Zhdanov USSR “The main things in life are my wife, games and cats”

Andreevich (born 1939) Ukrainian entrepreneur and engineer, director of the FED association. Zhdanov, Alexander Georgievich (born June 28, 1932) scientific agronomist, Soviet and Moldavian politician. Zhdanov, Alexander Markellovich (1858... ... Wikipedia

Zhdanov V.G.- Zhdanov Vladimir Georgievich Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov (b. May 25, 1949, Altai region) Russian scientist, public figure. PhD in Physics mathematical sciences, professor of the International Slavic Academy, head of the department... ... Wikipedia

Zhdanov Vladimir Georgievich- Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov (b. May 25, 1949, Altai Territory) Russian scientist, public figure. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the International Slavic Academy, Head of the Department of Practical Psychology and... ... Wikipedia

Zhdanov, Ivan Nikolaevich- Professor of Russian Literature; genus. in Arkhangelsk province in 1846; studied in St. Petersburg university; in 1879 82 Associate Professor at the University of St. Vladimir and teacher of Kyiv women's courses, since 1882, professor at the Historical and Philological Institute in... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

Zhdanov, Yuri- Zhdanov, Yuri: Zhdanov, Yuri Andreevich scientist chemist, organizer Russian science, son of A. A. Zhdanov. Zhdanov, Yuri Nikolaevich (b. 1963) Russian lawyer, professor, doctor legal sciences, specialist in the field international law. Zhdanov, Yuri ... Wikipedia

Zhdanov Ivan Nikolaevich- Zhdanov (Ivan Nikolaevich) professor of Russian literature, born in the Arkhangelsk province in 1846, studied at St. Petersburg University; in 1879 82 associate professor at the University of St. Vladimir and teacher of Kyiv women's courses; since 1882… … Biographical Dictionary

Zhdanov (city in Donetsk region)- Zhdanov (until 1948 - Mariupol), a city in Donetsk region Ukrainian SSR, on the shore Sea of ​​Azov, at the mouth of the river. Kalmius. Seaport And industrial center in the south-east of Ukraine. Railway station (Zhdanov). 446 thousand inhabitants in 1971 (31.2 thousand in 1897; 222.4 thousand in ... ...

Zhdanov I. N.- Zhdanov I. N. Zhdanov Ivan Nikolaevich (1846 1901) literary critic, prof. Kyiv and St. Petersburg universities, academician since 1899. A student of M. I. Sukhomlinov (q.v.) and O. F. Miller (q.v.), Zh. was primarily engaged in the study of oral literature and... ... Literary encyclopedia

Zhdanov, Viktor Mikhailovich- Zhdanov, Viktor Mikhailovich: Zhdanov, Viktor Mikhailovich (scientist) (1914 1987) Soviet virologist. Zhdanov, Viktor Mikhailovich (athlete) (1971 2009) Russian track and field athlete ... Wikipedia

Zhdanov Andrey Alexandrovich- , Soviet statesman and party leader. Member Communist Party since 1915. Born into the family of a public school inspector. Graduated real school. IN revolutionary movement With… … Big Soviet encyclopedia


  • Lev Zhdanov. Collected works in 6 volumes (set of 6 books), Lev Zhdanov. Collected works of Lev Zhdanov, the author of the most interesting historical novels. His works were extremely popular at the beginning of the 20th century...

Zhdanov Andrey Aleksandrovich, statesman and party leader.

Born into the family of a public school inspector. Zhdanov lost his father early and was unable to receive a full education. He studied in grades 3-7 at the Tver Real School, for six months in the 1st year of the Moscow Agricultural Institute and for 4 months at the ensign school in Tiflis, which did not prevent him from writing “incomplete higher education” in the education column.

Zhdanov formally participated in the revolutionary movement since 1912, but his activities were more than modest. In 1916 he was drafted into the army. Real political activity Zhdanov's career began in February 1917, when he began serving as an ensign in the 139th reserve infantry regiment. A born leader and agitator, he was elected to the regimental committee and then became chairman of the Council of Soldiers' Deputies.

In 1918, in Tver, after six months of teaching political literacy, he was elected to the provincial party committee and almost immediately to the bureau, he became editor of Tverskaya Pravda. Zhdanov created and headed the provincial planning commission and was promoted to the post of deputy chairman of the provincial executive committee for economic affairs.

In 1922, Zhdanov took the place of chairman of the provincial executive committee. Noticed by I.V. Stalin, Zhdanov was already a candidate in 1925, and in 1927 a member of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. In 1934, Zhdanov became secretary of the Central Committee and at the same time, after the murder of S.M. Kirov as secretary of the Leningrad regional committee and city party committee. Being among Stalin's inner circle, Zhdanov was an accomplice mass repression in the 1930s - 1940s.

During Patriotic War Zhdanov was a member of the Military Council of the Leningrad Front, a colonel general. Since 1946, Zhdanov led a campaign to strengthen party control over the country’s intellectual life, which went down in history as “Zhdanovism,” although its main inspirer was Stalin.

Fighting against the emergence of new ideas and foreign influences, undermining the spirit of communism,” this propagator of “socialist realism” wrote devastating articles about A. Akhmatova (“Akhmatova’s poetry is completely far from the people”) and M. Zoshchenko (“Zoshchenko’s maliciously hooligan portrayal of our reality is accompanied by anti-Soviet attacks”), who were expelled from Writers' Union; criticized "unprincipled" films, among which were the 2nd series of "Ivan the Terrible" by S. Eisenstein, the works of V. Pudovkin, G. Kozintsev and others; he achieved condemnation of the "History of Western Philosophy" by the party propagandist G. Alexandrov for “excessive tolerance” for idealistic, decadent philosophy; condemned the work of composers who adhered to “formalistic, anti-national trends” - S.S. Prokofiev, D.D. Shostakovich and others. nationalist sentiments and considering culture as a “drive belt” in the matter of education and propaganda. He was buried near the Kremlin wall.

Andrey Alexandrovich Zhdanov(February 14 (26), 1896, Mariupol - August 31, 1948, Valdai) - Soviet party and statesman. Member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks since 1939 (candidate since 1935), since 1934 Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and member of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, member of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks since 1930 (candidate since 1925) . Colonel General (06/18/1944).
Member of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, deputy Supreme Council USSR 1-2 convocations.

Andrey Alexandrovich Zhdanov
Member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks during the period March 22, 1939 - August 31, 1948
Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks during the period February 10, 1934 - August 31, 1948
First Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee and City Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) during the period December 15, 1934 - January 17, 1945
Chairman of the Council of the Union of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR during the period March 12, 1946 - February 25, 1947
Head of the Propaganda and Agitation Department of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks during the period March 21, 1939 - September 6, 1940
Chairman of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR during the period July 15, 1938 - June 20, 1947
First Secretary of the Nizhny Novgorod (Gorky) Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (since 10.8.1929), since 1924 - executive secretary provincial committee CPSU(b) August 1924 - February 20, 1934
Chairman of the Tver Provincial Executive Committee of the SRKD April - July 15, 1922
Birth: February 14 (26), 1896
Mariupol, Ekaterinoslav Governorate, Russian Empire
Death: August 31, 1948 Valdai, RSFSR, USSR
Burial place: Necropolis Kremlin wall, Moscow
Party: Bolsheviks (since 1915)
Military service Rank: Colonel General
Battles: Soviet-Finnish War, Great Patriotic War: Defense of Leningrad

Was born Zhdanov in the family of public school inspector Alexander Alekseevich Zhdanov (1860-1909). On his mother's side, he is the grandson of the inspector of the Moscow Theological Academy Pavel Ivanovich Platonov-Gorsky.
His father Andrey Zhdanov was born into the family of a rural priest near Ryazan, where he graduated from theological seminary, and in 1887 he brilliantly graduated from the Moscow Theological Academy, where he was then an assistant professor at the department Holy Scripture Old Testament, was expelled from the academy with a scandal. He, as he notes biographer of Andrey Zhdanov A. Volynets, became one of the first researchers of the Apocalypse in Russia and the creator of a series of lectures on history, popular in seminaries Old Testament, also became interested in the ideas of Marxism and social democracy. Alexander Zhdanov became the first teacher of his son Andrei and had a great influence on him.

After the death of his father, the family - mother, Andrei and his three sisters - moved to the Tver province. In 1910, he entered the Tver Real School, from which he graduated in 1915 with excellent marks, with only a B in drawing. Member of the Bolshevik Party since 1915.

In July 1916 Andrey Zhdanov called to military service to the Tsaritsyn student battalion, then cadet of the 3rd Tiflis School of Infantry Warrant Officers. Since February 1917 in the city of Shadrinsk in the 139th reserve infantry regiment.
In November 1917, as part of the Committee for Public Safety (chairman of the committee - Socialist Revolutionary N.V. Zdobnov, head of the Shadrinsk City Duma, deputy - A. A. Zhdanov) eliminated the riots associated with the destruction of the alcohol storage facility; As a result, the largest reserves of alcohol in the Urals were released into the Iset River. In 1918 Andrey Zhdanov was the initiator and direct executor of the closure of the Shadrin Socialist Revolutionary newspaper " Popular thought» and organizer Soviet newspaper"The path to commune." In 1918, he led training courses for political, cultural and educational workers in Perm.

In June 1918 Andrey Zhdanov entered service in the Red Army, inspector-organizer of the propaganda bureau of the Ural district military registration and enlistment office, employee of the political department of the 3rd Army, at the beginning of 1919 - head of the cultural and educational department of the Ufa provincial military registration and enlistment office and employee of the political department of the 5th Army Eastern Front Red Army. In 1919, he taught political literacy at the 1st Tver Soviet cavalry command courses of the Red Army.

Delegate to the IX Congress of the RCP(b) from the Tver organization. At the 8th All-Russian Congress of Soviets Andrey Zhdanov elected as a member of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. In April - July 1922, Chairman of the Tver Provincial Executive Committee.

From July 1922 to February 1934 Andrey Zhdanov V Nizhny Novgorod(Gorky). From 1922 to August 1924 head. Agitation and Propaganda Department (APO) of the Nizhny Novgorod Provincial Committee of the RCP (b). From August 1924 to August 1929, 1st Secretary of the Nizhny Novgorod Provincial Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. In 1924-34. 1st Secretary of the Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod) Regional Party Committee.

From 10.2.1934 Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and member of the Organizational Bureau of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. In March-April 1934, head of the Agricultural Department of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, then head of the Planning, Financial and Trade Department of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. Organizer of the First Congress Soviet writers. Since the 1930s, an influential ideologist of the party, the titular co-author (together with Stalin and Kirov) of notes on the basic principles of studying and teaching history (1934, published in 1936). Participated in the creation of " Short course history of the CPSU(b)”, the organizer of its assimilation by the party masses.

After the death of Kirov, from December 15, 1934 to January 17, 1945, 1st Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee and City Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, member of the Military Council of the Leningrad Military District (1935-1941, converted to the front). From February 1, 1935, a candidate member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (elected at the first Plenum of the Party Central Committee after the death of Kirov). Member of the ECCI (1935-1943).

In 1936, being the first secretary of the Leningrad regional party committee, Andrey Zhdanov announced a writing competition literary works. First place in the competition (held only once) was the story “Shadrinsk Goose” by Evgeny Fedorov (it is possible that the competition was announced for this story, since in 1917 Zhdanov was the commissar of agriculture in Shadrinsk).
In the years Great Terror Zhdanov became one of the members of the Politburo of the Central Committee who endorsed the so-called execution lists. In the fall of 1937, he was the leader and initiator of purges (repressions) in the Bashkir party organization. Also in Tatarstan and the Orenburg region.
Since March 1938 Andrey Zhdanov- Member of the Main Military Council of the USSR Navy.
From July 15, 1938 to June 20, 1947 Chairman of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR.

From 11/21/1938 Andrey Zhdanov- Head of the newly formed Department of Agitprop of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, from March 31, 1939, transformed into the Directorate of Propaganda and Agitation of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, which he headed until September 1940.
From 1939 (from the XVIII Congress of the CPSU(b)) until his death - member of the Politburo. From 26.6.1939 to 21.3.1941 member Economic Council under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR.
1939-1940 - member of the Military Council Northwestern Front during the Soviet-Finnish War. In June - August 1940, authorized representative of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks for Estonia.
Since July 1940, a member of the GVS of the spacecraft, since August of the same year, a member of the Defense Committee under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. Since May 1941, a member of the Bureau of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (Stalin became the pre-Soviet People's Commissar of the USSR on May 6, 1941), a member of the Commission of the Bureau of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on military and naval affairs.

Activities of Andrei Zhdanov during the war and post-war times

During the Great Patriotic War Andrey Zhdanov- Member of the Military Council of the North-Western Direction and, until 1944, of the Military Council of the Leningrad Front.

Former director of the BDT Gennady Sukhanov recalled in a 2012 interview that “I once saw him (Zhdanov) in the corridor of Smolny at that time (the Siege of Leningrad). He was like the rest of us. Gray color Frenchman, empty, face clean-shaven, a little puffy, it also seemed to me that he had dropsy. He looked bad. He wasn’t as fat as he was before this nightmare.”
Member of the Commission for the Investigation of Atrocities Nazi invaders(1942), however, as noted by Ph.D. ist. Sciences M. Yu. Sorokin, he took almost no part in her work. In 1944-1947 Andrey Zhdanov headed control commission allies in Finland.

As a member of the Politburo and the Secretariat of the Central Committee, he was responsible for ideology and foreign policy; from April 1946, he led the Directorate of Propaganda and Agitation (headed by G. F. Alexandrov) and the Department foreign policy(Head -), since August 1946, instead of Malenkov, he chairs meetings of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee. He headed the commission formed in 1946, which proposed a draft of a new party program.

After the war, he pursued the Communist Party line on the ideological front in support of socialist realism. In August 1946 Andrey Zhdanov made a report condemning lyric poems Anna Akhmatova and satirical stories by Mikhail Zoshchenko (“The Adventures of a Monkey”). Zoshchenko was characterized as a “scum of literature”, and Akhmatova’s poetry was recognized by Zhdanov as “completely distant from the people”. Representatives of “reactionary obscurantism and renegadeism in politics and art” included Dmitry Merezhkovsky, Vyacheslav Ivanov, Mikhail Kuzmin, Andrei Bely, Zinaida Gippius, Fyodor Sologub. This report by Zhdanov formed the basis of the party resolution “On the magazines Zvezda and Leningrad.”

On behalf of the Party Central Committee, he led the June philosophical discussion of 1947.
By order of Zhdanov, the journal “Questions of Philosophy” began to be published in 1947 and the Publishing House of Foreign Literature arose.

Illness, death and funeral of Andrei Zhdanov

Zhdanov died on August 31, 1948 from a long-term heart disease in the sanatorium of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks near Lake Valdai, where he was treated. A funeral train delivered the coffin with his body from Valdai to Moscow. He was buried near the Kremlin wall.

IN last days life Zhdanova Doctor Lydia Timashuk, who, contrary to the opinion of the Lechsanupra council, diagnosed the patient with a heart attack, addressed the Central Committee with a letter in which she pointed out the incorrect treatment methods that had taken place Zhdanova that led him to death; At the end of 1952, attention was finally paid to this note, and it appeared in the development of the “Doctors' Case.” Zhdanov was declared one of the victims of the “saboteur doctors,” and Timashuk was awarded the Order of Lenin on January 20, 1953, but on April 3 of the same year (the day of the rehabilitation and release of the injured doctors), the award was canceled by a new decree.

Family of Andrey Zhdanov

Andrei Zhdanov's wife from the summer of 1918 - Zinaida Aleksandrovna (née Kondratyeva; b. 1898) - daughter of the exiled A.I. Kondratyev, classmate at the Shadrinsk gymnasium Nina Ivanovna (née Mikhaleva), wife of the creator of the first Shadrinsk newspaper “Iset” (1913), chairman of the Shadrinsk city Duma (1918), prominent figure in the Socialist Revolutionary Party, deputy Constituent Assembly(1918), a classic of Russian bibliography by Nikolai Vasilyevich Zdobnov.
Son - Yuri Andreevich (1919-2006) - Soviet and Russian scientist, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, professor, in 1949 he married Svetlana Alliluyeva, becoming the son-in-law of I.V. Stalin.

Awards of Andrey Zhdanov

two Orders of Lenin (1935, 1946);
Order of the Red Banner (03/21/1940);
Order of Suvorov, 1st degree (21.2.1944);
Order of Kutuzov, 1st degree (07/29/1944);
Order of the Red Banner of Labor (04/04/1939).
"For the defense of Leningrad";
“For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945”;
"For valiant labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

Opinions about Andrey Zhdanov

A. A. Zhdanov belonged to the revolutionary democratic wing Russian intelligentsia, to the commoners in the kindest sense. Hence his dislike of aesthetics, salon style, aristocracy, decadence and modernism. That is why, angry with his bourgeois relative, who loved to repeat: “We are aristocrats of the spirit,” he said in his hearts: “And I am a plebeian!”
- Son Yuri Andreevich Zhdanov, “In the darkness of contradictions”, “Questions of Philosophy” No. 7, 1993

Memory of Andrey Zhdanov

Many objects were named in honor of Zhdanov in the USSR, including his hometown of Mariupol, Leningrad University, St. Petersburg House of Scientists, Rozhdestvenka Street and Zhdanovsky District in Moscow and Leningrad, later the Moscow metro station “Zhdanovskaya” (now “Vykhino”), cruiser “Zhdanov”, former. “Putilov Shipyard” (now Northern Shipyard), Palace of Pioneers in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg City Palace of Youth Creativity), street in Kyiv (now Hetman Sagaidachny).

Name A. A. Zhdanov was also awarded
the city of Mariupol (in 1948-1989).
the city of Beylagan (Azerbaijan) (Zhdanovsk in 1939-1989).
The Primorsky district of St. Petersburg was previously called Zhdanovsky (in 1936-1989).
Irkutsk state university.
Leningrad State University (in 1948-1989).
Gorkovsky polytechnic institute(in 1934-1989).
Kaliningrad Higher Military Engineering Command Order of Lenin Red Banner School.
Leningrad Higher Naval Political School.
Orders October Revolution and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the MPO "First Exemplary Printing House" of Soyuzpoligraprom under State Committee USSR on publishing houses, printing and book trade.
Izhora plant (in 1948-1989).
Pavlovsk Bus Plant (1952-1991).
Vladimir Tractor Plant.
Gorky shipyard "Krasnoe Sormovo".
The Severnaya Verf plant (St. Petersburg) was called “ Shipyard named after A. A. Zhdanov" (until the early 1990s).
tank model T-28, 20 brigade.
14th Guards Leningrad Red Banner Order of Suvorov Fighter Aviation Regiment
45th Guards rifle division(October 22, 1948).
Rozhdestvenka street in Moscow (in 1948-1989).
Chernikovskaya street in Ufa, Osinskaya street in Perm, Bazovskaya street in Krasnodar (1948-1989).
IN Soviet era one of the main streets of the village of Kartashevskaya (Gatchina district Leningrad region) bore the name Zhdanova (now Zelenaya, formerly Ekaterininskaya)
IN Soviet years A street in Murom (now Moskovskaya) was named after Zhdanov.
Until 1989, a street in Syktyvkar (now Kortkerosskaya) was named after Zhdanov.
From its construction in 1966 until 1989, the Moscow metro station Vykhino was Zhdanovskaya.
During these same years, the entire Moscow metro line was called Zhdanovsko-Krasnopresnenskaya.
In 1948 it was released postage stamp USSR, dedicated to Zhdanov.
They were also named after A. A. Zhdanov

State farm "Zhdanovsky" Kokchetav region of the Kazakh SSR.
State farm "Zhdanovsky" of the Bulaevsky district of the North Kazakhstan region.
State farm “Zhdanovsky”, Nizhny Novgorod region.
State Farm named after Zhdanov, Leningrad region.
Imeni Zhdanov is a village in the Kizlyar region of Dagestan.
From 1935 to 1980, the village of Musakok, Samarkand region (Uzbekistan), was called Zhdanov.
During the years of perestroika, the name of Zhdanov was officially condemned by the leadership of the CPSU. In January 1989, the Decree of the CPSU Central Committee “On the abolition of legal acts related to the perpetuation of the memory of A. A. Zhdanov” was issued, which noted that in connection with “numerous appeals from workers with proposals to abolish legal acts, perpetuating memory A. A. Zhdanova“It has been established that A. A. Zhdanov was one of the organizers of mass repressions of the 30-40s against innocent Soviet citizens. He is responsible for what happened during that period criminal acts, violations of socialist legality."

Based on this, the CPSU Central Committee made proposals to cancel the naming of the name of Zhdanov to Irkutsk State University, Kaliningrad Higher engineering school engineering troops, Poltava Locomotive Repair Plant, the city of Mariupol and Leningrad State University, as well as the cancellation of adopted decrees and resolutions related to perpetuating the memory of Zhdanov, naming cities, districts, towns, streets, enterprises, collective farms after him, military units, schools, technical schools, vocational schools and other institutions and organizations located on the territory of republics, territories and regions. On January 13, 1989, the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted Resolution No. 46, which, “taking into account the numerous wishes of the workers,” abolished legal acts on perpetuating the memory of A. A. Zhdanov. After this, many of the largest objects were renamed in record time. On January 13, 1989, by a general resolution of the CPSU Central Committee and the USSR Council of Ministers, the city of Mariupol was returned historical name. Within a week, three monuments to Zhdanov were dismantled there, his memorial museum converted into a museum of folk life.
However, some objects named after Zhdanov have retained their names to this day. Such objects include Zhdanova Street in the village of Industrialny, a remote area of ​​the city of Krasnoyarsk.

Works and speeches of Andrei Zhdanov

Zhdanov A. A. Soviet literature- the most ideological, most advanced literature in the world [Text]: speech at the First All-Union. Congress of Soviet Writers August 17 1934 / A. A. Zhdanov. - [B. m.]: Gospolitizdat, 1953. - 10 p.
Zhdanov, A. A. Stakhanovites are real Bolsheviks of production [Text]: speech November 16, 1935 / A. A. Zhdanov. - M.: Partizdat of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, 1935. - 14 p.
Zhdanov A. A. Speech at the ceremonial plenum of the Komsomol Central Committee together with activists dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Komsomol, in Bolshoi Theater October 29, 1938 [Text] / A. A. Zhdanov. - B. m.: Young Guard, 1939. - 15 p.
Zhdanov A. A. Speech at the discussion on the book by G. F. Alexandrov “History of Western European Philosophy.” June 24, 1947 [Text] / A. A. Zhdanov. - B. m.: Gospolitizdat, 1947. - 44 p.
Zhdanov A. A. Comrade Zhdanov’s report on the magazines “Zvezda” and “Leningrad” [Text]: an abbreviated and generalized transcript of Comrade Zhdanov’s reports at a meeting of party activists and at a meeting of writers in Leningrad / A. A. Zhdanov. - M.: Gospolitizdat, 1946. - 38 p.
Zhdanov A. A. On the transformation of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic into the Union Karelo-Finnish Soviet Republic Socialist Republic[Text]: report of deputy A. A. Zhdanov at the meeting of the VI Session Top. Sov. / A. A. Zhdanov.

  • 1966 Graduated from the Physics and Mathematics School at the Novosibirsk Academgorodok with a gold medal.
  • 1966-1967 Worked as a fireman in a drying kiln at a brick factory in Mary Turkmen SSR. For some reason I didn’t serve in the army, apparently there was a serious reason, because in those years not serving in the army was a disgrace, it was almost impossible.
  • 1967-1972 Studied at the Faculty of Physics of Novosibirsk State University.
  • 1972-1984 Worked as a research fellow at the Institute of Automation and Electrometry of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
  • 1980 Received the degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, specializing in Optics. Dissertation topic: “Photoinduced anisotropy in films of chalcogenide, glassy semiconductors” (I mentioned the title just in case, I’m not a physicist).
  • 1984-1988 Work as a senior teacher of the department general physics Novosibirsk State Pedagogical Institute.
  • In 1983, after studying the report of F. G. Uglov “On medical and social consequences alcohol consumption in the USSR”, decided to familiarize people with this report as much as possible. In the same year he became one of the leaders of the informal temperance movement of the USSR. He was one of the founders of the public organization " International Academy sobriety." This turned out to be very much in line with the then state anti-alcohol campaign, so Zhdanov achieved fame by riding a fortunate wave.
  • 1988: initiator and one of the organizers of the public organization Union of Struggle for People's Sobriety (SBNT).
  • 1988-2008 Deputy Chairman of the SBNT (Chairman - Academician F. G. Uglov). Subsequently, V. G. Zhdanov became chairman of the SBNT.
  • In 1994, having applied, V.G. Zhdanov, according to him, restored his own, getting rid of. From the same year, he began to study, improve and disseminate this method, supplemented by the methodology of G. A. Shichko (as I. N. Afonin states in his book - at his suggestion). Started giving lectures on vision restoration in different cities former countries USSR. He organized courses for vision restoration, supplementing the “Bates-Shichko method” with the use of dietary supplements from one of the first network companies to appear in Russia. Zhdanov clearly has good instincts; for the second time he integrated into the new wave in time. In general, I have a positive attitude towards, but if Zhdanov himself, according to his assurance, restored his vision before encountering dietary supplements, then I perceive his promotion of dietary supplements exclusively as an additional business.
  • 1997 Graduated Faculty of Psychology Novosibirsk State pedagogical university majoring in “Practical Psychology”.
  • In 2000, V. G. Zhdanov’s first speech on the topic of vision restoration took place in Moscow. It was held at the Ashgabat cinema. More than a thousand people came to the lecture.
  • Since 2000, he held the position of professor and head of the department of practical psychology and psychoanalysis in a non-state educational institution"Siberian Humanitarian-Ecological Institute" (Novosibirsk). Exact date V. G. Zhdanov does not indicate the cessation of work in this institution, but writes that “in 2005, the rector of SibSEI died, new rector I couldn’t save the institute and it was closed.” Zhdanov also points out that since 2007 he began to live in Moscow, and not in Novosibirsk. According to a Wikipedia check, in 2007 there was no institute at the given address. The status of the institution “Siberian Humanitarian-Ecological Institute” remains not entirely clear. Arises classic question: “Was there a boy?” Establishment kind of existed, and had its own printed edition- newspaper “Hello, man!” At the same time, according to the National Accreditation Agency in the field of education, the specified institution has a license to carry out educational activities higher education institutions vocational education did not receive it, and the “institute” itself, according to some information, rented a room in the Novosibirsk business center.
  • Since 2007 lives in Moscow, heads the department Practical psychology at the International Slavic Academy. However, I will immediately note that the International Slavic Academy, like SibSEI, is not the highest educational institution, but is public organization. So the title “professor” is nominally honorary, and has no relation to the academic title of professor or position of teacher at a higher educational institution.
  • Awarded a gold medal Russian Academy natural sciences(RAEN), named after I. I. Mechnikov “For contribution to strengthening the health of nations.” By the way, and a secret: membership in the Academy can be purchased by anyone who has written at least one scientific work in the field of biology, physics, chemistry.
  • V.G. Zhdanov is married. There are two daughters and two granddaughters

Materials used in the article

Andrei Aleksandrovich Zhdanov was named by his comrades and later historians as a likely successor. Soviet citizens, the intelligentsia remembered Zhdanov for the “Zhdanovism” or “Zhdanov Doctrine” - an imposed ideological teaching. New philosophy artistic creativity, which was cherished by a prominent party leader, was aimed at isolating Soviet culture from foreign influence.

Childhood and youth

The future ideologist of socialist realism was born in February 1896 in Mariupol, into an intelligent family. My father worked as an inspector of public schools. Andrei Zhdanov’s grandfather on his mother’s side is Pavel Platonov-Gorsky, an Orthodox biblical scholar, inspector of the Moscow Theological Academy. His paternal grandfather was a rural priest in the Ryazan province. Zhdanov’s father followed in the footsteps of his parent: he graduated from theological seminary, then from the theological academy in the capital. Remaining an assistant professor at the department, he became the first researcher of the “Apocalypse” and became interested in the ideas of Marxism, for which he was miserably expelled from the academy.

Alexander Zhdanov influenced his son, instilling in him the ideas of social democracy. After the death of the head of the family, the mother and her children - son Andrei and three daughters - moved to Tver. In 1915, Zhdanov graduated from a real school with one “B” grade. In the same year he became a member of the CPSU (b).

In the summer of 1916, Andrei Zhdanov was called up to serve in the student battalion in Tsaritsyno. A year later Zhdanov became a cadet infantry school- ended up in a reserve infantry regiment stationed in the Ural Shadrinsk.


The biography of Andrei Zhdanov is closely connected with the Bolshevik Party. Since 1915, after joining the party ranks, a 16-year-old boy has been rapidly climbing the career ladder. In the winter of 1917, Zhdanov was included in the Shadrinsk Committee for Public Safety. Soon he becomes deputy chairman and participates in eliminating the unrest that occurred after the destruction of the alcohol storage facility: the committee members dumped the largest reserves of alcohol in the Urals into the Iset River.

The young communist Andrei Zhdanov in 1918 became the initiator and executor of the closure of the Socialist Revolutionary publication in Shadrinsk and the organizer of the Bolshevik newspaper. In the same year he was sent to Perm to lead preparatory courses political workers.

In the summer of 1918, Zhdanov was appointed inspector-organizer of the propaganda bureau at the Ural district military registration and enlistment office. As a strong ideologist, Andrei Zhdanov serves as an employee of the political department of the 3rd and then the 5th armies of the Eastern Front of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army. A year later, he was entrusted with teaching political literacy at the cavalry command courses of the Red Army.

In 1922, Andrei Zhdanov became chairman of the provincial executive committee. Stalin drew attention to the intelligent 26-year-old communist, and in 1925 Zhdanov became a candidate, and 2 years later a member of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks.

In 1934, Andrei Aleksandrovich Zhdanov was secretary of the Central Committee, and after the murder of Sergei Kirov, secretary of the regional and city party committees in Leningrad. After 4 years, the Secretary General elevated Zhdanov to Chairman of the Supreme Council. He is called the conductor of Stalin's terror, but they note less activity than that of and. But Andrei Zhdanov’s signature is under 176 “execution” lists.

In the summer of 1940, he was sent to Estonia, where Zhdanov was busy creating Soviet republic and its annexation to the USSR.

During the Great Patriotic War, Andrei Aleksandrovich Zhdanov played a role in defense. In January 1945 he was relieved of his duties as First Secretary of the regional and city committees northern capital, but the politician retained his influence in the city.

In 1946, Joseph Vissarionovich entrusted Andrei Zhdanov with overseeing cultural policy in the USSR, and he zealously began to carry out the task. At the end of the same year, he criticized creativity and. Zhdanov labeled Akhmatova’s poetry “completely distant from the people,” and Zoshchenko was “honored” of the description “literary scum.”

In the late 1940s, the devotee of socialist realism Andrei Zhdanov stigmatized representatives of “reactionary obscurantism and renegadeism” - poets Silver Age, Vyacheslav Ivanov, and . The August 1946 report became the basis for the resolution “On the magazines Zvezda and Leningrad.” In it, Zhdanov proclaimed that “apolitical art is ideological sabotage,” and the only possible conflict allowed in works of Soviet culture is “the conflict between the good and the best.”

In February 1948, the Stalinist ideologist began to “cleanse” the ranks of musicians, calling the process “the fight against formalism.” Composers and dozens of others were purged.

But in 1948, Andrei Zhdanov himself fell out of favor. In June, the Secretary General sent him to Bucharest, where at the Cominform meeting the delegates were entrusted with condemning Yugoslavia and Josip Broz Tito. Zhdanov, unlike Malenkov, showed softness. Stalin removed his former favorite from all posts and replaced him with Georgiy Malenkov.

Personal life

Andrei Zhdanov's wife was Zinaida Kondratyeva, the daughter of an exile. The couple had a son, Yuri Zhdanov, who married Stalin's daughter -. In 1950, two years after the death of Andrei Zhdanov, his granddaughter Katya was born. And two years later, Yuri and Svetlana broke up.

Yuri Andreevich Zhdanov became a chemist, professor, rector Rostov University. During Gorbachev's perestroika he was persecuted.

Andrei Zhdanov's wife died in 1973. My son passed away in 2006.


In his memoirs he calls Zhdanov an “alcoholic,” claiming that Stalin recent months shouted at the favorite, insisting on replacing alcohol with fruit juices.

Zhdanov’s associates hold a different opinion, arguing that Joseph Vissarionovich considered Andrei Alexandrovich as a successor, but the latter’s poor health and weak heart, as well as the intrigues of Georgy Malenkov, thwarted the plans of the General Secretary.

After the failure in Yugoslavia, health problems worsened: Andrei Zhdanov ended up in a departmental sanatorium near Valdai, where he died on August 31, 1948. The cause of death was heart failure.

The attending physician Lydia Timashuk did not agree with the opinion of the council of the Kremlin medical and sanitary department, which diagnosed Zhdanov with a heart attack. Timashuk wrote a letter to the Central Committee, where she pointed out the incorrect treatment methods that led to the death of the patient. In 1952, attention was paid to the note: it became the basis for the “doctors’ case,” and Zhdanov was declared a victim of “saboteur doctors.”

Monument to Andrei Zhdanov in Mariupol, dismantled in 1989

Andrei Zhdanov was buried near the Kremlin wall, on Red Square. Hometown renamed Zhdanov in 1948, erected on central square monument to the famous Mariupol resident. But in 1989 the name of Mariupol was returned to the city, and in next year The monument was dismantled.

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