How did the reign end? Alexander II

Meditation has beneficial effect not only on the mind, but also on the body. It should also be in in the right condition in order to get full benefit from the process. Therefore it is very important to determine best time for a meditation session where you can take the correct posture, relax all the muscles of the body and concentrate on achieving spiritual balance.

The moment meditation sessions become an important part for you Everyday life, you will easily cope with various tasks, while maintaining a conscious state, and also always remember main goal and act according to your internal plan. There's little left to do - you just need to choose your personal time for meditation.

Morning – meditate at sunrise

Traditionally, the best time to meditate is early in the morning, namely at sunrise. We feel the need to start the day as best as possible, to recharge positive energy and set the required internal tempo. At this time of day, being in silence, we are able to feel harmony with nature, let it pass through us. Greatest effect You will achieve from meditation being well rested after a full, healthy sleep.

It is easier to meditate in the morning than in the afternoon or evening. The hurricane of thoughts has not yet taken hold of you; you are practically not thinking about anything serious. Another thing is a day when your mind is forced to think a lot and focus on solving many problems. It will be extremely difficult to calm this stream of thoughts in the midst of a working day.

Conscious and deep meditation is possible only with complete peace of mind.

Therefore, the time immediately after sleep is the most favorable time for meditation. Many people who are seriously engaged in spiritual self-development and strive to comprehend the Truth choose this particular time. For city dwellers, waking up early may seem overwhelming. But once you wake up with the sun and meditate, you will appreciate the magic of this time of day.

Evening and night meditation

You can also meditate in the evening. After work, we especially want to relax, analyze our day, draw conclusions and restore peace of mind. Great time for this – 60 minutes before sunset or an hour after it. But this is not a strict law. If you want to meditate before bed, this is your choice. Just remember what you need to have the right attitude, for example, to relax and calm down. The process of meditation can invigorate you a little, so start at least a couple of hours before bed.

If you have trouble falling asleep for a long time, meditation before bed will be especially useful.. You can make the immersion process longer and use special meditative music for better effect. You can also meditate at night if you are active at that time of day. The silence around will only contribute to relaxation. If you devote at least 10 to 15 minutes to this, then such a short meditation session at night will save you from the need to take various medications for insomnia and other aids.

Your sleep will be calm, sweet and without nightmares, your mind will be filled with divine, bright thoughts, and in the morning you will joyfully greet a new day.

Duration and regularity of the session

You need time to take the right posture, think easily and focus on your internal state. Additionally, the quality and depth of meditation may not be the same throughout the process, so everyone will have their own meditation duration. A truly deep meditative state can only be achieved by fully accepting and forgiving all thoughts and anxieties that may interfere with the process. Only after liberation will the phase of true meditation begin and you will be able to enjoy what is happening.

5 minutes, 20, or meditation 24 hours a day - you will understand how much time you personally need. An important condition is regularity. Develop the habit of meditating every day, or better yet, at the same time. Our mind is very flexible and resourceful, so train it to this state. Dedicate the same amount of time to meditation and do not lower the chosen minimum level. This way you will meditate mindfully and achieve good concentration. It is better to conduct sessions a little daily than several times a week, but for a long time. By skipping sessions, you will not achieve the desired and quick result.

How long should you meditate?

To begin, establish yourself in short meditations, from 5 to 15 minutes.. Then add a few minutes each time. Simulate the duration of the session as long as you feel the opportunity, desire and until you reach the maximum comfortable limit. Experiment with what time is best for you to relax. Start with once a day, and then increase to two or even three times. The main thing is not to overdo it with the pace.

Proceed carefully and gradually. Do not meditate in fits and starts, but fully and regularly. And during the session, listen to your body - it will tell you how much time it takes to fully reunite with your inner self.

And don’t try to overcome a bar that is too much for you, don’t strain yourself. Let the development process be slow, but always stable. Create a meditation schedule and stick to it. Soon you won't need much time or effort to find the right state. You can sit in a comfortable position, stop thinking intensely and completely immerse yourself in the process of meditation. And if you really want to achieve high results, you need to focus on the quality of practice, and not on how much time you devote to it.

  • It is very difficult to concentrate during the day, as there are many distractions around. Choose a quieter time;
  • Though urban environment and is not saturated with beneficial spiritual vibrations while meditating early morning you will feel calm and peaceful;
  • During the hot season, excessive sweating makes it difficult and tiring to meditate three times a day. But if you are used to this regime, do not deny yourself the pleasure;
  • Regardless of place and time, the meditative state should appear without any effort, naturally;
  • Sunday is the best day for deep, long meditation, as the mind is rested and not overstimulated. excessive worries like on weekdays;
  • The best time to start practicing meditation is when winter time year or early spring. This is a very favorable time for opening the mind;
  • During meditation, you should not be distracted and think about how much time has passed. You can use a timer or alarm clock that will remind you that it’s time to return to reality. This will help you concentrate on the lesson;
  • If you get into the habit of meditating at the same time every day, you won't be tempted to skip sessions.

If you have set yourself the goal of learning to meditate correctly and receive benefit and pleasure from this process, you should listen to your inner voice and act according to your impulses. There is no need to think and plan for a long time when choosing a time. Just start practicing today. Try meditating in the morning, afternoon, evening and even at night. Or maybe you will like this activity so much that you as soon as possible achieve mastery and become a meditation guru.

When you truly enjoy the process of immersing yourself in yourself and begin to accept and understand this state, choosing the right time will no longer be relevant. You will want to meditate always.

or everything has its time

They say that the day is divided into several periods, each of which has its own characteristics: nature, energy and color. Therefore, by meditating at the most favorable time for this, you guarantee a deep and thorough result of your meditation.

The best time of day to meditate is early in the morning. What does it have to do with not the whole morning, but only it certain part, called Brahma-muhurta.

  • Muhurta - moment, moment, moment, period of 48 minutes
  • Brāhma - pertaining to Brahman, holy, sacred, divine; sacred science, study scriptures, learning the Vedas; pertaining to sacred knowledge, prescribed by the Vedas

Thus, Brahma Muhurta is one of the muhurtas, or periods of time lasting 48 minutes, most favorable for self-awareness, development and comprehension higher knowledge of the universe. And that’s not all, an Ayurvedic treatise “ Ashtanga Hridayam“At the very beginning he says: “Get up from sleep on Brahma Muhurta to preserve your health and life itself.”

What is Brahma Muhurta?

So, Brahma-muhurta is the penultimate, fourteenth muhurta of the dark half of the day. Those. it begins 2 * 48 minutes = 96 minutes, or 1 hour 36 minutes before sunrise. Depending on the geographical latitude place, as well as the time of year, the time of sunrise varies, but the duration of sandhya does not. Therefore, Brahma Muhurta always begins one and a half hours before sunrise, in a given area, at a given time.

“One who wears dirty clothes, does not brush his teeth, eats like a glutton, speaks unkindly and uses dirty language, and dreams after sunrise, Goddess of Fortune Sri Lakshmi - goddess of prosperity

">Lakshmi leaves, even if he is Narayana Himself.” Sri Chanakya-niti-shastra (15.4)

Thus, the most l best time to start meditation- this is Brahma-Mukhurta, i.e. 96 minutes before sunrise.

The uniqueness of morning meditation time

Mind is a subtle material element, often called ">Mind" a person is constantly troubled by all sorts of desires and aspirations. And, interestingly, many of them are simply useless. Therefore, it is very important not to start doing anything or talking to anyone until you finish japa meditation. After it, an amazing effect will occur - all the unnecessary desires that you had from the very beginning will simply be eliminated. It turns out that desires have changed and only those that are truly vital and important now remain.

“The foundation of love for the Holy Name is laid in the morning.”
EAT. Acyuta (achyuta) - ">Acyuta Priya Ave.

It is very important to repeat a maximum of circles in the morning, the more, the better. 16 is the minimum. This will allow you to repeat additional circuits throughout the day. If you haven’t completed 16 rounds in the morning, then say goodbye to any hopes of repeating more mantras during the day. You will “crawl” to complete your minimum of 16 laps all day long. The mind is already excited, and you are constantly distracted, many ideas arise, someone turns to you, the phone rings... After you are distracted, in order to restore concentration, it will take you a circle or two just to to “accelerate”, to re-enter the process of repetition.

16 rounds should be subtracted at least before 10 am, ideally before 7:30. If you have some urgent service in the morning, for example, worshiping the Deities in the temple or preparing prasadam, then at the end of this service you should disappear from the outside world and repeat your daily minimum of japa without interruption or distraction.

The depth of meditation and the human condition

For Vaishnavas, the depth of meditation is often related to the number of rounds of japa subtracted: the deeper you are immersed in a relationship with Krishna, the more you want to be with Him, repeating His Names.

But why not less than 16 laps?
There is a definite difference in your condition depending on how much you chant daily - 16, 25 or 32 rounds. Why skimp? Here is what Srila Prabhupada writes about this:

“I am happy to know that you are chanting 48 rounds. Actually it is good to chant 48 rounds. If a person is able to chant more than sixteen rounds, up to 64, then that is very good. Try to increase, but never decrease.” (Letter from Srila Prabhupada, December 17, 1967)

“I must again advise you to always repeat, increasing the quantity. Usually 16 rounds are prescribed, but for now you can stop all other activities and increase the repetition to 64 rounds.” (Letter from Srila Prabhupada, February 12, 1968)

“By repeating in the morning, you also save time. In the morning, one lap will take you 5 minutes, maybe 5.5 or 6 minutes, but in the afternoon it’s very difficult to repeat at that speed.”
EAT. Achyuta Priya Ave.

“It is very good if you can chant 64 rounds; great if you're capable. But above all, we should not be alarmed under any circumstances. If you're worried, it means you're still not ready to achieve your goal." (Letter from Srila Prabhupada, March 23, 1969)

“I was very encouraged to know that you regularly chant 20 rounds on beads every day. Be careful never to decrease but to increase their number, so you will become stronger in Krishna consciousness.” (Letter, March 3, 1970)

By repeating in the morning, you also save time. In the morning, one lap will take you 5 minutes, maybe 5.5 or 6 minutes, but in the afternoon it is very difficult to repeat at that speed. There is an opinion that repeating quickly is not important. I have spoken to many senior devotees and they admit that it takes them 8-9 minutes to complete a round, even though they have been chanting 16 rounds for 15 or 25 years!

Most often, slow repetition is a sign of lack of enthusiasm (uttsaha).

Morning is the best time for meditation

Thus, the best time for meditation is the morning, and from it - Brahma Muhurta - 96 minutes before sunrise. Meditation at this time is the most favorable, since it promotes general mood surrounding area.

Meditation is a philosophy and technique that together allow a person to achieve internal balance between physical, emotional and mental states.

IN in a broad sense the value of meditation is that it creates the prerequisites for a person’s self-realization, eliminating artificial barriers and inspiring new steps towards spiritual growth. When a person comes to the decision that he needs to meditate, this intention must, first of all, be linked to his attitude towards life in general and his consciousness in particular. Below are some tips on how to meditate.

Meditation is a step towards emotional comfort

Although we use our brain in our lives, few of us seek to understand its nature and how it functions. As a result, we know almost nothing about the state of our brains and consciousness at any given moment. And the question of what really exists in the reality around us, and what we have imagined for ourselves, often remains open. A simple example will help you understand the danger of such confusion.

Imagine that in front of you is your favorite chocolate cake, and you are looking forward to the pleasure of enjoying it to your heart's content. At this moment you sincerely find it tasty and attractive. But when you eat two or three pieces and are full, you will look at the cake completely differently. He will no longer evoke the same enthusiastic feelings in you. It is quite possible, on the contrary, that you will try to move him away from you. Please note that the taste of the cake has not objectively changed, but your ideas about taste have changed.

The idea that it is not objects themselves and the world as a whole that evoke certain feelings in us, but that we ourselves are the sources of these feelings, lies at the basis of the philosophy of meditation. Achieving balance between the world and our relationship to it is the goal of mediation training. Happiness and suffering are equally rare experiences and states of our mind, and both appear in us not under the influence outside world, but as our internal response to something.

Understanding this makes us relatively independent in what and how we can and should feel at any given moment. Therefore, if we want to reduce our suffering and prolong our state of happiness, we must learn to manage our feelings without giving them over to external influences.

Meditation is a step towards self-regulation

Sometimes things don't go the way we planned or expected, sometimes we come face to face with difficult circumstances or a real challenge of fate. But the way we react to this is the result of the work of our brain only and nothing else.

When, in response to difficult life circumstances, our brain, instead of worrying and suffering, accepts the challenge and begins to solve it as interesting task, we are surprised to discover that, imperceptibly for ourselves, we begin to emerge victorious from the most difficult situations. So, positive attitude mind restructures our perception of the world into better side. This is why control over consciousness and state of mind is important condition well-being and happiness.

Look around, and you will see that more and more new ways of influencing people’s consciousness are appearing (such as, for example, advertising and the Internet). Think about it, if these methods influence your consciousness so easily, what prevents you from controlling your consciousness at your own discretion? To begin with, you can learn the rules of how to meditate correctly at home, and then you can move on to more complex meditation programs.

Meditation is a step towards brain development

Meditation is a useful tool for increasing your overall performance. This may seem strange. After all, everyone knows that meditation is “doing nothing” for some time. How does it affect the productivity of our work?

So, here are just a few of the results of meditation that neuroscientists pay attention to:

  • the need for sleep decreases, and the person sleeps less than before;
  • high relaxing and calming effect;
  • energy increases and strength increases;
  • blood supply to the brain improves;
  • the aging of brain structures slows down and an increase in gray matter brain;
  • concentration of attention increases;
  • helping the brain in processes that support the defragmentation of thoughts, which, in turn, allows you not to get stuck in one thing information space, but to think for the future.

This can be achieved with the help of simple mediation exercises, and meditation at home is quite possible.

With Vikium you can start meditating at home. To start meditating, go through the “Brain Detoxification” program on our website.

“Brain detoxification” - small, but very effective training, which will help you carry out " general cleaning” in your brain and thus get rid of habitual, but already outdated mental practices and thinking techniques.

What is the idea of ​​meditation?

The main idea of ​​meditation is quite simple: learn to voluntarily control your attention and state. For this, special exercises are used. To begin with, the simplest ones are aimed at ensuring that attention is directed “inward” for a certain time (say, half an hour). During meditation, attention seems to be distributed, “smeared”, spreads out. He has no focus. It does not pick up on our thoughts or experiences, but glides along the surface of our consciousness, not clinging to anything.

This is enough difficult task, especially for beginners - keep your attention “on nothing”. Therefore, the center of attention is placed... breathing. Here typical advice for those who are beginning to master the technique of meditation:

  • Every time your attention wanders from your breathing to something else, bring it back.
  • You should keep your breath in your field of consciousness at all times.

This way you will begin to train your consciousness, returning it from the objects that attract it (your thoughts or distracting sounds around) to the object that you set (your breath).

This is the basic idea of ​​meditation for beginners.

How to start meditating at home

To do this you will need two things:

  • seating area,
  • timer.

You can meditate standing or walking, but this will be the next level of difficulty. To begin with, it is better to meditate while sitting. You can choose one of the following options:

  1. Chair. Especially recommended for those who experience back problems.
  2. Meditation pillow. It is quite difficult to use for beginners.
  3. Meditation bench. Recommended for those who have foot problems.

The timer will help you stay at the same pace all the time and not be distracted from the main object of your attention - your breathing. You can even use your mobile phone for these purposes.

Where to start

  • Keep your back straight and upright throughout the meditation process.
  • Your eyes may be closed or open. If you find that you find it easier to focus on your breathing with eyes closed, then close your eyes. Occasionally focus your gaze on the space on the floor in front of you.
  • Let your hands rest freely. Legs can be crossed.
  • Direct your gaze slightly downward, even if your eyes are closed.

What to do - 6 basic actions during meditation

  • 1) Create a state of comfort for yourself - external for the body and internal for the consciousness. Stop the flow of your thoughts, take your mind off your worries and worries. Focus on the situation you are in now.
  • 2) Start the timer. Start with 10 minutes of meditation.
  • 3) Focus all your attention on your breathing. Breathe through your nose. Close your eyes and watch the breath enter and exit through your nose. Find a balance between your attention to your breathing and your state of relaxation.
  • 4) What to think about during meditation? - Don't think. Don't analyze or judge your breathing. Just carefully monitor your inhalation and exhalation.
  • 5) Bring your awareness back to your breathing every time you become distracted by something.
  • 6) Release your consciousness and stop the meditation at the timer signal.

There is probably no clear answer to the question of how to meditate correctly. But there are some tips that may be useful to you:

  • It is better to meditate for 10 minutes every day than 70 minutes once a week. When you first start learning to meditate, you may feel bored or even anxious. This normal conditions. And don't be afraid of them.
  • Start with a short period of time. Don't immediately set the timer for 30 minutes. You can even start with just 5 minutes of meditation. It is only important to do this regularly, preferably daily.
  • Choose a nice and soft timer signal.
  • Choose a place for meditation that is calm and protected from outside interference. Either a weak, dim light or darkness will help you concentrate.
  • Please note that attention is more easily lost when exhaling than when inhaling. Give your exhalation more control.
  • If you can't concentrate, count to five. Then repeat the count.

Meditation is a relatively simple practice. However, it requires a certain self-discipline and perseverance. But the effect of the mastered skill exceeds all expectations.

Paul the First went down in history as a cruel reformer. Liberal views and European tastes were persecuted, censorship was established, and a ban on the import of foreign literature. The Emperor, having received the throne, largely limited rights noble class . Maybe that's why his reign was so short.

In contact with


Peter the Third, Paul's father, was on Russian throne only 186 days, although he planned that many years of rule awaited him ahead. After palace coup the emperor signed the abdication of the throne, which passed to his wife (Princess of Anhalt-Zerbst).

Catherine built her reign on expanding the rights and privileges of the noble class, as well as enslaving the peasants. During her reign borders Russian Empire were moved to the south and west.

The first son of Peter and Catherine, named Pavel, was born on September 20, 1754. During this period, there was a political struggle, so the boy was deprived of the love and care of his parents. At the age of eight he lost his father. Paul's mother hired a staff of the best nannies and teachers, after which she withdrew from raising the future heir to the throne.

Boy's teacher became Fedor Bekhteev- a diplomat distinguished by incredible discipline and rigor. He published a newspaper where the slightest misdeeds of the pupil were described. Nikita Panin became the second mentor, thanks to whom the boy began to study wide circle items - natural history, God's Law, music, dancing.

The immediate environment also had an influence on the formation of the personality of the heir to the throne, but communication with peers was kept to a minimum - only children of noble families were allowed to interact with him.

Ekaterina bought it for her son the huge library of academician Korf. The boy studied a lot foreign languages, arithmetic, astronomy, history, geography, learned to draw, dance and fencing, studied the Law of God. The boy was not taught military discipline; Catherine did not want her son to get carried away with it.

The heir had an impatient character and was restless child, however, he could boast of a rich imagination and love of reading. His education was as high quality as possible at that time.

Personal life of the future emperor

The first wife of the future ruler died during childbirth, and the second chosen one was Sophia Dorothea of ​​Württemberg (Maria Fedorovna).

Children of Paul I– firstborn Alexander (1777), Konstantin (1779), Alexandra (1783), Elena (1784), Maria (1786), Catherine (1788), Olga (1792, died in infancy), Anna (1795), Nikolai (1796) ), Mikhail (1798).

Despite having many children and almost constant pregnancies, Maria Fedorovna took care of the house and regularly participated in social events. However, she was not of particular importance at court due to her husband’s discord with his mother.

Maria Feodorovna was a submissive princess, who followed the postulates that she had learned in her youth, but due to circumstances beyond her control, her personal life with her husband came to discord after 20 years. After the birth of her last son, the obstetrician forbade her to become pregnant, as it could cost the woman her life.

The emperor was disappointed by this circumstance and started a relationship with another woman, his favorite Anna Lopukhina. Maria Feodorovna herself became involved in charity work and began managing orphanages, streamlining the work of institutions for homeless and abandoned children. She also actively addressed issues of women's education and founded a number of educational institutions for them.

Rise to power

When Paul I reigned? He ascended the throne at the age of 42 on November 6, 1796, when Catherine II, his mother, died. This late date is explained difficult relationships future emperor with his mother. They almost completely moved away from each other, realizing that they were people with opposing views. At first, the boy was raised as a future heir to the throne, but the older he became, the further they tried to keep him from matters of national importance.

Important! Many people blamed Pavel Petrovich big hopes. His name was often on the lips of rebels, for example, . During the reign of Catherine II, many were dissatisfied with her decrees and laws.


Numerous reforms characterize the reign of Paul 1: internal and foreign policy have undergone a number of changes.

What important steps have been taken:

  • amendments were introduced to the procedure of succession to the throne, which was developed. The rights to the throne began to be enjoyed exclusively by sons or brothers ruling dynasty in descending line, or by seniority;
  • the emperor's associates received the titles of senior officials or senators;
  • comrades of Catherine II were removed from their posts;
  • activities of higher government agencies has undergone changes for the better;
  • a petition box was placed next to the palace, and reception days were also established for peasants who could openly leave complaints against their owners;
  • canceled Physical punishment for elderly people over 70 years of age;
  • Instead of the grain duty, which was burdensome for peasants, a financial tax was introduced. Debts of 7 million rubles were written off;
  • it was forbidden to force peasants to work on holidays and weekends;
  • corvee was limited - now it lasted 3 days a week;
  • the sale of landless peasants and household servants was banned. If the owner treated the serfs inhumanely, the governors were obliged to carry out secret arrests and send the offenders to the monastery.
  • over 4 years, 6,000 thousand state peasants were transferred to the nobles, since the emperor believed that their life was worse than that of the serfs;
  • reduced cost of salt and food products in stores - the shortfall was compensated for by money from the treasury.

When Paul came to power, one of the the most important areas His activities turned out to be an infringement of the privileges and rights of the nobles.

He ordered all noble children who were enrolled in them to return to the regiments, and prohibited the unauthorized transfer to civilian service from the army without the permission of the Senate, approved by him personally.

The nobles had to pay new taxes, the money from which was sent to support the local administration.

The right according to which a nobleman addressed him with complaints and requests was abolished: now this was allowed to be done only with the permission of the governor. Punishment was reintroduced noble people through sticks.

Immediately after ascending the throne, the emperor declared an amnesty, but multiple punishments soon followed. Decrees of Paul the First, limiting the power of the nobility, aroused anger and enmity on the part of the privileged class. Over time, the first conspiracies began to appear in the highest guards circles to overthrow the autocrat.

Features of foreign policy

Initially, it was announced at court that neutrality would be observed towards France. He always dreamed that wars would be fought solely for the purpose of defense. However, he was an opponent of the revolutionary sentiments of this country. Friendly relations were concluded with countries such as Sweden, Denmark and Prussia, which was the result of the creation of an anti-French coalition consisting of:

  • Russia,
  • Kingdom of Naples,
  • Austria,
  • England.

In Italy, commander A.V. Suvorov headed the domestic expeditionary force. In just six months he won a victory in Italy over French troops, after which he entered Sweden, where he joined the corps of General A.M. Rimsky-Korsakov.

During the same period, the squadron F.F. Ushakova achieved several naval victories, as a result of which the Ionian Islands became free. However, the Russian-English corps located in Holland was unable to achieve its plans, as a result of which it returned. At the same time, only Russia's allies reaped the fruits of victories over Napoleon, which caused the severance of allied ties with Austria and England. The Emperor, outraged by England's position, decided to move closer to France.

Cause of the Emperor's death

Against ruling emperor a conspiracy was formed. It was headed by the Zubov brothers, the military governor of St. Petersburg P.A.

Palen and a number of others. Reason for the conspiracy - domestic politics autocrat, because he eased the situation of the peasants and at the same time limited the rights and privileges of the noble class.

Among the conspirators was Alexander Pavlovich, who was promised that his father would be left alive.

Led by Count Palen on the night of March 12, 1801 The conspirators broke into the Mikhailovsky Castle, reached the imperial chambers and put forward a demand to leave the throne. Having heard Paul's refusal to abdicate the throne, the conspirators killed the autocrat.

There were several conspiracies during the life and reign of the emperor. Thus, three cases of unrest among the troops were recorded. After the coronation of the new emperor, the Canal Workshop was formed - a secret organization whose members sought to kill the ruler. After the discovery of this conspiracy, all those who took part in it were sent to hard labor or exiled. All materials related to the investigation into the conspiracy were destroyed.

It was officially announced that Emperor Paul 1 had died from apoplexy.

Paul 1st - reign of the Tsar, reforms

The reign of Tsar Paul 1st - domestic and foreign policy, results

Results of the board

How long did Paul 1 reign?? His reign lasted several years, years of reign: from April 5, 1797. to March 12, 1801. In such a short period of time, no significant changes occurred in Russian society, although the emperor tried to introduce as many new measures as possible. At the beginning of the reign, they created favorable conditions for the development of industry and trade, but by the end of the reign domestic trade was in chaos and ruin, and the external one was almost completely destroyed.

Attention! The state was in a sad state when Paul I was killed.

Who ruled after Paul 1? The heir to the throne was his first-born Alexander 1. His reign turned out to be more successful: the first step was taken, the State Council was created, and a victory was won over Napoleon in 1812; the Russian army distinguished itself in other foreign trips. was more successful.

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