Russian language test (grade 11) on the topic: Preparation for the Unified State Exam. Test "Punctuation of a simple sentence"

  1. And (1) however (2) it was not a dream, but a real (3) undoubted reality. We quickened our pace and after half an hour (4) it seems (5) we approached the waterfall.
  1. After listening and tapping the patient (1), the doctor sat down on the corner of the desk (2) crossing his legs (3) and (4) clasping his sharp knees with his hands.
  1. (1) literally (2) everyone participates in the creation of a poetic image artistic media, taken together. But sound writing in such cases (3) certainly (4) doubles and triples artistic expressiveness words.
  1. While living with the Raevskys in Crimea (1), Pushkin became interested in the works of Byron (2), whose influence on Pushkin subsequently (3) gradually fades away (4) and is finally overcome in “Eugene Onegin.”

5.Glazunov (1) literally (2) was transformed (3) while conducting the orchestra. He (4) they say (5) merged with the music, led it and followed it.

6. Specify a sentence that requires one comma.
(There are no punctuation marks.)

1) I wanted a lot but didn’t catch anything.

2) The ideal nobleman had to resemble the hero of chivalric novels and the character ancient history and on a Christian preacher.

3) The art teacher paid attention to the boy’s abilities and inclinations and convinced the parents to send the child to a painting school.

4) Summer residents lazily walk under umbrellas or sit in the shade of trees.

7. Specify a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)

1) B folk medicine water infusions are prepared using cold or hot methods.

2) Among the writers of the post-revolutionary era, M.A. Bulgakov more often than others turns to the themes of insight and his path in life and literature.

3) The guests and the hosts gathered for tea.

4) The forest distances seem either smoky-lilac or slightly bluish.

8. Specify a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)

1) Nekrasov’s poetry contains hatred and sarcasm, hope and faith, love and tenderness.

2) The amount of a substance is determined by the number of atoms or molecules of this substance.

3) The clouds surprisingly quickly changed their shape and seemed either like a flock of flying birds or like sharp pieces of ice.

4) The icon was painted in the workshop of Dionysius and is dedicated to you given religious and statesman Rus'.

9. Among sentences 1-3, find a sentence with a common isolated circumstance. Write the number of this offer.

(1) Pankratov liked it, and he smiled happily, closing his eyes. (2) Lyuba reminded him of his youth and his first years, filled to the brim with happiness family life with Natalya. (3) The sister was indifferent to the staff captain. (G. Semenikhin)

10. A comma in place of gaps is placed in sentences:1) His behavior _ seems _ strange to everyone. 2) The steamer will depart _ of course _ not before dawn. 3) The night was moonlit _ soft. 4) Oh, you Volga _ dear Volga _ who doesn’t love your shores! 5) You _ can be _ was waiting for me.

11. Read the text in which all commas are indicated by numbers.

The cloud shuddered with blue flame. Thunder rumbled slowly, (1) spreading dull peals around. It either intensified, (2) then almost died down, (3) rushing off into the distance. And the rain, (4) obeying the thunder, (5) at times began to fall harder and rustle widely through the leaves, (6) then stopped. Soon the sun broke through the clouds, (7) refreshed and bright. The old Pushkin park in Mikhailovskoye, (8) the steep banks of Soroti, (9) the local river, (10) were ablaze with red clay and wet grass. A slender rainbow lit up over the cloudy distance. It sparkled, (11) sparkled and smoked, (12) surrounded by wisps of ashen clouds. The rainbow (13) seemed (14) to be like an arch (15) erected on the border of the reserved land.

(According to K. Paustovsky)

Write down the numbers representing commas

  1. with homogeneous members;
  2. in a separate circumstance;
  3. with a separate definition;
  4. with introductory words;
  5. with a qualifying member.

12. Which answer option correctly indicates the constructions that complicate this


Here in cozy apartment Merezhkovsky on Liteinaya, how many times have I had to be present at the most significant, sophisticated debates that left their mark on my entire life.(A. Bely)

a) clarification, homogeneous members, separate addition

b) application, homogeneous members, isolated circumstance

c) clarification, homogeneous members, separate definition

And (1) however (2) it was not a dream, but a real (3) undoubted reality. We quickened our pace and after half an hour (4) it seems (5) we approached the waterfall.
After listening and tapping the patient (1), the doctor sat down on the corner of the desk (2) crossing his legs (3) and (4) clasping his sharp knees with his hands.
In creating a poetic image, (1) literally (2) all artistic means taken together are involved. But sound writing in such cases (3) certainly (4) doubles and triples the artistic expressiveness of the word.
While living with the Raevskys in Crimea (1), Pushkin became interested in the works of Byron (2), whose influence on Pushkin subsequently (3) gradually fades away (4) and is finally overcome in “Eugene Onegin.”
5.Glazunov (1) literally (2) was transformed (3) while conducting the orchestra. He (4) they say (5) merged with the music, led it and followed it.
6. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks are placed.)
1) I wanted a lot but didn’t catch anything.
2) The ideal nobleman had to resemble the hero of chivalric novels and a character from ancient history and a Christian preacher.
3) The art teacher paid attention to the boy’s abilities and inclinations and convinced the parents to send the child to a painting school.
4) Summer residents lazily walk under umbrellas or sit in the shade of trees.
7. Specify a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1) In folk medicine, water infusions are prepared using cold or hot methods.
2) Among the writers of the post-revolutionary era, M.A. Bulgakov more often than others turns to the themes of insight and his path in life and literature.
3) The guests and the hosts gathered for tea.
4) The forest distances seem either smoky-lilac or slightly bluish.
8. Specify a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1) Nekrasov’s poetry contains hatred and sarcasm, hope and faith, love and tenderness.
2) The amount of a substance is determined by the number of atoms or molecules of this substance.
3) The clouds surprisingly quickly changed their shape and seemed either like a flock of flying birds or like sharp pieces of ice.
4) The icon was painted in the workshop of Dionysius and is dedicated to the outstanding religious and statesman of Rus'.
9. Among sentences 1-3, find a sentence with a common isolated circumstance. Write the number of this offer.
(1) Pankratov liked it, and he smiled happily, closing his eyes. (2) Lyuba reminded him of his youth and the first years of family life with Natalya, filled to the brim with happiness. (3) The sister was indifferent to the staff captain. (G. Semenikhin)
10. A comma in place of gaps is placed in sentences: 1) His behavior _ seems _ strange to everyone. 2) The steamer will leave _ of course _ not before dawn. 3) The night was moonlit _ soft. 4) Oh, you Volga _ dear Volga _ who doesn’t loves your shores!5) You _ maybe _ were waiting for me.
11. Read the text in which all commas are indicated by numbers.
The cloud shuddered with blue flame. Thunder rumbled slowly, (1) spreading dull peals around. It either intensified, (2) then almost died down, (3) rushing off into the distance. And the rain, (4) obeying the thunder, (5) at times began to fall harder and rustle widely through the leaves, (6) then stopped. Soon the sun broke through the clouds, (7) refreshed and bright. The old Pushkin park in Mikhailovskoye, (8) the steep banks of Soroti, (9) the local river, (10) were ablaze with red clay and wet grass. A slender rainbow lit up over the cloudy distance. It sparkled, (11) sparkled and smoked, (12) surrounded by wisps of ashen clouds. The rainbow (13) seemed (14) to be like an arch (15) erected on the border of the reserved land.
(According to K. Paustovsky)
Write down the numbers representing commas
with homogeneous members;
in a separate circumstance;
with a separate definition;
with introductory words;
with a qualifying member.
12. Which answer option correctly indicates the constructions that complicate this
Here, in Merezhkovsky’s cozy apartment on Liteinaya, how many times did I have to be present at the most significant, sophisticated debates that left an imprint on my entire life. (A. Bely)
a) clarification, homogeneous members, separate addition
b) application, homogeneous members, isolated circumstance
c) clarification, homogeneous members, separate definition
13. Indicate the answer option in which all the numbers are correctly indicated, in place of which there should be commas in the sentence.
Music feeds on deeper roots (1) and (2) relying on the past (3) it sees the future better than we do (4) living in the moment and moment. (S. Gorodetsky) a) 1, 2, 4 b) 2, 3 c) 1, 2, 3, 4
8. 3
10. 2345
11.a)2,6,8,11; b) 1345; c) 7,12,15; d)13,14;e)9,10

Option 1

Part 1

Read the text and complete tasks 1-3

(1) Having safely crossed the Atlantic and landed with his crew on the shores of America, Columbus was convinced that he had reached India, and (…….) called local residents"Indians". (2) Despite the obvious mistake, this name stuck with the indigenous people inhabiting the American continent. (3) But in fact, the American Indians were not even a single people: they were strikingly different from each other in height and appearance, spoke on many different languages and created a wide variety of customs and beliefs.

1. Indicate two sentences that correctly convey HOME information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Despite the obvious mistake, the name “Indians” stuck to the indigenous people inhabiting the American continent, so they created a variety of customs.

2) Until the end of his days, Columbus never admitted his mistake and was convinced that, having safely crossed the Atlantic and landed on the shores of America, he had reached India, which is why he called the local inhabitants of the American continent “Indians.”

3) The general name “Indians” was assigned to the indigenous inhabitants of America thanks to Columbus, because the inhabitants of the American continent have many common features: dark skin, high cheekbones, black hair and eyes, chemical composition blood.

4) The native inhabitants of America, who were not a single people, were given the erroneous name “Indians,” since Columbus, who discovered America, believed that he had reached India.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place

omissions in the second sentence? Write this word down.

In fact

Due to this

3. Read the passage dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word TEAM. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the first sentence. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

Team, -s, w.

1.A brief oral order in the established form. There was a sound of “Fire!”

2. An automatically transmitted signal that causes the action of some system or mechanism. Command system.

3. Being in charge of someone military unit. Squad under the command of an officer.

4. A group of people connected by something. President's team.

4. In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter indicating percussion sound. Write this word down.

accepted by customs for a long time

overflowed' to embitter

5. In one of the sentences below WRONG The highlighted word is used. Correct lexical error, picking up to the highlighted word paronym. Write down the chosen word.

Every GREAT poet is an exponent of the spirit of the people, their history.

WATER stadium– the pride of the area and a favorite place for townspeople, where they come with their families on weekends.

Eternal flame- This folk memory about heroes who gave their lives defending their homeland.

Tall, slender, graceful and GREAT, Elena always held herself unusually straight, and this gave her a regal appearance.

The collector meticulously examines Levitan's painting and admires the COLORFUL autumn landscape.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

coastal boats will recover soon

THREE brothers with new SHOES

without CHERRIES

7. Match grammatical errors and sentences in which they are admitted: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrase

B) an error in constructing a complex sentence

B) violation in the construction of sentences with

Inconsistent application

D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

D) violation of species-time correlation verb forms


1) Wherever I went, I saw architectural monuments in need of restoration.

2) Upon arrival in Sochi, we, as always, stayed at the Zhemchuzhina hotel.

3) A lot of time passed when choosing a profession, but he still hesitated.
4) The old linden trees in the alley in front of the main entrance to the manor’s house are tall and spreading.
5) We predict that those who are interested in history will be interested in the new project.

6) He thought that we misunderstood him.

7) The magazine “Sobesednik” published a review of a recently published novel famous writer.

8) Lermontov in the novel showed the appearance of his contemporary and reveals it inner world.

9) A friend said that I do not agree with the class decision.

8. Identify the word in which the unstressed vowel of the root being tested is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter


place distance from..situation

9. Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write down these words by inserting the missing letters.

r..settle, agree

too..extremely, un..painful,

pr..form, pr..follow

o..push, on..pull

nameless, over..inventive

10. Write down the word in which a letter is written in place of the gap AND.

Saucer..chko Zarech..

undergo finicky plutonium...

11. Write down the word in which a letter is written in place of the gap E.

catch, wake



12. Identify a sentence in which NOT is it spelled together with the word? Open the brackets and write down this word.

People who have (not) been to the tropics cannot imagine winter rain.

The birds are driven south (not) by the coming cold, but by the lack of food.

As a child, Chekhov was (not) full of inventions.

Andrey entered the still (not) plastered room.

The bridge is (not) built.

13. Identify the sentence in which both highlighted words are written

FULL. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

And no matter how much you are in a hurry to get to the water, you will still stop several times on the way down the hill to look at the distance on the other side of the river.

(B) FOR two hours, the climbers climbed the mountainside, then moving (B) IN FRONT, then sliding down again.

And if (FROM) what I’m starting to do, I’m not the only one who expects benefit, then, I admit, I’m more willing to take on (THAT).

(B) AS A CONSEQUENCE of the rainfall, the river overflowed its banks, and the entire space (IN) CIRCLE was covered with water.

(B) A CONSEQUENCE of the fact that the work of electrical potential forces does not depend on the shape of the path of a single charge; the SAME voltage appears on each of the parallel-connected conductors.

14. Indicate all the numbers in whose place it is written NN.

The portrait of a strange (1) man, painted (2) by an artist who had remarkable (3) talent, was part of the dow (4) of the (5) mistress of the house.

15. Indicate the sentences in which you need to put one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)

1) In folk medicine, water infusions are prepared using cold or hot methods.

2) Among the writers of the post-revolutionary era, M.A. Bulgakov more often than others turns to the themes of insight and his path in life and literature.

3) The guests and the hosts gathered for tea.

4) The forest distances seem either smoky-lilac or slightly bluish

5) He wintered three times in Mirny () and each time returning home seemed to him the limit of human happiness.

16. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

The forest (1), which had recently turned blue ahead (2), suddenly turned pale (3) dissolving (4) in the slanting streams of rain.

17. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences.

In the past, many were (1) of course (2) well aware of the Aksakov house, where everything breathed creativity, family happiness and contentment. Family friends and numerous guests (3) probably (4) more than once had the opportunity to rest in this house from everyday squabbles and worries.

18. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence

In Greece classical era(1) for the social system (2) of which (3) the typical form of the city-state (4) arose especially favorable conditions for flourishing oratory.

19. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

A few hours later (1) Ivan became exhausted (2) and (3) when he realized (4) that he could not cope with the papers (5) he cried quietly and bitterly.

Read the text and complete tasks 20-25

(1) Everyone knows that hour hand It moves on the dial, but you can’t see how it moves. (2) The same thing happens with language. (3) It changes. (4) But we don’t feel how this happens. (5) Now a moment has come in our history when we see how the Russian language is changing. (6) And this cannot but frighten. (7) We so want at all costs to move away from the previous era of our life, to build new public relations, new economy what we would even like to have new language. (8) Once they said “dissociate themselves”, now they say “distance themselves”, we are tired of the expression “to go crazy” - we say “the roof has gone crazy”. (9) Or they stopped liking the word “meeting”, they began to say “tusovka”. (10) The Russian language, according to A.S. Pushkin, “immune and sociable,” he easily accepts foreign words, if they are needed. (11) And there is nothing wrong with this when everything is done in moderation. (12) And the measure is lost. (13) “Sandwiches”, “lunches”, “displays” appear in our speech. (14) Usually 20-30 words change a year, but now we have maybe 20 words a week. (15) In addition, it is important from what sources new words of the language appear. (16) Now, for example, there is a stream of words from rather dubious sources, in particular criminal jargon: “showdown”, “freebie”. (17) Many press outlets use “unprintable” words, which, by the way, are called that way because they do not need to be printed. (18) The “Russian language law” was discussed in the Duma for several years. (19) The law, of course, is needed. (20) But if we seriously talk about the law, then there must be a mechanism for punishment for its violation. (21) However, the proposal to create a philological police and establish fines for mistakes in the Russian language seems frivolous. (22) Whatever you say, the language is made by the people, and it is difficult to force them to obey administrative norms regarding language. (23) There have already been such futile attempts. (24) At one time, in the 19th, and even in the 20th century, it gave an exemplary language fiction. (25) If a person did not know how to speak correctly, then he opened Turgenev and found the answer there. (26) Now, of course, it is not fiction that shapes our linguistic taste. (27) The tone is now primarily set by television and radio. (28) This applies to the pronunciation of sounds, stress, and intonation. (29) And modern announcers like American intonation. (30) And young people begin to imitate them. (31) It happens that the leading God knows what he says and how he says it, but people like it. (32) This, of course, does not apply to all programs, channels, announcers, but many of them are subject to fashion. (33) We are now dissatisfied with the language, but here it is very important to figure out whether the language is to blame for this or something else. (34) After all, language is subject to the people who use it. (35) He adapts to the needs of society. (36) If in our society today there is a need to think about the future, about a strong family, about the happiness of children, then the language will go in this direction and will give us the means for this. (37) If our main thing is how to earn a million without working, sex, violence, drugs, then the language will turn here. (38) Why scold him? (39) It reflects the state of society. (40) So it’s not the language that needs to be corrected now.

(According to V. Kostomarov)

20. Which statement corresponds to the author’s point of view expressed in the text?

1) It is necessary to dissociate ourselves from the previous era and create a completely new language.

2) It is necessary to protect the language from any changes and preserve it as it was in the previous era.

3) Negative changes in society lead to negative changes in language.

4) Negative changes in language lead to negative changes in society.

21. What type(s) of speech are presented in sentences 33 – 40?

1) narration

2) description

3) reasoning and storytelling

4) Reasoning

22. Indicate the meaning of the word VAIN in sentence 23.

1) aimless

2) unsuccessful

3) diligent

4) harmful

23. Among sentences 33 – 37, find one that is connected to the previous one using a personal pronoun. Write the number of this offer.

24.“…Article by the famous linguist V.G. Kostomarov is dedicated not to linguistics itself, but rather social problems. The author's task is to provide an explanation of certain phenomena and their assessment. At the same time, V.G. Kostomarov often resorts to introductory words expressing his attitude to the problem. Important role play such a technique as A_____ (for example, in sentences 36 - 37), and the trope - B _____ (in sentences 1 - 4). The following help to express the author’s assessment of phenomena: lexical means, as B_____ (“sandwiches”, “lunches”, “displays” in sentence 13), D _____ (“whatever you say”, “God knows what”), a rhetorical question and others".

List of terms:

1) metonymy 2) comparison

3) comparative phrase 4) irony

5) colloquial words and phraseological units

6) borrowed words

8) rhetorical question

9) syntactic parallelism

Part 2

Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author of the text (avoid excessive quoting).

Formulate the position of the author (storyteller). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the text you read. Explain why. Justify your answer, relying primarily on reading experience, as well as knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without relying on the text read (not based on this text), Not Evaluated. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite original text without any comments, such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Answers to the option

1 option


With new shoes







Due to

1. Indicate the sentences that require one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1) In folk medicine, water infusions are prepared using cold or hot methods.
2) Among the writers of the post-revolutionary era, M.A. Bulgakov more often than others turns to the themes of insight and his path in life and literature.
3) The guests and the hosts gathered for tea.
4) The forest distances seem either smoky-lilac or slightly bluish
5) He wintered three times in Mirny () and each time returning home seemed to him the limit of human happiness.
2. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.
1) Both our and the enemy army languished in anticipation of a real battle.
2) Our inner world is sensitively and subtly tuned and responds to the most imperceptible sounds of life.
3) A simple quilted tunic or parts of armor served as protection for a medieval warrior.
4) The house was decorated with rose hips and white chamomile for the holiday.
5) Appeared in the sky gray clouds() and there was a whiff of dampness in the air.
3. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.
1) Sheet metal is used to make machine and instrument bodies and utensils.
2) Tinsmiths must know the structure of various machines and devices for processing sheet metal and be able to work on them.
3) Wood glue is produced in the form of grains or hard tiles with a shiny surface.
4) We stayed up for a long time and admired the sky and the sea.
5) Suddenly it got dark () and a thick fog began to quickly fall over the forest from above.
4. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.
1) The writer’s individuality is manifested even in the preference for one or another color epithet.
2) Almost every French sculptor worked simultaneously in the historical-mythological, portrait and landscape genres.
3) Green could describe in detail both the bend of the river and the location of houses, both ancient forests and cozy ones seaside towns.
4) The forest rustled, sometimes soothingly and melodiously, sometimes impetuously and alarmingly.
5) The tops of the pines () rang melodiously and the aspen trees whispered barely audibly.
5. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.
1) The goals of astrologers and alchemists were fantastic, but their observations and experiments contributed to the accumulation of knowledge in both astronomy and chemistry.
2) In the 12th century, painters painted pictures with paints or ink on silk or paper scrolls.
3) It’s snowing or raining outside all December...
4) The caravel had three masts with straight and oblique sails and could move in in the right direction even in a headwind.
5) The sun warmed up like summer () and the starlings who had returned from warmer climes began to build nests.

16. Punctuation in complex sentences and in sentences with homogeneous members. Tasks from open bank FIPI.

Answer: 2.5

1. There were furAndfeathers, silkAndpearl, extraordinary ease of cut And mind-blowing hairstyle. Homogeneous members are grouped into pairs, commas between pairs: O and O, O and O, O and O 2) Green loved And sea, And his invented sea coast. Homogeneous members of a sentence connected by repeating conjunctions: and O, and O

3) U young man did not have no money, no apartment, no key from the apartment. Homogeneous members of a sentence connected by repeated conjunctions “NOR”: neither O, nor O, nor O.
4) At the sight of concessionaires from the crowd those meeting and curious surfaced citizen in a scalloped suit And fast walked to the exit. Homogeneous definitions (meeting and curious) are connected by the conjunction “and” homogeneous predicates(emerged and walked) are also connected by the conjunction “and”. These pairs are not homogeneous among themselves; a comma is not needed. 5) Snow fell cereal, and soon He covered the whole earth. Difficult sentence, two compositions: Snow fell, He covered.

1(2.) Before my eyes there appears either an endless steppe landscape or painted tower Russian forest is a pearl mirror south sea.
2) Later Russian chronicles contain the most valuable historical and economic data and cultural and ethnographic facts.
3) And the night sky rose with holy equanimity both above earthly love and above earthly vanity.
4) The train has long since taken away the concessionaires, the Columbus Theater and other audiences.
5) A cloud with large hail came and scattered all the foliage.

Answer: 3.5

  1. Before your eyes appears either an endless steppe landscape, or a painted tower of a Russian forest, or a pearly mirror of the southern sea. Repeating conjunctions: then O, then O, then O
    2) Later Russian chronicles contain most valuable historical and economic data And cultural-ethnographic data. "Historical and economic" - homogeneous definitions words " data». « Most valuable" - not homogeneous with these definitions, it refers to the entire phrase “historical and economic data", so there are no commas: most valuable historical and economic data. Words « data" And " data » form a second pair homogeneous members, connected by a single conjunction “I”. These pairs are not homogeneous among themselves; a comma is not needed. 3) And the night sky rose with holy equanimity And above love earthly, And above the earth bustle. Homogeneous members of a sentence connected by the repeating conjunction “I”: both O and O. 4) The train has long since taken away And concessionaires, And theater Columba, And other public. Homogeneous members of a sentence connected by the repeating conjunction “I”: and O, and O, and O. 5) swooped in cloud with large hail, and swept away she all the foliage. Difficult sentence. There is no common secondary member of the sentence, so we put a comma. See rules

3. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.
1(3.) The most ancient herbarium was collected in early XVI centuries and is now kept in Rome.
2) In winter I went hunting or fishing or skiing.
3) For an observant person, there is a lot of interesting things in the taiga, both in summer and
and in winter.
4) The grandchildren and great-grandchildren went off to become pilots and sailors all over the river.
5) The eye never tires of admiring the fields and groves and the heart is full of a feeling of harmony with nature.

Answer: 3.5

1. The most ancient herbarium was collected at the beginning of the 16th century And stored now in Rome. O and O.
2) In winter I walked on hunting or fishing or rode by ski. Went (where?) hunting or fishing; went (what?) skiing. Two different couples: walked or rode; on hunting or fishing.
3) For an observant person there is a lot of interesting things in the taiga both in summer and
and in winter. Double alliance: both ... and
4) Separated grandchildren And great-grandchildren pilots And sailors all over the river. Two groups of different homogeneous members.
5) Eye never tires of admiring the fields and groves, and heart full feeling of harmony with nature. Difficult sentence. There is no common secondary member of the sentence, so we put a comma.

4. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences. 1(4.) In 1856 in German city Karlsruhe published the first edition of the poem “The Demon” by former lieutenant of the Tenginsky regiment M.Yu. Lermontov and in the same year in Omsk in the family of the staff captain of the same Tengin infantry regiment A.M. Vrubel had a son - the future artist Mikhail Vrubel.
2) Many paintings by I.K. Aivazovsky are perceived as musical or poetic improvisations.
3) Story by E.I. Zamyatin's "In the middle of nowhere" is full of love and compassion
to his compatriots and protests against social conditions.
4) With the Decembrist poets of the composer A.A. Alyabyev was tied up as general views so are many circumstances of life and difficult personal fate.
5) Here the sources of rivers and springs and groves and oak forests have become protected.

Answer: 1.4

In 1856, the first book was published in the German city of Karlsruhe. edition poem “Demon” by former lieutenant of the Tenginsky regiment M.Yu. Lermontov, and in the same year in Omsk in the family of the staff captain of the same Tenginsky infantry regiment A.M. Vrubel was born son- future artist Mikhail Vrubel. Complex sentence
2) Many paintings by I.K. Aivazovsky are perceived as musical or poetic improvisations. The conjunction HOW means “as a quality” - no comma is needed.
3) Story by E.I. Zamyatina "In the middle of nowhere" is complete love and compassion
to his compatriots and protests against social conditions: Two rows of homogeneous members: full of (what?) love and compassion. Love and compassion - the first row, full and expressive - the second row. These series are not homogeneous among themselves - there are no commas; full ( love and compassion) and expresses: O ( O and O) and about
4) With the Decembrist poets of the composer A.A. Alyabyev was connected by both common views and many circumstances of life and difficult personal fate. How..., so
5) They have become reserved here origins rivers, and springs, and groves, and oak groves. See rules

5. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.
1(5.) Nature passes through the poet’s loving and ever-creating heart
and is imprinted in his lyrical lines.
2) Inversion is one of essential means intonation-syntactic highlighting of words or phrases.
3) Light wind he woke up and then calmed down.
4) In this portrait there is lightness of manner and subtlety of color scheme and psychologism of the image.
5) The engine did not have time to truly cool down and was started within a few minutes.

Answer: 3.5

5. Nature comes through in love and forever creative poet's heart
and is imprinted in his lyric lines. Two groups: the lover and the creative; passes and is imprinted.
2) Inversion is one of the most important means of intonation-syntactic highlighting of words or phrases: O or O
3) A light breeze woke up and then subsided: then O, then O
4) This portrait contains And ease manners, And subtlety color range, and psychologism images: and O, and O, and O
5) Engine did not have time to really cool down, and it was launched within a few minutes. Difficult sentence. There is no common secondary member of the sentence, so we put a comma.

6. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.
1 (6.) This parrot was a quarrelsome and noisy bird and for a month it poisoned the life of its owner and the whole house.
2) In the evenings the sun bathes in crimson mists or burns dryly on the edge of the steppe with a fire.
3) During the flight, you can take a nap or just dream.
4) Russian songs sound both timidity and rebellious free spirits.
5) The moon was sliding below the horizon and the city was slowly plunging into the pre-dawn dry darkness.

Answer: 4.5

1) This parrot was quarrelsome and noisy bird and for a month poisoned the life of his to the owner and everything home.
2) Sun in the evenings bathes in the crimson mists or dry burns out on the edge of the steppe with a fire.
3) During the flight you can take a nap or simply dream.
4) Russian songs sound both timidity and rebellious free spirits.
5) Moon rolled down beyond the horizon, and city slowly sank into the pre-dawn dry darkness. Difficult sentence. See rules

7. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.
1 (7.) Everything shines and basks and joyfully reaches out to the sun.
2) With its ridges and potholes with forests and copses, the taiga has dozens of microclimates.
3) For my part, I only changed the names of some characters I gave this story an oral history written form.
4) In ancient times, the question of life and death often depended on a random combination of circumstances or the balance of power between people and animals.
5) Only the dragonfly feels good in such heat and, as if nothing had happened, it dances tirelessly in the fragrant pine needles.

Answer: 2.5

1) Everything shines and basks and joyfully stretches to the sun. Oh and Oh and Oh
2) With your own bumps and bumps, With forests and copses taiga has dozens of microclimates. Two pairs of homogeneous members: O and O, O and O
3) For my part, I only changed the names of some of the characters in this story yes gave oral history in written form. "Yes" in the meaning of "And" O and O
4) In ancient times, the question of life and death often depended on chance coincidence of circumstances or balance of forces people and animals.
5) Only one dragonfly in this heat feels feeling good and as if nothing had happened shedancing tirelessly in the fragrant pine needles. Difficult sentence. See rules

8. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.
1(8.) In sound writing, alliteration and assonance and sound repetitions are used.
2) Let us turn to the sound resources of artistic expression and image and to the methods of their use.
3) Good speech is important for both a politician and a journalist.
4) Grabar’s still lifes are always combined with landscapes or interiors.
5) Winter entered the birch grove and everything around immediately began to sparkle.

Answer: 3.5

1) Used in sound recording and alliteration, and assonance, and sound replays: and O, and O, and O
2) Let's turn to sound resources artistic expressions and images And To techniques their use.
3) Good speech is important for both a politician and a journalist. How..., so
4) Grabar’s still lifes are always combined with landscape or interior. O and O
5) Entered winter into a birch grove, and immediately sparkled All around. Complex sentence

1(9.) The museum contains paintings and toys and household items from the 15th century.
2) In Moscow and other cities they are struggling with snow and ice on the roads
by chemical means.
3) You need to be polite both among strangers and in your home circle.
4) Some noise was heard either to the right, to the left, or to the side.

Answer: 3

1) The museum has paintings, and toys, and objects life of the 15th century. Oh and Oh and Oh
2) B Moscow and others cities with snow and ice fighting on the roads
by chemical means. Two different groups homogeneous members.
3) You need to be polite both among strangers and in your home circle.
4) Some noise was heard from the right, then from the left, then from the side. See rules

10.Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1(10.) In folk medicine, water infusions are prepared using cold or hot methods.
2) Among the writers of the post-revolutionary era, M.A. Bulgakov more often than others turns to the themes of insight and his path in life and literature.
3) The guests and the hosts gathered for tea.
4) The forest distances seem either smoky-lilac or slightly bluish.

Answer: 4

1) In folk medicine, water infusions are prepared cold or hot ways.
2) Among the writers of the post-revolutionary era, M.A. Bulgakov more often than others addresses topics epiphanies And your way V life and literature.
3) The guests and the hosts gathered for tea. YES = AND
4) The forest distances seem either smoky-lilac, or slightly bluish. See rules

Answer: 1

1) Both our and the enemy army languished in anticipation of a real battle. How..., so.
2) Our internal world configured sensitive and subtle and responds to the most imperceptible sounds of life.
3) The medieval warrior was protected by a simple quilted tunic or armor pieces.
4) The house was decorated with rose hips and white chamomile for the holiday. YES = AND

12. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1(12.) Sheet metal is used to make machine and instrument bodies and utensils.
2) Tinsmiths must know the structure of various machines and devices for processing sheet metal and be able to work on them.
3) Wood glue is produced in the form of grains or hard tiles with a shiny surface.
4) We stayed up for a long time and admired the sky and the sea.

Answer: 4

1) They make (what?) from sheet metal housing(what?) cars and appliancesditch and(What?) dishes. Word housing refers to words machines and devices.

2) Tinsmiths must know the structure of various machines and devices for sheet metal processing and be able to work on them.
3) Wood glue is produced in the form grains or solid tiles with a shiny surface.
4) We stayed up for a long time and admired the sky and the sea. Then..., then... See the rules.

13.Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1 (13.) The writer’s individuality is manifested even in the preference for one or another color epithet.
2) Almost every French sculptor worked simultaneously in the historical-mythological, portrait and landscape genres.
3) Green could describe in detail both the bend of the river and the location of houses, both ancient forests and cozy seaside towns.
4) The forest rustled, sometimes soothingly and melodiously, sometimes impetuously and alarmingly.

Answer: 4

The writer’s individuality is even manifested in his preference for one color epithet or another.
2) Almost every French sculptor worked simultaneously both in historical and mythological, and in portrait, and in landscape genres.
3) Green could describe in detail both the bend of the river and the location of houses, both ancient forests and cozy seaside towns. Because after the turn " like..., so" the sentence does not end, then before the second pair " like.., so" You also need to add a comma: how..., so, how..., so
4) The forest rustled, sometimes soothingly and melodiously, sometimes impulsively and alarmingly: sometimes O and O, sometimes O and O See rules.

13a. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1(13a.) The goals of astrologers and alchemists were fantastic, but their observations and experiments contributed to the accumulation of knowledge in both astronomy and chemistry.
2) In the 12th century, painters painted pictures with paints or ink on silk or paper scrolls.
3) It’s snowing or raining outside all December...
4) The caravel had three masts with straight and oblique sails and could move in the desired direction even with a headwind.

Answer: 3

1) Goals astrologers and alchemists were fantastic, but their observations and experiments contributed to the accumulation of knowledge in both astronomy and chemistry.
2) In the 12th century, painters painted pictures paints or ink on silk or paper scrolls.
3) Outside all December either snow or rain
4) The caravel had three masts with straight and oblique sails and could move in the right direction even with a headwind.

14. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1(14.) I wanted to catch the bear eating or fishing on the river bank.
2) Birch groves and the alleys evoke a feeling of joy and tranquility.
3) Rowan is beautiful in both spring and autumn.
4) Neither on the water, nor on the ground, nor in the air, a real tourist does not feel confused.

Answer: 3

1) I wanted to catch the bear for food or fish catching on the river bank.
2) Birch groves and alleys evoke a feeling joy and tranquility.
3) Rowan is beautiful in both spring and autumn.
4) Neither on the water, nor on the ground, nor in the air, a real tourist does not feel confused. See rules

15. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1) (15.) Polina loved to be in her husband’s office or in the library.
2) A person must comply with both legal and moral laws.
3) The ocean and sky mixed up and rushed overhead in streams of water.
4) The artist read fables and stories and lyrical miniatures.

Answer: 2

1) Polina loved to be in office husband or in the library.
2) A person must comply with both legal and moral laws.
3)Ocean And sky mixed and rushed streams of water overhead.
4) The artist read fables, stories, and lyrical miniatures. See rules

16.Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1) (16.) Gushchin plucks up courage and asks a question in a quiet and timid voice.
2) Wild berries are best picked either in the morning or in the evening.
3) The samovar was already ready and stood on the table.
4) Vladimir was captivated by the estates and dachas on the sides and the silence around.

Answer: 2

1) Gushchin recruited courage and sets question quiet and timid voice.
2) Wild berries are best picked either in the morning or in the evening.
3) The samovar is already was ready and standing on the table.
4) Vladimir was captured estates and dachas on the sides, and silence around. "On the sides" refers only to " dachas«.

COMPARE: And his captivated evening, and estates, And dachas By parties, And birch trees and this quiet mood all around, when, it seemed, together with the workers now, on the eve of the holiday, the field, the forest, and the sun were going to rest - to rest and, perhaps, to pray. A.P. Chekhov.

17.Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1) (17.) I wanted a lot but didn’t catch anything.
2) The ideal nobleman had to resemble the hero of chivalric novels, a character from ancient history, and a Christian preacher.
3) The art teacher paid attention to the boy’s abilities and inclinations and convinced the parents to send the child to a painting school.
4) Summer residents lazily walk under umbrellas or sit in the shade of trees.

Answer: 1

1) I wanted a lot, but I didn’t catch anything. YES = BUT
2) The ideal nobleman had to resemble a hero of chivalric novels, a character from ancient history, and a Christian preacher.
3) Teacher drawing drew attention to abilities and inclinations boy and convinced the parents to send the child to a painting school.
4) Summer residents they walk lazily under umbrellas or sit in the shade of trees.

18.Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1) (18.) In the light of lightning, houses and barns and trunks of wet trees became visible.
2) Breathing autumn winds sometimes it covers the taiga with swamp gray hair, sometimes it weaves golden and silvery-yellow strands into it.
3) In winter I went hunting or went skiing with the guys or went skiing with them.
4) Long before dawn, Ilyinichna lit the oven and by morning she had already baked bread and dried two bags of crackers.

Answer: 2

1) In the light of lightning, houses, barns, and wet tree trunks became visible.
2) The breath of autumn winds either covers the taiga with swamp gray hair, or weaves golden and silver-yellow strands into it.
3) In winter I went hunting, or rode with the guys from the mountain, or took a walk skiing with them.
4) Long before dawn Ilyinichna I lit the oven, and by morning I had already baked bread and dried two bags of crackers: Oh, and Oh, and Oh

19.Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1) (19.) There is a lot of fussy and funny businesslike and cunning in the behavior of the starling.
2) In the count's living room, mirrors and paintings and vases were real works of art.

4) In the warm autumn, it’s nice to get lost in the dense thickets of aspen and birch trees and breathe in the sweet smell of grass.

Answer: 1

1) There is a lot of fussy and funny, businesslike and cunning behavior in the starling: O and O, O and O
2) In the count’s living room, mirrors, paintings, and vases were real works of art.
3) For many, books by Dostoevsky or Tolstoy are more interesting than any detective novel.
4) It’s good to get lost in the dense thickets in the warm autumn aspens and birches and breathe in the musty smell of grass.

20. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1)(20.) Generalizing words must appear before or after homogeneous members.
2) For festive illumination, both electric garlands and lanterns were used.
3) At night the wind gets angry and knocks on the window.
4) Good specialist based on fundamental knowledge and the ability to work.

Answer: 2

1) Generalizing words must appear before or after homogeneous members.
2) For festive illumination, both electric garlands and lanterns were used.
3) At night the wind gets angry and knocks on the window. YES = AND
4) A good specialist relies on fundamental knowledge and ability to work

21.Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1)(21.) To check the spelling of the unstressed vowel of the root, you need to change the word or select a related one.

3) We saw several trees in the distance and the shadows of wind-driven clouds running across the wet grass.

Answer: 2

3) We saw some trees in the distance Yes running on wet grass shadows wind-driven clouds.
4) The fellow traveler did not hear what was said or ignored my hint.

22.Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1) (22.) Modern publicists and writers have written and continue to write about the place of a dog in a person’s life.
2) The yellowish or pink petals of this plant grow singly or in pairs.
3) Bright poppies and delicate tulips and shaggy marigolds were planted in the flowerbed.
4) Representatives of the intelligentsia strived for semantic accuracy and expressiveness of speech and fought against distortion and clogging native language.

Answer: 4

1) Modern people have written and are writing about the place of dogs in human life. publicists and writers.
2)Yellowish or pink the petals of this plant grow along alone or in pairs.
3) Bright poppies, delicate tulips, and shaggy marigolds were planted in the flowerbed.
4) Representatives of the intelligentsia strived for semantic accuracy and expressiveness speeches, fought against distortion and blockage native language. ABOUT (O and O), ABOUT (O and O)

23. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1)(23.) A car engine burns gasoline or natural gas or diesel fuel.
2) At the age of 13 I.I. Levitan enters Moscow schoolpainting and sculpture and studies with V.P. Perova.

4) Aseev suddenly changed positions and either leaned back in his chair or stood up springily.

Answer: 4

1) A car engine burns gasoline, natural gas, or diesel fuel.
2) At the age of 13 I.I. Levitan enters the Moscow School painting and sculpture and studies with V.P. Perova.
3) From time to time, light brown mats of cuckoo flax were found between hummocks or stumps.
4) Aseev suddenly changed positions and either leaned back in his chair or stood up springily.

24. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1)(24.) Yes different versions and hypotheses about the origin and meaning of the name of this plant.
2) Long autumn evenings we read aloud or just sat by the fireplace.
3) The knights either conquered new cities, then lost all their acquisitions, or again prepared for campaigns.
4) Rudolf Nureyev masterfully mastered the techniques of both classical and modern dance.

Answer: 4

1) There are various versions and hypotheses about the origin and meaning the name of this plant.
2) On long autumn evenings we read aloud or just sat by the fireplace.
3) The knights either conquered new cities, then lost all their acquisitions, then again prepared for campaigns.
4) Rudolf Nureyev masterfully mastered the techniques of both classical and modern dance.

25.Indicate a sentence in which you need to put one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1) (25.) The hero of the novel loved travel and adventure and at the same time strived for comfort and family coziness.
2) Many watercolors had no authors or were supposedly attributed to one or another Decembrists.
3) Slang words fall out of tradition and from the sphere of reasonable word usage and from the uniformity of speech.
4) To convince the reader of the fairness of his assessments, the author of the review can use both techniques scientific analysis and means of artistic expression.

Answer: 4

The hero of the novel loved travel and adventure and at the same time strived for comfort and family comfort.
2) Very many watercolors had no authors or attributed one or another Decembrists presumably.
3) Slang words fall out of tradition, and from the sphere of reasonable word usage, and from the uniformity of speech.
4) To convince the reader of the validity of his assessments, the author of the review can use both methods of scientific analysis and means of artistic expression.

26.Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1) (26.) After lunch, grandmother went out onto the balcony knitting or sewing.
2) In the 19th century in Europe and America, science and production developed at a rapid pace.
3) Behind the snowy fog you can’t see any fields, telegraph poles or forests.
4) The rich and not poor, but complaining.

Answer: 4

1) After lunch, grandma went out onto the balcony knitting or sewing.
2) In the 19th century Europe and America science and production O developed at a rapid pace.
3) Behind the snowy fog, neither fields, nor telegraph poles, nor forests are visible.
4) The rich man is not poor, but he complains. YES = BUT

27.Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1)(27.) And in the rain and in cold wind and in a thunderstorm it’s joyful to return home with a basket full of mushrooms.

3) Every aspen in the forest or at the end of autumn seems to me to be some kind of fantastic plant.
4) The plots for the works of the Decembrists were told how actual problems modern life and events of national history.

Answer: 4

1) And in the rain, and in the cold wind, and in a thunderstorm, it is joyful to return home with a full basket of mushrooms.
2) This land of untrodden paths and unafraid animals and birds is very attractive.
“Animals and birds” have a common definition - “unafraid”. “Animals and birds” form the first row of homogeneous members. Homogeneous are those members of a sentence that answer the same question and relate to the same member of the sentence or are explained by the same member of the sentence. The second row is formed by “tropes” together with the first row of homogeneous members (“animals and birds”), which have a common explanatory word: “unafraid.” There are no commas. 3) Every aspen in the forest or at the end of autumn seems to me to be some kind of fantastic plant.
4) The themes for the works of the Decembrists were suggested by both current problems of modern life and events of national history.

28.Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1) (28.) In the 15th century, both heavy cannons were used to siege fortresses and light guns in field battles.
2) The word expresses thoughts and can serve to connect and separate people.
3) Michelangelo depicted people with a powerful body and strong will brave and indomitable calm and decisive.
4) In the crafty and mischievous and unusually lyrical voice of the Russian balalaika, one can hear the buffoonish prowess of the first musicians in Rus'.

Answer: 1

1) In the 15th century, both heavy cannons were used to siege fortresses and light guns in field battles.
2) Word expresses thoughts and can serve to connect and separate people.
3) Michelangelo depicted people with a powerful body and a strong will, brave and indomitable, calm and decisive: O and O, O and O, O and O
4) B crafty and mischievous, and in the unusually lyrical voice of the Russian balalaika one can hear the buffoonish prowess of the first musicians in Rus'.

29.Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1)(29.) During botanical excursions and surveys in many regions and regions, observations and collection of information were carried out on the use of plants in folk medicine.

3) To develop new types of equipment, we need both equipment and highly qualified workers, both engineering and technical personnel and experimental plants.
4) Climatic conditions regions influence both the architecture of buildings and the layout of apartments.

Answer: 4

1) During botanical excursions and examinations In many regions and districts were carried out observations and information collection on the use of plants in folk medicine.
2) The products of many machine-building plants are difficult to transport due to their heavy weight or large size.
3) To develop new types of equipment, we need both equipment and highly qualified workers, both engineering and technical personnel and experimental plants. As..., so..., as..., so...
4) The climatic conditions of the region influence both the architecture of buildings and the layout of apartments.

30. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1) (30.) Among the artisans were weavers and gunsmiths and bone carvers.
2) The powerful “coat” around our planet consists of free protons and electrons and is divided into two belts.
3) There were no decorations on the walls or windows.

Answer: 3

1) Among the artisans were weavers, gunsmiths, and bone carvers.
2) Powerful " fur coat» around our planet consists of free protons and electrons and is divided into two belts.
3) There were no decorations on the walls or windows.
4) Cases and cases are completely tormented.

31. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1) And the spear and arrows and the drum were still in the wigwam.
2) I go home and on the way I think about everything again from beginning to end.
3) The Byzantine army was superior to the enemy both in numbers and in weapons.
4) The phraseological unit may include outdated words or words with a figurative meaning.

Answer: 3

1) And the spear, and the arrows, and the drum were still in the wigwam.
2) I I’m going home and on the way I’m once again thinking about everything from from start to finish.
3) The Byzantine army was superior to the enemy both in numbers and in weapons.
4) The phraseological unit may include outdated words or words with a figurative meaning

32. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1) Literature needs both talented writers and talented readers.
2) On the first snow in aspen and birch groves, you come across hare and squirrel tracks.

4) The forest and field and flowering meadow are flooded with sun.

Answer: 1

1) Literature needs both talented writers and talented readers.
2) On the first snow in aspen and birch In the groves one comes across hare and squirrel tracks.
3) In a test lesson or oral exam strive to construct your answer in the form of a coherent statement.
4) The forest, the field, and the flowering meadow are flooded with sun.

33. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)

3) From the houses there were rows of trees or bushes or flowers in all directions.
4) In the syntactic structure of two poetic texts we can find both similarities and differences.

Answer: 4

2) Many literary scholars and historians again and again they argue about Goethe’s relationship with the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin.
3) From the houses in all directions there were rows of trees, or bushes, or flowers.
4) In the syntactic structure of two poetic texts we can find both similarities and differences.

34. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1) The hero knows neither country nor life ordinary people nor their labor.
2) Gorky’s dramaturgy is akin to Chekhov’s, but is more socially focused.
3) Kholmogory bone carving or Veliky Ustyug blackened silver are associated with the art of urban artisans.
4) Folk arts and crafts and folk artistic crafts came to us from our grandfathers and great-grandfathers and have survived to this day.

Answer: 2

1) The hero does not know either the country, or the life of ordinary people, or their work.
2) Gorky’s dramaturgy is akin to Chekhov’s, but is more socially focused. However = BUT
3) Kholmogorskaya thread by the bone or Veliky Ustyug blackened silver associated with the art of urban artisans.
4) Folk arts and crafts art and folk artistic crafts came to us from grandparents and great-grandparents and have survived to this day. The closest definition ( arts and crafts) is directly related to the word being defined (art), and the second (folk) is already connected to the entire phrase ( arts and crafts art) . These definitions are heterogeneous; there is no comma between them. Also “folk” and “artistic”.

35. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1) The themes of the relationship between man and nature, man and society were central to the work of Viktor Astafiev.

3) In July evenings and nights, quails and corncrakes no longer cry.
4) Everything shines and basks and reaches for the sun.

Answer: 1

1) Relationship topics man and nature, person and society were the main ones in the work of Viktor Astafiev.
2) Almost always two or three powerful hundred-year-old pines grow on such hills.
3) In July evenings and nights quails and corncrakes no longer cry.
4) All shines, and basks, and reaches for the sun.

36. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1) Every meeting with this person was pleasant and joyful, amazing and memorable.
2) And Gerasim kept rowing and rowing.
3) Archives and libraries reflect cultural and political events and the trends of the era.
4) Vehicles special purpose can move on land, water and air.

Answer: 1

1) Every meeting with this person was pleasant and joyful, surprising and memorable.
2) And Gerasim kept rowing and rowing. YES = AND
3) Archives and libraries reflect cultural and political events and trends era.
4) Special-purpose vehicles can move on land, by water, and by air.

37. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1) The work went quickly and cheerfully and was completed on time.

3) Lithuania, Tver and Moscow claimed the role of collector of Russian lands in the 14th century.
4) Participles are capable of both figuratively describing an object or phenomenon and presenting its characteristic in dynamics.

Answer: 4

1) The work went quickly and cheerfully and was completed on time.
2) Pretty soon he settled down in the area and made friends with the neighbors.
3) Lithuania, Tver, and Moscow claimed the role of collector of Russian lands in the 14th century.
4) Participles are capable of both figuratively describing an object or phenomenon and presenting its characteristic in dynamics.

38.Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1) The first clay dishes and jugs were crude and primitive.
2) India was famous for its cotton and silk fabrics, spices and jewelry canals for artificial irrigation of fields and dams.
3) In humans, the larynx and tongue and lips are involved in the formation of sounds.
4) Handsome in face but worthless in disposition.

Answer: 4

1) First clay dishes and jugs were rude and primitive.
2) India was famous for its cotton and silk fabrics, spices and jewelry, canals for artificial irrigation of fields and dams.
3) In humans, the larynx, tongue, and lips are involved in the formation of sounds.
4) Handsome in face, but worthless in character. YES = BUT

39. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1) On the train I could calmly relax and read some book or textbook.
2) Chekhov was careful and attentive to the word and nurtured the characters of his heroes for a long time.
3) History has found its material embodiment in stone and metal in legends and chronicles.
4) At evening school they studied algebra, geometry and physics.

Answer: 3

1) On the train I could calmly relax and read some book or textbook.
2) Chekhov carefully and carefully He treated words and nurtured the characters of his heroes for a long time.
3) History has found its material embodiment in stone and metal, in legends and chronicles.
4) At evening school they studied algebra, geometry, and physics.

40.Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1) Sumerian healers made powders and infusions from the stems and roots of plants.
2) In the work of the best theater artists, a sketch is not only a working plan for stage design, but also an independent work of art.
3) Because of the rain, it was only possible to go to the forest or to the river in rubber boots or barefoot.
4) In summer it is equally good in the forest and in the field and in the meadow.

Answer: 2

1) Sumerian healers made from the stems and roots of plants powders and infusions.
2) In the work of the best theater artists, a sketch is not only a working plan for stage design, but also an independent work of art.
3) Because of the rain, it was only possible to go to the forest or to the river in rubber boots or barefoot.
4) In summer it is equally good in the forest, in the field, and in the meadow.

41.Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1) Strawberries and heads of meadow flowers wither in fresh hay.

3) A warm wind pulled from the meadows and the forest and swayed the tender leaves on the birch trees.
4) There was neither grass nor last year’s leaves under the old spruce trees.

Answer: 4

1) Strawberries and heads of meadow flowers wither in fresh hay.
2) The corollas of flowers swayed above their heads and showered their shoulders with yellow dust.
3) From the meadows and from the forest pulled warm wind and the tender leaves swayed on the birches.
4) There was neither grass nor last year’s leaves under the old spruce trees.

Answer: 4

1) Once upon a time, traveling artists led bears and monkeys with them, showed magic tricks and acrobatic acts, performed small plays and sang.
2) French revolution was not the result of a random combination of circumstances or the actions of aggressive individuals.
3) Wooden and bronze sculptures and masks amaze with their expressiveness.
4) Shadows from the clouds either slide or spread across narrow strips of black arable land.

43. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1) In epics they sing about wars with the steppes and the fight against bandits

2) Any technical invention or a work of art of one kind or another historical era are the result of a person’s desire for truth.
3) Spring thunder either growled menacingly or grumbled good-naturedly.
4) Neither bad English weather Neither the icy cold of the bedroom nor the cold tea could change the guest’s mood.

Answer: 3

1) In epics they sing about wars with the steppes, and about the fight against robbers,
and about collecting tribute from surrounding tribes.
2) Any technical invention or work the arts of a particular historical era are the result of man's desire for truth.
3) Spring thunder either growled menacingly or grumbled good-naturedly.
4) Neither the bad English weather, nor the icy cold of the bedroom, nor the cold tea could change the guest’s mood.

44. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1) To check the spelling of the unstressed vowel of the root, you need to change the word or choose a related one.
2) There was a noise in my head, either from the howling and whistling of the storm or from joyful excitement.
3) And he doesn’t see or hear or notice anything and talks to himself!
4) The fellow traveler did not hear what was said or ignored my hint.

Answer: 2

1) To check the spelling of the unstressed vowel of the root, you need to change the word or choose a related one.
2) There was a noise in my head, either from the howling and whistling of the storm, or from joyful excitement.
3) And he doesn’t see, and doesn’t hear, and doesn’t notice anything, and talks to himself!
4) The fellow traveler did not hear what was said or ignored my hint.

45.Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1) The floors in a medieval castle were covered with aromatic herbs or reed mats.
2) Previously, he either did not notice the surrounding nature or looked at it from a practical point of view.
3) The shaking in the light cart and the heady steppe air lulled the boy to sleep.
4) The richest and most diverse plant and animal world wet tropical forests.

Answer: 2

1) The floors in a medieval castle were covered with aromatic herbs or reed mats.
2) Previously, he either did not notice the surrounding nature, or looked at it from a practical point of view.
3) Shaking in a light cart Yes heady steppe air the boy was put to sleep. YES = I. Shaking Yes air homogeneous subjects: O and O
4) Most rich and varied vegetable and animal world tropical rainforests. Humid tropical – heterogeneous definitions.

Answer: 3

47. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1) Flights of ships into space and stay of people in outer space have become familiar and even everyday for us.
2) The peasants raised chickens and ducks and geese.

4) Russian craftswomen embroidered uniforms and camisoles, church vestments and women's dresses.

Answer: 4

1) Flights of ships into space and the presence of people in outer space have become for us familiar and even everyday.
2) The peasants raised chickens, ducks, and geese.
3) Eskimos use pieces of leather or fish scales to decorate their clothes.
4) Russian craftswomen embroidered uniforms and camisoles, church vestments and women's dresses.

48. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1) The first-graders enthusiastically read poetry and sang and danced.
2) The old man who was talking to us either squinted his eyes affectionately or suddenly became stern.

4) Russian lyrical songs were created and performed by peasants yearning for freedom and a better life.

Answer: 2

1) The first-graders enthusiastically read poetry, sang, and danced.
2) The old man who was talking to us would squint his eyes affectionately, then suddenly become stern.
3) Sculptors create volumetric figures from hard or plastic materials.
4) Russian lyrical songs were created and performed by people yearning for free will and better life peasants .

49. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1) Someone was cleaning the mansion and waiting for the owners.
2) Many literary scholars and historians argue again and again about Goethe’s relationship with the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin.

4) The heart will tremble and beat, then drown in memories.

Answer: 4

1) Someone was cleaning the mansion and waiting for the owners. YES = AND
2) Many literary scholars and historians argue again and again about Goethe’s relationship with the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin.
3) In the frosty morning dawn or in the golden summer twilight, the city looked like a fairy tale come to life.
4) The heart will tremble and beat, then drown in memories.

50.Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1) It is quite difficult to confirm or refute these assumptions.
2) B late XVI century, in the royal and boyar chambers and in monasteries, stoves began to be lined with tiles.
3) The little bear lay on the straw near the mast or climbed up it to the gazebo and sat here or also lay there.
4) In the last years of his life, Rubens achieved amazing perfection in both the art of portraiture and landscape.

Answer: 4

1) It is quite difficult to confirm or refute these assumptions.
2) At the end of the 16th century royal and boyar In chambers and monasteries, stoves began to be lined with tiles.
3) Teddy Bear he lay on the straw right next to the mast or climbed up it to the gazebo and sat there or lay there too. The word "here" is common to "sat or lay": O or O and O or O
4) In the last years of his life, Rubens achieved amazing perfection in both the art of portraiture and landscape.

51.Indicate two sentences in which you need to put one comma.

1) Our culture is strong not so much from the capital’s figures as from the inhabitants of the outback. 2) The very first archives in Russia arose together with monastic and church book and manuscript collections. 3) Occasionally in early spring or late autumn my father went hunting. 4) The sun creeps up and pierces the pine tops with long-awaited rainbow spokes. 5) His eyes from under the thick glasses of the spacesuit sparkled with pleasure and, as a sign of complete satisfaction, he comically turned his head in his metal cap.

Answer: 1.5

1) Our culture is strong not so much from the capital’s figures as from the inhabitants of the outback.
2) The very first archives in Russia arose along with monastic
and church
book and manuscript collections. "Monastic
and church"
heterogeneous with « book and handwritten." You cannot put the union “And” between them, for example: church (and) handwritten collections.
3) Occasionally, in early spring or late autumn, my father went hunting.
4) The sun creeps up and pierces the pine tops with long-awaited rainbow spokes.
5) Him eyes from under the thick glasses of the spacesuit shone with pleasure, and as a sign of complete satisfaction He comical spun head in his metal cap. Complex sentence

52.Indicate two sentences in which you need to put one comma.

1) Panache and grace in clothing and home decoration were both a habit and a necessity of their life.

2) Energy can neither arise from nothing nor disappear without a trace.

4) In his slander I saw the annoyance of offended pride and rejected love and generously excused my unfortunate rival.

Answer 12

1) Panache and grace in clothing and decoration houses were both a habit and a necessity of their lives.

2) Energy can neither arise from nothing nor disappear without a trace.

3) The sun shone kindly and gently and warmed the earth with its warmth.

4) I saw him in slander I the annoyance of the insulted pride and rejected love and generously excused his unfortunate rival.

5) The fairy tale gave full rein to the human imagination and thereby served a great service to literature.

53. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.1) In the distance in front of him, meadows and golden fields were colorful and blooming.
2) For a long time, neither the ringing of a bell nor the sound of wheels on the rocky road was heard.
3) In Moscow you can hear both typical Moscow speech and regional dialects.

Answer: 2.3

1) In the distance before him, golden meadows and fields were colorful and blooming.
2) For a long time, neither the ringing of a bell nor the sound of wheels on the rocky road was heard.
3) In Moscow you can hear both typical Moscow speech and regional dialects.
4) The fly agaric stands out from all other mushrooms for its beauty and brightness.
5) A cuckoo jumps out of the clock and crows mockingly at you in an empty house.

Answer: 1.5

1) I was waiting for you to mow this summer, but I didn’t wait.

2) Love for fine arts goes through M.Yu.’s entire life. Lermontov and is reflected in his work.

3) I remembered these flowers, and this forest, and the joyful hubbub of birds in the tops of the birches.

4) Many of Nabokov’s thoughts about A.S. Pushkin has not lost its artistic significance and relevance even today.

5) The palace treasury was always full, and all taxes were collected on time
and completely. Complex sentence

  1. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

5) His novels are not so entertaining even among huge amount modern fiction they still remain unnoticed.

Answer: 35

1) Occasionally, in early spring or late autumn, my father went hunting.

2) The gander talked to himself in a hoarse bass voice and picked up the spilled seeds.

4) The sun creeps up and pierces the pine tops with pale rainbow spokes.

5) Novels his are not so entertaining, and among the huge amount of modern fiction They still remain unnoticed. Complex sentence

56.Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) To our right, the deserted shore melted into the haze and then floated out of the fog again.

2) Variegated wildflowers dotted the meadows and glades and forest clearings.

4) Figurative images decorate the texts and margins of manuscripts and together

with text form a colorful and subtle decorative whole.

5) All that remains of the ancient forum in Rome is the foundation and the original appearance of it architectural structure can only be seen in reconstruction.

Answer: 1.5

1) To our right, the deserted shore melted into the haze and then floated out of the fog again.

2) Variegated wildflowers dotted the meadows, clearings, and forest clearings.

3) Watercolors can be used to paint on dry or damp paper.

4) Figured images decorate texts and fields manuscripts and together

with text form a colorful and subtle decorative whole. Colorful and subtle refers to the entire phrase “decorative whole” - there are no commas between them.

5) All that remains of the ancient forum in Rome is foundation, and initial view This architectural structure can only be seen in reconstruction. Complex sentence

57.Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

2) The heart will either beat or drown in memories.

3) From the houses there were rows of trees or bushes or flowers in all directions.

5) It was dawn and strange light spots shone across the brown field of ripening rye.


1) To the poet, nature seems animated and sharing his experiences.

2) The heart will either beat or drown in memories.

3) From the houses in all directions there were rows of trees, or bushes, or flowers.

4) The crimson sunset lit up in evening sky and reflected in the windows of houses.

5) It dawned, and strange light colors shone across the brown field of ripening rye. spots. Complex sentence

58.Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Mythological gods and heroes stood out for their certain virtues and abilities. 2) From ancient Greek and Roman mythology, you are familiar with the names of Aurora and Venus and Apollo. 3) It looks good and green. 4) Walnut or Manchurian walnut wood has brownish and gray colors various shades. 5) Some scientists are working on creating new treatment methods and I have great respect for their work.

Answer: 3.5

1) Mythological gods and heroes stood out for their specific merits and abilities. 2) From ancient Greek and Roman mythology, you are familiar with the names of Aurora, Venus, and Apollo. 3) It looks good, but green. YES = BUT 4) Walnut or Manchurian walnut wood has brownish and gray colors of various shades. 5) Some scientists are working on creating new treatment methods, and I have great respect for their work. Complex sentence

59.Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.1) The captivating beauty of Russian landscapes is amazing and remains in the memory for a long time.

2) The poet sees either the diamond shine of a birch forest, or the velvet shine of arable land, or the amber shine of candles.

3) Among the most ancient images on the walls of Paleolithic caves are human handprints and incomprehensible patterns with random interweaving of wavy lines.

to the complex and incomprehensible.

5) For artistic speech characterized by both imagery and emotionality.

Answer: 3.5

1) The captivating beauty of Russian landscapes is amazing and remains in the memory for a long time.

2) The poet sees now the diamond shine of a birch forest, now the velvet shine of arable land, now the amber shine of candles.

3) Among the most ancient images on the walls of Paleolithic caves are human handprints and incomprehensible patterns with random interweaving of wavy lines.

4) Descartes built the logic of knowledge from the simplest and obvious

to the complex and incomprehensible.

5) Artistic speech is characterized by both imagery and emotionality.

60. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.1) In the morning, dew drenches the grass and the sweet smell of bread from each hut.

4) Either a sentence or an entire paragraph can summarize what is said in the text.

5) It got colder and wet snowflakes flashed among the rainy shroud.

Answer: 4.5

1)In the morning dew floods the grass And the sweet smell of bread from every hut. Complex sentence In the morning is a common minor member of a sentence. Let’s try to insert it after “and”: In the morning dew pours over the herbs and (in the morning) smells sweetly of bread from every hut.

2) The crimson light was already lighting up in the windows of the palaces and falling down.

3) The night lamp cast strange patterns or dark spots in all directions.

4) Either a sentence or an entire paragraph can summarize what is said in the text.

5) It got colder, and wet snowflakes flashed among the rainy shroud. Complex sentence

61.Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

3) What kind of songs are not sung in Moscow and on its outskirts and in other cities!

4) You can love or dislike a poet, accept his ideas or be their opponent.

5) The fairy tale gave free rein to the human imagination and thereby served a great service to literature.

Answer: 4.5

1) Folklore and Russian history are sources of inspiration for the artists of modern Mstera and Zhostovo.

2) In the poem by N.A. Nekrasov’s “Who Lives Well in Rus'” uses all the main genres of folklore to one degree or another.

3) What kind of songs are not sung in Moscow, and on its outskirts, and in other cities!

4) You can love or dislike a poet, accept his ideas or be their opponent.

5) Fairy tale gave free rein to the human imagination, and thereby she has done a great service to literature. Complex sentence

62. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

The writer’s novels are not so entertaining and so far they remain unnoticed.

2) The very first archives in Russia arose together with monastic ones

and church manuscript collections.

3) Our culture is strong not so much from the capital’s figures as from the inhabitants of the outback.

4) The sun creeps up and pierces the pine tops with pale rainbow spokes.

in mind.

Answer: 1.3

Novels writers are not so entertaining, and still They go unnoticed.

2) The very first archives in Russia arose along with monastic and church handwritten collections.

3) Our culture is strong not so much from the capital’s figures, but from the inhabitants of the outback.

4) The sun creeps up and pierces the pine tops with pale rainbow spokes.

5) The captivating beauty of Russian landscapes is amazing and remains for a long time

in mind.

63.Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) There were both magazines and newspapers and books on the table.

3) We drove out onto the highway and soon passed the village and the church standing next to it.

4) Great masters created in Suzdal and Pskov and Rostov the Great.

5) The book not only introduces the reader to the rich world of the Russian language but
Answer: 1.5

1) There were both magazines and newspapers and books on the table.

2) Remember the stone bulk of St. George’s Cathedral near Novgorod or wooden fairy tale Kizhi!

3) We we drove onto the highway and soon passed village and standing next to him church.

4) Great masters worked in Suzdal, Pskov, and Rostov the Great.

5) The book not only introduces the reader to the rich world of the Russian language, but
and reveals the laws of linguistic harmony.

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