Questionnaire for informing future applicants. Questionnaire "opinion of the applicant"

Full-time form - Teacher education. Foreign (English) language and second foreign language, 5 years Full-time - Pedagogical education. Foreign (French) language, 4 years Full-time - Linguistics. Theory and practice intercultural communication(English and Western languages), 4 years Full-time - Philology. Foreign philology: English language and literature, 4 years Full-time - Philology. Foreign philology: Spanish and literature, 4 years Full-time - Philology. Foreign philology: German and literature, 4 years) Full-time - Philology. Applied philology: translation and translation studies, 4 years Full-time - Philology. Applied philology: Tatar and Russian as foreign languages, 4 years Full-time - Philology. Applied philology: Russian language and literature in intercultural communication, 4 years Full-time - Linguistics. Translation and translation studies (English and second foreign languages), 4 years Full-time - Philology. Applied Philology: Russian language, 4 years Full-time - Philology. Applied philology: Russian and Turkish languages, 4 years Full-time - Philology. Domestic philology: Russian language and literature, 4 years Full-time - Philology. Teaching philological disciplines, 4 years Full-time - Pedagogical education. Education in the field of Russian and foreign (English) languages, 5 years Full-time - Pedagogical education. Education in the field of literature and foreign (English) language, 5 years Full-time - Pedagogical education. Native (Tatar) language and literature, foreign (English) language, 5 years Full-time - Pedagogical education. Native (Tatar) language and literature, legal education, 5 years Full-time - Pedagogical education. Native (Tatar) language and literature, preschool education, 5 years Full-time - Pedagogical education. Native (Tatar) language and literature, primary education, 5 years Full-time - Philology. Domestic philology: Tatar language and literature, 4 years Full-time - Philology. Applied philology: Tatar language and literature, Arabic with in-depth study of the history and culture of Islam, 4 years Full-time - Philology. Applied philology: Tatar language and literature, computer science, 4 years Full-time - Pedagogical education. fine arts And native language, 5 years Full-time - Pedagogical education. Fine arts and English language, 5 years Full-time - Design. Ethnodesign, 4 years Full-time - Design. Advertising design, 4 years Full-time - Pedagogical education. Choreographic art, 4 years Full-time - Pedagogical education. Music education and English, 5 years Full-time - Pedagogical education. Foreign (English) language and second foreign language, 4 years (based on secondary vocational education) Full-time - Vocational training. Interior design, 3 years (based on secondary vocational education) Full-time - Pedagogical education. Music education, 3 years (on the basis of secondary vocational education) Correspondence form - Pedagogical education. Foreign (English) language, 5 years Correspondence course - Philology. Applied philology: Russian language and literature in intercultural communication, 5 years Correspondence course - Linguistics. Translation and translation studies (English), 5 years Correspondence course - Philology. Teaching philological disciplines, 5 years Correspondence form - Philology. Domestic philology: Tatar language and literature, 5 years Correspondence form - Pedagogical education. Foreign (English) language, 4 years (on the basis of secondary vocational education) Correspondence course - Pedagogical education. Native (Tatar) language and literature, 4 years (based on secondary vocational education) Correspondence course - Professional training. Interior design, 4 years (on the basis of secondary vocational education) Correspondence course - Pedagogical education. Music education, 4 years (on the basis of secondary vocational education)

School time is behind us, and ahead is... troubled days admission to university. For an applicant, this time is the most exciting. The first step is to fill out an application form for admission to a higher education institution.

For parents, admission time is no less exciting than for their applicant children, and perhaps even more responsible. Mom and dad feel the obligation to give their children an education, to provide them with a ticket to adult life. Therefore, finishing school means the beginning of new problems and new tasks, achieving new goals, solving new issues.

As a rule, the admissions committee starts working from the end of June - beginning of July. As soon as all schools calm down last calls, and former schoolchildren have their graduation party, long red tape begins with documents for admission. Potential students at that time already know their scores on the Unified State Exam. Moreover, both for each subject separately, and their amount, which will be indicated when submitting documents to the admissions committee. Accordingly, each applicant has more than once thought about the direction of specialties for which he can apply, and now he can assess his chances of entering the desired institute at the desired faculty. Also, admission to a budget or commercial place depends on a number of criteria. These include the passing score, the number budget places, number of commercial places, amount of tuition fees for commerce, general plan enrollment of students for this specialty, competition for this specialty (number of applicants per place) and some others individual characteristics specific university. Upon admission to a higher educational institution, the applicant is asked to fill out a special questionnaire.

What is the applicant application form? Of course, each higher education institution develops its own individual questionnaire. It includes exactly those questions to which you need to know the answers. admissions committee to make a decision on student enrollment. Of course, it is unrealistic to predict the exact set of questions, but the main aspects of the questionnaire can still be guessed.

As a rule, a typical applicant application form is a regular form document in which standard questions are already printed, and the applicant must answer them in in writing. The title of the document can be different: “Questionnaire for admission to a university”, “Questionnaire for applicant”, “Questionnaire for applicant”, etc.

Most likely, before directly asking the questions in the questionnaire, you will be given instructions on how to fill it out. For example, the method of selecting an answer among those proposed (circle, underline, put a cross or tick), the number of possible answers, etc.

Then comes a list of questions: first simpler ones, then more complex ones. Of course, such a questionnaire most likely will not be anonymous, because it is designed to obtain specific information about a particular applicant with a view to possibly enrolling him as a freshman. Therefore, the first question is your full name. Then the standard questions: gender, date of birth, place of birth, age ( full years), registration and residence address, passport details, number of the school from which the applicant recently graduated.

The next set of questions may relate directly to the previous place of study, namely school. The following questions are possible: favorite subject at school, the number of A's and B's in the certificate, the type of certificate (regular or with honors), the presence of a medal for academic success and its type (gold or silver), the presence of certificates and diplomas of a participant or winner of competitions at the level schools, cities, regions (sports competitions, intellectual olympiads, reports on scientific research conferences etc.), the name of the subjects in which the applicant passed the Unified State Exam, indicating the scores for each exam, etc.

Further, the applicant’s application form may include a block of questions related to future plans incoming For example, which faculty he plans to enroll in, what specialty, and it is advisable to indicate several faculties (specialties) at once, and mark the priority for each in the number of points (for example, from 1 to 3).

You may also be asked how the applicant found out about this higher education institution and why he decided to enroll here. What attracted the graduate to this university, what does he consider fundamental in educational process, what goals he sets for himself for the next 4-5 years, whether the applicant plans to work in his specialty after graduation, whether the applicant plans to stay in this city or move to another city after graduating from a higher educational institution, and if so, which one? city ​​and for what reasons.

Next, as a rule, comes the final block of questions. They can be psychologically oriented. That is, 4-5 questions about the applicant’s character and hobbies, for example, “Your favorite sport,” “Your type of temperament,” “ Bad habits"," How sociable are you (on a scale from 1 to 10) ", "How responsible are you (on a scale from 1 to 10) ", etc.

In addition to such a questionnaire, you may need a certificate from a doctor based on the results of a mandatory traditional medical examination. It will need to be attached to the application form.

No matter how worried applicants and their parents may be, during this period it is important to control yourself and maintain composure. You should always believe in the best, that the graduate will go where he wanted, and preferably in a budget place. Although the number of budget places is reduced every year, competition increases accordingly, and the amount of tuition fees is influenced by inflation and other economic processes increases. But, of course, faith alone will not help.

To be successfully enrolled in the list of students, you must also have high scores according to the Unified State Exam. In turn, the total score on the Unified State Exam depends on personal efforts and diligence former schoolboy. This is why it is very important to primary school guide the student to achieve high results in educational activities, teach him to find it common language with classmates and also with teachers. As you know, in any university students have to enter into relationships with classmates and teachers, and the level interpersonal relationships At the institute it is already sharply different from school. There, students are already treated like adults. And no one has yet canceled the personal likes and dislikes of teachers. Accordingly, a student must not only learn the subject well in order to pass it successfully, but also find individual approach to every teacher. Thus, the institute can safely be called a “school of life”, where a student not only receives knowledge and acquires the necessary skills, but also gains experience communicating with the team.

As you know, all people are different. Teachers are no exception. Each teacher has his own requirements or, as they say, “cockroaches in his head.” Therefore, the student must take this into account and quickly navigate the situation. But despite these difficulties, student years will still remain in the student’s memory as the best in his life. It is during this period that the final formation of a person as a personality occurs, and the whole process depends on how successfully this stage is completed. later life person.

Here's another thing why applicants' questionnaires are needed. So that the admissions committee has an idea of ​​who they will be dealing with in the next 4-5 years. Namely, the questionnaire will allow you to receive complete and at the same time brief answers to all the main questions of the admissions committee in a short time.

Thus, the questionnaire for applicants to universities aims to obtain all necessary information about the applicant in short, concise answers. The admissions committee will study the materials received and make a decision on whether to admit the applicant.

You will need

  • Books:
  • Averyanov L.Ya. Sociology: The art of asking questions. M., 1998.
  • Dobrenkov V.I., Kravchenko A.I. Methodology and technique sociological research. M., 2009.
  • Yadov V.A. Strategies for sociological research: understanding, explanation, description social reality. M., 2007.


Come up with a name for the questionnaire. For example: “Applicant Questionnaire”, “Graduate Questionnaire” or “University Application Form”.

Make clear, short instructions on how to fill it out and place it on title page questionnaire. The text of the instructions may be something like this: “Carefully read the question and the proposed answer options. Circle the option that matches your opinion (there may be several such answer options). The survey is anonymous, all data is used only for scientific purposes».

Depending on the questions posed, formulate questions and possible answers to them. It is not advisable to include open questions (without “hints”), because If the sample size is large, they will be difficult to process. Give preference to “closed” and “semi-closed” questions (including the “other” answer option).

An example of a closed question: “Are you planning to apply to one or more? 01- to one university; 02- to two universities; 03- to three universities; 04- to four universities; 05 - to five universities."

An example of a semi-closed question: “Why did you choose this particular university? 01- this prestigious university; 02- to this university; 03- on the advice of relatives or friends; 04- satisfied with the location of the university; 05- there is what I need there; 06 is different.”

Develop a clearer questionnaire structure. At the beginning of the questionnaire, you should give fairly easy short questions that don't require much thought. Then you can turn on the block more complex issues. The questions at the end of the questionnaire should also be simple. In addition, you should decide where to place information about the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondent (gender, age, place of residence, parents, etc.). Sometimes it makes sense to place them at the beginning, sometimes at the end of the questionnaire. The number of questions should be reasonable and take into account the expected conditions for completing it. For a questionnaire on this topic About 15-20 questions would be enough.

Perfect the wording of questions and answer options. Refer to the special sociological one, which sets out the requirements for constructing survey questions and their sequence. In particular, the question should not allow for different interpretations, the language of the questionnaire should be understandable to respondents, the question should not cause desire for an answer or fear of reprisals, the list of answer options should be complete, etc. Try to understand the difference between single-choice and multiple-choice questions, between direct and indirect, personal and impersonal questions. You may need filter questions that filter out some respondents to answer a particular question.

Conduct the so-called pilotage of the questionnaire before launching it into "". In other words, test it on several applicants - boys and girls, city dwellers and villagers. Check whether all the questions are clear to them, whether the list of answer options for each question is sufficiently complete, and whether there are any annoying or provoking formulations. After this, make the necessary adjustments, replicate and proceed to the field stage of the study.

Please note

Make sure that all answer options for each question are printed on one page, without breaks. Otherwise, the respondent will choose an answer from an incomplete list of “hints.”

Useful advice

To correctly determine the purpose and objectives of surveying applicants, talk first with the person who ordered the research - for example, representatives of the administration of the university, school or education committee. Ask them to draw up a technical specification ( terms of reference) to conduct a study, which would indicate its expected results.


  • Sociology in a new way
  • Twirpx Library

The main method of work of psychologists, sociologists, marketers and other researchers is questionnaires. But questionnaires can be used not only in these areas of activity. Many people have to fill them out when entering an educational institution, when applying for a job, and in many others. life situations. Compose questionnaire getting it right is not at all as simple as it might seem at first glance.


At the very beginning of the questionnaire, the questions should be easy. Further they can be complex. At the end of the questionnaire, when the respondent is already tired, it is advisable to place a couple of questions that are interesting to him.

The questions included in any questionnaire should not be ambiguous. For example, the question “What is your income?” may imply both the income of the respondent and the income of his entire family. By the way, we can talk about both salary and additional income.

The questionnaire should only consist of simple questions, not containing complicated formulations and terms unfamiliar to most people. Each question should be clear, concise, and clearly stated.

When compiling a questionnaire, it is impossible to push the respondent to a certain answer to the question. Therefore, it is unacceptable to begin survey questions with the words “Don’t you think that...?”, “Do you agree...?”, “Do you like...?”

Should not be included in questionnaire questions that exceed the memory capabilities of the person answering them. For example, it is unlikely that a respondent will be able to quickly and accurately answer the question “How much money did you spend on buying toothpaste for last year?».

Compose questionnaire follows from such questions, the answers to which the respondent knows exactly, remembers and is ready to discuss them with stranger.

One of the most important requirements to the questionnaire – respect for the respondent. That is why it should not include questions that may cause a person to feel emotional, ashamed or embarrassed.

A questionnaire, the questions of which the respondent answers within 20 minutes or even longer, indicates, as a rule, insufficient vocational training organizers of the research.

A correctly compiled questionnaire does not raise any questions from respondents, and also does not require any additional explanations.

Video on the topic

Often, children who have a solid knowledge of individual subjects, it can be difficult to pass the unified state exam due to emotional instability and lack of preparation for stressful situations. But educational system you can bypass and enter a university without passing exams.


The capable are often too susceptible to critical situations. That's why most smart kids don't give it away high result which they can. Feelings about being successful delivery so overwhelming that the child is unable to cope with emotions and gather himself together right moment. But the educational system can be bypassed in the following way. First, you need to decide on the subject in which you understand best.

Then purchase a brochure with a list of higher education institutions in your city or where you would like to study. Often, after a short introductory story about the faculties existing in it, the authors point out the opportunity to take part in various competitions on the basis of the educational institution. The winners of these Olympiads are given privileges without exams as a prize.

You need to write a statement that you want to take part in the competition. Since it is carried out according to specific subject(for example, Russian language, chemistry, etc.), it is advisable that your knowledge in this area be much wider than school knowledge, which may not be enough. Prepare thoroughly, because if you win (or if you take one of the three prize places) you will be included in without preliminary delivery exams.

Exists alternative option. Schools often hold competitions in various fields. If you take one of two places, you will be sent to the city competition. Prepare well for them. Since this is just the second step in achieving the goal. If you win the city, you will be sent to the region. Already alone here school knowledge will . Since there is a lot of time for preparation, don’t be lazy. Get to the point. If you win at the regional Olympiad, you will be offered a list of educational institutions where, upon presentation of a certificate of victory, you will be able to enroll free place no exams.

Summer is unusual for school and technical college graduates. Instead of a long-awaited rest, they are expected important exams- admission to higher education Educational Institution. In this turmoil, the main thing is not to get confused and take everything necessary documents.

For receipts V University The necessary documents or copies thereof are provided to the admissions committee of the selected faculty. When choosing full-time training, this should be done on the 20th of June, since testing is already carried out at the beginning of July, and enrollment in the specialty is carried out at the beginning of August. by correspondence The acceptance of documents also begins at the end of June, but lasts until mid-August. The sooner you submit your documents, the less time you will have later, and you will be able to fully concentrate on the entrance examinations. The list of required documents may vary slightly depending on the requirements University and, which should be discussed with the admissions committee. However, the basis is the same. For receipts V University You must provide a Unified State Examination certificate for all subjects passed, original or copy. You must fill out an application for areas of training for specialists, bachelors or. You will receive a sample and application form from the faculty admissions committee. You must also personally present your passport and bring a photocopy of 2, 3 and 5 pages. Provide an original or a copy of a document about secondary or: certificate, diploma. If you are applying to more than one University ov, then the original should be kept with you and taken after receiving the exam results directly to where you will be applying. If you have rights to benefits, you must provide a certificate. It will not be superfluous to bring originals and copies with you for passing certificates of gratitude, letters of commendation, results from olympiads, certificate of completion music school. Members of the commission have the right to include them in the list of submitted documents, which may subsequently contribute to your admission. University produced according to Unified State Exam results, if they are high enough. For those who are not a single state. as necessary for receipts subjects or did not have such an opportunity at all, are carried out entrance examinations directly to University e. The date and place of testing should be clarified with the admissions committee when submitting documents. Before enrolling in the faculty, you will need to provide the originals of the Unified State Examination certificate and certificate or diploma of previous education. To fill out documents and registration student card 6 photos 3x4.For receipts on full-time department also provided: a medical certificate in form No. 086-U, a copy of the insurance policy. Military ID or presented personally to members of the admissions committee. After enrollment in your chosen specialty, do not forget from other faculties and University ov if you applied to multiple places.

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You probably want based on the results Unified State Exam enroll in university budget department. Budget competition in the majority prestigious universities starts above 75 test points. Sometimes without special training it is almost impossible to achieve such results on Unified State Exam in Russian language.


You can use the following tools to prepare for Unified State Exam in Russian language: use paper manuals, multimedia CDs containing a lot of information, take classes in preparatory courses for entering universities, hire a tutor for individual lessons in preparation for Unified State Exam.

For self-study To Unified State Exam:
Be persistent, ambitious, and aim for maximum test scores. Because no one can teach you your will. Answer your question honestly: what do you know well, what is average, and what do you not know at all. Buy textbooks, special

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