We have been preparing for the Unified State Exam since elementary school. Preparing for the Unified State Exam from primary school

Series “Preparing for the Unified State Exam from Primary School” by different authors, list of books in order.

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Mathematics. 4th grade. Thematic test tasks in exam format

The manual contains tasks for mathematics in the 4th grade in exam format. The assignments are intended for independent work in class, for current and thematic control of knowledge. ...

The manual contains tasks in the Russian language and mathematics on all topics of primary school in exam format. The assignments are intended for independent work in class, for current and thematic control of knowledge. ...

This manual is aimed at preparing students to successfully pass final certification By English language for a primary school course. Contains training tasks testing language and speech skills, designed for English teachers, 3rd grade students and parents who…

The manual contains tasks on the subject " Literary reading"in 4th grade in exam format. The assignments are intended for independent work in class, for current and thematic control of knowledge. ...


    LISTENING. Listen to the text and determine the children's preferences.

A– Ride a bike B– Fly a kite C– Play on the slide D– Skip and play hopscotch

E– Play hide-and-seek F– Play on the swings

READING. 1. Read the text and determine what girls and boys like to do in winter and summer

Boys and girls like to play sports and games. In summer boys like to play football and volleyball and basketball and girls usually play badminton or tennis. It is fun to run and jump in summer. When it is hot children like to swim in the river or in the lake. In winter children like to play hockey and girls prefer figure skating.

summer winter boys girls

2.2. Rearrange the lines to create a dialogue. 1) – We like to play volleyball and tennis 2) – Have you got a lot of friends, John?

3) – What games do you like to play? 4) – Yes, I have.

5) – Yes, we do. We like to play at home and in the park.6) – Do you like to play together?

    GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY. 3.1. Fill in the blanks by choosing the words have, has, is, are, can. 1. Bill... got blond hair and blue eyes. 2. He...seventeen. 3. He...a pupil. 4. He ... ride a bike and play hockey. 5. Mary and Ann...got dark hair and brown eyes. 6. They...eleven. 7. They...pupils too. 8. They ... sing and dance well.

3.2.Open the brackets by putting the verbs in the correct form. 1. Kate (be) eight. 2. She (have) got blonde hair and green eyes. 3. Andrew (like) volleyball. 4. Every Sunday he (play) volleyball on the sports ground. 5. His mother (cook) him nice dinner. 6. Andrew (eat) dinner at seven o’clock and (go) for a walk.

4. LETTER. Talk about what you like to do in the park by answering the questions. – Do you like to go to the park? – With whom do you like to go to the park? – What do you like to do in the park? – What games do you like to play in the park? – What games can you play well? – What games do you want to play well?

4.2. Make words from letters. kcloc, ifhs, elfhs, pihs, glri, ritks, tirhs, espur, elutrt.

    SPEAKING. Tell us who you like to go to the park with and what you like to do in the park, what games you can play well or would like to learn how to play.

TEXT FOR LISTENING. My name is Liz. I have got a lot of friends. We like to go to the park. We can have a lot of fun there. Mary likes to play hide-and-seek. She is very good at hiding. Nobody can find her. My friend Jack likes to fly a kite. He has got a lot of colorful kites. He usually flies kites with his father. Billy and Pete like to play on the slide. They can spend hours and hours on the slide. Kate likes to play on the swings. I like to skip and play hopscotch. My brother likes to ride a bike. He has got a new bike for his birthday and he rides it every day.

I managed to finish school even before the Unified State Exam was introduced. Of course, there are many more opponents of such an examination system than supporters, but this is our reality, which is much easier to put up with than to resist.

The Unified State Exam in English is a difficult exam. In 2017, enter a good university with basic level It is unlikely that you will be able to pass the English language exam. To get a high score, you need to start preparing for the exam as early as possible.

As we know, the written part consists of 40 tasks, for which students are allocated 3 hours, and includes:

  • listening test;
  • reading test;
  • lexical and grammatical tasks, also in the form of a test;
  • letter consisting of two stages.

It is worth saying that for the first part of the English language exam, a maximum of 80 points is given; if a student needs to increase his score, then he must come on the second day to pass the oral part.

If the written part can be trained by studying independently using all kinds of manuals, then for the oral part you need a teacher.

This post will be devoted to the most successful study guides for preparing for the Unified State Exam in English on your own.

1. Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia

This is the only book to date for preparing for the Unified State Exam, which consists of 15 complete tests in the new Unified State Exam format, including the oral part. When working on the tests, all changes in the exam format were taken into account. The tests were created in collaboration with M.V. Verbitskaya, chairman of the subject commission on foreign languages ​​of the Unified State Examination. The website Macmillan.ru provides additional materials on the Unified State Exam for students and teachers: online tests, audio files, video tips, etc.

2. A.I. Nemykina, A.V. Pochepaeva - Unified State Exam. Oral part

The manual is a collection of tests to test skills oral speech, as well as a simulator for practicing the skills of passing the oral part of the Unified State Exam in English on a computer. It is with this textbook that you should start preparing for the oral part if you study on your own. At the beginning it is given full analysis oral part tasks, and then 20 tests with explanatory materials.

3. Afanasyeva O., Evans V., Kopylova V. - Practice Exam Papers for the Russian National Exam

Given training manual with an audio application contains 20 versions of English language tests in the Unified State Exam format.
Distinctive features of the textbook are variable tasks corresponding to advanced and high levels of preparation for the Unified State Exam, as well as texts of various genres for listening and reading. It should be noted that there are excellent examples of completing tasks in all types of speech activity.

Download the 2010 manual from this link.

The 2007 textbooks are available along with audio.

4. Muzlanova E.S. - English language. Unified State Exam textbook

The manual is compiled on a thematic basis and consists of 16 thematic blocks that cover the entire range of topics provided for Unified State Exam codifier in English. The blocks consist of 5 sections: reading, listening, speaking, grammar and vocabulary, writing. Each section includes exam-type tasks, as well as useful tips on their implementation, which will allow students to successfully prepare for the exam. After completing all tasks, students will be able to check the answers with the keys.

5. Verbitskaya M.V. - Unified State Exam. English language. Typical exam options. 10 (30) options

This textbook is part of the “Unified State Exam” series, known to all graduates. FIPI - school", which was prepared by the developers of the tests measuring materials unified state exam. Available in 2 types: 10 test options and 30 options. The difference, as you understand, is only in the number of tests. The collection of 30 tests presents 15 thematic options for all sections of the Unified State Exam, 15 standard exam options, oral part tasks, instructions for completion, answers to all tasks, etc.

You can download a textbook from 2015 with 30 options.

6. Yuneva S.A. — Opening up the world with English. 150 essays for the Unified State Exam. Getting ready for the Unified State Exam

The manual is addressed to students independently preparing for the Unified State Exam in English, as well as to teachers who can use it in class and when preparing students for tests, exams or Olympiads. It includes 150 essays compiled in accordance with all the requirements for a written statement with elements of reasoning. The main purpose of this guide is to help students excel in essay writing.


Are you looking for an English tutor to prepare for the Unified State Exam? Student reviews, open prices, and detailed questionnaires indicating work experience help you choose a teacher.

Successfully passing the exam is the key to admission to a prestigious educational institution. Experienced teacher will reveal the student’s abilities, improve speaking skills and eliminate gaps in knowledge.

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Yana Fizulievna

from 2,000 rub/hour

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Columbia University in New York City, intensive English language program (2009). Experience in a branch of the famous Expand British charitable foundation, including translating articles from Russian into English for the organization’s website. Among the students are current students of leading Moscow universities, such as MGIMO, Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. Gubkin, RUDN University, RANEPA GS, REA im. Plekhanov, etc., as well as employees of Russian Railways, Gazprom and others. Travels a lot and is constantly in contact with native speakers. She values ​​internal motivation and diligence in her students. She uses the latest techniques to overcome the language barrier (Rapid Personal Transformation).

Many thanks to Yana Fizulievna! 4 months of classes with her greatly improved my level of English. In addition, Yana is very positive Expand and a friendly person, working with whom is a real pleasure! All reviews (46)

Natalya Vladimirovna

Private teacher Experience 21 years

from 2,400 rub/hour

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Preparation for the Unified State Exam in English

With a tutor, remotely

I am the developer of the Unified State Exam in English, I have a deep knowledge of the features and specifics of the Unified State Exam for passing the exam with a high score, I can help Expand with preparation for an additional internal test. I know all the intricacies of the exam, all the “traps”. I teach you to see and hear the key words of the text. Special attention I devote myself to the “Speaking” section and writing essays. I teach how to build arguments and counterarguments in language, develop scientific thinking starting from high school. Currently time goes by registration for classes from September 2019. Hurry up to sign up! Number of seats per individual lessons and in classes in pairs is limited! Extensive experience working with children, more than 20 years, with students, adults. There are students who have entered various universities in Europe and the USA, as well as leading universities in Russia, such as: Harvard University, HSE, Moscow State University, MGIMO, REU. G.V. Plekhanov, etc. Classes with schoolchildren and students are conducted only using specially developed methods that take into account the set goal, as well as the characteristics of each student. Experience in teaching language courses. I explain complex things in an accessible and understandable way. I provided language training to managers of various industries who took part in the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia. I regularly communicate with native speakers and philologists from the UK and the USA. I thoroughly develop all materials for teaching with native speakers. I prepare for interviews in English. I bring you to confident use of the language. A practical business English course for marketers. My colleagues, who themselves teach English at Moscow State University, trust me with their children. Among my students are school English teachers who want to improve their skills and master the real language. I trained an actress for filming in a famous TV series in English, filming in the UK in 2019. I am engaged in translation activities, preparing speakers for speaking in various countries at thematic conferences. Individual psychological and a playful approach to children, voluminous visual aids on grammar. I painstakingly set up phonetics, reading rules, with speech therapy techniques and use neuropsychological training, if necessary. Lessons on overcoming the language barrier, getting rid of fears in colloquial speech. I teach you to think in the language and speak right away. I teach grammar, reading rules and phonetics in an easy and game form. Students learn to use language as a skill, as a working tool in real life. In my lessons I teach children to work independently, to systematic approach, to regular listening and reading in the original from primary school. I know and use various school and foreign teaching methods in my work. Preference for applicants entering serious universities. Classes are conducted individually, in pairs, in micro-groups of 2-3 people, and in a mini-group of 4-5 people.

Very good tutor! The approach is correct, knowledge and information are at the highest level! We went for 3 months. All reviews (30)

Children 6-7 years old Schoolchildren of grades 1-11 Students Adults

m. Kolomenskaya

Elena Grigorievna

Private teacher Experience 32 years

from 2,000 rub/hour

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Preparation for the Unified State Exam in English


Finalist international program scholarships named after Edmund S. Muskie, 2003-2005; finalist of the international promotion program pedagogical excellence teachers Expand (TEA), 2000; knowledge cultural characteristics and language specificity acquired during multiple educational visits to the UK and the USA; High professionalism and exceptional communication skills. I have 14 years of work in a school with in-depth study of English and 14 years of teaching disciplines at a university “ practical course English language", "business English", "linguistic and regional studies". My many years of work experience and achievements allow me to consider myself a highly qualified specialist. I never stop improving in terms of modern techniques and technologies and am proud of the successful preparation of schoolchildren and adults for international exams and the Unified State Exam. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or an advanced student, I can help you achieve your goals as quickly as possible.

Elena Grigorievna (for Helen's students) is simply the most competent specialist and a golden person! For almost six months now she has been preparing me for admission to a foreign university Expand University, which includes preparation for the TOEFL exam, interview and subject GRE. During all this time I did not have a single complaint about her. My language proficiency has improved noticeably. Since I have worked with many tutors before and practice tutoring myself, I can confidently assure you that Helen knows her stuff! This teacher is results-oriented and selects individual approach to every student. Also worth noting high level general culture and Elena Grigorievna’s erudition and, what is important for me, her cheerful disposition! All reviews (26)

Alexey Sergeevich

Private teacher Experience 15 years

from 2,000 rub/hour

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Preparation for the Unified State Exam in English

2010 - passed the highest international Cambridge exam, Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English, confirming the level of English proficiency Expand language perfectly. 2011-2013 - University of Roehampton, UK. Teacher development. If you or your child needs to master or improve their spoken or written English, pass an exam, pass an interview, improve their performance or achieve another goal, I can help you.1) You have a desire to work with a teacher who speaks the language at the highest level level who received linguistic education in England? I will match your best high requirements, since I speak English at the level of Russian.2) Do you need the teacher to be experienced and really do his job well? I have been teaching for 15 years and work with my students with maximum dedication.3) Do you need the classes to be not only effective, but also easy, lively, with a twist, and the teacher not to be boring? I sociable person, I love my job, and I show maximum attention to each student and take into account his unique individuality.4) Perhaps you experience discomfort due to your small and passive vocabulary or grammar, have difficulty hearing speech, speak unnaturally and uncertainly, and experience other difficulties? I am able to help you in any situation at any level of language complexity, including fundamental preparation for any exams. This is not difficult if classes are organized correctly. A few words about my teaching methodology. This is a symbiosis of creativity and mathematics. We remember what interests us and forget what is difficult and boring. How more interesting classes, the better the memory works and the more creativity and flexibility on the part of the teacher is required. On the other hand, knowledge needs structure, order and stability, and here mathematics comes to the rescue. For example, for people who do not know what to say on a topic, I have prepared formulas that work wonders, and even the most silent man can talk on any topic, and a student taking the state or international exam, can be sure that the formula given to him will be suitable for all cases and will help him correctly and simply express his thoughts in an essay, letter, article, etc. Exam results for 2018: - Unified State Examination - 85 points; 92 points; 93 points; 95 points.- IELTS (academic) - 7.5.- First (FCE) - grade A.- KET - Pass with distinction (grade 5).- OGE - grade 5.

During the entire 11th grade, 2 times a week for 1.5 hours, I studied with Alexey Sergeevich in preparation for passing the Unified State Exam in a foreign language. Proficiency level Expand the subject was, to put it mildly, weak. Only thanks to Alexey's lessons I was able to understand and speak English without difficulty. For every lesson, my teacher brought a lot of additional materials: manuals, practice tests, rules of the English language that fall out of my head. During the lesson we spoke exclusively in English, thanks to which I easily mastered the pronunciation. As a result Unified State Exam results I was pleased: 86 in such a difficult subject for me as English (when at the beginning of the year without a tutor I had a result of about 65 points). Now I am a student at the Higher School of Economics, majoring in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, where the passing score was 269 points in 2015 (Russian, mathematics, foreign language). AND I'M ON A BUDGET! Thank you very much for the work done and such hard work! I’ve already recommended Alexey to my friends, now I’m sharing it with you!

Svetlana is an excellent English teacher. Our classes with her began in 2010. Over the years, she has practically become a member of our family. Lessons Expand daughters with Svetlana’s English skills led to the fact that she became bored with studying at a school with in-depth study of the English language due to more low level classmates, and we decided to transfer the child to a special school for French, while they continued to study English only individually. The second language very easily combined with the first, and the results are very pleasing to us: first places in both languages ​​among 14 parallel classes. Svetlana doesn’t just teach children a language, she does an excellent job with two more important tasks: instills a love of language and removes the language barrier. We travel a lot, and the children are not afraid to communicate in English with other children and even adults. I cannot help but note the perfect pronunciation that the teacher has. This is another advantage that distinguishes Svetlana from most foreign language teachers. We intend to continue training and would be happy to recommend it to others. All reviews (23)

Maria Andreevna

Private teacher Experience 18 years

from 2,000 rub/hour

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Preparation for the Unified State Exam in English

With a tutor, with a student, remotely

Experience as a translator from 2004 to the present. The cost of preparation for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam for all venue options is 2000 rubles per Expand 60 min.

Approaching hot time for graduates - on the eve of the Unified State Exam, including in English. Millions of eleventh-graders actively study textbooks, take private lessons from tutors, and cram the rules. But in the 21st century, the Internet has become an excellent assistant for those for whom preparation for the Unified State Exam in English is important. In this article we will provide an overview of the best online resources for preparing for this exam, as well as consider the structure of the final test and give useful tips on how to pass the Unified State Exam in English.

Structure of the Unified State Exam in English 2018

Unified State Exam (Unified State Exam) is graduation examination paper at school, without which it is impossible to enter a university. When entering a higher educational institution, final exam scores are also important, so schoolchildren try to pass the Unified State Exam highest scores. The Unified State Examination in English 2018 is not mandatory, but applicants who intend to enroll in specialized university, you will have to take this exam.

In terms of complexity and structure, the Unified State Exam in English is similar to the international FCE test, for the successful completion of which you must have an upper-intermediate level of language proficiency.

For Russian-speaking schoolchildren, this is a fairly high bar, so it is better to start preparing for the upcoming final exam in advance - from grades 9 and 10. In this case, in 2-3 years, the student, without rushing from the initial level, will be able to fully gain knowledge and develop the skills to successfully pass the Unified State Exam in English.

Of course, it is possible to prepare for this exam faster, but for this the student must have a fairly high level of foreign language proficiency, at least Intermediate.

To prepare for successfully passing the Unified State Exam, you need not only to know the subject well, but also to understand how the exam work is structured.

What elements does the 2018 Unified State Exam in English consist of? The examination test consists of several parts: written and oral. The first part is mandatory, and the second is optional; they are taken on different days.

The written part, in turn, consists of five sections:

  • listening;
  • reading;
  • vocabulary and grammar;
  • letter.

For each section, a student can receive a maximum of 20 points. The graduate is allocated 180 minutes to complete 40 tasks. Having passed the first part of the exam with excellent marks, a student can score 80 points out of 100. To get maximum quantity points, you will have to come again and take the oral part. It contains only 4 tasks, for which only 15 minutes are allotted. For the oral part you can get a maximum of 20 points.

Thus, for the Unified State Exam in English, a graduate can score the maximum number of points - 100, which practically guarantees him admission to a specialized university. However, to pass the exam with a 5, it is enough to score 84 points. And for the test to be counted, it must be passed with a 3, that is, a minimum of 22 points.

As a rule, test results are published on the official website of the Unified State Exam two weeks after passing the oral part. You can find out your result on the official resource ege.edu.ru by filling out the appropriate fields with your data. Having successfully passed the Unified State Exam, the graduate receives an electronic certificate and is entered into a special register. Paper certificates have not been issued since 2014.

How to pass the Unified State Exam in English 2018?

To understand how it works final exam in English, we will consider in detail an example of such a test. And at the end of each section we will provide useful tips from tutors who specialize in preparing students for the Unified State Exam.

Principles of passing the audition

This section consists of three parts and takes 30 minutes to complete. These are exercises 1 to 9 of general list in 40 tasks. The student will hear an audio recording of three fragments, which the examiners will turn on and not stop for 30 minutes. There are pauses between fragments of the recording so that the student can read the task and transfer the answers to the form. For each correct answer, the graduate will receive 1 point.

  1. 7 statements are given. Then the student will have to listen to 6 statements and match them with statements, one of which is redundant. You can get 6 b.
  2. 7 statements are given. The student listens to the dialogue and determines which statements are relevant to the dialogue (True), which are not true (False), and which are not mentioned in it (Not Stated). The maximum possible score is 7 points.
  3. There are 7 questions given, each with 3 possible answers. The student needs to listen to the audio recording and choose the correct answer. Exercise for 7 points.

In total, you can score a maximum of 20 points for listening.

Tutor tips:

  1. When preparing for testing, it is listening in this format that allows you to get used to quickly understanding the task and searching for key phrases in speech that will indicate the correct answer.
  2. When choosing an answer, rely on the meaning of the speaker’s words, since in his speech he may mention key phrases for the entire task, but if you understand the meaning of what was said, you will only get one correct answer.

Principles of passing reading

This section also consists of three parts and 9 tasks, and half an hour is also allotted for their completion, that is, about 10 minutes for each part.

  1. 7 small texts and 8 headings are given. The student must read the texts and select appropriate headings for them, leaving an extra heading. You can dial 7 points.
  2. Given a text with 6 gaps. Below are 7 passages, 6 of which the graduate needs to insert into the text instead of gaps. For the task - 6 points.
  3. Dan short text and 7 questions. Each question has 4 possible answers, from which you need to choose 1 correct answer. It is possible to get 7 b.

In total, you can score a maximum of 20 points for reading.

Tutor tips:

  1. When completing the first task, you need to look for key phrases that will help you find the meaning of the entire text and point to the correct title. As a rule, main meaning is contained in the first sentence, so carefully study the beginning of the paragraph to find the correct answer.
  2. To successfully complete the second task, you need to have a good understanding of how sentences are constructed in English. Gaps are often found in complex and complex sentences. You need to remember that in the subordinate clause who is used in relation to people, which - objects, and where - places. Also remember that the infinitive serves to express purpose.
  3. The questions in the third task are arranged in accordance with the position of the answers in the text, that is, at the beginning of the text you need to look for the answer to the first question, a little further - to the second, etc.

Principles of passing vocabulary and grammar

This section is designed to check vocabulary schoolchildren, as well as how graduates learned grammatical constructions in English. The student will have to complete three tasks in 40 minutes.

  1. Given a text in which 7 words are missing. To the right of the text there are words that need to be grammatically transformed (for example, putting a verb in the past tense) and inserted in place of the gap. Assignment for 7 points.
  2. Given a text with 6 gaps. On the right there are words that need to be transformed not only grammatically, but also lexically, that is, to form a single-root word that fits the meaning of the text and insert it in place of the gap. You can dial 6 points.
  3. Given a text with 7 gaps and 7 blocks of words with answer options. For each pass, the student must pick up 1 correct option out of 4 offered. It is possible to get 7 b.

In total, you can score a maximum of 20 points for vocabulary and grammar.

Tutor tips:

  1. If in the first task you are given a verb, then you need to put it in right time or use it in the correct form of voice (active or passive), or form a participle from it. The adjective often needs to be put in the superlative or comparative degree, and convert the numeral, as a rule, into an ordinal one.
  2. In the second task, most often, it is necessary to transform words of the same root by adding prefixes and suffixes, including negative ones.
  3. In the third task, usually, you need to demonstrate knowledge of word combinations - collocations. You will have to choose from 4 words that are similar in meaning; in order to choose the correct answer, you must carefully read the text.

Principles of submitting a letter

There are only two tasks in this section (write a letter and an essay), for which the student is given 80 minutes to complete.

  1. Given is the text of a short letter from a friend asking questions. The graduate must read the message and write a letter back to the friend, answering and asking questions. Volume: 100−140 words. You can get 6 b.
  2. A controversial statement has been given. The student needs to write an essay-argument on the topic, express his opinion, and give the opposite point of view, as well as explain his disagreement with it. Volume: 200−250 words. For this task - 14 points.

In total, you can score a maximum of 20 points for written work.

How to write a letter to a friend in English:

  1. Letter to a loved one written in an informal style.
  2. Design of the "header". In the upper right corner you need to write the address: first the city, then the country of residence. But it is better not to indicate the street name and house number, since even if the address does not exist, it can be interpreted as a disclosure of secret information.
  3. In the same corner, below the address, skipping one line, you need to write the date.
  4. Then on the left is written an informal address to the addressee: Dear Nil/Joe (the name will be indicated in the task). Keep in mind that in this case it is not acceptable to write Hello. Don't forget to add a comma after the address. Continuation of the letter - from a new line.
  5. Each paragraph, according to the rules, begins with a red line. You should start your letter by expressing gratitude to your friend for the message he received (Thanks a lot for your last letter). It wouldn’t hurt to apologize for the long answer (Sorry I haven’t been in touch for so long). It would be a good move if you mention some information from the message you received.
  6. Then the main part (second and third paragraphs) is written. In the second part you need to answer the questions received in the letter, and in the third part you need to ask questions to your friend.
  7. The fourth paragraph is the final one, it is necessary to notify the recipient about the end of the message (I "ve got to go now!). It would be good form if you offer to keep in touch (Take care and keep in touch!).
  8. At the end you need to write the standard cliche - Best wishes, All the best(a comma must be included) or others. Under this phrase on the next line you need to write your name.

How to write an essay on the Unified State Exam in English:

The essay is also written in neutral style and contains five paragraphs:

  1. Introduction: the topic-problem is formulated and the existence of two opposing points of view is immediately indicated.
  2. Own opinion: express your own point of view on this issue and give 2-3 arguments in its defense.
  3. Opposing Opinions: Opposing points of view are presented and arguments are given to support them.
  4. Expressing disagreement: you need to explain the reason for disagreement with opposing opinions, and defend your point of view without using arguments from the second paragraph.
  5. Conclusion: a conclusion is written on the question posed.

Tutor tips:

  1. It is strongly recommended not to exceed the required volume. Only 10% error is acceptable, that is, for a letter it is permissible to write from 90 to 154 words, and for an essay - from 180 to 275 lexemes. If a student writes even one word less, he will not receive a single point for the task. If the volume is exceeded, the examiner will count the specified limit from the entire text and will evaluate only it, while the examiner will deduct points for the fact that the work is not completed, the topic is not disclosed or conclusions are not written.
  2. You should not write paragraphs containing only one sentence. Every thought must be revealed and argued. You can use such speech constructions as I believe, In my opinion, etc.
  3. Watch your writing style: never use colloquial expressions like Wish me luck! or Guess what?, and in an essay it is better not to write informal well, cause and slang expressions.
  4. It is recommended to use it in written works linking words, since they add logic to the text, allow you to contrast either two parts of a sentence or complement one of them.

Principles of passing oral speech

This is the shortest part of the exam, which is taken on another day, and lasts only 15 minutes, during which the student must complete four tasks.

The peculiarity of this part of the test is that the graduate performs tasks in front of a computer, on the screen of which a timer is turned on, and all answers are recorded through a microphone. At the same time, the examiner in the audience monitors the progress of testing.

  1. Popular science text appears on the monitor. In 90 seconds you need to quickly read it to yourself, and in the next 90 seconds you need to read it out loud with expression. Execution time: 3 minutes. For the task - 1 point.
  2. An advertisement of an advertising nature is displayed on the screen. Based on keywords you need to make five direct questions to this text. 90 seconds are allotted for preparation, after which you must have time to formulate each of the questions within 20 seconds. Execution time: 3 minutes. For correct execution - 5 points.
  3. Three photographs are offered, from which you need to choose one and describe it in accordance with the proposed plan. Execution time: 3.5 minutes. You can get - 7 b.
  4. Two pictures are shown that need to be compared, describing the differences and similarities, and explaining the choice. Execution time: 3.5 minutes. It is possible to dial - 7 points.

You can get a maximum of 20 points for the oral part.

Tutor tips:

  1. To prepare for the first assignment, you should work on texts on different topics, reading them with expression: you must observe all pauses, natural intonation, logical stress. It is also important to meet the allotted time, but there is no need to rush too much.
  2. To successfully complete the second part of the oral exam, you need to practice the ability to ask questions to a variety of texts. When writing questions, do not forget to use auxiliary verbs and put them in the correct form, agreeing with the noun.
  3. In 2018, at the Unified State Exam, the third task will ask you to describe a photograph to a friend. Therefore, when composing text, you need to use appeal. At the beginning of the description, you need to indicate which photo you chose (I"ve chosen photo number...). It is also important to answer ALL questions asked in the task, indicate where and when. Do not forget about the introductory phrase (I"d like to show you a picture from my photo album./Would you like to have a look at my picture?) and the final cliche (I hope you liked my picture./That"s all for now.).
  4. When performing the fourth task, the emphasis should be on comparing images, and not on their descriptive characteristics. When comparing pictures, you need to use such common cliches as In comparison to the first picture, this one... The first picture depicts... whereas/while the second picture depicts..., The main difference is that... etc.

This is what the Unified State Exam in English will look like in 2018 - the test is not easy, but you can successfully pass it if you prepare for it in advance, including using Internet resources.

Universal sites for preparing for the Unified State Exam

Before you start using a variety of online resources to prepare for the Unified State Exam, it is advisable to take a demo version of the exam, which can be downloaded from the official website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements.

Resources for preparing for the Unified State Exam for all school subjects:

  1. Examer - simulator for self-study for the Unified State Examination in history, English and Russian languages, chemistry, mathematics, physics and other school subjects. The program simulates tasks that may appear on an exam in the selected subject. After completing all the tasks, the Examiner sums up the results and tells you what mistakes were made. In addition, the program contains sections such as Theory, Options + expert verification, online game Unified State Exam Arena. The first part is free, then you have to pay.
  2. For many graduates, the “USE 100 points” group on the social network VK.com has become a good helper. By web address

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