Poem by A. A

Afanasy Fet is a man who wrote a beautiful and very poetic and romantic work in the genre of poetry. It was written in 1877.

In general, the work is unusually beautiful, tender and even a little mysterious, because it is full of sorrows, but at the same time - romance, which clearly slips throughout the entire poem. The poem has a certain meaning, because Fet wrote about his own feelings. He once loved a girl from an impoverished noblewoman's family, which is why he left her, not wanting to marry because of this. But then he bitterly regretted it.

The first lines of the poem “The night was shining. The garden was full of the moon..." they say that two people, a man and a woman, are naturally in an old house, where there is a piano, which is played by a woman, as evidenced by her voice, which tenderly sings about love.

Everything is immersed in darkness, and therefore the moonlight breaks through the curtains and falls on two individuals who look tender and romantic together. It is clear that they are connected by tender romantic feelings. But the fact that this was the last night that the lovers spent together is testified by others, more last lines poem: “You sang all over, exhausted from tears...”.

Poem Analysis 2

Having studied the poem “The Night Shined...” I believe that lyrical hero in him he is a subtle and sensitive, as well as the most sincere person. This is clearly visible in his desires, because he wants to live to love, hug, cry over his beloved. Throughout the entire poem, the hero is in a loving mood, both at the beginning of the work: “... and the strings in it trembled, like our hearts behind your song,” and at the end, when he loves her infinitely, the feeling remains unchanged. The second image in the work is the hero’s beloved, she is the most beautiful nature, who loves the hero in return, because when the two of them were in solitude, she sang to him so that he wanted to live to love her.

The problem of the poem is that the two heroes are madly in love with each other, they want to live only for this. They hope that there will be no end to life, but it has no other purpose. That is why the two heroes convince themselves that this will last forever. But at the same time they understand that life is not endless. Based on the problem, it can be understood that the genre poems - elegy, because there is tragedy here. IN this poem these prevail visual arts, as personification: “The night was shining... The rays were lying.” The stanza is built on amphibrach. The rhythm of the poem is very slow, out of sixteen lines there is only one shock, the rhyme is very difficult to trace.

Alexander Alexandrovich was born in 1820, and published the work in 1877. At the time of writing the poem, Fetu was already in his sixties, and this is a late period of life. The main theory why Fet wrote this poem is that in his youth he had a beloved girl who answered him in kind. In this poem he laid out his memories of such enjoyment of life. Here he remembers those very divine meetings. He probably wanted to express his thoughts that he wants to extend the time as long as possible, but he understands perfectly well that turning sixty is no longer a joke, he only wants to enjoy these memories of beauty, but there is such a lump in his throat from the fact that there is nothing to return impossible.

I think this is a very mature and touching poem. While reading it I was in a romantic atmosphere. Fet sincerely conveys true love for this girl, this is the most sincere love that cannot be replaced.

Option 3

The last of the bright romantics of the “Golden Age” era, Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet, was unusual figure, however, like all poets. In his declining years, during the second period of his work, in 1877 he wrote his poem “The Night Was Shining,” full of feelings and experiences. He dedicated it to his one and only beloved - Maria Lazic. IN at a young age he fell in love with her, and she responded to him with ardent love. They really loved each other, this is truly what is called “pure” feelings. But unfortunately this girl was from poor family and Fet did not want to tie the knot with her. Then a tragedy happened that shocked the poet. There was a fire, in which Maria was. She died from multiple burns that were incompatible with life. In my opinion, it was this mistake of youth that changed the course of Afanasy Fet’s life. After that tragedy he married rich woman, but he always loved Maria Kuzminichna.

Based on its composition, we can divide the poem into two parts. In the first part, the poet talks about the beautiful singing of his beloved. As if he was reproducing every second of that one of the many evenings that they spent together alone with their feelings. The line “the rays lay at our feet” tells us that it seemed to the lovers as if the whole world around them approved of their relationship, as if the whole world belonged to them. At the end of the first part we notice the words that the beloved sings with tears. I believe this happened because the author had already told Maria about his decision, which was wrong, as it turned out later. She does not believe that he can do this to her and sings in the hope that he will change his mind and marry her, despite her poverty. The poet's heart tells right choice, but a cold mind wins, reminding you of financial problems.

The second part also talks about singing, but many years later, the second part is the present time, when Afanasy Afanasyevich realized what a stupid mistake he had made. He even partly blames himself for her death, relying on the facts that if he had made the right choice then the girl would have been alive... The poet is tired of a boring life. Marriage of convenience didn't make him happy man. In this weary life, he was consoled only by memories of old feelings, of Mary. And at the same time they brought him huge heartache. In his poems dedicated to Maria Lazic, the romantic writes about the hope of meeting his beloved in the afterlife. Life without her does not bring him any pleasure, Fet does not see more meaning live and do something.

It's very sad, I suppose, to realize that so much time was wasted when they could have lived together and created good family, but because of one offense, you will lose such a sublime feeling - love, and with it the meaning of life.

Analysis 4

This poem belongs to late period creativity of the poet. It was written in 1877. At this time, Fet was in his sixties and, like all old people, indulged in memories and analyzed his life.

The poem is biographical, based on real story from the life of a poet. In his youth he was in love with a girl. It was mutual and very strong feeling. However, he did not marry her, but chose another chosen one in order to stabilize his financial condition. Unfortunately, a couple of months later the poet’s beloved died, leaving only memories of herself. Such a tragic story.

The poem conveys all the bitterness of the author’s unabating feelings. Again and again he mentally returns to their night last date, when two lovers sat at the piano in the night, singing a song about their feelings. This full of sadness moment, the young people in tears tried to reassure each other, assuring each other of the unchangeability of feelings that could make their lives eternal.

The poet notes with bitterness that from that moment his life seemed to freeze and became unbearably boring. Every minute was a painful burden for him away from his beloved. Over time, he realized that a life spent apart from his beloved is devoid of any meaning. This is not life, but existence. And no amount of wealth can replace the feelings that once inspired him.

Therefore, in the silence of the night, the hero again experiences the tragic moment of their last meeting. The lovers understood that they were not destined to see each other again. This is why the word cry is used so often in the poem. The hero can only shed tears, grieving over his wrong choice. He partly feels guilty for tragic death beloved, which adds bitterness to the work.

Without his soulmate, the hero is lonely and unhappy, no matter where he is, with family or friends. Therefore, he has no choice but to live in his own memories. This the only place, where his lover is alive and they are still together. Immersed in his own thoughts, he convinces himself that their feelings are eternal, and therefore capable of defeating death. And this short sad last meeting will live with him, as if nothing bad had ever happened and he made the right choice.

Analysis of the poem The night was shining. The garden was filled with the moon according to plan

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"The night was shining. The garden was full of moonlight" -
one of the lyrical masterpieces
Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet, -
was written on August 2, 1877.

It was inspired by singing
Tatiana Andreevna Kuzminskaya -
(sisters of Sofia Andreevna Tolstoy).

This singing stirred up a memory in the poet
about him tragic romance with Maria Lazic.

She is the daughter of a small landowner who has become Russified
He is a romantic who joined the military
service to return the family name and nobility.
She was 24 when they met
he is 28 years old.
In March 1849, Fet wrote to a childhood friend,
that I met a creature who loves and
deeply respects “the ideal of what is possible for
me happiness and reconciliation with the nasty
But she has nothing, and I have nothing...”

Love of a homeless woman and an officer without
condition could only worsen the situation
two poor people.
This would mean burying him forever
future in wretched garrison vegetation
with a bunch of children and a prematurely faded
And Fet's love retreated before the prosaic
by calculation.

Later he would write an autobiographical poem
“The Dream of Lieutenant Losev,” in which their romance
with Lazic depicted realistically
A comically presented question at first:
“To take or not to take the devil’s ducats?”
turns out to be the most important when choosing
further life path.
How Lieutenant Losev acted remains in the poem
But we know what Lieutenant Fet did.

In his memoirs he writes:
“In order to burn the ships of our mutual
hope, I gathered my courage and expressed
out loud your thoughts regarding
how much he considered marriage impossible for himself
and selfish."
She replied:
“I love talking to you without any
attacks on your freedom."
Maria understood everything and did not condemn Fet.
She loved him the way he was, she loved him
unselfishly, recklessly and selflessly.
Love was everything to her, while
he prudently and persistently walked towards his goal:
obtaining nobility,
achieving material well-being...

In order not to compromise the girl, Fet
should have broken up with her.
“I will not marry Lazic,” he writes to a friend.-
“And she knows it, and yet she begs
do not interrupt our relationship.
She is cleaner than snow in front of me...
This unfortunate Gordian knot of love,
or whatever you want to call it, which is more than
I unravel, the tighter I tighten,
but I don’t have the spirit or strength to cut with a sword.”
Shattered life.

Soon the regiment is transferred to another location.
Fet leaves for maneuvers, and in the fall
regimental adjutant Fet to his question about
Maria heard an astonished expression from a friend:
"How! You don’t know anything?!”
The interlocutor, the poet writes, looked at him
with a wild look.
And, after a pause, seeing his bewilderment,
“But she’s not there! She died!
And, my God, how terrible!”
Death is more terrible to imagine
difficult: a young woman burned.

It happened like this.
Father, old general Lazic didn't allow it
daughters to smoke, and Maria did it furtively,
being left alone.
"So, in last time she lay down in white
muslin dress and, lighting a cigarette,
gave up, concentrating on the book,
on the floor a match that she thought was extinguished.
But the match, which continued to burn, lit
a dress falling to the floor, and a girl
Only then did I notice that it was burning when everything
right side was on fire.
Confused, she rushed through the rooms
to the balcony door, with burning pieces
the dresses came off and fell onto the parquet floor.
Thinking of finding relief on clean air,
Maria ran out onto the balcony, but a stream of wind
fanned the flames even more, which
rose above my head..."

Fet listened without interruption, without bleeding.
Forty years later he is word for word
will play this scary story,
having essentially completed their memories with it.

But there is another version of what happened.
Soon after the fatal explanation with Fet,
Maria, wearing a white dress - his favorite -
lit a hundred candles in the room.
The room glowed with light like Easter
Having crossed herself, the girl dropped the burning
match on the dress.
She was ready to become a mistress
roommate, dishwasher - anyone! -
just not to part with Fet.
But he resolutely declared that he would never
does not marry a dowryless woman.
As the poet admitted, he “did not take into account
feminine nature."
“They assume it was suicide,”
wrote our contemporary, poet E. Vinokurov.

Was it suicide?
If so, then she killed herself so that
don’t make life difficult for your loved one, by anything
not to burden his conscience, so that the kindled
the match might have seemed accidental.
Burning, Maria screamed:
“In the name of heaven, take care of the letters!”
And she died with the words:
“It’s not his fault, it’s my fault.”
Letters that she begged to keep -
These are Fetov’s letters, the most precious ones,
what did she have...
The letters have not survived.
Fet's poems have been preserved, which are better
all sorts of letters immortalized their love.

Painfully inviting and in vain
Your pure ray burned in front of me,
He aroused silent delight autocratically,
But he couldn’t overcome the darkness all around.
Let them curse, worrying and arguing,
Let them say: this is the delirium of a sick soul,
But I walk on the shaky foam of the sea
With a brave, unsinking foot.
I will carry your light through earthly life,
He is mine - and with him a double being
You presented it, and I - I triumph
Although your immortality is momentary.

Fet realized what he had lost much later.
Then he only paid tribute to sorrow,
he was to serve in the guard,
other concerns, goals...
But the time will come - and the sorrowful shadow will imperiously
will take everything that was denied alive
Maria Lazic.

Forty years after these events, the patient,
the gasping old man is thinking about
what did it cost a 20-year-old girl to calmly

For a long time I dreamed of the cries of your sobs, -
It was a voice of resentment, a cry of powerlessness;
For a long, long time I dreamed of that joyful moment,
As I begged you, I am an unfortunate executioner.

In the middle of the night they raise him hidden by her
then the tears - the cries of sobs stand at him
in the ears.
The vision flashes again and again:
a flaming figure runs, lights up with a torch
and melts the lines that are to be
enter tutorials:

I don't want to believe it! When in the steppe, how wonderful it is,
In the midnight darkness, untimely grief,
In the distance in front of you is transparent and beautiful
Dawn suddenly rose.

And my gaze was involuntarily drawn to this beauty,
Into that majestic brilliance beyond the entire dark limit -
Did nothing really whisper to you at that time:
There's a man burned out there!

And brilliant:

It’s not a pity for life with languid breathing,
What is life and death? What a pity about that fire
That shone over the whole universe,
And he walks into the night and cries as he leaves.

So the love that once burned out
in the Kherson wilderness, life burned
practical army officer.
The most poignant songs are dedicated to Maria Lazic
lines of the famous “Evening Lights”,
this swan song A. Feta.

And I dream that you rose from the grave,
The same as you flew off the earth.
And I dream, I dream: we are both young,
And you looked as you looked before.

Fet, as we know, knew how to return what was taken away
fate: he regained his family name,
condition, returned the lost letters.
Because what if not letters to a girl from Kherson
these steppes written in his declining years
poetic messages?

The sun's ray between the linden trees was both burning and high,
In front of the bench you drew shiny sand,
I gave myself completely to golden dreams, -

I guessed a long time ago that we are kindred at heart,
That you gave up your happiness for me,
I was torn, I insisted that it was not our fault, -
You didn't answer me at all.

I prayed, repeated that we cannot love,
What days gone by we must forget
That in the future all the rights of beauty will bloom, -
You didn’t answer me here either.

All his life, until the end of his days, Fet
I couldn't forget her.
The image of Maria Lazic in a gullible halo
love and tragic fate until the very
death inspired him.
Life's drama from the inside, like an underground
key, fed his lyrics, gave him
poems have that pressure, sharpness and drama,
which others lacked.
His poems are monologues to the deceased
beloved, passionate, sobbing,
filled with remorse and sincere

You gave me your hand and asked: “Are you coming?”
I just noticed two drops of tears in my eyes;
These sparkles in the eyes and cold trembling
I'm in sleepless nights transferred forever.

But let's return to the poem
"The night was shining..."

The night was shining. The garden was full of moonlight. were lying
Rays at our feet in a living room without lights.
The piano was all open, and the strings in it
Just like our hearts are for your song.

You sang until dawn, exhausted in tears,
That you alone are love, that there is no other love,
And I wanted to live so much, so that without making a sound,
To love you, hug you and cry over you.

And many years have passed, tedious and boring,
And now in the silence of the night I hear your voice again,
And it blows, as then, in these sonorous sighs,
That you are alone - your whole life, that you are alone -

That there are no insults from fate and burning torment in the heart,
But there is no end to life, and there is no other goal,
As soon as you believe in the sobbing sounds,
Love you, hug you and cry over you!

Fet's poem "The Night Shined"
inspired many composers.
One of the best romances written
Nikolay Shiryaev.


The poetry of Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet (Shenshin) is one of the recognized peaks of Russian poetry. Fet is one of the most widely read poets. In the personality of the poet, two absolutely different people: roughened, lived hard life practitioner and inspired, tireless singer of love and beauty. Fet's poetry is musical. Many of his poems are written in the tradition of romance. And the poem that will be discussed in this work is no exception. “The night was shining. The garden was full of moonlight. They were lying..." - a romance set to music, popular in the poet’s time. Thematically, Fet's lyrics are limited to the beauty of nature and feminine love, but themes in his works do not play a significant role. Fet's poems - incredible collections expressive images.
Poem “The night was shining, the garden was full of the moon. They were lying..." written about Tatyana Bers (married Kuzminskaya), sister of Sofia Andreevna Tolstoy. Fet one evening heard Tatyana Bers singing and told her: “When you sing, words fly on wings.” Admired by the inspired singing, the poet created his own poem, very lyrical, expressive and tender:
The night was shining, the garden was full of moonlight. The Rays lay at our feet in the living room without lights. The piano was all open, and the strings in it trembled, Just like our hearts behind your song.
This poem is distinguished by a surprisingly gentle rhythm and inspired, subtle and precise imagery. Fet's accuracy and attention to detail is his undoubted talent. This poem, like all of Fet’s poetry, is characterized by sound writing. Let's pay attention to the first stanza. Here, soft, iridescent and seemingly flowing “l”s predominate: “the night was shining,” “the garden was full of the moon,” “the rays lay...”, after which there is a transition to the peals of “r”: “the piano... is open.” , “the strings..., trembled.” There is a feeling of transition from smoothness to growth emotional stress. Amazing ability write with sounds and gives Fet’s poems such musical sound.
The poem is based on images of the night, the moon and the piano. Darkness, light and music are the basis of this work. The image of the singer and her voice come into the background. In this poem one can feel the unity of man with the world around him.
A moonlit night and a garden are unthinkable without a piano and the singer’s voice. Just as in other conditions, the Tatyana Bers whom the poet admired would no longer exist. Fet's amazingly figurative poems fascinate with their play, their colors and precisely chosen words.
In Fet’s poem, nature coexists with feelings: “Love you, hug you and cry over you.” The quiet picture of the night garden gives way to a contrasting image - a storm in the poet’s soul: “The piano was all open...”. The poem is built on opposition. The “languorous and boring” life is contrasted with the “burning torment of the heart.” The purpose of life for a poet is in a single impulse of the soul. In this work, the impetus for the spiritual storm was the singing of Tatyana Bers. In this poem, as in all lyrics, Fet creates his own own world- a world of love, beauty and contrast - quiet, clear nature with mental anguish.
I would like to say that the poem “The night shone. The garden was full of the moon, They were lying..." amazes with its purity and penetration. His lines are permeated with the poet’s admiration, admiration and passion for his world, the world of creativity, and everything that contributes to the merging of creativity with reality, the birth of new poems. It seems to me that this poem cannot leave anyone indifferent; it can penetrate the heart and touch the most hidden strings in the soul.

The theme of love sounded brightly in related to late lyric poetry Feta's poem “The night was shining. The garden was full of moonlight. They were lying..." This poem was written on August 2, 1877. It is directly dedicated to music and singing, and therefore the author refers it to the “Melodies” cycle.
The poem “The Night Was Shining...” was created by the poet under the impression of one musical evening with friends and dedicated to Tatyana Andreevna Bers, married to Kuzminskaya, with whom Fet was at one time infatuated. The girl sang at this evening, as she was a wonderful singer and studied music professionally. Kuzminskaya, the sister of L.N. Tolstoy’s wife, became the prototype of Natasha Rostova in the novel “War and Peace.” In episodes of Tolstoy's novel and in Fet's poems we can hear the sounds of her singing:

For Fet lyrical heroine- the earthly embodiment of the beauty of life, its high “sound”.
This poem is dominated by the image of love - memories, to which time is not subject:
And many years have passed, tedious and boring,
And now in the silence of the night I hear your voice again...
A.A. Fet uses verbs in the past tense (“sang”, “many years have passed”, “the strings trembled”), because past love is only a memory that left a bright mark on his life. The poem is filled with the author's feelings. It contains the power of lyrical experience, and to some extent the author even reproaches himself for the fact that he for a long time I couldn’t find a place for myself, I couldn’t think about anything else except T. A. Bers:
That there are no insults from fate and burning torment in the heart,
But life has no end, and there is no other goal...
For Fet, love is the only content human existence, the only faith. A rush of passion is felt in the poem “The Night Was Shining. The garden was full of moonlight. They were lying..."
At the beginning of the poem quiet picture the night garden contrasts with the storm in the poet’s soul: The night shone. The garden was full of moonlight. were lying
Rays at our feet in a living room without lights.
The piano was all open, and the strings in it were trembling,
Just like our hearts are for your song.
Nature and love are interconnected in Fet's poems. These concepts are related, and they express the essence of being. When these concepts merge into a single whole, pristine beauty is born.
The beginning of the poem is very expressive: “The night was shining.” This is an oxymoron, because the night is dark, black, given stylistic device is emphasized by inversion: the predicate precedes the subject.
This is an extraordinary night, festive, bright from the moon. A. A. Fet is the singer of the night, illuminated from within, harmonious, trembling with myriads of lights. “The night was shining” is a typical Fetov phrase.
The living room in the poem is a continuation of the garden: “The rays lay at our feet in the living room without lights.” The first stanza does not so clearly define the motive of remembering a long-past feeling.
The poem “The Night Shined...” is filled sound repetitions. They are perceived by Fet as a phenomenon of beauty in poetry. Sonorants in the Russian language, in particular “r” and “l”, are the most sonorous, melodious consonants. It is on repeated sonorities that the sound image in the poem is built, and it supports and emphasizes the picturesque image. The poem “The Night Was Shining,” like many other poems by Fet, is distinguished by its harmonious tone and harmonious composition. One follows from the other, the subsequent continues and develops the previous. The lyrical narrative progresses: the feeling for the semantic outcome grows. This kind of verse composition makes a particularly strong impression.
Having experienced true love, Fet is nevertheless not devastated, and all his life he kept in his memory the freshness of his feelings and the image of his beloved. And the motive of suffering, tears, crying, sobbing sharpens the feeling of life and beauty:
You sang until dawn, exhausted in tears,
That you alone are love, that there is no other love,
And I wanted to live so much, so that without making a sound,
To love you, hug you and cry over you.
The poem often repeats the words “love” and “to love,” which speaks of main topic works. Love is life, and there is nothing in the world more important than this feeling. The desire to love is emphasized by the refrain: “Love you, hug you and cry over you.” Time in the poem is psychologized: moments of true existence are highlighted, there are few of them, in contrast to the “languorous and boring” years.
The final stanzas of the poem are meaningful and compositionally significant. Last stanza compositionally parallel to the second, containing the poetic idea: That there are no insults to fate and the heart of burning torment,
But there is no end to life, and there is no other goal,
As soon as you believe in the sobbing sounds,
Love you, hug you and cry over you!
The stanza, built on negation, ends with a literal repetition of the second stanza. Only the punctuation mark has changed: the period gives way to an exclamation.
An open piano, trembling strings, open hearts - the metaphorical meaning of the words clearly displaces the nominative. The author uses personification: “rays were flying.” He animates nature.
Poem “The night was shining. The garden was full of moonlight. They were lying…” written in iambic hexameter, quatrains with alternating female (“they were lying - trembling”) and male (“the lights are yours”) rhymes. The poem is written in long lines, with an abundance of vocalisms: “You sang until dawn, exhausted in tears...”. These long lines sound drawn out, as if they are being sung.
The poem is very melodic. It is no coincidence that many of Fet’s poems became wonderful romances, in particular “The Night Was Shining. The garden was full of moonlight. They were lying..." A. A. Fet’s poem served as excellent material for the romances of many Russian composers: Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov... According to Saltykov-Shchedrin, Fet’s romances “are sung by almost all of Russia.” A modern performer, bard Alexander Sukhanov, in one of his songs quotes Fetov’s beautiful lines: “The night was shining. The garden was full of the moon."
The poetic world of the poem is romantic and original. This work is an extraordinary power of penetration into the element of the feeling of love.
Love lyrics A. A. Fet makes it possible to better understand his general philosophical, as well as aesthetic views, look into the world of his soul and experiences. I want to turn to his melodic poems again and again, to be filled with them, to let this simple beauty into my soul, to become better, richer and purer spiritually from high communication with the master’s creations.

Already an old man, Fet understood what happiness he had missed in his life by chasing money. It is truly true what they say that the love of money is the root of all evil. In Fet's case, they took his love away. And this love's name was Maria Lazic.

It was a girl from an impoverished noble family. Fet loved her, and she reciprocated. It would seem, get married and be happy. But the poet did not do that. He wanted to get back noble title and fortune, therefore he rejected Mary. And it so happened that the girl died tragically in a fire. And Fet was subject to bitter moods until the end of his life. He ruined it for himself.

Poem “The night was shining. The garden was full of the moon” was written in 1877, and the poet did not feel comfortable by that time. Again, it's all about the love he betrayed. All that remains is to remember. Here the moon is shining in the night sky, and still young Fet is sitting with Maria in the living room flooded with silver light. There is not a single fire burning, only the moon. A girl plays the piano with the lid open, and the strings tremble. And Fet listens to her.

The girl plays until dawn and cries, and tells the poet that she alone is love. And I want to hug her and cry too. I want to live. This is the memory. It came suddenly, after many boring and tiring years, in old age. And it was as if these years did not exist, and there were no resentments and heartaches. The girl is playing, and I want to hug her and cry.

This is how Fet consoled himself and tried to heal the wound in his heart. But this love was not meant to be. Or maybe it was destined, but the poet ruined everything. Yes, he regained his title and fortune, became a successful landowner, and married a rich merchant’s daughter. But that didn't make the loss any easier.

Maria Lazic continued to stand before Fet’s eyes as a symbol of what was irretrievably lost. And many more poems were dedicated to her. Yes, it’s better not to lose love, because it’s... greatest treasure in life.

Briefly according to plan

Picture for the poem The night was shining with the moon and the garden was full

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    The poem “No birds are visible...” by I. A. Bunin is one of his early works. It was written in 1889, when the author was only 19 years old, and was included in his first published collection. In his youth, the poet was fond of hunting and loved to walk in the forest.

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    For Russia, 1918 was hard time. Consequences of previous October Revolution, were reflected in all spheres of the country’s life, as well as the disrupted negotiations in Brest-Litovsk between Soviet Russia and Central

  • Analysis of Pushkin's poem Separation

    How important comrades are for us, to whom we entrust our deepest secrets, we share our joys and anxieties with them. That's right for them true friend, Kuchelbecker was a brother, comrade, and like-minded person for Pushkin.

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