Photographic heritage of the Romanov family. Legacy of the Imperial Family

Science knows the fact that in a person’s life there are often situations that seem to be copied from the life of his parents and ancestors. For example, my grandfather was dispossessed and sent to Siberia, my father’s house was taken away and he was imprisoned for a long time, and the man himself, even today, had his business taken away and was forced to leave the country. Another example: a grandmother’s husband dies at the front a year after her marriage, a mother’s husband leaves the family a year after the wedding, and the girl (their granddaughter and daughter, respectively) remains in prison. in complete despair due to the fact that relationships with young people never last more than six months.

Consulting people on a variety of life issues, we found that repetitions of scenarios among representatives different generations of one kind are carried out through feelings. The determining factor is the feeling that a person has inherited and is subconsciously ready to experience, and it is to this feeling that the life circumstances in which he finds himself are “selected”.

In the example of a businessman forced to leave the country and start life with clean slate, inherited is the feeling of his grandfather, who experienced the loss of everything he had - home, land, family, homeland. His father had the same experience, although he lived in a different time and in different circumstances. The businessman himself lives in a different era, at a time of a fundamentally different situation in the country, both political and economic. However, the feeling he inherited and the subconscious readiness to survive the loss was realized with the same force already in the third generation.

In the case of a girl who can’t manage to build at least some long term relationship, the inherited feeling is despair at the loss of a beloved man. The grief of the grandmother, who lost her husband in her youth, was transmitted to the girl’s mother, who experienced the same strong despair when her husband left her, and then the girl herself experiences the same despair, although she is in a different situation. The circumstances are different, the feeling is the same.

Energy crisis

It is customary to think about feelings as if they come from somewhere from within, on their own, and just as unpredictably pass, disappear or change to others. We affirm that each feeling is a separate energy, which, for certain reasons, enters a person and, being inside him, inevitably realizes itself in his life.

Any energy is always played out in a person’s life and leads to the fact that he experiences a corresponding feeling. For example, if a person has absorbed the energy of sadness, something is happening in his life that makes him sad. If the energy of fear has settled in a person, he will be scared; feelings of guilt will lead to him being accused of something; the energy of shame will force you to find yourself in an awkward position. If you have inherited a sense of duty, it will be realized in your life by circumstances in which you will feel like a debtor - first morally, and soon financially.

The more of the same energy is inside a person, the brighter and significant event it is realized, since any energy has the ability to accumulate, attracting its own kind. If it increases, the degree of its influence on our lives also increases.

The feelings a person experiences when walking in his own way life path, and there are energies with which he interacts during life. Energies are usually divided into positive and negative. Positive ones are somehow connected with the energy of love, which is present in everyone without exception, since it is the basis human existence. Negative ones are its opposite and are also present in each person in approximately the same quantity, but in different proportions.

When they say about someone, for example, “he is very tough” or “she is always unhappy with everything,” this means that the person has accumulated significant amount one type of energy. This is what leads to him having to replay the same feeling more and more often. The situation will develop in such a way that the person will have to be more and more rigid or experience dissatisfaction more and more acutely. Meanwhile, neither rigidity nor dissatisfaction are the constant qualities of these people. This is confirmed by situations in which a person with a tough character can show softness and even tenderness, and a person who is usually dissatisfied can experience satisfaction and joy.

No feeling, with the exception of love, is an integral part of our essence. All of them are energies that are set in motion by the effort of the person himself: they can be released, released, removed from subtle bodies, strengthened, reduced, exchanged for others. By learning to consciously manage his feelings, a person begins to transform the energies within himself and thus influence the events of his life, because circumstances adapt to the feeling. Therefore, managing your life begins with awareness of your feelings and your ability to manage them.

Fathers and sons

Our consulting experience shows that any problematic situation in which a person finds himself originates in previous generations, with parents, grandparents, and sometimes great-grandparents. The habit of living in a certain feeling or experiencing a certain feeling in certain situations, at a certain age, or in relation to certain people is adopted from relatives of the older generation and is implemented in one’s own life, in modern circumstances.

The inheritance of feelings occurs selectively, because not a single person repeats exactly, completely and completely, the fate of his parent or ancestor. This choice is determined by the tasks for which a person came into this world. The spirit itself determines the place and time of its incarnation so that these conditions in the best possible way contributed to the solution of his problems. Since a person most often does not remember his past incarnations, it is difficult for him to understand the tasks of this life and even more difficult to see in today’s troubles and problems perfect, ideal conditions to understand your life lesson.

The solution to any problem must begin with its comprehension. Man exists in three forms - spirit, soul and body, of which the level of spirit is primary. The ability to act meaningfully, and not just instinctively, distinguishes a person from other creatures and is the most important for him, since it is the work of the spirit, which no one else can do for a person. living creature and not one of the most modern computer. The realization that in every problem situation lies a certain life lesson that the person himself needs, as a spirit who has come into this life to learn and develop, is the first step towards solving the problem. Finding the relationship between problematic situation a person and the negative feeling inherited from his parents or ancestors, allows us to determine the source of negative energy and explains real reasons current circumstances.

This understanding makes it possible, firstly, to eliminate the root cause of the problem, rather than trying to change its consequence - external circumstances. And secondly, it allows you to remove all kinds of accusations against the parents: it becomes obvious that all their mistakes and mistakes in relation to the child, be it a lack of attention or, on the contrary, excessive care, were in fact necessary for the person himself to comprehend his lesson.

The soul must work

The next step after awareness is replacing the negative feeling with a positive one that is favorable for the person. It's about about working at the soul level. At this stage, a person has to learn to track his feelings himself, understand where they came from, and let them go. So, a person with a large number the energy of discontent will have to learn to be satisfied with yourself and your life; a person who is offended and blames others will have to learn what life is without offense and accusations; and those who are used to putting pressure on a partner or controlling him in everything will have to learn to trust.

The habit of experiencing negative feelings in a given situation will not disappear on its own; it requires conscious and permanent job with you for a specified period of time, usually several weeks. The result will be a stable, stable positive feeling in the soul, under which life events will be more and more clearly aligned. For example, the more energy of contentment in a person’s soul, the higher the readiness to experience joy, the more often events happen in his life that make him happy. And so on. All actions at the soul level are carried out on in a subtle sense, therefore, learning to consciously handle energies is best done through meditation. In meditation you can find negative feeling, determine its location at the level of the body, release it, attract and form favorable energy, launch into life a new, desired feeling, which will attract appropriate circumstances into life.

Body parts

The third step is the physical level, working with the body. A person’s body reflects the state of his spirit and soul. All the negative energies that a person has absorbed and not released accumulate, increase and become denser. This results in changes in the body and well-being.

Each energy has its own location. For example, the right side of the body correlates with feminine energies. For girls whose feminine essence for some reason is not fully disclosed, on the subtle plane the movement of energies on right side body is obstructed or blocked. Left side- masculine and reflects the development of masculine energies in a person and attitude towards men and men's world. Upper part The body is connected with the future, the lower - with the past. Painful sensations in the lower body are somehow associated with emotional experiences and problems stemming from the past. Current Status, “here and now”, displays the third chakra - the solar plexus area. It accumulates here large number fears: fear of moving forward, fear of the future, fears of a parent or for a parent, fear of growing up and moving on with your life. All these fears fall on thin body a person and make him shrink, be squeezed. Hence the corresponding sensations in the stomach area, as well as diseases of the digestive tract.

Many energy connections are located on the human head. This directly affects how a person thinks, whether ideas come to him, whether he is open to new things, whether he has a good memory. It is no coincidence that it is believed that a vacation, a trip, a change of scenery - good way give your head a rest, turn it off usual move thoughts and gain new ideas. An even greater effect can be achieved if you practice yourself, consciously clearing your head in meditation. A person with blockages on the subtle plane has a helmet on his head or has blinders that limit his worldview and do not allow him to see the world in its entirety. Another type of connection appears in the form of pipes, wires, rods and hoops around the head. Hence - heaviness, cloudiness, tension in the head, headaches. A flexible mind, a bright head and clear, clear thoughts are a sign that a person is in free energy flow, and nothing prevents the movement of energies through it.

The heart reflects everything that happens in a person’s life, both good and bad. It is the source of love, and therefore the state of the heart depends primarily on what happens in a person’s life with love. The opportunity to love, be close to your loved one and experience happiness mutual love keeps the heart healthy and strong. In this case the flow vital energy flows unhindered through the heart to all organs of the body. Any prohibitions associated with the state of love block the flow of energy, drive a person into a state of depression, deprive him of strength, good mood, the desire to live, create, move forward and achieve something. Dissatisfaction, pity, resentment, disappointment, sense of duty - everything has its place on the human body. Knowing the basic rules of location negative energies and combining physical exercise with the work of the soul, you can achieve maximum results.

Any problem in life can be solved if you use all three levels of your existence: spirit, soul and body. Without awareness of the negative model inherited from past generations, it is impossible to eliminate it, because it is a lesson for a person. Physical exercises alone, without replacing the feelings that a person experiences and which he carries subconsciously, provide only temporary relief. Yoga best helps to set into motion the energies of the thin layer, eliminates blocks and stagnation, promotes the flexibility of the soul and body. However, if the underlying inherited feeling is not understood and released, this block quickly returns to its place and leads to new problems. Understanding your life lesson and the feelings that come with it opens the door to happiness and control over your life.

To the Minister of Culture Russian Federation

Medinsky Vladimir Rostislavovich

from Atamanenko Nikolai Ivanovich

Dear Vladimir Rostislavovich!

In means mass media V recent years Increasingly, conflicting information appears about the fate of the Roerich family Heritage. Many citizens of our country and compatriots abroad are concerned about the fate and prospects for the development of the branch of the State Museum of Oriental Art, created two years ago - State Museum Roerichs. Management system: The State Museum of the Orient – ​​Museum of the Roerichs does not meet the current objectives of the formation of the Museum and plans for its long-term development.

The head of the State Museum of Oriental Art, Alexander Vsevolodovich Sedov, practically handed over the management of the Museum’s activities to his ex-wife, Anna Sergeevna Kovalets, who works at the museum as Deputy General Director for Science. After the ban to relatives executives work in senior positions in one state budgetary cultural organization, A.V. Sedov and A.S. Kovalets divorced, while maintaining family relationships at the same level with joint farming. In fact, all issues, and not only family ones, but also official ones, are now resolved only after the approval of Anna Sergeevna Kovalets.

At her suggestion appeared new idea creation of a Buddhist center on the basis of the building where the Roerich Museum is now located (Maly Znamensky Lane, building 3/5). This idea was immediately supported by A.V. Sedov. and its implementation has already begun. Thus, the plan for the formation of the State Museum with a collection of works and unique material from the philosophical Heritage of the Roerich family is in danger of being forgotten. Neither opponents nor supporters of the idea of ​​creating a Roerich Museum expect the consequences of such a change in the fate of the Lopukhins Estate. A scandal is inevitable, and the leaders of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, as a higher organization - the initiator of the decision to create a Branch of the State Orchestra, will also be involved in it.

Please note that the decision on the location of the Roerich Heritage in the Lopukhin estate (Maly Znamensky lane, building 3/5) was made by the leadership of the USSR (M.S. Gorbachev and N.I. Ryzhkov) after Svyatoslav Nikolaevich Roerich personally chose and approved the placement of the Archive and cultural and artistic Heritage of the Roerich family, donated to the Soviet people, to this accommodation option. This was one of S.N. Roerich’s conditions for the transfer of the Heritage from India to the USSR with the aim of creating the Center-Museum of the Roerichs, the concept of which he outlined in his famous article “You must not hesitate!” (published in the newspaper " Soviet culture", July 29, 1989). The same option for placing the Roerich Heritage in the Lopukhin estate was confirmed by you on 02/16/2016 by the decision of the board of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation on the issue “On the draft concept of the Roerich Family Museum”.

In the current situation, it becomes completely clear that the fate of the Roerich Heritage is of no interest to the leaders of the State Orchestra. This can be judged by the exhibition currently taking place at VDNKh. In the pavilion, which has not yet been adopted according to the act, and is not suitable for holding exhibitions of paintings and storing them in accordance with museum requirements, the ventilation and climate control systems do not work well, there are practically no fire and security systems, i.e. at any moment the country may lose Roerich’s paintings.

Alexander Aleksandrovich Lemeshchuk, Deputy Director for Operation of Museum Equipment, was in charge of adapting the pavilion for exhibition activities. General manager A.V. Sedov entrusted the right to sign financial documents and manage large budget funds to a person of dubious reputation. It turns out that A.A. Lemeshchuk does not have higher education, and the diploma he presented to the HR department of the State Museum of Foreign Affairs is a fake. Flows of funds actually flow through him, which allows him to “steer” not only on economic issues, but also to intervene in resolving issues that are not related to his responsibilities.

I ask you to take measures to protect the Roerich Museum - a Branch of the State Museum of Oriental Art from incompetent management who are not interested in the development of the State Museum and the preservation of the Heritage of the Roerich family.

PS: I also want to inform you that this letter and your answer will be published on the Agnivesti website (News channel of the Roerich movement).

table of contents

    Introduction……………………………………………………………p. 2 – 3

    Main part……………………………………………………..p. 3 – 9

2.1. My grandfather………………………………………………………..pp.3 – 5

2.2. My grandfather’s legacy is my family’s legacy……………..pp.5 – 9

3. Conclusion……………………………………………………… p. 9 – 10

4. List of references………………………………………….p.10

5. Appendix…………………………………………………………….p.11 – 14


The great classic L.N. Tolstoy said: “A country that has forgotten its culture, history, traditions and national heroes“Doomed to extinction.”

I will allow myself to paraphrase this brilliant saying into the following: “A family that has forgotten its culture, history, traditions and national heroes is doomed to extinction.”

Family traditions and customs are an integral attribute of family happiness and well-being. Traditions were once an indispensable component of a close-knit family, reflecting the moral position of all its members. Many traditions are passed down from generation to generation, fully accepted by the young family modern society. Involving children from the very beginning early childhood to family traditions instills in them the importance of family and family relationships.
Every family must have traditions that the children will later carry into their lives. adult life and their families.

The choice of the topic of my work is therefore not accidental.: “My grandfather’s legacy is my family’s legacy.”

Relevance my work, in my opinion, is that when forming a person’s character, it is important what moral guidelines stand in his way, what beacons shine for him in the sea of ​​life.

Problem what I see is the world around me and we are becoming tougher, less kind, we stop seeing and noticing the beautiful in the ordinary, we are losing the connection between generations.

The solution to this problem is contained in the hypothesis: the origins of kindness, compassion, beauty are laid precisely in the family, as big rivers begin with small streams.

The history of a country consists of the fates of millions of its citizens. One of them is the fate of my grandfathers and their children.

Purpose of the study : save cultural heritage my family and passing it on to the next generations.


1. Get to know the biography of your family.

2. Explore the world of interests and hobbies of your family.

3. Learn more about retro cars.

Research stages:

I . Preparatory – defining the area of ​​research and collecting information.

II . Basic -

1) Review of literature, Internet resources, family archive.

2) Determining the structure of the abstract.

III . The final stage is the formulation of research results and conclusions.

In my work I usedthe following methods:

Main Part

My grandfather

Family is very important to us important role. By nature itself, a person has a reverent attitude and devotion to those people with whom he grew up. Each family has its own customs, its own traditions, its own history. Every piece of this knowledge is carefully passed down from generation to generation with the memories of grandparents. Our family carefully preserves all the things that are most dear to us: photographs, old books, documents of our ancestors, things (we have an old gramophone and wardrobe), icons.

But one of the most valuable assets for my family, for the men in my family, is the GAZ-21 car, produced in 1969. My family inherited this car from my grandfather, who left us early, on my father’s side- Izosimov Igor Dmitrievich.

My grandfather was born in September 1940 in the village of Emurtla, Uporovsky district. After graduating high school, entered an agricultural technical school, received a specialty as a process engineer, and served in the army. My labor activity started as a tractor driver. Later, after moving to the city of Tyumen, he worked as an engineer at Shipyard, Deputy Head of the Regional Department Utilities, in the directorate of enterprises under construction in Tyumen, in the Sibkomplektmontazh association.

Grandfather also graduated from the Party school and was a deputy of the Tyumen Regional Council. Thanks to the work of my grandfather, the Velizhansky water intake, treatment facilities, industrial enterprises in the regional capital and Tyumen region.

His services to Tyumen region were appreciated. He received many awards, awarded the order“Friendship of Peoples”, “For valiant work. In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin."

Grandfather was fond of sports (volleyball, athletics), cars, and hunting. Cars were his main hobby. Grandfather also interested his son Alexander (my dad) in his hobby.

My grandfather's legacy is my family's legacy

Retro cars are a separate subclass of car enthusiasts scattered around the world. Some collect stamps, others collect fashionable gadgets, and lovers of “antiques” cannot live a week without discussing (and sometimes, indeed, “collecting”) models of old cars.

For several years now, my dad, Alexander Igorevich Izosimov, an engineer at Gazpromdobycha Yamburg OJSC, and my older brother, Igor Izosimov, a graduate of our school, have been restoring retro cars.

Dad - Izosimov Alexander Igorevich

Brother - Izosimov Igor

The first car that my dad and brother worked hard to restore was a GAZ-21 Volga.(Appendix 1)

In 1953, at the Gorky Automobile Plant named after. Molotov, it was decided to develop a completely new model of a passenger car, which would replace on the assembly line an outdated, by the standards of world automotive fashion, legendaryM-20 « Victory ». Strong influence the development of the body of the new model was influenced by design developments "Ford " - "progenitor"GAS A. The design of the car was developed by Lev Eremeev.

In 1958, the Soviet automobile exposition at the international Brussels exhibition was awarded the “Grand Prix”. In Belgium, the Volga was dubbed a “tank on wheels.” In Finland and Norway - “tank in tailcoat”. In England, the Volga was spoken of as a “workhorse”.

Everywhere where it was sold, the car proved itself to be extremely reliable and unpretentious.

We call our car “White Lightning”; we willingly ride it in summer time year.

My dad and brother participate in retro parades in our city.

In 2013, our “White Lightning” took part in the motor rally of the Russian Automobile Sports Championship “Uporovo 2013”, in the motor rally of the automobile club “Retro - Tyumen”.

My dad communicates with car enthusiasts in other cities and regions, follows any new products in the retro industry, and for this purpose, car enthusiasts have created their own website.

Not long ago, another car was restored - GAZ-69, produced in 1970.(Appendix 2)

Design work onGAZ-69 also began at the Gorky Automobile Plant under the leadership of Grigory Moiseevich Wasserman in 1946.

At the same timeGAZ-69 was mainly intended for the army, and the passenger GAZ-69A - for national economy. Both modifications were equipped with a canvas awning with sides. Our car is of a later year of manufacture, so its sidewalls are different. Later, the production of these cars moved to the city of Ulyanovsk.

The GAZ-69 “Gazik” is more recognized as an army vehicle, mainly intended for command personnel, and later for transporting military weapons.

On dirt roads, replete with bumps and holes, the car jumped mercilessly, just like a stubborn goat. As a result, the nickname “goat” quickly stuck to her and became almost a household name.

In the restoration of this car, during the absence of dad, most of The work was carried out by my older brother Igor.

Igor also has his own hobby. He collects various cars, models that interest him, only in reduced (toy) form.

Currently, my dad and brother are working on the restoration of a world-famous disabled woman created by the Serpukhov Motorcycle Plant.

People called this car - a motorized stroller - variously "toad", "frog", it was mainly intended for people with disabilities, but after the film adaptation of the legendary film by Leonid Gaidai "Operation Y and other adventures of Shurik", where the brilliant actor Evgeny Morgunov played the so-called “disabled person”, the nickname “Morgunovka” has stuck among the people and exists to this day.(Appendix 3)

Of course, the question arises, what about the rest of my family members, i.e., me and my mother Nadezhda Leonidovna, what role do we play in all this?

The answer is obvious! Mom and I are moral support and a reliable rear for our men. We know how to listen and hear the male half of our family.


In our 21st century - complex, full of innovations, it is difficult to maintain trusting, warm relationships between children and parents. This is not only the eternal problem of “fathers and sons,” but also a confrontation different centuries. And I am doubly pleased to know that my dad and brother found something in common, something that united them, something they live and breathe together. They carefully preserve and continue what my grandfather, Igor Dmitrievich Izosimov, started.

I have no doubt at all that time will pass and the descendants of our family will continue the work started by our grandfather, because family traditions and customs are a symbol of something eternal and give a feeling of closeness and cohesion of all family members. We must not forget the main thing - how a child’s life will turn out largely depends on how you present it to him. If you can convey to him everything that is beautiful in this world, he will try to transfer it to his family and to the world and people around him.


    V. Zatsepin, V. Tsimbalyuk. We and our family. Moscow “Young Guard”, 1988 p. 78

    Book about "Gaz-21 Volga". Big book about the dream machine, - Ivan Paderin - 4th edition, 2006.

    Family traditions.

    Family values.

When I was 3-4 years old, my grandfather and I were cleaning out the garage, and I came across a wooden spoon on the shelf. I asked my grandfather who made this spoon. My grandfather said that my great-grandfather made this spoon. He also said that his great-grandfather was a woodcarver. I didn’t understand anything and forgot about this conversation. And now, when I went to school, I became interested in everything, including the heritage of our family. And then I remembered an old conversation with my grandfather about a wooden spoon. It all started with this spoon.

Relevance My research work, in my opinion, is that when forming a person’s character, it is important what moral guidelines stand in his way, what beacons shine for him in the sea of ​​\u200b\u200beveryday.

Problem what I see is the world around me and we are becoming tougher, less kind, we stop seeing and noticing the beautiful in the ordinary, we are losing the connection between generations.

The solution to this problem is contained in the hypothesis: The origins of kindness, compassion, and beauty are laid in the family, just as big rivers begin with small streams.

The history of a country is made up of the fates of millions of its citizens. One of them is the fate of my great-grandfather and his children.

Purpose of the study: preserving my family's cultural heritage and passing it on to future generations.


1. Get to know the biography of your great-grandfather and his sons.

2. Explore the world of their interests and hobbies.

3. Learn more about wood carving techniques.

Before starting this research work, I made a plan, I needed to answer the question: “How can I learn something new about what I am researching.” The most accessible research methods for me turned out to be: observation, analysis, independent reflection, working with archival materials, studying literature, obtaining information on the Internet.

To complete this work, I used documents from family archive and rural local history museum. Systematized creative works great-grandfather, talked with relatives, conducted interviews, filmed videos. Based on the survey results, I compiled memos.

Main part

As difficult as it was interesting was the fate of my great-grandfather. Pyotr Stepanovich Pikul was born in the village of Khristinovka, Mazanovsky district, Amur region, on February 18, 1929. (And I was born on February 18) The family was large, ten children. My childhood was hungry, I had nothing to wear.

During the war he worked on a collective farm. After the war, my great-grandfather built houses and made stoves. And most of all he loved to carve various utensils from wood (spoons, ladles, cups). My great-grandfather made carved shutters, which are still preserved as a relic. Years passed, my great-grandfather got married, and had a daughter and three sons. When his sons grew up, he began to teach them his craft.

“Where does talent come from? From the generosity of the people. Russian people live on earth - and now they elect one. He will speak for everyone - he is memorable people's memory, wise folk wisdom..." These words, belonging to V.M. Shukshina describes my great-grandfather as accurately as possible.

While conducting research, my grandmother and I had to study the literature and go to the Internet to find out what types of wood carvings exist. And then determine which of them belong to my great-grandfather and grandfathers Nikolai Petrovich, Vladimir Petrovich and Sergei Petrovich.

We found out the following: artistic wood carving is one of the oldest and most widespread types of artistic woodworking, in which a pattern is applied to a product using an ax, knife, chisels, chisels, chisels and other similar tools. Carving differs by type - geometric carving, contour carving, flat-relief carving, openwork carving and volumetric carving.

In Russia, wood carving was called carving. Drawing is a sign; words were also used: vysorochie, patterned. Carving in folk traditions. Carving by flat surface in the form of braids and straights, cloves, towns and kiots, grooves, stars, poppies, fungi, gags, etc.

Modern carvings do not have a strict classification, since they can be combined in the same product. different types threads. Conventionally, three main types can be distinguished:

  1. Through thread (this includes sawn and slotted threads).
  2. Blind thread (all subtypes of relief and flat carving).
  3. sculptural carving.
  4. House carving (is a separate direction, since it can combine all three of the above types).

While doing research on the wooden spoon, I learned the following. A wooden spoon consists of the following structural elements:

  • Holder - handle, handle of a spoon.
  • Scoop (scoop) - a semicircular “working” part, a ladle, which is used to scoop up food.
  • Ate - a recess, a cavity in the scoop on the front side.
  • Connecting jumper - connects the hold with the scoop.

The creative heritage did not fade away with the passing of my great-grandfather. His talent for wood carving was passed on to his sons Nikolai, Vladimir, and Sergei. I don’t know yet whether I will develop a talent for woodcarving, but now I’m starting to carve with my grandfather, but I’m still not good at it. Unfortunately, I was born in the same year when my great-grandfather died, but I love him very much, and I have the impression that I know him very well.

This is how, step by step, in the process of research, a page of my family’s history opened before me. Nameless, unknown ancestors became closer and dearer. The works left by the great-grandfather as an inheritance seemed to come to life and speak.


IN big family family legends and family heirlooms live and are passed on from mouth to mouth, which served as a good help in my work. Thanks to my grandmother, Tatyana Viktorovna Pikul, and my grandfather, Nikolai Petrovich Pikul (they are raising me, because my mother died when I was one and a half months old), I was able to collect this material, the creative works of my great-grandfather and his sons.

My work will help preserve this memory for posterity, and maybe many years later, one of my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will also write the history of their ancestors, and this research will become the basis for their work. Now they've filled me up specific meaning concepts such as “Fatherland”, “ small homeland", "my family and clan."

Conclusions I came to during the process research:

1. I became more familiar with the biography of my great-grandfather.

2. I studied the world of interests and hobbies of his sons.

3. I learned a lot of new and interesting things about wood carving techniques.

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