May 30th on this day. National Potato Day in Peru

You are distinguished by inconstancy, talkativeness, sociability and a sense of humor. Your expressiveness and quick wit ensure that you shine in society, especially in personal interactions.

You are endowed with a keen and quick mind and intuition, which helps you take advantage of opportunities.

You were born on May 30, the zodiac sign is Gemini. Your thirst for knowledge and sharp mind allow you to engage in activities yourself various kinds. But with your sensitivity nervous system Beware of becoming too restless and do not waste your energy on unnecessary things.

FORECAST FOR 2019 - now available on our website. It is compiled according to YOUR individual birth data, that is, for you PERSONALLY. You will also receive an individual calendar of successful and bad days 2019.

The ability to rely on your own mind gives you the ability to cope with any situation, and patience and determination help you achieve success. By persistently overcoming difficulties, you become stronger.

Intuitively penetrating the secret reasons for other people's actions, you are naturally endowed with the talent of a psychologist. Plus, you enjoy the friendly competition of wits.

You usually speak clearly and enjoy a good discussion or debate, but do not become an inveterate arguer.

Using your diplomacy and insight, you are able to sense whether you are pushing too hard on people and situations. In addition, you are able to compensate for your bossiness with generosity.

At the beginning of your life, you will be strongly influenced by a man (father or uncle). Around the age of 22, you will probably become interested in family life or looking for a home where you will feel safe. In addition, your need for love, understanding and emotional security will increase.

After age 52, you are likely to feel more strong confidence in yourself and want to realize your creative abilities.

Personal qualities of those born on May 30

Because of your inherent nobility, you are likely to be kind-hearted and responsive to love and affection. In addition, you are proud and strive to make a good impression.

You are generous with those you love, but if you feel hostility, you can become moody or irritable.

Thanks to your quick wit and quick reactions, you are often successful in hiding your extreme sensitivity.

You strive for greater depth and substance in your personal relationships: this can bring out a more serious and thoughtful side of your character. Since Geminis born on May 30 have a strong intuition, they must learn to trust their instincts and learn to get to the very foundations of inner wisdom.

The need to express oneself indicates that. that you experience strong feelings and have great creative abilities. If these abilities are developed, you will not only be able to cope with emotional disappointments, but also achieve greater creative heights.

Work and vocation of those born on May 30

Your talent for literature and keen intelligence make you an excellent candidate for the profession of teacher, lecturer, advertising maker or mediator.

Likewise, with your love for people, you can excel in the professions of an agent, salesman or public relations worker.

A natural psychologist, you may find activities that involve personal contact, such as counseling, therapy, or healing. In the world of entertainment and art, you can fulfill your desire to express yourself creatively, as well as your love for the theater.

And your leadership abilities, organizational skills and strategic thinking can lead you into the world of commerce. Here you will become a member big projects and will share your knowledge with employees.

Love and partnership born on May 30

Lively and friendly, you are likely to have a restless spirit that keeps you constantly interested in new people and places. By nature, those born on May 30 are sociable and carefree, easily attracting friends and admirers.

It is the need for fun and appreciation from others that makes you sociable.

You are impulsive in love and you can experience strong infatuations. But a tendency toward despondency indicates that you need to develop a more mature outlook on life in order to overcome difficulties in your close relationships. You may be attracted to those who inspire your creativity or help you get in touch with your deepest dreams.

An ideal partner for those born on May 30

To find love and lasting relationships, look among those born on one of the following days.

  • Love and friendship : January 6, 7, 16, 18, 22, 26; February 4, 14, 20, 24; March 2, 12, 18, 22; April 10, 16, 20, 30; May 8, 14, 18, 28; June 6, 12, 16, 26; July 4, 10, 14, 24, 31; August 2, 4, 8, 12, 22, 29; September 6, 10, 20, 27; October 4, 8, 18, 25; November 2, 6, 16, 23, 30; December 4, 14, 18, 21, 28, 30.
  • Favorable contacts : January 6, 17, 23, 31; February 4, 15, 21, 29; March 2, 13, 19, 27, 30; April 11, 17, 25, 28; May 9, 15, 23, 26; June 7, 13, 21, 24; July 5, 11, 19, 22; August 3, 9, 17, 20; September 1, 7, 15, 18, 30; October 5, 13, 16, 28; November 3, 11, 14, 26; December 1, 9, 12, 24.
  • Soulmate : January 13; February 11; March 9; April 7; May 5; June 3, 30; July 1, 28; August 26; September 24; October 22; November 20; December 18.
  • Fatal attraction : November 29, 30; December 1, 2.
  • Troubled relationships : January 24; February 22; March 20, 29; April 18, 27, 29; May 6, 16, 25, 27, 30; June 14, 22, 25, 28; July 12, 21, 23, 26; August 10, 19, 21, 24; September 8, 17, 19, 22; October 6, 15, 17, 20; November 4, 13, 15, 18; December 2, 11, 13, 16.

Join us on social media. networks! There is always a lot of interesting things there.

150th day of the year (151st day in leap year) in the Gregorian calendar.

Celebrations of the peoples of the world on this day

Memorial Day (USA);

Spring Bank Holiday (UK);

Independence Day (Croatia);

Ratu Sir Lapa Sukuna Day (Fiji).

Religious holidays of Catholics

Day of Ferdinand of Castile, patron saint of governors, prisoners and large families;

Saint Joan of Arc Day.

Religious holidays of Orthodox Christians

Day of Euphrosyne, in the world of Evdokia, Princess of Moscow, Venerable;

Day of Solokhon, Pamfamir and Pamphalon of warriors and martyrs;

Day of Stephen, Patriarch of Constantinople, Saint.

Horoscope for those born

On this day, ambitious, talented, versatile people are born. developed personalities. By concentrating their efforts, they achieve financial independence. The sphere of entrepreneurship is one of the applications of their successful activities. For these people, the main element for achieving what they want is stability and moderation. Skill and genuine interest in their work will help them achieve real success in life.

Show business, culture, art: who was born on this day

Ivanovich Oshanin (1912), Soviet and Russian poet, author of more than seventy plays, poetic stories and poetry collections. Born into a noble family in Rybinsk. After the death of her father (L. Oshanin was 4 years old), the family with many children moved first to Rostov (1917), and then to Moscow (1922). After graduating from eight years of school, he works as a turner at a factory, attends literary circle and publishes his first book (Floors) with his support. In the capital I managed to publish my poems in central publications, but, due to noble origin, was forced to leave the capital for the tundra for the construction of Khibinogorsk (1932-1935). Returning to the capital, he entered the Literary Institute (1936), got married, but after the birth of small children he had to quit his studies. After the start of the war, L. Oshanin joins the Union (on the recommendation of B. Pasternak) Soviet writers and ends up at the front as a war correspondent (due to poor eyesight he was not drafted into the army). There he wrote poems set to famous songs: I was traveling from Berlin and the Road. IN post-war period L. Oshanin becomes one of the most popular songwriters. In addition to the already mentioned songs, the following also became widely known: “And there is a girl in our yard alone”, “Why did you call me?”, “Sunny Circle”, “The Volga is Flowing”, “I’m just working as a magician”, etc. Notable event in his creative biography became a poem about Alexander the Great (Water of Immortality) that very accurately reflected historical and linguistic material. He is a laureate of the State (Stalin) Prize, laureate of the World Festivals of Youth and Students, awarded four state orders and medals. He was a member of the board of the joint venture (since 1976).

Scientists and inventors born on May 30

Alexey Mikhailovich Cheremukhin (1895), Soviet aircraft designer, creator of the first Soviet helicopter. He took part in hostilities in the First World War (1915-1917) with the rank of military pilot in the Russian army, completing more than 140 combat missions. For his courage and courage he was awarded six Russian and French military orders.

He participated in the organization of the first scientific aviation institution of the USSR (TsAGI), the design of a heavy triplane aircraft (COMTA, 1922-1923) and a passenger aircraft (AK-1, 1922-1924). Graduated from Moscow Higher Technical School (1923). Participant in the construction of the world's largest wind tunnel (T-1.T-2). Headed aircraft construction work at TsAGI aircraft(helicopters). I personally tested the first Soviet built helicopter (TsAGI-13A, 1930-1932), setting an unofficial world flight altitude record on it (605m). Worked as a designer in the experimental design bureau of A.N. Tupolev (1938-1958), deputy general designer(since 1953). He was an Honored Worker of Science and Technology, Doctor of Technical Sciences, laureate of three state awards. Awarded three state orders.

Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov (1934), Soviet cosmonaut, the first person to go into outer space. Graduated from the military aviation school for pilots (Chuguev, 1957). Three years later he was enlisted in the corps of Soviet cosmonauts.

Five years later, together with P. Belyaev, he makes a space flight on the Voskhod-2 spacecraft (03/18-19/1965), during which he carries out the first spacewalk in the history of astronautics lasting more than 12 minutes. Showed courage and professionalism in two emergency situations that arose when a swollen spacesuit prevented the astronaut from returning to spacecraft and after refusal automatic system orientation of the ship, when the commander (P. Belyaev) had to orient the ship manually. He makes his second space flight together with V. Kubasov as commander of the Soyuz-19 spacecraft (lasting more than five days), under the now well-known Soyuz-Apollo program (07/16-21/1975), when for the first time in the world The docking of ships from different countries took place. For both flights he was twice awarded the Gold Star medal. For more than twenty years (1971-1991), A. Leonov has been working as deputy head of the Cosmonaut Training Center. His artistic talent also manifested itself, a series of his postage stamps(created together with the science fiction artist A. Sokolov) replenished the collections of philatelists (1967-1972) and were recognized as the best in the country (1972). He is a candidate of sciences, laureate State Prize country (1981), has several inventions and more than ten scientific works, Honored Master of Sports, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, awarded six state Soviet and Russian orders, seven orders foreign countries. Retired aviation major general, lives in Moscow.

Athletes born on this day

Stephen George Gerard (1980), English athlete, football player. He is the captain of the national football team and the Liverpool team. He was a graduate of the Liverpool Football Academy (from the age of eight) and his entire career took place at this club. While playing for the football club, he twice won the FA Cup and the FA Super Cup (2001, 2006), was a winner as part of the team in the UEFA Cup (2001), winner of the UEFA Champions League (2005), owner of the UEFA Super Cup (2001, 2005). ). He was a member of the symbolic team of the year according to UEFA (2005-2007) and the symbolic team of the European Championship (2012).

Numerologists about the character of those born on May 30

These people can truly shine in business and entrepreneurship. Their life plans will actually be implemented with a sober and calm assessment of their capabilities. They have a talent for persuasion and are therefore predisposed to success. Being excellent masters of their craft and showing interest, great success in life awaits these people.

The number that has magical powers is 3;

Lucky numbers are 3,5,6,9;

April, August are the best months;

The best day of the week is Wednesday;

The best dates of the month are 3,12,21,30;

A gift that can be exchanged with friends - gem topaz;

Aquarius, Libra - will be the best companions in a harmonious marriage and partnership.

Canonization famous Joan The dark occurred in 1920 after an official decree of Pope Benedict XV.

The legendary Frenchwoman was born in 1412 in the small village of Domremy, and at the age of 12 the girl received her first revelation from above when she heard the words of Archangel Michael and St. Margaret, who promised her a special life mission.

Over time, voices appeared more and more often, as if pushing Jeanne to take active action in the fight against the British, who had seized some territories of France.

Therefore, already at the age of 17, Jeanne Darc inspired masses for an organized uprising against a common enemy for all French people. But, after several brilliant victories, the king of France and his entourage, fearing the increasing influence of Jeanne, removed her from command of the army. Then Dark was betrayed by the British accomplices and was put on trial, during which she was recognized as a witch and a heretic, after which she was burned on May 30, 1431.

The second holiday, the Day of Saint Ferdinand of Castile, is celebrated in honor of King Ferdinand III, who lived from 1198 to 1252 and was canonized in 1671 at the behest of Pope Clement X. The ruler of Castile gained his fame due to the fact that he was known among his subjects as strict, but a fair judge.

Under him and under his control, a code of laws was drawn up that Europeans used until the advent of modern times.

It was Ferdinand III who united Leon with Castile, liberated Andalusia from foreign invaders and conquered Cordoba and Seville from their enemies. On his initiative, a university famous throughout Europe was founded in Salamanca. Many years before his death, the king took a vow, which he kept until his death on May 30, when Francis III was buried in the vestments of a Franciscan tertiary.

May and Memorial Day in the USA

Americans remember at the end of May the people who died during the hostilities Civil War between North and South. On May 30, special ceremonies are held in churches, mass death sites and cemeteries in the United States.

Memorial Day dates back to 1868, when General John Logan issued Order 11 and first laid flowers on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers buried in Arpington National Cemetery. And the first state to recognize this holiday was New York in 1873, and then the rest northern states USA.

Already in the 20th century, Remembrance Day received another attribute - a red poppy, which is attached to clothing. Americans also make many charitable contributions on this day and donate money to everyone in need.

We present the holidays on May 30 in Russia and Ukraine, church, Orthodox, festive events and memorable dates the thirtieth day of May, the last spring month of the year. On this page you will find out what holidays will be on May 30, what they are associated with, what events, as well as folk signs, proverbs and sayings about this day of spring.

Also, at the end of the page you can learn (briefly) about other holidays and celebrations of the month of May, customs, traditions, folk signs and so on. But first, find out what a holiday is and its definition.

A holiday is a certain period of time (usually one day) allocated in the calendar for the coming year in honor of some significant event, something or someone, having a sacred mythical, non-everyday meaning and directly related to the cultural or religious tradition in some country (region).

The word holiday is also used in other, similar meanings, such as:

A holiday is the opposite of weekdays - it is an official day of rest established in connection with some calendar event;

A holiday is a fun way to spend free time, entertaining events (massive), the day of some personal or public joyful event;

General state of elation (high spirits), (occurs in phrases: “celebration of life”, etc.).

Holidays May 30 - dates and events

Day of Evdokia the Whistler

World Asthma and Allergy Day

Birthday of the Theater Center named after Vs. Meyerhold

International Feminism Day

Memorial Day of Joan of Arc

Day of yellow noses from dandelions

If a person was born on May 30, then he will have the ability to spell rain

A cold day is a sign that there will be hail in the summer

Apple trees, lilacs and rowan trees are in bloom on May 30 - there will be a good bite, and you can go fishing

Church holidays May 30 (Orthodox) - Day of Evdokia the Whistler

They said that by the day of May 30 you can judge what the summer will be like. As a rule, a fairly strong wind blows towards Evdokia. It was believed that by May 30 it would appear large number snakes, and tried to be careful when going into forests or fields. They began to hill up the potatoes.

In the Orthodox Church on May 30 they also venerated Saint Ondron, who, according to folk beliefs, is the guardian of the heavenly gates, and it was to him that they tried to pray for rain. They asked Ondron to open the gates and release precipitation so that life-giving moisture would spill onto the fields and save people from drought.

It is interesting that precipitation on May 30 could have been caused in other ways, using various conspiracies. So, a peasant who turned 33 years old had to come to the field, bow to all 4 cardinal directions, and then he was supposed to stick a special hewn aspen branch into the ground.

The peasants continued to work in the fields and tried to finish all their work in the evenings, since it was not recommended to go to various gatherings until warm summer days set in.

As before, on May 30, legends about mermaids were told, because just now the water lilies were in bloom, cutting which was considered a grave sin.

There was a belief according to which mermaids danced in circles at night and turned into water lilies during the day. If you reach out and pick a water lily, nothing bad will happen, but it is extremely dangerous to cut a flower with a knife or other object, since blood may drip from the stem, and the mermaids will learn about the death of their sister, after which they will drag the person to the bottom or will appear in his dreams .

Holidays May 30- Saint Joan of Arc Day

The patroness of all military men, Joan of Arc, was canonized by a decree of Pope Benedict in 1920. However, many remember the heroine and admire her exploits for several centuries.

She was born in 1412 in a small French village. At the age of twelve, Jeanne had her first revelation. As the girl herself claimed, she heard the voices of great saints. They told her about the special mission that Jeanne had to fulfill.

The voice of Archangel Michael said that she was chosen and would someday become the savior of France. At that time, the country was not in the best position: the land was occupied by the British, and french army was in an extremely critical condition, which did not allow her to repel her enemies.

The saints communicated with Joan for several years. When the girl grew up and became stronger, they began to encourage her to take active action. Having with difficulty moved from the occupied territory to the allies, Jeanne found the Dauphin Charles and told him about the voices and the great mission.

And at the age of seventeen, the girl led the army, inspiring French people to fight the invaders. Her army, showing great courage, was able to get into the besieged Orleans and in 1429 forced the British to lift the siege of the city.

For this feat, Jeanne began to be called Maid of Orleans. Thanks to d'Arc's successive victories, the Dauphin Charles was able to be crowned in 1429.

Jeanne's popularity grew, and the aristocratic elite, frightened by the wide scope of the war, contributed to the girl's removal from command of the army. Soon, while attempting to escape from the besieged Compiegne, as a result of the betrayal of her friends, the warrior was captured by the Burgundians, after which she was handed over to the British.

The church court accused Jeanne of witchcraft and heresy and ordered her to be burned at the stake. The execution of the “witch” took place on May 30, 1431. D'Arc's remains were thrown into the Seine. A quarter of a century later, new trial rehabilitated Jeanne and recognized her as the beloved “daughter” of France.

May holidays - events, dates, celebrations...

Micronesia State Proclamation Day

International Workers' Day (celebrated in 66 countries of the world; in Antigua, Montserrat, St. Christopher and the CIS republics it is celebrated for two days). On May 1, 1886, American workers went on strike demanding an 8-hour workday. The strike and accompanying demonstration ended in a bloody clash with the police.

Youth holiday “May Day” (“MayDay”). Invented in 1991 by German DJ Maximilaan Lenz (DB Westbam).

Beltane is an ancient Celtic fire festival. England. One of the most important holidays (sabbaths) of modern witches and sorcerers.

Leia Day is a celebration of Hawaiian dances. Hawaiian Islands.

Day of Unity of the Peoples of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Gopher Day. Canada, Saskatchewan.

Buddha's birthday. Korea.

Children's Health Day in the USA.

Holiday of spring and labor. Ukraine.

Vappu Day is a spring and labor holiday in Finland.

St. Walpurg's Day in Finland.

Lily of the valley day in France.

Burma - Peasants' Day.

Russia - First of May (2nd day).

Slovenia Labor Day - First of May (2nd day).

World Press Freedom Day.

Poland Constitution Day. The country has a Constitution of 1791.

South Africa - Freedom Day.

Japan - Constitution Day.

National Teachers Day in the USA.

Labor Day in Zambia.

China Youth Day.

Remembrance Day in the Netherlands.

Independence Day. USA, Rhode Island.

Day crown prince. Tonga.

National holiday - Japan.

International Day for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Day against violence and racism - Austria.

Liberation Day - Denmark.

Children's Day. Korea.

Constitution Day of Kyrgyzstan.

Anniversary of the Battle of Puebla, Cinco de Mayo. Mexico.

Liberation Day - Netherlands.

Coronation Day - Thailand. The anniversary of the king's coronation is a national Thai holiday.

Japan - Children's Day (Boys' and Men's Day).

Day of Prayer - USA. This tradition dates back to February 19, 1795, when President George Washington issued a proclamation separating Thanksgiving.

Labor Day. Antigua.

Bayram. Egypt.

Day of Martyrs (Victims). Lebanon, Syria.

Nurses Day. USA.

Day of Valor. Philippines.

Ceremony of the first furrow. Thailand. In the second week of May, the First Furrow Ceremony takes place at Sanam Luang Square in Bangkok. The king performs a symbolic ritual to begin planting rice.

Day of St. George the Victorious (Russia, Georgia, Bulgaria, etc.).

Radio Day, a holiday for workers in all communications sectors. On this day, May 7, 1895, Russian physicist and electrical engineer Alexander Popov introduced the world to a radio receiver.

Holiday Baltic Fleet in Russia.

Day of the creation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Victory Day. Vietnam.

Presidential Council Day. Dahomey.

Day of Prayer. Denmark.

Spring day. Scotland.

World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day. The Red Cross movement began in 1863, when it was created International Commission to assist the wounded.

Victory Day. America, Europe.

Ferry Day in England is a spring holiday in the county of Cornwall, celebrated since the time of the Druids.

Day of the defeat of Nazism and memory of the victims of World War II. Latvia

Hidalgo Day in Mexico.

Liberation Day or Veteran's Day in Norway.

Truman Day. USA, Missouri.

Independence Day. Czech Republic.

Victory Day (France). Victory Day 1945. The French take celebrations of victory in World War II more seriously than other Europeans.

Day State emblem and the State Flag of Belarus.

Day of the Apostle John the Theologian (patron of authors, editors and publishers).

Liberation Day or Veteran's Day (Norway).

Mother's Day (China, Estonia, Austria, Australia). Mother's Day is a holiday celebrated annually in many countries around the world on the second Sunday of May. This is a day of remembrance of mothers, when tribute is paid to their work and selfless sacrifice for the benefit of their children.

Victory Day (since 1945)

Europe Day. In 1950, the French Foreign Minister, Robert Schuman, made a statement in which he put forward the idea of ​​European integration, which is why May 9 is celebrated as the birthday of the idea of ​​the European Union.

Denmark - Battle of Heligoland. The 1864 war with Prussia and Austria for the redistribution of the borders of Schleswig is marked by flag days: the Battle of Misund, the Battle of Dubbel and the Battle of Heligoland (May 9, 1864). As a result, the issue of the division of Schleswig was finally resolved in 1920 as a result of the 1920 referendum and the subsequent reunification of Northern Schleswig (South Jutland) with Denmark.

Indian Day. USA.

Mother's Day (Latvia).

Day of Memory and Honor. Uzbekistan.

Mother's Day. Bahrain, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore and United Arab Emirates

Book Day. Germany

Farmer's Day. Thailand.

Day of Matsu, god of the sea. Taiwan.

Feast of the First Furrow

Puram in India in 2006

In many calendars, this day is also designated as the Day of Mothers of Russia, but officially the Mothers' Day was established by presidential decree in 1998 and is celebrated on the last Sunday of November.

World Nurses Day

Japan Kingo Matsuri – fish festival

J.V. Snellman Day in Finland

Mother's Day. Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Türkiye, Ukraine, Finland

Holiday Black Sea Fleet(counting date - the beginning of the construction of Sevastopol).

Mother's Day. Australia, Canada, Mexico, Netherlands, USA.

The Pretos Velhos Festival commemorates the abolition of slavery in Brazil.

St. Mary's Day. Colombia.

Garland Day. Congo and Nigeria.

Ecuador Independence Day

Israel Independence Day. Celebrated in honor of the signing of the Declaration of Independence of the State of Israel in 1948. According to tradition, the fun is always preceded by a funeral prayer, the ringing of funeral bells and the lighting of memorial candles.

Tamaroba - Memorial Day of Queen Tamara in Georgia. Marked as national holiday since 1917 after the restoration of autocephaly of the Church of Georgia.

Integration Day. Liberia

Kamuzu Day. Malawi

Paraguay Independence Day. Celebrated since 1811 in honor of the liberation of Paraguay from Spanish rule.

Constitution Day. Philippines.

International Family Day

Aoi Matsuri or Mallow Festival (Japan)

Teacher's Day in South Korea

Commonwealth Day. Cayman Islands

Lag Ba'omer

UN World Telecommunications Day

Norwegian Constitution Day

Grand Festival at Toshogu Shrine, Nikko. Japan

Canada Citizenship Day.

Cuba Agrarian Reform Day.

Nigeria Constitution Day.

Big festival at Toshogu Shrine, Nikko. Japan

International Museum Day

Baltic Fleet Festival

Flag Day. Haiti

Battle of Dubbel. Denmark

Day of Remembrance for Victims of Deportation in Crimea

Day of revival and unity of Turkmenistan and Magtymguly’s poetry

Battle of Las Pedras. Uruguay

Day of Remembrance for those who died from AIDS.

Birthday of HO CHI MINH (1890-3.9.1969) - Vietnamese leader. Vietnam.

Day of universal prayer. Denmark.

Magtymguly Poetry Festival. Turkmenistan.

Youth and Sports Day. Türkiye.

Science Day. Ukraine.

Memorial Day (Day of Remembrance of the Dead). Finland.

War Flag Day. Finland.

Saint Ivo's Day (patron saint of lawyers, notaries and advocates).

Pioneer Day. On May 19, 1922, the 2nd All-Russian Komsomol Conference decided to create pioneer detachments everywhere. This day is celebrated as the pioneer's birthday.

Anguilla Day. Anguilla.

USA - Armed Forces Day (3rd Saturday in May).

Botev Day. Bulgaria.

National Awakening Day. Indonesia.

Day of the victims. Cambodia.

Cameroon - Day of the formation of a unitary state.

Independence Day. Cuba.

Independence Day. Saudi Arabia..

International Space Day. Announced by American astronaut Andrew Thomas from on board orbital station"Mir" in February 1998

UNESCO International Day for Cultural Development.

Anti-Terrorism Day in India (celebrated on the anniversary of the death (1991) of Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi).

Day of formation of the Russian Pacific Navy.

Unemployment Protection Day in Russia.

Chilean Navy Day.

World AIDS Day of Remembrance. 3rd Sunday of May.

National holiday. Yemen. Celebrated since 1990 to commemorate the unification of two Yemeni states - YAR and PDRY.

Day of the Armed Forces of Kyrgyzstan.

Labor Day in Jamaica. Member of the British Commonwealth.

- "Khamoro" - a celebration of gypsy culture

Birthday, Enlightenment and Passage into Nirvana of Buddha. The general Buddhist holiday is Donchod Khural (Vesak), which is celebrated in the second week of the 1st summer month. This is a single date for all countries of the Buddhist world.

On this day, three great events happened in the life of the Buddha: his last earthly birth, enlightenment and immersion in nirvana. 80 years passed between the first and last events. He became Enlightened at the age of 35, but all this, according to the traditional biography of the Buddha, happened on one day.

On the eve of the holiday, people send their friends and relatives greeting cards, which usually depict memorable events from the life of the Buddha.

Day Slavic writing and culture - celebrated on May 24 according to Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril(Constantine) and Methodius. Bulgarian educators brought to Slavic land writing and created the first Slavic alphabet (Cyrillic alphabet), which we use to this day.

Queen Victoria's Birthday (24 May 1819). Canada. Once upon a time it was main holiday the entire British Empire. Now it has been forgotten even in Great Britain. It is celebrated only in Canada.

Pichincha Day. Ecuador.

Independence Day of the State of Eritrea.

African Liberation Day. In 1963, at the First Conference of African States and Governments in Addis Ababa, the Organization of African Unity (OAU) was created. By decision of the UN, this day was declared African Liberation Day.

Week of Solidarity with the Peoples of Non-Self-Governing Territories.

Philologist's Day. Philology is a field of knowledge that studies written texts and, based on their content, linguistic and stylistic analysis, the history and essence of the spiritual culture of a given society.

Day of the May Revolution (1810). Argentina.

Liberation Day (Independence Day). Jordan.

Revolution Day. Sudan.

End of spring. United Kingdom.

Independence Day. Guyana.

Day of restoration of state independence of Georgia.

Birthday of Crown Prince Frederik (Denmark).

All-Russian Library Day. On this day, in 1795, Empress Catherine II founded the Russian National Library - the Imperial Public Library.

Lag Baomer is a Jewish holiday.

Children's Day. Nigeria.

Border Guard Day in Russia. USSR Border Guard Day was established in 1958. Russia borders on sixteen countries (no other state has so many neighboring countries). Border cooperation has been established and secured by contractual documents with 32 foreign countries.

Republic Day of Azerbaijan. Day of restoration of state independence.

Spring Banking Holiday. England.

Republic Day of Armenia. Day of restoration of sovereignty.

The day of the fall of the military regime in Ethiopia. Day of peace and democracy.

Russia - Military Motorist Day (1910).

USA, Wisconsin - Wisconsin Day. The first European settlement on the territory of modern Wisconsin was created in 1634 by the French. In 1763, Wisconsin came into the possession of Great Britain, in 1783 it became part of the United States, but until 1816 it remained dependent on the English trading company. In 1848, the Wisconsin Territory was incorporated into a state.

USA, Rhode Island - Day of entry into the USA (Rhode Island became the 13th state in 1790). Rhode Island is a state in the New England group of states, the smallest of the 50 US states. Official name- "The State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations"

Day of workers of publishing houses, printing and book distribution. Ukraine.

Croatian Independence Day.

USA - Memorial Day. Celebrated on the last Monday of May. This is a day of remembrance of all American soldiers who died in the battles for independence against the British, in the battles of the North against the South. On this day, both southerners and northerners, General Grant and General Lee, are remembered equally, for the conflict of 1861-1865. has already been resolved, and there is no hatred, but only history and bright sadness.

World No Smoking Day or No Tobacco Day. The World Health Organization declared May 31 as World No Tobacco Day in 1988. The world community was tasked with ensuring that the problem of tobacco smoking disappears in the 21st century.

Day of Remembrance of those killed by famine 1931-1933. and victims of political Stalinist repressions in Kazakhstan are united. - Republic Day of South Africa. On this day in 1961, the creation of the Republic of South Africa and South Africa's withdrawal from the Commonwealth of Nations were proclaimed.

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Holidays May 30, 2032 - church holidays, events, dates, what day

Holidays May 30, 2033 - church holidays, events, dates, what day

Holidays May 30, 2034 - church holidays, events, dates, what day

Holidays May 30, 2035 - church holidays, events, dates, what day

Holidays May 30, 2036 - church holidays, events, dates, what day

Holidays May 30, 2037 - church holidays, events, dates, what day

Holidays May 30, 2038 - church holidays, events, dates, what day

Holidays May 30, 2039 - church holidays, events, dates, what day

Holidays May 30, 2040 - church holidays, events, dates, what day

Holidays May 30, 2041 - church holidays, events, dates, what day

Holidays May 30, 2042 - church holidays, events, dates, what day

  • Day of Saint Ferdinand of Castile, patron saint of governors, prisoners and large families.
  • Saint Joan of Arc Day.

Name day

  • Orthodox: Andronikos, David, Evdokia, Euphrosyne (Euphrosyne), Junia


Until the 19th century

  • - Wat Tyler's Rebellion began.
  • - Czech religious reformer Hieronymus of Prague was burned by the Inquisition.
  • - Joan of Arc was burned in Rouen.
  • - Hussite Wars: The Battle of Lipan took place.
  • - the beginning of the third expedition of Christopher Columbus.
  • - a university was established in Marburg (Landgravate of Hesse).
  • - Battle of Bornholm (1563): the Danish squadron attacked the Swedish one, thereby beginning the Northern Seven Years' War.
  • - Henry III becomes king of France.
  • - the English poet Christopher Marlowe died in a skirmish in a tavern near London (there is a version that he actually escaped and began writing under the name “William Shakespeare”).
  • - first sent to Persia Russian embassy led by Prince A. Zvenigorodsky.
  • - the first publication of La Gazette - the first French newspaper.
  • - Thirty Years' War: The Peace of Prague was signed, ending the Swedish period of the war.

19th century

  • - military ataman M.I. Platov founded the city of Novocherkassk as a new one administrative center Lands of the Don Army.
  • - The Treaty of Paris (1814) was signed, ending the War of the Sixth Coalition.
  • - Jose Gaspar Rodriguez de Francia is proclaimed eternal dictator of the Republic of Paraguay.
  • - the East India Company ship Arniston sank in a storm ( English "Arniston"); 372 people died.
  • - The Kansas-Nebraska Act came into force in the United States.
  • - fall of the Paris Commune.
  • :
    • Ottoman Sultan Abdul Aziz abdicates the throne in favor of his nephew, Murad.
    • Russian Emperor Alexander II signed the Emsky Decree, which prohibited the printing of all original works and translations in Ukrainian, giving stage performances, giving lectures in Ukrainian, and also importing Ukrainian publications from abroad.
  • - American tycoon William Vanderbilt announced a plan to create the largest sports center in New York, Madison Square Garden.
  • - traffic was opened on the Catherine Railway, connecting Donbass and Krivbass.
  • - in the Russian Empire a law was passed abolishing the poll tax in 1887.
  • :
    • On the outskirts of Moscow there was a stampede on Khodynskoye Field.
    • In New York, a traffic accident was officially recorded for the first time: the car of Henry Wells from Springfield collided with the bicycle of Evelyn Thomas. The cyclist's leg was broken.

XX century

  • - the first international balloon competitions took place in Great Britain. From the grounds of the Harlingham Club in Fulham (London), 30 balloons representing five European countries took to the sky.
  • - the famous Indianapolis 500 mile auto race took place for the first time. The winner was Ray Harrone.
  • - the first successful airship of the US Navy B-1 from Goodyear made its first flight from Chicago (Illinois) to Wingfoot, located near Akron (Ohio).
  • - The Lincoln Memorial was inaugurated in Washington by Chief Justice William Howard Taft.
  • - capture and occupation of the island of Crete by the Wehrmacht.
    • Bombing of Cologne by British aircraft.
    • The Central Headquarters of the Partisan Movement was created.
  • - C-54 crash near Bainbridge. 53 people were killed, the worst air disaster in the United States at the time.
  • - the British Nationality Act gave the status of British to all citizens of the Commonwealth.
  • - in Germany, in the Soviet occupation zone, the People's Congress adopted new constitution(provides for the creation of the People's Chamber and the Chamber of Lands).
  • - resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on the consolidation of small collective farms.
    • The USSR refused territorial claims to Turkey, in particular, to the city of Kars.
    • An article by James Watson and Francis Crick was published in the journal Nature, in which they proposed a structural model of DNA - a double helix.
  • - The first test of a hovercraft took place on the Isle of Wight (England).
  • - On his 53rd birthday, Benny Goodman and his ensemble gave the first of six concerts in the USSR. For the first time, US jazzmen perform in the USSR.
  • - direct railway connections Moscow-Stockholm and Moscow-Oslo were opened.
  • - West Germany abandoned the policy of immediate demonstration hostility to states that recognize East Germany.
  • - launch of the Mariner 9 spacecraft to Mars.
  • - The United States and Cuba have reached an agreement on the exchange of diplomatic representatives (from September 1).
  • - Spain became the sixteenth NATO member (the first country since Germany joined in 1955).
  • - an appeal from members of the Moscow group “Helsinki” (Lev Timofeev, Yuri Orlov, Galina Starovoitova, Henry Reznik, Leonard Ternovsky, Vyacheslav Bakhmin, Mikhail Alekseev. Joined: Alexander Lavut) regarding the arrest and placement in Lefortovo prison of members of the Democratic Union party Valeria Novodvorskaya and Vladimir Danilov.
  • - created in Kyiv music group"Green Gray".
  • - debut of the television program “Rush Hour” by Vlad Listyev. The first meeting was with Nikita Mikhalkov.
  • - A hundred thousandth banknote was put into circulation in Russia.
  • - the Nemiga tragedy occurred in Minsk.
    • A. Akaev signed the Law on giving official status to the Russian language in Kyrgyzstan.
    • A monument to Peter the Great by Mikhail Shemyakin was laid near London on the banks of the Thames.
    • As part of the “Prize of Traditions” festival, the premiere of the first Kazakh rock opera-ballet “Takyr”, dedicated to the problem of the Aral Sea, took place.

XXI century

  • - IDC, an analytical company engaged in researching technology product markets, reported that according to the results of the first quarter, the computer company Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) took first place in the global server market.
    • An appeal has been issued by university teachers, school principals, teachers and academicians to the President of Russia against the mass introduction of the Unified State Exam.
    • Taken off air European part countries of the story of the NTV channel’s “Namedni” program “Marry Zelimkhan” that was previously aired in the Asian part of Russia - about the circumstances of the trial of employees of the Russian special services.


Until the 19th century

19th century

  • - Mikhail Aleksandrovich Bakunin (d.), Russian thinker, revolutionary, anarchist.
  • - Hermann August Hagen (d.), German entomologist, PhD at Harvard University.
  • - Konstantin Konstantinovich Abaza (d.), Russian military historian and writer.
  • - Carl Peter Faberge (d.), Russian jeweler.
  • - Pierre Janet (d.), French psychologist and neurologist.
  • - Konstantin Mikhailovich Fofanov, Russian poet, author of the poem “Wolves”, “Spring Poem”, numerous poems (d.).
  • - Wilhelm von Urach (d.), German general, King of Lithuania in 1918.
  • - Elena Fabianovna Gnesina (d.), pianist-teacher, Honored Artist of Russia, founder and then director.
  • - Giovanni Gentile (d.), Italian philosopher, fascist ideologist, Minister of Education in the Mussolini government ( Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini).
  • - Vladimir Nazor (d.), Croatian writer, the most prominent representative of the late “Croatian modernity”.
  • - Alexander Archipenko, French and American sculptor Ukrainian origin, pioneer of cubist sculpture (d.).
  • - Sergei Ivanovich Migay (d.), singer (lyric baritone) of Belarusian origin, teacher.
  • - Hawks Hawks (Howard Winchester Hawks; d.), American director, screenwriter and producer, created classic films in almost every genre of American cinema, Oscar winner.
  • - Irving Thalberg (d.), American film director, nicknamed the "Wonder Boy of Hollywood."

XX century

  • - Valentina Tikhonovna Kibardina (d.), Soviet theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR.
    • Vladimir Stepanovich Sobolev (d.), geologist, academician, specialist in general mineralogy, theoretical petrology, metal formation processes.
    • Hannes Olof Gösta Alfvén (d.), Swedish astrophysicist, winner of the 1970 Nobel Prize in Physics.
    • Mel Blanc (d.), actor who voiced the famous cartoon characters Porky the Pig, Daffy the Duck, Roadrunner the Ostrich, Woodpecker the Woodpecker and many others.
    • Jānis Ozoliņš (d.), Latvian composer, conductor, teacher.
  • — Benny Goodman (d.), American clarinetist.
    • Lev Oshanin (d.), songwriter, author of popular patriotic songs. Laureate of the USSR State Prize (“As long as I can breathe”, “Children of different nations”, “I see nothing”, “Oh, roads”).
    • Hugh Griffith (d.), English actor.
    • Julius Axelrod (d. December 29), American biochemist and pharmacologist.
  • - Franklin J. Schaffner (died July 2), American film director, Oscar winner (“Patton”, “Nicholas and Alexandra”).
  • - Nina Agapova, actress (“Give me a book of complaints”, “Crown of the Russian Empire”, “Old Robbers”).
  • - Agnès Varda, French director.
  • — Alexei Leonov, Soviet cosmonaut No. 11, the first person to walk in outer space.
  • - Valentin Popov, actor and director.
  • - Alexander Demyanenko (d.), film actor (“Prisoner of the Caucasus”, “Operation Y”, “Career of Dima Gorin”, “Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession”, “Green Van”).
  • - Michael J. Pollard, American actor.
  • - Viktor Grigorievich Petrov, Soviet and Russian actor (d.).
    • Antonina Lefty, Ukrainian actress.
    • Nikolai Kovalsky, film director (“They drove a chest of drawers along the street”, “Only in the music hall”).
  • - Roxana Babayan, pop singer, actress (“Impotent”, “Womanizer”).
    • Stephen Tobolowsky, American actor.
    • Zdravko Čolić, Yugoslav pop singer and composer who represented Yugoslavia at the Eurovision Song Contest in 1973.
  • - Colm Meaney, Irish actor.
  • - Nicky Headon, member of the Clash, pseudonym Topper.
  • - Oksana Bilozir, Ukrainian singer.
    • Michael Eladio Lopez-Alegria, American astronaut.
    • Elena Mayorova (d.), actress (“You never dreamed of...”, “Lonely people are provided with a hostel,” “Forgotten melody for flute”).
    • Marie Fredriksson, singer of the duet "Roxette".
  • - Theodore Kuchar, American conductor, director of the Ukrainian Symphony Orchestra.
  • - Arina Sharapova, Russian TV presenter.
  • - Vadim Kurylev, Russian rock musician, ex-member of the DDT group.
  • - Tom Morello, American guitarist.
  • - Igor Petrovich Kaydashev, Ukrainian immunologist and allergist.
  • - Steven Gerrard, English footballer, captain of Liverpool Football Club and the England National Football Team.
  • - Maria Berseneva, Russian actress (TV series “Margosha”).
  • - Nikita Valerievich Kryukov, Russian skier, Olympic champion.


  • - Joan of Arc (b.), the national heroine of France and a Catholic saint, was burned at the stake.
  • - Christopher Marlowe (b.), English poet, translator and playwright.
  • - Peter Paul Rubens (b.), Flemish artist.
  • - Alexander Pope (b.), English poet.
  • - Francois Boucher (b.), French artist.
  • - Voltaire ( real name Arue, r. ), French philosopher and writer.
  • - Mikhail Dmitrievich Gorchakov (b.), prince, artillery general, adjutant general, grandfather of the outstanding Russian reformer Pyotr Stolypin.
  • - Konstantin Mikhailovich Fofanov (b.), Russian poet.
  • - Wilbur Wright (b.), American inventor, aircraft designer, pilot, eldest of the brothers - pioneers of aeronautics.
  • - Julius Janonis (b.), Lithuanian poet and revolutionary; committed suicide in Tsarskoe Selo.
  • - Georgy Valentinovich Plekhanov (b.), activist of the Russian and international socialist movement.
  • - Arthur Möller Van Den Broek (b.), German historian, critic, who wrote in 1923 the book “The Third Empire” (“Third Reich”), the name of which was taken by the Nazis to name their state.
  • - Vladimir Andreevich Steklov (b.), Russian mathematician and mechanic. Academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.
  • - Boris Feoktistovich Safonov (b.), fighter pilot, ace, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • — Boris Leonidovich Pasternak (b.), Russian poet and writer, winner of the 1958 Nobel Prize in Literature.
  • - Väinö Valdemar Aaltonen, Finnish sculptor (b.).
  • - John the Wanderer (real name Prince Dmitry Alekseevich Shakhovskoy) (b.), Archbishop of San Francisco.
  • - Josef Stehlik, Czechoslovakian pilot ace, participant in World War II.
  • - Boris Dmitrievich Dulenkov, Soviet film artist (b.).
  • Signs

    See also

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    Excerpt characterizing May 30

    “Oh, how heavy is this incessant nonsense!” - thought Prince Andrei, trying to banish this face from his imagination. But this face stood before him with the force of reality, and this face came closer. Prince Andrei wanted to return to the former world of pure thought, but he could not, and delirium pulled him into its realm. The quiet whispering voice continued its measured babble, something was pressing, stretching, and a strange face stood in front of him. Prince Andrey gathered all his strength to come to his senses; he moved, and suddenly his ears began to ring, his eyes grew dim, and he, like a man plunged into water, lost consciousness. When he woke up, Natasha, the same living Natasha, whom of all the people in the world he most wanted to love with that new, pure divine love that was now open to him, was kneeling before him. He realized that it was a living, real Natasha, and was not surprised, but was quietly happy. Natasha, on her knees, scared but chained (she could not move), looked at him, holding back her sobs. Her face was pale and motionless. Only in the lower part of it was something trembling.
    Prince Andrei sighed with relief, smiled and extended his hand.
    - You? - he said. - How happy!
    Natasha, with a quick but careful movement, moved towards him on her knees and, carefully taking his hand, bent over her face and began to kiss her, barely touching her lips.
    - Sorry! - she said in a whisper, raising her head and looking at him. - Forgive me!
    “I love you,” said Prince Andrei.
    - Sorry…
    - Forgive what? - asked Prince Andrei.
    “Forgive me for what I did,” Natasha said in a barely audible, broken whisper and began to kiss her hand more often, barely touching her lips.
    “I love you more, better than before,” said Prince Andrei, raising her face with his hand so that he could look into her eyes.
    These eyes, filled with happy tears, timidly, compassionately and joyfully lovingly looked at him. Natasha’s thin and pale face with swollen lips was more than ugly, it was scary. But Prince Andrei did not see this face, he saw shining eyes that were beautiful. A conversation was heard behind them.
    Peter the valet, now completely awake from his sleep, woke the doctor. Timokhin, who had not slept all the time from pain in his leg, had long seen everything that was being done, and, diligently covering his undressed body with a sheet, shrank on the bench.
    -What is this? - said the doctor, rising from his bed. - Please go, madam.
    At the same time, a girl sent by the Countess, who missed her daughter, knocked on the door.
    Like a somnambulist who was awakened in the middle of her sleep, Natasha left the room and, returning to her hut, fell sobbing on her bed.

    From that day, during the entire further journey of the Rostovs, at all rests and overnight stays, Natasha did not leave the wounded Bolkonsky, and the doctor had to admit that he did not expect from the girl either such firmness or such skill in caring for the wounded.
    No matter how terrible the thought seemed to the countess that Prince Andrei could (very likely, according to the doctor) die during the journey in the arms of her daughter, she could not resist Natasha. Although, as a result of the now established rapprochement between the wounded Prince Andrei and Natasha, it occurred to him that in the event of recovery, the previous relationship of the bride and groom would be resumed, no one, least of all Natasha and Prince Andrei, spoke about this: the unresolved, hanging question of life or death is not only over Bolkonsky, but over Russia, overshadowed all other assumptions.

    Pierre woke up late on September 3rd. His head ached, the dress in which he slept without undressing weighed down his body, and in his soul there was a vague consciousness of something shameful that had been committed the day before; This was a shameful conversation yesterday with Captain Rambal.
    The clock showed eleven, but it seemed especially cloudy outside. Pierre stood up, rubbed his eyes and, seeing the pistol with a cut-out stock, which Gerasim had put back on the desk, Pierre remembered where he was and what lay ahead of him that very day.
    “Am I too late? - thought Pierre. “No, he will probably make his entry into Moscow no earlier than twelve.” Pierre did not allow himself to think about what lay ahead of him, but was in a hurry to act as quickly as possible.
    Having straightened his dress, Pierre took the pistol in his hands and was about to leave. But then for the first time the thought came to him about how, not in his hand, he could carry this weapon down the street. Even under a wide caftan it was difficult to hide a large pistol. It could not be placed inconspicuously either behind a belt or under an armpit. In addition, the pistol was unloaded, and Pierre did not have time to load it. “It’s all the same, it’s a dagger,” Pierre said to himself, although more than once, while discussing the fulfillment of his intention, he decided with himself that main mistake student in 1809 was that he wanted to kill Napoleon with a dagger. But it's as if main goal Pierre's goal was not to carry out his intended task, but to show himself that he did not renounce his intention and was doing everything to fulfill it. Pierre hastily took the blunt jagged dagger in a green sheath that he had bought from the Sukharev Tower along with the pistol. and hid it under his vest.
    Having belted his caftan and pulled down his hat, Pierre, trying not to make noise and not to meet the captain, walked along the corridor and went out into the street.
    The fire that he had looked at so indifferently the night before had grown significantly overnight. Moscow has already been burning since different sides. Karetny Ryad, Zamoskvorechye, Gostiny Dvor, Povarskaya, barges on the Moscow River and the wood market near the Dorogomilovsky Bridge were burning at the same time.
    Pierre's path lay through the alleys to Povarskaya and from there to the Arbat, to St. Nicholas the Apparition, with whom he had long ago determined in his imagination the place where his deed should be carried out. Most of the houses had locked gates and shutters. The streets and alleys were deserted. The air smelled of burning and smoke. Occasionally we encountered Russians with anxiously timid faces and Frenchmen with a non-urban, camp look, walking along the middle of the streets. Both of them looked at Pierre in surprise. In addition to his great height and thickness, in addition to the strange, gloomily concentrated and pained expression on his face and entire figure, the Russians looked closely at Pierre because they did not understand what class this man could belong to. The French followed him with their eyes in surprise, especially because Pierre, disgusted by all the other Russians who looked at the French in fear or curiosity, did not pay any attention to them. At the gate of one house, three Frenchmen, who were explaining something to Russian people who did not understand them, stopped Pierre, asking if he knew French?
    Pierre shook his head negatively and moved on. In another alley, a sentry standing by a green box shouted at him, and only at the repeated menacing scream and the sound of a gun taken by the sentry on his hand did Pierre realize that he had to go around to the other side of the street. He heard and saw nothing around him. He, like something terrible and alien to him, carried his intention with haste and horror, afraid - taught by the experience of the previous night - to somehow lose it. But Pierre was not destined to convey his mood intact to the place where he was heading. In addition, even if he had not been delayed by anything on the way, his intention could not have been fulfilled simply because Napoleon had traveled more than four hours ago from the Dorogomilovsky suburb through the Arbat to the Kremlin and was now sitting in the gloomiest mood in the Tsar’s office the Kremlin Palace and gave detailed, detailed orders about the measures that immediately had to be taken to extinguish the fire, prevent looting and calm the residents. But Pierre did not know this; He, completely absorbed in what was to come, suffered, as people suffer who stubbornly undertake an impossible task - not because of the difficulties, but because the task is unusual for their nature; he was tormented by the fear that he would weaken at the decisive moment and, as a result, lose self-respect.
    Although he did not see or hear anything around him, he instinctively knew the way and did not make the mistake of taking the side streets that led him to Povarskaya.
    As Pierre approached Povarskaya, the smoke became stronger and stronger, and there was even heat from the fire. Occasionally tongues of fire rose from behind the roofs of houses. There were more people on the streets, and these people were more anxious. But Pierre, although he felt that something extraordinary was happening around him, was not aware that he was approaching a fire. Walking along a path that ran along a large undeveloped place, adjacent on one side to Povarskaya, on the other to the gardens of Prince Gruzinsky’s house, Pierre suddenly heard the desperate cry of a woman next to him. He stopped, as if awakening from sleep, and raised his head.
    To the side of the path, on the dry, dusty grass, household belongings were piled up: feather beds, a samovar, icons and chests. On the ground next to the chests sat an elderly, thin woman, with long protruding upper teeth, dressed in a black cloak and cap. This woman, rocking and saying something, cried sorely. Two girls, from ten to twelve years old, dressed in dirty short dresses and cloaks, with an expression of bewilderment on their pale faces, frightened faces, looked at the mother. A smaller boy, about seven years old, wearing a suit and someone else’s huge cap, was crying in the arms of an old woman nanny. A barefoot, dirty girl sat on a chest and, having loosened her whitish braid, pulled back her singed hair, sniffing it. The husband, a short, stooped man in a uniform, with wheel-shaped sideburns and smooth temples visible from under a straight-on cap, with a motionless face, moved apart the chests, placed one on top of the other, and pulled out some clothes from under them.
    The woman almost threw herself at Pierre's feet when she saw him.
    “Dear fathers, Orthodox Christians, save, help, my dear!.. someone help,” she said through sobs. - A girl!.. A daughter!.. They left my youngest daughter!.. She burned down! Oh oh oh! That's why I cherish you... Oh oh oh!
    “That’s enough, Marya Nikolaevna,” the husband addressed his wife in a quiet voice, obviously only to justify himself to a stranger. - My sister must have taken it away, otherwise where else would I be? - he added.
    - Idol! Villain! – the woman screamed angrily, suddenly stopping crying. “You have no heart, you don’t feel sorry for your brainchild.” Someone else would have pulled it out of the fire. And this is an idol, not a man, not a father. “You are a noble man,” the woman quickly turned to Pierre, sobbing. “It caught fire nearby,” he said to us. The girl screamed: it’s burning! They rushed to collect. They jumped out in what they were wearing... That's what they captured... God's blessing and a dowry bed, otherwise everything was lost. Grab the children, Katechka is gone. Oh my God! Ooo! – and again she began to sob. - My dear child, it burned! burned!
    - Where, where did she stay? - said Pierre. From the expression on his animated face, his woman realized that this man could help her.
    - Father! Father! – she screamed, grabbing his legs. “Benefactor, at least calm my heart... Aniska, go, you vile one, see her off,” she shouted at the girl, angrily opening her mouth and with this movement showing her long teeth even more.
    “Show me off, show me off, I’ll... I’ll... I’ll do it,” Pierre said hastily in a breathless voice.
    The dirty girl came out from behind the chest, tidied up her braid and, sighing, walked away stupidly bare feet forward along the path. Pierre seemed to suddenly come to life after a severe faint. He raised his head higher, his eyes lit up with the sparkle of life, and he quickly followed the girl, overtook her and went out onto Povarskaya. The entire street was covered in a cloud of black smoke. Tongues of flame burst out here and there from this cloud. A large crowd of people crowded in front of the fire. Standing in the middle of the street French general and said something to those around him. Pierre, accompanied by the girl, approached the place where the general stood; but French soldiers stopped him.
    “On ne passe pas, [They don’t pass here,”] a voice shouted to him.
    - Here, uncle! - said the girl. - We'll go through the Nikulins along the alley.
    Pierre turned back and walked, occasionally jumping up to keep up with her. The girl ran across the street, turned left into an alley and, after passing three houses, turned right into the gate.
    “Right here now,” said the girl, and, running through the yard, she opened the gate in the plank fence and, stopping, pointed out to Pierre a small wooden outbuilding, burning bright and hot. One side of it collapsed, the other was burning, and the flames were blazing brightly from under the window openings and from under the roof.
    When Pierre entered the gate, he was overcome with heat, and he involuntarily stopped.
    – Which, which is your house? – he asked.
    - Oh oh oh! - the girl howled, pointing to the outbuilding. “He’s the one, she’s the one who was our Vatera.” You burned, my treasure, Katechka, my beloved young lady, oh, oh! - Aniska howled at the sight of the fire, feeling the need to express her feelings.
    Pierre leaned towards the outbuilding, but the heat was so strong that he involuntarily described an arc around the outbuilding and found himself next to a large house, which was still burning only on one side of the roof and around which a crowd of French were swarming. Pierre at first did not understand what these French were doing, carrying something; but, seeing in front of him a Frenchman who was beating a peasant with a blunt cleaver, taking away his fox fur coat, Pierre vaguely understood that they were robbing here, but he had no time to dwell on this thought.
    The sound of the crackling and roar of collapsing walls and ceilings, the whistle and hiss of flames and animated cries of the people, the sight of wavering, now sullen, thick black, now soaring lightening clouds of smoke with sparkles and sometimes solid, sheaf-shaped, red, sometimes scaly golden flame moving along the walls , the sensation of heat and smoke and the speed of movement produced on Pierre their usual stimulating effect of fires. This effect was especially strong on Pierre, because Pierre suddenly, at the sight of this fire, felt freed from the thoughts that were weighing him down. He felt young, cheerful, agile and determined. He ran around the outbuilding from the side of the house and was about to run to the part of it that was still standing, when a cry of several voices was heard above his head, followed by the cracking and ringing of something heavy that fell next to him.
    Pierre looked around and saw the French in the windows of the house, who had thrown out a chest of drawers filled with some kind of metal things. Other French soldiers below approached the box.
    “Eh bien, qu"est ce qu"il veut celui la, [This one still needs something," one of the French shouted at Pierre.
    - Un enfant dans cette maison. N"avez vous pas vu un enfant? [A child in this house. Have you seen the child?] - said Pierre.
    – Tiens, qu"est ce qu"il chante celui la? Va te promener, [What else is this interpreting? “Get to hell,” voices were heard, and one of the soldiers, apparently afraid that Pierre would take it into his head to take away the silver and bronze that were in the box, advanced threateningly towards him.
    - Un enfant? - the Frenchman shouted from above. - J"ai entendu piailler quelque chose au jardin. Peut etre c"est sou moutard au bonhomme. Faut etre humain, voyez vous... [Child? I heard something squeaking in the garden. Maybe it's his child. Well, it is necessary according to humanity. We are all human...]
    – Ou est il? Ou est il? [Where is he? Where is he?] asked Pierre.
    - Par ici! Par ici! [Here, here!] - the Frenchman shouted to him from the window, pointing to the garden that was behind the house. – Attendez, je vais descendre. [Wait, I'll get off now.]
    And indeed, a minute later a Frenchman, a black-eyed fellow with some kind of spot on his cheek, in only his shirt, jumped out of the window of the lower floor and, slapping Pierre on the shoulder, ran with him into the garden.
    “Depechez vous, vous autres,” he shouted to his comrades, “commence a faire chaud.” [Hey, you're more lively, it's starting to get hot.]
    Running out behind the house onto a sand-strewn path, the Frenchman pulled Pierre's hand and pointed him towards the circle. Under the bench lay a three-year-old girl in a pink dress.
    – Voila votre moutard. “Ah, une petite, tant mieux,” said the Frenchman. - Au revoir, mon gros. Faut être humaine. Nous sommes tous mortels, voyez vous, [Here is your child. Ah, girl, so much the better. Goodbye, fat man. Well, it is necessary according to humanity. All people,] - and the Frenchman with a spot on his cheek ran back to his comrades.
    Pierre, gasping for joy, ran up to the girl and wanted to take her in his arms. But, seeing a stranger, the scrofulous, unpleasant-looking, scrofulous, mother-like girl screamed and ran away. Pierre, however, grabbed her and lifted her into his arms; she screamed in a desperately angry voice and with her small hands began to tear Pierre’s hands away from her and bite them with her snotty mouth. Pierre was overcome by a feeling of horror and disgust, similar to the one he experienced when touching some small animal. But he made an effort over himself so as not to abandon the child, and ran with him back to big house. But it was no longer possible to go back the same way; the girl Aniska was no longer there, and Pierre, with a feeling of pity and disgust, hugging the painfully sobbing and wet girl as tenderly as possible, ran through the garden to look for another way out.

    When Pierre, having run around courtyards and alleys, came back with his burden to Gruzinsky’s garden, on the corner of Povarskaya, at first he did not recognize the place from which he had gone to fetch the child: it was so cluttered with people and belongings pulled out of houses. In addition to Russian families with their goods, who were fleeing here from the fire, there were also several French soldiers in various attire. Pierre did not pay attention to them. He was in a hurry to find the official’s family in order to give his daughter to his mother and go again to save someone else. It seemed to Pierre that he had a lot more to do and quickly. Inflamed from the heat and running around, Pierre at that moment, even more strongly than before, experienced that feeling of youth, revival and determination that overwhelmed him as he ran to save the child. The girl now became quiet and, holding Pierre’s caftan with her hands, sat on his hand and, like a wild animal, looked around her. Pierre occasionally glanced at her and smiled slightly. It seemed to him that he saw something touchingly innocent and angelic in this frightened and painful face.
    Neither the official nor his wife were in their former place. Pierre walked quickly among the people, looking at the different faces that came his way. Involuntarily he noticed a Georgian or Armenian family, consisting of a handsome, oriental type faces, a very old man, dressed in a new sheepskin coat and new boots, an old woman of the same type and a young woman. This very young woman seemed to Pierre the perfection of oriental beauty, with her sharp, arched black eyebrows and long, unusually delicately ruddy and beautiful face without any expression. Among the scattered belongings, in the crowd in the square, she, in her rich satin cloak and a bright purple scarf covering her head, resembled a delicate greenhouse plant thrown out into the snow. She sat on a bundle somewhat behind the old woman and motionlessly looked at the ground with her large black elongated eyes with long eyelashes. Apparently, she knew her beauty and was afraid for it. This face struck Pierre, and in his haste, walking along the fence, he looked back at her several times. Having reached the fence and still not finding those he needed, Pierre stopped, looking around.
    The figure of Pierre with a child in his arms was now even more remarkable than before, and several Russian men and women gathered around him.
    – Or lost someone, dear man? Are you one of the nobles yourself, or what? Whose child is it? - they asked him.

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