How to learn to control the power of the Jedi.


capable of turning any training into an ultra-demand product.


Carefully! Reading this text risks teaching you the main technique!

You will learn to see exactly who is willing to pay for what and how much.

Your eye will begin to accurately identify which topic has customers and demand, and which is pure charity.

You will learn to quickly and accurately determine what your target audience(TA).

It doesn't matter what they say about their interests. They will only pay for what is really important to them and truly excites them. And you can’t always say this out loud.

But you will master the technique of quickly identifying the real “pains” and passions of your target audience. And they won’t blame you anymore.

From now on you will speak their language cherished desires. Your every phrase will capture their attention, and in their frozen gaze you will feel a passionate “I want!”

At this stage, you will already see the “gold mines” of the training market as if you were wearing “Axelrod glasses”.

And you can choose from them.

However, many fall for this temptation... and miss.

Because the trainer must be relevant to his topic.

And of all the money niches, it is important to choose the right one with which you resonate on all levels. And you yourself truly enjoy it.

Here you will find best topic and the best niche for yourself.

A path that will make you both successful and fulfilled.

After this, you will learn to deftly outperform your competitors.

It doesn't matter why they are cooler than you. What matters is what makes you unique.

You will no longer need to try to “outdo” someone in something.

You will master the skill of Jedi positioning and accurately hit your segment with the ideal offer for it. And just take your piece of the market without competition or struggle.

At this stage, you will learn to write so seductively and deliciously that your target audience will kiss the monitor.

Your text will be like a dance during which you fall in love and crave only one thing...

You will become almost a copywriting magician. The last step remains...

An offer you can't resist.

No matter how alluring the text is, the moment of payment is the most intimate touch point for the client.

And how you carry it out determines whether the client will make a purchase...

And here he is main secret- give pleasure.

Engage. Light it up. Fall in love. Create a glow of delight and excitement...

When you can no longer wait to enjoy what is beginning...

Like the new life that I so dreamed of...

Login new reality. IN new world possibilities and feelings.


So when you look at your dream so close you can touch it, what will you do?

Just enter it!

But remember: dreams cannot wait.

And today is the last day before the price increases.

In the section on the question how to become a Jedi? given by the author Viable the best answer is Before becoming a Padawan, you must be approved by the Jedi Council.
The next Council will take place in 1440 hours on Corribian. Will you make it?
If you have time, I am ready to become your Master.
Source: May the Force be with you!

Reply from speedster[active]
Need a coconut

Reply from Oleg[guru]
just ask Master Yoda))

Reply from Lelis™[newbie]
Buy the Jedi sword, or title))
Although it’s easier to smoke or eat something, it’s easier))

Reply from Witch Cop[guru]
Judging by your speech, you are already the new incarnation of Yoda.

Reply from KuIII[newbie]
Fly agarics eat

Reply from Yergey Shiryaev[guru]
Get high, sniff, get drunk on vodka. Underneath all this, make yourself a miracle sword (you can use a flashlight). And go outside. That's where you will understand that you a real Jedi when the psychiatric hospital comes for you and you will be stuck there for a long time!!!

Reply from Aldar Mergenov[guru]
go to the Republic department, on the ground they are located in the hospital office (psychotherapist or some other Imperial word... rebels, what can you do) they will help you there

Reply from User deleted[expert]
Very simple, as I said famous traveler Thor Hierdal: Hier gave, hier and took. So it’s simple - go to the Jedi Palace and sign up for the circle of young Jedi assistants. Well, when you grow up, go to the Jedi Academy. If you serve 2 years in the army, they will accept you without exams. Good luck!

Reply from YOSHA-FOREVER[guru]

Reply from Phantoms[guru]
Calm down, you have already become one. We believe in you.

A Jedi is a Knight of Light. His goal is to develop his own energy field in order to channel one's spiritual power through supernatural abilities.

The main difference between a Jedi and ordinary person(everyman) - constant adherence to the spiritual path, as well as physical development. At the same time, lightsaber battles and martial arts fade into the background.

The Code teaches a warrior to live in harmony with himself and the world around him. The symbol of his faith is the protection of peace in all things, therefore a true peacemaker knight must respect life in all its manifestations and strive for self-improvement. The most important thing for a Jedi is not to go to The dark side and not join the ranks of the Sith, whose cruelty is motivated by selfishness and a thirst for power.

Path of the Jedi

Every warrior can go through his own way and receive the well-deserved rank of the Jedi Order.

Jedi prefer peace to unstable emotions. Secret knowledge they are fleeing ignorance. Instead of destruction and chaos, they create harmony. Jedi strive for self-improvement, devoting their lives to serving others.

Yuling. This rank is usually given to children who are just beginning to learn how to control their power and use a lightsaber.

A Padawan is a student who becomes the apprentice of a personal mentor, a more experienced warrior of the rank of Knight or Master.

The Knight is a disciplined Padawan who has become a full member of the Jedi Order. To do this, he had to successfully pass 5 tests (skill, courage, flesh, spirit and knowledge) and make a lightsaber for himself.

Master. This rank can be achieved by training a Padawan who could become a Knight.

Master (Grandmaster). The place of honor as head of the Council of the Jedi Order is occupied by the most skillful elder. He is elected by the entire Council.

Jedi Code

A true Knight of Light must know by heart the five truths of the Jedi Code, which state that there is no excitement, no ignorance, no passion, no chaos, no death, but only peace, knowledge, tranquility, harmony and the Force.

Now you can not only draw the image of a peacekeeper knight in your head, but also easily translate it into reality. To do this, it is important to think like a highly moral hero. And also to strengthen your spirit and guide inner strength into the flow of energy. And finally, the parting phrase with which the Jedi wished each other good luck: “May the Force be with you!”

How to become a Jedi in real world? “Star wars”, which became classics of modern science fiction, gave people incredible pictures of battles in space and a desire to see the landscapes of other worlds, and most importantly, the mystical philosophy of the Jedi. Today on the site we will learn how you can become one of George Lucas’ peacekeeping knights, only not in the movies, but in the real world.

How to become a Jedi

What distinguishes a true Jedi from ordinary mortals? Not really possession supernatural powers, A inner harmony, calmness, balance and lifestyle. We present to you simple steps by doing which every day you will change your own life!

Difficult situation? Take a deep breath

Anytime critical situation that makes you nervous, worried, afraid, angry, hateful, you need to take a few deep breaths and exhales. This effective way influence on one’s own neurobiological processes that affect hormonal composition and behavior. Slow and deep diaphragmatic breathing stimulates the vagus nerve, which leads to activation of the respiratory and nervous systems. As a result, comes calm and more stable state of mind. By the way, this effect can be accelerated and enhanced by lightly massaging the neck on the left and right.

Give your own body a feeling of care!

Touch yourself! And this is not at all what some people thought :) Scientific research showed that physical touch activates the production of the hormone oxytocin, produced by the hypothalamus. Oxytocin has an important effect on the production of other hormones, and helps to establish emotional contacts with each other. At the same time, the body doesn’t care whose hand touches it: its own or someone else’s.

Kristin Neff and Christopher Germer, known in the West clinical psychologists, have developed an appropriate touch-based practice. According to it, you need to place your hand on your chest in the area of ​​the heart and do deep breaths and exhales. The touch should not be forceful, the main thing is to feel the warmth and slight pressure of the palm. If someone does not like such sensations in the chest area, then you can put your hand on your stomach or other part of the body. It is effective and quick way calm yourself down, calm down heartache and just improve emotional state. People suffering from diabetes will especially appreciate the effectiveness of this practice. panic attacks. Kristin Neff and Christopher Germer advise such people to combine touch with calm self-talk.

Voicing your own emotions and self-control

Fear and anger can poison the life of every person, causing such negative consequences, such as self-doubt, jealousy, irritability, temper. Scientists have found that such destructive emotions are born in the subcortical areas of the brain. But another fact has also been established: using your own speech to voice your feelings activates the frontal lobes of the brain. Thus, each person can independently establish a balance in the functioning of the brain. Dan Siegel, a well-known specialist, calls this process the words “name it and tame it.” Voice acting own feelings releases neurotransmitters, which calms the subcortical lobes of the brain. So next time if you get beat negative emotions, just say it out loud: I’m angry. Or I feel sad. This effective tool self-control!

Talking to yourself

If the previous advice concerned speech, then this one focuses our attention on mental dialogue, which constantly sounds in our heads. And the process of internal dialogue must be taken under control, since it has great importance in the context of personal effectiveness. Research has shown that athletes who motivate and encourage themselves mentally have, on average, best result during training and competitions! Three types of self-dialogue have been identified:

  1. Motivational. This option should be used to inspire yourself: “You will do it!”;
  2. Instructing. It’s worth instructing yourself mentally when you need to concentrate or master new skills: “So, I’m doing an incline with sub-steps. And I throw a right hook...";
  3. Evaluator. Mental self-assessment helps to analyze the work done: “In general, everything went at a decent level. But next time I should relax better and feel the Force...”

An important nuance - you need to mentally talk to yourself the way a coach, a real friend, or Master Yoda himself would do with you 😉

Regular training

How do you become a Jedi? In addition to learning the philosophy of the Knight Peacekeepers, young Padawans train regularly to develop their bodies. This is not surprising, since in addition to the obvious advantages of this practice (strengthening the body, mastering the art of combat, health), regular training helps develop self-discipline and learn to set priorities. By the way, the fifth postulate of the Jedi Creed reads like this: Jedi strive for self-improvement through knowledge and training.

Is the question still relevant for you? Then, finally, we present for you the code of peacekeeping knights:

  • There is no worry - there is peace
  • There is no ignorance - there is knowledge
  • There is no passion - there is serenity
  • There is no chaos - there is harmony
  • There is no death - there is Power

The topic of improving time management efficiency. The best answer came from entrepreneur Oliver Emberton, who suggested thinking about time like a real Jedi.

Like a Jedi

Emberton is convinced that you can learn to effectively manage time by imagining yourself as a Jedi (a peacekeeping knight from the famous Star Wars saga) who seeks to save his beloved princess imprisoned in a castle. She personifies the dreams and aspirations of a person, what is dearest to him.

Before the brave knight can save his beloved, a crowd of imperial stormtroopers appears and unleashes a tornado of laser beams from blasters on the hero. These rays distract the hero from main goal- rescuing the princess.

The situation is not easy - the hero can fight with enemies, but there are too many of them, so no matter how many of them he kills, he will not get closer to his goal. At the same time, the castle where the princess is imprisoned is on fire, and we cannot hesitate for too long. Everything is as in real life- there are very important things, and there are very urgent ones, and there is always a struggle between them:

Emberton says the secret is effective management time is to focus on what is important and suppress everything urgent. According to the entrepreneur, human nature is such that it is easier for him to pay attention to things that require an immediate response, such as notifications in an application on the phone. At the same time, more important things (for example, going to the gym) have more chances to be postponed. It is necessary to do the opposite - but this goes against the behavior accepted in society.

You need to learn to say “no”

According to Emberton, throughout the day, most people's actions are determined external factors, like the same notifications on your smartphone or requests from colleagues. You need to learn to say “no” to those who are not the most important things. Typically, when someone asks a person to do something, it is difficult for them to say no. Emberton is sure that despite all the nobility of such behavior, the princess in the burning castle is unlikely to be happy - instead of moving intensively towards her, her savior decided to be distracted because he was asked.

To achieve truly important goals, you will have to sacrifice some of the moral comfort that comes from fulfilling other people's requests (however, the bonus will be the fact that petitioners will expect a negative answer and will be less bothered by their affairs).

TV makes it difficult to concentrate

A Quora user says he didn't watch TV for seven years, saving him 12,376 hours of time—the average American spends 34 hours a week watching TV. Amberton does watch some TV shows, but only those that he actually likes and has paid to watch.

You can get a lot done in 12,000 hours, even if you stop to watch Mad Men.

Alerts are evil

Modern technologies use the human tendency to react to emerging stimuli - e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, Quora and dozens of other social services are a constant source of distraction. The advantage is the fact that this problem is easily solved - once you turn off notifications, you will spend much less time on social networks, Emberton is sure.

He advises dedicating time to watching feeds non-working hours when you can be distracted without the risk of not doing an important task - for example, during lunch.

It's worth prioritizing

People sometimes behave strangely - for example, if a person makes an appointment with friends at a bar, he will make an appointment exact time. However, when he needs to do a really important thing (write a book or go to the gym), he often will not choose the exact time. “It needs to be done” and when is not so important. This is the wrong tactic.

Emberton advises treating important things like airline flights that you must catch—set a specific time when you must start solving the task, and refuse all other things that could lead to “missing the plane.”

Important things cannot be put off “for later”

Emberton says that in life there is huge amount distracting things, so the strategy is “I’ll watch one video and get busy important matter" simply won't work. It is necessary to keep in mind a list of the most important tasks, and every day deal with at least one of them.

You can't do too many things

Very often the number of things that can and should be done is simply overwhelming. To save maximum productivity Emberton advises choosing one to three tasks a day and focusing only on them, ruthlessly cutting off everything unnecessary.

This is unusual and may cause discomfort, and is also unlikely to please other people, but you cannot give up. Hard work will bring over one case more results than superficially doing several things.

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