Options for the exam in history. Demonstration versions of the Unified State Examination in history (grade 11)

Demonstration Unified State Exam options in history for 11th grade consist of two parts. The first part includes tasks that require a short answer. For the tasks from the second part you need to give a detailed answer.

All contain the correct answers to all tasks, as well as assessment criteria for tasks with a detailed answer.

B compared to

Demonstration versions of the Unified State Examination in history

Note that demo versions of the Unified State Examination in history are presented in pdf format, and to view them you must have, for example, the free Adobe Reader software package installed on your computer.

Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in history for 2002
Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in history for 2003
Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in history for 2004
Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in history for 2005
Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in history for 2006
Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in history for 2007
Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in history for 2008
Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in history for 2009
Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in history for 2010
Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in history for 2011
Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in history for 2012
Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in history for 2013
Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in history for 2014
Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in history for 2015
Demo version of the Unified State Examination in history for 2016
Demo version of the Unified State Examination in history for 2017
Demo version of the Unified State Examination in history for 2018
Demo version of the Unified State Examination in history for 2019

Changes in demo versions of the Unified State Examination in History

Demonstration versions of the Unified State Examination in history for grade 11 for 2002 - 2014 consisted of three parts. The first part included tasks in which you need to choose one of the proposed answers. The tasks from the second part required a short answer. For the tasks from the third part it was necessary to give a detailed answer.

In 2013 and 2014 in demo versions of the Unified State Examination in history the following were introduced changes:

  • Part 2 was increased from 12 to 13 tasks, blocks of tasks for working with historical map(B8–B11) and illustrative material (B12–B13), was the structure of task B9 has been changed(by numbering 2012) to work with a historical source.
  • The task response recording format has been changed B10(according to 2012 numbering) for systematization historical information(choosing an extra term from the proposed series): when answering, you now need to indicate the number that indicates the correct answer, and not write down the term itself.
  • In part 3 was the structure of task C5 has been changed: the new task involves presenting arguments both in support and in refutation of the assessment of a certain historical phenomenon, process.
  • On task C6 now there are not three, but four historical figures, one of which is studied in the course of General History.

In 2015 in demo version on history was The structure of the variant as a whole has been changed:

    The option became consist of two parts(part 1 - short answer assignments, part 2 - long-answer assignments).

    Numbering tasks became through throughout the option without letter designations A, B, C.

    Was The form of recording the answer in tasks with a choice of answers has been changed: The answer now needs to be written down in a number with the number of the correct answer (rather than marked with a cross).

    Was added more one task to test knowledge of the facts of heroism Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War (task 15).

    The periodization of sections of the work was brought into line with the Historical and Cultural Standard (the third section begins in 1914, and not in 1917, as was previously the case).

  • Was added exercise on the ability to search for historical information in sources different types by periods 1914–1941 and 1945–1991 (19).
  • Were two tasks excluded on knowledge of basic facts, processes, phenomena in the periods of the 8th–17th centuries. and XVIII – mid-19th V. (A2 and A7 according to 2014 numbering). Similar tasks 1 and 5 (A1 and A6 according to the 2014 numbering) have been retained in the work.
  • Were The wording of tasks 39 and 40 has been clarified and assessment criteria for assignment 40.

IN demo version 2016 on history happened fundamental changes compared to the previous year 2015:

    From option tasks 1-21 and task 24 excluded.

    New tasks for establishing compliance have been added to Part 1 of the work: exercise 2 knowledge of dates; exercise 6 knowledge of basic facts, processes, phenomena; exercise 8 on the history of the Great Patriotic War to fill in the gaps in sentences, task 17 knowledge of the basic facts of cultural history; added new task 10 with short answer to perform work with a historical source on the history of the twentieth century.

    In part 1 the sequence of tasks has been changed: Quests are now arranged according to the principle of alternating activities.

    From part 2 task 40 excluded And new task added, suggesting writing historical essay for a certain period of Russian history.

    Exam duration increased up to 235 minutes.

IN demonstration versions of the Unified State Exam 2017 - 2018 in history compared to demo version 2016 historythere were no changes.

IN demo version of the 2019 Unified State Exam in history compared to demo version 2018 historyno changes in structure or content. However, task 21 added additional condition, defining the requirement for the response format. Accordingly, the assessment criteria for task 21 have been supplemented.

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We also organize for schoolchildren

The Unified State Exam in history, like any other unified state exam, consists of three parts– A, B and C. Part A includes twenty-one multiple choice test items. The graduate is asked to find the correct answer among the four proposed.

The second part, or part B, consists of thirteen tasks various types. Among them there are tasks with the choice of several correct answers from the proposed ones, tasks to establish correspondence between answer options, tasks to reconstruct correct sequence events, phenomena, facts, as well as tasks that require answering in a short free form.

Part C is the most difficult and requires the most preparation. It includes seven tasks with expected detailed answers.

Eras and topics covered in the exam

The Unified State Exam in history is clearly regulated, and each task is assigned a specific topic or era. The entire content of the exam fits into three periods of Russian history: from the 7th to the 17th centuries, from the 18th to the beginning of the 20th century, and from 1914 to 2012. The first part, or part A, involves the arrangement of tasks in chronological sequence. Feature of the Unified State Exam 2015 is that tasks 3, 11 and 20 are specifically designed to test knowledge of the history of material and spiritual culture. A test tasks 14, 15 and 16 test competence in the history of the Great Patriotic War period.

Multiple choice tasks B2 and B3 are also aimed at testing the mastered material in the field of material and spiritual culture. In addition, the tasks in Part B test the ability to arrange the proposed events in the correct chronological sequence, define a term by this definition and find matches between the proposed historical information.

Tasks B8 – B11 are carried out according to the map proposed by the compilers. Working with a historical map often causes difficulties for schoolchildren, as it requires not only historical, but also geographical knowledge, so you should prepare for such tasks separately.

In tasks B12 - B13, you need to analyze the illustration and note the information asked about it. These two tasks are based on the same era and are most often related to each other.

Part C tasks are especially difficult for graduates, since they require, on the one hand, a free-form answer, and, on the other hand, strict adherence to the recommendations. The proposed tasks test the ability to analyze historical sources, give reasoned arguments in favor of own point view, as well as present your knowledge in an organized in writing. Detailed assessment criteria for each task can be found in the demo version of the exam.

How is the exam going?

The Unified State Examination in History is organized on the same principle as all the others. final exams. On the appointed day, the student comes to the exam site and finds out the audience in which he will have to complete the tasks.

The exam starts strictly certain time. Each graduate receives his own sealed package with testing and measuring materials. All answers to assignments are transferred to a special form - it is especially important that the answers must be entered only in black pen, otherwise the work will be checked incorrectly.

Instructions for correct spelling answers in special fields The form is attached to each version of the assignments.

During the history exam, the student has no right to use any extraneous reference tools - compliance with this rule is always strictly checked by the exam organizers.

The tasks must be completed within three and a half hours; after this time, the organizers collect the completed forms, seal them and send them for verification.

How to prepare for the exam?

Obviously, the history exam can be taken at good score only if well prepared. First of all, you need to study as much as possible larger volume information - read history books, school books, watch a variety historical films and transfers. Everything heard, seen and read is stored in memory, and in right moment definitely comes to mind and helps you choose the correct answer. Without observing this point, any preparation will be unsuccessful.

Since the Unified State Exam in history has a clearly established form, the criteria for testing all tasks are known in advance, and even the wording of the tasks has already been drawn up, it is necessary to study the demo version of the exam and all kinds of tests compiled to prepare students as carefully as possible. Knowing for sure what to expect from the tasks will make it much easier to cope with the exam.

And, of course, it is worth taking as many preparatory tests as possible to get used to the format of the questions. It is very important to try to write some version of the exam completely from start to finish several times in order to know how to calculate your time and energy on the day of passing.

Major changes were expected from the new fundamental documents of the Unified State Exam in all subjects, especially from demo versions, compared to the Unified State Exam 2014. Let's analyze what Unified State Exam structure history 2015 offered to us by FIPI?

The exam structure has not changed!

Indeed, rumors that circulated throughout 2014 about the plans of Rosobrnadzor and FIPI to withdraw the test product from circulation part of the Unified State Exam in all subjects were not confirmed. Moreover, in the demo version of the Unified State Exam 2015 in history, both the number and structure of tasks were completely preserved. Unlike, for example, an exam in the main related exam - social studies. Let's take a look at the demo.

Some of the tasks in the published demo version 2015 were repeated compared to demo version of the Unified State Exam 2014 and was already sorted out by us there. Completely repeated task 16. It not only tests knowledge about the war, but also the culture of the country.

When working in the text, do not forget to highlight its main markers and write down the correct answer, as FIPI now requires.

Let's look at other tasks on the Great Patriotic War found in the 2015 demo. The wording of the answers has changed slightly tasks 14.

The answer remains the same - Battle of Stalingrad ended with the capture of the 6th Infantry Army group of Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus.

Task 15 tests knowledge heroic deeds Soviet soldiers in the war of 1941-1945. We have a list of pilots in front of us, this complicates the task. The graduate is required solid knowledge, only they will help you find the answer to this question. Remember that the first ram in airy sky over Moscow during the Great Patriotic War was made by Viktor Talalikhin. Also in 1941, after completing 60 combat missions and being awarded the Gold Star, he died.

Hero of the USSR Lieutenant Viktor Talalikhin, 1941.

Otherwise, you risk simply playing a guessing game. So, Gastello - made the first " fire ram"at the beginning of the war; Kozhedub - Soviet ace who shot down more than 60 enemy aircraft and after the war became an air marshal and commander of the USSR Air Force; Maresyev is the prototype of the hero of B. Polevoy’s book “The Tale of a Real Man”, a pilot who lost his legs in air combat and returned to duty on prosthetics. All - Heroes of the USSR, Kozhedub three times (together with another Soviet ace Pokryshkin).

And one more thing that has changed slightly in wording task 18.

It is logical that having won the Second World War, the USSR expanded its influence in the world, becoming a superpower - the winner of fascism. Well, I hope you are familiar with the main milestones in the history of space exploration. The second cosmonaut was German Titov. By the way, the uncle of my history teacher at school, largely thanks to whom I chose the profession of historian - Natalya Yuryevna Mishareva. Now she is the director of one of the best institutions additional education in the country - the “Small Academy” of Krasnodar, where I also work.

Also in part 1 the history of the Great Patriotic War is devoted to the most difficult task, estimated at three points if performed correctly primary scores- table tasks 27. You can also familiarize yourself with its analysis, and let me remind you how to work with it graphically:

Be sure to enter the correct answers into the table, and only then proceed to filling out the answers and checking.

Test part A was analyzed in our group

Upon passing the exams. Since 2009 this the only form certification at school and the main form of passing exams for admission to universities. The format of the forms and the system for evaluating results is the same for the entire country.

Work structure Unified State Examination in History 2015 year will be slightly changed. With the approval of FIPI, general changes have been developed and added:

  1. Testing and measuring materials (CMM) for each option include 2 parts. The first part assumes a condensed answer, the second – a full, detailed answer;
  2. Instead of the letter designations A, B, C, continuous numbering is introduced in the lists;
  3. When choosing the correct option in the corresponding task, you will not need to put a cross opposite, but indicate the specific number of the selected answer;
  4. The methodology for assessing general explanatory answers is being improved.

History of Russia still isn't compulsory subject for certification. It can be rented out at will, based on entrance exams in the future. The Unified State Examination in history is chosen upon admission to higher institutions legal, economic, pedagogical orientation. Calculating statistics revealed the average score passing the Unified State Exam in history, it was 51 points. The percentage of students who fail has remained stable for several years, at approximately 10%. Minimum quantity There were 32 points on the Unified State Examination in history in 2014.

Changes in the Unified State Examination in History 2015

The Federal Institute of Pedagogical Changes (FIPI) has prepared. It contains tests and assignments changes made. You can pass trial Unified State Exam, checking your level of preparation. Similar questions , the same level of difficulty is to be expected in the real exam.

Unified State Examination Codifier in History determines the content and structure of control and measuring materials. It is compiled according to state education standards. according to history 2015:

  • The changes affected 2 tasks in the test: 15 were added historical portraits heroes of the Second World War; in 19 – work with data for the periods 1914-1941 and 1945-1991. Instead, 2 items from the period of the 8th–17th centuries were excluded. and XVIII – mid-XIX centuries;
  • Tasks 39 and 40 received clearer wording, and the criteria for assessing the results of point 40 were clarified.

Preparing for the Unified State Exam in History

Whether it will be difficult to pass the Unified State Exam in 2015 depends on the level of knowledge of 11th grade students. Preparation for the Unified State Exam in history is ongoing throughout academic year. You can test your knowledge more than once during the training period by using the services of sites that offer practice tests. Preparation materials can be found in the open task bank, Options for tasks for the Unified State Exam will be borrowed from it.

Some tips on how to pass the Unified State Exam in history:

  1. Realize that history has already been written, it does not change, the dates will remain the same despite different curricula;
  2. The whole theory is given in the textbook. You need to read it like fiction, simultaneously analyzing what you read. It’s easier not to cram, but to tie dates in history to associations with significant events;
  3. You need to know maps and be able to navigate by them. The results in B8 - B11 in the exam will depend on this skill;
  4. Create a dictionary for terms;
  5. Periodically take tests online and identify your weaknesses.

Statistics for the past 2014

Structure Unified State Examination in History 2014 year included only 40 tasks. According to the level of difficulty they are divided into 3 types:

  • B – basic (27 tasks);
  • P – increased (9);
  • B-high (9).

Based on the type of answer, control and measuring materials (CMMs) can be divided into 3 blocks:

  1. tests where you need to choose the correct option from the proposed list, 21 questions in total (A1-F21);
  2. short answer, numbers, dates in history. There are 13 tasks of this type (B1-B13);
  3. a detailed answer suggests covering 6 questions.

The time allotted for completing tasks is 210 minutes.

About 20% of graduates choose history at the Unified State Examination. Unified State Exam results according to the history of 2014 showed a slight decrease total score, the percentage of 100 ball students has not changed much.

The Ministry of Education and Science noted a decrease in Unified State Exam scores in 2014. This is primarily due to the more objective and transparent course of the exam itself. Average score in history dropped to 46 from 56 in 2015. The percentage of those who failed did not exceed 10.

Based on the analysis of last year's results, it was revealed weak point For most test takers, this is the 19th century and the history of the country in the period 1945-2010. are equal and amount to 32 points.

Exam Schedule

The manual contains 20 versions of typical test tasks in history, as well as 120 additional tasks Part 2. All tasks are compiled taking into account the features and requirements of the Unified State Exam in 2015.
The purpose of the manual is to provide readers with information about the structure and content of CMM in history, the degree of difficulty of tasks and large number the most different types tasks to develop sustainable skills for their implementation.
The authors of the assignments are leading experts who accept direct participation in the development of Unified State Examination tasks and teaching materials to prepare for the implementation of control measuring materials.
The collection also contains:
answers to all variants of tests and tasks of part 2;
detailed analysis completing tasks standard version;
samples of forms used in the Unified State Exam for recording answers.
The manual is addressed to teachers to prepare students for the Unified state exam in history, as well as for high school students and applicants for self-preparation and self-control.

Examples of tasks

7. Read an excerpt from the memoirs of a contemporary and indicate what events are being discussed.
“My sister, who stayed with her husband in Moscow, came to us and brought the news that all the authorities had already left Moscow. After the battle, our troops also left the city. Almost all the residents followed them. Then our departure from the Moscow region was decided, and we headed to Kolomna. We could not stay in Kolomna, both because there was nowhere to live, and because French marauders also showed up between Bronnitsy and Kolomna. Upon receiving news of the Moscow fires, my father decided to go to Tambov.”
1) the uprising of E. Pugachev
2) Patriotic War 1812
3) Northern War
4) events of the Time of Troubles

The peasants freed from serfdom in 1861 began to be called
1) sessional 3) freedmen
2) temporarily obliged 4) one-palace residents

9. What were labor services in the post-reform village?
1) a duty that peasants continued to perform in favor of the landowner until the transition to redemption
2) processing part allotment land in favor of the state with the aim of returning the debt on redemption payments
3) cultivating the landowner's land with their own tools as payment for renting the land
4) peasants working for kulak neighbors for money

Instructions for performing the work.
Answer forms.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Option 1.
Option 2.
Option 3.
Option 4.
Option 5.
Option 6.
Option 7.
Option 8.
Option 9.
Option 10.
Option 11.
Option 12.
Option 13.
Option 14.
Option 15.
Option 16.
Option 17.
Option 18.
Option 19.
Option 20.
Source analysis tasks.
Argumentation tasks different points view existing
in historical science.
Tasks to summarize the results of historical and educational activities in free form.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the Unified State Examination 2015 book, history, 20 variants of standard test tasks and preparation for part 2, Kurukin I.V., Lushpay V.P., Taratorkin F.G., Gevurkova E.A., Solovyov Y.V., 2015 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • History of Russia, Expert in the Unified State Examination, Kurukin I.V., Lushpay V.B., Taratorkin F.G., Gevurkova E.A., 2015
  • Unified State Exam 2015, History, Typical test tasks, Kurukin I.V., Lushpay V.B., Taratorkin F.G.
  • Unified State Exam 2015, history, standard test tasks, Kurukin I.V., Lushpay V.B., Taratorkin F.G., 2015
  • Unified State Exam 2019, History, 32 options, Typical test tasks, Kurukin I.V., Lushpay V.B., Taratorkin F.G.

The following textbooks and books.

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