Subject competencies in the field of artistic and aesthetic activities in art classes. Features and specifics of the development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age

All over the world people are now talking about competencies. This problem is especially relevant today, in connection with modernization Russian education. According to Federal State Educational Standard basic general education it is approved that personal results mastering the basic educational program of basic general education should reflect “the development of aesthetic consciousness through the development of the artistic heritage of the peoples of Russia and the world, creative activity aesthetic character» .

The heritage of folk art is wood burning - one of the most popular folk crafts. Nowadays, burning is used both as an independent technique for decorating wooden products, and in combination with other decorative techniques.

But in programs in the educational field “Technology”, wood pyrography is very rare, and in technology lessons special attention is not paid to artistic burning.

In fact, the pyrography technique is easy to master and has a unique impact on the creative development of a person of any age.

I would like to note that training in fine arts ends mainly in the fifth grade. As a result, not all children can understand fine art; it is a rather complex intellectual and sensory object of cognition. After all, performing practical tasks in fine arts lessons teaches you to understand the beautiful and the ugly; develop the ability to feel, correctly understand and appreciate beauty in nature, in public life and art.

Thus, there is a problem of developing aesthetic and artistic tastes in children, creative thinking and the skill of creative self-expression, i.e. artistic and aesthetic competence.

To determine artistic and aesthetic competencies, we first consider both parts of the competency - “artistic” and “aesthetic” separately. Some authors do not separate artistic and aesthetic competence. For example, in the encyclopedic dictionary “Psychology of Communication” edited by A. A. Bodalev, artistic competence is compared to aesthetic competence and is defined as follows: “Artistic, aesthetic competence is the ability of a reader, a viewer, a listener, to extract from the artistic fabric of works that differ in depth and content. layers of meaning. This characteristic reflects the general level of aesthetic development of a person, his experience of communicating with art, as well as the degree of creativity manifested in the perception of art. But O. V. Shokot understands aesthetic competence as a system of interconnected professional qualities of a person, with which she demonstrates her readiness for professional activity, synthesizing knowledge of the canons of spatial and color composition, applied skills to organize external space in accordance with the rules of artistic composition on the basis of stable value formations personality in the form of artistic taste, creative qualities and emotional and value attitudes.

Thus, under artistic and aesthetic competence it is assumed that a person must master the norms of passive perception of fine art, and actively produce works of art, creative works, and improve his internal moral level.

While undergoing teaching practice at the Khatass secondary school named after. P.N. and N. E. Samsonov led a burning class “Wood Pyrography”.

From the first lessons, it is important to teach children to be careful in their work, to explain that this type of activity does not tolerate haste, sloppiness, and even small defects can spoil the appearance and quality of the product.

The program of the “Wood Pyrography” club provides for the formation of artistic and aesthetic competencies of middle school children in the field of decorative and applied arts. Burning classes meet the needs and interests of children, satisfy their thirst for knowledge and artistic creativity.

The novelty of the program lies, first of all, in the fact that it is a comprehensive program that makes it possible to connect together the fine and decorative arts. Its advantage is that during the year of study in this circle according to this program, the child no longer burns out ready-made templates, but masters drawing techniques, studies various types of art and implements his knowledge and skills in his works, i.e. acquires artistic and aesthetic competencies.

The goal of the “Wood Pyrography” circle program is to develop artistic and aesthetic competencies in children.

The Wood Pyrography program lasts 72 hours over 1 year of study. Children's age is 11-14 years. Classes are held once a week for 2 hours. Students become familiar with burning technology and types of fine arts. The program includes the following topics: “Fundamentals of Fine Art”, “The Concept of Light and Shade and Tone”, “Color Science”, “Burnout. Wood decoration”, “Materials for burning”, etc.

In the process of implementing the program, students must know what burning is, the leading elements of visual literacy (line, stroke, tone in a drawing), how to prepare the surface of a workpiece for burning, methods of applying a drawing to the base, rules of sanitation, occupational health and safety and comply with them , the concept of chiaroscuro and tone, etc.

As above, the program includes various types of creative activities - arts and crafts and fine arts. Thus, each lesson gives the child the opportunity to develop artistic and aesthetic competence, which is manifested in the performance of creative work at a high aesthetic level, the manifestation of aesthetic taste, the desire for an aesthetic transformation of the surrounding space and the formation creative personality.

Theater 1. integrated program for the artistic and aesthetic personality of a preschooler “Art and Creativity” (author M.V. Gribanova) 2. additional educational service “ Acting"(headed by M.N. Openysheva, higher education teacher qualification category) 3.a large number of colorful costumes

Music 1. additional educational service – “Ladushki” circle, director Openysheva M.N. teacher of the highest qualification category 2. author's program of additional educational services "Ladushki" - "Native Land - Ural Land" 3. interaction with music school 4, Palace of Culture named after. CM. Kirov, Children's Creativity House

Speech activity Joint activities with children: 1.classes on speech development, literacy 2.entertainment, holidays 3.competitions (“Poems about Autumn”) Conditions: 1.Literacy specialist 2.Additional educational services “Rechetsvetik” (3-5 years), “Little book” (5-7 years old) 3. Author’s programs additional education children

Monitoring of children's achievements: 1. knowledge about the surrounding reality, 2. the ability to independently determine the idea within a specific topic and create artistic images of the topic in different types of activities; 3. motive for carrying out artistic activity 4. expressed subjective need (interest) in its implementation 5. independence in achieving results and creating a product of activity

Results of the implementation of the “Art and Creativity” program in the educational process of the MADOU “Child Development Center - Kindergarten 252” for the year - dance art - theatrical art - musical art - speech - visual arts


Chapter 1 Theoretical aspects of formation artistic and aesthetic competencies of children of senior preschool age 21

1.1 Formation of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age as current problem theories and techniques preschool education 21

1.2 Theoretical and methodological basis for the development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age 46

1.3 Features and specifics of the development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age 66

1.4 Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age 90

Chapter 1 Conclusions 122

Chapter 2 Experimental research work on the development of artistic and aesthetic competence in children of senior preschool age 126

2.1 Diagnostic apparatus for experimental search work 126

2.3 Analysis, evaluation and interpretation of the results of experimental search work 180

Conclusions on Chapter II 210

Conclusion 214

Bibliography 225

Theoretical and methodological basis for the development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age

In this chapter we will dwell on the consideration of the theoretical and methodological basis of the problem of the formation of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age that we are studying. It is necessary to develop the structure, content, and pedagogical processes of developing the artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age, which is determined by the state of development of Russian society and social orders. The concept of “approach,” according to the opinion of scientists who consider this concept (V.V. Kraevsky, M.N. Skatkin, E.Yu. Nikitina, N. Stefanova, etc.) is a theoretical and methodological basis for the pedagogical process of scientific research, compiled according to certain patterns and features. The concept of “approach” is a reflection of social attitudes, defined as a global system of the educational process, a system of research principles, a teacher’s position in educational interaction with the student. The theoretical and methodological basis for the development of aesthetic competence in older preschool children in our study is carried out on the basis of a synthesis of approaches: at the general scientific level - a multicultural approach; at a specific scientific level - a polyartistic approach; methodological and technological level - a participatory approach, and is also based on pedagogical principles that reflect the ideas of preschool and aesthetic education.

The multicultural approach was considered in the works of such researchers as J. Banks, K. Grant, O.V. Gukalenko, N.V. Kuzmina, I.Yu. Makurina, L.L. Suprunova, P. Young. and others. Approaches to the problem of multiculturalism in world pedagogy have evolved from the idea of ​​assimilation of students - the theory of accommodation (D. Ravich and others) ethnic groups through education to a policy of pluralism (J. Banks et al.). Multicultural education is the basis for the unification of multicultural ethnic experience, the coexistence of national values ​​and the individual’s right to national and cultural self-expression. The idea of ​​multicultural education presupposes the basis for the integrated study of disciplines on a multicultural basis and contributes to the development of students’ ability to work in a multicultural team (J. Banks, K. Grant, P. Young, etc.).

The methodological and theoretical basis of the study is the following: on the relationship of social, cultural, ethnic, national, artistic elements of our world and their influence on the spiritual, moral and aesthetic development of a person (M. Bakhtin, V. S. Bibler, L. S. Vygotsky, D.S. Likhachev); multicultural education (A.M. Dzhurinsky, V.V. Makaev, Z.A. Malkova, D.B. Sazhin, I.M. Sinagatullin, L.L. Suprunova, V.Yu. Khotinets, M.P. Alekseev ); about the problems of developing multicultural competencies within the framework of multicultural education (A.N. Dzhurinsky, V.V. Makaev, Z.A. Malkova, S.U. Naushabaeva, L.L. Suprunova, etc.).

In Russia, the general paradigm of preschool education is formulated as “education is part of culture,” and in pedagogical science the idea of ​​achieving value meanings—universal and national—is acquiring particular relevance. The development and prospects for the development of multicultural education, which begin to take shape in the 90s, are approved. XX century. A different concept of education is assumed than before, a different interaction between subjects of the educational process, and a change in the organization and content of education is required. The idea of ​​multicultural education involves preventing misunderstandings that arise when children of different nationalities communicate. Scientific researchers are looking for ways to bring together the cultures of different national and social communities. The development of a democratic society in Russia, in which the fight against racism, ethnic egoism and openness to other countries and peoples, is becoming important. All this can realize the transition to a multicultural educational system.

V. Mitter notes that “multicultural (multicultural) education can be considered as interpersonal “relations, that is, as a network of educational processes (including their organization and results), characterized by the coexistence of children (and adults) coming from different generations and environments.” in the educational system, the strengthening of the role of the native language of instruction, the influence of religion on the formation of individual self-awareness, V. Mitter writes: “On the question of how to ensure multicultural education in. educational process, the answer will be relatively simple if the goals and objectives are defined in general terms: the education of children should be carried out in conditions that are optimally favorable for their individual and social development. This includes the need to ensure “ethnic” and “national” quality.” L.L. Suprunova notes that “the goal of multicultural education... is to form a person capable of effective life in a multinational and multicultural environment, with a developed sense of understanding and respect for other cultures, the ability to live in peace and harmony with people of different nationalities, races, and beliefs” .

Features and specifics of the development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age

Based on the results of an analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of developing the artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age, a theoretical and methodological study of multicultural, polyartistic, participatory approaches, pedagogical principles of preschool and aesthetic education, the relationship of which represents the target, structural and content characteristics, we have designed a practice-oriented pedagogical model for the development of artistic and aesthetic competence in children of senior preschool age. When building a model, there is a need to use a modeling method, which, in combination with other methods of our research, will serve methodological basis formation of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age. One of the most important methods The study of real-life objects, phenomena, processes, and social reality is modeling. “Modeling involves the use of abstraction and idealization procedures. This feature of modeling is especially significant when its subject is complex systems, the behavior of which depends on a large number of interrelated factors of various natures.”

In pedagogy, as an analysis of theoretical literature shows, modeling is used in different aspects. Modeling as a means of scientific research is reflected in the works of S.I. Arkhangelsky, S.Ya. Batyshev, O.K. Vasiliev, V.P. Mizintsev, V.I. Mikheev, S.E. Smirnova, N.F. Talyzina and others when creating and studying activity models. From the point of view of V.A. Slastenin, when modeling they resort to the study and development of an auxiliary artificial or natural system: a) located in some objective correspondence with the subject of knowledge; b) capable of replacing him in certain respects; c) ultimately providing information about the modeling object itself. According to A.A. Kyveralg, modeling is a method of theoretical research with which one can generally approach the solution of many pedagogical problems. Many researchers note that a distinctive feature of modeling in comparison with other methods of cognition is that with its help an object is studied not “directly, but through the study of another object; similar in a certain respect to the first. The results of the study are transferred from the model to the object. The logical basis modeling is an inference by analogy. “An analogy is the similarity (identity) of structures. It can exist at different levels: 1) at the level of the results that the compared systems produce; 2) the behavior or functions that lead to these results; ensure the fulfillment of these functions; 4) the materials or elements from which the structures are composed. There is no coincidence in the model at all levels." sample, norm. The definition of a model, according to V.A. Shtoff, is a mentally represented or materially realized system; it reflects the object of study and is capable of replacing the object; its study provides general information about the object. During the experiment, the significance of the model is proven and confirmed. Model is an artificially created object in the form of a diagram, table, drawing, etc., which, being similar to the object under study, displays and reproduces in a simpler, smaller form the structure, properties, interrelations and relationships between the elements of the object under study, the direct study of which is related with any difficulties, large expenditures of money and energy, or simply inaccessible, and thereby facilitates the process of obtaining information about the subject of interest. The model serves to store and expand scientific ideas about an object for the purpose of its further expedient transformation and management. A model is an analytical or graphic description of the process under consideration (in our case, the process of developing aesthetic competence in older preschoolers).

According to L.M. Friedman, a model of some object A (original) is an object B, chosen or constructed by a subject K for at least one of the following purposes: replacing A in some mental, imaginary or real action (process), considering that B is more convenient for that action under given conditions (substitution model); creating a representation of object A (real or imaginary) using object B (representation model); interpretation of object A in the form of object B (model-interpretation).

Based on the analysis of scientific literature and generalization of different definitions of the concept, we have identified the following general ideas about the model: a model is a means of cognition; the model reflects the essential aspects of the original, that is, an object, a phenomenon of reality; the model covers the properties of the original that are significant in a given situation and which are the object of research; the model is purposeful and serves to store and expand scientific ideas about an object for the purpose of its further expedient transformation and management; a model is an analytical or graphic description of the process under consideration (in our case, the process of developing aesthetic competence in older preschoolers). Analysis of theoretical literature made it possible to identify requirements for constructing a model: the model serves as a means of developing theory; is a means of interpreting any hypothesis about a phenomenon or process; confirms or refutes the hypothesis; the model must be experimentally controlled and visual in order to describe the variety of connections of the modeling object; the model contains elements based on cause-and-effect relationships; modeling is carried out only if there is a parameter in the model, if influenced, the course of the process can be changed. At the same time, the structural aspect of the model is the identification of the internal organization of the system and the determination of the method and nature of the connection of elements; the functional aspect of the model considers the mechanism of functioning of the system, the internal functional interaction of elements and the interaction of the system with the external environment. In accordance with the content of preschool education, which determines the relevant knowledge and skills of children, the construction pedagogical model The development of artistic and aesthetic competence in children of senior preschool age took place taking into account a number of specific requirements.

Content-procedural features of the formation of artistic and aesthetic. competencies of children of senior preschool age

In the course of theoretical understanding of the problem, the process of developing the artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age was presented by us in the form of a pedagogical model, reflecting and specifying the most important components that act in close interrelation with each other: target (defining the goals and objectives of developing the artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age age); organizational and executive (identification of pedagogical conditions and the technological component of the formation of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age); content-based (defining the components of artistic and aesthetic competence of older preschoolers); technological (determining the methodology and stages of development of artistic and aesthetic competence); analytical-resultative (identifying the level of development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age). For the successful functioning of the model, we have proposed organizational and pedagogical conditions: 1) inclusion of intercultural dialogue in the educational process; 2) organization in the educational space of an artistic and aesthetic environment, which is enriched through the integration of educational areas “Communication”, “Music”, “Socialization”, “Cognition”, “Reading fiction”, “ Artistic creativity"; 3) the use of participatory methods of developing the aesthetic competence of older preschoolers.

In order to confirm and clarify the hypothesis we put forward, we conducted a formative stage of experimental research work, the directions of which were developed by us in accordance with the proposed methodology for developing the artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age, based on the implementation of pedagogical conditions. The formation of the studied skills was carried out in a natural educational process preschool educational institution. Experimental research work was carried out by teachers of the educational institution under our leadership, which included preparing teachers for research through individual and group conversations, consultations, instruction, group work at methodological associations and seminars, as well as monitoring the implementation of the methodological recommendations given to them.

Let's dwell on the most important features the work we do. The study showed that the process of developing the artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age includes four stages: motivational-preparatory, personal-semantic, reproductive-practical, creative-evaluative.

The purpose of the motivational-preparatory stage was to determine the current level of development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age in the experimental-search and control groups. To achieve the main goal, we identified the tasks of this stage: to diagnose the degree of development of individual psychological characteristics of children of senior preschool age, significant in terms of the research being conducted; to identify the current level of development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age; contribute to the formation of a subjective moral attitude towards the values ​​being mastered, towards the artistic and aesthetic activities of others and one’s own; to develop educational programs that correspond to a certain level of development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age and are adequate to the level of development of their individual psychological characteristics.

The main goal personal-semantic stage is the purposeful formation of a system-forming personal-semantic position, which presupposes an understanding of the meaning and significance of artistic and aesthetic norms, the desire for creative self-realization, the presence of a social and moral position, a sense of responsibility, which constitutes the fundamental basis of artistic and aesthetic competence. Achieving this goal is ensured by consistently solving a number of tasks: to familiarize children of senior preschool age with the basic concepts, processes, and actions of artistic and aesthetic activity; update the knowledge acquired by children in various communication situations; provide opportunities for the development of self-discipline and self-regulation of the activities and behavior of children of senior preschool age.

The main goal of the reproductive-practical stage is the holistic inclusion of pupils in the process of developing artistic and aesthetic competence. This stage, being the most important and lengthy, is associated with the implementation of all components of the model. The tasks of this stage include: to apply various methods and forms of training and education that promote the personal inclusion of children in the process of developing artistic and aesthetic competence; advise children in the process of seeking help in performing artistic and aesthetic tasks.

The creative-evaluative stage is aimed at developing originality, independence, initiative, dynamism, flexibility, the ability to search and construct possible options for action, awareness in the formation and manifestation of artistic and aesthetic competence. The main tasks of this stage include: ensuring independent solution of artistic and aesthetic problems creative nature; carry out monitoring and correction of the development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age; to develop prospects for the development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age in the control and experimental search groups.

Analysis, evaluation and interpretation of the results of experimental search work

Identifying the real level of development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age in the traditional conditions of an educational institution is one of the tasks of the ascertaining stage of our research. At this stage, the study covered 537 senior preschoolers, 52 teachers, as well as parents of pupils of the senior and preparatory groups participating in experimental research work. It should be noted that the results of the ascertaining stage of the experimental search work indicate a fairly uniform state of the artistic and aesthetic competence of preschoolers who took part in the experimental search work. Therefore, in order to optimize the registration procedure dissertation research, we included in the summary tables information only about those participants in the experimental search work who subsequently took part in the formative stage of the experimental search work (94 people). The results of the ascertaining stage of the experimental search work are reflected in tables 21-29.

Table 21 presents the data obtained as a result of studying the level of development of artistic and aesthetic competence according to the motivational and value criterion. Let us formulate a hypothesis: the distribution of preschool children according to the levels of manifestation of the trait is the same. Alternative hypothesis: the distribution of preschool children according to the levels of manifestation of the trait is different. Using formulas y2 with three (or two) degrees of freedom (the number of levels minus one), the experimentally obtained value is calculated, which we entered in the second column of the table. In the third column we enter the probability of obtaining the corresponding value %2 if the null hypothesis is true. If the probabilities are large, we accept the null hypothesis. If the probabilities are small, we accept the alternative hypothesis at the appropriate significance level. The reliability of the results obtained is confirmed during the calculation empirical significance chi square (Table 22). The data obtained during the experimental search work indicate the possibility of comparing experimental search results and the development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age according to the motivational and value criterion.

Table 23 presents data on the development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age according to the cognitive-evaluative criterion, obtained during testing and solving aesthetic problems. Experimental data indicate, firstly, the same level of development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age according to the cognitive-evaluative criterion, and secondly, its insufficiency. Based on the results of experimental research work, we can conclude that for the majority of children of senior preschool age, the development of artistic and aesthetic competence according to the cognitive-evaluative criterion is at a low level under the traditional education system. Based on a survey of parents of children participating in experimental research work, as well as based on the results of observations, the following data were obtained on the level of development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age according to the emotional and communicative criterion (Table 25). Expert data indicate that the development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age according to the emotional and communicative criterion in the control and experimental search groups is approximately the same and is not optimal enough. The use of psychological diagnostic methods, the solution of artistic and aesthetic problems by preschoolers, made it possible to obtain the following data on the level of development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age according to the perceptual activity criterion (Table 27).

In the system of public education of preschool children, a large place is given to drawing, which is important for comprehensive development personality. In the process of drawing, a child improves his powers of observation, aesthetic perception, aesthetic emotions, artistic taste, creative abilities, and the ability to independently create something beautiful using accessible means. Drawing classes develop the ability to see beauty in the surrounding life, in works of art. Own artistic activity helps children gradually come to an understanding of works of painting, graphics, sculpture, and decorative and applied art.
The level of training of preschoolers, in contrast to traditional knowledge, abilities and skills, is characterized by competence, as possession, possession by children of the corresponding competence. In connection with the transition to competency-based education, the task of determining key concepts, which underlie the competency-based approach, in particular competence and competency.
Competence is an alienated, predetermined social requirement (norm) for educational training student, necessary for his effective productive activity in a certain area.
Competence - totality personal qualities student (value and semantic orientations, knowledge, skills, abilities), conditioned by the experience of his activities in a certain socially and personally significant area.
Competencies for a student are an image of his future, a guideline for mastery. But during the period of training, he develops certain components of these “adult” competencies, and in order not only to prepare for the future, but also to live in the present, he masters these competencies from an educational point of view. Educational competencies do not apply to all types of activities in which a person, for example, an adult specialist, participates, but only to those that are included in general educational areas and academic subjects.
According to O.Yu. Nikitina, the basis of a preschooler’s artistic competence is not the amount of knowledge, skills, and abilities, but the ways of operating with the basic principles of artistic activity that are common to all types of art.
The process of developing artistic competence is complex and lengthy, because it includes all the knowledge and skills acquired by the child during the period of study, and are an indicator of the degree of awareness in art.
By introducing children to painting, the teacher reveals to them pictures of the world around them: everyday life, people’s work. At the same time, they are not limited to just listing the people and objects depicted in the picture, but, first of all, reveals the significance of the work of the artist himself.
The developmental role of art should be well understood by every teacher. It is associated with the following components of personal experience:
· with the development of the sensory-emotional sphere;
· with the development of perception and fantasy;
· with the development of intellectual operations;
· with the development of modeling tools and skills;
· with the development of speech and thinking;
· with the development of aesthetic and moral norms and ideals;
· with the development of mechanisms for searching and creating personal meanings;
· with the development of self-concept.
· with the development of an individual picture of the world (model).
There are a number of tasks of artistic and aesthetic competence:
- formation of artistic and aesthetic foundations in drawing
· sketch
· sketch
horizon line
· perspective
- development of artistic taste, ethics and aesthetics
combination of warm and cold tones
pouring color into color
· color and shade
- formation of interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality
· the world around me and its reality (real picture of the world)
· ability to capture the moment
introduction to different types of art
· painting, (Russian forest, golden autumn, vegetables and fruits, etc.)
· sculpture (modeling from plasticine, clay, salt dough)
· graphics (drawing with pencils, sketching.)
Key competencies
· Ability to compare your work and work with a sample, and with other works
· receive information and the ability to use it
· ability to speak
Describe the sequence of your actions
· characterize your work and the work of your desk neighbor
· follow the rules for working with paints and other materials
· Observe hygiene rules.
Ability to perform public errands
· Fill glasses with water
· Clean or prepare the workplace.
The achievement of end-to-end educational results is taken into account
· The ability to create a sketch, without the help of an adult, using the teacher’s instructions.
Result: Thus, we can conclude that communication with painting develops in a child not only aesthetic and artistic taste, the ability to appreciate the beauty of a painting, things, people and other works of art, but also the ability to give a correct assessment of various phenomena of social life, moral human behavior, political events, and on this basis develop value orientation in life.


Stewart, Yulianna Vladimirovna

Academic degree:

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Place of thesis defense:


HAC specialty code:


Theory and methodology of training and education (by areas and levels of education)

Number of pages:

CHAPTER I Theoretical aspects of formation artistic and aesthetic competencies of children of senior preschool age.

1.1 The formation of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age as an urgent problem in the theory and methodology of preschool education.

1.2 Theoretical and methodological basis for the development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age. Part.

1.3 Features and specifics of the development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age

1.4 Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age.

Conclusions for Chapter 1.

CHAPTER II Experimental research work on the development of artistic and aesthetic competence in children of senior preschool age.

2.1 Diagnostic apparatus for experimental search work.

2.3 Analysis, evaluation and interpretation of the results of experimental search work.

Conclusions on Chapter II.

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) On the topic "Formation of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age"


Relevance of the study. The relevance of the study is determined by the current socio-cultural situation in Russia, which is characterized by changes in aesthetic, moral, and universal values, and the need for the spiritual revival of society. Such transformations in modern Russian society have led to serious changes in the education system in general and in its preschool level in particular, which affected both organizational and meaningful aspect of preschool education. Problems of artistic and aesthetic 4 development on modern stage are determined by the conditions that characterize the life of modern society: the increasing intellectualization of a person, a change in attitude towards spiritual and aesthetic values, the spread of pseudoculture, the loss of spiritual and moral potential. That is why the priority development of general cultural components in the content of education comes to the fore in order to form the worldview of the individual and develop potential capabilities and abilities. Democratic transformations in pedagogy and culture determined the content of Article 14 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education preschool education programs, which emphasize that “education should be focused on the formation of a world view of the general and professional culture of society that is adequate to the world level,” and also proposes the development of preschool education on the principle of integration of educational areas, ensuring the formation of integrative qualities of the preschooler’s personality and harmonious entry into society

In this regard, modern education involves the implementation of the principles humanistic pedagogy, a personality-oriented style of communication with children, which involves the formation of a new worldview of children of senior preschool age, taking into account age capabilities and individual characteristics child development, readiness and ability to grow in a multicultural modern society. There is a need to form the initial multifunctional key competencies of children of senior preschool age as integrative personal characteristics that determine the child’s ability to solve various accessible problems of life and activity (A.G. Gogoberidze). Artistic and aesthetic competence is formed in the process of artistic and aesthetic activity through practical experience, which contributes to the development of such personality qualities as cognitive activity, independence, initiative, sensuality, etc. (I.G. Galyant). Education should help expand communicative range through interaction with children and adults of other cultures. A multicultural society is a society of fundamentally changeable social diversity, characterized by multiethnicity, multilingualism, diversity of beliefs, traditions, cultures, lifestyles and ways of thinking, instability of aesthetic and moral values.

Thus, at the socio-pedagogical level, the relevance of the study is determined by the social order of society for the organization of artistic and aesthetic development, guaranteeing the full formation and preservation of the integrity of the developing “personality.” The formation of artistic and aesthetic competence is intended to compensate for “aesthetic insufficiency” environment and the lack of “authenticity” in the environment of older preschool children. In this case, aesthetic competence acts as an integral component of the competence of a preschooler’s personality.

The problem of developing competencies belongs to the class interdisciplinary problems and is considered in philosophy, sociology, acmeology, psychology and pedagogy. An analysis of the scientific literature of philosophy, sociology, anthropology, psychology, pedagogy) allows us to say that the phenomenon of competence is being actively studied in domestic and foreign science. Ideas competence-based approaches in education are discussed by such authors as V.I. Bidenko, V.A. Bolotov, E.F. Zeer, G.I. Ibragimov, A.M. Novikov, V.V. Serikov and others. The works of V.I. are devoted to the disclosure of the concepts of competence, competencies and the competency-based approach. Andreeva, A.M. Aronova, D.A. Ivanova, L.F. Ivanova, V.A. Kalney, T.M. Kovaleva, K.G. Mitrofanova, J. Ravena, O.V. Sokolova, L.V. Trubaichuk, I.D. Frumina,

A.B. Khutorskogo, S.E. Shishova, P.G. Shchedrovitsky, B.D. Elkonina and others >

The analysis of modern research into the problems of aesthetic education and education of preschool children was substantiated in the works of A.G. Gogoberidze, V.L. Ezikeeva, N.M. Zubareva, T.G. Kazakova, T.S. Komarova, T.A. Koptseva, L .V.Panteleeva, N.L.Sakulina, N.V.Fedina, E.A.Flerina and others. Theory and methodology of aesthetic development of a preschooler as a necessary aspect of his general development was the subject of research by E.M. Torshilova. The development of artistic perception in young children was considered by Ya.A. Komensky, N.L. Kulchinskaya, E.I. Larionova, A.A. Melik-Pashayev, O.L. Nekrasova-Karateeva, B.M. Nemensky and others. Leading teachers, psychologists, philosophers and sociologists believe that in a post-industrial society a new type of personality is becoming increasingly in demand, which can only be formed under the condition of early artistic and aesthetic development. Consequently, the study of the problems of developing the artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age is relevant at the scientific and theoretical level.

Our research has shown that insufficient attention on the part of teachers to the development of the artistic and aesthetic competence of older preschoolers, and, accordingly, the low level of development of the preschooler’s culture, leads to negative results: there is a loss of moral, spiritual, aesthetic ideals, which leads to the absence of a developed harmonious personality , unable to further be in harmony with oneself, with the world, its cultural and spiritual values, as a result of which feelings of self-doubt, inferiority, inability to interact with people in society, and maladjustment in the conditions of modern life are formed. The results of a survey of pupils of MDOU DS No. 459 in Chelyabinsk, MDOU Child Development Center DS No. 2 in Satka, Chelyabinsk Region, MDOU DS No. 33 in Satka, Chelyabinsk Region, their parents and teachers, show that up to 42% of children older and preparatory groups do not have the necessary knowledge and skills in order to aesthetically evaluate the results of their activities and the activities of their peers, 38% cannot name several types of folk arts and crafts products, more than 50% of students do not show creative activity in singing, drawing, reciting, moving to music, while more than 25% of preschoolers would like to attend more often theatrical performances, performances and museums. Thus, at the scientific and methodological level, the relevance of the study is due to the fact that preschool educational institutions need methodological support for the process of artistic and aesthetic development of children of senior preschool age.

At the same time, to date there is no holistic theory of the formation of artistic and aesthetic competence, or an unambiguous definition of the mechanisms and functions of this category. The content, principles, means, conditions for the development of artistic and aesthetic competence in children of senior preschool age have not yet been studied. Analysis of the state of the problem under consideration in pedagogical theory and practice allows us to highlight it in independent. The need for such a formulation is caused by the fact that various theoretical and methodological approaches have not been sufficiently studied, and have not been sufficiently studied scientific process formation of artistic and aesthetic competence, the possibilities of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of this process in the modern educational environment have not been identified, and there are no new generation programs that meet Federal state requirements that would be based on the integration of educational fields.

Thus, the relevance of this study is due to: evolutionary trends in education that require the artistic and aesthetic development of children of senior preschool age at an innovative level; insufficient development of the theoretical, methodological and technological apparatus for developing the artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age; increasing requirements for the level and quality of artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children; insufficient development of scientific support for the problem of developing the artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age; the need to create an infrastructure for the development of artistic and aesthetic competence of preschool children.

Research of modern pedagogical approaches to the definition essential characteristics artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age, as well as the study of the theory and practice of the process of its formation made it possible to determine modern context of the process being studied, characterized by contradictions: of a socio-pedagogical nature - on the one hand, the increased need of society as a whole and general education for an individual capable of harmonizing the world and the products of his activities, himself and his communication with other people, on the other - not yet fully realized opportunities preschool educational institutions in preparing students with an optimal level of artistic and aesthetic development; of a scientific and pedagogical nature - between the need to create a scientifically based pedagogical model for the development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age as one of the key tasks of the educational process in a preschool educational institution and its insufficient theoretical elaboration; of a scientific and methodological nature - between current requirements for the quality of artistic and aesthetic development in preschool educational institutions, as an integral process (the ability for aesthetic perception, empathy and productive creative imagination) and the insufficiency of scientific, methodological and didactic support for the process of developing artistic and aesthetic competence children of senior preschool age.

The problem of the research is the need for a comprehensive scientific search for ways and means of organizing the educational process in a preschool educational institution, ensuring the optimal level of development of the artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age.

The named contradictions and the identified problem determined the choice and relevance of the research topic: “The formation of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age.”

Purpose of the study: to design and implement a practice-oriented model for the development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age in a preschool educational institution.

Object of study: the process of artistic and aesthetic development of children of senior preschool age in a preschool educational institution.

The subject of the research is pedagogical support for the development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age in a preschool educational institution.

Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, the results of studying the practice of developing artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age allowed us to formulate a research hypothesis: the formation of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age is a process that ensures the implementation of a practice-oriented model that is adequate to the requirements of the sociocultural environment and leads to the achievement the optimal level of development of their artistic and aesthetic competence. This, in turn, allows us to formulate a number of provisions:

1. The theoretical and methodological basis for the development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age is integration multicultural, polyartistic and participatory approaches, enriched with the principles of co-creation, syncretism, cultural conformity, subjectivity, empathy, ensuring its methodological multi-level and hierarchical nature due to structural interconnection and conceptual unity.

2. The practice-oriented model of the development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age is determined by the interrelation of target, organizational-executive, content, technological and effective components. The technological component is a system of artistic and aesthetic tasks. In each of the educational areas (“Communication”, “Music”, “Socialization”, “Cognition”, “”, “ Artistic creativity") included cognitive, communicative, perceptual and creative artistic and aesthetic tasks.

3. The success of the development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age depends on organizational and pedagogical conditions: a) inclusion of intercultural dialogue in the educational process; b) organization in the educational space of an artistic and aesthetic environment, which is enriched through the integration of such educational areas as “Communication”, “Music”, “Socialization”, “Cognition”, “Reading fiction”, “ Artistic creativity"; c) the use of participatory methods for developing the artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age, which would take into account the purpose and content of the activities of preschool children, the social order of society, as well as the possibilities polyartistic

In accordance with the problem, goal, object and subject of the study, the following tasks were set:

1. To identify the essence and structure of the formation of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age to determine the content and direction of scientific research.

2. Determine and substantiate the theoretical and methodological basis for the development of artistic and aesthetic competence in children of senior preschool age.

3. To design and implement a practice-oriented model for the development of artistic and aesthetic competence in children of senior preschool age based on a combination of multicultural, polyartistic and participative approaches.

4. To develop a system of artistic and aesthetic tasks as a technological component of the development of artistic and aesthetic competence in children of senior preschool age.

5. Create theoretical-methodological and methodological-technological support for the development of artistic and aesthetic competence in children of senior preschool age.

The methodological and theoretical basis is: general pedagogical approaches in the philosophy of education and learning theory (Yu.K. Babansky, B.S. Gershunsky, P.I. Pidkasisty, V.A. Slastenin, etc.); ideas about the essence and structure of the creative process (S.N. Belyaeva-Ekzemplyarskaya, N.A. Vetlugina, etc.), the psychology of art and creative thinking (L.S. Vygotsky, Yu.N. Kulyutkin, A.N. Leontiev etc.); dissertation research devoted to the study of creative processes (T.N. Balabanova, U.N. Bogdanova, I.O. Gilova, T.K. Gradusov, etc.), aesthetic development of preschool children (A.G. Gogoberidze, V. L. Ezikeeva, N. P. Sakulina, E. A. Flerina, I. G. Galyant, I. O. Kuprina, etc.), preschool education (D. A. Lazutkina, E. S. Tikheeva, L. Shleger , V. Schmidt, etc.). The task of forming ethical and aesthetic orientations and competencies is multifaceted and is considered in the works of philosophers (M.M. Bakhtin, G.P. Vyzheletsov, M.S. Kagan, I.I. Kiyashchenko, etc.), cultural scientists and art historians (A.I. Arnoldov, Yu.B. Borev, O.V. Larmin and others), teachers (M.A. Verba, B.T. Likhachev, B.M. Nemensky, L.P. Pechko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky , S.T.Shatskaya, V.N.Shatskaya, etc.), psychologists (B.T. Ananyev, L.S. Vygotsky, V.P. Zinchenko, A.N. Leontiev, etc.). Scientific research reveals aspects of the artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children: general issues of artistic and aesthetic education (M.S. Kagan, N.I. Kiyashchenko, D.B. Kabalevsky, B.T. Likhachev, A.V. Zaporozhets and etc.), psychological and pedagogical foundations artistic development(T.A. Erakhtina, O.L. Nekrasova-Karataeva, N.I. Ilgenskaya, A.Zh. Ovchinnikova, A.A. Melik-Pashaev, etc.).

The regulatory framework for the study was: Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” dated July 10, 1992 (with subsequent amendments and additions); "Concepts of art education in

Russian Federation" (2001); National Educational Initiative " Our new school"(2010); “Concept of the federal target program for the development of education for 2011 - 2015” (2011), Federal government requirements to the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education.

The combination of the theoretical and methodological level of research with the solution of applied problems determined the choice of a set of methods. Theoretical methods: a) study of regulatory documents in the field of education; b) historical and pedagogical analysis was used to determine the state of the problem of developing the artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age; c) theoretical and methodological analysis made it possible to formulate the initial positions of the study; d) conceptual analysis of philosophical and psychological-pedagogical literature was used to characterize the conceptual field of the problem; e) modeling was used to build the development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age. Empirical methods: a) generalization and study of effective pedagogical experience in developing the artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age; b) pedagogical examination * method of expert "assessments; c) observation, questioning, interviews, testing; d) study of local documents and methodological developments; e) statistical methods of data processing and testing of hypotheses."

Experimental search base and stages of research. The methodological and scientific-theoretical foundations, as well as the assigned tasks, determined the course of the experimental search work, which was carried out in several stages from 2009 to 2012. At each stage it was decided specific group tasks and specific methods were used. The study involved pupils and teachers of MDOU DS No. 459. Chelyabinsk, MDOU Child Development Center DS No. 2, Satka, Chelyabinsk Region, MDOU DS No. 33, Satka, Chelyabinsk Region.

At the first stage (2009-2010), the theoretical and methodological aspects of the study were comprehended, the state of the problem of the formation of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age was identified in the scientific literature and pedagogical practice. In the process of theoretical understanding of the problem, the philosophical, psychological and pedagogical literature, as well as dissertation research on the problem, the leading positions of the research (object, subject, goal, hypothesis, objectives, research base, etc.) and its conceptual field were determined, the theoretical and methodological basis of the research was determined, the ascertaining stage of the experimental research work was carried out . h

At the second stage (2010-2011), the objectives and research hypothesis were clarified, and a theoretical and methodological framework was applied; the specifics and features of the model for the formation of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age and the pedagogical conditions for its successful implementation were revealed; results were processed stating stage of experimental search work; The formative stage of experimental search work was carried out.

The third stage (2011-2012) included experimental research work, clarification of the research findings, final processing of the results of experimental research work, determination of the logic of presentation of the material, formulation of conclusions, and preparation of the dissertation research.

The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the fact that:

1. The theoretical and methodological basis for the formation of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age is determined based on the integration of multicultural, multi-artistic and participatory approaches, as well as the principles of artistic and aesthetic development (co-creativity, syncretism, cultural conformity, subjectivity, empathy), ensuring adequate fulfillment of the requirements of the sociocultural environment.

2. A practice-oriented model for the development of artistic and aesthetic competence in children of senior preschool age has been designed, which includes target, organizational and executive, content, technological, and effective components. The specifics of this model are determined by the content component, which consists of intercultural, cognitive, interpersonal and communication blocks; the model is based on the idea of ​​dynamic balance and complementarity of the theories, approaches, and provisions that define it.

3. The technological component of the formation of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age has been identified - cognitive, communicative, perceptual and creative artistic and aesthetic tasks. Each of the presented types of tasks meaningfully and methodically integrates the artistic and aesthetic material of the educational areas “Communication”, “Music”, “Socialization”, “Cognition”, “ Reading fiction», « Artistic creativity».

4. Organizational and pedagogical conditions have been identified and justified to ensure the successful development of artistic and aesthetic competence in children of senior preschool age: 1) inclusion of intercultural dialogue in the educational process; 2) organization in the educational space of an artistic and aesthetic environment, which is enriched through the integration of such educational areas as “Communication”, “Music”, “Socialization”, “Cognition”, “ Reading fiction», « Artistic creativity"; 3) application participative methods for developing the artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age, which would take into account the purpose and content of their activities, the social order of society, the possibilities of polyartistic, multicultural, participatory approaches.

The theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that its conclusions: provide justification pedagogical essence such fundamental research concepts as “artistic and aesthetic development”, “artistic and aesthetic competence”, “artistic and aesthetic environment”, “artistic and aesthetic task” in the aspect of studying the problem of developing the artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age; entered into scientific circulation conceptual and terminological combination “the formation of artistic and aesthetic competencies of children of senior preschool age,” which, in our opinion, denotes a new pedagogical phenomenon that determines the dynamic process of the gradual formation of a subjective personal and semantic position, presupposing an understanding of the meaning and significance of aesthetic norms, the desire for creative self-realization , the presence of a social and moral position that constitutes the fundamental basis of culture modern personality capable of solving accessible artistic and aesthetic problems in life and work. make it possible to clarify the pedagogical principles of the formation of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age (co-creativity, syncretism, cultural conformity, subjectivity, empathy), which contribute to the ordering of the theoretical and methodological space of the problem under study; The content and semantic content of the practice-oriented model of the formation of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age is the use in the preschool educational process of didactically prepared integrated material in such educational areas as “Communication”, “Music”, “Socialization”, “Cognition”, “ Reading fiction», « Artistic creativity", based on its artistic and aesthetic orientation, technological and didactic consistency, diagnostic and individual orientation. At the same time, there is a systemic integration of the named components, a reorientation of their connections and relationships in the interests of achieving the planned levels and quality, a description of their structure, purpose, interaction with each other, requirements for the definition of each block of knowledge; allow us to identify interrelated and interdependent subcompetences in the structure of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age: intercultural, cognitive, and interpersonal-communicative; streamline the process of formation of artistic and aesthetic competence by highlighting four interrelated stages (motivational-preparatory, personal-semantic, reproductive-practical, creative-evaluative), which ensure the phasing of the artistic and aesthetic development of children of senior preschool age.

The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the conclusions and recommendations provide an optimal level of development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age, improve the quality of the educational process through the development and implementation of educational practice preschool educational institution: methodological support, including a system of artistic and aesthetic tasks of cognitive, communicative, perceptual, creative types; a package of diagnostic methods for determining the level of artistic and aesthetic competence, which can be used in the development of a system for assessing the quality of the educational process in a preschool educational institution; methodological scenarios for the development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age, allowing to anticipate possible educational and organizational risks pedagogical activity, which have found application in the activities of teachers and educators when planning and conducting events for students and their parents in preschool educational institutions, as well as in organizing methodological work, which determines the scale of implementation and the feasibility of the study.

The reliability and validity of the results obtained are ensured by the initial methodological positions; analysis of multi-aspect scientific sources on the research problem; a set of complementary theoretical and empirical methods that are adequate to the goals, objectives and logic of the study; validity and reliability of psychodiagnostic techniques; mutual confirmation of results obtained using different methods; the duration of the experimental search work, the sequential implementation of its stages; experimental confirmation of the hypothesis put forward; application of statistical methods of data processing; meaningful analysis of the obtained empirical material.

The following provisions are submitted for defense:

1. The theoretical and methodological basis for the development of artistic and aesthetic competence in children of senior preschool age is the integration of multicultural, polyartistic and participatory approaches, ensuring the achievement of better results in the acquisition of artistic and aesthetic competencies by children and the choice by teachers of methods for managing the artistic and aesthetic development of children of senior preschool age; changing the ways of interaction between subjects of the educational process on the basis of co-management, joint creativity, intensity and saturation of educational activities. The need to use a combination of these approaches is caused by the heterogeneity and complexity of the structure of the phenomenon being studied and its polydynamic nature.

2. The practice-oriented model of the development of artistic and aesthetic competence in children of senior preschool age is determined by the content of multicultural, polyartistic and participatory approaches and is morphologically represented by five components: target (defining the goals and objectives of the development of artistic and aesthetic competence in children of senior preschool age); organizational and executive (identification of organizational and pedagogical conditions and the technological component of the formation of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age); meaningful (defining the components of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age); technological; effective (determining the level of development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age) and is the basis for the development of humanitarian technologies for preschool education.

3. The system of artistic and aesthetic tasks as a technological component of the development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age, ensuring the integration of the educational areas “Communication”, “Music”, “Socialization”, “Cognition” provided for by the Federal state requirements for the structure of the main general education program of preschool education , " Reading fiction», « Artistic creativity"and the implementation of psychological and pedagogical requirements for the construction of educational procedures. The potential of the system provides for the solution of artistic and aesthetic problems by each child of senior preschool age at the current level of competence.

4. Organizational and pedagogical conditions that ensure the successful implementation of the model for the development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age are necessary and sufficient: 1) inclusion of intercultural dialogue in the educational process; 2) organization in the educational space of an artistic and aesthetic environment, which is enriched through the integration of such educational areas as “Communication”, “Music”, “Socialization”, “Cognition”, “ Reading fiction», « Artistic creativity"; 3) the use of participatory methods for developing the artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age, which would take into account the purpose and content of the activities of children of senior preschool age, the social order of society, the possibilities of polyartistic, multicultural, participatory approaches and would ensure the artistic and aesthetic development of children of senior preschool age age.

The author’s personal participation in obtaining the results is determined by the development of the leading provisions of the study, the general plan, the methodology for conducting experimental research work on the present problem, leadership and direct participation in the experimental research work and obtaining empirical results, theoretical generalization and interpretation of the data obtained.

Approbation and implementation of research results; The main theoretical principles and results of the study were discussed and approved at international (Novosibirsk 2010, Lipetsk 2011, Cheboksary 2011), all-Russian (St. Petersburg 2011) scientific and practical conferences, and were also carried out through participation in seminars and meetings at the regional level in the period from 2009 until 2012; publications in print (scientific articles 2010-2012 included in the register of peer-reviewed journals, educational and methodological manuals, training programs and educational and methodological complexes, scientific and methodological recommendations); speeches and reports at meetings of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Subject Methodologies of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education " Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University"(2007 - present).

The architecture of the dissertation corresponds to the logic of the research and includes an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, bibliography, containing 255 titles, including 13 on foreign language. The text occupies 250 author's sheets, contains 22 figures, 44 tables.

Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic "Theory and methodology of teaching and upbringing (by areas and levels of education)", Stewart, Yulianna Vladimirovna

Conclusions on Chapter II

Analysis and interpretation of the progress and results of experimental search work allow us to make the following conclusions:

1. By experimental search work we understand a system of cognitive operations associated with the study of pedagogical situations, facts, phenomena, processes, factors, specially created conditions for identifying properties, connections, relationships, patterns. In our case, experimental search work acts as an active way of cognition and transformation objective reality by implementing a pedagogical model for the development of artistic and aesthetic competence in children of senior preschool age; as a purposeful and controlled change in the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the model in order to understand cause-and-effect dependencies; How goal-oriented translation of the proposed changes into practice in order to transform and improve the educational process in a preschool educational institution.

2. In accordance with the objectives of the formative stage of the experimental search work, three experimental search groups and one control group were organized, approximately equal in the current level of development of artistic and aesthetic competence. In the control group (CG), the development of artistic and aesthetic competence in children of senior preschool age proceeded spontaneously within the framework of traditional education. In the experimental search group of OPG-1, intercultural dialogue was included in the educational process. In the OPG-2 group, in addition to the first pedagogical condition, the second one was applied - conditioned by the organization of the aesthetic environment in the educational space. In group h

OPG-Z tested the effectiveness of a set of conditions, including, in addition to the two listed, the use participative methods for developing artistic and aesthetic competence in children of senior preschool age.

3. When determining the criterial base, we relied on the concept of “artistic and aesthetic competence”, which we interpret as a necessary component of culture that ensures personal development, including a set of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and personal qualities that are important for successful implementation in the future school and subsequent years. education. In this regard, we placed emphasis on the structural and functional characteristics of the model for the development of artistic and aesthetic competence in children of senior preschool age, since its intercultural, cognitive and interpersonal communication blocks presuppose that future schoolchildren will master the system of knowledge and skills necessary to solve problems in their further school activities. Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of generalizing pedagogical experience we are studying, as criteria for the development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age, we identified: motivational-value, cognitive-evaluative, emotional-communicative, perceptual-activity. As a main indicator formation In order to develop the artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age, we chose to move from a low level to an average and to an optimal one.

4. Experimental search work was carried out in the natural conditions of the educational process of a preschool institution according to the variable type, which is characterized by targeted variation in various groups with aligned initial conditions individual parameters being studied and comparison final results. In order to eliminate the randomness of the results and trace the dynamics of the development of artistic and aesthetic competence in children of senior preschool age, we conducted three sections. The sections were carried out using diagnostic tools, including observation, questionnaires, testing, standard diagnostic techniques, as well as statistical and comparative analysis of the results of preschoolers performing artistic and aesthetic tasks.

5. We tested the hypothesis we put forward using

2. statistical method % - “chi-square”. A statistically significant effect in the development of aesthetic competence was achieved in the experimental group in which a set of identified pedagogical conditions was implemented: 1) inclusion of intercultural dialogue in the educational process; 2) organization of an aesthetic environment in the educational space; 3) the use of participatory methods for developing the artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age.

6. Comparative analysis and verification of the results obtained using statistical methods allows us to believe that the changes that occurred in the experimental search groups in the development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age are not accidental, they are a consequence of the comprehensive implementation of the organizational pedagogical conditions of the developed pedagogical model and contribute to the achievement of the goal - positive the level of all components of the development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age.


This dissertation research is devoted to the development and verification of a pedagogical model for the development of artistic and aesthetic competence in children of senior preschool age. The study is based on the hypothesis that the development of artistic and aesthetic competence in children of senior preschool age is a process that ensures the implementation of a pedagogical model that is adequate to the requirements of the sociocultural environment and leads to the achievement of an optimal level of development of artistic and aesthetic competence in children of senior preschool age. This, in turn, integrates a number of provisions: the theoretical and methodological basis for the development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age can be integration multicultural, polyartistic and participatory approaches, enriched with the principles of co-creation, syncretism, cultural conformity, subjectivity, empathy, ensuring its methodological multi-level and hierarchical nature due to structural interconnection and conceptual unity; The pedagogical model for the development of artistic and aesthetic competence in children of senior preschool age is determined by the relationship between the target, organizational and executive, meaningful, technological components. The model is based “on the idea of ​​dynamic balance and complementarity of the theories, approaches, and provisions that define it and serves as the basis for the development of humanitarian technologies for preschool education. The main means of didactic support for this model can be a system of aesthetic tasks, which includes cognitive, communicative, perceptual, creative tasks and assignments; the success of the implementation of the model for the development of artistic and aesthetic competence in children of senior preschool age depends on the organizational and pedagogical conditions: a) inclusion of intercultural dialogue in the educational process; b) organization of an aesthetic environment in the educational space; c) the use of participatory methods for developing the artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age, which would take into account the purpose and content of the activities of senior preschoolers, the social order of society, and opportunities polyartistic, multicultural, participatory approaches.

The starting methodological position in the study was the analysis of the categories “artistic and aesthetic development”, “competence”, “artistic and aesthetic competence”, “the formation of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age”, and the artistic and aesthetic environment.” The degree of development of these categories is considered at interdisciplinary level from the point of view of researching the problem. Based on the ideas of M.S. Kagan, N.I. Kiyashchenko, N.L. Leizerov, B.T. Likhachev and others, we present artistic and aesthetic development as the process of developing spirituality, understanding of beauty, creative vision and abilities, the development of associativity, imagination through the development of the ability to generate artistic and aesthetic feelings from works of art and the surrounding world. In context competence paradigms of education, the set of goals and requirements for the result of aesthetic education in a preschool institution can be defined by the category “artistic and aesthetic competence” - this is a necessary component of culture that ensures the readiness of an older preschooler for further study and personal development, including a set of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and personal qualities that are important for successful implementation in future school and subsequent education. Based on Federal state requirements for the structure of the main general education preschool education programs, we have identified the components of the structure of artistic and aesthetic competence of a senior preschooler: social, intellectual, communicative, ideological, personal, creative. The acquisition of competencies directly depends on the level of activity of older preschoolers and is associated with pedagogical innovations in the content, form and technology of preschool education. Dedicating our work to the study of the formation of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age, we consider it as a dynamic process of the gradual formation of a subjective personal and semantic position, which presupposes an understanding of the meaning and significance of aesthetic norms, the desire for creative self-realization, the presence of a social and moral position that constitute the fundamental basis of h h of the culture of modern personality. We define the artistic and aesthetic environment as a system of influences, saturated with a variety of sensory stimuli, artistic objects and gaming materials, which creates favorable emotional and artistic conditions for revealing the creative potential of an older preschooler, promotes the child’s artistic and aesthetic self-expression, and forms his artistic and aesthetic competence. In the structure of the aesthetic environment, four aspects are identified: social, natural, object-artistic and architectural-spatial.

Necessity scientific justification the process of developing the artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age is determined by the peculiarities of the current stage of development of the world community and the social order that places new demands on the education system. The solution to this problem is impossible without an adequate theoretical and methodological approach, reflecting current changes in moral, value, aesthetic, cultural and scientific-pedagogical spheres: a) the multicultural approach as a general scientific strategy forms the artistic and aesthetic culture of the child, introduces the younger generation to world culture, and facilitates the entry of the older preschooler into it, ensures the creation of an educational, formative multicultural environment for the child, accepts and masters the experience of generations, joining cultural traditions, while filling the competence environment of his skills with values universal, national, individual culture; b) polyartistic the approach as a theoretical and methodological basis of a specific scientific level ensures the formation of the integrity of the preschooler’s thinking, a broad view of the world around him and art, which allows the child to understand the world as a whole, develop creative abilities and talents, intuition, and develop aesthetic competencies; c) participatory approach - the methodological and technological basis of the pedagogical model for the development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age presupposes a subject - subjective relationship between children and the teacher, the creation of a comfortable atmosphere of the aesthetic educational process, promotes the development of valuable artistic and creative abilities, individuality, self-realization, development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age. The need to use a combination of these approaches is caused by the heterogeneity and complexity of the structure of the phenomenon being studied and its polydynamic nature. Scientific support for the process of formation* of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age will be represented by a system of pedagogical principles - co-creation, syncretism, cultural conformity, subjectivity, empathy - which provide a personally oriented attitude towards the child, the formation of a communicatively developed personality, the versatile development of creative personal qualities - imaginative thinking, imagination, plasticity, musicality, coordination, improvisational, flexible thinking.

Synthesis of multicultural, polyartistic and participative approaches allowed us to design a practice-oriented pedagogical model for the development of artistic and aesthetic competence in children of senior preschool age. The target component characterizes the goal and objectives of the modeled process. As the immediate goal of the projected model, we consider the formation of aesthetic competence in older preschoolers at a higher level necessary for the effective continuous improvement of their own culture and personality development, both within an educational institution and outside it, in dynamically changing socio-cultural conditions. The specificity of the organizational and performance component is the integration of the invariant block, which includes the stages of development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age (motivational-preparatory, personal-semantic, reproductive-practical, creative-evaluative), as well as the variable block, represented by a complex of organizational and pedagogical conditions successful implementation of the designed pedagogical model for the development of artistic and aesthetic competence in children of senior preschool age. This component brings into compliance, ensures consistency of actions of participants in the educational process and technologization of the pedagogical process, allowing to achieve the goals in a logically consistent, step-by-step manner. The content component is system-forming in the model under consideration, includes intercultural, cognitive, interpersonal and communication blocks and is based on the idea of ​​dynamic balance and complementarity of the theories, approaches, and provisions that define it. Technological component determines the methodology for developing the aesthetic competence of older preschoolers, the main mechanism of which is the artistic-aesthetic task - a problematic situation with the goal of creating, presenting and analyzing the aesthetic forms of natural and cultural objects. In order for the activities of older preschoolers to solve artistic and aesthetic problems to ensure a positive level of formation of all components of artistic and aesthetic competence, we have built an optimal system of such tasks that meets the requirements for tasks of this kind, and includes cognitive, communicative, perceptual and creative aesthetic tasks. The system of aesthetic tasks: a) provides continuity and the effectiveness of the process of developing the artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age by including tasks in various educational areas and gradually complicating them; b) requires older preschoolers complex application knowledge and skills; c) involves activation independent educational activities; d) promotes the development of skills to critically comprehend objects of culture and art from the standpoint of aesthetic taste; e) has high diagnostic qualities that make it possible to monitor the process of development of artistic and aesthetic competence in children of senior preschool age. The resultant component includes criteria-evaluative tools (criteria, indicators, author’s questionnaires and standard psychological and pedagogical diagnostic methods, artistic and aesthetic tasks), as well as a description of the levels of development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age (aesthetic indifference, artistic aesthetic attitude, artistic and aesthetic creativity).

The success of developing the artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age depends on the identified, theoretically substantiated and implemented pedagogical conditions. Taking into account the specific nature of educational services, the effectiveness of which is not determined at the moment, but is delayed in time and is associated with the possibility of applying the acquired knowledge in the process of subsequent education and life of the individual, we believe that the inclusion of intercultural dialogue in the educational process (the first organizational and pedagogical condition) in a multicultural educational environment implements the idea of ​​education " man of culture» XXI century. Intercultural dialogue in the context of the problem of developing the artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age is a method of intercultural communication aimed at mutual understanding and cross-fertilization communicating subjects in a multicultural environment, which is characterized by humanistic the nature of interaction, empathy, value and semantic equality of the participants in the dialogue. Closely related to the above is the organization of an artistic and aesthetic environment in the educational space of a preschool institution (the second organizational and pedagogical condition). In accordance with the requirements h h

Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, provisions “ Concepts of art education in the Russian Federation"(2001), and also in connection with the problems of modern artistic and aesthetic education, the need arose for new approaches to organizing the artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children, for the creation (introduction) of an artistic and aesthetic environment that is qualitatively new in structure and content. The artistic and aesthetic environment is becoming real condition to express children's individuality, independence and activity, leveling out excessive guardianship and unjustified regulation of actions on the part of teachers. It is this environment, its fullness and zoning that determines the realization by children of their vital (organic), emotional and cognitive needs, the formation of aesthetic competence, becoming the most important factor successful socialization of preschool children. The use of participatory methods for developing the artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age is also considered by us as a necessary organizational and pedagogical condition. Participative The method of developing the artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age is considered by us as a way of organizing managerial interaction that encourages subjects of the educational process to activities aimed at achieving a higher level of development of the artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age. At the present stage of development of the educational system, one of the key tasks of a teacher in a preschool institution is to clearly manage the activities of the pupil, in which communication between them takes on a managerial orientation, involving the gradual development of partnerships while maintaining the subject-subject form of interactions.

In accordance with the objectives of the formative stage of the experimental search work, three experimental search groups and one control group were organized, approximately equal in the current level of development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age. In the control group (CG), the development of artistic and aesthetic competence in children of senior preschool age occurred spontaneously within the framework of traditional education. In the experimental search group of OPG-1, intercultural dialogue was included in the educational process. In the OPG-2 group, in addition to the first pedagogical condition, the second one was applied - conditioned by the organization of the aesthetic environment in the educational space. In group OPG-3, the effectiveness of a set of conditions was tested, including, in addition to the two listed, the use of participatory methods for developing the artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age. Work was carried out with each of them for two years (senior and preparatory groups). According to the nature of the actions, the experimental search work carried out is divided into 3 stages: ascertaining (aimed at identifying existing relationships, ascertaining the real state of the object under study), formative (active influence on the object under study in order to verify the success of the hypothesis we have put forward) and control (allowing us to study the state of the object under study). object after implementation purposeful impact, as well as analyze and interpret the results obtained). Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem we are studying (I.G. Kuzmina, E.I. Passov, V.A. Slastenin, etc.), generalization of pedagogical experience, as criteria for the formation of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age We have identified: motivational-value, cognitive-evaluative, emotional-communicative, perceptual-activity. The research procedure included three control sections. Diagnostics of the current level of development of aesthetic competence of 537 older preschoolers showed that most of them, in the traditional conditions of the educational process in kindergarten, do not develop a sufficient level of artistic and aesthetic competence: thus, 34.3% of preschoolers have a level of artistic and aesthetic indifference; the level of aesthetic attitude - in 49.01% and only in 16.68%) of older preschoolers, the degree of development of artistic and aesthetic competence corresponds to the level of artistic and aesthetic creativity. Based on the data received stating stage of experimental research work, we made the following conclusions: the existing practice of artistic and aesthetic education in a preschool educational institution does not provide a sufficient level of development of artistic and aesthetic competence among older preschoolers, which is an important component of preparing a child for further education and successful socialization; the formation of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age can be ensured by developing a model of this process and its implementation based on a selected set of organizational and pedagogical conditions.

The findings determined the tasks of the formative stage of the experimental search work, within the framework of which the experimental search groups carried out purposeful the formation of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age, procedurally organized in four stages: motivational-preparatory, personal-semantic, reproductive-practical, creative-evaluative. The purpose of the motivational-preparatory stage was to determine the current level of formation of aesthetic competence of older preschoolers in the experimental-search and control groups. The main goal of the personal-semantic stage is the purposeful formation system-forming a personal and semantic position, which presupposes an understanding of the meaning and significance of aesthetic norms, the desire for creative self-realization, the presence of a social and moral position, a sense of responsibility, which constitutes the fundamental basis of aesthetic competence. The main goal of the reproductive-practical stage is the holistic inclusion of older preschoolers in the process of developing artistic and aesthetic competence. This stage, being the most important and lengthy, is associated with the implementation of all components of the model. The creative-evaluative stage is aimed at developing originality, independence, initiative, dynamism, flexibility, the ability to search and construct possible options for action, awareness in the formation and manifestation of aesthetic competence. The main tasks of this stage include: to ensure independent solving aesthetic problems of a creative nature; to complete monitoring and correction of the formation of aesthetic competence; to develop prospects for the development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age in the control and experimental search groups.

The second section, carried out at the control stage of the experimental search work, revealed an increase, compared with the initial (fixed at the zero section), level of artistic and aesthetic competence of older preschoolers: in the CG, the number of preschoolers who were at the level of artistic and aesthetic indifference decreased by 12, 06%, the number of children whose competence corresponds to the level of artistic and aesthetic attitude increased by 1.76%, the number of children demonstrating the level of artistic and aesthetic creativity increased by 10.3%; in experimental search groups, the trends are more pronounced, since on average the number of older preschoolers with a low level of aesthetic competence decreased by 25.87%, the average level - by 29.63%, while at a high level the increase is 55.51% . Comparative analysis and verification of the results obtained using statistical methods (b is the absolute growth rate, % - “chiquadrat”) allows us to believe that the changes in the levels of artistic and aesthetic competence that occurred in the experimental search groups are not accidental, they are a consequence comprehensive implementation of the organizational and pedagogical conditions of the pedagogical model we have developed and contribute to the achievement of the goal - a positive level of all components of the artistic and aesthetic competence of a senior preschooler.

At the same time, the results of our research The work allows us to state the fact that the possibilities of artistic and aesthetic development in a preschool educational institution have not been exhausted and there are a number of issues that require more in-depth and serious study. These, in our opinion, are: studying the intensity of development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age; further search for organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of the competence under study; development of information, content and methodological support for the process of developing artistic and aesthetic competence; clarification of criteria and indicators for the development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age and the development of reliable and accessible methods for determining the level of development of artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age; studying the possibilities of developing the artistic and aesthetic competence of children of senior preschool age in the aspect continuing education. From the point of view of these directions, we will continue further research.

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