How to find coordinates on the number circle. Extracurricular lesson - number circle

In modern Russian language, especially in writing, complex sentences are often used. There are two types of complex compounds in the Russian language: union and non-union. Non-union - which consists of several parts, but conjunctions are not used to connect these parts with each other. Here is a classic example of a non-union sentence: “It was snowing, the weather was frosty.” Or, for example: “It was getting cold, the birds were flying south.”

Allies, in turn, have another feature. They also have two or more parts and use conjunctions to communicate. There are two types of unions - coordinating and subordinating. If subordinating conjunctions are used, the sentence is called complex. If coordinating conjunctions are used, it is called compound.

Subordinating connection in a complex sentence

If the parts of a complex sentence are connected to each other using a subordinating connection, it is called complex. It consists of two parts: main and subordinate clauses. There is always only one main thing, but there can be several subordinate clauses. From the main part to the subordinate part you can pose a question. There are different types of subordinating connections.

Subordinate clause can serve as an adverbial function, for example: “I left home from school when the bell rang.” It can also serve as a complement: “I told him what I had been wanting to say for a long time.” And, finally, it can serve as a circumstance, for example: “The grandmother told her grandson to go to where he forgot his briefcase,” “I didn’t come because my grandmother was sick,” « “My mother arrived when the snow melted in the yard.”

Here classic examples options with various types subordinating connection. In all examples, the first part will be the main one, and the second - subordinate clause, accordingly, the question is asked from the first part to the second:

  • “I love it when spring comes”;
  • “I read a book about the house that Jack built”;
  • “Mom was upset because her son got a bad grade”;
  • “The boy decided to find out where Santa Claus comes to the house from.”

Coordinating connection in a complex sentence

We can talk about a coordinating connection in cases where the simple parts that make up a complex are equal, and none of them can be called main or dependent. Accordingly, the question cannot be raised from one part to another. The most common coordinating conjunctions are conjunctions “a”, “but”, “and”.

Examples of coordinating connections:

  • “Mom came home, and at that time my son went for a walk.”
  • “I felt bad, but my friends were able to cheer me up.”
  • “The sun has set, and the heads of the dandelions in the meadow have closed.”
  • “Winter has come, and everything around has plunged into white silence.”

Coordinating connection in variants with the conjunction “a” is often used in Russian folk proverbs and sayings based on the opposition of any characteristics, for example: “Hair is expensive, but the mind is short.” In the old Russian language, for example, in folklore works (fairy tales, epics, sayings, fables), the conjunction “a” is often replaced by its Old Russian synonym “da”, for example: “Grandfather came to pull a turnip, but the turnip grew big. The grandfather pulled and pulled the turnip and called the grandmother for help.”

Compound Sentences are especially often used in descriptions of nature, when the author of the work wants to give the most full picture summer day, winter night or bright beautiful landscape. Here is an example of such descriptive text with coordinating connection in complex sentences: “It was snowing, and people ran home with their collars turned up. It was still light outside, but the birds had long since fallen silent. All that was heard was the creaking of snow underfoot, and there was no wind. The sun was slowly setting behind the horizon, and two lovers on a park bench admired the short winter sunset.”

Also, complex sentences, especially sentences with the conjunctions “a” and “but”, are actively used in scientific style written speech, in texts-reasonings. Here is an example of such reasoning: “ Human body hardy, but the immune system is easily destroyed by uncontrolled use of antibiotics. Antibiotics as medicines have many advantages, but they cause dysbiosis and have negative impact for immunity."

Features of punctuation

Two parts subordinating clause are connected by subordinating conjunctions. Parts coordinating type, in turn, are connected by coordinating conjunctions. A conjunction is a small particle that visually resembles a preposition, but performs a completely different function: connects or two sentences that are inside one.

Both in complex and compound sentences, conjunctions must be preceded by a comma. When reading aloud, you need to pause before this comma. Omitting a comma before conjunctions using coordinating and subordinating conjunctions is considered rude syntax error. However, primary and even high school often make such mistakes in dictations, in independent and verification work in Russian language, in essays and written works ah, literature. In this regard, in school curriculum studying the Russian language includes a separate section devoted to practicing the rules of punctuation.

In difficult non-union proposals To connect two parts, you can use not only a comma, but also other punctuation marks, for example:

  • “The sun has risen, the birds have woken up with their usual morning song.”
  • “I warned you: playing with fire is very dangerous!”
  • "It lit up full moon, illuminating the earth with its radiance; sensing the approach of night, a wolf howled in the distant forest; somewhere in the distance, on a tree, an eagle owl hooted.”

Complex sentences help in writing and oral speech especially expressive. They are actively used in texts various contents. Competent writing of them in compliance with all punctuation rules indicates that the person knows the Russian language well and is able to clearly express his thoughts in in writing. Neglect existing rules punctuation, on the contrary, indicates a low level speech culture person. Teachers of Russian language and literature should pay attention special attention on correct spelling complex sentences when checking students' written work.

Complex sentences always contain two or more simple ones (also called predicative clauses) connected various types connections: union coordinating, non-union and union subordinating connections. It is the presence or absence of conjunctions and their meaning that allows us to establish the type of connection in a sentence.

Definition of subordinating connection in a sentence

Subordination or subordination- a type of connection in which one of the predicative parts is the main, subordinating part, and the other is the dependent, subordinate part. This connection is conveyed through subordinating conjunctions or allied words; from the main part to the subordinate part it is always possible to ask a question. Thus, a subordinating relationship (as opposed to a coordinating relationship) implies syntactic inequality between the predicative parts of the sentence.

For example: In geography lessons we learned (about what?) why there are ebbs and flows, Where In geography lessons we learned - main part, there are ebbs and flows - subordinate clause, why - subordinating conjunction.

Subordinating conjunctions and allied words

Predicative parts of a complex sentence related subordinating connection, are connected using subordinating conjunctions, allied words. In turn, subordinating conjunctions are divided into simple and complex.

TO simple unions include: what, so that, how, when, barely, yet, if, as if, as if, for sure, for, although and others. We want all peoples to live happily.

Complex conjunctions include at least two words: because, because, since, in order to, as soon as, while, until, despite the fact that, as if and others. As soon as the sun rose, all the songbirds woke up.

Relative pronouns and adverbs can act as allied words: who, what, which, whose, which, how many(in all cases); where, where, from, when, how, why, why and others. Conjunctive words always answer any question and are one of the members of the subordinate clause. I took you there, where I gray wolf didn't run!(G. Rosen)

You need to know: what it is, examples of it in the literature.

Types of subordination in a complex sentence

Depending on the means, connecting predicative parts, the following types of subordination are distinguished:

  • conjunctional subordination - parts of a complex sentence are connected by simple or complex alliances. He opened the doors wider so that the procession could pass through freely.
  • relative subordination - between the predicative parts there is a conjunctive word. After death, people return to the same place they came from. they came.
  • interrogative-relative subordination - parts of a complex sentence are connected through interrogative relative pronouns and adverbs. The subordinate part explains the member of the main sentence expressed by a verb or noun, which has the meaning of a statement, mental activity, feelings, perceptions, internal state. Berlioz looked around sadly, not understanding what frightened him. (M. Bulgakov).

Often one complex sentence contains more than two predicative parts that are dependent in relation to the main one. Due to this There are several types of subordination:

This is interesting: in the rules of the Russian language.

Based on which member of the main sentence explains or extends the dependent one, subordinate clauses in some sources are divided into subjects, predicates, modifiers, additional and adverbial.

  • Every, whom he met here offered to help him. The subordinate clause extends the subject of the main clause every.
  • Never think that you already know everything.(I. Pavlov) The subordinate part explains the predicate of the main think.
  • You should never regret something that can no longer be changed. IN in this case the subordinate clause answers the question of the prepositional case.

A more common classification is that depending on the questions they answer, subordinate clauses are divided as follows:

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It can be difficult to distinguish between a simple sentence complicated by homogeneous predicates and complex sentence, especially if one of the parts complex sentence represents incomplete sentence.

For example: I was late because I forgot my watch at home.

It should be remembered that homogeneous members Sentences can only be connected by coordinating conjunctions.

Do not confuse a coordinating conjunction, which connects parts of a complex sentence, and a coordinating conjunction, which connects homogeneous members of a sentence:

I was tired and lay down to rest. - the union binds homogeneous predicates;

I was tired and I wanted to rest. - a conjunction connects parts of a complex sentence.

If there is a subordinating conjunction in a dubious sentence, then you have a complex sentence, the second part of which is an incomplete sentence:

I was late because I forgot my watch at home.

I was in a hurry, but I was still late.

Can be confused with part of a complex sentence isolated member sentence, clarifying member of the sentence, introductory construction, comparative turnover.

For example: Having rounded a high cape, the steamer entered the bay.

Many gases, such as hydrogen, are lighter than air.

I think his name is Ivan.

Make sure that this is part of a complex sentence with an independent grammatical basis, and not any of the listed structures.

It should be especially noted that the target phrase with the conjunction so is the subordinate part of a complex sentence, the grammatical basis of which consists of a predicate expressed by an infinitive:

To memorize the poem, she read it out loud six times.

If subordinate clause turns out to be inside the main one, you can make a mistake in counting the number of parts of a complex sentence (in the answer options for a task of this kind, the number of parts of a complex sentence is sometimes indicated).

Find the grammatical bases of the sentences that make up the complex.

There are exactly as many parts in a sentence as grammar basics. For example:

He quickly studied what was then known in the field of mathematics, and even took up own research.

The basis of the first part: he studied and studied.

The basis of the second part: what was known.

Therefore, a complex sentence has two parts.

It can be difficult to determine the types of connections between parts of a complex sentence with different types of connections.

For example: It was impossible to stop: as soon as I stopped moving, my legs were sucked in, and my footprints filled with water.

The type of connection is determined by the union. Find conjunctions that connect parts of a complex sentence. If there is no union between some parts, then the connection between them is non-union, if the union is coordinating or subordinating, then the connection is coordinating or subordinating, respectively.

In the example given, the sentence consists of four parts. The first (it was impossible to stop) and the third (legs were sucked in) are tied non-union connection, the second (as soon as I stopped moving) and the third (my legs were sucked in) are connected by a subordinating connection using the subordinating conjunction as soon as, the third and fourth (the footprints were filled with water) - by a coordinating connection using the coordinating conjunction a.

Complex sentence. Types of Complex Sentences

In addition to simple sentences, complex sentences are often used in speech, with the help of which we express thoughts in more detail, connecting them with each other.

Complex sentences are sentences consisting of two or more simple clauses. Simple sentences as part of a complex compound do not have intonation completeness, do not have own goal statements are combined in meaning and pronunciation into one whole.

The storm has already subsided, the wind has weakened.

As it comes back, so will it respond.

The frost was terrible, but the apple trees survived.

Simple sentences are combined into complex ones in two main ways. In allied complex sentences, parts are combined using intonation and conjunctions (or allied words - relative pronouns and adverbs). In non-union complex sentences, parts are combined only with the help of intonation (without conjunctions or allied words).

The sun is shining over the lake, and the glare is blinding your eyes(union).

Sentences with conjunctions and allied words are divided into two groups: compound sentences, complex sentences.

Compound sentences are those in which simple sentences can be equal in meaning and are connected by coordinating conjunctions.

June turned out to be hot, and the windows in the houses were opened wide at night.

The fur coat was moth-eaten, but the mittens were like new.

Complex sentences are those in which one of the sentences is subordinate in meaning to another and is connected with it by a subordinating conjunction or union word. An independent sentence as part of a complex sentence is called the main one, and a dependent sentence, subordinate to the main one in meaning and grammatically, is called a subordinate clause.

If you're in Myshkin(adverbial clause), go to the Efimkins(The main thing).

I want to find a pebble(The main thing), which you don't have(adverbial clause).

Complex sentences with various types of allied and non-union connections

If a complex sentence consists of three or more parts, then some of them can be connected using coordinating conjunctions, others - with the help of subordinating conjunctions, others - without conjunctions. Such a sentence is called a complex sentence with different types union and non-union connections.

There was no one too strong vice in me that would have stood out more clearly than all my other vices, there was no picture-perfect virtue in me that could have given me some kind of picture-perfect appearance, but instead, in me there was a collection of all possible nasty things, a little bit of each, and in such a multitude that I have never seen before in any person. (N.V. Gogol).

(This is a complex sentence consisting of six simple ones, the parts of which are connected by subordinating, coordinating and non-conjunctive connections.)

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