Avdeenko's lectures. A word of praise to my husband, Evgeniy Andreevich Avdeenko

Roma/ 03.3.2018 When my friend priest shared with me the AUDIO Avdeenko E. A. he said - “If you figure it out, understand and study it, then consider that you have mastered the basics of the Seminary!!” .. SO it happened.. THANK YOU Uncle WIFE!!

Anton/ 06/1/2017 I quote:

Evgeniy Avdeenko:
“In the same Psalm 1:1 we read: “Whoever does not sit on the seat of those who mock.” “To sit on the seat” is a turn using cognate words (the so-called “turn of internal content”) often indicates the essence - the nature, the nature of the subject or actions"

Revealed language and translation.

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Evgeniy Avdeenko:
“The sequence of events in the creation of the world corresponds to how the human soul works”

Reading from the book of Genesis.

I have a question, where did Evgeniy Andreevich get this from?

Paris/ 09/16/2016 Thanks to E.A. Avdeenko began to understand something in the Old Testament. One of the main conclusions: The Torah is a Teaching for all nations, not just for Jews! At the same time, what huge amount life-affirming conclusions in all lectures!

Anatoly/ 09/05/2016 The theology of Evgeniy Andreevich is not in the eyebrow, but in the eye. The Cainites were alarmed, but they could not say anything of substance. Nothing “left early”, God knows best. Help, God, to raise at least a thousandth part of the work with which he surprised us, and this will become the hope of forgiveness of sins, for we are sleeping and cannot raise the head. And they inspire hope and set an example of the truth of man.

Irina Pavlovna/ 12/25/2015 Kingdom of heaven, to a wonderful human worker in the field of divine-human communication. (That’s how I define the word religion for myself). And you can’t please everyone, and thank GOD that Evgeniy Avdeenko fulfilled his mission, his destiny with DIGNITY.

Reader/ 09.26.2015 Quite specifically, the Cainites are in the church and are at enmity with the church. Evgeniy Andreevich is absolutely precise in his definitions. Anyone who thinks that the need to strive for perfection contradicts Avdeenko’s advice not to communicate with Cainites is deeply mistaken (or deliberately - since there is such a reverence for Dvorkin and, therefore, the Dvorkins - criticizes for the sake of criticism). Regarding A.Me read open letter Metropolitan of Leningrad
Anthony (Melnikova) to the priest Alexander Menu, it is called “Zionism Post”. And you shouldn’t pay attention to the fabrication about the unproven authorship: many remember both that time and the unanimous support of the bishop’s position from the Russian Orthodox clergy and laity.

Marina/ 01/22/2015 Thank you for giving people the opportunity to fall into the life-giving source, which in essence are the books of Evgeniy Andreevich.
I believe that now his soul dwells in the abodes of heaven. On the night of July 24-25, I had a dream: it’s hot, I’m walking through the desert, in which battles have recently taken place, my gaze every now and then stumbles upon charred remains, but there is no smell of burning or decay, on the contrary, a feeling of spring freshness, I am perplexed about the discrepancy between what I see and what I feel; to my question they say to me: look there, I turn to the side and see floating on clean water magnificent white sailboat.
I dreamed of a sailboat when Vladyka Laurus passed away to the Lord, when our Patriarch Alexy II passed away, I also dreamed big ship on white sails.

Semyon/ 08/20/2014 May God rest your servant Eugene. He died on July 25, 2014. Eternal memory. I have never heard anyone better on the Old Testament. He has his own system of presenting material.

Cactus/ 05/28/2014 I would like to add on my own behalf - it is interesting to listen to your interpretations, also because Avdeenko is familiar with ancient Greek and Hebrew speech patterns, which is for analysis holy books not superfluous at all.

Elena/ 10/17/2013 God bless you, Evgeniy Andreevich!
I know that your book " Awkward age"has been republished many times. Many years ago, my daughter and I read it ourselves. Now my daughter is married, she has children of her own, and I recently became a teacher at Sunday school. In the senior group on the topic “The Sacrament of Marriage,” they decided to show your conversation with high school students , filmed by "Glas".
QUESTION. Is it possible to ask you to answer written questions from students in the form of a video recording? senior group our Sunday school on this topic?
Thank you in advance, Elena
My email address: [email protected]

Agnia/ 04/08/2013 I personally understood from Evgeniy Andreevich’s lectures that Cain and Babylon are what sits deep inside us. We must discern in OURSELVES Cain's eternal despondency and murmur, and the Babylonian desire to achieve the Beginning of Beginnings. These images help us see ourselves. Bring the whole sacrifice to God, leaving no part for yourself. Become the sons of Abraham, countless as the sand of the sea. Look at the Orthodox canonical icon of the Last Judgment. (read the iconography) This can be said to be an illustration from the book of Genesis, completely consistent with the lectures.

Faith/ 6.11.2012 Yes, very cool!!! Otherwise only Western preachers. Now we have Alexander Men, Evgeniy Avdeenko

Your name*Larissa/ 09.24.2012 Dear one in Christ, Evgeniy Andreevich, thank you for your educational work. I received confirmation of many of my assumptions and resolved many doubts. I’m glad that my assumptions are not a figment of fantasy or delusion. Finding like-minded people strengthens you spiritually. God bless you!

Alexey/ 08/23/2012 Lectures by E.A. The Avdeenkos seem to me not only highly intellectual, but also highly spiritual. It is immediately clear that the author is very familiar not only with books Holy Scripture, but also with liturgical books. Many troparions of the canons confirm the author’s explanations. Evgeny Andreevich! Low bow to you!

Kirill/ 07/20/2012 Your series of lectures on the Old Testament is simply a textbook for a mystic. An excellent researcher, although sometimes he pulls facts by the ears and slightly distorts them. Respect and respect!

Understanding the events of the modern world using concepts from the sphere political sciences and history (as branches of humanistic knowledge) is impossible. It is necessary to involve the categories of the biblical worldview (based on the study of the Holy Scriptures in Hebrew and ancient Greek languages). For example, if we constantly hear about one offended nation, it makes sense to ask: is it a “nation” or is it a phenomenon of a “spiritual” order? What's his name?

At the end of last yeara three-volume book was published,in our opinion, the best theologian of our time -Evgeniy Andreevich Avdeenko(11/23/1952 - 07/25/2014), one of the founders and teachers of the Orthodox classical gymnasium "Radonezh", a remarkable researcher, philologist, who, based on the patristic tradition, was engaged in the translation of the Holy Scriptures.

His lectures were devoted to two main topics, united by theological content: interpretation of the books of the Old Testament and Christian analysis of works of ancient and Russian literature.

We publish part of the first chapter (“Cain”)his first book "Theme "Cain" modern world ”, which reveals the spiritual meaning of modern events.As E.A. wrote Avdeenko, "understanding the events of the modern world using concepts from the sphere of political sciences and history (as branches of humanistic knowledge) is impossible. It is necessary to attract categories of the biblical worldview (based on the study of the Holy Scriptures in Hebrew and Greek).

... The anti-church community began from Caina and his descendants. “Children of the devil” (spiritual thirst: when neither side receives benefits from violence - direct influence with violation of freedom. John 3:10) and “sons of God” (Gen. 6:2) appeared in humanity.

Salvation occurs in the midst of evil, which strives to become global, but the set of evils is meager. This becomes obvious if you are not surprised and afraid of the beasts of the Apocalypse and do not listen to what “Cain” says, especially when he calls us to repentance. Those methods of fighting the Church that were developed in the antediluvian period (“Cain”) and immediately after the Flood (“Babylon”) will remain essentially unchanged.”

(Italics in the text below are from the editor)

Evgeniy Andreevich Avdeenko



The anti-church community originates from Caina and his descendants. In the sacrifice of Cain and Abel a division occurred in humanity - “children of the devil” and “children of God” (1 John 3:10), “sons of God” (Gen. 6:2) appeared. It is important to understand what Cain's sacrifice was and what Abel's sacrifice was.

All human culture in all its areas has a focus, this is religious cult; central element cult - a sacrifice given by God; and the main sacrifice is the “all offering” (or the “whole” sacrifice). When the sacrifice is offered in its entirety, it is a Covenant sacrifice; such a sacrifice of the Old Testament points to the sacrifice of the New Testament - the crucifixion of Christ; it was - "all offering"(on Hebrew ola; incorrect translation - "burnt offering", hence the concept of “Holocaust”).

The first people were taught the “entire offering” (“whole offering”) after the Fall in Paradise. Then "from the skins of animals killed, perhaps, before their eyes"(St. Ephraim the Syrian), they were clothed by God in " leather tunics"(so-called "leather garments"; Gen. 3:21).

We do not know which of the animals was killed. But it was one of the animals of paradise. Adam to these animals, he gave each one his own name. The animals of paradise were relatives of Adam... We can know what Adam experienced when he saw such an animal being slaughtered and the skin being stripped from it. It was the feeling that accompanies repentance—torment. It is important to clarify what kind of torment it was.

After sin, Adam learned in paradise that he was unworthy of paradise; paradise shamed him. And this was torment, without which there is no repentance. The torment of shame in the presence of God gives birth to repentance. And this torment was not enough for Adam.

It was necessary that there in paradise Adam saw the killing of a beautiful animal, the separation of its skin, and that Adam and his wife put on leather tunics.

Adam's torment in paradise was also from shame, it was both visual and tactile... Repentance must necessarily be accompanied by a visible and even tangible sign. Adam and Eve, one might say, have clothed themselves in repentance. A chiton is a garment that touches the skin; from the Lord, for the sake of repentance, a sign was given to man on his flesh - to wear skin on skin - tunics from sacrificial animals.

It was a very strong lesson, but there was no cruelty in it. The slaughter of a sacrificial animal was a sign of the depth of the Fall. If a person was horrified by the sacrifice, then he was horrified by the sin. And this is also included in repentance: a person repents of his personal sins, somehow knowing and being horrified by the fall from grace common to all mankind.

Sacrifice was given to man for the sake of repentance and memory of the Fall.

When Adam was expelled from paradise, a long series of bloody and bloodless sacrifices began on earth, the purpose of which was one: to wait central moment historical time and, when it comes, accept the Sacrifice Christ the Savior. Both the calendar sequence of Saturdays and the regularity of sacrifices had their purpose and completion - in the Resurrection of Christ.

The first sacrifice with mortification was in paradise, the last sacrifice with mortification was on Calvary. Both the first (in paradise) and the last (on Golgotha) bloody sacrifice were priested by the Lord.

On earth, having made a sacrifice, a person ate from the sacrifice brought - he communed with the sacrifice through eating. From the first sacrifice, the first people were clothed: the Lord clothed them in skins from slaughtered animals. People did not partake of the first sacrifice; this sacrifice was offered in its entirety. Such sacrifices were called “all offering” (olá) or “whole offering” (kalúl).

The sacrifice of all offering is a sacrifice of humility: everything is to God and everything is from God. Its meaning is expressed in the liturgical exclamation: “ Yours from yours who bring you for everyone and everything».

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The sacrifices of Cain and Abel were made at a certain time, which is designated “at the end of days” (Gen. 4:3). "At the end of days" may indicate that the sacrifice had to wear special character: This could be the time of such a sacrifice, which a person was taught in paradise.

From the description of Abel’s sacrifice (Gen. 4:4), his spiritual appearance clearly emerges:

1) the herdsman Abel brought “from the fat” of his herds. Ancient Hebrew word“tuk” helev means “fat, good, best.” Abel brought the best.

2) Abel brought “from the firstborn” animals. " Original” is “the one who opens the womb” (Ex. 13:2). The Hebrew word for “womb,” rehem, is the same root as “compassion, pity” (rahamm). True compassion is “uterine”. Abel's sacrifice signified benevolence God's - His endless compassion, pity for the human race.

3) Abel’s sacrifice was carried out as a “slaughter”, but it was called the “offering” mincha (translated into Greek as “gift”, cf. Heb. 11:4). This indicates that Abel's offering was more than a slaughter; most likely, this sacrifice was made in its entirety.

The spiritual appearance of Abel is given through the character of his sacrifice - in three traits, quite clearly. Abel's sacrifice points to Christ and His sacrifice.

Cain's crime began with a sacrifice to God. At full description The first stage of crime is sacrifice. The crime, if traced from the beginning and in its entirety, is of a religious nature. The attitude towards God is clarified through the making of a sacrifice, and it is from here that the crime begins... Because the attitude towards God can be acceptance, or maybe rejection.

With a complete description of the crime, it cannot be explained through a motive (for example, Cain killed because he was jealous; or: Cain killed because God did not accept his sacrifice).

What Cain's sacrifice was, we can only know from what happened to Cain after his sacrifice was not accepted. Two biblical texts (in Hebrew and ancient Greek) describe Cain's condition in different ways, but in such a way that the meaning of one complements the meaning of the other:

1. Hebrew:« And Cain was very angry"(Gen. 4:5). IN accurate translation: « caught fire[anger] at Cain's" The first and, perhaps, involuntary movement in Cain’s soul was anger - not at himself: God is to blame. For Cain, it could have been an impulse. IN gospel parable O prodigal son- eldest son, when his father pardoned younger brother- became angry deliberately, “was angry” with his father (Luke 15:28). In this parable, the eldest son is an image of the Jews who were outraged at God because He had mercy on those who did not keep the Law.

What in Cain might have been the first impulse of anger at God, in Judaism became a conscious movement against the merciful Messiah (Christ).

2. Ancient Greek translation:« And Cain became very sad"(Gen. 4:5). “Sorrows” are sufferings that are given for salvation; “sorrows” are what a person must consciously endure: a wife in childbirth, a husband in labor. God said to the wife: “ in sorrow you will give birth to children"(Gen. 3:16); God said to Adam: “ in sorrow you will eat from the earth"(Gen. 3:16, 17). “Sorrows” in the language of the Bible are not psychological experiences; “sorrows” are given to man by God. It’s different with Cain. His sadness is a step towards crime. Cain was not saddened by the sadness that the Lord commanded him to endure. Cain was saddened by his sadness, which is not from God.

Cain invented a world of sorrow for himself. And, let us note, you need to be very careful with those people who carry their own (or their people’s) world’s grief that they have appropriated. The source of sorrow was revealed in Cain - Cain himself. In Cain’s soul, a picture of the world has matured, where in the center is himself, ready to endure everything, but not what is from God.

When it is said “Cain’s (anger) also burned” (or “Cain became sad”), then here Cain is partly in passive condition. But further it says: “ his face fell"(in Greek translation: " he's wet on his face"). For a face to droop, permission is needed, here is Cain - current face. At the initial moment of the emergence of a crime, there is a coincidence of active and passive states in the soul of the criminal (this idea will be thoroughly developed Aeschylus And Dostoevsky).

When a person lowers his face, his thoughts turn down to earthly things and turn away from heavenly things. This moment is guarded by the “snake” - the evil spirit, this is called “watch your heel", as God said to the "serpent" (devil) about man: "you will watch his heel"(Gen. 3:15). The serpent observes, watches, guards, tracks down, he waits for the moment when our thoughts are entirely about earthly things, when we seem to rest on our heels, trample the earth, make our own way... If a person turns his face to the ground - his face droops, then “the serpent " near. Cain reflects on the divine: why the sacrifice was not accepted, but his thoughts became about earthly things - his face drooped. At the same time, Cain is angry and sad, and if he “fell down on his face,” then this is not a powerless lowering of his head, this is a “cruel neck,” this is a will turned to the earth, turned away from heaven.

There is no doubt that a person in such a state is wounded by a “snake” - he has passed through himself most of path to crime.

At this stage, the Lord intercepts the man, speaks to Cain, and stops him. The meaning of what God said to Cain:

1) I see you;
2) I name why your sacrifice was not accepted;
3) I tell you what to do;
4) the devil is at work in you.

« And the Lord God said to Cain: Why have you become so sad? And why did his face fall off? If you brought it correctly[victim], but didn't divide it correctly[her], haven't you sinned? Keep quiet. His address to you[the devil], and you rule over him"(Gen. 4:6, 7 in Greek translation).

1. I see you. Realize what is happening to you: “why are you angry?” (Gen. 4:6). From whom is this anger (sadness)?

2. I name why the sacrifice was not accepted. " If you brought it correctly[victim], but didn't divide it correctly[her], haven't you sinned?“You brought the sacrifice “correctly”: you brought the best, the choice, at the right time, but “you did not divide it correctly,” therefore, “you sinned.” Why is it so important that Cain sacrificed" didn't divide correctly»?

Abel’s sacrifice was “whole”, pointing to the New Testament (the sacrifice was “treasured”, talking about complete self-giving). Cain offered the usual sacrifice, which is divided into “that which is for me and that which is for God” (in most cases this is how they offered sacrifices: they ate from the sacrificial offering).

The sin of Cain begins from the moment when every sacrifice is raised to the principle: “ I to you – You to me"; for me it is mine, and for God it is God’s; what is for me is not God’s. Let what is mine be mine, as they say now, “by right.” Cain, in his relationship with God, will highlight and defend his “rightfully” - according to the law.

In that part of the soul where Cain did not allow God, a dangerous sadness developed. By making the sacrifice, Cain “sinned.” It could have been a wrong move, a mistake. The mistake can be corrected. But sin can be elevated to a principle: as I did, so will I do, and I will make sacrifices: “I to him, he to me.”

“I tell him - he gives me.” This will no longer be a sacrifice to God... Who will this be a sacrifice to? To the devil. If Cain passes the point of no return, where the Lord visited him, a state of mind (well-being, subsequently ideology) will arise in a person - which “in spirit” will not accept the New Testament.

In the story of Cain and Abel, the difference in the understanding of the Testament is outlined; it will become cross-cutting for the entire world history. The name "Cain" will become a symbol of fighting against God.

3. What should Cain have done? The Lord said: “Be silent” (in the Greek translation, not in the Hebrew text). This is the effort that will save you. All asceticism (the teaching about prayer) is in one word: “Be silent.” The serpent-devil cannot act through violence over the will; the devil acts through thoughts. In the silence of thoughts a person is safe from the evil one. If a person closes his mouth, this is already the beginning of the fight against sin.

4. The last thing the Lord said to Cain was about the enemy. The Hebrew text says: " At the door (at the entrance) sin lies“is a warning: don’t cross the line. In the world of free beings, in the world of moral ties, in religious life there are uncrossable boundaries. If you cross them (this is a crime), you will find yourself at the mercy of an alien and hostile force. Do not cross the threshold when there is such turmoil in your soul. Beyond the line - damn.

The devil is at work in you: “ If you do not do good, then sin lies at the door, and its attraction comes to you, and you deal with it"(Gen. 4:7 Hebrew text). It is not you who need him, but he who needs you, so overcome him. After the Fall, Satan for this world is called " archon - commander"(John 12:31): Satan - " prince of this world" This world - but not man. Man is not subject to Satan.

From the words of the Lord, Cain should have understood how mistaken he was in his concept of what sacrifice was. Cain was on the threshold when his relationship with the devil should become clear. Killing Abel would be a sacrifice to the devil.


There were two accomplices in the murder of Abel - man and the devil. If we list the stages by which Cain goes to crime, they are as follows:

- sacrifice to God;
- sadness not for God;
– deviation of the will, lowering of the face (this is followed by warning from God);
- lies and adoption to the devil;
- sacrifice to the devil.

Warning Cain, God told him: “Be silent” (Gen. 4:7 in Greek translation). When the voice of God sounds for a person, this is a very convenient moment to - according to this voice - allow the basic forces of the soul to be correctly tuned. To do this, you just need to “shut up” yourself. And Cain said: “And Cain said to Abel his brother” (Gen. 4:8).

Scripture does not record what Cain said to Abel - it does not matter: whatever he said was a lie. Cain lured his brother out with a lie, knowing that he would kill him. Cain obeyed the “father of lies” (John 8:44): he himself became the “seed of the serpent” (Gen. 3:15). From now on, Cain became “of the father of the devil” (John 8:44).

The devil is the father of lies. Cain was adopted by the devil - before he killed his brother. And when he killed, it was a “whole” sacrifice to the devil (an all-offering), the first act of the werewolf religion. Cain was a pioneer into the abyss.

Why did Cain kill Abel? Or: why did Cain kill Abel? What were his motives for this? What were the reasons? For what guilt? For no reason, no reason, no motive, no reason, no guilt... Apostle John explains: " Cain was of the evil one and killed his brother. And why did he kill him? Because his deeds were evil, but his brother's deeds were righteous."(1 John 3:12).

Cain killed his brother for no reason: Abel was the victim. Cain was spiritual person. In general, a spiritual person (whether he is from God or from the devil) behaves quite disinterestedly, often unmotivated at the level spiritual motives; his actions correspond to another authority, which is higher than material calculation or mental experience. This is Cain: it is not true to say that he was evil and his deeds were evil. No, " Cain was of the evil one, and his deeds were evil" He didn’t just kill, he “revolted” and killed (Gen. 4:8), he “slain” his brother (1 John 3:12). Slaughter is killing as a cult action.

Cain's crime began with a sacrifice, and Cain's crime itself was a sacrifice. This is the clarification scary words Lord, who he said to the Jews: " you are from the father of the devil"(John 8:44). What kind of children can the devil have?

The closest relationship in the spirit in the symbolic language of the Bible is expressed through sonship.

Even in the Persons of the Holy Trinity, these are the Father and the Son. Humanity faithful to God and His angels are “the sons of God” (Gen. 6:2; Job 1:6). Those who serve the evil one, who “want to do the lusts of the father” the devil (John 8:44), are called “seed of the serpent” (see Gen. 3:15), “serpents, brood of vipers” (Matthew 23:33) , “children of the devil” (1 John 3:10).

Cain killed his brother, made a sacrifice of a covenant with the devil, and he is now completely devoted to him. In the language of Scripture this is called "sonship." When Cain was “adopted” by the devil, he became the founder of the anti-church, a werewolf religion. Werewolf religion - serving the enemy of God using the establishment of true religion, which is communicated opposite sign. From Cain begins the path of destruction, which is called in the New Testament “the path of Cain” (Jude 11).

The Lord became man and was killed by those who were Cain in spirit, about which Christ clearly spoke to the “scribes and Pharisees” before His crucifixion: “ Serpents, brood of vipers... may all the righteous blood shed on earth from the blood of righteous Abel come upon you"(Matt. 23:33, 35). The Lord spoke these words not about those who did not know what they were doing, but about those who knew what he was doing- like Cain. Those who “revolted” against the Savior became “of the evil one” not after the Cross, but before it. Crucifixion was a sacrifice. The Jews who rejected Christ lost their sonship from God: “ not all children Abraham which are from his seed"(Rom. 9:7).

The Jews “believed in Jesus” that He was the Messiah (John 8:30, 31), argued with Him, disagreed, and killed Him. And Cain knew that God was God; and the Jews knew that Jesus was the Messiah (parable of the husbandmen). The beginning of the crime lies only in religious sphere. And only religious people When committing a crime, they go to the end.

Cain sacrificed Abel - he performed a werewolf sacrifice. The werewolf religion was born at Golgotha ​​- not an execution, not a murder, but an immolation. Just as Cain did not kill, but “slain his brother” (1 John 3:12), so Christ is “the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Rev. 13:8).


To turn away from God completely, you must act with full consciousness and with the help of the devil. After the murder, when God asked “Where is your brother Abel?” Cain replied: “I don’t know, am I my brother’s keeper?” (Gen. 4:9). Cain's lie to God was the final evidence that Cain had been adopted by the "father of lies." Cain testified against himself. Cain was the first to lied Omniscient " in the face" Insult to my face is the most blatant (cf.: “the people insulting Me to my face”, Is. 65:3). Cain lied to the Omniscient's face - thereby Cain cursed God. Cain is the first person to be cursed.

The Lord explains to Cain “what he has done.” And [the Lord] said: What have you done? The voice of your brother's blood crying out to Me from the earth ( Adama)" (Gen. 4:10). Blood screams - with a voice from the earth. Just as only the best and pure are sacrificed to God, so only innocent blood had to be sacrificed to the devil, such was Abel. The image of innocent suffering in Holy Scripture is the earth: man sinned, but the earth suffers. This is what the Lord said to man after the Fall: “ Cursed is the earth because of your deeds"(Genesis 3:17). The blood of the innocently injured Abel went to the earth, which was innocently suffering - and a resonance occurred: the blood of man (adam) screamed with a voice from the earth ( Adama).

The world of free beings and the earth inhabited by man are designed by God in such a way that every crime has a response throughout the world - every crime is reflected on the earth.

« And now you are cursed from the earth(adama), who opened her mouth to receive the blood of your brother at your hand. When you till the land(adama), she will not add to give her strength to you"(Gen. 4:11, 12).

To the labor of the farmer, the earth “adds” its power (to grow plants), which was given to it on the third day of creation (Gen. 1:11). From the combination of human labor and the strength of the earth, food is born, the symbol of which is “bread”.

The next element of the curse on Cain that God spoke: “ You will be tottering and mourning on earth (erets)"(Gen. 4:12). Or in Greek translation: « You will be groaning and shaking on the earth" Two most important definitions of the Cain spirit are named: the one who becomes a spirit like Cain will “groaning and shaking,” “tottering and mourning.” The spirit of Cain manifests itself physically: it is a voice (moaning, lamenting) and shaking (of the flesh), internal instability.

The Greek translation agrees with the Hebrew text: Cain is “he who staggers and mourns” (Gen. 4:12). However, in the Jewish tradition, these two definitions of the Cain spirit received a completely different interpretation: “ you will be an exile and a wanderer on earth"(the same in the Synodal translation). No one forced Cain to wander, the Lord did not condemn Cain to exile: Cain can live where he lived, completely settled. Cain himself chose his share as a wanderer(Gen. 4:14). Also, those who have drank the spirit of Cain may “love to wander” (Jer. 14:10), but this is of their own free will. That is, the primary thing here is not the transition from place to place (wandering), but the internal vibration (staggering, unsteadiness, trembling, shaking), which makes Cain a wanderer.

Cain - “shaking”, reeling, shaky and “lamenting” (with shaking of the head), “groaning”. This is the image of Cain according to Scripture. If Cain is “an exile and a wanderer,” then before us is the image of a person (or people) who is persecuted and offended by everyone, and who is therefore condemned to be a permanent emigrant.

In Psalm 58 (in Hebrew Bible this is Psalm 59) David asks the Lord for sinners - sinners to the end:
- “do not have mercy on all the lawless traitors” (v. 6);
- “Do not kill them, so that my people do not forget - shake them” (v. 12).

It is impossible to have mercy on those who have been adopted by the devil; so Cain was cursed. But Cain was not killed. The people of God (the people of the Church) must “not forget” that there is “Cain” as a spiritual type of personality and that there are “traitors” in the faith, whose betrayal was fully revealed on Calvary. The “people” of God must remember Calvary, and so that they “do not forget,” those “traitors” (from the people of Israel and the former Christian nations) who walk “the way of Cain” (Jude 11) and will not accept from Christ are left behind. mercy."

This should be the feeling of a Christian in the world: he must feel and remember that the mouth of the devil and the “children of the devil” (1 John 3:10) is open on him in order to “devour” (Ps. 35/34:25), as this wanted to do with Christ Himself. This cannot be “forgotten”, and the Lord has arranged it in such a way that “traitors” from the people of the Church of the Old Testament and from the peoples who have forgotten Christ will not allow it to be “forgotten”.

In curse to Cain, the Lord said: “You will be staggering (shaky) and mourning (swaying) on ​​earth.” David asks to tell the “traitors” in the faith a recognizable feature of Cain: “stagger”, make them “shaky.”

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Cain was the first person to be cursed (Gen. 4:11,12). Before Cain, we heard a curse on the serpent (Gen. 3:14, 15) and a curse on the earth (Gen. 3:17, 18). All three curses are built on the same principles and have a strict internal form.

1. The Lord does not curse; the curse comes from God’s world order. The Lord does not apply his will to the punishment of the criminal. Cain did such a thing that from the very bottom (from the earth) to the very top (to the sky), the whole world shook - and a curse occurred.

2. No one is cursed in and of themselves; damnation is always relative. “The earth is cursed in the works” of man (Gen. 3:17). Cain is cursed regarding the earth. “Cain the tiller of the earth” (Gen. 4:2) did such a thing that he is now cursed from the earth, which is cursed in the works of man. No more harm earth than from Cain and those who are Cain in spirit.

Cain has entered a circle that cannot be broken: he is cursed relative to the cursed (the earth). Cain became one of those who cannot repent. Cain entered the category of creatures who have forever lost the ability to repent, such as the devil and “the children of the devil” (1 John 3:10). The curse is not the reason that Cain will not repent: Cain will not repent because he was adopted by the devil.

3. A curse is deprivation of what is proper and attachment to what is alien. It is useless for Cain to cultivate the land: “she will not add to give her strength"(Gen. 4:12). The earth is a nurse for all Adam's children, but not for Cain. This element of the curse is deprivation of what is inherent.

Another element of the curse is attachment to someone else’s, acceptance of the unusual.

a) Cain entered the category of a special kind of being - a man “of the evil one”: Cain killed his brother, “ because his deeds were evil, but his brother's deeds were righteous"(1 John 3:12). If the earth will not feed Cain, then who will ultimately feed him? This is not about food, it can be obtained in different ways, we are talking about vitality, which comes from the earth and which Cain is deprived of.

Just as the devil (snake) is forever tied to man, so Cain is forever tied to men - the “sons of God.” The Cainites are always close to the Church. Cain does not live from the earth, but from sin, into which he himself leads another person.

b) Cain was told by God: “Be silent.” He didn’t keep silent... “Whoever sins in any way is bridled”(Wis. 11:6). Before the murder, Cain did not keep silent, now he can no longer remain silent, and in the future Cain is doomed to give a voice: he will be “moaning”, “lamenting”. This is an instruction to us: we need to identify Cainites not by sight, but by hearing and by the sound of their voice.

c) Cain was not afraid of murder, he was not afraid of God, now unbearable fear settled in his soul. He said to the Lord: “ everyone who meets me will kill me"(Gen. 4:14). Cain will forever be a “shaker” – wavering and shaky within himself. This fear can drive Cain across the earth. Cain has lost contact with the earth, but no one drives him from his place. Moaning and shaking Cain can live sedentary, but not on earth (Cain is the inventor of city life).

4. He who is cursed is doomed to defeat. The victory of Christ over the devil was the defeat of the children of the devil. In terms of history, the Resurrection of Christ was and is the basis for religious self-determination of all people, and for the Jewish people - a division into Christians and Jews, and between Jews - into those who do not know what they are doing and those who know. General resurrection and the Last Judgment will be the end world history and the final defeat of the “children of the devil.”


God pronounced a curse on Cain: “Staggering and mourning” (“groaning and shaking” in the Greek translation) you will be on the earth” (Gen. 4:12). Cain can no longer remain silent, he is already mortally frightened (“shaking”) and let out his first “wailing”: he begged for the “Seal of Cain.” What Cain said to the Lord (Gen. 4:13) has a dual meaning, and translated from Hebrew it can only be conveyed in two sentences with different meanings:

- “More my fault than [Can] leave it to me";
- “more is my punishment than [Can] tear it down for me." Cain is not just “moaning” (“lamenting” with shaking his head), he is eloquent, resourceful in words, able to turn words - turn them around with different meanings... If Cain lied to God “to his face” that he was not involved in the murder (Gen. 4:9), then even now he does not constrain himself in any way. Cain knows how to use his tongue, and so is his father, the devil.

In sound, Cain's lament combines despondency and murmur:

1) My guilt is greater than that it can be forgiven.- Dejection.
2) My punishment is more than I can bear. - Murmur.

During self-observation states of mind despondency is depression and powerlessness, and murmur, on the contrary, is energetic protest; things that seem to be incompatible. If we want to hear the “groaning” of Cain, we need to rise above psychological plausibility: Cain is the spiritual enemy of the Church, in Cain’s groaning there is grumbling and despondency, despondency and grumbling are one sound. Cain complains to the one he complains about and lies to his face. The combination of these incompatible qualities is called “arrogance.”

Cain also said - he blames God: “ Behold, You are driving me out today from the face of the earth."(Gen. 4:14). God does not persecute Cain, but Cain wants to blame God: I was driven out. Moreover, “to your face” he says: “ You're driving me out" Once again we hear Cain’s “groaning” - Cain complains and lies to his face.

Further - more: Cain is ready to do what no one demanded of him, he is ready to hide from the face of God: “ I will hide from Your presence... and it will happen that everyone who meets me will kill me"(Gen. 4:14). Cain sees in every person a murderer like himself. Cain suffered his special fear - internal instability and shaking of the flesh. Cain does not see people, Cain, as in a mirror, sees murderers like himself in everyone. If you see only yourself in everyone you meet, then this is loneliness. Cain's fear has become mortal: everyone is killing me.

The Lord frees Cain from this fear, He placed a sign on Cain: “ And the Lord said to him, “Therefore whoever kills Cain will have sevenfold vengeance.”[to him]. And the Lord set a sign on Cain, so that no one who met him would strike him."(Gen. 4:15). “He will take revenge sevenfold” (on him) - translated into Greek: “ will be vengefully relaxed" We are talking specifically about relaxation (paralysis). If a murderer is repaid with death, it will not be seven times. The words about sevenfold revenge for the death of Cain make sense if Cain is not only a specific individual, but a spiritual type of personality: “Cain” is not only a proper name, but a designation of some spiritual-historical community.

If the community opposing “Cain” resorts to violence, then it itself will suffer a sevenfold weakening. “Vengeance and recompense are mine,” says the Lord (Deut. 32:35; Rom. 12:19). "Cain" takes revenge from God. People - under the threat of sevenfold retribution - cannot beat “Cain”.

Cain's seal is ambiguous: Cain is completely protected from persecution, and completely alone and forever sorrowful. The loneliness and eternal sorrow to which Cain is doomed is such that his sorrow is not “depression,” and loneliness is not a temporary condition. Spiritual experiences pass, but the curse of Cain - for him personally, for his immediate descendants and for those who are Cain in spirit - does not pass.

The question opens: if Cain wants to hide from the face of God, how to do this? Can a person hide from God? " And Cain went out from the presence of God and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden."(Gen. 4:16). The name of the land "Nod" comes from a verb meaning "to lament, swing, run away." “Wailing” Cain named his country of residence by his name – earth “ lamentation" (or the land of "Escape"). The land of Nod was located "to the east of Eden." “East” is the name of God (Luke 1:78). When Cain wanted to hide from the face of God, he did not go from God, did not go to the West... Cain went to God, to the East, against God. Every step along this path testified to Cain's will that God would turn away from him.

Cain did not go west from God because he knew that the Lord was merciful. And indeed, when the Lord became incarnate, He “ came to the dark west - our nature"(Akathist to Jesus Christ, kontakion 10) and saved the man. At a distance from God – in the “west” – mercy is possible, communion with God and salvation are possible. In the world of Christian cultures, “West” and “East” are two directions of historical development. Since in the modern world the "West" lives in the west, at home, mercy is possible for him. However, over the centuries we have seen the aggressive movement of the West “towards the East” - this is the path of Cain.

+ + +

So, Cain did not go to the West, he went to the East, he will build his history, his civilization.

In the story of the Fall we saw the punishment of the first people. In the story of Cain we see that the man was cursed. It is necessary to distinguish between curse and punishment.

Punishment from God is never punishment, not torment, not revenge, not condemnation: when for one (crime) you are given another (imprisonment, execution, deprivation of rights). In the biblical worldview: sin itself is suffering; crime is punishment. This is the only way from God. And this remained in languages ​​(Russian “punishment” is “an indication of” something, it is a “order”; Greek “punish” is “doing what is right with a child”; in the Hebrew language one word avon is also “guilt” , and “punishment” for guilt).

Sin itself is suffering. If a person finally decides to live in sin and, accordingly, suffer, he is “Cain”, he is damned. The curse is the final rejection of punishment as a path to correction and forgiveness. A person who has fallen under a curse is left with bare suffering from punishment - without “indication of” repentance.

A person who has fallen under a curse will make from his godless suffering a sign of chosenness, which distinguishes him from all other people, which is from Adam (Man). Cain and the Cainites think of themselves as separate from all people - both as a separate community and as a nation, which has a different nature than the rest of humanity.


The Holy Scriptures depict to us the first social structure, and it will be a powerful civilization of the descendants of Cain. The term "civilization" in in this context will have a specific meaning.

Civilization is such a productive activity of humanity that occurs independently of the veneration of God and the veneration of the fathers and in isolation from the organic principles of life - earth and soil.

This definition relates the concept of “civilization” to the character of Cain:

1) Civilization activity occurs “ regardless of worship" In the case of Cain this is true in superlatives because he is the founder werewolf religion- “slain” his brother as a sacrifice (1 John 3:12) and was adopted by the devil, becoming the first of the “children of the devil” (1 John 3:10).

2) “Regardless of the veneration of the fathers” - this definition refers to Cain in a superlative degree, because Cain wanted to “hide” from God (Gen. 4:14), left Adam (Gen. 4:16) and became “of the evil one.” "(1 John 3:12).

3) Civilization is a human activity that occurs “in isolation from the earth.” In the case of Cain, this is true to a superlative degree: the soil (adama) does not give Cain his strength, and on the earth (erets) he is “lamenting” and “shaking (tottering)” (Gen. 4:12).

Civilization is an activity that initially carries within itself an orientation toward the creation of a holistic man-made world. The beginning of civilization is always a “city”. The first form of civilization is the city of Cain. The last form of civilization in world history is the city, which spreads itself over the entire earth. The first civilization is Cain. The last civilization is “Babylon” (The Tower of Babel and modern globalism).

"Sons of God", descendants Sipha, humanity faithful to God have “genealogy, life” (toldot) - “origin” from Adam and God (Gen. 5:1). This pedigree indicates the life expectancy of a person and the date of birth of the first-born. The time of world history passes in the "sons of God" just as in the biblical genealogies it is measured by them.

From Cain and his descendants we have a list of names in the Holy Scriptures. This list of names does not indicate the lifespan of Cain or Cain's descendants. Also in this list of names, the first place is not Adam, but Cain. – Everything is not like people (God’s).

Cain began construction cities as a new form of life, also Cain gave Name the first city (Gen. 4:17). The first form of creativity that was revealed to man was the naming of a name. In paradise, Adam gave names to animals, he called his wife “wife,” then (after the Fall) “Eve.” Cain, giving the name to the city, competes with his father Adam. The difference between Adam and Cain in the naming of names is significant: Adam named what the Lord God brought to him as His creation (Gen. 2:19). Adam recognized what God had created, gave it a name, and took it into possession.

Cain creates both the object itself and its name. Cain cognizes what he himself produced, takes possession of the object he created (the city) and determines the direction of the first civilization, placing himself at its foundation. There is a world (cosmos) - given to man by God, Cain rejected it. And there is a world, a cosmos - “man-made”, built and inhabited by man according to his own mind, “civilization”. The root of civilization so understood is Cain.

The first city was named after Cain’s son “Enoch” (from the verb “to renew, to instruct”). Enoch, born a settled city dweller, will start a new life, “renew” this building - such was Cain’s dream. Cain named the first city not in his own name, but in the name of his son. " New - better life for future generations of descendants“- this is the program of the first civilization. The enthusiasm for a “new life” and the desire for happiness for one’s descendants (or “future generations”) is the engine of progress.

Enoch was the firstborn of Cain, the “firstborn.” Cain, it seems, “analyzed” the circumstances of that sacrifice when Abel brought it to the Lord “from the firstborn” and his gift was accepted. Cain does not dedicate his firstborn to the Lord at all: within the framework of his werewolf religion, he “sanctifies” the main work of his life (the city) in the name of his firstborn – “Enoch”.

Fourth generation from Cain - Methuselah(Gen. 4:18). The ancients knew, before it was stated in the Law, that the sins of the fathers were upon the children to the third and fourth generation. Methuselah is already the drying up of that branch of humanity that comes from Cain. Under Methuselah, there could have been hope that the curse given to Cain would end with him. Did Cain's curse end on Methuselah? Here's the question. What will happen after Methuselah?

His son was Lamech. Under Lamech, a new (after the invention of urban life) rise of civilization took place - a civilizational explosion. The Cainites embarked on the path of inventing “new forms of life.” The Cainites' return to God turned out to be either impossible or blocked through these inventions. The Cainites will again follow the path of progress. "Lamech" is a figure comparable to "Cain." Lamech is the most important milestone in the development of the first civilization: neither the curse of Cain nor the seal of Cain were not only removed from the descendants of Cain, on the contrary, they were imprinted on them in their final form.

Lamech made his contribution to progress through the invention of polygamy and took two wives for himself (Gen. 4:19). Scripture also names the names of the wives and the name of Lamech’s daughter. This is an indication ofspecial role, which will be played by Cainite women. From foremother Eve to wifeAbram Sarah.Scripture does not name women - except for three Cainite women. From this we can conclude that, according to the biblical view:

1) the patriarchal way of family and social life was the first and fundamental in the history of mankind;
2) features of matriarchy arise in acute periods of crisis, for example, when the people as a whole find themselves involved in the Cain spirit;
3) .

If it is still said about Lamech in the old way: “Methuselah begat Lamech,” then about the children of Lamech it is said in a new way: “ Ada gave birth Javala...his brother's name Jubal "(Gen. 4:20, 21), " Zilla gave birth Tubalcain...sister of Tubalcain - Noema "(Gen. 4:22). Four children, who is the mother, is it known, and who is the father? Is Lamech their father? Perhaps the children of Lamech became the children of Lamech's wives. If kinship among the Cainites began to be transmitted through maternal blood, then this explains why the Cainite genealogy ended with the children of Lamech's wives.

The Holy Scripture does not record the genealogy according to the mother: . We find an example of this in the history of the Jewish people. Kinship was transmitted only through the father. A stepfather could become a father according to the Law - which was the righteous one Joseph for the incarnate Lord. The Lord became incarnate - the Messiah-Christ came and was crucified... The blood of God was shed, and “all the people” (of those who gathered at the judgment seat) turned this blood on themselves and their children (Matthew 27:25). Among the people of the Church (then it was the Jewish people) the feeling of blood and kinship changed. At some point in the history of Israel: contrary to the Law, kinship began to be transmitted through the mother, through maternal blood. Now it is not the father, but the mother who gives birth to a child among the people. It became possible for Jewish women to acquire children among the people from men of other nations.

Sometimes a change in the concept of kinship is associated with the dispersion of the Jewish people: the people, finding themselves in dispersion, began to transmit kinship through their mother. The semantic sequence of changes that befell the Jewish people with the coming of the Lord was different: the leaders of the people “revolted” against God and “slain” the Messiah, which is why the people accepted the seal of Cain, rejected their kinship with their fathers, lost their land and remained dispersed. Jewish women began to play a “special role in the life of the people” - similar to the role that Cainite women played before the Flood.

+ + +

The children of Lamech's wives mentioned in Scripture were all inventors. Jabal son of Adah invented special form pastoral life - nomadic cattle breeding. Jubal, the son of Ada, is the inventor of instrumental music (strings and winds). Tubal-cain, the son of Zillah, was both a blacksmith and a manufacturer of tools that required sharpening (a sword, for example), and he was also a metal carver (this could be metal jewelry).

In the descendants of Cain arose " civilization is a huge attempt to make up for the absence of God. In civilization, people try to forget God or replace Him: to forget in the forging of metals, surrendering themselves to the captivity of earthly heaviness and the impenetrable power it conveys, or to replace Him with a festival of art, the languid consolation of music» ( V.N. Lossky , “Dogmatic theology. The meaning of the Old Testament)».

The inventions of the sons of Ada and Zilla are ambivalent (ambiguous) from a moral point of view:

(a) Nomadic pastoralism. For the descendants of Cain, nomadic cattle breeding could be a way to adapt to life in a “cursed” state: the land does not provide strength for the Cainites in agriculture, but it will provide for cattle driven from place to place.

(b) Instrumental music arose in an era when humanity could still remember heavenly singing. In terms of its direct impact, any music, especially instrumental music, can be extremely dangerous for the soul. It is remarkable that the Hebrew word ugav (it means a wind instrument) has the same root as the verb agav - “ to want, to desire" A ?

(c) The processing of all kinds of metal tools involves the invention of tools for agriculture, cattle breeding, music, hunting, war - and simply murder (Lamech was the killer; Gen. 4:23).

(d) In civilization, not all inventions are ambivalent from a moral point of view: there are some that are definitely vicious. One of these is associated with the daughter of Lamech (daughter of Lamech’s wife), whom we know (attention!) by name.

Noema – “charming, attractive.” If Lamech's wives are mentioned in connection with her husband, then Noema is mentioned without connection with her husband. From Noema . In Hebrew, the temple harlot was called kedesha (the same root as kadosh - “holy”), that is, “dedicated” to service. We do not know what cult actions Cain and his descendants performed, we only know that they were religious people. We also know that the werewolf religion cannot invent anything new: it borrows cult actions, giving them the opposite sign. Thus, instead of a male priest, a woman can be installed; instead of a marriage relationship, where husband and wife are “one flesh,” a sin is introduced, when the flesh of a priestly wife takes into itself many, many husbands. “Cain” is the banner of the ungodly, and so is “Noema.”

Noema is such a mysterious figure that to understand the reasons for the appearance of her name in the text of Scripture we will have to mention the events that led to the Flood. “Lovely” daughter of Cain... There was a nest on earth, from where “daughters of men” flew to the “sons of God” (descendants of Seth) and turned them on themselves (Gen. 6:1, 2). The consequence of this mixing - men from the clan of Seth and women from the clan of Cain - was the Flood.


Cain's descendant Lamech invented polygamy (probably under him, kinship began to be passed on through the mother). The children of the wives of Lamech the Cainite were inventors - nomadic cattle breeding, instrumental music, forging and sharpening metal, ritual prostitution (Gen. 4:19-22). Under Lamech, a civilizational explosion and the end of the Cain civilization occurred simultaneously.

There was a person who witnessed the death - Lamech himself. It was the children of his wives who were the inventors and engines of “progress”, with them everything suddenly unfolded so multifaceted and bright. But the Cainites were religious people: Lamech understood everything and sang - either a prophecy, or a lament. This is the song of Lamech. The first civilization ended with a song.

The civilization of the Cain spirit does not perish from external reasons, it dries up - it perishes “by itself” (Rev. 18:20). It is on the rise that she is weak. This truth is very sparingly stated in the Book of Genesis, and it is set out in full detail in the Apocalypse - in relation to the last worldwide Cain civilization “Babylon”.

Lamech said to his wives:
Ada and Zilla, hear my voice,
Wives of Lamech, listen to my words.
For I killed my husband - in hurt me,
and the young man is a plague to me.
For Cain will take revenge sevenfold,
and Lamech - seventy and seven. (Gen. 4:23, 24)

The Song of Lamech has been given a variety of interpretations. However, through the Song of Lamech, what will appear in apocalyptic times is indicated: on final stages development of civilization is a special bloodthirstiness - like total ruthlessness and a new taste of blood when bloodshed is sanctioned.

« Civilization develops in man only the versatility of sensations and absolutely nothing more. And through the development of this versatility, a person will, perhaps, reach the point where he will find pleasure in the blood. At the very least, from civilization man has become, if not more bloodthirsty, then probably worse, nastier bloodthirsty than before» ( words of a man “from the underground” - F.M. Dostoevsky, “Notes from the Underground”, M., 1985, p. 244).

The meaning of Lamech's song is that the seal of Cain does not disappear with the death of Cain. “Cain” is both a person and a community. The song of Lamech is the realization that the “sign of Cain” is forever imprinted on Lamech himself, on the children of his wives (“Adá and Zillah, listen”) and on all Cainites.

“Seventy-seven times” (in Greek translation: “seventy times seven”) the sign of Cain is printed on Lamech, so the murders that Lamech committed are a “wound” and “ulcer” for him. It was from Lamech, who was fifth from Cain, that they could expect that Cain’s curse would not fall on him. The exact opposite happened: under Lamech it became clear that civilization had taken a turn toward invention, expansion, matriarchy, depravity, and war. The curse of Cain will forever remain on his descendants.

Within the first, Cain civilization, murder acquires some kind of new taste: this is the use of new weapons, and the fact that murder is marked in Scripture by the first poetic opus.

Lamech is the second Cain. But Cain could still dream of progress and wish happiness for his descendants: Cain invented city ​​life and he named the city after his son Enoch. Lamech has already tasted civilization and understands that there will be no “new life.” " New world" - built, " new life"- illusion. “The Seal of Cain” - you have to live with this when there is no future.

I would like to know, of course, with what feeling this “song” was sung. After all, this is poetry. Poetry, like music, is an ambivalent art. Here is the “song of Lamech” - there is crying, fear, despondency, horror in it... There is - along with a proud determination (everything is decided!) - to live without God. According to the feeling, the song of Lamech is the same “groaning” of Cain when he said to God: “ My guilt is more than anyone can forgive me. My punishment is more than I can bear. I will hide from Your face"(Gen. 4:13, 14). In his lament Cain was shaking and determined. Here is Lamech, groaning: mortal despondency and mortal determination are one sound.

Holy Scripture speaks in great parsimony of words about the events before the Flood. Truly, every word here is worth its weight in gold. And suddenly - a rather lengthy song of Lamech, which ends the story about the Cainite civilization. This is its result. Lamech was not deceived by prosperity external forces, the invention and exploits of the children of Ada and Zillah, rather the opposite: at the climax Lamech saw his death. Not the very end, but (which is perhaps worse) – doom, death. Lamech saw that in his tribal community there was death, there was curse, but the Cain civilization had no life or future... The Cainites cannot live in isolation from the sons of God.

When Cain left Adam, this was not clear to him. Everything became clear to Lamech, and even completely - up to “seventy times seven.” In paradise, the devil tempted the first people: “ Your eyes will open"(Gen. 3:5); people went through the path of the Fall to the end, and “the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked” (Gen. 3:7). In the story of Cain, the devil incited him to leave Adam; when the descendants of Cain walked the path of their civilization to the end (the end is “Noema”, there is nowhere to go), Lamech’s eyes were opened, and he realized that there was no life here.

Just as the devil is forever tied to man, for “his appeal is to man” (Gen. 4:7), so Cainites are forever tied to the sons of God - they have no life without them . And this most important characteristic Cainites as a historical community: Such a people in an isolated state begins to degenerate. If admonition does not come, and the seal of Cain is imprinted deeper and deeper on it (as Lamech saw it for himself), then a people becomes attached to another people, one community to another community. No one drove out Cain, no one is driving the Cainites across the earth, but they all go and go... The song of Lamech is evidence that the Cainites began a campaign to the sons of God.

Slowly and inevitably we are approaching this terrible event: when “ the sons of God took wives from the daughters of men"(see Gen. 6:2) - the daughters of Cain's family, and after - the Flood.


Cain is historical figure, also “Cain” is a historical community. Cain is the founder of an anti-church society that is tied to the Church of God until the end of the world. Cainites as a historical community always rebel against the Church, or fight it from within, identification of the Cainites is practical problem church life. Therefore, Holy Scripture provides signs by which Cainites can be identified in all eras human history; These signs are divided into four headings:

1) crime in the spirit,
2) curse on Cain,
3) Cain's seal,
4) Cainite civilization.

I. Crime as sacrifice

Cain's crime began with a sacrifice to God and was a sacrifice - not to God: Cain “slain” his brother and thereby became a son of the devil (1 John 3:12). Cain's crime was in the spirit; it cannot be explained through a psychological motive.

1. The Cainites are a spiritual community, therefore they are in some way similar Churches. In particular, the Cainite community is divided within itself into various ministries.

2. Some part of the Cainites are always directly next to the Church.The Cainites have an irresistible attraction to the righteous. The Cainites cannot be appeased by anything, they cannot be fenced off from them, and nothing can scare them away from the Church.

3 . Cain's crime was committed in the spirit. Cain may not have felt any personal enmity towards the murdered man. The Cainites are a spiritual community,and in personal communication these can be quite friendly people.

4. As the Church of God, so Cainites are not an ethnic group. However, Cainites can hide under the guise of a nation and accuse their opponents of national phobia. If we constantly hear about some particularly offended nation, it makes sense to ask: is it a nation?

5. The initial event from which the people become the bearer of the seal is always of the same type: bloodshed in the spirit, slaughter (killing as a cult action), which is necessarily followed by a lie (about Abel, about the Risen One).

6. The last impulses of the behavior of the Cain community are outside the sphere of psychology - therefore they often act as unconscious. The unconscious behavior of a community (swarm) can be extremely coordinated, as is observed among the Cainites.. From the curse given to Cain we learn following signs, by which Cainites are identified. Cain – “groaning” (“lamenting”):

7. Cain lied “to God’s face.” Cain has become “groaning” - he cannot remain silent: he is doomed to give voice. The sound of this voice is that of lamentation. In the groaning of the Cainites, despondency and murmur are combined into one, sounding somewhat feminine (Gen. 3:16 Greek translation; Gen. 4:12).

8. Cain's lament contains grumbling and determination to live without God. Cain has a special way of complaining. Cain complains to the one he complains about and lies to his face. Such groaning is impudence.

9. The Cainites turned their inability to remain silent into the ability to always speak:

- Cainites will always advocate unlimited freedom of speech. For the Cainites.
- the more widespread and “free” of moral obligations the means of speaking become (printing, broadcasting, information exchange), the greater the influence the Cainites have on the life of society.
- restriction of freedom of speech is perceived by Cainites as deprivation of life. Therefore, they will fight for what they call “freedom of speech.”
- speaking is a special ministry within the Cainite community. However, since all Cainites are wailing, they are capable of producing the right sound speaking - “hullabaloo”.

Cain's curse is also that he is a "shaker" ("wobbly, tottering"):

10. The Cainites are not a fearful or fearful community, not at all. Their fear is pointless. Cainites are always ready to move, remain restless everywhere, and quickly master a foreign language. The Cainites' ability for languages ​​is quite special: there are no foreign languages ​​for them.

11. The fear of Cainites does not have a specific motivation, so it is most often unconscious - shaking at the level of the flesh with a reverse effect on the psyche.

12. “Moaning and shaking” are qualities that Cainites do not want to admit to themselves. The Cainites replaced “groaning and shaking” (first in their tradition, then at the level of well-being) with “exile and wandering.” So the Cainites chose for themselves the position of chosenness and created for themselves “worldly sorrow.” The suffering of the Cainites is real, the position is false. There is no tragedy in the suffering of the Cainites. Suffering without God with pretensions to chosenness, martyrdom and nobility is a comical position.

13. Some Cainites bear the curse of Cain (others bear the mark of Cain without the curse). Those who are damned will never repent. It follows that attempts to convert Cainites to God are generally a difficult task, and sometimes completely useless (dangerous).

14. “Cain” is cursed from the earth, the more he wants to own earthly life, he values ​​it above all else. Life on earth is temporary, and “Cain” has the most acute sense of time. The desire to master earthly life for the Cainites, intelligent and mystical, was understood as the goal of mastering time, time calculation, and the calendar. The Cainites are also trying to impose a different calendar on the Church.

It was also said to Cain: “ the earth will not increase its strength to give you" It does not follow from this that Cainites cannot live sedentary lives, they can live sedentary lives, however:

15. Cainites love to wander - from time to time change their place of residence, move around the planet.

16. A people that has no roots on the planet dreams of having a root on the soil. Hence the instinctive desire of some Cainites to gain a foothold on the earth with the help of collective forms conducting agriculture(kibbutz, collective farm).

17. Most effective form survival without a relationship to the earth was invented by Cain himself - the city. The city covers Cain's insurance. The “city” as a form of life without relation to the land is the center of mediation activity. Cain was the founder of the first city, and he (since he gave the city a name) is the ruler of city life (bourgeois). Cain is a universal and unsurpassed mediator.

III. Cain's seal

When Cain received the curse, he made his first lamentation and... Cain, at his request, was given the “Seal of Cain.”

18. The man under the seal of Cain sees every other person: is he a benefit to me or a threat? - only in relation to yourself. Such a person does not see other people as others, does not understand them, he is lonely. For such a person, creativity is only a sphere of self-expression.

19. Cain asked God for a sign: for violence against Cain, the Lord put “sevenfold relaxation"(Gen. 4:15 Greek translation). The community of Cain is given perfect protection from violence. Cain, in his solitude, is guarded. 20. The seal of Cain is protection for the Cainites, however, they can turn it into attack. Spiritual sons of Cain . The Cainites have a vital interest in spreading aggressive nationalism. The scope for Cainite provocations increases with freedom of speech - freedom of speech without moral restrictions.

IV. Cainite civilization

21. Cain's first act was to “hide from the face of God.” Cain left God, lost his fatherland - both the earth and his father Adam. The community that accepts the mark of Cain recognizes itself as being quite distinct from the other sons of Adam - ascribing to itself a different human nature than that of other peoples. The driving force of civilization is the dream of changing human nature. When the builders of the Babylonian civilization realized that they main task is the change itself human nature, the spirit of “Cain” was resurrected in them.

22. When Cain invented new uniform life and named it after his son (the city "Enoch"), he showed driving force civilization - a dream of a new life and better life for future generations. Humanity may from time to time experience an obsessive fascination, a religious enthusiasm for the new inventions of civilization. Entire nations suddenly begin to place their “hope” in the arrangement of earthly life. Such hope is a dream.

2 3. Cain was uprooted from the earth and became the inventor of the city as a center of mediation. The city is the primary form of civilization - a social structure that exists independently of worship of God. As civilization develops, the share of intermediary operations will increase: from natural exchange to global credit and financial system. Money changer, merchant and financier, often a swindler - the Cainite sees other people as himself, so he will the best money changer, the best trader, the best financier, the best swindler. A Cainite cannot live on earth, but he can spread a city on earth.The mediation activity was under the leadership of a restless, restless, shaking man, the city will spread itself throughout the entire earth - civilization does not have within itself any limit to growth. The way of life for the Cainite civilization is one of constant expansion. With the development of civilization and all forms of mediation, there is a concentration of all means of mediation, in the language of the Bible, gold, in one hand.

24. The dream of a “new life” existed among the Cainites no further than the fifth generation from Cain. When the dream dried up, a civilizational explosion occurred (the children of Lamech's wives) and civilization showed its doom (the song of Lamech). Perhaps at this stage the Cainites began to show signs of degeneration, and it was at this stage that the concept of kinship changed. Kinship began to be transmitted through maternal blood, and a special service of Cainite women appeared - introducing children from men of another community to the Cainites.

25. Two events coincided in time - a change in the concept of kinship (the feeling of blood) and the second (after the founding of the city) civilizational leap. The Cainites had the opportunity to realize that the development of civilization leads to the final consolidation of the seal of Cain over their family (song of Lamech). The Cainites can use this discovery to their advantage: when another people gains faith in "progress", they become an ally of the Cainites in history. If a person fully accepts the achievements of civilization, he finally steps on the “path of Cain” (Jude 1:11). The person himself may not want this, not know about it and remain good-natured and carefree.

26. The inventions of civilization are ambivalent from a moral point of view, but within the framework of Cainite civilization they are more likely to have negative sign. The city (Enoch) turned out to be an unfulfilled dream about a new life. Nomadic pastoralism may have been a self-imposed attempt to find a connection with the land. The instrumental music no doubt echoed the intonations of Cain's lament. Metal processing led to the invention of murder weapons. 27. The Cainite turned out to be the first armed warrior and the first aggressor. A shaking person can become the instigator of regular hostilities - it is easier to understand this if we remember that Cain's powerlessness (his sadness and fear) was combined with his energetic determination (to live without God) in special condition“impudence” - the trembling Cainites display the same impudence in their aggressiveness (strategy of “preemptive strike”).

28. The final touch in the spiritual appearance of the Cainites indicates a certain matriarchy of the mature Cainite society. Cainite women are defined in their service, each clearly knows her role: 1) a wife for her own; 2) a wife for strangers; 3) harlot-kedesha – for seducing the “sons of God.” Cainites . The spirit of Cain has manifested itself many times in Sacred History in relationship with the “sons of God”, for the first time - in the form of “daughters of men”, who penetrated to the descendants of Seth, the sons of God. The sons of God went “the way of Cain,” and corrupted humanity perished in the Flood.

Books by E.A. Avdeenko, with whom we had the pleasure of collaborating, can be purchased from his friend and colleague Lesin Andrey Valentinovich, by contacting by phone: 8-903-717-65-05

Published and upcoming books by E.A. Avdeenko can be viewed on the website dedicated to his creative and pedagogical heritage at the following link

The Kingdom of Heaven to him! When I first started reading the Gospel, everything inside me turned upside down and goosebumps ran through my body, my hair stood on end from the words I read, my soul responded. Years passed and it happened again, as one day while listening to Radio Radonezh, I met Evgeniy Andreevich, his lectures and work, something like this was happening in my soul, I’m not afraid to say how from the Spirit of God everything turned inside again, Spirit-bearing man, man, Thank God for him, that in our time the Lord gives such lamps for the interpretation of words and as the Apostle said - not many become teachers, so I think Evgeniy Andreevich is a teacher from God. I was very upset when I learned about his death, I would firmly shake this man’s hand for his work, Lord remember your servant Evgeniy and forgive all his sins...! I thank God for such a person who called things by their proper names and taught us. When sin abounds, grace also abounds..

Quote: Anatoly

A man of amazing strength, Evgeniy Avdeenko, left, but it was as if he had left for a minute. I can’t believe that he won’t be among us for as long as we live - this is his faith in Christ, without fear or doubt, passed on to us whoever wishes. There are few people who can be counted on one hand with such a clear view of everything in the world, cleared of the husks of existence.
A rare talent, given by God to all of us, again, who needs it, who wants to be a person, and not a beast that is sheared as its scales grow. Talents given from Heaven retain their power, rather that of God, even after the completion of work, because He gives not in measure, but in abundance even after.
I can’t say how sad the untimely departure is for all caring people. wonderful person, because it is impossible to get enough of Revelation. You can only grow up to it, everyone has this opportunity.
With the discs where his voice was introduced in July 2013, in Tr-Sergieva, well here's an example of how a person after his death can be with us, parting with earthly things, settling in the heart of everyone, one way or another..
Without bringing in mysticism, a person can see a lot if there is the will of God, his non-resistance to goodness and love, which is often sent to a person as a sometimes simple incident, but carrying within itself both meaning and a vital charge, saying: “Blessed be Thy name.”


The Kingdom of Heaven to him! When I first started reading the Gospel, everything inside me turned upside down and goosebumps ran through my body, my hair stood on end from the words I read, my soul responded. Years passed and it happened again, as one day while listening to Radio Radonezh, I met Evgeniy Andreevich, his lectures and work, something like this was happening in my soul, I’m not afraid to say how from the Spirit of God everything turned inside again, Spirit-bearing man, man, Thank God for him, that in our time the Lord gives such lamps for the interpretation of words and as the Apostle said - not many become teachers, so I think Evgeniy Andreevich is a teacher from God. I was very upset when I learned about his death, I would firmly shake this man’s hand for his work, Lord remember your servant Evgeniy and forgive all his sins...! I thank God for such a person who called things by their proper names and taught us. When sin abounds, grace also abounds..

The Kingdom of Heaven to him! When I first started reading the Gospel, everything inside me turned upside down and goosebumps ran through my body, my hair stood on end from the words I read, my soul responded. Years passed and it happened again, as one day while listening to Radio Radonezh, I met Evgeniy Andreevich, his lectures and work, something like this was happening in my soul, I’m not afraid to say how from the Spirit of God everything turned inside again, Spirit-bearing man, man, Thank God for him, that in our time the Lord gives such lamps for the interpretation of words and as the Apostle said - not many become teachers, so I think Evgeniy Andreevich is a teacher from God. I was very upset when I learned about his death, I would firmly shake this man’s hand for his work, Lord remember your servant Evgeniy and forgive all his sins...! I thank God for such a person who called things by their proper names and taught us. When sin abounds, grace also abounds..

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