What works of folklore are you. Why is folklore a special type of creativity? Continue the sentence. Mini essay

Why is verbal folklore called oral folk art?

Explain why we call verbal folklore oral folk art. What works of folklore did you hear from your parents when you were little, and which ones did you read in books?

An article by folklorist V. Anikin says that the art of the people, or folklore, is relevant and beautiful. Folklore- this is the art of the people, that is, what was invented by the people and no one knows the name of any specific author of these works. We call verbal folklore oral folk art because it was created by the people and passed on from mouth to mouth. Oral folk art includes ditties, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes... That is, one person sang ditties to another and taught him to sing them too. He, in turn, also passed on his knowledge to someone else, and so on along the chain from person to person, it has reached the present day. And all this was transmitted orally for the reason that ordinary people did not know how to write before and nothing was ever written down. They began to record it already in the 20th century, and not by the performers themselves, but by people who, by the nature of their activities, collected this folklore.

This was supposed to confuse the evil spirits so that they would not bother me. Warts to be thrown away were first rubbed with chickpeas, pebbles or wheat grains, which were then tied into small bundles and taken to the crossroads. The contaminated objects were then thrown in any direction as the person swung, taking care not to see where they landed, the idea being that whoever picked up the objects would pass on the warts to him.

Washing warts involves bathing them with liquids that have special properties, such as water collected from depression in a tree stump, holy water or the blood of animals such as eels, cats, pigs and moles. They could also be spat on every morning. But this is not the end. The warts may be surrounded by horsehair or silk thread. Or they could be blown up nine times in the light full moon. Or the one with the warts could make faces in the mirror at midnight three nights in a row.

From my parents I heard lullabies and bedtime stories. I read other fairy tales in books. And at holidays in the village I heard ditties and jokes.



Each of these superstitions had its supporters. Because the warts disappeared as mysteriously as they did, their departure often coincided with the "cure" that was attempted. Before viruses were understood to cause such growths, it made sense to attribute the defeat of a wart to a recent act of insanity, even if it involved buried meat or headless eels.

We are more modern times kept our acne behind us and relied on time to take care of most warts. For those persistent fluttering calendar pages that won't go away, we look at various surgical and medicinal methods to get rid of them. Those looking for low tech and effective method, may try to cover the wart with duct tape. As crazy as this method sounds, it has been shown to work in a surprising number of cases.

Goals : Nurture personality

1. having an understanding of the specifics of folklore, the main genres of folklore.

2. able to work with literary material, distinguish between the concepts of literature and folklore, make comparisons.

3. brought up with respect for the word, interested in studying literature.

Lesson type : combined.

Barbara still hits, rubbing them with a frog, although Mikkelson. Folklore is a term used to refer to a set cultural traditions, knowledge, beliefs, customs, rhythms, dances and legends of a particular nation or locality. That is, folklore is the culture of the people!

Brazilian folklore for children

Have you stopped to think about how rich Brazilian folklore is? With this in mind, the curatorial team at Leiturinha has put together a list of children's books available in Brazil that approach Brazilian folklore in a light and in an interesting way. Sachi is one of the main characters of Brazilian folklore and this story is based on that. After all, who doesn't want to know more about this famous character? One day the sack maker goes to a school to talk to the students, and there are many doubts that he combines visiting young children with his "bag nursery".

Equipment : literature textbook, blackboard, interactive whiteboard (presentation).

Lesson progress

I Organizational Mutual greeting. Organization of the workplace and attention.


II Checking homework. Working with a flashcard to test reading comprehension.

Will they be able to see the bags? It won't be that easy, but adventure is guaranteed! According to legend, Kuka scares and catches children who disobey their parents. Ah, at the end there are some curiosities about this legend, so famous! Some characters in Brazilian folklore are directly related to conservation. This little book talks about it and tells its story in a very simple way, reflecting our greatest asset: our green! The title is perfect for communicating with your little one about environment, using Brazilian popular culture as a base.

The concept of literature.

    1. Fill out the chart (orally)


      1. What is "fiction"? Briefly and clearly formulate your answer and write it down.

      Fiction -

      1.3. What is the difference between original and translated literature? Think and write it down.

      Translated literature -

      Myth and system of primitive beliefs.

      This book is completely different from anything you've ever seen! Little Red Riding Hood and Sachi begin to correspond via email, and in these exchanges they learn a lot about each other's culture and several things. How does this story end?

      You must have been scared by some of the urban legends and characters from Brazilian folklore, such as Curupira, Chupa Cabra and the evil dolls that created life at night. Quite gruesome and full of detail, urban legends exist in all corners of the world, and each country innovates with more scary story than the other.

        1. What is a myth?

        Myth -

        Give the interpretation of all terms.

          1. The basis of totemism is the belief in the totem. What is a totem?

        Totem -

          1. Ancient man's belief in magic gave rise to taboos and euphemisms. What is it?

        Taboo -

        Euphemism -

        III Teacher's message. Learning new material. Taking notes on basic terms and concepts.

        Although they have always passed through informal conversations, some typically American urban legends have crossed borders and been adapted in other ways, arriving here also in Brazil. Others are so famous in the United States that they are known all over the world because they are still unsolved mysteries. How about finding out the most famous American urban legends?

        Jersey Devil - Jersey Devil

        However, in real life its existence has never been proven. Reports from people who claimed to have seen the monster describe "Snoga" as a monkey full of fur that walks like a human and is over 2 feet tall. To hide from people, Bigfoot has a habit of living in the remote forests of the United States and Canada. The Jersey Demon is a local legend from southern state New Jersey in the United States. This creature is described as a mixture of the body of a kangaroo, the head of a goat, the wings bat, horns, small arms, sharp claws, hooves and the tail of a trident.

        Term "folklore" translated from English means " folk wisdom" This term is understood in different ways: sometimes it means any folk art (dancing, music, wood carving, etc.). A narrower meaning of the word is oral literature, oral poetry, including songs. We will consider folklore in this sense.

        The child was born normal, but was turned into a creature until he was cast out by a man from the clergy. Originally from the United States, the legend of Bloody Mary became known in Brazil as the Blonde of Bath and has undergone some changes to the original story. According to legend, Mary was killed 100 years ago by a surgeon who left her in front of a mirror. Before she died, the girl still had the power to reveal her killer by writing in the blood. History says that Bloody Mary appears only for everyone who has offended another person.

        The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

        Even the theme from the movie leading role actor Johnny Depp's original legend of the headless knight takes place in Ichabod Crane, a thin and superstitious man gets into an argument with the brave Brombones at the hands of young Katrina Van Tassel. One day, Crane was leaving a party when he was haunted by the "Headless Horseman", a supposed ghost of a soldier whose head had been torn from a cannonball. The ghost lives, wandering to the scene of battle, in an intense and eternal search for its head. Seeing the soldier, Ichabod mysteriously disappeared from the city, allowing Katrina to marry Brom Bones.

        The history of folklore goes back to the deep past of mankind and is connected with man’s mythological ideas about the world. Until now, folklore is characterized by mythological syncretism - unity of words, music, dance, decorative arts. The emergence of verbal creativity into an independent art form occurred gradually and was expressed, first of all, in fairy tales. A fairy tale, in contrast to legend and myth, was perceived as a fiction, a play of the imagination. In fairy tales, people tried to express their ideals, their ideas about happiness and justice, love and friendship. We must distinguish folk tales and copyright, i.e. those that are invented by writers, often using folk fairy tale motifs.

        Kidney Thief - Kidney Thief

        Another urban legend that originated in the United States and has been known in Brazil for a long time. The story is that someone goes out to a party at a party, gets a drink from stranger, which contains drugs and wakes up the other day in an ice bath, and without a kidney, is certainly a classic. The kidnapper does all this training so he can sell the kidneys on the organ black market and make money. True or false, this is one of the greatest legends America.

        You might be scared by these stories, right? Do you know of another urban legend you've heard or a famous monster in United States folklore that is also worth telling a story? Tell us in the comments and share your knowledge!

        Folklore is distinguished by the following features:

        1. oral form,

        2.reliance on traditions,

        3. direct contact between the performer (creator) and the listener,

        4. collectivity, nationality, variability,

        5. combination of words with elements of other types of art. Subsequently, folklore and literature, experiencing mutual influence, enriched each other.

        The theme goes far beyond legends and rhoda songs. Discuss the elements that are part everyday life students. When August arrives, many teachers take folklore books off the shelf, search the Internet, and prepare some classes on the subject to introduce students to the class. “Working on this topic only in August has become a tradition in Brazilian education,” says Alberto Ikeda, professor popular culture and Ethnomusicology at the Institute of Arts of the Universidad Paulista “Julio de Mesquita Filho”, São Paulo Campus.

        Difference between literature and folklore

        Folklore and literature. Folklore in relation to literature is a more archaic form of creativity, which has preserved images, meanings and elements of poetics unknown to the younger sister. On the other hand, folklore is the soil on which it arises and develops written culture, the source from which it draws its original themes and forms. Finally, folklore is a living contemporary of literature over thousands of years of its independent evolution. In different historical periods literature and oral literature enter into different types of interactions.

        This is the first problem when approaching the topic - but it is far from the only one. Another misconception is to generalize folklore into legends and cantigas from the family, something petty and reductive. An essential first step is to understand the concept of folklore. This definition is somewhat reductive given the fact that every cultural expression is influenced by the context of who produces it, and that this context, in turn, is constantly changing. Teaching students that elements of their own culture are part of Brazilian folklore is one of the most big problems problems that teachers encounter when working with the topic.

        The science that studies folk works poetic creativityfolkloristics.

        Collectors and Explorers folk songs, fairy tales, proverbs, etc. called folklorists.

        General: they honor artistic verbal images; general generic system: epic, lyric and drama.


        When they come to school, children bring with them those closest to them cultural elements. Therefore, to explain to them that this "home culture" is part of the concept of folklore is better than simply presenting legends and myths without contextualizing them. “This attitude causes students to be seen as elements of folklore that are far from them, from which they do not participate,” explains Ikeda. “This can lead to general disinterest.” Encouraging students to explore their own communities and even family habits can be a great starting point for teaching the concept of folklore. A child can only understand diversity if he realizes that he is part of it, says Ikeda.

          Staged. Writing in Rus' appeared in the 10th century, with the adoption of Christianity, 988, literature - in the 11th century, and folklore is ancient, older than literature.


          The difference is in the nature of creativity. Literature is the author, folklore is collectivity.

          Differences in living conditions.

          An effective way to bring these issues to the classroom is to say that a set of these customs define the cultural aspects of a people. With this in mind, the inadequacy of resolving the issue in August is obvious. Development of projects that deal with aspects of Brazilian culture throughout academic year, is fundamental. “Instead of approaching cultural elements only in August by simple convention, adapt more coherently curriculum schools according to regional cultural expressions,” says Thicke.

          A step-by-step approach to learning. Infantile education In order to bring folklore closer to the reality of students in the area preschool education, teachers can insert plans and cantigas de roda into lesson plans. Besides the stimulating movement, something fundamental about this age group, they help children develop speech.

        U of all nations there were people associated with the creation and performance of folklore works. These are Russian guslars and buffoons, Ukrainian kobzars, Kazakh and Kyrgyz akyns, French troubadours, etc. Back in XVI V. In Rus', even storytellers were kept at the royal court. A good storyteller, the performer knew up to ten works from memory. Naturally, in order to remember and reproduce some work, people have developed special tips. These artistic clues, polished over centuries, create a special style that distinguishes folklore from literary texts.

        Primary School 1 From the first year you can count on students to help raise the various elements of folklore, without losing sight of what effective training requires planning, initial and ongoing assessment and a logical sequence leading to the construction of knowledge. For a student from South-Eastern Brazil, for example, it makes no sense to come into contact with the myths and legends of the Amazon if he still cannot understand the concept of folklore. It is based on a review of examples of situations that are closer to the students' reality, which the teacher can perceive while introducing aspects that are part of the culture of other regions of the country - which he does not practice, but which can be better understood through this analysis; this part of the elements is better known and follows others, more distant.

        These include following : a set of traditional beginnings and endings, unity of command, repetition of words, lines and episodes, the use of folklore symbols (for example, cuckoo, aspen - grief), common typical places (formula of beauty - “neither in a fairy tale can I say, nor with a pen describe”; formula of command - “stand before me like a leaf before the grass”), constant epithets. It is estimated that from 20 to 80% of the text consists of ready-made material and does not require individual memorization.

        Most ancient genres - epics, legends, songs reflecting religious ideas and beliefs; later, historical songs and folk ballads arose, and even later non-ritual lyrics appeared.

        A special section of folk poetry is children's folklore.

        The folklore of each nation is unique, as is its history, customs, and culture, but folklorists have noticed similar features in the folklore of peoples who even belonged to different language families. Similar works, emerging independently, are created on the basis of laws common to a certain level of artistic thinking and established by tradition.

        VI Conversation with students

        - What works of folklore are you familiar with?

        - When and how did you become acquainted with works of oral folk art?

        - Have you encountered works of folklore anywhere else besides literature lessons?

        Game "Literary Lotto"

        On the board: Game board. The teacher reads passages, students need to determine

        what does this or that text refer to?

        Pestushki Calls Counting books Riddles

        Nursery rhymes Tongue twisters

        Teasers Lullabies Unskillful

        1. A dream walks around the bench,

        And the nap in the hut,

        He is looking for - he will look for my baby,

        Wherever he finds it, he will put him to sleep.


        2. They are riding, driven by seven on horses.

        All on horses, wearing red hats

        Over the bumps, over the bumps -

        Thump into the pit.


        3. Rain, rain, more,

        I will sow the thickets

        Whole tub

        Frog on top!


        4. Forty mice walked

        carried forty pennies.

        Two are worse

        They carried two pennies.


        5. Warms in winter,

        Smoldering in the spring

        Dies in the summer

        Comes to life in winter. (Snow)


        6. Stretch,

        little girls!

        Rotok - talkers,

        Hands are grasping

        Legs are walkers.


        7. Mother turnip,

        born strong,

        vilasta cabbage,

        Be a fool.


        8. Raspberry berry,

        Honey, sugar.

        Get out, little wren,

        There's a place for you -

        In sour dough.

        (Counting book)

        9. And in our yard

        The pig was rummaging

        And accidentally tail

        Clings to the sky.


        10. They fooled a fool

        Four fists

        On the fifth - a chair,

        May you be inflated!

        On the sixth wheel,

        To get blown away.


        Additional material for teachers

        The term “folklore,” which was first introduced into science in 1846 by the English scientist W. J. Thome, translated means “folk wisdom.” Folklore is not just the sum of verbal, dramatic and figurative forms folk art. This is an integral system of folk knowledge, a special national view of the world.

        The folklore picture of the world has evolved over many millennia. Specific genres included folk tradition arose as a person became aware of himself and his interests in the flow of being. Rituals and myths were born as a form of coordination of human life with the rhythms and events of the surrounding world. Tale of Animals developed in line with totemistic ideas about animals - the ancestors of humans. A fairy tale He is no longer interested in the entire natural cosmos, but in relationships within the human race. In epics the differences between one’s own land and foreign states, one’s own people and other ethnic groups are comprehended. Folk ballads and lyrical songs develop themes of intra-family and personal relationships. The genre of folk drama appears later than all other forms of folklore. By playing and transforming into other people, a person gets the opportunity to think about his role in the world. Thus, the vector of evolution of the poetic system of folklore is directed from the general, external, universal to the personal, human, internal.

        By the time of the first scientific recordings of Russian folklore (mid-nineteenth century), the system genres of folk art included the following functional areas:

        Calendar, family rituals , as well as in case of illness (illness, quarrel, long journey, trial, etc.).

        Small, speech forms folklore: proverbs, sayings, riddles.

        Non-fairy prose - stories about specific everyday facts: tales about brownies, goblins, water creatures, etc.; legends about saints; legends about historical persons and events.

        Epic: epics, historical songs, ballads, spiritual poems, fairy tales. Unlike non-fairy tale prose, epic genres of folklore have a special formulaic style, strict laws of composition and do not tell about specific facts, but create a generalized, perfect image peace.

        Lyrics - non-ritual and non-plot song forms of folklore, reflecting the inner world of a person.

        Drama - synthetic genre education, including verbal text, singing, dancing, stage action, scenery.

        Funny forms of folklore . Each folklore genre has its own “distorting mirrors”. For example, parody mortuary games for Christmastide correspond to funeral rites. Next to the epic on a historical subject, there will be a buffoon on an everyday theme, reproducing the style of the original. Along with “serious” prose stories, anecdotes actively exist in folklore. Parody forms reveal the semantic limits of “serious” genres, the boundaries social norms and stereotypes.

        In folkloristics (the science that studies folklore), it is customary to distinguish genres of folklore depending on their belonging to epic, lyric or drama .

        The folklore performers themselves adhere to a different classification: works that are sung and narrated.

        According to the nature of the connection with folk life, folklore is distinguished ritual and non-ritual , in relation to various social strata - recruit, soldier, burlatsky, worker, school etc.

        Children's folklore the whole thing is an unwitting parody of the stereotypes of the adult world. It has its own rituals in communication and games, its own mythology, partly borrowed from elders, partly of its own composition. It has its own lyrics (songbooks and albums), and it also has its own world of laughter: teases, teases, children's jokes . Imitating adult forms of behavior turns out to be a natural mechanism for children to learn the norms and rules by which they will have to live in the future.

        Rituals, conspiracies, tales . The most archaic and deep layers of folklore worldview were formed during the interaction of people with the environment natural environment. Forms and rules of human behavior in natural world describe three closely related folklore genres: ritual, conspiracy, tale.

        Ritual - these are the rules of human behavior in a given situation. Any person, when dressing up, puts himself in a proper, appropriate appearance for the occasion. The deceased is dressed (washed, dressed in specially tailored clothes). Christmastide costumes are people dressed in such a special way to look like otherworldly forces. The groom is said to be a betrothed-mummer, that is, destined by fate, according to the order of things. The ritual includes a set of certain actions, as well as objects with which ritual actions are performed. The ritual takes place at a certain time and place. Ritual actions are accompanied by verbal text. It could be song, lament, dialogue or plot.

        CONSPIRACY How special shape folk culture is born from ideas about the power of a correctly spoken word. A person who knows the exact formula of a spell (that’s why he is called a healer, a witch) is able to summon otherworldly forces and make them work for himself.

        Stories about chance encounters or conscious witchcraft communication with brownies, banniks, goblins, water creatures, mermaids, middays, etc. are called bylichki. The narrator and his listeners are sure that such stories pure truth, true story. The meaning and purpose of such stories is to teach the listener, using a specific example, how one should or should not behave in a given situation when meeting with evil spirits. Little tales serve as a living illustration of the entire system of folk mythology. Let's talk about it in more detail.

        Read out: Unlike the objective scientific description of the universe, the folk worldview is fundamentally subjective. Space in folklore is inhabited, animated, mythologized. House and bathhouse, yard and street, village and forest, clearing and swamp are distributed between man and otherworldly creatures (banniks, barnyards, goblins, water creatures). And in the house itself, the human red corner is opposed by the oven, the underground floor and the canopy, where the brownie is in charge.

        Just like space, time is also mythologized in the popular consciousness, which is reflected in many calendar rituals and beliefs. At noon, according to popular belief, you cannot be in the field; you need a break from work, otherwise you will be punished by midday. At midnight it is even more dangerous to leave the house: the white light is not visible and the night spirits surround the human home. It's bad to take on at sunset new job, you should not start a new loaf of bread, after sunset you should not give anything away from home.

        Drawing up a table.

        Teaches you to guess what is planned.

        5. A fable - a conversation about the actions of the heroes, demonstrating their character traits.

        Make fun of bad character traits or show the hero's wit.

        6. A tall tale tells an unusual, fictitious, “upside down” picture of life.

        It's fun to teach the difference between reality and fantasy and develop imagination.

        7. The nursery rhyme is performed in the process of actions performed by children together with adults.

        It's fun to teach your baby gestures and skills.

        V Fastening.

        Folklore is the art of words.

          1. Give an explanation of the following terms:

        Folklore -

        Folklore -

        Folklorists -

        Why is folklore a special type of creativity? Continue the sentence. Mini-essay.

        “Folklore is a special type of art, because.”

          1. Fill out the table

            Prepare an oral report on the topic “Similarities and differences between folklore and literature”, using this table like a plan.
              1. Finish the statement:

            Folklore and literature are 2 branches of verbal art, they

            Consolidation lesson 2

            Working with the textbook: Main genres of folklore. Fill out the diagrams.




            Small non-lyrical


            VI Summing up. Assessment.

            VII Homework. Pages 9-11 (reading). Letter of response to questions 4.5.

            Reading articles.

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