Consultations for parents “Left-handed child. Exercise “Napoleon Pose”

What do tennis player Rafael Nadal, actress Nicole Kidman and musician Paul McCartney have in common?

The list of some left-handed celebrities is quite impressive: Demi Moore, Eminem, Michael Jackson, Keanu Reeves, Bruce Willis, Oprah Winfrey, Pink, Whoopi Goldberg, Julia Roberts, Angelina Jolie, Ricky Martin, Mark Wahlberg, Bill Murray, Tom Cruise, Scarlett Johansson. The artists also “operated” the left perfectly - Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Rubens And Picasso. Were left-handed Hans Christian Andersen, Mark Twain, H.G. Wells And Franz Kafka. In short, it’s impossible to list them all.

What do we know about left-handers? We are accustomed to consider those who write with their left hand to be left-handed, and those who write with their right hand to be right-handed. There is also an opinion that there are many times fewer left-handers than right-handers. In fact, the interaction between the right and left “parties” of our brain is somewhat more subtle. Are you sure that you are more right than all the right ones?

Hu from hu?

Portrait of a 100% right-hander:
. writes and performs most actions with the right hand;
. holds the telephone receiver to his right ear;
. leading eye and ear - right;
. the leading leg is also the right one: it is the one that pushes, from which a person begins to walk.

In a pronounced left-hander, on the contrary, the left arm and leg are involved in all these actions. If it is more convenient for you to do some actions with your right hand, and at some moments your left becomes dominant, you are the owner of hidden left-handedness (this is also called mixed dominance and transverse dominance). Perhaps you have noticed that you perceive information better with your left ear or, for example, that you have more active left side faces: it is more convenient to wink with your left eye, and grin with the left corner of your lips. These are all signs that you are a hidden lefty. According to research, left-handers of various stripes, obvious and hidden, make up about half of the population. And according to some data, they are even in the overwhelming majority - 62%. And is it worth calling left-handers rare and strange types after this? Much less common are people who are equally masterful with both their right and left hands. They are called cleverly ambidextrous, statistics show that the number of such people is growing every year, and science assures that this skill can be taught.

Calculating left-handedness

There are a great many theories about when left-handedness begins and whether it is congenital or acquired. Scientists have not come to a common denominator. For a long time it was believed that the dominant side (and hand, respectively) is determined at 3-4 years. But the Center for Embryonic Behavior at Queen's University in Belfast has proven that this happens much earlier. As you know, embryos in the womb suck a “paw” - in most cases the right one. But in some exceptions they prefer the left. Scientist Peter Herper studied a thousand ultrasound images of 10-15 week old embryos, and subsequently got acquainted with these born and already grown children. It turned out that everyone who pulled their left hand to their mouth in the womb became left-handed.

Want to spot a future lefty? Observe the baby - what position he likes to lie in and how he holds his head. A clear sign- “fencing pose”: the right arm is pressed to the body, and the left is extended forward. And lying on his back, the future left-hander tilts his head in left side, and a right-handed person - accordingly to the right.

Is there a choice?

Is left-handedness inherited? Most doctors and psychophysiologists answer in the affirmative. Like every theory, this one also has its opponents. Some experts believe that familial left-handedness is a social factor, not a genetic one. Children tend to imitate adults, especially their beloved parents, so they adopt the habit of eating and writing with their left hand. But geneticists also have something to answer in this regard: observing children adopted before the age of 3 years, scientists discovered that these children choose the same hand as their dominant one as their genetic parents, and not their adoptive ones.

Lefty walks the planet...

The geography of left-handers covers the entire globe, but in some parts of the world they are represented on a larger scale, and in others less so. Definitely in southern hemisphere There are significantly more left-handers than right-handers. In Australia alone there are 25% of them, and among the indigenous population South America the percentage of left-handers is even higher. In Europe, the majority of left-handers are found in the eastern part, and the Spaniards are least susceptible to left-handedness. As for our homeland, a third of all Russian left-handers live on the Taimyr Peninsula.

...and chooses a profession

Of course, professions are not divided based on dominant hand, but it is not worth denying that in some professional fields Left-handed people may not find it very comfortable. For example, flying is not very suitable for them technical reasons. The on-board instruments are configured for the right eye and right hand; a left-handed pilot in such conditions quickly gets tired and loses vigilance. We hope this didn’t upset you too much (what if you’re left-handed?), especially since the pilot’s profession is not a female one. There are enough areas where those who dominate can demonstrate their abilities right hemisphere brain It is responsible for abstract thinking, spatial imagination and emotionality, so a left-hander has every chance to apply himself in art, design and architecture. Left-handers successfully master languages ​​- and in modern world this is a very valuable skill.

Interesting facts about lefties:

August 13 is International Left-Handers Day.
. Left-handers are more often born in the second half of the year and much less often in the spring.
. There are more left-handed people among men.
. Marilyn Monroe she preferred... no, not blondes, but left-handed men, believing that they had no equal in the ability to kiss.
. The famous "one small step for one man, one giant leap for all mankind" astronaut Neil Armstrong I did it with my left foot.

Test for “right” or “left” reaction

Want to learn more about your reactions when choosing your right or left hand and how this characterizes your personality? To do this, do 4 simple exercises.

1. Leading hand

Place your hands in front of you and interlace your fingers. Look, thumb which hand was on top - right or left. If there is a finger on top right hand- you have a right type of reaction ( P), and if the left hand - accordingly left ( L). Write this result on a piece of paper: P or L .

2. Dominant eye

Fold your index fingers into a pistol shape, while catching and fixing with your eyes the point at which you are aiming. Now alternately close one eye and then the other. See in which case the aiming point moves. If the point has moved with your right eye closed, then you have a right type of reaction, if with your left eye closed, then you have a left type reaction. Write down the result again: P or L.

3. Napoleon pose

Cross your arms over your chest (the so-called Napoleon pose) and see which hand is on top - right or left. Record the result: P or L.

4. Applauding

Applaud and note which hand is on top. Write the result on a piece of paper: P or L.

By the number of right and left types of reaction, you can determine some of your character traits. For example, the first task allows you to judge what you are more guided by - logic or emotions. The second task can talk about character traits such as hardness and aggressiveness. The third indicates a tendency to simplicity or coquetry. Fourth - on determination or lack thereof. Now find your version from the letters written down:


You are conservative, prefer to follow the beaten path, and are extremely scrupulous in detail. You are 100% collectivist, dependent on public opinion and often think in stereotypes. Don't be afraid to give more freedom to your own self.


You lack self-confidence and are indecisive even in small things. If there are pure phlegmatic people, it’s you. Perhaps you're comfortable in your own box, but want to look outside a little?


You are a holiday person. Your artistry and great feeling humor attracts people, men do not leave you unattended, and you flirt with them masterfully and with pleasure. And you, in turn, are attracted to people who are determined and energetic - in other words, with a strong character, just like you.


You are open to the world and friendly to people - those around you are drawn to you, you embody comfort and coziness. You have rare type a character that combines opposite traits. On the one hand, you have a lot of fortitude, on the other hand, sometimes you have difficulty making decisions. You make acquaintances easily, but at the same time you are truly self-sufficient; solitude does not bother you. You are friends with many people, but you take the concept of friendship very seriously.


You are a business lady. At the same time, he is not a thug, but a tolerant and fair manager. Never enter into conflicts head-on, try to calculate different options for the development of the situation. In personal relationships you are careful, you slowly get used to people, you prefer to keep your distance, which makes you look somewhat cold.


This is a very rare type of character, but, unfortunately, also the weakest. You are too susceptible to various influences, without outside support and approval you feel defenseless. It is in your interests to work on your own immaturity and insecurity.


You are fickle in your interests, but since you really love new experiences, this even works to your advantage. You are very feminine, you are characterized by softness and languor. In communication they are direct, easy and open. You know how to find the key to any person and even change your behavior to make everyone feel comfortable.


Logic is above all else for you. IN everyday life rely on the reasonableness of decisions, situations, actions of other people and your own. If suddenly you have doubts about professional sphere, know that with this mindset, you will definitely reach heights in analytics.


This is a very common character type, the owners of which are real “chameleons” - you adapt perfectly to different conditions And life situations. You are very emotional and highly susceptible to the influence of others.


This is the so-called “little queen” type. You love gentle attention to your person - not to be in the center, but when people take care of you, protect you, pamper you. At the same time, you cannot be called weak and weak-willed: you have own opinion, but you don’t impose it, you recognize the right to a different point of view. And you don’t like it when something is imposed on you. But if you are interested in advice or help, be sure to use it.


This is the most strong type character, unbending and unshakable. Sometimes you are too persistent, it even looks like you are obsessing over little things and unimportant details. Often you give the impression of a person for whom there are 2 opinions - your own and the wrong one. Due to their disregard for opinions different from yours, they are sometimes unable to see fresh and valuable ideas and solutions, preferring conservative methods. Of course, you are an individual, but don’t forget that this applies to other people too.


You have strong character, but outwardly you make a completely different impression. You are characterized by internal tension and even aggressiveness, but this is hidden from the eyes of others behind a mask of softness and emotionality. Difference between externally and a true sense of self can be affected by a lack of mutual understanding with people.


You may not have enough stars in the sky, but your communication is friendly and simple - this is what makes others like you. You are characterized by some scattered interests; you are interested in a little bit of everything. It's no wonder that you are considered an excellent conversationalist because you enjoy listening to others.


You are the owner of a very rare type of character - found in only 1% of women. You are simple-minded and gullible. But your softness can cause problems if you do not filter your environment and trust everyone. Don't be afraid to refuse people, because you don't have to please everyone.


The main traits of your character are emotionality and determination. When they turn on at the same time, you get impulsiveness in its purest form, so you often make ill-considered decisions that you later regret. You lack brakes, and you strive to find them in the person of loved ones who could restrain your sudden impulses.


You have out-of-the-box thinking, you are able to take a fresh look at generally accepted things. But a creative nature also has its drawbacks: you are selfish, stubborn and proud, which is why you can be overly emotional if your ideas are not received with a bang. Distance and protection of personal space are very important to you; sometimes this even turns into isolation.

Consultations for parents “Left-handed child”

"Interlocking fingers"

Invite the child to clasp his hands (Fig. 1). The test must be performed quickly, without preparation. It is believed that for right-handers the thumb of the left hand rests on top, and for left-handers - the left.

"Napoleon Pose"

Invite your child to fold his arms at chest level. It is generally accepted that in right-handed people, the right hand lies on top of the left forearm.

"Simultaneous actions of both hands"- drawing a circle, square, triangle. The movements performed with the dominant hand may be slower, but more precise. The lines of the figures drawn with the leading hand are clearer, smoother, tremor (shaking of the hand) is less pronounced, the corners are not smoothed, and the connection points do not diverge. Some researchers recommend doing this task with eyes closed, then it is possible to more clearly highlight the violation of the shape and proportions of the figure, which is drawn with the non-dominant hand.

The speed of movement and strength of the leading hand is greater than that of the non-dominant hand. The number of taps can be used to estimate speed index finger in 10 seconds or the number of points (pen touches) of the sheet plane. The task is performed three times, then the average value is calculated.

The strength of each arm should be measured three times with a hand dynamometer and the average calculated. The leading hand is considered to be the one that is 2 kg stronger than the non-dominant one.

The German scientist F. Kretschmer suggests asking the child to demonstrate the following actions to determine the leading hand: watering flowers, pouring sand with a shovel, brushing teeth, pushing a ball with a stick, getting books from a shelf, opening a zipper, lighting a match, removing a stopper from a bathroom, etc. d.

If a child chooses his left hand to perform all tasks, and his movements are easier and more accurate, then he is left-handed. However, using the tasks proposed by F. Kretschmer is not as simple as it seems at first glance. When determining the leading hand, everything is important: where the object that can be manipulated is located, where the child is, how the instructions are given.

This system includes game tasks, selected taking into account the methods of manipulation characteristic of preschool and junior children school age. Children perform everyday, frequently used actions with both hands, which makes it difficult to identify the dominant hand. Therefore, we give some tasks in two versions. In order for the test results to be objective, try to comply with the following conditions:

1. It is better that the child does not know that you are checking something, so invite him to study or play.

2. This must be a game according to the rules: the adult must sit strictly opposite the child, and all devices, aids, objects should be placed in front of the child in the middle of the table, on equal distance from the right and left hand. It is better if boxes, beads, a ball, scissors, etc. will be laid out next to the table on a low table so that the child does not see them and is not distracted.

First task:"DRAWING".

Place a piece of paper and a pencil in front of your child and invite him to draw what he wants. Don't rush your child. After he finishes the drawing, ask him to draw the same thing with his other hand. Often children refuse: “I don’t know how, I won’t succeed.” You can reassure your child: “I know that it is difficult to draw the same picture with your right (left) hand, but try.” Encourage him, tell him that he is doing everything right. In this task you need to compare the quality of the drawings.

Make sure that the child holds a pen or pencil correctly and comfortably, does not strain while completing the task, and sits correctly. In all the tasks given below, the leading hand should be considered the one that performs more active actions.

Second task:"OPENING A SMALL BOX."

To complete this task you can use matchbox or boxes with counting sticks. The child is offered several boxes so that repetition of the action eliminates chance in the assessment of this test.

Task: “Find a match (figure) in one of the boxes.” The leading hand is the one that opens and closes the boxes.


First, a quadrangle is built from sticks, and then the second and third rows are laid out.

Fourth task:"GAME OF BALL"

You need a small ball (tennis) that you can throw and catch with one hand. The ball is placed on the table directly in front of the child, and the adult asks him to throw the ball to him. The task must be repeated several times. You can throw the ball at a target, for example, a basket, bucket, circle.


You can use any card (cut out a flower, bunny, pattern, etc.). Please note that the hand with which the child holds the scissors may be more active, and the one with which he holds the card. The scissors can be stationary, and the child will rotate the postcard, making the cutting process easier. You may get an incorrect result if the size and shape of the scissors does not match the child's hand. This task can be replaced by laying out lotto cards (cards). The child should take all the cards (10-15 pieces) in one hand, and lay out the cards with the other (usually the leading hand). You can use children's lotto cards.

The cards should be placed in a stack strictly in the middle of the table in front of the child, and only after that the task should be formulated again: “Take all the cards in one hand and lay them out in front of you with the other.” To make it more interesting for your child, ask him to name what is drawn on the cards.

Sixth task:"FIND THE HOLE"

Invite your child to string beads or buttons onto a needle and thread or lace.


The child is asked to open several bottles and jars (2-3 pieces) with screw caps. Please note that the child can hold the bottle or jar by the lid and twist the bottle itself.

Eighth task:"UNTYING KNOTS"

Loosely tie several knots in advance using medium-thick cord. The leading hand is the one that unties the knot (the other hand holds the knot).

In this task it can be difficult to identify the leading hand, because Untying knots is a rather complicated process and the child, as a rule, uses both hands. You can use another version of this task - making a chain of paper clips. As a rule, the child holds a paper clip in one hand and tries to attach the other paper clip.


The leading hand is the one that most often takes, places and adjusts the cubes. When stacking cubes, both hands are often used. In addition, this is a fairly familiar type of activity for any child, so you can duplicate the task by offering the child a constructor, a mosaic with a specific task.

In order not to keep in mind the results of completing tasks, it is convenient to enter them in the following table:

Exercise Left hand Both hands Right hand
1. +
2. +
3. +

If, when performing a task, the child works more actively with his left hand, then a “+” sign is placed in the “Left hand” column, and if the right hand is preferred, in the “Right hand” column. If he uses both his right and left hands equally, the “+” sign is placed in the “Both hands” column.

Tenth task: FOR PARENTS.

This is data on familial left-handedness. If a child has left-handed relatives in the family - parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, you need to put "+" in the "Left hand" column; if not, in the "Right hand" column. If you received more than seven pluses in the “Left hand” column, then most likely the child is left-handed.

Analyze the results carefully. If you received all the pluses in the “Left hand” column for tasks 2-9, and for the first task - drawing, the plus will be in the “Right hand” column, then this means that the child can actually perform everyday activities better with his left hand, and graphic - right. In this case, when choosing a hand for writing, you should take into account the advantage of the right hand in performing graphic tasks.

Very often, ten tasks described in the previous consultation are not enough to determine which hand the child is more active and dexterous with. In these cases, you can choose additional tasks, for example, from those proposed by the French researcher M. Ozyas:

  1. Clean your shoes with a brush.
  2. Insert the rod into the hole of the button or bead and lift it up.
  3. Wind the thread onto the spool.
  4. Pour water from one container to another.
  5. Hit a small point with a needle (you can make a “target” on a piece of paper or use the game “Darts”).
  6. Unscrew the nut by hand (with a wrench). You can use parts from a metal or plastic construction set.
  7. Place small parts (buttons, beads) into a narrow cylinder, into a bottle with a narrow opening.
  8. Puncture holes in a sheet of paper (5-6 times) with a needle or pin.
  9. Erase the previously drawn crosses with an eraser.
  10. Thread the needle.
  11. Shake off any specks and dust.
  12. Drop from a pipette into the narrow opening of the bottle.
  13. Remove the bead from the glass with a spoon.
  14. Ring the bell.
  15. Close, open the zipper.
  16. Drink water from a glass.

In cases where it is difficult to determine the leading hand, pay attention to tasks 3, 4, 6, 12-14. These actions are unusual, not trained, and allow a more objective assessment of the superiority of one hand over the other.

But what if the child is equally good with both his right and left hands?

Often he begins to write with both his right and left hands, sometimes he draws with his left and writes with his right, or shifts the pen from one hand to the other, alternately using the right and left hand, which greatly complicates the process of developing writing skills. Often adults - both teachers and parents - adhere to the following position: "which hand

uses it more often, let him write." But it’s one thing to perform familiar everyday actions, and another to write. There are even special terms: “graphic functional superiority” (that is, there are “graphic left-handers” and “graphic right-handers”) and “ household functional superiority."

Research by French scientists has shown that in 90% of cases, “graphic left-handers” also turn out to be “everyday left-handers.” The same ratio applies to right-handers. But there are children who are ambidextrous in both everyday and graphic activities. Such a variety of options creates difficulties when choosing a hand for writing. Therefore, let’s look again at some possible options.

1. Pronounced everyday lefties, but graphic ambidextrous, i.e. those who write and draw equally well with both right and left hands. As a rule, these children are left-handed, but at home or in kindergarten they were retrained from early childhood, when drawing, they encouraged working with the right hand. These children will find it easier to learn to write if they write with their left hand, although the quality of their writing may be unsatisfactory.

2. Pronounced right-handed people in everyday life, but they write and draw with the left hand or equally with the right and left. In practice, the reason for using the left hand rather than the right hand when writing and drawing may be an injury to the right hand or a violation of the motor functions of the right hand. In this case, it is advisable to teach the child to write with his right hand.

Introductory part.

Exercise 1. “Napoleon Pose”

Participants are shown three movements:

arms crossed on chest,

hands clenched into fists.

On my command, each participant, simultaneously with the others, must show one of three movements (whichever one they like). “One, two, three!”

This exercise shows how ready the group is to work. If the majority showed their palms (that means they are ready to work and are quite open.

Fists show aggression

Napoleon's pose – some closedness or reluctance to work

The Roman Emperor Diocletian, after 20 years of successful expansion of the empire, suppressing uprisings and civilizing the barbarians, gave up on everything and went to the countryside to grow cabbage, as evil tongues claimed. For the next 16-odd centuries, ungrateful descendants considered ancient Roman an ordinary madman, and only recently psychiatrists gave him an accurate diagnosis - the emperor burned out at work.

Syndrome professional burnout– this is a state of mental, emotional and physical exhaustion, manifested in professions of the “person-person” group. PWS is the most dangerous occupational disease of those who work with people: teachers, social workers, psychologists, managers, doctors, journalists, businessmen and politicians - everyone whose activities are impossible without communication. “Emotional burnout is the price to pay for sympathy.” Before you determine how susceptible you are to professional burnout. Let's use a test to assess the condition nervous system, on which the quality of your life directly depends.

(K. Liebelt)


Processing the results. Add up the circled numbers.

0 – 25 – this amount may not bother you. However, still pay attention to the signals of your body, try to eliminate weak points.

26 – 45 – there is no reason to worry in this situation either. However, don't ignore the warning signs. Think about what you can do for your body.

46 – 60 – your nervous system is weakened. A change in lifestyle is necessary for health. Analyze the questions and their answers. This way you will find the direction of the necessary changes.

60 or more points - your nerves are very exhausted. Urgent action is needed. Be sure to consult a doctor

Test “The state of your nervous system”(K. Liebelt)

Instructions. Circle one of the four numbers in the boxes on the right next to the description of each symptom, depending on how often you find that symptom in yourself.






Very often


Are you often irritated, nervous, or anxious?






Do you often have rapid pulse and heartbeat?






Do you often get tired quickly?






Are you suffering hypersensitivity to noise, rustle or light?






Do you ever have sudden changes mood, feeling of dissatisfaction?






Do you sleep restlessly and wake up often? Do you suffer from insomnia?






Do you suffer from involuntary sweating?






Do your muscles become stiff? Do you feel unusual tickling or twitching in your joints?






Do you suffer from forgetfulness and are often poorly able to concentrate?






Do you suffer from itching?






Do you need your professional activity to be “on top”?






Do you often visit bad mood Are you being aggressive? Do you lose your temper quickly?






Are you storing up troubles within yourself?






Do you feel dissatisfied with yourself and the world around you?






Do you smoke?






Do you ever get into trouble? Do you have fears?






Do you have a lack of ability to move around? fresh air?






Do you lack the ability to unwind and find peace of mind?





So what symptoms of professional burnout can you see both in yourself and in your colleagues? These include:

feeling of chronic fatigue

increase in incidence


sleep disturbance, appetite disturbance


loss of interest in professional achievements

Express assessment will allow you to assess your level of emotional burnout











The extent to which my colleagues irritate me is still minor compared to how my students unbalance me.



















Over the past three months, I have not come across a single special book from which I would have learned something new.



Evaluation of results:

0 -1 point.
2-6 points.
7-9 points.
10 points.

Express burnout assessment

Answer “yes” or “no” to the following sentences. Count the number of positive answers.


When on Sunday afternoon I remember that I have to go back to work tomorrow, the rest of the weekend is already ruined.




If I had the opportunity to retire (due to length of service, disability), I would do so without delay




Colleagues at work annoy me. It's impossible to tolerate their same conversations







Throughout last three For months I refused (refused) advanced training courses, participation in conferences, etc.




I came up with this idea for my colleagues (I came up with it) offensive nicknames which I use mentally




I cope with my work affairs “with one left hand”. There is nothing that could surprise me with its novelty




Hardly anyone will tell me anything new about my work.




As soon as I remember my work, I want to take it and send it to hell






Evaluation of results:

0-1 point. You are not in danger of burnout syndrome.
2-6 points. You need to take a vacation, disconnect from work.
7-9 points. It's time to decide: either change your job, or, better yet, change your lifestyle.
10 points. The situation is very serious, but the fire still glimmers in you; you need the help of a specialist to keep it from going out.

Express burnout assessment

Answer “yes” or “no” to the following sentences. Count the number of positive answers.


When on Sunday afternoon I remember that I have to go back to work tomorrow, the rest of the weekend is already ruined.




If I had the opportunity to retire (due to length of service, disability), I would do so without delay




Colleagues at work annoy me. It's impossible to tolerate their same conversations




The extent to which my colleagues irritate me is still minor compared to how my students irritate me.




Over the past three months I refused (refused) advanced training courses, participation in conferences, etc.




I came up with (invented) offensive nicknames for my colleagues, which I use mentally




I cope with my work affairs “with one left hand”. There is nothing that could surprise me with its novelty




Hardly anyone will tell me anything new about my work.




As soon as I remember my work, I want to take it and send it to hell




Over the past three months, I have not come across a single special book from which I would have learned something new.



Evaluation of results:

0-1 point. You are not in danger of burnout syndrome.
2-6 points. You need to take a vacation, disconnect from work.
7-9 points. It's time to decide: either change your job, or, better yet, change your lifestyle.
10 points. The situation is very serious, but the fire still glimmers in you; you need the help of a specialist to keep it from going out.

To avoid burnout syndrome:

  • try to calculate, deliberately distribute all your loads;

  • learn to switch from one type of activity to another;

  • deal more easily with conflicts at work;

  • No matter how strange it sounds - don’t try to always be the best in everything.

Now let’s do an exercise that can serve as an example of getting rid of unpleasant emotions arising in our lives.

Exercise “ZATO”

How do you feel when you arrive at school and find 2 unplanned “windows” in your schedule?

Our task is to translate negative emotions, using the “ZATO” technique in positive emotions: (. we work in circles)

But I have time to check my notebooks;

But I can go to the dining room;

But I can rest;

But I can drink coffee;

But I can go to my class;

But I can prepare for another lesson, etc.

Discussion. Has your perception of a negative situation changed?

Remember: work is just part of life.

Psychologist's advice. Preventing burnout.

Satisfying physiological needs:

- eat regularly (breakfast, lunch, dinner).

- do exercises

- undergo a medical examination by doctors

- take sick leave during illnesses

- use the services of a massage therapist (do self-massage)

- enough sleep

- wear clothes that you like

- take a vacation

- limit the time of telephone conversations

- satisfy sexual needs

- lead an optimally active lifestyle (dance, swim, run, sing, play sports, perform hiking etc.)

Satisfaction of psychological needs

- make time for self-reflection

- have a hobby

- reduce the level of stress in life

- ability to say “no”

- show curiosity

- seek help from others when needed

- visit museums, exhibitions, theaters, sporting events

- give other people the opportunity to get to know me from different sides,

- listen to your inner experience (thoughts, feelings, judgments)

Satisfying emotional needs

- spend time with people who are attractive

- maintain relationships with significant people

- encourage and reward yourself

- love yourself

- re-read your favorite books and watch your favorite movies

- allow yourself to cry sometimes

- play with children

- laugh and smile

- be aware of your needs

- learn to express your emotions and do it constructively

Satisfying Spiritual Needs.

- spend time in nature

- maintain optimism and hope

- focus not only on material values

- don't take responsibility for everything

- be open to the new and unknown

- participate in the implementation of what you believe in

Creation favorable conditions work.

- take breaks from work during the day

- allow yourself to chat with employees

- be able to defend your principles

- distribute working hours so as to avoid overloads

- allocate time to complete certain work

- devote time to professional growth

- create a comfortable workplace for yourself

Finding life balance

- strive for balance in your life professional life within each working day

- strive for a balance between work, family, communication with people, play and relaxation.

Methods effective management stress.

  1. 1. IN stressful situations emotions come to the fore, and the ability to think rationally decreases. One of the effective elements of stress management is to give the brain to do something specific. mental task. For example, remembering five names of women starting with the letter “A”, counting how many people in the room are wearing trousers, how many light bulbs are on the ceiling or other similar things, the main thing is to occupy the brain with a clearly defined task that can be dealt with, but it requires certain mental efforts.

  1. 2. Try to be “positive”:
Give yourself the attitude: “how well can I cope,” and don’t think how terrible everything is and that everything will be bad. The formula “This is a difficult matter, but I’ll try, and everything will work out well” works well.

    3. Use auto-training skills: you can just sit in a relaxed state and listen to pleasant music. Learn to relax. In tense situations, you can simply repeat the formula “I am calm, collected, ready for action” over and over again.

  1. 4. Increase " feedback"with body and try to self-regulate stress. You can ask yourself, “Where is stress located in my body?” Having identified this place, you need to relax this place (by performing a set of exercises specifically for this part of the body). Warm-up will help relieve bodily tensions.

  1. 5. Remember what emotions you know. The ability to recognize your true thoughts and feelings helps you control them.

  1. 6. Learn to set realistic goals.

  1. 7. Try to “use” stress: if you can't deal with what's bothering you, then just use stress in the creative process.

  1. 8. Physical activity will help you fight stress: running, tennis, gardening - best medicines against stress.

  1. 9. Always get a good night's sleep. Lack of good healthy sleep can lead to stress.

  1. 10. Do something for others: turn your thoughts to the problems of others - feel needed by someone else.

  1. 11. Relax, take a break: Switch to something else that doesn't trigger your stress response.

  1. 12. Draw your emotions: when we see our feelings, we can manage them. In addition, you can work with the drawing by finishing it or changing the picture to a more positive one.

  1. 13. Watch your diet: bananas, broccoli, buckwheat, fish, raisins, dates are natural antidepressants, include them in your diet in stressful situations.

  1. 14. Try to talk it out. It’s best to work with a specialist or one of your closest people. It works even better when we talk about our problem. soft toy or write a letter to yourself.

  1. 15. Take a shower or bath. Water helps relieve tension and actualizes the state of harmony.

  1. 16. Walk more in the fresh air, in a beautiful part of the city. Visit museums or exhibitions - the perception of beauty helps restore a good mood.

Progress of the lesson

– Hello, dear colleagues! Today we will talk about our emotions and feelings, their benefits and harms, we will learn to recognize our emotions and manage our mood.

Evolution appears to have given us emotions to motivate us to take care of ourselves and to strive to understand the people we love.

Emotions- it is a whole-body experience that includes feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations.

There are 6 unique emotions: sadness, anger, disgust, fear, happiness and surprise . However, how and when we express them depends on the culture in which we live, on our upbringing, on our family. We all come from childhood and many of our actions and actions are determined by feelings and emotions rooted in our past.

The teenagers we work with, due to their age and puberty, cannot properly manage their emotions. Being in the midst of falling in love, quarrels, showdowns, they need our help and support, an individual approach or working with the class.

To better understand teenagers, sometimes it is necessary to imagine yourself at that age.

In preparation for the lesson, you answered the following questionnaire:

“What do I think about emotions and feelings?”

1. Do you wish you had no emotions at all?

2. Have there been times in your life when your emotions got in the way?

3. Have there been times in your life when you were bothered by other people's emotions?

4. Has it ever happened that other people did not understand your feelings?

5. Has it ever happened that you did not understand the feelings of other people?

6. Do you agree that some emotions should be hidden, suppressed, driven inside, and never expressed?

There is such a concept - emotional intelligence – is the ability to be aware of one’s feelings and feelings other people, and the ability to follow the logic of these feelings.

Test: “Your emotions”.

I invite you to find out about yourself in the “Your Emotions” drawing test.

Operating time 2 min.

On this sheet you see four faces, or rather, four facial ovals, devoid of all external features. You must not only draw the nose, eyes and lips of these faces, but also complete a specific task. The first person should be happy, the second – sad, the third – angry and the fourth – offended. That is, the task is simple: four faces must express four different human emotions.

Key to the test.

Let us remind you again. First person - joy, second person - sadness, third party – anger and fourth - resentment.

Look carefully at what you tried to convey this or that emotion on their faces, this is very important point. Those facial features that you focused on will tell you a lot about our character and your feelings.

  • First person - joy. If your main focus is on smile , making it wide and open, it means that you are cheerful and cheerful person, be happy to share your joy with others.

  • The second face is sadness. If you tried to convey sadness using mouth with downturned corners , then this means that you are trusting and vulnerable person, you are easily offended, you empathize with everyone and try to help those who need it.

  • Third person – anger. If your main focus is on nose with flared nostrils , then this means that you are a direct person, consistent in your words and actions. You value frankness and prefer to act straightforwardly and openly; you despise cowardice and meanness.

  • Fourth person - resentment. If you tried to convey the offense, the emphasis is on sad eyes and eyebrows like a house , then this speaks of your impressionability and spontaneity, you believe in the best and hope for a bright tomorrow. You are easily deceived, you are often disappointed in people and in life.
In general, when deciphering this test, you should consider the following. Eyes is your willingness to receive information and process it. Eyelashes– a tendency to demonstrate, defiant behavior. Brows– this is the ability to independently analyze a situation and make a decision. Expression wrinkles on the forehead- tendency to think. Crease between eyebrows- indecisiveness, unwillingness to take risks. Nose– the ability to make guesses and assumptions, intuition. Mouth– contact with the outside world, a means of expressing one’s own thoughts and desires. Chin– stubbornness, inability to admit one’s mistake and accept one’s defeat with dignity. Ears– the ability to listen to other people’s arguments and accept their point of view. Wrinkles near the mouth- eternal dissatisfaction, unwillingness to compromise, disagreement.

Conclusion: This drawing test gave you the opportunity to see how correctly you convey your emotional state, and showed the main traits of your character.

– Based on the answers to the questionnaire, it turns out that there are feelings that almost everyone wants to experience, but there are feelings that it would be better not to have. Everyone enjoys special dislike negative feelings: fear, resentment, anger, laziness, etc., those emotions that have ever prevented us or other people from communicating with each other.

Are there absolutely useless feelings? Are there feelings that do no harm?

Let's spend independent research harm and benefit of emotions as an example own experience. For group research, I want to suggest two emotions: "Love" And "Laziness", and our distinguished guests will also work with such emotions as anger, fear, joy.

3. Exercise: “The benefits and harms of emotions.”

Assignment: Please form two groups. Each group receives a card with an emotion written on it. You need to write down what is good and what is bad associated with a given emotion. The first group considers the benefits and harms of emotions "Love". The second group considers the benefits and harms of emotions "Laziness".

Operating time 2-3 min.

Discussion. Read out the conclusions of each group.

Conclusion: The above statements indicate that similar analysis was easy for you, since there is also subjective experience experiences, and ways of expressing this feeling and the consequences of expressing feelings. If we look at other emotions, we will also be convinced that we need each emotion for some reason (it tells us something).

For example: Fear of falling - be careful in icy conditions. Too lazy to make dumplings - bought them at the store, saved time.

IN modern culture, the media has taboos on feelings and their external manifestation. These prohibitions assume that a person avoids certain emotional states (sadness, resentment, fear), displaces them from his consciousness, because he does not want to seem weak, insecure, ill-mannered, unsuccessful.

People who forbid themselves to feel, as a rule, find various rational justifications for the prohibitions.

For example:

“Real men don’t cry” (ban on grief);

“Fear is a sign of weakness” (prohibition of fear);

“It is unacceptable to be angry with loved ones” (prohibition of anger);

“I will never be able to be successful and joyful” (ban on joy).

Only now we have found out that we need every feeling for some reason. What happens if a person holds back his feelings?

To illustrate this, we can use the analogy of a boiling kettle: if you close it tightly and plug the spout, it will eventually explode, causing harm to those it scalds and to itself. It’s the same with a person: he accumulates emotions in himself, and then “explodes” and thereby harms both those around him and himself.

In reality, there are different options for repressing feelings: withdrawal into illness, melancholy, depression, or exposure to sudden aggressive outbursts.

What should I do?

If you want to learn how to change your emotional states, then you need to go beyond the situation, look from the outside at yourself, experiencing emotions, from a different point of view, through the eyes of another. This is not the only one, but the original and necessary condition changes in emotional state. There are many ways to look at your emotions from the outside. One of the most accessible ways is

4. Game “Emotional thermometer”.

This game is individual, although it can be played by everyone together.

Rules of the game: On the game form, try to create an emotional portrait of your yesterday. Evaluate the day's events from the moment you wake up. Place a circle (cross) in the zone that corresponds to how you feel in the morning, afternoon and evening.

For example, in the morning:

– When you woke up, your mood was...

– When you had breakfast or got dressed for work, did you feel...

– Your mood at school...

Continue analyzing your emotional well-being during the day and evening.

Operating time 2-3 min.


Analyze your emotional charts:

- Look at yours emotional portraits. How often did your mood change? Or, on the contrary, was it stable and rarely changed?

– Look at all the emotional events of the day and circle the moods that were caused other people.

– Look at the circles circled. If all emotional well-being is expressed in %,

then what % of moods turned out to be dependent on other people? Why do you think? What advantage do you have if your mood depends or does not depend on the mood of another person?

– “Extreme” moods – very bad and very good, also depend more on other people than the average mood. Are you prone to “extreme” moods?

– See if the beginning of the day differs in mood from the middle of the day? Why? Think about what you can do to improve your well-being?

Conclusion: People differ sharply in the stability of their moods, in the dependence of their moods on the behavior of other people. To get along with people, you need to take into account their characteristics emotional life. To own and manage your feelings, you need to know your own emotional structure very well.

The first step in managing your emotional state is his awareness. Then remember ways that will help you get rid of an unpleasant mood and move into an active working state.

– engage in emotionally pleasurable activities;

– engage in auto-training;

– go in for sports;

- go on a visit to the forest.

6. Lesson reflection.

Feelings and impressions about the work done.

  1. What new things have you learned about yourself?

  2. What are your impressions of the lesson?

A test that will allow you to get to know yourself better, to identify whether you are an artist or a thinker.
A. Interlace your fingers. Is your left thumb (L) or right thumb (R) on top? Write down the result.
B. Make a small hole in a piece of paper and look through it with both eyes at an object. Alternately close one eye or the other. Does an object move if you close your right or left eye?
B. Stand in Napoleon pose with your arms crossed over your chest. Which hand was on top?
D. Try to imitate “stormy applause.” Which palm is on top?
Your results:
PPPP - the owner of this characteristic is conservative, prefers generally accepted forms of behavior.
PPPL - weak temperament, indecision predominates.

PPLL - character is close to the previous type, but softer, sociable, slower to get used to new environment. It is quite rare.
PLPP - analytical mentality, the main feature is gentleness and caution. Avoids conflict, is tolerant and prudent, prefers distance in relationships.
PLPL is a weak type, found only among women. Characterized by exposure to various influences, defenselessness, but at the same time the ability to go into conflict.
PLLP - artistry, some inconstancy, a tendency to new impressions. He is courageous in communication, knows how to avoid conflicts and switch to new type behavior. It occurs approximately twice as often among women as among men.
PLLL - and this type, on the contrary, is more typical for men. He is distinguished by independence, inconstancy and an analytical mindset.
DILI is one of the most common types. He is emotional and easily communicates with almost everyone. However, he is not persistent enough and is subject to the influence of others.
LPPL - similar to the previous type, but even less persistent, soft and naive. Requires especially careful treatment of yourself.
LPLP is the strongest character type. Persistent, energetic, difficult to convince. He is somewhat conservative due to the fact that he often neglects the opinions of others.
LPLL - strong character, but unobtrusive. Internal aggressiveness is covered by external softness. Capable of rapid interaction, but mutual understanding lags behind.
LLPP - characterized by friendliness, simplicity, and some scattered interests.
LLPL - innocence, gentleness, gullibility - these are his main features. A very rare type, almost never found in men.
LLLP - emotionality combined with determination leads to ill-considered actions. Energetic.
LLLL - has the ability to look at things in a new way. Pronounced emotionality is combined with individualism, perseverance and some isolation.
The combination LLLL corresponds to artistic type, and PPPP is inherent in thinkers.

  • LPLP


    just the same......
    Psychological workshop. I present to your attention

    B. Make it on a piece of paper

    or left?

    was your hand on top?
    Which palm is on top?
    Your results:


    sense of humor.
    PPLL - character close to

    with that ability to go on

    PLLL - and this guy,

    BIRD is one of the most

    LPPL - similar to the previous one

    LPLP is the strongest


    - these are its main features.
    Very rare type, in men

    actions. Energetic.

    and some isolation.
    and PPPP is inherent in thinkers.

  • Psychological workshop. I present to your attention
    test that will make you better
    recognize yourself, identify your affiliation
    to artists or thinkers.
    A. Interlace your fingers. Above
    turned out to be the thumb of the left hand
    (L) or right (R)? Write it down
    B. Make it on a piece of paper
    small hole and look through
    him with two eyes on any
    item. Close one at a time,
    then the other eye. The object moves
    if you close your right eye
    or left?
    B. Take the “Napoleon pose”
    crossing his arms over his chest. Which
    was your hand on top?
    D. Try to imitate “stormy applause.”
    Which palm is on top?
    Your results:
    PPPP is the owner of this characteristic
    conservative, prefers generally accepted forms of behavior.
    PPPL - weak temperament, predominant
    PPLP - strong, energetic character,
    artistic. When communicating with such
    determination and
    sense of humor.
    PPLL - character close to
    the previous type, but softer,
    sociable, slower to get used to new things
    environment. It is quite rare.
    PLPP - analytical mindset,
    the main feature is gentleness and caution.
    Avoids conflict, is tolerant and prudent,
    prefers distance in relationships.
    PLPL - weak type, occurs
    only among women. Characteristic susceptibility
    different influences, defenselessness, but together
    with that ability to go on
    PLLP - artistry, some inconstancy,
    penchant for new experiences. IN
    courageous in communication, knows how to avoid conflicts
    and switch to a new type
    behavior. Among women it occurs approximately
    twice as often as among men.
    PLLL - and this guy,
    on the contrary, it is more typical for men.
    Characterized by independence, fickleness and analytical
    BIRD is one of the most
    common types. He is emotional, easy
    contacts almost everyone. However
    not persistent enough, subject to other people's influence.
    LPPL - similar to the previous one
    type, but even less persistent,
    soft and naive. Requires special
    take good care of yourself.
    LPLP is the strongest
    character type. Persistent, energetic, difficult
    amenable to persuasion. Somewhat conservative due to
    that often neglects the things of others
    LPLL - strong character, but
    unobtrusive. Internal aggressiveness is covered by external
    softness. Capable of rapid interaction
    but mutual understanding lags behind.
    LLPP - characterized by friendliness, simplicity,
    some dispersion of interests.
    LLPL - innocence, gentleness, gullibility
    - these are its main features.
    Very rare type, in men
    practically never occurs.
    LLLP - emotionality in combination
    with decisiveness leads to ill-conceived
    actions. Energetic.
    LLLL - has the ability to do something new
    take a look at things. Pronounced
    emotionality is combined with individualism, perseverance
    and some isolation.
    The combination LLLL corresponds to the artistic type,
    and PPPP is inherent in thinkers.

  • PPLL... didn't think - didn't think... =)))

  • BIRD is one of the most
    common types. He is emotional, easy
    contacts almost everyone. However
    not persistent enough, subject to other people's influence.

  • To decipher it, here is a quote:
    "LPLP is the strongest type of character. Persistent, energetic, difficult to convince. Somewhat conservative due to the fact that he often neglects the opinions of others."

  • hmm.. why is everyone full of L???? huh?? I think it's the other way around!!!
    PPLP has a strong, energetic, artistic character. When communicating with such a person, determination and a sense of humor will not hurt.

  • LLLP It seems to have worked out...

  • PLPP - analytical mindset, the main feature is gentleness and caution. Avoids conflict, is tolerant and prudent,
    prefers distance in relationships.

  • Psychological workshop. I present to your attention
    test that will make you better
    recognize yourself, identify your affiliation
    to artists or thinkers.
    A. Interlace your fingers. Above
    turned out to be the thumb of the left hand
    (L) or right (R)? Write it down
    B. Make it on a piece of paper
    small hole and look through
    him with two eyes on any
    item. Close one at a time,
    then the other eye. The object moves
    if you close your right eye
    or left?
    B. Take the “Napoleon pose”
    crossing his arms over his chest. Which
    was your hand on top?
    D. Try to imitate “stormy applause.”
    Which palm is on top?
    Your results:
    PPPP is the owner of this characteristic
    conservative, prefers generally accepted forms of behavior.
    PPPL - weak temperament, predominant
    PPLP - strong, energetic character,
    artistic. When communicating with such
    determination and
    sense of humor.
    PPLL - character close to
    the previous type, but softer,
    sociable, slower to get used to new things
    environment. It is quite rare.
    PLPP - analytical mindset,
    the main feature is gentleness and caution.
    Avoids conflict, is tolerant and prudent,
    prefers distance in relationships.
    PLPL - weak type, occurs
    only among women. Characteristic susceptibility
    different influences, defenselessness, but together
    with that ability to go on
    PLLP - artistry, some inconstancy,
    penchant for new experiences. IN
    courageous in communication, knows how to avoid conflicts
    and switch to a new type
    behavior. Among women it occurs approximately
    twice as often as among men.
    PLLL - and this guy,
    on the contrary, it is more typical for men.
    Characterized by independence, fickleness and analytical
    BIRD is one of the most
    common types. He is emotional, easy
    contacts almost everyone. However
    not persistent enough, subject to other people's influence.
    LPPL - similar to the previous one
    type, but even less persistent,
    soft and naive. Requires special
    take good care of yourself.
    LPLP is the strongest
    character type. Persistent, energetic, difficult
    amenable to persuasion. Somewhat conservative due to
    that often neglects the things of others
    LPLL - strong character, but
    unobtrusive. Internal aggressiveness is covered by external
    softness. Capable of rapid interaction
    but mutual understanding lags behind.
    LLPP - characterized by friendliness, simplicity,
    some dispersion of interests.
    LLPL - innocence, gentleness, gullibility
    - these are its main features.
    Very rare type, in men
    practically never occurs.
    LLLP - emotionality in combination
    with decisiveness leads to ill-conceived
    actions. Energetic.
    LLLL - has the ability to do something new
    take a look at things. Pronounced
    emotionality is combined with individualism, perseverance
    and some isolation.
    The combination LLLL corresponds to the artistic type,
    and PPPP is inherent in thinkers.

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