extra word.

- Green.

– Why is it superfluous? Prove it.

– The word green is an adjective, all other nouns are nouns.

– What is called a noun?

A noun is independent part speech that denotes an object and answers the questions who? or what?

– Items include:

III. Work on the topic.

- So, guys, have you guessed what we will talk about in today’s lesson?

– About nouns.

  • Formulate the topic of the lesson.
  • Nouns.
  • - Clever girls. Open your notebooks, write down today's date and topic.

– Write down the sentences cleanly, carefully, paying attention to the correct combination of letters.

– Explain the meaning of the sentences.

– Underline the nouns, what members are they?

– Now let’s write the words from dictation: the dog Bobik, Aunt Nadya, the poet Gabdulla Tukay, the city of Kazan, the cat Pushok, the magazine “Murzilka”.

– Underline the words you wrote with capital letter. Why? What words are written with a capital letter? Tell me the rule.

– What are the other nouns called?

Common nouns.

Tell me the rule.

- Well done, guys. Check your work, did you do it right?

And now in front of you is a ciphergram. Words were hidden among the many letters. Find and name them

  • AZ CAT Sh

– Read, what words did we come up with? What do these words have in common?

– They are all nouns. All common nouns.

- Come on, try asking questions to the words. What questions do these words answer?

  • Mom - who?
  • branch - what?
  • aster - what?
  • sparrow - who?
  • cat - who?
  • turnip - what?

What two groups can these words be divided into?

Some nouns answer the question who?

Because they represent living objects.

What are these nouns called?


The remaining words answer the question what?

They denote inanimate objects.

What is the difference between animate and inanimate entities?

In the Tatar language, only people answer the question who? And all other nouns answer the question what?

Animate and inanimate nouns in Russian differ grammatically. Animate nouns have the form accusative case pl. numbers coincides with the form of which case?

Inanimate nouns have a plural form of vin. numbers matches nominative case. For example:

V.p. see what? books, at home.
I.p. is there anything? books, home.

IV. Consolidation. Doing exercises.

b ) Physical education minute.

- Everyone stood up from their desks, hands on their belts.

The game is called "Stomp and Clap". If I name animate nouns, you will clap, and if I name inanimate nouns, you will stomp.

Holiday, rope, writer, fish, apple tree, eagle, goat, glass, bread, oak, engineer, oven, joy, milk, city, master, village, fox, warrior, rain, bear, uncle.

- Well done guys, you made almost no mistakes. Property and common nouns, animateness and inanimateness are constant features of nouns.

– What other constant features of nouns do you know?


Now, guys, determine the gender of these nouns, write them in 3 columns.

– Who correctly identified the gender of nouns, let’s check. We check the chain.

How did you define the nouns m.r. and f.r. with zero ending.

- We need to put it in R.p.

- What else? constant sign nouns do you know?


– What is called declination?

– How many declensions are there in the Russian language?

– 3 declensions.

– Now determine the declension of these nouns.

- Let's check.

Who completed this task without errors? Who made a mistake?

– Name it inconsistent symptoms nouns Number, case.

How many cases are there in Russian? Name them in order with case questions.

Decline one word at a time: mother, father, steppe.

– How to distinguish I.p. and V.p. inanimate nouns?

c) No. 182 (orally), 186 (letters).

V. Homework.

Our lesson ends. Homework assignment – ​​exercise 188, p. 74, write a mini-essay-discussion on the topic “Forest is a noun”, decline the noun “forest” by case.

VI. Assessment for completing assigned work during the lesson.

For test work scores will be announced later.

VII. Summing up the lesson.

– Our lesson is coming to an end. What part of speech were discussed in class? How significant is this part of speech for us?

– In terms of the number of words, a noun is the richest part of speech. Almost every second word in our speech is a noun. Writer L.V. Uspensky believed that “a noun is bread.

- The lesson is over. Thanks everyone for the lesson.


Grammatical features nouns

Nounsignificant part, which expresses the grammatical meaning of objectivity in the inflectional categories of case and number and the non-inflectional categories of gender and animacy.

The concept of “subjectness” is more abstract than the concept of “subject”. Words " board», « window" and similar ones are called objects, they highlight the grammatical meaning of "objectivity". Words " insolence», « height"is called an abstract feature, the words " embroidery», « studying"is called an abstract action, the words " revolution», « coup" show events, words " storm», « rain"name natural phenomena, the words " minute», « year"name time periods, the words " teacher», « old man"name persons, words "cat", "dolphin" call animals; In all words of this type, the grammatical meaning of “objectivity” is highlighted, because you can ask them a question Who? or What?

In nouns, the inflectional category of case is distinguished. In inflected nouns this category is expressed by inflections ( birch– I.p., birch trees– R.p., birch– D.p. etc.), for indeclinable nouns the meaning of the category is determined by the context ( there is meringue on the plate– I.p., treat meringues– TV.p., I love meringues– V.p.).

In nouns, the category of number is distinguished. Usually the opposition singular/plural is distinguished. ( table/tables, teacher/teachers), but there are nouns that are used only in the singular. (singularia tantum): silver, merchants, love, there are nouns that are used only in the plural. (pluralia tantum): perfume, sleigh, cream, yeast.

All nouns, except those that appear only in the plural. (pluralia tantum), belong to one of 3 genera: day– m.r., wife– f.r., window– s.r. This is a non-verbal category.

In nouns, the non-verbal category of animate/inanimate is distinguished. When defining this category, we pay attention to grammatical manifestation. If the form Vin.p. plural coincides with the form of R.p. plural, then the noun is animate ( I see girls(v.p.) = no girls(R.p.)), if the form Vin.p. plural coincides with the form of I.p. – inanimate ( I see desks(v.p.) = there are desks(I.p.)).

Syntactic functions nouns

For nouns they are the richest. Most often they act as subject and object ( fluffy snow enveloped slender ate ), but can also be other members of the sentence: my grandfather was healer (nominal part of compound nominal predicate), wave seas covered me(definition), the books are lying on the table (circumstance).

§16. Lexico-grammatical categories of nouns

The term itself indicates the connection between vocabulary and grammar. Lexical meanings nouns and the resulting manifestations of grammatical categories make it possible to distinguish categories.

Lexico-grammatical categories (LGR)- these are subclasses of words that have a common semantic feature that affects the ability of the word to express certain grammatical meanings. This means that the semantics of words has certain features that influence its grammatical characteristics. For example: if semantic feature « specific item", then it follows that the grammatical feature singular. and many more h.; those. Most concrete nouns have singular forms. and many more h. (leaf - leaves, birch - birch).

The following LGRs are distinguished: proper/common nouns, personal/non-personal, concrete/abstract, collective, real.

Proper nouns

These are individual names of individual items. TO proper names(onyms) include:

1. Anthroponyms - personal names, patronymics, surnames:
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko.
Nicknames, nicknames, aliases: Kosoy, Anna Akhmatova (AnnaGorenko), Lesya Ukrainka (Larysa Kosach).

2. Zoonyms - animal names: Barsik, Kashtanka.

3. Toponyms - names geographical objects(rivers, lakes, mountains, etc.):
Black Sea, Dnieper, Carpathians.

4. Cosmonyms - names celestial bodies: Mars, Milky Way, Earth.

5. Titles works of art: "Uncle Vanya", "War and Peace".

6. Titles historical events, periods: Victory, Revival.

7. Names of institutions, establishments: cafes "Szeged" cinema "Satellite"

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