The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has updated the rules of the Russian language. The concept of a language norm and its functions

Competent oral speech- the key to successful communication. The ability to correctly express your thoughts will help not only when applying for a job or in business negotiations, but also in Everyday life. But in order to perfectly master oral speech, you need to know and follow the orthoepic norms of the Russian language. This is what our article will be devoted to.

What is orthoepia?

The word "orthoepy" consists of two Greek roots - "orthos" and "epos", which are translated as "correct" and "speech". That is, the science of correct speech- that's what orthoepy is.

Graphic abbreviations

Graphic abbreviations include initials next to the surname, designations of volume or distance, for example, liters (l), meters (m), also pages (s) and other similar abbreviations that serve to save space in printed text. When reading, all these truncated words must be deciphered, that is, the word must be pronounced in full.

The use of graphic abbreviations in a conversation can be assessed as a speech error or irony, which may only be appropriate in certain circumstances.

First names and patronymics

Orthoepic norms of the Russian language also regulate the pronunciation of names and patronymics. Note that the use of patronymics is typical only for our language. In Europe, such a concept does not exist at all.

The use of a person’s full name and patronymic is necessary in various circumstances, both verbally and in writing. Such addresses are especially often used in work environments and official documents. Such an address to a person can also serve as a marker of the degree of respect, especially when talking with elders and elderly people.

Most Russian-language names and patronymics have several pronunciation options, which can vary, among other things, depending on the degree of closeness with the person. For example, when meeting for the first time, it is advisable to pronounce the interlocutor’s name and patronymic clearly, as close to written form as possible.

However, in other cases, the orthoepic norms of the Russian language (pronunciation norms) provide for the historically established method of use in oral speech.

  • Patronymic names ending in “-evna”, “-evich”. In female versions, it is necessary to comply with the written form, for example, Anatolyevna. In men's - let's say short version: Anatolyevich / Anatolyich.
  • On “-aevich” / “-aevna”, “-eevich” / “-eevna”. For both male and female options, a short version is allowed: Alekseevna / Aleksevna, Sergeevich / Sergeich.
  • On “-ovich” and “-ovna”. In the male version, contraction of the form is acceptable: Alexandrovich / Alexandrych. For women, full pronunciation is required.
  • In female patronymics, formed from names ending in “n”, “m”, “v”, [ov] is not pronounced. For example, instead of Efimovna - Efimna, Stanislavovna - Stanislavna.

How to pronounce loanwords

Orthoepic norms of the Russian language also regulate the rules of pronunciation of foreign words. This is due to the fact that in a number of cases the laws of use of Russian words are violated in borrowed ones. For example, the letter "o" in unstressed syllables pronounced the same way as if it were standing in strong position: oasis, model.

Also, in some foreign words, the consonants preceding the softening vowel “e” remain hard. For example: code, antenna. There are also words with variable pronunciation, where you can pronounce “e” both hard and soft: therapy, terror, dean.

In addition, for borrowed words the stress is fixed, that is, it remains unchanged in all word forms. Therefore, if you encounter difficulties with pronunciation, it is better to turn to a spelling dictionary.

Accentological norm

Now we will take a closer look at the orthoepic and accentological norms of the Russian language. First, let's figure out what an accentological norm is. This is the name for the rules for placing stress in a word.

In Russian, stress is not fixed, as in most European languages, which not only enriches speech and increases opportunities language game, but also provides enormous opportunities for violating the accepted norm.

Let's consider the functions that a non-fixed accent performs. So here it is:

  • provides an opportunity for stylistic coloring words (silver - silver) and the appearance of professionalisms (kompas - kompas);
  • provides for a change in the etymology (meaning) of the word (melI - meli, Atlas - atlas);
  • allows you to change morphological features words (pines - pines).

Also, placing stress can change the style of your speech. So, for example, the word “maiden” will refer to the literary, and “maiden” will refer to the neutral one.

There is also a class of words in which the variability of stress does not carry any semantic load. For example, Butt - butt, barge - barge. The emergence of these exceptions is due to the lack of a unified norm and equal existence of the dialect and literary language.

Also, the placement of stress in some words may simply be an outdated form. For example, music is music, an employee is an employee. In essence, you are only changing the stress, but in fact you are starting to speak with an outdated syllable.

Most often, the placement of stress in a word has to be remembered, since existing rules do not regulate all cases. In addition, sometimes a violation literary norm can become an individual author's technique. This is often used by poets to poetic line sounded smoother.

However, one should not assume that accentology is included in the orthoepic norms of the Russian language. The emphasis and its correct placement are too broad and complex topic, therefore it is usually placed in a special section and studied separately. Those who want to familiarize themselves with the topic in more detail and eliminate violations of the norm of stress placement from their speech are recommended to acquire an orthoepic dictionary.


It would seem that what could be difficult about speaking native language? In fact, most of us have no idea how many norms of the Russian language are violated every day.

Literary language is a processed type of the national language that has written norms. This is the language of each manifestation of culture, which is expressed in verbal form.

It is always the result of a collective creative activity. The formulation about the “fixedness” of language norms has a certain relativity. Despite its importance and stability, the norm will always be fluid over time. It is impossible to imagine a developed modern culture a people without a rich and modern language. This is a big public importance presented problem of literary language.

Features and Specifications

Linguists do not have a common opinion regarding the complex and versatile concept of literary language. Many experts try not to present it as something whole, and divide it into several types:

  • written language,
  • colloquial,
  • journalistic,
  • school education,
  • domestic,
  • fiction,
  • official business and others.

It should be understood that the language of fiction and literary language are not the same thing, although these two concepts are correlative. In the first version there is a lot of individuality brought by each writer, so here you can see some differences from what is generally accepted norms.

Literary language is the property of everyone who knows its norms. It is used in writing and colloquial form. In various historical eras Among many nations, the level of closeness between the language of fiction and the literary language itself varies significantly.

What are the differences?

There is a difference between the national language and the literary one. The first can appear in the form of the second, but these concepts also have their own peculiarities. It lies in the fact that a literary language cannot always immediately become a national language. For this to happen, time must pass and certain conditions must arise in the public consciousness.

Scientists define literary language as a supra-dialectal subsystem national language. It can be characterized by such features as normativity, versatility, stylistic diversity, and increased social prestige among its bearers. Literary language is considered the main means for fulfilling the communicative needs of society. It is contrasted with the uncodified subsystems of language. These are dialects, urban vernacular, social and professional jargon.

A linguistic norm is a system of rules that regulates the use of linguistic means during speech. These rules are not only socially approved, they are objective due to real speech practice. this situation reflects a pattern

The concept of “norms of the modern Russian language” can be extended to all areas of the literary language. Let's look at each of them.


The lexical norms of the modern Russian language mainly presuppose the correct choice of word, as well as the appropriateness of its use in a generally known meaning and in combination with other words. Directly related to this is the stylistic, territorial and social stratification vocabulary, that is, vernacular and jargon, dialectisms or professional expressions. The sphere of vocabulary is closely connected with the material and spiritual life of our society, due to which it is subject to non-linguistic influence, expressed in various forms. The formation and improvement of norms occurs in a complex, often unpredictable way.

How acceptable a word is, how correctly it was used, is related to the ideology and worldview of its speakers. In this regard, very often there are categorical decisions that are based solely on personal perception of linguistic facts. The most complete and objective description lexical norms modern Russian language is displayed in explanatory dictionaries authoritative scientists. You should definitely familiarize yourself with them in order to master your speech.

Emphasis on words

Stress norms in modern Russian provide for correct pronunciation, which is also key feature competent speech. The diversity and change in accent norms can be caused by several reasons - the influence of interlingual relations, as well as the influence of foreign language accentological standards. Social and professional speech aspects also influence.

However, the key factors in the development of stress are reasons that are intrasystemic in nature: analogy influences, that is, the assimilation of some linguistic facts to a more standard type of word of the same type, as well as a tendency towards ethnic balance. This causes the stress to shift from the outer syllables to the central ones. Some peoples (for example, the Greeks) do not have such problems. They have a fixed rule when writing words with more than 1 syllable to put an accent mark. This applies to absolutely all forms of language - journalistic, official business, artistic and literary and others. Unfortunately, there are no such stress norms in modern Russian, so people often pronounce the same word in different ways, which is big problem. Examples of such words: apartments-apartments, expert - expert, means - means.

Orthoepic norm

She implies words, which is a key feature speech culture. The main features of the development of pronunciation norms in the modern Russian language is the elimination of various dialect sounds in oral speech. There are certain orthoepic norms for the pronunciation of vowels and consonants. So, for the former, in many words an unstressed “o” can sound like “a” (road - daroga, fire - agon). When pronouncing consonants, very often “ts” is replaced by “ts” (laughs-smeetsa), “chn” by “shn” (Lukinichna - Lukinishna) and many others.

Such replacement options are generally accepted calmly if they are used in colloquial speech, and not in writing. However, in some dialects there are deviations from spelling norms that can cause irritation among others (for example, what - what).


IN this concept The norms of the modern Russian language are officially accepted rules that establish the uniformity of speech transmission in written form. First scientific description The presented standards were fulfilled by Academician Grot. Spelling is regulated only through legislation. Spelling dictionaries also help with this.


Such grammatical norms of the modern Russian language are the rules for word formation and inflection. Everyone must follow them, regardless of dialect, accent, etc. individual characteristics. Deviations may only be allowed in the language of fiction. Writers often use this technique to highlight some feature of their character or to focus the attention of readers on something.

Compared to others language levels, morphology is relatively easier to unify. Changes in the grammatical norms of the modern Russian language are associated with historical events, and are also caused by the influence of various intrasystem factors, such as the contradiction in the form and content of linguistic elements, and the influence of grammatical analogies. The presented norm is characterized by its dependence on the selection of word forms from constructions.

The concept of grammatical norms of the modern Russian language includes correct usage words of feminine, masculine and neuter gender. Examples:

  • no winter coat, not a coat,
  • good shampoo, not good shampoo.

This concept also includes the ability to correctly use abbreviations, words in different cases, singular and plural.


The syntactic norms of the modern Russian language suggest correct formation grammatical structures, as well as the implementation of forms of coordination with each other of the members of the proposal. Changes may be caused external factors, as well as due to intrasystem reasons.

Ethical Standards

Another aspect in the norms of the modern Russian literary language is ethics. Each society has its own standards of behavior, which certainly include:

  • Speech etiquette, as a choice of addressing “you” or “you”.
  • Full or short name when contacting.
  • Choice of address (citizen, madam, master).
  • Method of greeting (hello, salute, hello).

Ethical standards most often have national character. For example, the method of addressing “You” in English and German is not as wide as in Russian. These same languages ​​easily allow the use of abbreviated names. One of the prerequisites for excellent mastery of the Russian language is knowledge of etiquette and basic norms of the modern Russian language.


The science that studies the territorial variety of a language is called dialectology. It allows you to make adjustments to the concept of the norm of the modern Russian literary language and studies synthetic, phonetic, semantic features speech.

Literary language is considered to be everyday communication, for official and business documentation, for education, writing, culture and much more. Its distinctive feature is normalization, that is, the use of rules, the implementation of which is considered mandatory for all members of society. They are fixed in grammar manuals, as well as in dictionaries. Dialectology also deals with the unification of different dialectical pronunciations in order to expand cultural and economic ties between different ethnic groups population.

The conversation does not have a written embodiment in the form of norms and rules. The Russian dialect is characterized only by an oral form of existence, which is fundamentally different from the literary language, which also has a written form.

A dialect is the smallest territorial variety of a language that can be used by residents of one or more neighboring villages. The area of ​​use of dialect is much narrower than the area of ​​​​use of the literary language, which is considered a means of communication between all people who speak Russian.

Literary language and dialects constantly come into contact and influence each other. It is enhanced by schooling, radio and television. Gradually, the dialect is destroyed and loses its characteristic features.

Phrases or words that denoted rituals, concepts, customs or household items, which were traditional for villages. That is why it is so important to describe a living language as completely and in detail as possible. rural areas. This affects many types of norms of the modern Russian language - ethical, syntactic, orthoepic.

On the territory of our country, a disdainful attitude towards local dialects dominated for a long time. They were perceived as a phenomenon that needed to be fought. But it was not always so. IN mid-19th century on the territory of Russia there is a maximum peak of public interest in relation to folk speech. In those days, various dictionaries and scientific works were published, where expressions were collected for the first time. Connoisseurs of Russian literature actively helped compile material for such dictionaries, and various magazines and provincial bulletins actively published in their issues various graphic sketches from dictionaries of local sayings and dialect descriptions.

A radically opposite attitude towards dialect occurred in the 30s of the 20th century. During the “breaking up” of villages, during the period of collectivization, calls were boldly proclaimed for the destruction of old methods of farming, family life, and the culture of the peasantry. In this way, all manifestations of spiritual and material life in the village were suppressed. It was actively spreading in society negative attitude In fact, the peasants themselves began to perceive the village as a place from which to flee to the cities. For a prosperous existence, it was necessary to forget everything connected with the past, including the language they spoke. An entire generation of rural residents deliberately abandoned their native dialect, failing to fully switch to a new system of literary language and master it correctly. Forced adherence to the norms of the modern Russian language has significantly influenced cultural development society.

A respectful and careful attitude towards their dialects is characteristic of many nations. It is very interesting and instructive to explore the experience of countries in the territory Western Europe such as Austria, France, Switzerland, Greece. Eg:

  • In several French schools In provincial towns, a special elective in the native dialect is being introduced. The grade for this course is included in the certificate.
  • In Switzerland and Germany, a similar literary-dialectal bilingualism is common, which is accompanied by constant communication in the dialect in families.

On the territory of Russia in early XIX For centuries, educated people moved from villages to the capital, using the literary language in society, and at home, on their own estates, when communicating with peasants or neighbors, they could often use the local dialect.

Nowadays, many people have a twofold attitude towards their dialect. They compare the pronunciation of words accepted in their area with the generally accepted one. The observed differences between “us” and “alien” may have different meaning. For some, the native dialect is correct, while the generally accepted one is funny and absurd. Others are embarrassed to pronounce words differently than other people, such as those shown on TV. Thanks to this, a conscious awareness is formed cultural value systems of norms of the modern Russian language.

Formation of new words

Language enrichment can occur not only through the formation of new words, but also through the formation of new meanings.

The formation of a new meaning helps fill the gap in the “sign-concept” notation system. It is worth noting that using an old word in its new meaning is more acceptable than using descriptive phrases.

For example, the word “militia” has become entrenched in the Russian language with the meaning “a body that is part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.” His task is to maintain order in the country. When did the word police lose its former meaning? military service", this turned out to be not so important for the language. Nowadays, the police often refer to the place where a violator can be sent.

The word “applicant” relatively recently took hold in its new meaning as a person who enters a university. This freed us from the need to use a descriptive expression every time. However, "entrant" previously had a different meaning: "a person who graduates from high school." It was not vital for the language, because in vocabulary Before that, there was another designation for the concept presented - “graduate”.

The word “synthetics” has a new meaning in the language, as synthetic material or a product made from it. This is a very convenient shorthand for a current phenomenon in our time. This allowed him to find structural support for the Russian language system.

Cases of expanded use of a word while necessarily preserving its semantic core are also considered acceptable. Such use is motivated and appropriate due to the fact that it is based on the use of the old form and the classical, already familiar meaning. This avoids the mental stress of remembering new words. For example, "ace". This can be said not only about a pilot, but also about a master of his craft, a true virtuoso. “Assortment” - this refers not only to goods, but also to a collection of various objects or phenomena.

In such cases, extended use is not determined by the terms of the designation. It is not used to fill a gap in the “sign-concept” system. The essence of such consolidation lies in the expressiveness and freshness of the new use, which is considered a key factor for enriching the norms of the modern Russian language.

As noted earlier, norms of word usage determine the correct choice of a word and the appropriateness of its use in the generally accepted meaning and combination. Its development may be accompanied by some difficulties. IN to a certain extent this is due to ambiguous assessments regarding the acceptability of a certain word and the correctness of its use in a particular meaning. This is due to the worldview of the student, the level of his culture, education, as well as the development of literary traditions. However, there are also more significant objective reasons, which can make word choice difficult. They are explained by such phenomena as diversity of meanings, synonymy, and the existence of paronyms.

Polysemy suggests that the word has several meanings, each of which is used in a specific context (observation post and church post, brick wall and furniture wall). However, there are other cases. For example, the verb “listen” has the meaning “to listen from beginning to end,” as well as “to listen without perceiving, without delving into.” It is not always clear in what specific sense it is applied, especially in the sentence presented: “The defendant heard his charge.” The appearance of such ambiguity is strictly prohibited in legal documents.

Correct choice of words

Great difficulties arise when using paronyms, words of the same root that have a similar sound, but have partial or completely different meanings. For example, “provide” and “present”.

Linguistic practice often confronts us with choosing one of these verbs in various combinations. For example, present or provide a report. The verbs used have the same structure and similar sound form, but have different meanings. In new explanatory dictionaries, the word “present” may have several variations:

  1. Award (present for an order).
  2. Present something, show something (provide a certificate).
  3. Introduce or recommend (introduce a friend to your relatives).
  4. Imagine something (you need to imagine how it will happen).
  5. Select someone (introduce delegates to the congress).
  6. Depict, reproduce (present to the public the situation unfolding in the play).

The verb “to provide” has two main meanings:

  1. Give the opportunity to use it.
  2. Act in a certain way.

As you can see, these verbs do not have a common meaning. However, due to the similarity in structure sound form their confusion often occurs. Of course, in colloquial speech this can easily be overlooked. As we said earlier, in official documentation such errors can be critical. The use of paronymic words certainly requires caution and care.

Some difficulties sometimes arise when choosing the right word from the list of synonyms. Everyone knows that they differ in their meaning and application. For example, you can use a synonymous series: famous, wonderful, famous, outstanding, great. It is most often used in relation to people. All these words have approximately the same meaning, but they cannot always be used as synonyms.

Each of them carries its own burden: the phrase “famous scientist” speaks of that. what a person is known in wide circles society, and the “outstanding scientist” emphasizes that this person has made important discoveries for society.

As you can see, synonyms can have various uses. Some of them are considered bookish, others - colloquial, and others - commonly used or neutral.

In legal practice, cases often arise that are associated with the incorrect selection of a word from synonymous series. By using it in a meaning other than intended, you can significantly complicate or delay the resolution of the issue.

The words “testimony” or “show” are constantly used in legal practice. To avoid their repetition, lawyers try to resort to searching for synonyms for replacement, making serious mistakes in the process. The fact is that words such as “state”, “tell” and others will not be exact synonyms. For the verb "show" the terminological meaning is "to give an answer during interrogation." The meaning of the word “say” is “to express something verbally”, and “communicate” is “to bring to notice”. None of the above verbs carries that essential feature, as in "response during interrogation." Based on this, only the verb “show” can be perceived as a legal term. Only in in some cases it can be replaced with synonyms.

Professional words and terms are not the only way designations of various concepts that take place in the work of lawyers. To avoid repetition of words, they can be replaced with others that are closer in meaning. It is important to maintain the accuracy and appropriateness of using a new option in each specific case.

It follows from this that following the basic norms of the modern Russian literary language is mandatory requirement for correct speech. When forming them, it is very important to take into account the meaning of the word, which was recorded in the explanatory dictionary, and the appropriateness of their use in a specific saying. Violating the norms of the modern Russian language always leads to the formation of errors and misunderstandings. This is not always appropriate in colloquial speech, and in writing it is completely unacceptable.


Linguistic norms of the modern Russian language are accepted rules in general speech practice among educated people. They relate to pronunciation, grammar and other linguistic features. These are the rules for using words. The concept of the norm of the modern Russian language is formed as a result of the social and historical selection of various elements of the language. They can be formed or extracted from passive stock of the past, is elevated to the status of commonly used or suitable.

The concept of the norm of the modern Russian language and word usage means the correct choice of words. The appropriateness of its use in its generally accepted meaning and combination is also considered.

Lexical norms of the modern Russian literary language can be violated very often. This is explained by the fact that the variability of norms leads to the inevitable coexistence of a new and old version, and also by the fact that it can be difficult to learn stress in the Russian language. It can be mobile and varied.

Morphological norms of the modern Russian language characterize the choice of word form. The most general prerequisite for the diversity of morphology is the mixing and interaction of old linguistic structures, types of conjugation and other methods of formation grammatical forms. These linguistic norms of the modern Russian language, like all others, are not immutable. However, the main feature of the morphological norm is their relative stability and a small number of abbreviation options.

The syntactic form of the norm of the modern Russian literary language can be associated with the rules for the formation of phrases and sentences. Variation arises in modern language in connection with various factors, each of which must be carefully examined and considered in order to communicate correctly and correctly.

WITH today In Russia there are new norms for the literary Russian language. Now you cannot blame those who sign not an agreement, but an agreement and drink STRONG coffee, with illiteracy. Such norms are enshrined in dictionaries that the Ministry of Education and Science has approved as reference standards.

It is advisable to sign the “agreement” on “Wednesdays”. In the morning, have breakfast with yogurt and drink black coffee. All these words and phrases should no longer offend the ears; they are acceptable to use. From now on, saying this is the norm. On Knowledge Day, the Ministry of Education and Science released words that were previously considered the height of illiteracy. Here are just a few innovations. The word “married” is a mistake; it is correct to say “married”. "Karate" must be written with an "e". You can conclude as you like - both “agreement” and “agreement”. Moreover, both on Wednesdays and on Wednesdays. Well, what’s absolutely surprising is the double emphasis in the word “yogurt”/“yogurt”. Such rules are determined by the list of “dictionaries, grammars and reference books containing the norms of the modern Russian literary language,” specified in the order of the Ministry of Education, which officially comes into force today.

The Ministry of Education decided that there were too many low-quality dictionaries, and it was time to separate the wheat from the chaff. Publishers were asked to undergo a kind of certification - submit their reference books to a commission for verification in order to compile a list of official publications that can and should be consulted. There were four of these. And it is them, as they say in official document Ministry of Education, it is recommended to use “when using Russian as the state language”:

"Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language" by Bronislava Bukchina, Inna Sazonova and Lyudmila Cheltsova,
"Grammar Dictionary of the Russian Language" edited by Andrey Zaliznyak, "Dictionary of Stresses of the Russian Language" by Irina Reznichenko, "Bolshoi phrasebook Russian language" by Veronica Telia. It is interesting that all four books were published by the same publishing house.

The Ministry delicately refused to give an official comment to the order to Vesti today, saying only that the list of dictionaries was recommended to officials and supposedly does not introduce new rules for the Russian language. Moreover, this list is not final. As a result, there will be several dozen reference books.

Meanwhile, there is confusion in the ranks of philologists. It is not clear why this list did not include any of the dictionaries that until today were considered standard - Rosenthal's books, for example, or Lopatin's academic reference book. Where, by the way, is the word “coffee”? male. However, a number of experts refer to the fact that language norms change over time, and this is normal. The dictionary only records how it is customary to speak in a given era. So, for example, in the 30s they said both “my” and “my” taxi. And if now more and more people say “agreement” or “strong coffee”, then this is becoming normal. This point of view is shared by one of the authors of the spelling dictionary from the new list. Will new dictionaries take root in government institutions? And whether their use in educational institutions will become mandatory is not specified by the Ministry’s order.

Interestingly, in these four books we also found the word “Internet”, which from now on must be written only with capital letters(although “telephone” or “television” is small). And it’s completely Russian - “fife-o-klok”. That is, “I didn’t have a fife-o-clock today” in the sense of “I didn’t have an afternoon snack today.”

Language norms(norms of a literary language, literary norms) are the rules for the use of linguistic means in a certain period of development of a literary language, i.e. rules of pronunciation, spelling, word usage, grammar. A norm is a pattern of uniform, generally accepted use of language elements (words, phrases, sentences).

  • A linguistic phenomenon is considered normative if it is characterized by such features as:
    • compliance with the structure of the language;
    • massive and regular reproducibility in the process speech activity majority of speakers;
    • public approval and recognition.

Linguistic norms were not invented by philologists; they reflect a certain stage in the development of the literary language of the entire people. Language norms cannot be introduced or abolished by decree; they cannot be reformed administratively. The activity of linguists who study language norms is different - they identify, describe and codify language norms, as well as explain and promote them.

  • To main sources language norm relate:
  • The characteristic features of language norms are:
    • relative stability;
    • prevalence;
    • common usage;
    • universal obligatory;
    • correspondence to the use, custom and capabilities of the language system.

The norms common to oral and written speech concern linguistic content and construction of texts.

Lexical norms, or norms of word usage, are norms that determine the correct choice of a word from a number of units that are close to it in meaning or form, as well as its use in the meanings that it has in the literary language. Lexical norms are reflected in explanatory dictionaries, dictionaries of foreign words, terminological dictionaries and reference books. Compliance with lexical norms is the most important condition for the accuracy of speech and its correctness. Their violation leads to lexical errors different types:

· incorrect choice of a word from a number of units, including confusion of paronyms, inaccurate choice of synonym, incorrect choice of unit semantic field(skeletal type of thinking, analyze the life activity of writers, Nikolaev aggression, Russia experienced many incidents in domestic and foreign policy in those years);

· violation of norms lexical compatibility(a herd of hares, under the yoke of humanity, a secret curtain, ingrained foundations, went through all stages of human development);

· the contradiction between the speaker’s intention and the emotional and evaluative connotations of the word (Pushkin correctly chose the path of life and followed it, leaving indelible traces; He made an enormous contribution to the development of Russia);

· the use of anachronisms (Lomonosov entered the institute, Raskolnikov studied at the university);

· a mixture of linguistic and cultural realities (Lomonosov lived hundreds of miles from the capital);

· misuse phraseological units(Youth was flowing out of him; We need to get him out into fresh water).

Grammar rules are divided into word-formation, morphological and syntactic. Grammatical norms are described in "Russian Grammar", prepared by the Academy of Sciences, in Russian language textbooks and grammatical reference books.

Word formation norms determine the order of combining parts of a word and forming new words. A word-formation error is the use of non-existent derivative words instead of existing derivative words with other affixes, for example: character description, salesmanship, hopelessness, the writer’s works are distinguished by their depth and truthfulness.

Morphological norms require the correct formation of grammatical forms of words different parts speech (forms of gender, number, short forms and degrees of comparison of adjectives, etc.). A typical violation of morphological norms is the use of a word in a non-existent or inflectional form that does not correspond to the context (analyzed image, reigning order, victory over fascism, called Plyushkin a hole). Sometimes you can hear the following phrases: railway rail, imported shampoo, registered parcel post, patent leather shoes. In these phrases it is allowed morphological error- the gender of nouns is incorrectly formed.

Syntactic norms prescribe the correct construction of the main syntactic units- phrases and sentences. These norms include rules for word agreement and syntactic control, relating parts of a sentence to each other using the grammatical forms of words so that the sentence is a literate and meaningful statement. Violation syntactic norms available in following examples: reading it, a question arises; The poem is characterized by a synthesis of lyrical and epic principles; Married to his brother, none of the children were born alive.

Stylistic norms determine the use of linguistic means in accordance with the laws of the genre, the features of the functional style and, more broadly, with the purpose and conditions of communication. Unmotivated use of words of a different stylistic connotation in the text causes stylistic errors. Stylistic norms are recorded in explanatory dictionaries as special notes, and are commented on in textbooks on the stylistics of the Russian language and speech culture. Stylistic errors consist of violation stylistic norms, inclusion in the text of units that do not correspond to the style and genre of the text.

The most typical stylistic errors are:

· stylistic inappropriateness (goes in cycles, royal lawlessness, doesn’t care, the love conflict is depicted in all its glory - in the text of an essay, in a business document, in an analytical article);

· use of cumbersome, unsuccessful metaphors (Pushkin and Lermontov are two rays of light in dark kingdom; These flowers - the messengers of nature - do not know what kind of violent heart beats in their chests under the stone slabs; Did he have the right to cut off this thread of life that he did not hang?);

· lexical insufficiency (I am deeply concerned about this issue);

· lexical redundancy(He wakes them up so that they wake up; We must turn to the period of their lives, that is, the period of time when they lived; Pushkin is a poet with a capital P of the word);

· ambiguity (While Oblomov was sleeping, many were preparing for his awakening; Oblomov’s only entertainment was Zakhar; Yesenin, preserving traditions, but somehow did not love the fair female sex so much; All actions and relationships between Olga and Oblomov were incomplete) .

Spelling standards- these are the rules for naming words in writing. They include rules for designating sounds with letters, rules for fused, hyphenated and separate writing words, rules for using capital letters and graphic abbreviations.

Punctuation standards determine the use of punctuation marks.

Punctuation means are as follows functions:

· delimitation in a written text of one syntactic structure (or its element) from another;

· fixation in the text of the left and right boundaries of a syntactic structure or its element;

· combination of several in the text syntactic structures into one whole.

The norms of spelling and punctuation are enshrined in the “Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation”, the only most complete and officially approved set of spelling rules. Based on these rules, various reference books on spelling and punctuation have been compiled, the most authoritative among which is considered to be the “Handbook of Spelling and Punctuation” by D.E. Rosenthal.

Orthoepic norms include norms of pronunciation, stress and intonation. Compliance with spelling norms is an important part of speech culture, because their violation creates in listeners an unpleasant impression of the speech and the speaker himself, and distracts from the perception of the content of the speech. Orthoepic norms are fixed in spelling dictionaries Russian language and accent dictionaries. Intonation norms are described in “Russian Grammar” and Russian language textbooks.

Related information.


Topic: Standards of modern Russian language


1 The concept of a language norm and its functions

2 Norms of modern Russian language

3 Language norms and speech practice


List of used literature


The history and culture of the people is reflected in the language. Moreover, the most essential part of the collective experience of the people, which manifests itself in intellectual activity and in “ inner world» of a person, finds its expression through language in oral speech and in written texts.

The concepts of “normal” and “norm” are important for many species human activity. There are standards for the production of products (for example, at a factory) and normals, i.e. technical requirements that these products must satisfy. Nutritionists talk about nutritional standards, athletes “fit” into certain standards (in running, in jumping). No one doubts the fact that in any civilized society there are norms of relationships between people, norms of etiquette; Each of us has an idea of ​​what is normal for human communication, and what is abnormal goes beyond some unwritten norm. Yes and ours everyday speech replete with these words: How are you? - Fine!; Well how are you? - Nothing, it’s normal. Moreover, the norm is invisibly present in our statements that do not contain the words norm or normal. When we say: a comfortable chair, too a dark room, inexpressive singing, we mean certain generally accepted “norms” of chair comfort, room lighting, and expressiveness of singing.

There is a norm in language too. And this is quite natural: language is an integral part of not only a civilized society, but also of any human society in general. Normativity is compliance with language norms, which are perceived by its speakers as an “ideal” or correct model.

Language norm is one of the components national culture. Therefore, the development of a literary norm, its codification, and the reflection of the normalizing activities of linguists in grammars, dictionaries and reference books are of great social and cultural importance.

All of the above justifies the relevance of this topic.

Purpose of the work: a comprehensive study and analysis of the norms of the modern Russian language.

The work consists of an introduction, 3 chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

1 The concept of a language norm and its functions

Norm is one of the central linguistic concepts. Most often, this term is used in combination with “literary norm” and is applied to those varieties of language that are used in the media, in science and education, in diplomacy, lawmaking and legislation, in business and legal proceedings and other areas of “socially important” predominantly public communication. But we can talk about the norm in relation to a territorial dialect or social jargon. Thus, linguists use the term norm in two senses - broad and narrow.

In a broad sense, the norm refers to such means and ways of speech that have been spontaneously formed over many centuries and that usually distinguish one type of language from others. That’s why we can talk about a norm in relation to a territorial dialect: for example, normal for Northern Russian dialects is Okanye, and for Southern Russian dialects - Akanye. In its own way, any of the social or professional jargon: for example, what is used in trade lingo will be rejected as foreign by those who have mastered the jargon of carpenters; established ways of using linguistic means exist in army jargon and in the jargon of musicians-“labukhs”, and speakers of each of these jargons can easily distinguish someone else’s from their own, familiar and therefore normal for them, etc.

In a narrow sense, a norm is the result of the codification of language. Of course, codification is based on the tradition of the existence of language in a given society, on some unwritten but generally accepted ways of using linguistic means. But it is important that codification is the purposeful ordering of everything related to language and its application. The results of codifying activities are reflected in normative dictionaries and grammars.

The norm as a result of codification is inextricably linked with the concept of literary language, which is otherwise called normalized or codified. The territorial dialect, urban vernacular, social and professional jargons are not subject to codification: after all, no one consciously and purposefully ensures that Vologda residents consistently okal, and residents Kursk village They asked that sellers, God forbid, do not use the terminology of carpenters, and soldiers do not use the words and expressions of Labouche jargon, and therefore the concept of norm in the narrow sense of this term just discussed is not applicable to such varieties of language - dialects, jargons.

Language norms are not invented by scientists. They reflect natural processes and phenomena that have occurred and are occurring in the language and are supported by the speech practice of native speakers of a literary language. The main sources of language norms include the works of classical writers and some modern writers, the language of Central Television announcers, generally accepted modern usage, data from live and questionnaire surveys, Scientific research linguists, language system (analogs), opinion of the majority of speakers.

Norms help the literary language maintain its integrity and general intelligibility. They protect the literary language from the flow dialect speech, social and professional jargons, vernacular. This important function norms – a function of protecting the language. In addition, norms reflect what has developed historically in a language - this is a function of reflecting the history of the language.

Speaking about the essence of a norm, it should be remembered that a norm is not a law. The law constitutes a necessity that does not allow any deviations, while the norm only prescribes how it should be. Let's compare the following examples:

1. A stone thrown up must then fall down (this is a law of nature);

2. A person living in a society must follow the rules of the community, for example, not knocking on the wall with a hammer after 11 pm (these are social norms);

3. Man in progress verbal communication must put accents correctly (these are language norms).

So, the norm only indicates how it should be - this is the function of the prescription.

Thus, a language norm is the traditionally established rules for the use of speech means, i.e. rules of exemplary and generally accepted pronunciation, use of words, phrases and sentences.

2 Norms of modern Russian language

There are written and oral norms.

Written language norms are, first of all, spelling and punctuation norms. For example, the spelling N in the word worker, and NN in the word nameNNik is subject to certain spelling rules. And the placement of a dash in the sentence Moscow is the capital of Russia is explained by the punctuation norms of the modern Russian language.

Oral norms are divided into grammatical, lexical and orthoepic.

Grammar rules are the rules for using the forms of different parts of speech, as well as the rules for constructing a sentence. Most common grammatical errors, associated with the use of the gender of nouns “railroad rail, French shampoo, big callus, registered parcel, patent leather shoes.” However, rail, shampoo is a masculine noun, and callus, parcel, shoe are feminine, so we should say “railroad rail, French shampoo and large callus, customized parcel, patent leather shoe.”

Lexical norms are the rules for using words in speech. An error is, for example, using the verb lay down instead of putting. Despite the fact that the verbs lay down and put down have the same meaning, put down is a normative literary word, and lay down is a colloquial word. The expressions: I put the book back in its place, etc. are errors. The verb to put should be used: I put the books in place.

Orthoepic norms are pronunciation norms oral speech. (Orthoepy from the Greek orthos - correct and epos - speech). Compliance with pronunciation standards has important for the quality of our speech. Pronunciation that corresponds to orthoepic norms facilitates and speeds up the communication process, therefore social role correct pronunciation is very great, especially now in our society, where oral speech has become a means of the widest communication at various meetings, conferences, and forums.

The norm is conservative and is aimed at preserving the linguistic means and rules for their use accumulated in a given society by previous generations. The unity and universality of the norm are manifested in the fact that representatives of different social strata and groups that make up a given society are obliged to adhere to traditional ways linguistic expression, as well as those rules and regulations contained in grammars and dictionaries and which are the result of codification. Deviation from linguistic tradition, from dictionary and grammatical rules and recommendations is considered a violation of the norm. However, it is no secret that at all stages of the development of a literary language, when using it in different communicative conditions, variants of linguistic means are allowed: you can say cottage cheese - and cottage cheese, spotlights - and spotlights, you are right - and you are right, etc.

The norm relies on traditional ways of using language and is wary of linguistic innovations. “The norm is recognized as what was, and partly what is, but not at all what will be,” wrote the famous linguist A.M. Peshkovsky. He explained this property of both the literary norm and the literary language itself: “If the literary dialect changed quickly, then each generation could only use the literature of its own and the previous generation, many two. But under such conditions there would be no literature itself, since the literature of each generation is created by all previous literature. If Chekhov had not already understood Pushkin, then Chekhov probably would not have existed. Too much thin layer soil would provide too little nutrition for literary sprouts. The conservatism of the literary dialect, uniting centuries and generations, creates the possibility of a single powerful centuries-old national literature.” However, the conservatism of a norm does not mean its complete immobility in time. It is another matter that the pace of normative changes is slower than the development of a given national language as a whole. The more developed literary form

language, the better it serves the communicative needs of society, the less it changes from generation to generation of people using this language. Did you like the article?