What is the syllabic principle of Russian graphics based on? Topic: Graphics

In Russian speech, there is a mandatory deafening of voiced consonants at the end of a word. We pronounce bread[n] - bread, sa[T] - garden, any[f'] - Love. This stun is one of characteristic features Russian literary speech. It must be taken into account that the consonant [ G ] at the end of a word always turns into a paired dull sound [ To ]: le[To] - lay down. The exception is the word God - bo[X].

Live pronunciation in his past and current state is reflected in poetic speech, in poems where one or another rhyme speaks about the pronunciation of the corresponding sounds. So, for example, in the poems of A.S. Pushkin about the deafening of voiced consonants is evidenced by the presence of such rhymes as treasure - Brother, once - hour.

In position before vowels, sonorant consonants and [ V ] sound [ G ] is pronounced as a plosive consonant. In some words, a fricative back-lingual consonant is pronounced before the vowel [ γ ]. It is required only in words accountant [buγa?lt’r], interjections yeah, Wow. Acceptable pronunciation [ γ ] in interjections God, to her-to god. Pronunciation [ γ ] V strong position typical for South Russian dialects. Besides, [ γ ] is characteristic of the Church Slavonic language.

On the spot G before a voiceless consonant is pronounced [ To ]: fly in the ointment, nails, marriage registry, aggravate. But in the roots easy-/light-, soft-/soft- pronounced [ X ] before [ To ]: le[X]some, me[X]kaya, me[X]what And [ X' ] before [ To' ]: le[X']cue, me[X']cue, Also: ease, light; softness, softish and others. In combinations of voiced and voiceless consonants (as well as voiceless and voiced), the first of them is likened to the second. If the first of them is voiced and the second is voiceless, the first sound is deafened: lo[w]ka - spoon, about[n]ka - cork. If the first is voiceless and the second is voiced, the first sound is voicing: [ h]doba - baking, [h]ruin - ruin. Before consonants [ l ], [m ], [n ], [r ] that do not have paired deafs, and before [ V ] no comparison occurs. Words are pronounced as they are written: sve[tl]O. Similarity also occurs when consonants are combined. For example, combinations US And zsh pronounced as a long hard consonant [ w ]: neither[w]th - lower.

Previously, in the Russian language there was a rule for most consonants: the consonant standing before a soft consonant must also be soft ( S'S'). Then there was a tendency to harden the first consonant ( S'S' > SS'). This pattern nowadays covers more and more new groups of consonants. So, [ n’ ] before [ h' ], [w' ] is usually pronounced according to the old norms: Bube?[n'ch']iki, co[n'ch']and?on, sme?[n'sh']IR, right?[n'sh']ina. Others (for example, labials before soft velars) are usually pronounced according to the new norms: la?[mk']And, la?[fk']And, shaking?[PC']And, that's it[mg']e. In still others (for example, labial and dental before soft labial), both options are equal: [ v'b']it And [ vb']it, [d'v']er And [ dv']er. A new pattern also penetrates into combinations of dental consonants. So, usually dental before soft dental soft: mo?[s’t’]IR, le[s'n']and?to, at[z'd']e?chka, ba?[n't']IR, O[d'n']And?, O[t't']Ian?t, By[d'd']fuck. But according to the “junior” norm in such combinations, incomplete softness and even hardness of the first consonant is acceptable: [ st']ena?, [zd’]e?shny, O[tn’]ima?t, o?gender[zn’]And. Pronunciation of hard [ n ] in this position is often observed in words thrust, canned food, consultation and others. Both options are equal to [ l’ ]: [d'l']and? And [ dl’]and?, co?[z'l']IR And co?[evil’]IR. The new pattern appears earlier when pronouncing rare words, combinations at the junction of morphemes, the old one persists longer in the most frequency words, cf.: ra?[z'v']e - ra?[sound']it, [in'm']e?ste - with[vm’]that's right -[in-m']e?ste meeting.

Sound [w'] V literary language can be pronounced according to the phoneme < w'> and a combination of phonemes < sch'> , < zch’> , and also < zhch’> , < shch'> , < stch'> , < zdch’> , < and'> , for example, in words pike, comb, cab, defector, freckled, tougher, furrowed, rain. Along with [ w' ] is pronounced and [ sh'ch' ]. The ratio of these options is not the same in different positions and in different eras.

Pronunciation [ w' ] is gradually spreading due to [ sh'ch' ]. In the 19th - early 20th centuries [ sh'ch' ] inside the morpheme dominated in St. Petersburg. Currently, both in Moscow and St. Petersburg it is almost exclusively pronounced [ w' ] [w']y?ka, [w']huh?.

Use [ sh'ch' ] or [ w' ] at the junction of morphemes depends on the rate of speech, the degree of use of the word, and the strength of cohesion of the morphemes. Where, at a normal rate of speech, [ sh'ch' ], at a fast pace - [ w' ]. IN rare words usually used [ sh'ch' ]. The more often a word or prepositional-nominal combination occurs in speech, the more often [ w' ]; compare: skullless, With Chartism- With [ sh'ch' ], But comb, with what- With [ w' ]. The adhesion force between the root and the suffix is ​​great ( carter, peddler), therefore [ w' ]. At the junction of prefix and root ( countless) the adhesion force is weaker, it is even weaker at the junction of the preposition and significant word (from the kettle), so here it is more often pronounced [ sh'ch' ].

Consonants [ T ], [d ] ([T' ], [d' ]) between dental or between dental and [ To ] according to traditional norms should not be pronounced. But as part of such combinations in some words, the pronunciation [ T ], [d ]([T' ], [d' ]):

1) between [ h] - [n] ([z' ] - [n’ ]): by?z[-]but (late), pra?z[-]nik (holiday), But without?with[-]on And abyss, star[-]ny And star;

2) between [ With ] - [l ] ([With' ] - [l’ ])without [ T ] are pronounced envious, conscientious, happy, sympathetic and others, with [ T ] words usually spoken bony, lay;

3) between [ n ] - [With ] before the next consonant is usually [ T ] not pronounced: giant, decadent, curfew, Dutch, Irish, agency, regency; much less often the stop consonant is retained: decade?n[ts]ky, Golla?n[ts]sky;

4) between [ n ] - [To ] is acceptable to pronounce without [ T ]: Dutch'bake', plaid‘fabric’, but [ T ] is pronounced in words governess, waitress, student, Dutch‘resident of Holland’, plaid‘resident of Scotland’;

5) between [ With ] - [To ] according to the old norms that remain in spoken language, [T ] is not pronounced in words such as groove, bulky, hard, daughter-in-law, drive, however, the pronunciation [ T ].

In place of two consonants, long and short consonants can be pronounced. Inside the root and suffix and at the junction of the root and suffix, long consonants are most often pronounced immediately after the stressed vowel; in other sentences, longitude is usually lost: gru?[n]a - gru[n']iro?vka, cla[With]y - cla[With']ification, colo?[n]a - colo[n]huh? yeah, su?[m]a - su[m']and?bed, tra?[With]a - tra[With']and?, Yes?[n]y - you? yes[n]th, ple?[n]y - oblu?ple[n]th, glass?[n]y - rass?i[n]th. At the junction of a prefix and a root, longitude is usually preserved both between unstressed vowels and before a stressed vowel: be[h]or maybe, in[With]wait, O[tt]click, ra[With]o?l. By[d'd']to hold, By[dd]huh.

You should pay attention to the combination chn, since mistakes are often made when pronouncing it. There is a fluctuation in the pronunciation of words with this combination, which is associated with a change in the rules of the old Moscow pronunciation. According to the norms of modern Russian literary language, the combination chn This is usually how it is pronounced [ ch'n ], this especially applies to words of book origin ( greedy, careless), as well as to words that appeared in the recent past ( camouflage, landing).

Pronunciation [ shn ] instead of spelling chn currently required in female middle names on -ichna, For example, Ilyini[shn]A, Nikiti[shn]A and saved in in separate words: bitter[shn]th, horse[shn]O, yai[shn]itza.

Some words with combination chn in accordance with modern standards literary language are pronounced in two ways: bulo[shn]oh And bulo[chn]oh, quite a lot[shn]th And quite a lot[chn]th. IN in some cases different pronunciation of the combination chn serves for semantic differentiation of words: heart[chn]th blow - heart[shn]th friend.

Significantly related to consonants larger number deviations from the norm than with vowels. The phonological system of the Russian language differs from the phonological systems of a number of languages ​​in the presence of a contrast between hardness and softness. Articulation of soft consonants turns out to be difficult for almost all participants in the experiment. This leads to a large number errors: replacing soft consonants with hard ones: [ d'hispan'er] instead of [ d'hispenser], [fon'ema] instead of [ phoneme].

Consequently, the main influence on the spread of a particular variant is primarily exerted by the phonological system, which includes not only the inventory of phonemes, but also the functional load of the phoneme.

Orthoepy. Modern spelling standards. Basic orthoepic rules of the modern Russian literary language.

In literary language, we focus on generally accepted patterns - norms. Norms are characteristic different levels language. There are lexical, morphological, spelling, phonetic norms. There are pronunciation standards.

Orthoepy - (Greek orthos - “simple, correct, epos - “speech”) is a set of rules that establish pronunciation standards.

The subject of orthoepy is oral speech. Oral speech accompanied by a number of mandatory features: stress, diction, tempo, intonation. But spelling rules only cover the area of ​​pronunciation individual sounds in certain phonetic positions or combinations of sounds, as well as features of the pronunciation of sounds in certain grammatical forms, in groups of words or individual words.

Compliance spelling rules necessary, it helps to better understand speech.

Pronunciation standards are different character and have different origins.

In some cases, the phonetic system dictates only one pronunciation possibility. Any other pronunciation would be a violation of the laws of the phonetic system.

For example, inability to distinguish between hard and soft consonants

or pronunciation of only hard or only soft consonants; or the distinction between voiceless and voiced consonants in all positions without exception.

In other cases, the phonetic system allows not one, but two or more pronunciation possibilities. In such cases, one possibility is recognized as literary correct, normative, while others are assessed either as variants of the literary norm or are recognized as non-literary.

The norms of literary pronunciation are both stable and developing phenomenon. In every at the moment they contain both something that connects today’s pronunciation with past eras of the literary language, and something that arises as new in pronunciation under the influence of the living oral practice of a native speaker, as a result of the action internal laws development of the phonetic system.

Modern Russian pronunciation evolved over the centuries, from the 15th to the 17th centuries. based on the so-called Moscow vernacular, formed on the basis of the interaction of northern Great Russian and southern Great Russian dialects.

By the 19th century Old Church Slavonic pronunciation has developed in all its main features and, as an exemplary example, has spread its influence to the pronunciation of the population of other large cultural centers. But there has never been complete stability in pronunciation, in the pronunciation of the population major centers there were always local differences.

So, the norms of literary pronunciation are a stable and dynamically developing phenomenon; they are based on the laws of functioning of the phonetic system of the language and on socially developed and traditionally accepted rules, which are subject to changes in the process of development of oral literary speech as a result of the influence on her various factors language development. These changes initially have the character of fluctuations in norms, but if such changes do not contradict the phonetic system and become widespread, they lead to the emergence of variants of the literary norm, and then, possibly, the establishment new normal pronunciation.

There are several sources of deviation from the norms of literary pronunciation: 1) the influence of spelling, 2) the influence dialect features, 3) influence native language(accent) – for non-Russians.

Heterogeneity of pronunciation in various groups population determined the emergence of the doctrine of pronunciation styles. For the first time, L.V. Shcherba took up issues of pronunciation style; he identified two pronunciation styles:

1. Complete, characterized by maximum clarity and clarity of pronunciation;

2. Incomplete style - the style of ordinary casual speech. Within these styles, various variations are possible.

In general, the current orthoepic norms of the Russian language (and their possible options) are registered in special dictionaries.

It should be highlighted:

a) rules for pronunciation of individual sounds (vowels and consonants);

b) rules for pronunciation of combinations of sounds;

c) rules for pronunciation of individual grammatical forms;

d) rules for pronunciation of individual borrowed words.

1. The pronunciation of vowel sounds is determined by their position in pre-stressed syllables and is based on phonetic law, called reduction. Due to reduction, unstressed vowels are preserved in duration (quantity) and lose their distinct sound (quality). All vowels are subject to reduction, but the degree of this reduction is not the same. Thus, the vowels [у], [ы], [и] in an unstressed position retain their basic sound, while [a], [o],

[e] change qualitatively. The degree of reduction [a], [o], [e] depends primarily on the place of the syllable in the word, as well as on the nature of the preceding consonant.

a) In the first pre-stressed syllable the sound [Ù] is pronounced: [vÙdý / sÙdý / nÙzhý]. After hissing words, [Ù] is pronounced: [zhÙra / shÙry].

In place of [e] after the hissing [zh], [sh], [ts] the sound [ые] is pronounced: [tsyepnóį], [zhyeltok].

After soft consonants, in place of [a], [e], the sound [ie] is pronounced:


b) In the remaining unstressed syllables, in place of the sounds [o], [a], [e] after hard consonants, the sound [ъ] is pronounced: [кълькÙла́/ цъхъво́ѯ/

pар٨во́с] After soft consonants, in place of the sounds [а], [е] is pronounced [ь]: [п"тьч"ok/ч"мда́н].

2. Pronunciation of consonants:

a) norms of literary pronunciation require positional exchange paired deaf and voiced in the position before the deaf (voiced only) - voiced (voiced only) and at the end of the word (voiced only): [hl"ep] / trupk / proz"b];

b) assimilative softening is not necessary, there is a tendency towards its loss: [s"t"ina] and [st"ina", [z"d"es"] and [z"es"].

3. Pronunciation of some vowel combinations:

a) in pronominal formations that, in order - what is pronounced as [pcs]; in pronominal formations such as something, mail, the pronunciation [h"t] is almost preserved;

b) in a number of words of predominantly colloquial origin, [shn] is pronounced in place of chn: [kÙn"eshn/nÙroshn].

In words of book origin, the pronunciation [ch"n] has been preserved: [ml"ech"nyį / vÙstoch"nyį];

c) in the pronunciation of the combinations st, zdn, stn (hello, holiday, private trader), there is usually a reduction or loss of one of the consonants: [prazn"ik], [ch"asn"ik], [hello]

4. Pronunciation of sounds in some grammatical forms:

a) pronunciation of the form I.p. units adjectives m.r. without emphasis: [krasnyį / with "in"iį] - under the influence of spelling arose - й, - й; after back-lingual g, k, x ® й: [t"íkh"iį], [m"ahk"iį];

b) pronunciation – sya, - sya. Under the influence of spelling, it has become the norm soft pronunciation: [njch "ielas" / njch "iels"a];

c) the pronunciation of verbs na - ive after g, k, x, the pronunciation [g"], [k"], [x"] became the norm (under the influence of spelling): [vyt"ag"iv't"].

5. Pronunciation of borrowed words.

In general, the pronunciation of borrowed words is subject to the phonetic system of the Russian language.

However, in some cases there are deviations:

a) pronunciation of [o] in place of [Ù]: [boá/ otel"/poet], although [rÙman/[pÙĵal"/pÙtsent];

b) [e] is preserved in unstressed syllables: [Ùtel"ĵé / d"epr"es"iįь];

c) before [e] g, k, x, l are always softened: [g"etry /k"ex / bÙl"et].

The pronunciation of borrowed words should be checked in a dictionary.

Speech norms act differently in different styles pronunciation: colloquially, in the style of public (book) speech, of which the first is implemented in everyday communication, and the second - in reports, lectures, etc. The differences between them relate to the degree of vowel reduction, simplification of consonant groups (in conversational style the reduction is more significant, the simplification is more intense), etc.


1. What is the subject of the study of orthoepy?

2. Describe the basic rules for pronunciation of vowel sounds.

3. Describe the basic rules for the pronunciation of consonant sounds.

4. Indicate the main features and acceptable literary norm pronunciation options for individual grammatical forms.

5. Indicate the pronunciation features of some combinations of sounds and doubled consonants.

6. Describe the main features of the pronunciation of vowels and consonants in foreign words Oh.

7. What are the main reasons for the appearance of pronunciation variants and violations of the norms of literary pronunciation?


1. Avanesov R.I. Russian literary pronunciation. M., 1972.

2. Avanesov R.I. Russian literary and dialectal phonetics. M., 1974.

3. Gorbachevich K. S. Norms of the modern Russian literary language. M., 1978.

1. In the Russian literary language, in an unstressed position, the sound [o] after hard consonants in the first pre-stressed syllable and at the beginning of a word is pronounced as [a]: water - v[a]da, detour-[a] bezd. In other unstressed syllables after hard consonants, the sounds denoted by the letters “o” and “a” are pronounced as a reduced sound [ъ].

For example: head - head, method - way.

2. Vowels denoted by the letters “e”, “ya”, “a” in the first pre-stressed syllable after soft consonants are pronounced as a sound close to [i].

For example: earth - z[i]mlya: son-in-law - z[i]tek, clock - h[i]sy. In the second and third pre-stressed syllables, as well as in post-stressed syllables, the reduction intensifies: a very short reduced sound is pronounced, indicated in transcription by the symbol [b]: [d"b]lovoy, [p"b]tachok.

3. Voiced consonants at the end of a word or before voiceless consonants are deafened.

For example: tooth -zu[n]; skirt - skirt.

4. Voiceless consonant sounds before voiced consonants become voiced.

For example: knock down - [z]beat, mowing - ko[z’]ba.

5. Hard consonant sounds can be softened under the influence of the subsequent soft consonant.

For example: umbrella - zo[n"]tik, more golden - golden[s"t"]ee.

6. In the letter combinations “zhi”, “shi” there are hissing consonants

[zh], [w] sound firm, for example: dozh[y]t, w[y]write,

majority, top.

7. Sound [ts] - hard consonant in Russian literary

language: revolution[tsy]ya, accelera[tsy]ya, ak[tsy]onerny, audio-

en[tsy]ya, initiative [tsy]ativa, twins.

  • 8. The sound [ch"] is a soft consonant in the Russian literary language: [ch"as], [ch"i]stit; take [ch"], [ch"u]vstvo.
  • 9. In Russian, the consonant [l] can be hard (luk) and soft (lyuk). In Russian, [l "] is used in the following positions: a) before vowels: Lena, Polya, Lyuba; b) before consonants (when read before the softening “b”): culture, how many; c) at the absolute end of a word: mole, salt; d) before vowels (when reading before the separating “b”): wings, beat.
  • 10. When combining several consonants located between vowels (most often these are stn, stl, zdn), one of the sounds is not pronounced.

For example: unhappy - unhappy, happy -

happy, traveler - passable.

11. In place of the combination “tch”, “dch” a long one is pronounced soft sound[h:"], in place of “ts”, “ds” - long [ts:].

For example: pilot - le[h:"]ik; tunneler - pass[h:"]ik; brother - bra[ts:]a; thirty - three [ts:]at.

12. The combination “сч” or “зч” at the junction of a root and a suffix is ​​pronounced as the sound [ш"].

For example: carrier - re[sch"]ik; carver - re[sch"]ik.

  • 13. Usually in the modern Russian literary language the combination “chn” is pronounced as it is written: cordial, successful, etc. Only in some words the pronunciation [shn] instead of [chn] is preserved: of course - of course [sh]no, boring - skuk[ sh]but, on purpose - deliberately [sh]but.
  • 14. The combination “thu” is usually pronounced as it is written: something, mail. But in the word “what” and in its derivatives it is pronounced [sht]: not for [sht]o.
  • 15. In endings genitive case singular adjectives, numerals, masculine and neuter pronouns -ogo, -ego instead of the sound [g] is pronounced [v]: blue - sine[v]o; tenth - ten[v]o.
  • 16. Double consonants in words sometimes indicate long sounds, for example: gamma. This usually happens in words where the doubled consonant is preceded by stress, for example: cash register, mass, bath, dollar, short story, press, amount, ton, route.

Consonant doubling also occurs at the junction of morphemes: prefix and root ( introduction, consider), root and suffix ( legal, ancient). The pronunciation of a double consonant also occurs at the junction of a preposition and a significant word (in the water; under an oak tree; with a neighbor; without sound). The same consonant at the junction of two words is also doubled: your scarf. Adjectives with the suffixes -enn are pronounced with double consonants; -onn; -ovanna: doubled; organized. In other cases, for example in words Saturday, correspondent, grammar, metals, double consonants long sounds do not indicate.

  • 17. In many foreign words, the letter “e” denotes the softness of the preceding consonant, for example: aka[d"]emia, mu[z"]ey. Remember the words foreign origin with soft consonants before [e]: a) after the back lingual “g”, “k”, “x”, as well as after “l”: cupcake, geography, hegemony, hake, scheme, ballet",
  • b) after labials “b”, “v”, “m”, “p”: prospect, performance, compensation, concrete, version", c) after other consonants: topic, technique, text, dean, museum, effect, professor, term, declaration, incident, president, deputy, proofreader. But there are words where the letter “e” is pronounced open sound[e]: detective -[dete]active, cafe-ka[fe].

Remember the pronunciation of foreign words with open [e]: a) after hard [t]: atheism, atelier, grotesque, interview, intense, synthetics, stand, timbre, tennis, b) after hard [d]: detective, code, model, prodigy", c) after hard [n]: business.

18.V reflexive verbs at the end it is written “tsya” or “tsya”, and pronounced - [ts:a], washes his face - wash [ts:a].

1. In Russian, vowels under stress do not change and
pronounced clearly and clearly. There is only one stress in a word (claim
The conclusion is difficult words, in which there is one accent
the main thing is clear, and the second is weak: waterproof,
etc.). A stressed vowel is different from an unstressed one
long in height and duration ( percussion sound longer).

As mentioned above, all unstressed vowel sounds are pronounced shorter. The length or shortness of unstressed vowels aav depends on the position in relation to the stressed syllable: the farther the sound is from the stressed syllable, the shorter it is.

2. Vowels o, oh yeah I change quantitatively and qualitatively
in °; vowels and, uh, y, yu, s change only quantitatively, i.e.

In unstressed position they are pronounced shorter in relation to

stressed syllable.

Note. Vowel uh occurs in a few words: in pronouns this, this, this, therefore, in interjections eh, hey, as well as in words and proper names borrowed from other languages, for example: floor, standard, scaffold, Elsa, Evelina etc. Assignment

Say the words out loud and pay attention to the differences in the pronunciation of vowels and, uh, y, yu, yv shock and unstressed position:

escalator ellipse

electric elf
draw a leaf


tinned branch

cannibal salute

3. The vowels a and o in the pre-stressed syllable (immediately before the stressed syllable) and at the beginning of the word, regardless of the place occupied in relation to the stressed syllable, are pronounced as a, but somewhat shorter. In transcription this sound is designated [o]. Quests

1) Say the words out loud, clearly highlighting the stressed syllable, remember the pronunciation of the previous sound, which sounds like A:





[a]to move



4. Unstressed vowels a and o in second and third place before stress and in unstressed syllables are subject to quantitative and qualitative change(reductions) and sound like a sound between A And s. In transcription this sound has symbol [■*].

Say the words out loud, clearly highlighting the stressed syllable. Make sure the reduced sound sounds right [ъ] instead of a and o in the second and third places before the accent:

is written is pronounced is written is pronounced

paradox p[ъ]radox cities cities

quarantine k[ъ]rantine beard kind of

pencil pendash gold gold

Say the words out loud, clearly highlighting the stressed syllable. Watch for the correct pronunciation of the reduced sound at the end of words - [-&]:

is written is pronounced is written is pronounced

palm palm[ъ] carefully careful[ъ]

hospital hospital[b] swamp swamps[ъ]

crow raven[ъ] hungry hungry[ъ]

only only[ъ] How many how many[ъ]

some several[ъ] not at all not at all[ъ]

(The last eight words are included because they often skip the soft l sound and instead only, how many, a few They say: current[b], several[b], skok[b] etc.


5. Unstressed vowels e, I after soft consonants in the first pre-stressed syllable they are pronounced as a sound between cues. In transcription it is conventionally designated as [ie]. The same sound is pronounced instead of a vowel A after soft consonants h and sch.

Say the words out loud, clearly highlighting the stressed syllable. Follow the correct pronunciation of the unstressed i, ee vowel A after the consonants h and sch:

Is written is pronounced is written is pronounced







yShchOba h^»yu\shukt

6. Unstressed vowels e, I at the beginning of a word and after vowels in the middle of a word (in the first pre-stressed syllable) are pronounced as a sound intermediate between And And e with the one preceding it y. In transcription it is conventionally designated as.

spelled pronounced

gravity cooking

little frog l[l]gushonok

meat grinder m[b]cut

five year plan p[b]tletka

field Paul] share dol[b]

grief mountain[b] will will[b]

8. Unstressed vowels e, I, which are at the beginning of the layer
va, but far from the stressed syllable, pronounced as reduced
new sound b with the previous one y. In transcription it is designated
it seems like [yj].

Say the words out loud, clearly highlighting the stressed syllable. Pay attention to the correct pronunciation of unstressed vowels e, I- like [йь]:

is written is pronounced is written is pronounced

Yenisei[Y]nisoy label[yj]snark

European[th]European poisonous[y]dovyty

fidget[yj]goza jaguar[yj]guar

nature[j]nature vernalization[jj]rovization

Sometimes unstressed vowels e, I pronounced as And(the so-called “hiccup”). Also common incorrect pronunciation vowel I- it is pronounced the same way both in shock and unstressed syllables. These rather dialectal phenomena need to be corrected.

9. Vowel And as a conjunction coming after the word that
the swarm ends in a hard consonant and vowel And at the beginning
words if preceded by a word that ends in
hard consonant, as well as after prepositions to, in, from, from, before
etc. goes into s.

Say the phrases, making sure that and sounds like s:

spelled pronounced

both you and us as you are, so are we

here we are here we are

went to Spain went to [fpania]

left the institute left [s]from [s]institute

I read with interest I read with interest

that's it that's exactly it

If in a phrase there should be a pause between words, for example, in the title of a work, then the vowel And pronounced in such cases without change:

written f

enemy and friend enemy / and friend

Tchertophanov and Nedopyuskin Tchertophanov / and Nedopyuskin
forest and steppe forest/and steppe

Violating the willow crossing rule is very common. Especially many mistakes are made in combination with the preposition V, for example, they say: “I’m going to the institute,” “I’m going to Vitaliy,” “I’m living in the hut” instead of: [I’m going to the institute], [I’m going to vytaliyu], [I’m living in the hut].

10. In the Russian language there are many sound combinations of two unstressed vowels: aa, oo, ao, oa, ay, ou, ai, oi, ey, eo, eu, ea. These sound combinations occur in words, as well as at the junction of words, when one word ends with an unstressed vowel, and another begins with an unstressed vowel.

a) combinations of unstressed vowels aa, ooh, ao, oa are pronounced

like two a: aa:

spelled pronounced

pave over pave over

at random at random

imagination vibration

sharpening sharpening;

b) in combinations of unstressed vowels oh, oh, oh, oh, vowels A and o are pronounced as a reduced sound, which in transcription has the designation [»]:

is written is pronounced is written is pronounced
at random n[a]guess search engine search

make yourself more comfortable more convenient obliquely obliquely

c) in combinations of unstressed vowels ey, ey, ea, eo vowel e pronounced as a reduced sound, and in transcription has the designation [b]:

spelled pronounced

uninteresting n[b]interesting

inconvenient n[b]comfortable

uneducated uneducated

implementation r[b]alization

To master the pronunciation of unstressed vowels in the above sound combinations, say the following phrases out loud. But before you say them, think about each one and decide what you want to say, for what purpose and with what relation to the thought being expressed. Also pay attention to punctuation marks.

aa, oo, ao, oa: aa

They live on islands. I'm walking along Arbat.

Come in one at a time! I'm going for an advance.

Rich imagination! Read on the back.

ow, ow: ow

Despite the reproaches. Work on the drums!

Thanks for the pleasure. I act on conviction!

Answer to everyone's surprise
for concealment.

ai,oi: ii

Watch Lectures on Iconography.

in the illustration!

Difficult names. Act by inertia.

ey, ey: yi, yu

Inexhaustible energy. Unfriendly character.

Inexplicable excitement! Did they really do it?

The inevitable end! Don't be alone!


Unfounded statement! She's not an actress!

An extraordinary building. This is not an argument.
He said it several times. This is not original.


Familiarity with the rules of modern literary pronunciation is the first step in working on speech technique. In order to learn to speak correctly, you need to specifically train in memorizing the rules of pronunciation and stress in the Russian language.

When studying literary pronunciation, you need to master the ability to observe not only your own speech, but also the speech of those around you. The teacher’s speech, naturally, is a model for students.

It is necessary to listen to recordings of speeches by actors and readers, whose speech can serve as an example of correct pronunciation. It is useful to listen to speeches by linguistic experts on radio and television on issues of oral speech.

But just listening to someone else’s speech is not enough. We need to practice and consolidate the rules of pronunciation in practice.

At the initial stages, it is useful to use a tape recorder: record your speech, then listen, compare it with samples and then repeat the recording, trying to correct any observed deviations from the norm. Listening to yourself “from the outside” makes it easier to notice your own mistakes.

Mastering stress in a word requires the development of certain skills and high costs time.

We offer tasks in which you will have to think about which syllable to emphasize, how to pronounce a word, first name, last name. Stress tasks are combined with application tasks different rules spelling "epii"

It is useful for students to listen and control each other, having placed emphasis and first checked the correctness of their pronunciation.

When reading a book or listening to the speech of others, you may have questions related to the placement of stress and the pronunciation of a particular word. Therefore, it is advisable to have a small dictionary and write down words whose pronunciation is in doubt. Check for correctness " dubious words"follows the reference dictionary.

1. Place emphasis on words. If you have any difficulties, check the accent in a reference dictionary.

2. If the meaning of a word is not clear to you, check the “Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S.I. Ozhegov.

3. Write out and say out loud words in which the sounds o and a occur in an unstressed position at the beginning of the word and in the first pre-stressed syllable.

4. Write out and say out loud words in which the sounds o and A occur in an unstressed position in the second and third prestressed syllables.

5. Write out and say out loud words with sounds e and I am in an unstressed position at the beginning of the word, in the first and second syllables before the stressed one. Answer the question: is there a difference in the pronunciation of unstressed eiya at the beginning of a word, in the first pre-stressed syllable and in the second pre-stressed syllable.

6. Write it out and pronounce it foreign words, in which consonants t, d, r, s before a vowel e pronounced firmly.

7. Write down and pronounce foreign words in which sounds t, d, r, s in accordance with the rules of Russian orthoepy before a vowel e pronounced softly.

8. Mark words that are always spelled the same, but in which changing the stress changes their meaning.

Argument. Bus. Alibi. Scam. Bus. Alcohol. Alphabet. Engage. Entrant. Borrowed, borrowed, borrowed. Gave, gave, gave. Took it away, took it away, took it away.

Athenians. Egyptian. Eritik. Priest, priest, priest. Monologue. Epilogue. Dialogue. tattered, tattered; torn, torn. Rip off, rip off, rip off, rip off, rip off.

Soothsayers, soothsayers. CONSPIRACY ( different meanings). Agreement. Verdict. I call, call, call; we call, call, call. From-

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