What to take to get into theater school. Cheat sheet for applicants to theater schools

Your son is gradually growing up: externally and internally. You can barely keep up with what's happening to him. A lot is changing: from clothes and habits to worldview and attitude towards girls.

The difficult teenage stage is inherent in nature; it cannot be avoided. For some it happens earlier, for others later, but on average, boys begin to transform from a child into a man at the age of 11-12 years.

Believe me, it's not easy for your son right now. Physical ailments are superimposed on unstable mental processes and new views on the world. If you understand what is happening in your son’s body and can explain it to him, then this stage will be a little easier.

Let's start with physiological changes.

What happens in the body of adolescents at 11-12 years old?

The cardiovascular system. A teenager’s heart enlarges significantly, this is due to the growth of the heart muscle ─ myocardium. The heart volume of a 10-year-old boy is 130 cubic cm, and that of a 13-year-old boy is already 443 cubic cm. At the same time, blood vessels grow more slowly and the heart needs to make more efforts so that the body does not suffer from a lack of oxygen. The load on the heart increases and pain may appear in it.

Respiratory system. Lung volume also increases. But it is not yet possible to use all the oxygen received, so the brain lacks proper nutrition, which leads to headaches. The larynx begins to grow and the voice changes.

Musculoskeletal system. The tubular bones of the arms and legs and vertebrae grow rapidly. At the same time, the spine remains very mobile, and there is a high probability of its curvature. Large muscles grow faster than small ones, so it is difficult for a boy to work with small objects, he gets tired quickly. Teenagers aged 11-12 years look disproportionate: Long hands and legs, big feet.

Leather. The changes that occur in the boy’s body lead to the fact that the sebaceous glands begin to work more actively and irritations, rashes and pustules appear on the skin.

Nervous system. The brain begins to actively develop, especially the anterior sections of both hemispheres. The teenager begins to respond sharply to all comments directed at him. Excitement prevails over inhibition, so teenagers are unbalanced and their mood often changes.

Vegetative work nervous system, which connects the spinal cord and brain with internal organs, is also not fully balanced. Blood vessels are poorly filled with blood, pulse and breathing become faster, the brain lacks oxygen, dizziness and weakness appear. Vegetovascular dystonia─ a frequent companion of teenagers.

Endocrine system. In boys aged 11-12 years, the thyroid gland begins to actively grow, which is responsible for the energy balance in the body. The gonads also develop, and the amount of testosterone in the blood of boys increases.

About the effect of testosterone on the body of a man in general and a teenager in particular, watch the video excerpt from the webinar “10 important secrets that mothers should know about boys.”

Behavior of boys in adolescence

Internal changes greatly affect the behavior of boys.

  • become very emotional, even those who were previously calm. All this is accompanied by mood swings: one minute, intense joy can be replaced by intense sadness;
  • seek “thrills” and take great risks;
  • they begin to pay attention to girls and want to please them;
  • begin to consciously approach the choice of clothing and care for their skin;
  • react painfully to comments and violently express disagreement;
  • they don’t finish what they started, and sometimes they don’t even start what they were talking about;
  • get tired quickly;
  • become irritable;
  • They can do something energetically, and after a couple of minutes they fall onto the bed, exhausted.

Relationships with girls at this age are difficult to build, one of the reasons is that at the age of 11-12 years girls are larger and stronger than boys. This affects the self-esteem of the children.

Our team will help you understand and cope with your son’s emotions free book « ».

In general, if you look from the outside at what a teenager wants to be and what he really is, then this is almost two parallel worlds. Inside, the boy is strong, handsome, girls like him and everything works out for him. And on the outside he is still clumsy, disproportionate and with a changing voice.

Which boys show more pronounced changes in behavior at the age of 11-12 years?

The visibility of changes in the boy’s behavior and health for him and those around him will also depend on the kind of life he led in childhood and leads in adolescence.

Guys who move a lot, play sports and generally lead an active lifestyle are more able to cope with the difficulties of adolescence. Physically, they develop more harmoniously and they have somewhere to throw out excess energy, and sometimes aggression.

Such active boys make parents and other adults “nervous” even before puberty, so their behavior change at the age of 11-12 is not so noticeable.

Boys who sit at home all the time, exercise little and may suffer from excess weight, much more difficult. In them, changes in health and behavior are more pronounced.

Adults who are used to calm child, it can also be difficult to readjust.

For parents who want to understand their children, and especially for mothers who want their sons to maximize their potential for courage, we have created a special training.

Remember: “Forewarned is forearmed”? Those useful knowledge and the practice that you will receive at the training will be the support, the foundation for helping your son pass this difficult age with dignity, calmly and confidently.

This course only about boys, features of their physiology and worldview. During the training you will learn:

  • how to understand and predict your teenager’s behavior in certain cases;
  • about when to let go of the situation, and when, on the contrary, to take control;
  • How can a mother-father-son team not turn into a “swan, crayfish and pike”;
  • how your fears can poison your son's life.

The training will begin on March 29 and will last 1.5 months. Details about the training program and conditions of participation.

Adolescence is also called transitional age - transition to adult life and responsibility. This stage is difficult for both the boy and the parents. To help your son, you need to listen to him, understand him, and accept the changes that are happening to him. You can't make fun of his appearance and relationships with girls.

Question for mothers of girls: is there a need for an article about physiological and behavioral changes in girls during adolescence?

Adolescence is a period that, sooner or later, comes in the life of every child. At this age, the boy begins to realize himself as an individual and take the first steps towards becoming a man. During of this segment life, a teenager experiences a number of physiological and psychological changes, which can become a real test for both the child himself and his family. In order to correctly and timely adjust their actions, it is important for parents to know. It is these signs that will be discussed in this article.

Be specific about when exactly it starts transitional age, it is impossible, since each child experiences this stage of life individually. Most often, in boys, the first symptoms begin to appear between the ages of 9 and 11 years. The genital organs (penis, testicles) grow, and the first down appears on the pubis. The boy begins to show interest in representatives of the opposite sex and to show curiosity about intimate aspects of life.

Already during this period, parents often encounter the first difficulties. The child, who just yesterday seemed so obedient and docile, suddenly becomes unmanageable, throwing tantrums that seem groundless at first glance.

Signs of adolescence in boys 12 years old

As stated above, the transition period for all adolescents proceeds individually. However, most often, 12 years is the age when changes come into their fullest. active phase. The growth rate of a child during this period can reach 10 cm per year.

The boy's voice begins to sound more and more like a man's voice, becoming deeper, which is associated with growth and thickening vocal cords. This phenomenon is called voice breakage, and it usually lasts for two years.

It is from this age that the most difficult stage transition period. Parents should give the most close attention behavior of your child, since there is a danger of missing the moment, and then taking control of the situation will be much more difficult. It is recommended to involve your teenager in sports. It has been proven that children who are active and healthy image life, adolescence passes much faster and more painlessly than for their peers who drink alcohol and other toxic substances.

The further course of the transition period is characterized by accelerated growth. The boy’s figure begins to take on “masculine” shape: his shoulders become wider, his muscle mass increases.

Pubic hair becomes thicker and tougher. By the age of 14-15, the first harbinger of full-fledged male stubble appears on the face - youthful fuzz. Hairs may also appear on other parts of the body (arms, legs, etc.).

Interest in girls makes a boy pay close attention to his appearance. As a rule, teenagers tend to be overly critical of their own appearance, which often leads to the emergence of complexes. Frequent companion of adolescence - acne– further aggravates this problem.

Adolescents at this age are characterized by hypersexuality. Interest in materials of a pornographic and erotic nature awakens. Excess sexual energy causes most boys to resort to masturbation, which is perceived negatively by many parents, although this phenomenon completely normal. During sleep, uncontrollable ejaculations often occur, called wet dreams.

Other signs of adolescence in boys- Problems psychological nature. Unstable hormonal levels lead to a teenager becoming unbalanced, hot-tempered, and often rude to others. At this age, many children are characterized by isolation. They have the feeling that no one understands them or wants to understand them. The consequence of this state of affairs is sometimes thoughts of suicide.

Of course, it will not be possible to avoid adolescence, but competent and sensitive parents can make sure that this difficult stage of a teenager’s life passes with the least possible losses.

Has your sweet child become not himself? Is he trying to show his superiority or, on the contrary, is he withdrawn? At the same time, is he a middle school student? Everything is fine. This is a transitional age. Read on to learn about its characteristics in boys.

For boys, the transitional stage of maturation falls at the ages of 12 (14) – 17 (18) years. Peak negative reactions is the stage from 14 to 16 years. The negative phase ends with searching for a friend, longing for a friend. Peak emotional instability falls on 11-13 years.

Signs of adolescence

  1. In boys, adolescence begins with swelling of the testicles, and later the penis and other genital organs enlarge. This occurs on average at 11-15 years of age.
  2. At the same time, hair appears in the genital area.
  3. After a couple of years, hair begins to appear on the face and body.
  4. There is a break in the voice (changes from low to high).
  5. At the very beginning of maturation, a slight enlargement of the mammary glands may be observed, which disappears after a year or two.
  6. Night ejaculations.
  7. Reactions common to both sexes (aggression, inconsistency, fatigue, maximalism).
  8. The desire to demonstrate one's physical strength.


In boys puberty begins at 13-14 years old and ends at 16-17 years old. The specificity of sexual development is the desire to look older, “cooler,” and to be like one’s idols. They, just like girls, are drawn to opposite sex. However, they rarely truly fall in love; more often they “play at relationships.”

Gender identification in boys is closely related to the image of a woman nearby. That is, the more female examples there are around, the more the boy realizes his masculinity. The more feminine the girls around him are, the more he feels like a man.

Physical development

The height of boys peaks at 13 (13.5) years - 15 years, and slows down by 18 years. At the same time, weight increases from 14 to 16 years.

Formation of immunity

On adolescence accounts for the final phase of development of the human immune system. In boys, this occurs at 14-15 years of age. The development of immunity depends on external conditions environment and heredity. This is why it is important for teenagers:

  • eat well and properly;
  • exercise;
  • avoid bad habits.

The cardiovascular system

There is a gradual increase blood pressure. The pulse is slightly higher than normal, but lower than in girls. However, like them, headaches, dizziness, and weakness occur.


In boys, muscle mass increases at the age of 14, but matching the strength of an adult man is achieved later.


The respiratory organs are growing. In young men, abdominal breathing predominates. Boys can more easily tolerate shortness of breath during physical activity.

Emotional sphere

Just like girls, boys are different increased emotionality and depth of emotions. Im in to a greater extent characterized by aggressiveness. In general, teenage boys have lower emotionality than girls. This is especially true for relations between the sexes.

  1. Of all the elements of puberty, the phenomenon of nocturnal ejaculation can cause the greatest indignation (fear, embarrassment, misunderstanding, uncertainty) in boys. It's important to talk to your son about this. It is important for boys, like girls, to know the characteristics of their reproductive system(in advance).
  2. If you can’t talk to a teenager about puberty yourself (by the way, believe me, he experiences no less discomfort), then just give him good book With available information. The boy will decide for himself what exactly and when he wants to learn from it.
  3. Give your teen tips on skin care or take them to a dermatologist. Teenagers are very important to their appearance.
  4. Don't ignore your teenager's feelings about his appearance, even if you consider your son ideal. It is important to explain that this is temporary and a person’s appearance is formed anatomically before the age of 20, and later can be easily corrected on their own.
  5. Don't make the situation worse by shouting about the insignificance of his problems.
  6. Remember that, which is common in adolescents, is compensation for an inferiority complex. It is important to understand why a teenager is not confident in himself and.
  7. Judge the actions, not the teenager.
  8. You definitely love it.
  9. Success largely depends on self-esteem. Self-esteem must be supported from the outside (the task of parents). Believe me, a teenager scolds himself enough and focuses on his shortcomings. Your task, as opposed to noticing only positive points. At least focus attention on them.
  10. Communication with peers and hobbies are very important. If it does not harm the child and society, then let him listen to “creepy” music or look “scary.”
  11. In terms of restrictions, we need to present a united front. A teenager should not be able to find a “loophole” in the family.

Thus, the task of the parents of a teenage boy is to teach him to act independently, take responsibility for his actions, choose his social circle and life guidelines. It is important to promote development positive traits its character and reducing the severity of negative (or). To do this, you can conduct conversations, independently research the personality (questionnaires, surveys).

Self-knowledge and self-determination are the basis of age. In boys, self-determination is more focused on professional activity. Often they even strive to find a part-time job. This is good and should not be prevented. But we need to help set adequate priorities and find a compromise together.

However, there is also reverse option– passivity. Then you need to help your teenager find a hobby.

When interacting with a teenager, it is important to avoid authoritarianism and cruelty, liberalism (“family idol”), overprotection and hypoprotection. These are destructive parenting styles. They have a destructive impact on the relationship between children and parents and their personalities.

The establishment of a friendly cooperative relationship with a teenager will be facilitated by:

  • visual and tactile contact ( natural need all people, often unconscious);
  • active listening (voicing the child’s feelings: “you’re upset because you can’t do your homework”);
  • pronouncing your feelings, especially negative ones (but not “you upset me,” but “I’m upset,” that is, use I-statements).

Literature on the topic

  1. Yu. P. Gippenreiter “Communicate with the child. How?".
  2. O. V. Kholodkovskaya, V. A. Pashnina “Difficult transitional age: Easy solution complex problems."

Thank you for your attention. I wish you mutual understanding with your children! Listen and you will be heard.

GITIS, VGIK, Theater Institute named after Shchukin, VTU named after. Shchepkin and the Moscow Art Theater School are called the “golden five” of theater universities, where everyone who dreams of becoming an actor strives to get. But to do For most, getting there will remain a dream. To be admitted, an applicant must pass at least three rounds of auditions and a competition. First, applicants read the so-called program by heart: prose passages, poems and fables, then take a colloquium on knowledge of the history and theory of literature, theater and cinema. By the end of the selection, out of several hundred applicants, 30-40 people remain.

We talked to those who have already tried - successfully or not - to get to famous masters. They told us why it is easier for guys to get in than girls, which program is better not to read, and how they can be rejected at an audition for not meeting the personal preferences of the teacher, having a Mongoloid face, or having ugly teeth. And the teachers themselves shared what mistakes applicants most often make and what is most important for a future actor.

Yulia, applicant, applied for the first time, did not get in

I went to auditions at four universities from the “golden five”: GITIS, Moscow Art Theater, “Sliver”, “Pike”, at RGISI in St. Petersburg and also at ITI and ISI.

I have a program from two teachers, although this cannot be done, because everyone has their own approach. From prose I have “Letter to Rilke” by Tsvetaeva, an excerpt from Teffi’s memoirs, very funny, about how someone was shot, “Day business man"Averchenko and "Someone else's wife and husband under the bed" by Dostoevsky. Several poems and three fables.

Teachers have preferences regarding the program. In “Sliver,” for example, Velikhova listens only to classics. All applicants know Velikhova; she has the nickname “Tooth Fairy” because she loves to look at teeth. She scolded me for putting Teffi and Tsvetaeva first on my profile, and then only Dostoevsky: “Well, you can’t do that, Dostoevsky is third in your list!” Where is Teffi, and where is Dostoevsky!

Only in "Shchepka" are they allowed into the university itself. At GITIS, for example, they generally keep you near the gate before the audition, take you to the audition like cattle to slaughter, and don’t even let you into the courtyard. Of all the GITIS masters, Kudryashov has the toughest selection; he has a preliminary round. At the same time, Kudryashov at least listens - sometimes you are faced with the fact that people do not listen to you. During the first round at Shchuka, the teacher told me that I was kind of arrogant, gave me two lines to read and sent me on my way out.

In “Sliver” they are screened based on the type of face and the shape of the teeth: you are asked to open your mouth, if they hear some kind of defect, they see an incorrect bite - “thank you, goodbye.” This is logical, but quite cruel. They are screened out, and if a person reads well, but reads material that is not suitable for him in psychophysics. At the first round in “Pike” there was a rather plump girl reading an excerpt from “White Nights” by Dostoevsky. She was told that she reads well, but was refused in a very harsh manner because she reads a program for small and thin people. She even burst into tears. In general, applicants often cry. Those who have been enrolling for more than a year have a philosophical attitude towards this, but those who are failing in their first year cry.

You go to the university, and someone meets you in tears, you immediately understand that you didn’t pass

This is, of course, discrimination, but it is clear where it comes from. The master is dialing nice people either for their future promotion, or for the future promotion of the course. In performances, not only talent is important, but also how you look.

Non-standard appearance is good everywhere, except for “Sliver”, where there are very conservative views. For example, there was a very small chance for children of a different nationality to pass; a girl with a Mongoloid type of face was sent out immediately.

It could also be that you have an interesting type, but the course is recruited at the theater. A very handsome man listened to me, he looked like a rabbit. I saw that he liked how I read, but they didn’t take me. I came in and asked what was wrong. He replied that everything was true, but the course was attached to the theater and they needed types that didn’t exist yet.

In the end, I didn’t get anywhere, I’ll go apply to Moscow State University and VGIK for screenwriting. There is no such bullshit with types. But I will continue to engage in acting. I go to theater studio, I have a very good director there, he studied with Fomenko and would have worked in his theater if he hadn’t gotten drunk. I will apply next year, and if it doesn’t work out, then in another year. Now I’ll get over my grudge against the whole world and go back to battle. I’m enrolling in acting so that in the future I can enroll in directing, but directing usually takes people who already have one education in place. And if I still can’t get into acting, I’ll finish my studies in screenwriting and go to directing.

Varvara Shmykova, theater and film actress, entered the Moscow Art Theater for the fifth time

No one ever gave any reason why they didn’t hire me. No and no. In this sense, entering theater is a ruthless spectacle, because you can be as beautiful and charismatic as you like, but all masters have different tastes.

I formulated for myself the reason why they didn’t take me. I have such a bright appearance: freckles, long hair, figure, voice, temperament. My soul was not ready to support such an appearance. At VGIK, Mikhailov told me that, in principle, I had chosen the wrong profession, Lyubimtsev said that he did not like the hollow on my chin. Some people didn't like my height. At GITIS, one day a woman at an audition asked to lift her skirt right up to mid-thigh and look at her legs.

During the years of my admission there was not a day when I did not see some girl crying. I was that crying girl myself. I remember very well my most difficult non-entry, it was precisely the failure to pass at the Moscow Art Theater. There, every year I reached the third round and flew away. It was almost a tradition. Therefore, when I passed the third round with Ryzhakov, I began to panic. I don’t know what will happen next, what to do, how to act, I don’t know what a competition is. I studied at GITIS on the stage, but there is another competition, and here is the educational theater - Tabakov, Zolotovitsky, Brusnikin, students and artists of the Moscow Art Theater. That was very an important event in my life.

Our master once said that everyone has their own type, and we will have to follow it. But I really want to do something new, break stereotypes, expand my horizons. I am a character actress, I can be a heroine, but for this you need to make a lot of effort, meet your director, find your team of people who will be ready to do something extraordinary. Why can't I be Juliet? Or Ophelia? Especially in the theater, not in the cinema! I think this is so stupid. But I struggle with this because I don’t like the stereotypes inherent in the theater.

Admission to theater is a ruthless spectacle, because you can be as beautiful and charismatic as you like, but all masters have different tastes

When I entered all these times, I already had friends who were studying at the institute. I think because they Good friends, they told their teachers something about me. Is it connections, is it cronyism? Don't think. And someone’s daughters and granddaughters simply pay more attention. I personally don’t know of a single example where someone untalented entered because of relatives. Genes usually take their toll, and all the guys from theater families are wonderful artists.

I keep a little eye on how the admission process is going; I’m incredibly interested in attending the auditions. It seems to me that I am closing some kind of gestalt, helping people, relaxing them. I know how difficult it is for them. IN last years there has been more modern drama and poetry, some kind of personal statement. Husky and Oksimiron are read like poems, which I think is very cool, because it is the voice of the times. If earlier they tried to surprise with something and took a little-known author, now people for the most part have become aware, they talk about what worries them.

I would like to advise those who are entering the theater: guys, understand why you need this. Theater is a school of survival. You need to think two hundred times whether you are ready to give up your personal life, from your friends and completely engage in this matter.

Anton Petrov, entered for the first time, passed to RGISI

I am entering the first year, I went to all the masters in Moscow in the “five”, I tried to enter the Russian State Institute of Social Sciences in Yaroslavl and St. Petersburg, and in the end I got there.

They complained to me because I was twenty-one years old and that was too late to enter theater universities. And before entering, I studied to be a programmer for a year and a half, until I realized that this was not for me and I had to go into acting. Many people told me: “What are you doing in programming anyway, why don’t you go to theater universities?” And when they told me this the fifth or sixth time, I thought - really! And in next year went to enroll.

When I entered, I had long hair. No one openly told me anything, but I think in many places this could have interfered with my application, especially in “Sliver” and “Pike”. This was one of the reasons why I flew the first time. Types and appearance decide in any case, especially in universities attached to theaters.

"Sliver" and "Pike" are very conservative. The school is different for each university and each master. These universities select people for their theater, and Maly and Vakhtangov are quite old-fashioned. What is possible in the Moscow Art Theater and in the Moscow Art Theater School is considered too modern in “Sliver”, “Pike” and their theaters, but the more different theaters and schools there are, the better, so that everyone can find something for themselves.

Purely statistically, admission is easier for guys. As a rule, there are more places on the course for boys and fewer of them are admitted. But this does not mean that if you are absolutely nothing of yourself and have learned one and a half fables and one poem, you will succeed.

At RGISI they gave a lot of strange tasks: show animals, show a mixer, show a Georgian mixer, a Japanese mixer. After reading the program, everyone had to stand up, introduce themselves in turn, and do something short to be remembered.

One girl said: “I’m the prom queen, I fucked everyone in the mouth,” which is why they didn’t take her, although before that they said they would take her

This could work at GITIS or the Moscow Art Theater, but it’s unlikely to happen in St. Petersburg. Universities are generally very different from each other. In GITIS everyone is alive, everyone is moving, something is always happening, but in “Sliver” everything is measured. The Moscow Art Theater is similar to GITIS, but calmer. There are small rooms and a lot of students walking around, and the props are displayed right in the corridors - all this creates the impression that the performance is about to begin. Applicants immediately take the stage, this sets the tone for the audition. I liked the Moscow Art Theater and GITIS most of all, they are very lively, something happens there all the time, and I need to constantly recharge myself with energy, because I myself am a rather dead person inside.

Maria, applicant, applied for the third time, did not enter

I am 25 years old, this year was my third attempt at entering a “golden five” university. Before that, I studied in another specialty and earn money by rewriting and copywriting, but I always wanted to be an actress. I don’t want to live only my life, I want to try on other images and situations that will not happen to me in life.

During the practice of admission, I realized that there is only one criterion: you either like you or you don’t. Talent and skills are secondary. At some point, it began to seem to me that they were deciding whether they would take it or not as soon as the group entered the audience.

They may not like me because I’m a comedic actress, they like dramatic ones more, everyone likes it when girls suffer. Andreev said that I was old. We all laughed a lot about this later, because a man who was 88 told me that I was old at 22 years old. Then it turned out that Andreev only takes in 17-year-old tall blondes. They often lie about their age; after all, they bring the documents after the auditions, and the winners are not judged.

Last year at VGIK they recruited based on height: in the second round, the master, even before you started reading the program, looked at height and chose only tall ones. In “Pike” and “Sliver” they love traditional Slavic faces and tragic girls, but such traditionalism is not beneficial. A friend of mine studies at Shchepka and told me that they still teach there like in the 20th century, but now it’s 2018, wake up! And it’s the same in “Pike”, they teach according to the Vakhtangov system and do not deviate a single step from it. Maybe because of this we don’t have good actors, where can we get them?

Now we have introduced an electronic queue. You come at your time, they bug you and you leave, instead of standing there since four in the morning, not knowing whether they will bug you or not. You can’t even go anywhere, because as soon as you go away, they will call you. It’s good that they at least allow you to change clothes before the audition; skirts are mandatory for girls, but it can be cold to stand in them. Now there are electronic queues everywhere except the Moscow Art Theater, there is still a live queue there and you have to get there by seven in the morning. Staying overnight is not encouraged there; they are categorically against the lists that applicants make themselves, to the point that everyone on such a list may not be allowed to audition at all. But even an electronic queue does not guarantee that you will be auditioned: this year Menshikov listened to three dozen, said that he was tired and the audition was over, but he could not re-register.

The most important thing for an applicant is not to be afraid, no matter what you are asked to do.

I reached the competition in four workshops, and at the competitions they selected identical people. Not just similar in appearance, they even read the same program. They still select people for a certain type and certain roles. Role is internal state, your inner type should match your appearance.

The most problematic admission was from Karbauskis, because his audition felt like bullying. It’s unpleasant when the master doesn’t listen to you and sits on the phone. Then he also asked to sing ten songs. You sing a line, and they say to you: “Another one. Another one." I got to his competition and left after the colloquium, I was hysterical for two days. Getting eliminated from the first round is not as disappointing as getting eliminated from the competition.

A colloquium is a one-on-one conversation with a master or with teachers. Questions can be anything from “hi, how are you?” to “who was the pharaoh of Egypt in some seventeenth dynasty?”, that is, any at all, but most often I was asked about my favorite actor and what performances I had seen. At the colloquium, the most important thing is not to remain silent and not to say that you don’t know something, this is not even about knowledge, but about whether you are confused.

The most important thing for an applicant is not to be afraid, no matter what you are asked to do, but they may ask you to tell the program while laughing or shouting from the window. Many people get lost at such moments. I remember that at Plotnikov’s GITIS, a girl was given the task of telling a program in some fictitious language, and they asked me to read a fable and cry.

Igor Yasulovich, People's Artist of Russia, head of the acting department at VGIK

It is impossible to say unequivocally what criteria are important for admission. All applicants - different people, we pay attention to everything, including appearance. We are not necessarily looking for handsome people, there must be interesting guys, alive, open, untaught. They come to learn, and not to show what they have already developed.

The main thing is to guess, to recognize whether a person has a talent or not, whether he came to us by chance. It happens that people come who prepare in such a way that it is impossible to understand [what is behind this preparation], they have to warm up. If they are interested, then it is important to understand how much preparation they have done. I repeat once again how lively and open the applicants are, how they communicate is the most important thing. You pay attention to everything, it’s a process, it’s impossible to fully explain what and how. It is very important that personal beginning was in man. Sometimes you see a person and it seems to you that there is something about him, that he represents something.

Valentina Nikolaenko, actress, teacher at the Shchukin Theater Institute

First of all, we pay attention to appearance. This is a public profession, a person must be charming, attractive, he must be enlightened by something, talented. This is all included in the concept of appearance; appearance is not just a pretty face. When hiring, we are not guided by types; they do not bother us. For a person entering the Shchukin Institute, it is important to have a soul. I didn’t just pick up a story on the Internet, memorize it and scribble it away, it’s not interesting. And when he has made this text his own and he wants to talk about something - about war or about love, it doesn’t matter - then it’s a different matter.

For example, it cannot happen that an applicant is immediately rejected because she is overweight, this is nonsense. Only if the girl weighs about one hundred fifty to two hundred kilograms, and this is clearly unhealthy obesity. I studied on the same course with Gundareva Natalya Georgievna, yes, she had a big figure and a lot of weight, but this does not mean that every fat, overfed girl is Gundareva.

The legends of applicants are complete nonsense. It's about about the best theater school in the world, in Europe for sure. There are two legends of applicants: I came, farted and they took me right away, and the second - I entered and was immediately told “thank you, no need.”

Comes a lot mentally unhealthy people. You listen to such people for a long time, so as not to offend or upset. There are special children who think they can be actors. For example, a person with a tick cannot be offended either, but there is no time to listen to them, because a hundred people or more come a day. At the first audition, we listen quickly, because we check the material, whether he has good looks, charm, and whether he can pronounce the letters. At the next round we will listen in more detail, the competition is very detailed.

If we talk about the recruiting experience, then I can look into the standing crowd and understand that this is not our person, I don’t want that, I want tall, beautiful. I want him to have an invoice, so that he can later act in films, so that he can earn money by this profession. I want to take a course that will create glory for the school and myself, and work in the profession.

Oleg Kudryashov, Honored Artist of Russia, artistic director of the workshop at GITIS

We need, first of all, capable talented people, it would be nice to have some more musical ones, with good singing voice. I pay great attention musical side training, because I believe that music should be the main subject in the training of an actor not only in musical theater, but also in dramatic theater.

The face and eyes are the mirror of the soul; I pay the least attention to what can be called cuteness, to pretty doll-like faces. A lively, varied, mobile face, mobile eyes, mobile muscles that respond very well to any internal movement are very important to me. But we don’t have such a criterion that we need to recruit only beautiful young boys and girls.

First main mistake applicants at auditions - they try too hard. They worry too much and give away too much. Secondly, they are extremely insistent on their decision regarding the material. The program becomes incredibly aggressive, very active, and because of this the essence is often lost.

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