How to identify and develop your child's strengths. Baby's musical abilities

Many people live their lives, doing something that does not bring them happiness or satisfaction. Because they haven't taken the time to understand themselves and their inner strength, discover and develop your abilities.

Every person initially has some kind of gift. Someone is born wonderful teacher to give knowledge to children. Someone could become a famous doctor and save hundreds of lives. And some have exceptional creative abilities.

But teachers receive pennies, they couldn’t get into medical school, and parents didn’t notice the young talent. So the army of lawyers, economists, managers is growing... Because they pay more. But a person does not experience real pleasure from his occupation. He doesn't work, but suffers. He looks forward to the end of the working day, and Friday is his favorite day of the week. And at the same time he is afraid to change something, because his work brings a stable income.

There is no need to run away from yourself. Look for your talents it's never too late. started my creative path at 70 years old. At 90 she was earning a lot of money. As you can see, success comes only to those who were able to find themselves and fully develop their abilities (regardless of age). That's why there's so little successful people- after all, few people learned about their talent.

How to start your search
your abilities

We have already developed a persistent cliché: talent manifests itself in the field fine arts– singing, music, drawing, acting. Not at all. Every person has their own perfect unique abilities . An athlete can be talented. Maybe a talented hairdresser, a talented mechanic, a talented mother. Those. Every person has some abilities, not necessarily creative ones. Giving kindness and joy to people is also a talent.

To understand and recognize your talents, it is best to remember your childhood. Try to remember ALL your dreams, starting from early childhood and ending with today. Work with your diary. Write all answers in a column. Write until you realize that you have remembered everything.

Now let's process the received answers using the following algorithm.

Step 1. Select from the list those phrases that reflect your dreams about who you would like to be or what you would like to do.

Step 2. Start reading one phrase at a time and remember if you have met anywhere with similar situation. Maybe you read about someone in a book or saw them in a movie, and you were hooked and wanted to do it too. I wanted to be the same. This inner response allows you to illuminate what is in your soul. Write down all these points on a separate list.

Step 3. Remember what things brought you great pleasure, what you liked to do most. Write all this on your list too.

The resulting list precisely reflects those grains that are contained in you and are yours abilities. Next we will work more deeply with this list.

How to develop
your abilities

Once you have identified your abilities, start working on them. The best way to do this is to find yourself a mentor who will help you take your first steps and can guide you towards the right development.

Those who believe that a genius must be born are mistaken. Like any skill, so does talent. develops and it requires an investment of labor and time. Would the world have known about Mozart if he had not worked hard on himself? How many talented children are born, but those who develop themselves shine brightly.

Your mentor will teach you the little secrets of his craft. But to develop your talent, it is also very important to develop yourself as an individual, to engage in your personal growth.

The materials on this blog can be of great help with this. On its pages you will find a variety of techniques for development different qualities. In any case, you will need to change your perception, learn to concentrate and even acquire the ability to manage your time. After all, you need to find your time to be creative.

If you firmly want to fully realize yourself in life, add to it what is not yet there, paint it with new colors, then you simply need to follow the path self development. Each person must first get to know himself, and then begin his path to new heights of life. So that, in the end, your life will be filled with joy and pleasure.

Creativity can color your life. And you can create not only with your hands. Ingenious inventions– this is also someone’s creativity. Dullness and talent do not follow the same paths.

There are certain techniques that allow you to find and. By working on them, you can find yourself. It is also important to learn to overcome your fears. And you will also master this based on the proposed techniques. On the blog pages you will find many practical exercises, which you will undoubtedly like and will lead you to results. So don’t delay discovering your abilities, start developing yourself.

IN modern world It is difficult for teachers to immediately identify a truly talented child, because this requires the completion of a number of tests. Gifted children demand special attention from parents, teachers, peers and other members of society. It depends on this whether the child’s talent will be noticed and whether it will fully develop.

Gifted children- these are children who have increased mental abilities in comparison with their peers and are distinguished by increased intellectual, physical, creative or other abilities. You can identify a gifted child by carefully observing him using different techniques:

  • Guilford's children's creativity tests reveal divergent abilities;
  • Torrance tests designed to assess oral creative thinking and abilities in children over 5 years old;
  • Group assessment test, proposed by S. Rimm, to identify talent, interests and creativity;
  • The Pennsylvania Test, created by T. Rookie, to measure creative direction;
  • Creative potential test developed by Yu. Hemenway and R. Hofner.

Also, psychologists and teachers can use other tests and questionnaires, as well as create their own methods for determining giftedness in children.

There are some characteristics of gifted children, among which the following stand out:

big vocabulary, begins to speak in a very early age;

quickly remembers all information, asks a lot of questions;

tenacious memory, ease of use of existing knowledge;

very inquisitive, easily concentrates on objects for a long time;

broadened horizons, interest in everything that happens in the world;

interest in solving problems, intermediate stages with the transition from the question directly to the solution are often ignored;

has an unusual imagination;

early development of reading ability;

has strong feelings, has his own special point of view, may have a special sense of humor;

demanding of people and processes around him, but does not like to perform the same actions long period time.

The manifestation of one of the presented characteristics does not make a child gifted, but it does force you to take a closer look at him. Gifted children have several of the above characteristics. Proper training gifted children will be able to open up to their talent as much as possible, thereby opening up access to the opportunity to further improve their skills and knowledge.

A child’s giftedness can manifest itself starting in early childhood, when the baby makes first progress in drawing, music, or something else. Also, one of the signs of giftedness is a child’s attention to the details of the surrounding world and the ability to focus on one subject or activity for a long time. It is necessary to promote the development of the child in every possible way, giving the opportunity to independently receive necessary information and subjects to study, and helping him in this.

However, you should not overpraise your child, letting him know that he is not like everyone else, because this can cause a number of problems, especially when we're talking about about the baby:

  • this often becomes the reason for the difficulty of establishing contacts in society, especially with peers, since such a child will be strikingly different from them;
  • Regular praise can push a child to not accept criticism at all;
  • Feeling superior to others, they often make fun of others, without accepting jokes directed at themselves.

You may also encounter other problems that plague gifted children:

  • dislike of school - the reason lies in the fact that the school curriculum seems boring and uninteresting to such children, and also quite easy;
  • gaming interests - gifted children love complex games, while their peers prefer easy and fun ones, which leads to isolation and withdrawal of the child;
  • nonconformism - they reject any standards, especially those that go against what interests them;
  • manifestation of the differences between physical, intellectual and social development;
  • the desire for perfection, which often results in low self-esteem and a feeling of dissatisfaction.

Talented children need a sensitive approach from parents, kindergarten teachers preschool institutions and teachers. They need to lay the foundations at an early age social behavior to facilitate easy adaptation of a child with developmental disabilities in the future.

It is also necessary to take into account a number of other features that such children have:

  • special curiosity, the desire to express and show oneself in everything;
  • early development mental abilities, seriousness, openness and honesty;
  • desire to achieve great things, will, persistence in action;
  • passion in your work, excellent memory and increased energy;
  • manifestation of independence, independent work;
  • self-confidence and calmness in any situation.

Particular attention should be paid to gifted children 5 years old, who will soon go to school. You need to make the right choice educational institution, choosing a lyceum or gymnasium where the teaching staff is more prepared to work with such children. Another way to contribute better development For such a child, there will be all kinds of clubs, courses and development centers where he can receive everything he needs to develop his talent.

Types of giftedness

There are different types of giftedness, and before promoting the development of one or another talent, the child’s preferences should be correctly established. Based on this, we can classify him as one of the types of talented children.

A gifted child may show signs of increased general development or have special abilities in a certain direction. Depending on this, the type of ability will be determined:

General talent– uniform development of all general abilities at high level. It is characterized by a large scope of activities, where the child will be able to achieve significant results in any field in the future. Basis for development special abilities, but at the same time a completely independent factor.

Artistic talent can be musical, visual or stage. He is distinguished by his high skill in music, fine arts, theater, sculpture or other activities.

Creativity manifest themselves in creative approach to solving issues. Creatively gifted children have unconventional thinking, which allows them to find unique ways to solve problems. Such children strive to learn new things, and often this becomes their main motivation.

Intellectual talent– the ability to quickly, clearly and correctly analyze and compare facts, think and find ways to solve even complex tasks. Usually at school such children are excellent students. However, often excellent results are achieved in one or two subjects that interest the child, while other subjects are studied mediocrely. Intellectually gifted children easily process information, remember it and actively use it in the future, and are also able to give or perceive an assessment of certain data.

Academic talent– particular success in studies, high activity and effectiveness in learning and cognitive activity. Easy to digest even for specialized school curriculum, in the future - excellent specialists.

Symbiosis of intellectual and academic– implies the child’s special abilities to remember and understand fundamental concepts, good long-term retention of information in memory and efficient processing acquired knowledge. Such children easily cope with knowledge in different areas.

Psychomotor or athletic talent stands out among those who have special indicators in speed, accuracy of movements, reaction speed and other sports skills.

Social or leadership talent absorbs a whole range of properties that a person should possess. Among others, it is necessary to highlight the following characteristics of children - above average intelligence, the ability to quickly and independently make decisions, plan things and time constraints, self-knowledge and self-confidence, perseverance and enthusiasm.

Each direction requires a separate special approach. It is worth remembering that timely discovered talent, which has received support from parents, educators and teachers, will help the child open up as much as possible and in the future take a worthy place in society, bringing him benefit.

Courses for the development of talented children

The modern world is ready to provide a whole range of courses that can develop the abilities of gifted children in various fields of activity. In this case, in most cases there is no need for simple memorization materials, independent long-term search. Now gifted children can actively express themselves in technology lessons using the most modern techniques and elements, which allows you to better reveal your abilities.

And extracurricular activities for children allow them to open up even more thanks to non-standard individual approach to everyone. In this case, classes with gifted children are not only useful, but also interesting, because the child gets access to those subjects and equipment that are often absent at school. Another advantage similar activities- is escorting them to free form, sometimes playful, with the constant presence of experienced specialists ready to help and answer all questions.

Modern children from infancy show an interest in computer technology, and many subsequently get the opportunity to open up and become real talents in the field of computer technology and information technology. Especially for those who have shown an early interest in new devices, various computer science courses are now available for working with gifted children. This will allow the child to better understand the structure of the computer, the principle of its operation and learn how to quickly and correctly use it. And this is only a small part of what you can learn by attending our courses.

In addition to studying computer hardware, a gifted child can attend classes at the IT Landia center wonderful world programming using and, which will open up an understanding of the software component of a computer and provide a lot of opportunities for development.

Gifted children, regardless of their type of talent, require additional education. Creative children can easily attend courses in, and others artistic forms activities. Each of them is carried out using modern technology, which helps to adapt the child to modern conditions mass computerization and information world. Using the acquired skills will not only allow you to better reveal creativity, but also significantly expand your own abilities in the future.

Gifted children with different types talents can visit, where everyone will find something for themselves interesting points. Such a course will allow you to show your potential in creativity, mathematics, computer science and other sciences and areas, which is important for each of the kids and their parents. These courses will be especially useful for children with talent in a technical area.

Classes are available for every child and will be interesting even for gifted children 5-6 years old. The ability to choose one of the courses or even several of them allows a child who is interested in a certain area to gain access to the maximum amount of useful information.

The development of gifted children in such courses occurs much faster, which is associated with the flow of important and useful knowledge that students receive. This is already stimulating existing abilities and allows not only to reveal them, but also to significantly expand the child’s horizons, opening up a world of unknown possibilities.

Gifted children in the world

Gifted and talented children are born all over to the globe. Usually, parents are the first to notice the manifestation of certain skills, on whom it then depends whether to develop the talent or ignore it. Of course, it’s better when adults choose the first option and do everything so that their child can develop in their field.

There are many cases in history when already in childhood people became famous for their genius in one field or another. Here are just a few bright examples:

This is only a tiny part of the children who, despite their young age, were able to become famous and achieve great success. Gifted children are sometimes called children of the future, because they can bring something new and unique to the development of all key technologies, art and other aspects of life. Gifted children, of whom there are quite a lot in Belarus, will always find use for their talents, developing them by attending our classes.

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As children, we dream a lot and believe that all our dreams will certainly come true. Over time, we grow up and stop dreaming, and sometimes we even chase away our childhood unfulfilled desires. As a result, our life becomes gray and ordinary; we cannot find ourselves in the profession and succeed as an individual. And all because at one time we failed to find our talent, to determine our abilities. We will teach you how to do it right now!

How to find your talent and discover

Often people do not even suspect that they have any talent, because many of us are too lazy to engage in self-knowledge. But all of us in childhood had not one, but many talents. To make life easier for your children, you need to notice and create conditions for the development of at least one of these talents. However, how to find your own talents?

A clear indicator of a person's talent is his strong interest to any type of activity. If you want to find your talents and abilities, you can use specialized literature, tests, questions. You can also do some exercises that will help you discover your talents.

Go back to your childhood. You just need to close your eyes for a few minutes and return to your cloudless, carefree childhood, which was not overshadowed by problems and worries. Try to remember what you loved to do the most. Maybe you liked to draw, sing or dance? Yours favorite activity and was your talent - you intuitively did what you liked most and it worked in the best possible way.

Turn to your subconscious to find your talent. The subconscious is able to give an answer to a question that has been tormenting you for a long time. To do this, you need to learn to relax, clear your mind and consciousness of all problems, and in this state ask yourself a question. Don't expect an immediate answer. You will receive it after some time in the form of a dream, a newspaper article or another image that will indicate your talent.

Watch. You need to observe other people and life in general. Turn on your intuition, note what you like most. Make a list of those phenomena, things and actions that you like most. This will help you see what exactly you are talented at.

It is often very difficult to identify specific abilities. To simplify the task, you need to write down all your skills on a piece of paper, remember what competitions you took part in, what qualities your friends and relatives praise you for.

Even if extraordinary abilities are discovered in several directions at once, it is worth developing only one talent. Since chasing “two birds with one stone”, as a rule, brings little sense. In addition, it is much more pleasant to practice the most developed talent.

Having decided on the direction of creative growth, it is necessary to begin reading specialized literature and in-depth study of the chosen subject. Advice from professionals will be useful.

If the talent is connected with the world of art, it is necessary to attend concerts and exhibitions. Moreover, such visits must be made in company, so that later there would be an opportunity to discuss what was seen.

If you want to find your talent, you need to practice public speaking that will help you hone your skills.

The Internet can provide great assistance in developing talent. You can create a website or blog in which you describe your life in detail. It is worth posting your works on special sites on the Internet. When going out with your creativity to the “people”, you should be prepared not only for flattering reviews, but also for criticism. The latter will be especially useful, since by listening to the comments of other people, you can work on mistakes and improve more and more on your chosen path.

We told you how to find your talent. Once you have found it, immediately begin to actively act. Only time and hard work will help you achieve success. Spare no effort and time to do what you love, because by doing it you will become truly happy and successful person.

Every person has great potential in life, but many do not even suspect how great it is and what can be achieved with it if it is used skillfully. So how to determine general abilities, realize your potential and achieve success, well-being and prosperity in life?

Each person strives for his own self-improvement, improves his skills in study, work and in personal relationships. First of all, you need to determine in which area of ​​activity you have the highest potential. Only after that develop it and bring it to life.

First, believe in yourself, in your abilities, which are still hidden and not used by you in some area. Think carefully about where you can make the most of your abilities and how they will be useful in your life. Actually, you need to define a goal for yourself, to achieve which make a detailed plan.

Decide for yourself what you need to do first and what you can put off. And perhaps at first you may need help. And for this, it would be best to find a mentor who will support you and naturally has the skill that you want to develop in yourself.

Do you want to find your talent? Then learn everything he gives you and take it into your arsenal. Just keep in mind that you won’t be able to develop your potential right away; for this you need good practice and, of course, time.

Now some advice: how to determine your abilities, and what needs to be done for this?

  1. Learn to think positively, since negativity only destroys everything, as a rule, it concerns the development and self-realization of a person.
  2. Solve crosswords, solve puzzles, play chess and more board games, in other words, develop your logical thinking.
  3. Learn to concentrate, develop critical thinking and your curiosity.
  4. Write stories, compose poems, study foreign languages or write blogs.
  5. Initially, be prepared for the fact that you will need to learn something new throughout your life.
  6. Try your hand at creativity, take up art.
  7. Add variety to your activities. Find new hobbies and interests. Listen to music more often (preferably classical, or just music for the soul).
  8. Watch films of all genres, visit museums, read literary classics and collect quotes outstanding people.
  9. Try to travel more, not only within your own country, but also abroad. This way you can get acquainted with the way of life of people from distant countries.

Understanding your strengths and weaknesses will help you improve your personal life and develop professional communication skills. Self-knowledge is an excellent tool that many people neglect due to difficulties or discomfort. What you consider to be yours strong point may not be such in the eyes of other people, which makes it difficult to attribute some characteristic features person to one of the categories. Although you will mostly have to rely on personal experience, there are exercises that can help you identify your professional and personal strengths and weaknesses. Below are also tips for using these techniques in real situations to get the most benefit, for example, in an interview.


Part 1

Awareness of your capabilities

    Appreciate your efforts. The very willingness to understand what you are strong in and what you should pay more attention to makes you strong man. For this activity you will need inner endurance. Remember to encourage yourself and remember what a wonderful person you are.

    Write down everything you do. To identify your strengths and weaknesses, think about the activities you participate in often or enjoy the most. For a week, write down all the activities you do each day, rating them from 1 to 5 on a scale of enjoyment.

    Proceed to reassess your values. Sometimes it is quite difficult to recognize your strengths and weaknesses without first identifying your main ones. life values. “Values” refer to the beliefs that shape your thoughts about yourself, about other people, and about the world around you. They form the basis of your approach to life. Spend some time re-evaluating your values ​​so you can have best performance about which aspects of your life are strengths and which are weaknesses, without paying attention to the opinions of others.

    • Think about the people you respect. What attracts you to them? What traits of their character do you value? Do you have them yourself?
    • Imagine that you have the opportunity to change one thing in your society. What will you change and why? What does this say about your values?
    • Remember when you were in last time felt content or happy. When was this? What happened? Who was next to you then? Why did you feel this way?
    • Imagine your house is on fire (but all the pets and people are already safe) and you can only save 3 items. What will you save and why?
  1. Examine your answers for patterns. After re-evaluating your values, look for similarities in your answers. For example, you admire Bill Gates and Richard Branson for their entrepreneurial spirit and creativity. This suggests that you value ambition, competition and ingenuity. Perhaps you want to do something about poverty in your community so that everyone has a home over their head and food on the table. This shows that you value people social activities and work for the benefit of humanity. You may have several core values.

    Determine if your life goes against your beliefs. Sometimes people discover their shortcomings when, for some reason, their lives do not align with their core values. Living in accordance with your values ​​will make you a congruent person, which in turn will increase your sense of satisfaction and success.

    • For example, you value ambition and a competitive spirit, but are stuck in a dead-end, monotonous job with no opportunity to prove yourself. You may consider this a shortcoming because living this way does not fit your idea of ​​what is truly important.
    • Or perhaps you are a young mother who values ​​learning and wants to return to teaching. Due to the fact that one value (achieving education) contradicts another ( family life), you may think that being a “good mother” is a disadvantage. In this case, you need to learn to balance your values. Wanting to return to work doesn't mean you don't want to spend time with your child.
  2. Consider the situational meanings of values. Determine what are the advantages and disadvantages of social conventions or customs in a given situation. Social conventions are established in a certain geographical area or ethnic group set of rules governing interpersonal interactions in hopes of maintaining social boundaries. Having an idea of ​​the accepted norms will help you determine what is considered an advantage or disadvantage in a particular geographic area.

    Practice answering questions before your interview. To gain experience, conduct a mock interview with someone you know. Ask a friend to ask you questions and try to describe yourself to him. Repeat this as many times as necessary and with maximum number people until you feel comfortable describing your strengths and weaknesses. At first you will feel like you are reading from a piece of paper, but over time you will begin to feel more and more at ease.

    • Excessive criticality
    • Suspicion (toward superiors, colleagues)
    • Excessive demands
    • Slowness
    • Excessive talkativeness
    • Excessive sensitivity
    • Lack of confidence
    • Lack of tact

  3. Recognize the harmfulness of your shortcomings. They may affect your work. Talking about how your weaknesses have impacted or could potentially impact your performance can be impactful. This will demonstrate your insight and honesty, however, you should still be tactful in what you say.

    • For example, you can tell them the following: “On current moment I'm slow. I understand that this affects the amount of work I can do and also potentially affects the amount of work my colleagues can do. I was able to handle it in college because I knew the system, figured out a way to deal with it, and did everything on time. I understand that this will not work in the professional world as it is not the right approach to work, achieving my goals and completing my tasks.”
  4. Give examples when you talk about your strengths. It's one thing to communicate that you have amazing communication skills, but it's another thing entirely to show them off. Illustrate your strengths real supporting examples from personal life or workdays. For example:

    • "I'm very good mixer. I choose my words carefully and avoid using ambiguous words when communicating. I'm not afraid to ask additional questions in communicating with people more high position, if something is not clear to me. I try to imagine how various people can interpret my questions or statements.”
    • You can also showcase your strengths and skills by sharing past achievements and successes after putting in the effort.
    • If you have achieved any award or recognition, you can talk about it.
  • Be careful when defining desires so as not to include “false desires” in the list. These are desires fueled by the mistaken belief that you are meant to work in the Foreign Office because you will then have to live in Paris, London and Rio, or that you want to become a movie star so you can attend glamorous parties and find a rich spouse. These are not desires, since they lack the feeling that your actions fill your life with meaning, these are just fantasies. You must understand the difference, otherwise you may make the grave mistake of building a career around fantasy rather than tapping into your innate strengths and sense of purpose.
  • Correcting weaknesses takes time, so take a break if you are unable to immediately come up with a solution to the problem. Also don't waste your time trying to convert weak side to strong. Find a workaround first by developing skills that you can change. Then come up with ways further development your abilities, which will become your distinctive feature, because they are given to you by nature.


  • During an interview, never brag about your strengths or whine about your weaknesses. Be direct and offer a way to overcome your shortcomings. As for strengths, they should be real and at the same time modestly presented.
  • Try not to fall into the trap of thinking that you are doomed if you have weaknesses in addition to your strengths. No one is perfect and every person has something to be ashamed of. Put yourself in the role of an interviewer and think about how you would feel about someone who kept bragging about how they have no flaws.

Many people want to have extrasensory (supernatural) abilities. But we know that in some people they are quite well developed, and in others they are in their infancy. How can you determine if you have psychic abilities and is it possible to do this? It turns out that it is possible. Which means we’ll try!

But first, let's look at how psychic abilities manifest themselves? Absolutely different. This may be the ability to see what has happened or what will happen. Some have the gift of seeing through closed walls. For some it is the ability to search lost people, things. There is also a category of people with psychic abilities who can easily talk about an object, a photograph, or even a person without knowing them at all. There are even special techniques How to find out your psychic abilities.

How to detect psychic abilities?

Extrasensory abilities and the question of how to identify them are acquired in lately increasingly popular. This is due to the fact that there is a lot of debate and discussion about them in the media. mass media: programs on television, discussions in magazines and newspapers.

Anyone can test themselves for psychic abilities if it is very important and interesting to them. But in any case, this test does not give a 100% accurate answer. And its results will depend on many factors. For example, it makes no sense to carry it out if you are very tired or sick. In these cases, all your strength and energy are depleted. Better wait for a more opportune moment.

How do I know if I have psychic abilities?

There are three main ways to do this. Before you test your psychic abilities, you need to focus and concentrate well. Listen to your inner voice and start checking. Here are the methods we offer:

  • The first of them is all kinds of online testing, which are called “How to understand that you have psychic abilities?” Their essence is as follows: You go to a specific site that offers such services (they can be either paid or free). And a task is presented to you. For example, guess which of the twenty drawn boxes contains objects and which do not. Then the tasks gradually become more difficult. However, there is a large amount of subjectivity in such online testing. After all, psychics cannot feel the energy of the boxes through a computer screen.
  • The second is also testing like “How to understand that you have psychic abilities?” But they include questions that reveal the presence or absence of psychic abilities. However, the method can also be called quite subjective.
  • The third is completing tasks or tests in reality. Probably the most accurate and plausible test of how to find out if you have psychic abilities. The same test with boxes or, for example, envelopes (empty or filled) can be done for real. Of course, this will require someone's help. You can also conduct other tests: tell from a photograph about a person (of course, he should be unfamiliar to you, but your friend or spouse knows him well). In addition, you can try to look for some thing in the apartment. Someone must hide it first. In general, tasks can be anything. It depends only on your imagination and imagination.

Now you know how to find out about your psychic abilities. The best method in order to find out if you have psychic abilities, there will be a combination of all of the above. Based on the results of each of them, a final one can be compiled.

As you can see, testing psychic abilities is very easy and does not take much time. Especially if you have access to the Internet.

Psychic abilities can be tested several times. For example, you decided to develop and train them. Then, using the methods presented above, it will be easy to track the dynamics of your learning: whether there is success or not.

How to find out about psychic abilities?

We present to you one of the tests (according to the second method), how to understand whether you have psychic abilities. The questions must be answered “often” (two points), “sometimes” (one point), “never” (zero points):

It is very easy to interpret the test results: the more positive answers you gave, the more points you scored:

  • From zero to five points. Extrasensory abilities, unfortunately, are deeply hidden. However, you have some chances of developing them. Just for this you need to be patient.
  • From six to fifteen points. Sometimes your psychic abilities make themselves felt. However, you do not take them very seriously. But you have plenty of chances to develop them.
  • From sixteen to thirty points. You definitely have a tendency towards extrasensory perception. And you can call yourself a psychic if you develop your gift and use it for good.

How to discover psychic abilities in yourself: conclusions

From intuition to clairvoyance - exercises, training, practices.

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