What is personality and individuality? How an individual differs from a developed personality: definition of concepts and their differences

The explanation of how an individual differs from a person lies in duality human nature. A person is born with a set of unique characteristics and properties. One can speak of a baby only as an individual, a representative of the species Homo sapiens. Life in society gives each individual the opportunity to socialize, develop their natural inclinations and form personal qualities. We can talk about such characteristics of a person as personality and individuality only when he is a full member of society.

Numerous examples from life when, due to various reasons small children find themselves in the company of animals, confirm that the development of man as an individual continues through general patterns. The child grows, but does not acquire personal qualities, because he is deprived human communication. This confirms the significant role of socialization in the formation of personality.

Individual and Personality Differences

The duality of human nature, his bio social essence has repeatedly become the object of study by many philosophers, sociologists and psychologists. The representative of the Russian philosophical school N.A. Berdyaev classifies the concept of personality as a religious-spiritual category, and the concept of an individual as a naturalistic-biological category.

A precise description of the differences between an individual and a personality was given by the famous psychologist A.G. Asmolov, who claims that one is born as an individual, but becomes a person.

  • Development

An individual is a specific person characterized by activity, mental and physical integrity, and a stable attitude towards the surrounding reality.

The life of an individual is aimed at satisfying his own needs. Needs are a kind of stimulus that encourages targeted actions. The lowest are natural needs; their satisfaction is aimed at ensuring the functioning of the body to maintain life. A person provides himself with food, drink, clothing, creates conditions for sleep, for living and for developing relationships with individuals of the opposite sex.

Life in society makes a person dependent on public relations. Satisfying the need for communication raises the individual to the next level of development, encouraging him to cultural activities. He begins to manifest himself as a member of society, as an individual, realizing his place in it and realizing his spiritual needs. The social affiliation of an individual expresses his personal essence.

  • Consciousness

When interacting with outside world a person develops such a sign of mental activity as consciousness. A conscious individual is a personality.

Thus, through its own needs and awareness of interaction with society, a human individual becomes a person.

  • Mental activity

Availability developed brain in humans is its distinctive biological feature. The development of mental activity in an individual is the foundation for the emergence of unique distinctive features that characterize him as a human personality.

Distinctive features are:

  1. a set of knowledge, skills, abilities, formed in the process of learning the methods of human activity;
  2. the ability to self-assess and analyze one’s own actions, necessary for the formation of personal characteristics;
  3. adequacy of perception of the assessment of others.

The listed traits carry the characteristics of socialization, while the traits of an individual differ only in their biological and physiological set of qualities.

  • Social status

The evolution of man is a long journey, as a result of which he took the highest point in the hierarchy of the animal world. In its individual development, each individual goes through an equally complex path of transition from individual to personality, forming individual qualities that distinguish human individuals from each other and distinguish them from others. total mass.

This process cannot be considered separately from society, since it is society that gives the direction of development and shapes ideological ideas and principles. Any society is capable of forming a personality that meets its needs. The higher the level of development of spirituality and morality in society, the higher the demands for the formation of a highly moral spiritual person.

A free society gives rise to a free person, characterized by a strong individuality, capable of self-expression and creativity. And any personality grows from an individual endowed genetically with the ability to develop.

The differences between an individual and a personality lie in the attitude towards recognition in society. The individual does not feel the need to prove his advantages over his fellows, and the individual performs actions for the sake of recognition and status.

Social status is a person’s place, the niche he occupies in society and depends on gender, age, education, and profession. Unlike the individual, at this stage there is an awareness of one’s status, which can have a temporary characteristic: be permanent (man, son, father, husband) or temporary (student, salesman, passenger, patient).

Correlation between the concepts of individual and personality

If we talk about the relationship between the concepts of “individual and personality,” then a person does not cease to be an individual; during its formation, the mental qualities that were laid down at birth develop. A person’s activities, his spiritual development and interaction with society develop in him distinctive properties and features.

Personal properties include:

  1. Self-awareness is the conscious need for activity, development, self-improvement.
  2. Maturity is the readiness of the psyche for changes at a certain stage of development.
  3. Socialization is dependence on society and development in interaction with it, adequate perception knowledge, norms and values ​​of society in the process of achieving one’s own goal.
  4. Orientation is the manifestation of aspects of the psyche, the ability to express oneself in different social and public roles.
  5. Privilege is the dependence of the influence of position in society on the strength of the individual.

The relationship between the components of the personality structure is built on the relationship between the concepts of “personality and individual”. Thus, the natural inclinations of an individual determine the type of his temperament, based on the innate characteristics of nervous activity. Manifestations of temperament are observed in human behavior. Behavior is a reflection of a person’s inner world, his maturity and spirituality.

Expression of individuality

The concepts of “personality and individuality” cannot be identified, since the first concept is a characteristic of the second. It is individuality that gives a person a set of unique properties and traits that distinguish him from the social mass.

Personality is an expression objective assessment a person and his compliance with society, and individuality is self-esteem, subjective perception of oneself from the point of view of acquired qualities.

A person can show his individuality in different areas of activity: in profession, in creativity, in communication. Individuality makes it possible to demonstrate versatile abilities while maintaining the integrity of the psyche.

A person’s individuality is in constant dynamics, manifesting itself in various unexpected situations and conditions. A person’s individual qualities find their vivid expression at critical moments when it is necessary to quickly accept non-standard solution or take responsibility yourself. At the same time, society’s assessment will not always be positive. The reaction from the outside is an additional stimulus for the development of the subject, determining its direction.

If there is a stop in development, then we can talk about degradation. Its causes may be internal motives, as well as the influence external factors when there is suppression or subordination to someone else’s will, excluding the choice of actions or actions.


1. Correlation of concepts: personality, person, individual, individuality

2. Individuality as a personal property



The problem of personality is an immense, significant and complex problem, covering a huge field of research. The concept of personality is one of the most complex in human knowledge.

Personality is the object of a number of sciences and, being complex, multifaceted social phenomenon, requires a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach (philosophical-sociological, socio-psychological, etc.). Until now, there has not yet been a sufficiently substantiated and generally accepted definition; the ambiguity of the content of this concept is due to the multidimensionality of personality manifestations, the diversity of its formation and development. Personality in psychology refers to a systemic quality acquired by an individual in objective activity and communication.

Most psychologists believe that a person is not born as a person, but becomes one. However, in modern psychology there is no unified theory of personality formation and development. Thus, the biogenetic approach (S. Hall, Z. Freud, etc.) considers the basis for personality development biological processes maturation of the body; sociogenetic (E. Thorndike, B. Skinner, etc.) structure of society, methods of socialization, relationships with others, etc.; psychogenetic (J. Piaget, J. Kelly, etc.) without denying either biological or social factors, brings to the fore the development of mental phenomena themselves.

The domestic general psychological theory of personality is based on the understanding of personality psychology as the unity of activity, consciousness of the individual and the factors that determine it external conditions, acting through internal reasons, and develops under the influence of scientific works: K.A Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, B.G. Ananyeva, L.I. Antsiferova, L.S. Vygotsky, A.G. Kovaleva, A.N. Leontyeva, B.F. Lomova, V.S. Merlina, V.N. Myasishcheva, A.V. Petrovsky, K.K. Platonova, B.M. Teplova, S.L. Rubinstein and others.

The purpose of this work: to study and characterize such concepts as personality and individuality.

Correlation of concepts: personality, man, individual, individuality

When starting to study individuality and personality, it is first necessary to give psychological characteristics a person as an individual, a person and individuality.

The concepts of “individual”, “individuality”, “personality” are often used as synonyms to describe a person. However, there are important differences between them. These concepts characterize a person with different sides(Fig. 1).

When a person is born, he carries within himself, first of all, a generic affiliation, which is expressed by the concept of “individual”. Thus, this concept characterizes the bearer of certain biological properties. Gradually, a person acquires a special social quality and becomes a personality, i.e. a real person.

Man is a generic concept, indicating that a creature belongs to the highest degree of development of living nature - to the human race. The concept of “man” affirms the genetic predetermination of the development of human characteristics and qualities. On the one hand, man is a biological being, an animal endowed with consciousness, with speech and the ability to work; on the other hand, man is a social being, he needs to communicate and interact with other people. The fundamental feature that distinguishes a person from an animal as a biological individual is sociality, belonging to a society.

An individual is a person as a unit of society. As individuals, people differ from each other not only morphological features(such as height, bodily constitution and eye color), but also psychological properties (abilities, temperament, emotionality). Then a person, being included in the system of social relations, acquires a special social quality and becomes a personality. Personality is a human individual who is a subject of conscious activity, considered as a social being, and possessing a set of socially significant traits, properties and qualities that he realizes in public life.

A person becomes a personality in the process of assimilating the social and cultural experience of a given society. At the same time, not every person is a person; only a person with a formed worldview, values ​​and moral principles can be called a person.

Individuality is the personality of a specific person as a unique combination of peculiar, only for him inherent qualities, which allow us to distinguish him from other representatives of the human race. Individuality includes both inherited and acquired properties (type of temperament, physical and mental characteristics, intelligence, worldview, life experience and etc.).

) The formation of personality is the process of socialization of a person, which consists in his mastering a generic, social essence. This development is always carried out in the specific historical circumstances of a person’s life. The formation of personality is associated with the individual’s acceptance of the socially developed social functions and roles, social norms and rules of behavior, with the formation of skills to build relationships with other people. A formed personality is a subject of free, independent and responsible behavior in society.

) The formation of individuality is the process of individualization of an object. Individualization is the process of self-determination and isolation of the individual, his separation from the community, the design of his individuality, uniqueness and originality. A person who has become an individual is an original person who has actively and creatively demonstrated himself in life.

Picture 1 - Basic Concepts: individual, personality, individuality

Thus, we can say that the individual forms a personality in himself. At the same time, the personality of each person is endowed only with its inherent combination psychological traits and the features that form her individuality, that make up the uniqueness of a person, his difference from other people. Individuality is manifested in everything: in the traits of temperament, character, habits, prevailing interests, abilities, individual style activities, etc.

The concepts of “personality” and “individuality” are fixed different sides, different dimensions of a person’s spiritual essence. The essence of this difference is well expressed in the language:

With the word “personality” such epithets as “strong”, “energetic”, “independent” are usually used, thereby emphasizing its active representation in the eyes of others;

Individuality is spoken of as “bright”, “unique”, “creative”, meaning the qualities of an independent entity.

Individuality as a personal property

The relationship between the concepts of “personality” and “individuality” in domestic psychology gives rise to a number of conflicting opinions. As V.S. writes Merlin, “it is a common view that personality is the same thing as individuality.” According to the scientist, this is not so; moreover, it is precisely in the fact that the concept of individuality differs from the concept of personality that the essence of the difference between the animal psyche and the human psyche lies: “Animals have individuality, but not personality. Only man is a person.”

A.G. Asmolov characterizes the relationship between these basic concepts in psychology in the following way: “The connection between an individual who carries the species experience of humanity, a person who joins various pictures of the world and standard forms behavior in sociogenesis as the history of mankind, and individuality, building itself and the world in personogenesis as the life path of a person, is conveyed by the formula: “One is born as an individual. They become a person. Individuality is defended."

In psychology, there are several traditions of understanding individuality. So, for example, individuality is understood as singularity, a unique combination of different in degree of expression, but common personality traits inherent in all people without exception. From this point of view, the more clearly individuality is expressed, the closer person to pathology.

Another tradition is the understanding of individuality as a complement to general personality traits characteristic of a population and expressing general trends its development, such that are found only in individual person and are genetically associated with specific irregular circumstances of its development. It is defined as a set of individual and personality traits that distinguish a particular person from other people.

Another tradition is the understanding of individuality as integrity and as a fundamentally new level of consideration of personality.

At the same time, different authors suggest different characteristics individualities in which shades of understanding of a given category are “read”. So, S.L. Rubinstein, V.M. Rusalov use the term holistic individuality, B.G. Ananyev - complex, V.S. Merlin - integral, A.V. Brushlinsky - subject-activity, E.A. Golubeva - structural and functional.

There are two main approaches to the correlation of the concepts of “individuality” and “personality”. From one point of view, individuality combines those biological and social characteristics of a person that make him different from other people. Then this concept becomes broader than personality. From another point of view, individuality in the structural organization of a person unites only a small group of qualities. Hence, the structure of a person’s personality is wider than the structure of his individuality. As E.P. writes Ilyin, some authors (for example, V.P. Tugarinov) believe that individuality is a sign of personality, which is not without reason; others (B.G. Ananyev) believe that individuality is a sign of a person as a biological and social being, i.e. individuality is recognized as a new psychophysiological formation.

Today it is generally accepted following definition: individuality is a special form of existence of an individual person in the society within which he lives, acts as an autonomous, unique and unrepeatable system, maintaining its integrity and identity in conditions of continuous internal and external changes.

So, the individuality of a person lies in the fact that each individual is unique, but especially in the fact that each individual is a separate, original subject who, being included in the world around him, in one or another social structure, retains his relative independence. That is, the essence of individuality is connected with the originality of the individual, with his ability to be himself, to act as an independent being within the framework of another whole.

Individual originality is manifested in all signs of individuality. But true meaning individual uniqueness is associated not so much with the external appearance of the individual, but with the way of being as an independent subject of activity. At the same time, individuality does not exist along with personality, but as one of its properties. The concept of personality captures the socially significant traits of a person that are characteristic of him as an individual. But, if the essence of personality is the personification of social relations, then a specific person can express his social essence in the form of individuality. As an individual, a person creates his own image and is the “author” of his actions. Personality taken outside of connection with individuality, outside of it own way existence does not really exist. If a human individual cannot become a person without mastering his social essence, then a person cannot acquire his independent existence without becoming an individual. Thus, personality is social in its essence, but individual in its mode of existence. It represents the unity of the social and the individual, essence and existence.

Personality and individuality are not only interconnected, but also mutually determine each other. The formation of a person’s personal qualities is in close connection with his individual self-awareness. The behavior of a particular person, his attitude to his social roles and functions depend on his individual consciousness, his level of development, and individual characteristics. Thus, individuality is not only connected with personality, but also forms its essential feature, and therefore should organically enter into the definition of the very concept of personality.

The prerequisites for human individuality are laid down in anatomical and physiological inclinations, which are transformed in the process of education, which is socially conditioned, giving rise to a wide variability in the manifestations of individuality. Newly born children similar friend to each other, from the first minutes of their life they demonstrate their individuality in behavior and perception of the world around them. Let this manifest itself in the reaction to the coming and leaving of the mother, the peculiarities of giving the most primitive signals to others, or the expression of a negative attitude towards something. The child is showing free will, which takes on more and more specific forms in the course of its development. As we grow older, personality undergoes changes under the influence of external and internal factors. . individuality personality originality

Individuality is realized both through a person’s behavior in a communication situation and through the cultivation of various abilities by him in activity. The uniqueness of the human psyche is determined by the organic unity and integrity of the process of development of his needs and abilities, formed in active communication with carriers of culture (in in a broad sense this word). Individuality, therefore, is personality in its originality. When they talk about individuality, they mean the originality of the individual. Usually the word “individuality” is used to define any dominant feature of a person that makes him different from those around him. Each person is individual, the individuality of some manifests itself very clearly, prominently, while others are inexpressive and hardly noticeable.

Individuality can manifest itself in intellectual, emotional, volitional sphere or in all spheres of mental activity at once. Thus, the originality of intelligence consists in the ability to see what others do not notice, in the features of information processing, i.e. in the ability to pose problems (intellectual and moral) and solve them, in great mobility of emotions. Features of the will are manifested in willpower, amazing courage, and self-control. Originality may consist in a unique combination of properties of a particular person, giving a special flavor to his behavior or activity.

Significant role in modern process means of developing the individual's individuality mass media. Television programs and broadcasts, for example, encourage the individual to somewhat one-sided, standardized development. Vivid images of perception inhibit such thinking functions as analysis and introspection. Often the emphasis in television programs is already set and seems to push the viewer to certain conclusions. This is especially dangerous for developing personality, which is just beginning its socialization process and often accepts any authoritatively stated theory as truth.

Individuality characterizes a person more specifically, in more detail and thereby more completely. It is a constant object of research in the study of both personality psychology and other areas of psychology.

One of the most important, defining properties of individuality is ability, expressed in the degree of quality of performance of a particular activity. Abilities are those individual psychological characteristics that are related to the success of one or more activities. The basis for the development of abilities can be all kinds of combinations of general and special individual psychological qualities. Among the most common are abilities such as ability to work, endurance, etc. So, E.A. Golubeva found that the combination natural prerequisites social abilities constitute complex systems. For example, with developed linguistic abilities, people are characterized by passivity, the predominance of visual memory over everything else, and developed second-signal functions. People with communicative tendencies remember information mostly by ear; as general characteristics, they have mobility of the psyche and nervous system. With the ability for musical self-expression, the lability of the nervous system in different ages, greater receptivity and sensitivity, as well as the predominance of an involuntary level of regulation.

Abilities are those features of human psychology that determine the productivity of acquiring various skills and abilities, but having the ability to do something does not mean initially possessing already established skills and abilities. A person’s abilities are only a tendency to more easily master certain knowledge. Just as a sown field is only a possibility in relation to a future harvest, which can grow from seeds, but only under favorable conditions, human abilities are only an opportunity for acquiring knowledge and skills. In the case when a certain set of personality properties coincides with those required in a given field of work, and mastering the profession occurred quite easily and within the established time frame, it makes sense to talk about the presence of this person abilities for this specific activity.

Since a person differs from another precisely in his abilities, this set of qualities can be called individual psychological characteristics. The system of abilities inherent in a person includes basic qualities (properties directly related to the predominant activity (the musical ear of a singer or visual memory artist)) and additional (properties that are not directly related to the main activity being performed, but help to cope with one’s duties quite efficiently (a good eye for a builder or endurance for a truck driver)). But both the leading and auxiliary components form a unity that ensures a high-quality level of training and education, and at the same time determine the special ways and methods associated with the personal qualities of the teacher.

To the number general qualities personalities, which in the conditions of a specific activity can act as abilities, include individual psychological characteristics that determine the individual’s belonging to one of three types of people. I.P. Pavlov classifies them as “artistic”, “mental” and “average” types. This typology was formed in the process of teaching that the highest nervous activity is determined by the existence of two signaling systems in it:

) figurative and emotional;

) signaling images through words - signal signals.

For example, artistic type characterized by the predominance of signals from the first signaling system; mental - the relative predominance of signal signals; middle type - equal presence of both signal systems.

The artistic type is characterized by the colorfulness of images formed by the direct influence of real impressions, experiences, and emotions. But at the same time, the fact that a person has artistic abilities does not mean at all that he should become or will become in the future an outstanding or even a mediocre artist. It’s just easier for a representative of this type than for others to get used to activities that require impressionability, an emotional attitude to events, imagery and liveliness of imagination, and therefore there are stereotypes of ideas about a particular profession that real life are very often confirmed.

The thinking type is characterized by - abstract perception and construction logical systems, theorizing. Thinking type abilities provide opportunities for the most favorable development of activities associated with operating with abstract material, concepts, mathematical expressions and etc.

Representatives of this type can find application of their abilities in such subjects as mathematics, philosophy, physics, linguistics, etc. Here the listed qualities should be useful for mastering the basics of these sciences. That is, the presence of pronounced prerequisites for a particular type in a person does not mean his complete mediocrity in other areas. We can only talk about the relative predominance of some components of the psyche over others. But at the same time, the second signaling system absolutely prevails over the first, since linguistic and mental properties are of decisive importance in professional activity, and the creative reflection of the world is mediated by thoughts expressed verbally. The area of ​​predominance of the first signaling system can be called emotional figurative reactions experienced by a person in a dream, where conscious thinking processes lose their power.

So, individuality is the uniqueness of an individual person, the totality of features belonging only to him. Essential Definition individuality is that it reflects the originality of a particular individual. If the concept of personality characterizes a person from the side of his social content, then the concept of individuality reveals the form, the way of his being. The concept of individuality is inextricably linked with the process of individualization of a person, with the formation and development of one’s originality and uniqueness.

In psychology, the problem of individuality is posed in connection with holistic characteristic an individual person in the diversity of his thoughts, feelings, manifestations of will, abilities, motives, desires, interests, habits, moods, experiences, qualities of perceptive processes, intelligence, inclinations, abilities and other characteristics.

In general, the individuality of a person is understood as a totality semantic relations and a person’s attitudes in the world, which are acquired during life in society, provide orientation in the hierarchy of values ​​and mastery of behavior in a situation of struggle of motives; embodied through activity and communication in cultural products, in other people, in oneself.


Thus, a person is a unique representative of other living beings, a product of phylo- and ontogenetic development, a bearer of species traits; generalizes social and biological principles. Concepts that reflect individual aspects of a person, which are emphasized when studying him: individual, individuality, personality.

A personality is an individual who occupies a certain position in society, performs a certain social useful activity and characterized by unique individual and socio-psychological characteristics. Personality is formed in the process of socialization, during which the individual assimilates the value-normative system of society, its social functions, and also develops self-awareness. The basis for personality formation is social relations. The inclusion of an individual in various social groups, the implementation of constant interactions with other people - necessary condition for its formation and development.

Individuality is a peculiar combination of biological and social features person that distinguishes him from other people. When they talk about individuality, they mean the originality of the individual. Typically, individuality is defined as some dominant feature of a person that makes him different from those around him. Each person is individual, but the individuality of some manifests itself very clearly, while of others it is barely noticeable. Individuality can manifest itself in the intellectual, emotional, volitional sphere and in all spheres of mental activity at once. Individuality characterizes a person more specifically, in more detail and thereby more completely. Individuality is a constant object of study when studying each individual person.


Asmolov A.G. Psychology of personality / A.G. Asmolov. - M.: Smysl, Academy, 2007. - 526 p.

Individuality as a personal property. The essence of individuality is associated with the originality of the individual, with his ability to be himself, to act as an independent being within the framework of another whole. A person's individuality consists of:
is that each individual is unique,
but, especially in the fact that each individual is a separate, original subject who, being included in the world around him, in one or another social structure, retains his relative independence.

Individual originality is manifested in all signs of individuality. But the true meaning of individual uniqueness is connected not so much with the external appearance of the individual, but with the way of being as an independent subject of activity. Individuality can be defined as special form human existence in society.

It is advisable to compare the concept of individuality with the concept of personality, since individuality does not exist along with personality, but as one of its properties. The concept of personality captures the socially significant traits of a person that are characteristic of him as an individual.

But if the essence of personality is the personification of social relations, then a specific person can express his social essence in the form of individuality. As an individual, a person creates his own image and is the “author” of his actions. “If personality is the “top” of the entire structure of human properties, then individuality is the “depth” of personality and the subject of activity” (6).

Personality, taken outside of connection with individuality, outside of its own way of being, is, of course, an abstraction and does not really exist. If a human individual cannot become a person without mastering his social essence, then a person cannot acquire his independent existence without becoming an individual.

Thus, personality is social in its essence, but individual in its mode of existence. It represents the unity of the social and the individual, essence and existence. Personality and individuality are not only interconnected, but also mutually determine each other. The formation of a person’s personal qualities is in close connection with his individual self-awareness. The behavior of a particular person, his attitude to his social roles and functions depend on his individual consciousness, his level of development, and individual characteristics. Thus, individuality is not only connected with personality, but also forms its essential feature, and therefore should organically enter into the definition of the very concept of personality.

The concept of individuality does not entirely coincide with the concept of personality. If the concept of personality characterizes a person from his social conditioning, its social content, pointing to its social positions and orientations, then the concept of individuality reveals the form, the way of its being. The natural characteristics of an individual do not in themselves form individuality. The human individual becomes an individual as he ceases to be only a “unit”, an “instance” of the species and acquires the relative independence of his existence. Individuality is a special formed quality of a particular person, taken in the unity of his natural and social properties, his consciousness and activity. Thus, “individuality manifests itself differently in the objective world, organic nature And human society, accordingly, three of its forms can be distinguished: objective, biological and social.”

The essential definition of individuality is that it reflects the originality of a particular individual.

The concept of personality characterizes a person from the side of his social content, while the concept of individuality reveals the form, the way of his being. The concept of individuality is inextricably linked with the process of individualization of a person, with the formation and development of one’s originality and uniqueness.

In general, the individuality of a person is understood as a set of semantic relationships and attitudes of a person in the world, which are assigned during life in society, provide orientation in the hierarchy of values ​​and mastery of behavior in a situation of struggle of motives; embodied through activity and communication in cultural products, in other people, in oneself.

Individuality- this is the uniqueness of a particular person, the totality of his or her personal characteristics and styles. In psychology, the problem of individuality is posed in connection with the holistic characteristics of an individual person in the diversity of his thoughts, feelings, manifestations of strength, abilities and talents, needs, interests, habits, experiences, qualities of perceptive processes, inclinations and other various characteristics.

The problem of individuality is considered taking into account the analysis and the person, the search for grounds for identifying types of people and is posed as a problem of the relationship between typological traits and individual differences Therefore, individuality is described as a set of characteristics inherent in a given person. The prerequisites for human individuality are laid down in anatomical and physiological inclinations, which are transformed in the process of education, which is socially conditioned, giving rise to a wide variability in the manifestations of individuality. Individuality is realized both through the situation and through the cultivation of various abilities in activity.

Uniqueness human psyche is determined by the organic unity and integrity of the process of development of his needs and abilities, formed in active communication with carriers of culture (in the broad sense of the word).

The term " individuality“is used as a synonym for the word “individual” to denote the uniqueness of certain characteristics inherent in a particular person and distinguishing this person from all others belonging to the same species. As a rule, the word “individuality” defines any main feature a person’s personality, making her different from those around her. Each person is individual, the individuality of some manifests itself very clearly, prominently, while others are inexpressive and hardly noticeable.

Individuality can manifest itself in the sphere or in all spheres of mental activity at once. The originality of the intellect, for example, consists in the ability to see what others do not notice, in the peculiarities of processing information, i.e., in the ability to pose problems (of an intellectual and moral nature to solve them, in the great mobility of emotions. Peculiarities of the will are manifested in its strength, amazing courage, self-control.

Individuality defines a person more specifically, in more detail, and thereby more completely. It is a constant object of research both in the detailed study of personality psychology and in other areas of psychology.

Since ancient times, thinkers have tried to penetrate into the essence of the concept of “man.” To figure it out, they created different concepts for understanding its definition. In the end we came to general conclusion that a person is a biological, psychological and social unity. The term “person” is closely interconnected with the concepts of “individual”, “individuality”, “personality”. Let's make some distinctions between these terms to understand their essence.

Man, individual, personality, individuality

Man occupies the highest phase in the origin and development of life. The theory of human evolution is called anthropogenesis. Man is a product of nature, which is closely interconnected with society.

The biological nature of man belongs to the higher mammals that appeared on Earth approximately 550 thousand years ago. As a biological being, a person has anatomical and physiological inclinations, that is, he has a muscular, circulatory and nervous system, in addition - sexual and age characteristics. But the nervous system and the processes responsible for existence are programmed so that a person can adapt to different conditions of existence.

Psychological nature includes a person’s imagination, thinking, feelings, character, and memory.

The social essence of man includes moral qualities, worldview, knowledge, values, skills. Man is formed social personality only when it comes into close contact (communication, relationships with society) with another society.

Differences between human nature and animal nature:

  1. The person expresses himself clearly and has thinking skills. Of all the species of mammals, only humans know how to evaluate their present, think about the past and future.

True, several species of monkeys also have minor communication, but they cannot transmit information to each other about the objects around them. People know how to concentrate on the main thing in their speech.

  1. A person can own creative activity, in particular:

- foresee the development and character of some natural processes;

- choose a role in society, model your behavior in it;

- demonstrate value-based attitudes.

Animal behavior is based on instincts; their natural actions are initially programmed.

  1. Man influences environment– he is able to transform reality and create culture, that is, to form spiritual and material values.

In animals, the way of life is established by nature - they adapt to environmental conditions.

  1. Man knows how to independently produce the means for material wealth.

Some animals are capable of using natural tools, but not a single species of mammal can make tools.

So, man is a unique, spiritually incomplete, universal and holistic being.

Main characteristics:

  • Presence of consciousness.
  • Unique body structure.
  • Receptivity to work.

An individual is a representative of a person in a single genus. He is the bearer of human social and psychophysical traits.

In other words, an individual is a “person in the singular.”

Basic qualities of an individual:

  • Activity.
  • Resistance to the reality that surrounds a person.
  • Unity of the psychophysical state of the body.

The personification of the qualities of an individual is the personality.

In ancient times, personality meant some kind of social face that a person took on when he played various roles in the theater, that is, a certain “guise”.

A personality is a certain person, prone to experiences, understanding the world around him, having consciousness and establishing certain relationships with the surrounding society.

People are different from each other personal properties, that is, traits inherent in one individual. The definition of “individual characteristics” denotes psychological and somatic (from Latin “body”) definitions of a person: height and figure, skeletal formation, eye color, hair, and so on.

An individual personality trait is the facial expressions of a person. A person’s face reflects not only the anatomical, but also the psychological specificity of a particular person. For example, when they say: “this person has wicked eyes”, “you have a conscious face”, they mean precisely the peculiarity psychological nature inherent in a particular individual.

Let us summarize individually - psychological characteristics into four facets of personality:

  1. Qualities social nature(moral orientation, worldview).
  2. Biological qualities (vital) necessary needs, temperament, inclinations).
  3. Individual traits that have a different mental nature.
  4. Experience (a set of skills, habits and skills).

Individual and personality: differences

A person is born an individual, the status of the individual is already established in the process of development. Distinguishing between the definition of an individual and a personality will help to assess the functioning of a person.

So, what is the difference between an individual and a personality?

  • Interaction with society. A person remains an individual from birth to death, and he is formed as a personality only in interaction or opposition with society.
  • Confession. All people have equal rights, that is, each person initially has his own individuality. However, personality has certain social advantages: recognition, power, authority.
  • Adequacy. One is born an individual, but one becomes a person.
  • Mindfulness. The path to acquiring personality status is a conscious action of the individual.
  • Quantity. There are tens of millions of personalities in the world, and approximately seven billion individuals.

A person who is removed from society very quickly loses his personality traits– begins to understand other people poorly, to the point of forgetting the language. At the same time, the development of the genetic code occurs by nature, regardless of the life changes of a person. A person can become an individual even with limited abilities.

But the term individuality is more difficult to define, since in addition to personal properties it includes physiological and biological qualities person.

Individuality is a specific person who has a special combination, distinctive from other individuals, of social, physiological and mental characteristics. Their difference is manifested in human communication, actions and activity.

There have been cases in history when a person lived and was raised among animals. Such people lost their social foundation - the ability to express themselves clearly, and lost their mental abilities. Returning back to human society, they could no longer take root in it. Such cases once again prove that a person who has only a biological beginning cannot become a full-fledged individual.

The transformation of a biological individual into a full-fledged personality is facilitated by labor activity. By doing something important to society, a person can prove his uniqueness.

Individual, individuality, personality

“One is born as an individual, one becomes an individual, individuality is defended” essay.

This is a saying by Alexander Grigorievich Asmolov. It contains meaningful and very interesting concepts.

In other words, this expression can be formulated this way: from birth a person is considered an individual, with every year of life he can acquire the status of an individual, but he needs to lag behind other people as an individual. Indeed, the relationship between the concepts individual - personality - individuality in each society manifests itself at different stages of its life path.

As mentioned earlier, a person is born as an individual, that is, he has his own innate genetic differences. In the process of gaining experience, learning any skills, an individual is formed as a personality. It is possible to obtain the status of individuality only in the correlation of social and biological qualities.

For example, Napoleon Bonaparte from birth was an ordinary representative of society - he was no different physical abilities and expressiveness in appearance. However, he became a bright personality, since his fundamental goal was precisely the fight for his individuality.

You can also give an example of the life path of the popular composer Ludwig van Beethoven. Beethoven came from ordinary family and was not particularly different from his peers. True, as a child they tried to teach him music, but there were no special hopes. But still he was able to show his unique talent in music. In addition, he was actively involved in politics and social life. He was able to prove to society his individual qualities.

Thus, based on these facts, we can conclude that the expression: “one is born an individual, one becomes an individual, one defends individuality” is very significant in human life. Only by consistently developing these concepts can we prove our uniqueness to society.

Psychology of Individual Differences

People differ from each other in character. For example, a person with a strong temperament is usually more attractive than a person with a weak temperament.

Character is an established mental property that leaves a mark in all a person’s actions. Character represents a subordinate substructure of personality. In an adult personality, the character is often already stable. As for the teenage character, it does not yet have a core.

Various life factors influence character changes.

Myths that relate to human character:

  • Character is a biological manifestation in a person and cannot be changed.
  • Character can be nurtured and formed through the organization of a special system of influence.
  • National character, that is, this unique mental property depends precisely on the nationality of people.

However, you need to know that all myths have some truth. The basis of character biological type temperament serves. We receive it from birth.

There are certain standards that influence the formation national character. Representatives of one nation are convinced that others have certain character traits. Having conducted a survey in Germany about their attitude towards the French, it turned out that one half of the Germans are convinced that the Germans are characterized by frivolity in their behavior, while the other believes that they are polite and charming.

Character traits mean various specific features of a person’s personality, changes in which are observed depending on the actions of the individual.

Let's divide character traits into some groups:

The first is the traits that form the psychological composition of the personality. This can be defined as integrity, determination, courage, honesty, and so on.

The second is traits that express the relationship between two personalities. This group includes: sociability and closedness, which may indicate prejudice towards the surrounding society or a person’s internal focus; honesty or impenetrability; correctness, subtlety, politeness and straightforwardness.

The third group is traits that determine a person’s disposition towards himself. These are self-condemnation and ambition, self-respect, unpretentiousness or vanity, resentment, selfishness, shyness.

The fourth group is traits that express a person’s disposition towards labor activity. This group consists of assertiveness, diligence or apathy, fear of obstacles or desire to conquer them, scrupulousness, accuracy, diligence.

And in conclusion, we can say that the sequence of development of such a combination: person - individual - personality depends, first of all, on the society and environment in which a person develops and, of course, on his genetic code.

Individual, individuality, personality was last modified: December 21st, 2015 by Elena Pogodaeva

Topic 12. Man:

individual, personality, individuality

Individuals are born

become a person

individuality is defended.

Man in psychology.

So who is this MAN?

The first thing that can be noted when describing the phenomenon of a person is the variety of his properties. Man is a multifaceted, multidimensional, complexly organized being.

Man is a generic concept, indicating that a creature belongs to the highest degree of development of living nature - to the human race. The concept of “man” affirms the genetic predetermination of the development of actually human characteristics and qualities.

So, Human is a socio-biological being that embodies the highest level in the evolution of life and is a subject of socio-historical activity and communication.

The concept of ``person'' is used as an extremely general concept to characterize the universal qualities and abilities inherent in all people.

Using this concept, psychologists emphasize that man is biological and social being at the same time, which through its life activities has an impact on the environment.

Basic characteristics of a person:

The special structure of the body;

Ability to work;

Presence of consciousness.

In the practice of psychology, a person is studied in several aspects (see Diagram 1).

Scheme 1. Study of man in psychology

1. Man as an individual reflects the biological essence. We are all, like all living things, part of nature. In this aspect, they consider what is given to a person by nature, what makes him belong to the human race, the human body, its structure and how it affects the psyche are studied.

2. At the same time, Human- it's always active creature. Even when we sleep, a separate part of our consciousness does not sleep, continues to digest the information received during the day. And a person is always engaged in some kind of activity, communicates with other people, reflects, shows mental activity(cognitive activity),

3. Third aspect of study person is associated with the fact that the child is not born in isolation, but immediately falls into society, which immediately begins to make its demands on him. Starting from the fact that the child is given a name, and from childhood they are taught: this is how you can do this, but this is not possible, from birth the child perceives social roles(son, daughter, pupil kindergarten, schoolchild, etc.), etc. This all applies to a person as an individual - a social being.

4. And all of the above adds up to a unique individuality everyone person. Every person is unique. Each of you is unique.

But how do these concepts relate: man, individual, personality, individuality?

Individual and personality.

û What do you think personality is?

û Can every person be called a person?

What does the word "personality" mean? What meaning do we put into it? This word has its own history. Initially Latin word"persona" (personality) meant the mask that the actor wore. The word “mask” had the same meaning among buffoons. In ancient Rome, personae were citizens responsible before the law.

IN modern science The concept of “personality” is one of the most important categories. It is not purely psychological and is studied by history, philosophy, economics, pedagogy and other sciences. In this regard, the question arises about the peculiarities of the approach to personality in psychology.

An important task of psychological science is to discover psychological properties, which characterize the individual and personality.

You, of course, never bothered yourself with the question of how an individual differs from a personality, since this topic hardly bothered you at all. However, the older you get, the more serious your attitude to the world... or maybe you just heard a debate about who can be called a person and who cannot? Be that as it may, the question has been raised - which means we need to find out the answer.

A person is already born into the world as a human being. The structure of the body of a born baby allows him to master upright posture in the future, the structure of the brain allows him to develop intelligence, the structure of the hand provides the prospect of using tools, etc. With all these capabilities, a baby differs from a young animal. This confirms the fact that the baby belongs to the human race.

It's safe to say that you are an individual. Just like your parents, and teachers, and that tall guy from the next house, and the beautiful girl from the top floor... However, the baby in the stroller is also an individual, so you have nothing special to be proud of: it is the privilege of a person from birth - to be not an individual, like animals , but an individual, and in order to fall into this category, you just need to have arms, legs, a head and everything that a person has (think for yourself).

The concept of “individual” expresses a person’s gender identity, i.e. any person is an individual.

Individual (from Latin indivisible) – This is a single representative of the human race (species homo sapiens), a specific bearer of individually unique, primarily biologically determined traits. The concept of an individual contains an indication of a person’s similarity to all other people, of his commonality with human race(musculoskeletal structure, providing the ability to walk upright, mastering speech, nervous system with a certain structure of the brain, etc.). And at the same time, the concept of “individual” also indicates that this is an individual being, different from others (individual characteristics are different among people - body structure, hair color, characteristics of the nervous system, etc.).

Basic characteristics of the individual:

Age and gender:

Age and phase of life;

Sexual dimorphism (male, female);

Individually typical:

Constitutional properties (features of human anatomy, body structure);

Neurodynamic properties (type of nervous system, brain properties, etc.);

Color of eyes, hair, etc.;

Biological needs (for food, safety, etc.);



Higher integration of individuals individual properties of a person is represented in temperament and psychological inclinations.

As we have found out, individuality is connected primarily with natural formations, with the human body, its structure. This is what is laid down in a person during intrauterine development. In general, natural, bodily properties constitute the prerequisites and conditions for the development of his internal, mental qualities inherent in man. For example, a certain structure of the larynx and ligaments is responsible for the fact that a person can speak, and some can sing beautifully.

From individual to personality.

û Answer, is a newborn person a person? Is it possible to talk about the personality of an animal?

Although it is pleasant to be an individual (after all, not an individual, right? – already good), it is not particularly honorable: you need to somehow stand out from the crowd of your kind, but how to do this? And what will happen as a result? But this is just key question! An individual, that is, a person who does not want to do everything the way others do, thinks, feels and acts in his own way, is not afraid to have his own point of view, gradually turns into... personality! That is, a person is an individual, but an individual may not be a person - a sad picture, by the way.

One day, Crybaby, Mischievous, Tikhonya and Ochkarik began to think - what, in fact, sets them apart from the crowd of their kind? After all, there are a lot of schoolchildren like them, some of them even look like these four. But they are special, aren’t they? “I guess I know what’s going on,” said Ochkarik firmly. – You, Crybaby, are a very vulnerable girl, you know how to empathize with others, that’s good. You, Mischievous, are a master of all kinds of inventions, and this is wonderful. Our quiet girl is a very conscientious girl, she can handle any job this way. Well, I... - The bespectacled boy hesitated, - I’m very smart... and just try to disagree with this!!!”

û Think about it, how do you stand out from the crowd of your own kind?

Coming into the world as an individual, a person acquires a special social quality, he becomes a personality. The philosophical definition of personality was given by K. Marx. He defined the essence of man as a set of social relations. It is possible to understand what a person is only through the study of real social connections and relationships into which a person enters. The social nature of the individual always has a specific historical content. It is from the specific socio-historical relations of a person that it is necessary to derive not only the general conditions of development, but also the historically specific essence of the individual. The specificity of social conditions of life and a person’s way of activity determines the characteristics of his individual qualities and properties.

û If we give a description of a person’s personality in Ancient times, in Middle times in Western Europe, V modern years in North America, Africa and Russia, will these characteristics be the same? What will be their specificity?

Personal characteristics are not given to a person from birth. All people adopt certain mental traits, attitudes, customs and feelings in the society in which they live.

A person as an individual is a bearer of historically developed and socially significant qualities, forms of behavior, and activity. Personal qualities are always significant to other people. For example, kindness is a personal quality because it is always directed towards other people, and therefore towards society as a whole.

To the question of what personality is, psychologists answer differently, and the variety of their answers, and partly the divergence of opinions on this matter, reveals the complexity of the personality phenomenon itself.

Personality is considered as a result of the development of the individual, the embodiment of human qualities. This is the social essence of man.

The concept of personality is often divided into two categories: 1 ) personality is a human individual as a subject social relations and conscious activity; 2) personality is a stable system of socially significant traits that characterize an individual as a member of a particular society or community.

A personality can be called a specific person who is the bearer of consciousness, is capable of cognition, experiences, transformation of the surrounding world and builds certain relationships with this world and with the world of other individuals.

The concept of “personality” implies that an individual has special qualities that he can only develop through communication with other people. This is a set of developed habits and preferences, mental attitude and tone, sociocultural experience and acquired knowledge, a set of psychophysical traits and characteristics of a person, his archetype, which determine everyday behavior and connections with society and nature. Personality is also observed as manifestations of “behavioral masks” developed for different situations and social interaction groups.

Basic personality characteristics:

Orientation (drives, desires, interests, inclinations, ideals, worldviews, beliefs, as well as will).

Experience (knowledge, skills, abilities and habits).

Individual characteristics of individual mental processes: memory, emotions, sensations, thinking, perception, feelings, will.

- Temperament.



Motivation and values.

Social needs (acceptance of a person, etc.).

Social status and roles.

Conscious goals.

Personal properties of a person - life path person, his social biography. A person as a representative of society, who freely and responsibly determines his position among others.

Many scientists (and others) believe that a person is a person to the extent that he is significant to other people, to the extent that he is able to give himself to other people, to leave his mark on them.

û In this context, can we talk about the PERSONALITY of the criminal?

Why is an individual worse than a person?

It's no worse. He's just one of many. He cannot be identified. Just remember the tale of the Frog Princess. At the beginning of the fairy tale, three brothers are three individuals, one is practically no different from the other: all three follow their father’s orders and shoot an arrow from their bows, all three bring young wives to the house, try to please their father, and so on. But at the end of the fairy tale, we will no longer confuse Ivan Tsarevich with anyone, he appeared before us in full height. What about his brothers? They remained undiscovered for us: which of them married a merchant’s daughter, and which one married a noblewoman is not clear. And it’s not interesting, to be honest.

In general, an individual does not make the reader want to know more about him, whereas a personality attracts attention. The situation is exactly the same in life - if you do not stand out among others, if you are not interested in anything and you do not have your own opinion and your own, original view of the world, then who needs you? Who wants to waste their time on you? Think about it!

Speaking about a person as an individual, we highlight the integrity of a person, his ability to take a certain place that is unique to him in society, in the world of other people, the ability to manage himself, his behavior and his development, and influence other people.

Personality and individuality.

Along with the concept of “personality”, the concept of “individuality” is often used. How do these two concepts differ from one another? What is human individuality?

û Without looking at further text, can you answer how you understand a person’s individuality?

The personality of each person is endowed only with its own inherent combination of traits and characteristics that form its individuality. Thus, individuality is a combination of a person’s psychological characteristics that determine his uniqueness, originality, and difference from other people . Individuality is manifested in certain character traits, temperament, habits, prevailing interests, in the qualities of cognitive processes, in abilities, in an individual style of activity.

Individuality is the uniqueness of a person as an individual and personality. Individuality manifests itself in appearance, physique, expressive movements, in the traits of character orientation, temperament, in the characteristics of needs and abilities, cognitive, volitional and emotional processes, mental states, life experience.

We often use the concept of “individuality” when talking about a person’s personality. However, it should be remembered that this concept does not reflect the integrity of the individual, but only emphasizes the specific features of a person that distinguish him from other people.

The prerequisite for the formation of human individuality is, first of all, the environment where he grows up, the associations he accumulated in childhood, upbringing, peculiarities of family structure and treatment of the child. Both the innate characteristics of a person and his own activity in the formation of his uniqueness are important. There is an opinion that one is born as an individual, becomes an individual, and defends individuality ()

The relationship between individuality and personality is determined by the fact that these are two ways of being a person, two of his different definitions. The discrepancy between these concepts is manifested, in particular, in the fact that there are two different processes of formation of personality and individuality.

The formation of personality is the process of socialization of a person, which consists in his mastering the social essence. This development is always carried out in the specific historical circumstances of a person’s life. The formation of personality is associated with the individual’s acceptance of social functions and roles developed in society, social norms and rules of behavior, and with the formation of skills to build relationships with other people. A formed personality is a subject of free, independent and responsible behavior in society.

The formation of individuality is the process of individualization of an object. Individualization is the process of self-determination and isolation of the individual, his separation from the community, the design of his individuality, uniqueness and originality. A person who has become an individual is an original person who has actively and creatively demonstrated himself in life.

The concepts of “personality” and “individuality” capture different aspects, different dimensions of a person’s essence. The essence of this difference is well expressed in the language. With the word “personality” such epithets as “strong”, “energetic”, “independent” are usually used, thereby emphasizing its active essence in the eyes of others. Individuality is spoken of as “bright”, “unique”, “creative”, meaning the qualities of an independent entity.


Do you want to be called " strong personality", "bright personality"? So what's the deal?

Do-it-yourself, or work on yourself, self-constructor, decide for yourself what you want to call the process of forging personality and individuality from yourself. It is not easy, but a person can cope with any difficulty if he wants, of course. But the main thing for you is to understand what personality and individuality are by disassembling these complex structures into separate blocks.

As we have found out, personality is considered as an embodiment in specific person social qualities, which are acquired in the process of activity and communication with other individuals. One is not born a person, one becomes a person, and this process takes many years

Personality development is a relatively slow process, and a lot of time passes before a person reaches full maturity. In order for an individual to become a person, it takes, of course, not only time. He must constantly be in the human society, enter into one relationship or another with him. It is this connection “man - society” that first of all shapes the personality. And already in the first year of life a child’s need for communication with adults. However, there are many cases where children were completely deprived of the opportunity to communicate with people, and the results of this were truly tragic.

In the middle of the 18th century. A two-month-old baby named Ivan Antonovich was proclaimed Russian emperor. His reign did not last long and ended before the emperor uttered his first word. The courtiers who overthrew Ivan Antonovich from the throne imprisoned him and kept him there for many years. No one ever spoke to the prisoner; he was in all alone. Ultimately, solitary confinement took a toll on him. mental abilities: He couldn’t speak and gave the impression of a complete idiot. By age, he was already an adult, but, of course, it is impossible to talk about him as a person. Also, children who were kidnapped and raised by animals did not become individuals.

IN normal conditions a person very early enters into relationships with the people around him, with the team, with society, and these relationships are constantly changing, developing, becoming more versatile day by day.

Personality formation also determines activity and its features. It is in activity that the necessary unity of behavior is formed, the connection between the relationships that a person has with the outside world is strengthened.

The goals that a person sets for himself are also important. More precisely, personality development guides the purpose of life. These are very familiar words, but think about their meaning again. Maybe the goal of life is simply a desire, well, let’s say, to become a professional in some industry or just to make some kind of attempt. According to what a person’s main life goals, one can judge his personality. There has never been a case where the pursuit of a small, personal goal forged a major personality.

So, the personality, developing under the influence of the social environment, possessing unique individual characteristics, constitutes a unity of the highest order. At a certain stage of its development, a person comes into contact with higher layers of human culture - ideals and spiritual values. And then the absorption and internal processing of these values ​​leads to the formation of the spiritual core of the personality, its moral self-awareness. The process that forms this “center” of personality is never completed.

Exercise. Let's understand the terms.

Which of the following human traits characterizes him as an individual? How is your personality? How's the personality? Explain your answer.

Accuracy, slowness, sociable, good motor; nal coordination, willpower, intelligence, daydreaming, brightness of traits, laziness, pride, determination, adaptive capabilities, math skills, temperament, stubbornness, reactivity, excitability, expressive facial expressions, literary talent, focus, myopia, strength of the nervous system.

Was it always easy to attribute a characteristic to one or another concept? What caused you the most difficulty? How do you explain the difficulties you are experiencing?

û Can you call yourself an individual? If yes, then how does it manifest itself?

New concepts: individual, personality, individuality.

Test questions.

1. Define the concepts of “person”, “individual”, “personality”, “individuality”.

2. How do the concepts of “man” and “individual” relate? Prove that man as an individual is similar to all other people and at the same time different from them.

3. How are they connected? historical conditions, in which a person lives, and the formation of his personality?

4. Highlight those factors that are necessary to transform an individual into a personality.

5. Which people can be called a personality with a capital P these days? Are you such a person?

6. How do the concepts of personality and individuality relate?

7. Can you call yourself an individual? Justify your answer.

8. Draw and describe your idea of ​​the connection between the concepts “person”, “individual”, “personality”, “individuality”.

9. Choose the correct answer

9.1 The sign that distinguishes a person from an animal is:

a) manifestation of activity, b) goal setting, c) adaptation to the environment, d) interaction with the outside world.

9.2. What sign characterizes a person as a person?

a) active life position, b) physical and mental health, c) belonging to species homo sapiens, d) appearance features.

10. Are Mowgli children individuals? Justify your answer.

11. Express your opinion about the statement: “One is born as an individual, one becomes an individual, one defends individuality.”

Test tasks.

Literature and sources

1. Human horns. – M.: Vlados, 2001.

2. and others. Psychology. – M.: Academy, 1999.

3. Yarovitsky V. My first textbook on psychology. – Rostov-n/Don: Phoenix, 2011.

4. Gretsov psychology for girls. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007.

5. Dyachenko dictionary-reference book. – Mn.: Harvest, M.: AST, 2001.

6. Nemov: In 3 books. – M.: Vlados, 2000. – Book. 1.

7. http:///obh/00066.htm

8. http:///obh/00150.htm

9. http:///difpsi/fxiepe. htm

10. http://cito-web. yspu. org/link1/metod/met121/node3.html

11. http://www. *****/for-students/cards/general-psychology/.html

12. http://ru. wikipedia. org/wiki/%D0%9B%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C

13. http://www. *****/?Article=142

14. http:///psiforum/4--/

Diagnosis of personality traits

Questionnaire of formal-dynamic properties of individuality by V. Rusalov online

This link invites you to take a serious psychological test by V. Rusalov to identify the formal-dynamic properties of individuality. The questionnaire contains 150 questions. The online form allows you to quickly go through the procedure and immediately (without registration or SMS) find out the results.

If you decide to take this questionnaire and do not understand some of the terms in the results, write to your teacher and he will explain what the results obtained on the test mean.

It's interesting to know

Personality self-knowledge exercises

Exercise 1. “Personality Attributes”

Each participant is invited to acquire personal symbols! He must come up with, invent for himself three symbolic attributes: a pseudonym, a personal distinctive sign and a motto. The personal identification mark should be drawn on a piece of paper. It should be simple and symbolic. The motto requires brevity and imagery. An example is given: the pseudonym is “Uncle Vasya”, the distinctive sign is a shovel, the motto is “I dig deep”.

At the end of the work, everyone shows each other their drawings, discusses them and tries to give each of those gathered a characteristic. In addition, participants must evaluate how well each selected symbolic attributes. Based on a five-point system, everyone is given a score based on the totality of their chosen nickname, name sign and motto. To do this, everyone passes their pieces of paper around in a circle and everyone takes turns putting marks on them. Next, the total score is calculated and it is determined who was best able to express themselves in such a “symbolic form.”

Exercise 2. " Collective creation personality image"

Everyone is interested in “knowing what impression he makes on others, what associations he evokes in them, what is perceived as significant and what is not noticed at all. Everyone is invited to take part in a joint creative process creating an artistic image of your classmate. Anyone who wants to become an object of creativity goes into the middle of the circle that the others form. Each participant, after thinking, says what image appears in his mind when looking at his classmate. Next, the presenter suggests saying what kind of picture could be added to the created image: what kind of people might surround it, what kind of interior or landscape made up the background of the picture. What times does all this remind you of (for example, the image of a “volunteer” may make you think of a mermaid swimming in the water element and surrounded by sea creatures. Or maybe you will think of a lonely wanderer walking through the desert to an unknown destination.). In conclusion, everyone exchanges their impressions of how the game went.

Exercise 3. “Personalization Tools”

As already mentioned, a real personality is capable of producing profound changes in others. But this does not come to her right away. The first step is the ability to win the attention of others.

All participants are asked to complete one simplest task. By any means, excluding physical influences and disasters of “local significance,” they must try to attract the attention of others. Everyone must act at the same time.

Then the schoolchildren determine who succeeded and at what cost. In conclusion, it is calculated who attracted attention more game participants.

Exercise 4. “Qualities that we value”

When we interact with others, we usually discover that we like or dislike them. As a rule, we associate this assessment with internal qualities of people. Let's try to determine what qualities we value and accept in people. Each participant takes a piece of paper and marks
a group of a person who impresses him in many ways. Next, he writes down five qualities that he especially likes about this person. Then everyone reads the “characteristic” they have compiled, and everyone together tries to determine who it applies to. The presenter, summing up the results, announces which of those present were recognized the fastest, and, therefore, who was among the most popular personalities.

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