The importance of public speaking in your life. What is public speaking and how to learn it

A politician who speaks daily in front of thousands of people calls himself an orator. A vegetable seller at the market talks to only a hundred people a day, declaring himself to be a simple hard worker. In which of these people is displayed oratory? At first glance, everything is obvious.

However, there is a nuance: the month is coming to an end - it’s time to display statistics. The politician found himself at the bottom of the election lists. The market trader increased his monthly income by 15%. Who seems more eloquent now? How does it manifest itself? real strength oratory and how to become a successful speaker from scratch?

What is oratory

Oratory is the skill of persuasion and influence on the public. It includes eloquence, acting skills and psychological techniques. The features of such a sphere are studied by rhetoric.

The teachings of oratory originated in Ancient Greece. They have developed in other ancient states- India, Egypt, China. However, it was Hellas who devoted more time and attention to this topic. The Roman Empire rightfully took second place in terms of the degree of study of this area.

The main goals of oratory

  • convey information to listeners;
  • express your opinion, idea about a current problem;
  • defend your own opinion;
  • interact with society, get to know it;
  • to convince someone of something;
  • motivate the audience to take action;
  • promote yourself.

In many situations, the main key to a speaker's success is his self-confidence. To convince listeners own point point of view, it is important for the speaker to believe in his idea or to skillfully pretend. True emotions and impulses, acting skills or effective self-hypnosis are extremely important for a rhetorician.

Basics of public speaking

Radislav Gandapas is a popular leadership and public speaking specialist in the CIS countries, a business coach, and the author of the book “The Kama Sutra for the Speaker.” In it, he claims that the public pays 60% of its attention to how the speaker behaves and presents himself, 30% to how he speaks and only 10% to what he talks about. This proves that public speaking is a complex technique. It includes many factors. To perform successfully, you will need to master several basics at once.

Voice and speech

A successful speaker's voice sounds smooth and at medium volume. However, differences in timbre are no less important, as they make speech more interesting and relieve monotony. It is important to learn to play with your intonation to match the semantic turns in your speech. Clear, understandable pronunciation of words is another significant element. How to improve your diction:

  • recite poems, excerpts from plays or prose;
  • study tongue twisters (especially “Liguria”);
  • apply the Demosthenes method (trained speech on the seashore with a pebble in his mouth. The stones enhanced the clarity of pronunciation, and the sound of the waves imitated the sounds of the crowd);
  • work with a speech therapist;
  • use articulatory gymnastics;
  • train your breathing.

A speaker's tone is one of the main levers of crowd control. The psyche is directly related to speech apparatus. If a speaker is not confident, his voice will show it. The speaker will stammer, stutter, mumble, and chew on his words. However, this relationship has a two-way effect. If the rhetorician tries to control his tone, he will not have time to notice how confidence will return to him.


“You meet someone by their clothes...” - this saying is especially relevant in the skill of public monologues. However, a business suit is far from a universal option. The choice of clothing depends on four features:

  • the reason and topic of the speech;
  • social status, the mood of the listeners;
  • situation, environment in which the speaker speaks;
  • way of presenting information (comic, serious, dramatic).

T-shirt and shorts on business negotiations looks as ridiculous as the formal suit worn by a promoter handing out invitations to a children's party.

However, in any case, it is better to choose a neat, clean, ironed outfit. The same goes for hygiene. Clean teeth, a washed face without signs of sleep, fights or hangovers, hair styling, light makeup, a well-groomed mustache and beard affect people much better than untidiness.

Body language

Facial expressions, gestures, posture - they express the charisma necessary for effective speech. The degree of their expressiveness is selected individually for each performance. On children's party Gestures and changes in facial expressions are the most mobile and active. When defending scientific work the emotional influx will have to be curbed. As for poses, it is highly desirable that they express confidence and perseverance. Some tips:

  • watch your posture, keep your back straight;
  • control physical tension so that it is moderate and does not squeeze;
  • straighten your shoulders;
  • keep your head slightly elevated;
  • choose a good angle in advance, keeping in mind lighting, acoustics, and the “working side” of the face;
  • keep your hands visible, without hiding them in your pockets or, even worse, behind your back;
  • learn to stop trembling in a static position.


Only 10% of attention is paid to the semantic load of the speech. However, listeners pay for seminars to hear useful information, and not a ton of water mixed with emotions. For this reason, the essence also plays a role. This is what the public wants:

  • a clearly formulated thesis;
  • relevance of the problem, its causes;
  • possible results of inaction;
  • options for solving the problem;
  • arguments in favor of a particular move;
  • reasons for refusing other methods of action;
  • results of application of the submitted idea and method.

The performance is thought out taking into account all these points. If at least one of the listed provisions is not given a meaningful answer, failure is possible. Either the speech will be of no use to the audience, or the speaker will put himself in the awkward position of not knowing how to answer questions from the audience after the speech.

Effect on emotions

Just a list of facts is dry. Arguments make you think, occupying your thoughts for several minutes, hours, days. And only information intertwined with experiences is remembered for weeks, months, years. It is easier to remember information if there are some feelings associated with it.

One of the best ways such influence is an intrigue. How you can create it:

  • unexpectedly tell a provocative fact;
  • voice data that seems impossible (for example, “I am immortal,” explaining this after a pause by saying that he left a mark on the earth and will now forever remain in the memory of descendants);
  • ask a riddle, but promise to reveal the answer at the end;
  • say that the audience will be able to get what they want by the end of the event (if this is indeed at least partially possible);
  • announce the discovery of a secret;
  • state a statement, ask the audience if they agree with it, and then invite them to find out together;
  • intrigue with a surprise;
  • organize a competitive situation.

Interaction with the public

People love to talk and hear about themselves. Even public recognition own mistakes, shortcomings unconsciously cause pleasure. But how can a speaker use this if there are so many listeners and they are different?

The audience obeys the crowd effect, so it acts harmoniously and turns into a single mechanism. In addition, all the people who came to the planned seminar are united by an interest in the announced topic. This means that the public is united. Figuratively speaking, she unites into one personality. And she also loves to hear about herself. How to contact her:

In Ancient Greece, the speaker needed only his skill and exaltation so that the surrounding people could see him. Now is a different time. Oratory has moved to a new stage of development, technology has improved, and the public has become more capricious. To interest the audience, a modern speaker will need more visibility in the form of:

  • videos, presentations;
  • audio recordings, musical accompaniment;
  • diagrams, tables, graphs;
  • specific examples from life;
  • models, prototypes, layouts;
  • acting out real situations;
  • brochures, flyers, booklets.

Using it correctly aids, the rhetorician will achieve greater effect in his speech.
Oratory requires rich knowledge and honed skills. It does not depend on financial situation or social status. If eloquence was not inherent in nature, then this skill is mastered through hard work. But even a person with good inclinations will have to work. You can gather thousands of listeners who will forget about the speech they listened to five minutes after it ends. Or you can speak in front of eight people and move them all to action. And this is precisely where the highest skill of the speaker lies.

IN modern world the key to success is mastering the skill of public speaking. This is a special art in which every person can rediscover himself. He will speak beautifully and correctly, feel confident in front of any audience, and be interesting in communication. Of course, there are people who are endowed with this ability from birth, but there are very few of them. Therefore, a person deprived God's gift, don’t worry, you can learn public speaking if you want. Age doesn't matter special significance, because it’s never too late to gain new knowledge and skills.

  • Content:

Of course, there are professions that simply oblige you to thoroughly learn art oratorical speech . These include politicians, judges, teachers, actors, announcers, etc. Even if you do not consider yourself to be in these categories, such skill in any case cannot harm you. Apart from the benefits, there can be no talk of anything else. It can be useful in life, for example, when applying for a job, and when making new acquaintances. Thus, this is art at its most different situations can provide an invaluable service.

What is public speaking?

This is the art of the living word. A person who owns it can easily convey thoughts to others. At the same time, his sentences are beautiful and clear. He feels confident because his speech is attractive and interesting. This is exactly what oratory teaches. The degree of mastery of it may vary, but you need to work on yourself in any case. Often in life we ​​are faced with situations when we have to think about how to say or answer a question. To look convincing, you cannot do without important techniques of special skill.

Oratory and rhetoric participate in the formation of style and logical statements. They help avoid unwanted pauses and develop memory. Ordinary speech turns into attractive and is filled with the necessary emotions. A real speaker is always more interesting to the public than someone who does not know how to correctly formulate their thoughts. In addition, timely arguments and facts contribute to a successful resolution. controversial issues. And this is a kind of guarantee the best way out from conflict situations. Unprepared people will only rarely be able to formulate their phrases clearly and correctly in right moment.

History of oratory

The chronicles of oratory are transferred to Ancient Greece. It was here that great craftsmanship was given close attention. This is where the roots of stylistic patterns and the development of speech come from, because before the advent of writing, thoughts were expressed orally.

Greek orators skillfully influenced the public because they mastered the laws of logic and rules oral speech. They were able to achieve that eloquence served as their main weapon from a political point of view. Oratory, being the queen of the arts, could very effectively influence decisions in public affairs.

It was in Ancient Greece that the first school of oratory. Its outstanding masters were Demosthenes, Philocrates, Hyperides, Aeschines and others. public figures. Among them, Demosthenes was able to achieve highest achievements. Without his contribution, it is difficult to imagine oratorical practice and the basics of the theory of rhetoric, where the word was given great importance. People learned from his speeches not only in ancient times; the surviving theories are still relevant today. They are part of the golden fund of rhetoric as a separate science.

Speaking to an audience

Visual perception and appearance

When speaking in front of an audience, the speaker must prepare not only his speech, but also diligently work on appearance. It's no secret that a speaker is first greeted by his appearance. It has long been proven that appearance plays important role at first impression. Based on statistics, 55% of persuasive power comes from appearance speaker and visual perception listeners, for tone of voice - 35% and only 10% for words.

Listeners are first and foremost spectators. They will look at the speaker very carefully. Especially the female half pays close attention to detail. The outfit, hairstyle and demeanor will not go unnoticed. A person who is insecure, ill-prepared or indecisive quickly becomes noticeable. The public will not want to concentrate and delve into the essence of it speeches. And no matter how hard the speaker tries, it will be very difficult to win over the audience.

Maintaining attention

The art of oratory This is precisely the ability to deliver a prepared report or a speech constructed on the fly. A true master knows how to quickly navigate and build logical sentences. In addition, he knows how to attract his listeners and interest him in his performance.

For maintaining attention the speaker uses special techniques that allow him not only to win over, but also to tune in to the same psychological wavelength. At the same time, gestures and facial expressions, voice and intonation play important. After all, it is one thing to listen, and quite another to be heard. I also talked about this famous poetess M. Tsvetaeva. Under no circumstances should the public be given the slightest reason to be irritated.

Contact with the audience

The speaker's speech is mostly a monologue. However, the speaker needs to be able to find contact with the audience. He must try to establish a connection, even an imaginary one. Only in this case can he count on a response. A good speaker is able to sense the mood of the audience and adjust his speech at the right moment. It is as if he reads the thoughts of the listeners and does not allow them to be distracted from the information being presented. It's like mental dialogue, in which the other party does not say his wishes out loud. In turn, this does not distract the speaker, but does not exclude two-way communication.

So art public speaking - This is an imitation of live communication. It is difficult for a beginner to achieve this, but it is quite possible when mastering basic rhetorical techniques. Among them: direct appeal to the audience, filling the speech with emotions, holding conversational syntax. Don’t worry in advance, everything comes with experience, you just need to make an effort and patience.

Another important means of establishing two-way communication is eye contact with the speaker. If you read the prepared text and don’t look up from the paper, the public’s interest will quickly disappear. In this case, the speaker independently builds a wall that protects him from the audience. It is not recommended to look at one corner or the ceiling. Only by looking from one listener to another can the speaker count on uniting the audience and achieving the effect of communication, even at the mental level.

You need to be able to read the reaction in the eyes. In this case, the speaker will be able to control the audience. As soon as he notices the first signs of listener fatigue, he can use one of the proven methods to relieve the audience. For example, it could be a memory funny incident, insertion of an aphorism or proverb. It is advisable that they be close to the topic of the speech. You can even step aside from the report and tell a funny joke, winning over the audience. Emotional release when tired in the best possible way will recreate a friendly atmosphere. All this will allow us to continue the performance, the interest in which will only increase.

Oratory in other types of speech communication

The multifaceted art of oratory includes not only speeches in front of large audience, but also conducting a dialogue with the interlocutor, debates, discussions, as well as other types speech communication. At the same time, the speaker’s speech should always amaze with iron logic, but at the same time be sincere and sensitive. Only in this case can you count on the listener’s interest and disposition.

For any speech communications can be shown oratory skills and leave an indelible mark, good opinion and earn respect by impressing interesting conversation. In this case, important importance is paid not only to the literacy and erudition of the speaker, but also to his emotionality, interest and ability to listen to his interlocutor. Of course, natural abilities also help with this, but the experience gained, speech culture and intelligence are not secondary.

Public speaking training

Anyone can learn public speaking. The main thing is to have a desire and focus on results. You should not be afraid of difficulties that may arise during the learning process. Only patience and diligence will bring the expected results. Even many famous people who were able to achieve success in speaking, initially encountered difficulties. For example, Margaret Thatcher managed to change her shrill voice, which was naturally so. Her hard work in studying acting bore fruit. Politician In France, Mirabeau learned to present memorized texts in such a way that they began to seem like real improvisation.

Public speaking training can be done independently, but specialized schools and centers, classes will be more effective. Developed programs and psychological trainings- popular ways to get rid of the fear of speaking in public, develop thinking and memory, replenish your speaking skills and gain self-confidence. Here you can learn to formulate thoughts correctly, quickly interest the listener, gain artistic skills and speak beautifully on any topic, including impromptu. Experts will teach you how to choose the right intonation and skillfully use different speech techniques. They will talk about how to benefit from communication, introduce unproductive conversation patterns, and reveal ways to avoid “uncomfortable” questions.

What is a good speaker?

Master of Oratory is the person who easily masters the living word and can, with its help, influence an interlocutor or an entire audience. Speaking about such a professional, one cannot fail to mention high level. Good diction eliminates any unclear pronunciation of words and individual sounds. The speaker is pleasant and easy to listen to because there are no tongue twisters or lisps. The power of the voice is manifested not only in volume, but also in the mental impact on the consciousness and will of the listeners. In other words, the speaking technique of a real speaker is approaching perfection.

An accomplished speaker skillfully uses various techniques. For beautiful speech the use is of great importance catchphrases, famous proverbs and a saying. When they are unexpected, but said to the point, the speech seems more interesting and better remembered. Speech culture speaker always judged by its wealth vocabulary. The more words a professional has in his arsenal, the more interesting it is to communicate with him. And if, in addition to all this, the sentences are laconic and well-constructed, observing the accuracy of word usage and language norms pronunciation, then such a speaker has no price.

  • Anyone can learn public speaking. At the same time, it is important to tune in to luck and under no circumstances deviate from your goal.
  • You should never show your excitement to strangers, much less talk about poor preparation.
  • Avoid monotonous speeches, take proper breaks and highlight the right words. Don't forget about intonation when raising and lowering your voice.
  • Spend more time on training; it is advisable to rehearse a prepared speech at least 3 times.
  • Try to interest the audience from the very beginning of your speech by coming up with an intriguing title.
  • When speaking publicly, try to connect with your audience.
  • During your speech, change your position and use gestures.

The main advice is this: to master the art of the living word, you need to learn to think beautifully.

Natural eloquence

Manifestations of natural oratorical ability are often found in everyday life. Let's imagine a situation: one man walking on the road, not seeing the danger threatening him, and the other, raising his voice, warns him about it. Another example. One person falls into the water, and another raises a cry for those around him to come to the rescue. Examples of natural eloquence can be found in villages, where people communicate loudly and emotionally, almost shouting to each other (“across the street”), or in the market, where everyone communicates something about their product. Such manifestations of eloquence do not require special preparation. The voice in such cases rises naturally, under the influence of feelings and appropriate circumstances.


There are situations when a person needs to say something beautifully and convincingly, but the necessary emotions are in at the moment No. This requires special self-management skills, which can be acquired in the process of learning public speaking in public speaking schools or in special trainings. Oratorical eloquence special kind art, originated in ancient Greece. No other ancient culture- neither Egyptian, nor Akkadian, nor Chinese, nor Indian - do not pay such attention close attention oratory, like Greek, and do not provide high examples of the substantive and stylistic perfection of dialectics and art spoken word. Oratory teaches how to make ordinary speech oratory. The traditions of modern oratory go back to the ancient rhetoric of Ancient Greece and Rome.

Properties of oratory speech



  • Kornilova E. N. Rhetoric is the art of persuasion. M.: URAO, 1998. - 208 p. - ISBN 5-204-00146-8
  • Averky (Taushev). A Guide to Homiletics. - M.: PSTGi, 2001. - 143 p. - ISBN 5-7429-0110-0
  • Soper P. L. Fundamentals of the art of speech. - M.: Phoenix, 2006. - 448 p. - ISBN 5-222-07060-3
  • Shakhijanyan V.V. Learning to speak publicly

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Olympic (football club, Baku)
  • African Theater of World War II

See what “Oratory” is in other dictionaries:

    ORATORY- (from the word speaker). The art of eloquence, oratory. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. ORATORY the art of speaking in public with all the techniques that enhance the impression of words and... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    oratory- eloquence, oratorical talent, gift of speech, gift of speech, eloquence, eloquence Dictionary of Russian synonyms. oratory noun, number of synonyms: 8 gift of speech (6) ... Dictionary of synonyms

    Oratory- see Rhetoric. Literary encyclopedia: Dictionary literary terms: In 2 volumes / Edited by N. Brodsky, A. Lavretsky, E. Lunin, V. Lvov Rogachevsky, M. Rozanov, V. Cheshikhin Vetrinsky. M.; L.: Publishing house L. D. Frenkel, 1925 ... Literary encyclopedia

    Oratory- ORATORICAL ART see Rhetoric ... Dictionary of literary terms

    Oratory- or the art of eloquence - the ability to speak coherently, logically and artistically in order to attract attention, and at the same time sympathy of listeners to some matter. Even in ancient times, the vocation of an orator was considered to teach, please and touch (dicet,... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

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    art- Creative artistic activity. Boundless, unprincipled, sterile, pointless, meaningless, brilliant, combative, eternal, militant, exciting, magical, free (obsolete), lofty, humanistic, humanitarian (obsolete), ... ... Dictionary of epithets

Oratory skills are necessary for any person speaking in front of an audience. Especially necessary for executives, sales managers, novice teachers, students...

You will learn how to speak in front of any audience in this course. "Oratory"! It is based on the best developments in global and domestic public speaking practice.

The course alternates between practical skills and theoretical classes. A combination of mini-lectures, brainstorming, role playing games, facilitation and business cases allows you to achieve excellent results. You will learn to speak in public calmly and confidently, get rid of fear, and be able to speak on almost any topic, holding the attention of the public!

During the lesson you will learn:

  • how to attract the attention of the audience and keep it;
  • how to work with voice and timbre;
  • what means help make the performance bright;
  • how to turn disadvantages into advantages (psychological techniques);
  • know-it-alls, talkers and “no” people: what to do with “difficult” participants;
  • how to answer awkward questions.

You will make your speech bright, interesting, lively and fiery!

What is public speaking? This is the art of public speaking with the goal of convincing the listener of a particular idea using a combination of various techniques. The art of rhetoric itself originated in ancient Greece and Ancient Rome and has undergone many changes under the pressure of changing eras.

The importance of rhetoric for human life remains unchanged. Oratory skills, first of all, teaches how to be self-confident and how to instill this confidence in listeners. Good speakers achieve their desired heights in any field, be it their own business or a teaching career.

Rhetoric opens many doors to new opportunities, but becoming a speaker does not happen overnight. In order to master this art, rhetoric training is necessary, which can be completed independently or in specialized classes. This article examines the main pillars of the art of rhetoric.

The first training is dedicated to writing. Preparation of an oratorical speech before a speech is the basis on which the art of oratory is built. A carefully crafted speech is already half a step towards successful performance. So, work on speech is usually carried out in several stages.

  • First you need to collect information and study it thoroughly. It is important to consult multiple sources to review an issue. different sides. The speaker should be distinguished by good knowledge not only of all current news, but also in the main trends in all spheres of human life. Take the time to research the information. sufficient time. At the end of this stage, you need to structure the collected information.
  • Next, when working on a speech, the speaker must think about how to engage his audience. The speaker's speech always has as its goal one or another effect on the listener. When preparing for a performance, it is necessary to study the audience, their interests, manner of communication, etc. The success of a speech is measured by whether the desired effect was achieved or not. To achieve it, you need to speak in a language that the public understands about what interests them.
  • Learning rhetoric is also about building the purpose of your speech. Aimless ranting in front of the public is the lot of a demagogue. Such speeches do not attract the necessary audience. That is why you need to learn to put one or another at the forefront of your speech. acute problem, which needs to be solved. Its solution is the purpose of the speech, uniting the audience and the speaker.
  • The public trusts the speaker who reveals himself to them as a person. Therefore, it is very important to include your own thoughts on the issue under discussion. Few people will listen to a speaker who does not have a clear position. To do this, you need to pass through your experience and your worldview the whole collected information and form your own position.

Oratory is, first of all, the ability to prepare a speech so that it captures the attention of the target audience.

It is equally important to properly prepare for the performance itself.

Preparing for the performance

The rules of public speaking state that any speech must be well planned.

Although the speaker must also be prepared for spontaneous speech. To prepare a speech, the following scheme is usually used.

  • First of all, you need to give up speaking on paper. You can leave on paper only a plan and short notes about important points that need to be mentioned. Thus, it is better to learn the main part of the speech. This is why public speaking skills include an excellent memory that needs to be trained regularly.
  • Teaching public speaking also involves following the structure of a speech. This gives the speech logic and integrity. It is necessary to clearly limit the introduction, main part and conclusion. It is advisable to devote special attention namely the introduction, since at this moment the public’s attitude towards the speaker begins to form.
  • It is recommended to think through the organizational issues of the performance in advance, that is, if possible, familiarize yourself with the performance area, discuss with the organizers technical issues regarding the operation of microphones, prepare water, etc.
  • Public speaking skills not only include various speaking abilities, but also the ability to look good. A speaker should always look neat, as appearance is the first thing the public notices.

Oratory teaches you to attract people and lead them, which is practically necessary for many professions. However, one is not born an excellent speaker, so teaching rhetoric has been relevant since ancient times to this day.

Techniques of a good speaker

Oratory techniques - what are they? These are well-known tricks that a speaker uses to make a speech accessible to the audience and to increase the digestibility of information. There are a huge number of such techniques. Below are two basic public speaking techniques.

  1. Comparison. Often the speaker's speech is replete with abstract descriptions that are difficult to imagine in the mind. Since information is better perceived when it receives a figurative projection in the mind, the speaker resorts to comparisons that make the abstract more material. To convey a certain mood, the speaker sometimes uses hidden comparisons - metaphors.
  2. Repeat. Everyone knows the expression “Repetition is the mother of learning.” The art of public speaking often refers to this saying, because the more often a person receives the same information, the more firmly it is fixed in his mind. It is very important for a speaker to convey to the listener main idea his speech, which is helped by appropriate repetition of the key idea.

In addition to comparison and repetition, the rules of oratory also advise resorting to allegories, rhetorical questions, appeals, hyperbole, irony and other means of verbal expression.

Speech technique

Speaking in front of an audience is a kind of... physical work. Speakers know that this is often difficult. Oratory and the art of speech requires the speaker to work on the technique of delivering a speech, which includes the following aspects.


During active speech the pace of a person’s breathing changes: inhalation becomes shorter and exhalation becomes longer. The rules of oratory require special exercises to perform speech breathing. During inhalation, the speaker requires a larger volume of air, as well as more economical consumption of it during speech. In addition, the evenness of breathing is affected by anxiety, which you need to learn to get rid of.


Oratory and the art of speech lies in the ability to manage in your own voice. A speaker should be equally good at speaking loudly and softly depending on the situation. Also, within one speech, it is necessary to highlight the main information using changes in tone of voice.


Intelligible speech is clear and clear. To achieve correct pronunciation sounds and syllables, speakers carefully monitor the work of their articulatory apparatus and regularly train their diction using tongue twisters.


Rhetoric oratory tends to average the pace of speech delivery. The speaker should not shoot words like a machine gun, nor should he drawl out his words. As a rule, in the process of learning and gaining experience, the speaker manages to find the most comfortable speech rate for himself and for the listener.


Intonation changes make speech bright, lively and more accessible to perception. Helps train intonation expressive reading fiction aloud.

Any undertaking, at first glance, seems difficult, but do not be afraid. With the right approach and diligent study, any craft or art can be mastered—even one as demanding as rhetoric.

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