Military Intelligence Day in Russia. The origins of domestic military intelligence

On November 5, Russia celebrates Military Intelligence Day, a professional holiday for Russian military personnel whose service is related to military intelligence. This holiday was established by order of the Minister of Defense Igor Dmitrievich Sergeev dated October 12, 2000. It is celebrated annually on November 5 in accordance with the presidential decree of May 31, 2006 “On the establishment professional holidays And memorable days in the RF Armed Forces." Scouting is one of the oldest professions, which has not lost its relevance over the years; every year the methods and methods of reconnaissance are being improved, and the information obtained by scouts is still of enormous value. national significance.

Intelligence has always been a matter of national importance; it has been so since the days of Kievan Rus. Ambassadors, merchants, messengers, as well as residents of the border territories of the state were then involved in collecting information. It’s not for nothing that the profession of intelligence officer is called one of the oldest on earth. Later, in 1654, already under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the Order of Secret Affairs was created, which was the prototype of the intelligence department of those years. In the military regulations of 1716, Peter I brought legal and legislative framework. Later, in January 1810, already during the reign of Emperor Alexander I, on the initiative of the Minister of War Barclay de Tolly, the so-called expedition of secret affairs under the Ministry of War was formed in Russia; in January 1812 it was renamed the Special Chancellery under the Minister of War.

The formed Special Chancellery solved important tasks: conducting strategic intelligence (collection of strategically important secret information abroad), operational-tactical intelligence (collection of information about enemy troops on the country’s borders) and counterintelligence (identification and subsequent neutralization of foreign agents). This office became the first central body of the War Ministry Russian Empire, which would organize intelligence for the armed forces of foreign powers.

The date November 5 to celebrate Military Intelligence Day was not chosen by chance. This day is rightfully considered the birthday of the Main Intelligence Directorate General Staff RF Armed Forces. On this day in 1918, a Registration Directorate was created in Petrograd as part of the Field Headquarters of the Red Army to coordinate the efforts of all intelligence agencies of the army. In order to train personnel for the new department, intelligence and military control courses were opened in Moscow, where 13 different disciplines were taught, including: tactics, geography, topography, artillery, human intelligence, counterintelligence, etc. Later in educational program elementary study was introduced foreign languages(English, German, French, Swedish, Finnish and Japanese).

The first person to head the Registration Department was Semyon Aralov, a Bolshevik from among the intelligence veterans of the Russian army during the First World War. It was the Register that became the prototype of the governing body in force today military intelligence– Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Russian Federation. Today the GRU is important component strengthening Russian state. This structure combines all types of intelligence known today - strategic, technical, economic, space, intelligence (including illegal), as well as military, also known as GRU special forces.

Since April 1921, the Register was transformed into the Intelligence Directorate (Razvedupr) of the Red Army headquarters. At the same time, it became the central organ of military intelligence both in peacetime and in war time. Beginning in 1926, the Intelligence Directorate was renamed the IV Directorate of the Red Army Headquarters. One of the most famous intelligence officers, who was related to the Intelligence Department of the Red Army (joined to work in November 1929), was the famous Soviet intelligence officer Richard Sorge.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War The main type of intelligence activity was to support combat operations of troops and operations carried out by the Red Army. The preparation and conduct of all strategic, front-line and army operations during the war years was based on data that was obtained through operational and strategic intelligence. During the war years, the work of intelligence officers who selflessly acted behind the front line in territories temporarily occupied by the enemy, as well as in other states, was distinguished by its effectiveness and great scope. Starting from the first days of the Great Patriotic War, the deployment of reconnaissance, sabotage and reconnaissance groups behind enemy lines was organized, on the basis of which large numbers were often formed and deployed in the future. partisan detachments, a backup intelligence network was created in territories that were temporarily left to enemy troops.

Thus, in the first 6 months of the Great Patriotic War alone, about 10 thousand people were thrown behind enemy lines, including great amount trained scouts with radio equipment. Also during the war, the Main Counterintelligence Directorate “Smersh” (short for “Death to Spies!”) was created. This department was engaged in the fight against espionage and sabotage activities the enemy, the fight against desertion and betrayal in the ranks of the Red Army.

In February 1942, the Intelligence Directorate was reorganized into the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU). In October of the same year, it was separated from the General Staff and reassigned directly to the People's Commissar of Defense Soviet Union. The task of the GRU was to conduct intelligence reconnaissance of enemy armies outside the borders of the USSR, as well as in territories temporarily occupied by the enemy. In April 1943, along with the already existing GRU, a new intelligence department of the General Staff of the Red Army was formed, whose task was to manage the intelligence and military intelligence fronts, as well as regular information about the enemy’s intentions and actions, as well as conducting operations to disinformation him. After the end of the war, they were united into the GRU of the General Staff, which from 1947 was called the Second Main Directorate of the Information Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, and from 1949 again became the GRU of the General Staff of the Armed Forces. During the war years, the combat traditions of modern military intelligence were laid, it was prepared a large number of highly qualified intelligence officers who managed to accumulate, and then in post-war years successfully use rich combat experience.

In the years since the war, the role of military intelligence has not only not diminished; on the contrary, it has increased many times over. Nowadays, it is the most important component of strengthening the state. Military intelligence is an element of the system national security Russian Federation, it obtains, processes, summarizes and analyzes information about military-political situation, which is taking shape around our country, is engaged in forecasting its development, and also promptly reports to the command of the Armed Forces and the leadership of Russia about real and potential threats to the national security and sovereignty of our state.

Today, the sphere of interests of military intelligence includes all local and regional armed conflicts, the armed forces of foreign states, their weapons and Combat vehicles, equipment for possible theaters of combat, as well as the economic component, especially industrial enterprises operating in the interests of the armed forces. To solve the tasks assigned to it, military intelligence includes both operational and various technical units, as well as information, analytical and support structures. They all receive only the most modern technical means conducting reconnaissance, which are created on the basis latest achievements in the field of telecommunications, information and space technologies.

At the same time, we should never forget that military intelligence is a very difficult and dangerous profession. In our country, for the courage and heroism that were shown during the execution special tasks to ensure national security, more than 700 military intelligence officers were awarded the highest titles of Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of the Russian Federation. In the 21st century, representatives of this heroic military profession continue to be at the forefront of protecting our country, solving a wide range of problems. Currently, military intelligence is structurally related to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and is rightfully considered the “eyes and ears” of the armed forces of our country, their main means of obtaining important military, economic and political information.

On this holiday, the Military Review team congratulates everyone who was or is directly related to Russian military intelligence. Especially veterans of military intelligence, participants in the Great Patriotic War. The security of our state’s existence depends on your professional and dedicated work.

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Decision-making in the preparation and conduct of combat operations must be based on reliable information. Obtaining information about the enemy’s forces and means and the direction of the main attack is carried out using special units. A professional holiday is dedicated to specialists engaged in such activities.

When is it celebrated?

Military Intelligence Day is celebrated in Russia annually on November 5th. In 2019, the event is celebrated formally for the 20th time; it is not a national holiday. Enshrined in Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2006 No. 549 “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.” The document was signed by V. Putin.

Who's celebrating

Personnel of the units of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) take part in the celebrations. These include conscript soldiers and contract service, junior and command level officers, heads of the General Staff. The holiday is considered by cadets and teachers of specialized higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense. The events are attended by military personnel who have ever been in the ranks of these structures, their relatives, acquaintances, friends, relatives and close people.

History and traditions of the holiday

Military Intelligence Day at the official level begins after the publication of Order No. 490 of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated October 12, 2000. Before the signing of this document, the holiday was celebrated informally. The head of state added the event to the list memorable dates in 2006, emphasizing the importance of the profession to the defense of the country. The president's signature expressed respect and desire to increase the prestige of the military profession.

The date of the celebrations is symbolic meaning. It coincides with the creation of the Registration Department on November 5, 1918. The structure was part of the Field Headquarters of the Red Army and performed intelligence functions, becoming the progenitor of the GRU.

The custom of honoring brings together officers, cadets for festive tables. Toasts are made to colleagues. There are congratulations, wishes for health and peaceful skies above your head. The heroes of the occasion tell stories from their service, share plans for the future, and show photographs from albums.

Events continue with family, friends and loved ones. Law enforcement officers receive gifts. Among them are souvenir and thematic products: models and atlases of military equipment, books about the history of military units. The command organizes an awards ceremony for employees certificates of honor, medals, orders. The boss makes notes of gratitude in personal files. The best employees, for outstanding achievements, are promoted to ranks and positions.

On Military Intelligence Day 2019, a ritual of the so-called washing of the stars, which will soon appear on shoulder straps, is held. Tradition involves immersing new insignia in alcoholic drink who drinks.

About the profession

Military intelligence officers collect information about the enemy. Plans, forces and means are revealed opposite side. For this purpose, intelligence work, visual surveillance, and listening to communication channels are carried out. Activities are carried out in peacetime and wartime.

In Russia, a career begins with studying at a specialized educational institution of the Ministry of Defense. It distributes students by specialty. The graduate must have tactical training and reconnaissance methods. Employees are sent to perform some of the most dangerous tasks. They are often recruited by the enemy, forcing them to lead double life. There are known cases of criminal orders being carried out by the command for political purposes.

On this day in 1918, as part of the Field Headquarters of the Red Army in Petrograd, the Registration Directorate was created to coordinate the efforts of all intelligence agencies of the army, which later turned into the famous Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - central authority management of military intelligence in our country.

Although, of course, the intelligence profession dates back to more ancient times. Even in Kievan Rus, intelligence was a matter of national importance, and the first intelligence body - the Order of Secret Affairs (the prototype of the intelligence department of that time) - was founded in 1654 under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Peter I, in his Military Regulations of 1716, provided a legislative and legal basis for intelligence work.

In 1810, already under Alexander I, the Secret Affairs Expedition was created under the Ministry of War; two years later it was renamed the Special Chancellery under the Minister of War. It became the first central body of the Military Ministry of the Russian Empire, which was engaged in organizing intelligence of the armed forces of foreign states. Its tasks included conducting strategic intelligence (collecting strategically important secret information abroad), operational-tactical intelligence (collecting data about enemy troops on the borders of Russia) and counterintelligence (identifying and neutralizing enemy agents). And your modern history Military intelligence has been conducted since 1918, when on November 1, the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic approved the staff of the Field Headquarters (FS) of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic. And on November 5, 1918, the state was introduced by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic No. 197/27. As part of the Field Headquarters of the Red Army, by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic, the Registration Directorate (Registrupr) was formed to coordinate the efforts of all intelligence agencies of the army: Military Strategic Department Operational management All-Russian General Staff, Intelligence Branch of the Operations Department of the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs, Intelligence Section of the Operations Directorate of the Supreme Military Council. From this day on, the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which is the direct successor of the Register, traces its history. That is why November 5 is considered the Day of Soviet Military Intelligence, which from the very beginning, in addition to conducting strategic and operational intelligence, was charged with obtaining military-technical information, information about scientific achievements V military field. Over the years of its existence, the military intelligence service has repeatedly changed its official name and became subordinate to various state departments and people's commissariats. In 1950, the GRU special forces were created.

Currently, military intelligence is part of the structure of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia and is official name Main Directorate of the General Staff Armed Forces Russian Federation. Intelligence is the “eyes and ears” of the armed forces, the main means of obtaining information. Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (GU GS) - body foreign intelligence Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the central intelligence agency of the Armed Forces of Russia - solves a number of problems of a military-political, military-technical, actually military, military-economic and environmental nature, has the ability to conduct space reconnaissance and has a fairly wide agent network in the territory foreign countries. GU special forces are capable of conducting special operations on enemy territory and in combat areas. The number and structure of this service are a state secret, and the importance of military intelligence for the armed forces is difficult to overestimate. For courage and heroism shown when performing special tasks to ensure national security, more than 700 military intelligence officers were awarded high rank Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of the Russian Federation. By the way, in the history of the Soviet Union, the activities of counterintelligence structures occupied an important place. Thus, in April 1943, the Main Directorate of Counterintelligence “Smersh” was organized, which was entrusted with the tasks of combating espionage, sabotage, and terrorist activities of foreign intelligence services, combating betrayal and treason in units and institutions of the Red Army, desertion and self-mutilation at the fronts.

Scout Day in Russia, based on the order of the Minister of Defense, has been officially celebrated since 2000. The President of the Russian Federation included this holiday in the list of memorable dates in 2006, which confirmed the relevance of the intelligence profession. In this article we will try to answer the question of what date Scout Day is in our country, highlight facts from the history of the holiday and the profession.

Facts from the history of the date of celebration

Military Intelligence Day in Russia is celebrated on November 5th for a reason. On this November day in 1918, on the basis of Trotsky’s order, a special department called Registrupr began to function in Petrograd, coordinating the work of army intelligence. From that day on, military intelligence became a separate division Red Army. At royal rule in Russia, reconnaissance units also existed, but they were components of other units.

In 1918, courses for training professional intelligence officers were created in Moscow. They provided training in 13 basic disciplines: geography, tactics, topography and others. Later, foreign language training was introduced at the courses.

Registrupr became the prototype of the currently operating Main Intelligence Directorate.

The oldest profession

Intelligence has been a matter of particular importance since the times of Kievan Rus. The first bodies conducting intelligence work appeared in our country in the 16th century. The role of Russian intelligence grew along with the strengthening of Russia's position in international affairs.

In 1654, the Order of Secret Affairs was created in the country, which was assigned the role of coordinator of the work of Russian intelligence. Later, Peter the Great, in his decree, laid the foundation for legislative and legal framework intelligence actions.

Since 1812, control over the work of Russian intelligence was carried out by the Special Chancellery. She was working on a solution important tasks: collected the most important information, identified and destroyed enemy agents.

The important role of intelligence during the Great Patriotic War

Military intelligence made an invaluable contribution to the victory of the Russian people in the war against the Nazis. Only in the first six months since the start of this bloody war About 10,000 Soviet intelligence officers worked behind German lines. Many of them were equipped with walkie-talkies and were able to transmit received information. Scouts contributed to education partisan movement behind the occupiers' lines.

During the war, the counterintelligence department "Smersh" was formed, whose responsibilities included an irreconcilable fight against saboteurs and spies of hostile states, as well as traitors and deserters in the Red Army. Employees of this department identified a large number of enemy agents, preventing insidious plans enemy.

In it hard time The foundations of Russian military intelligence traditions were laid, a large number of qualified intelligence officers were formed, who skillfully applied their experience in practice in the post-war years.

On Military Intelligence Day, our country honors the memory of heroes - intelligence officers who gave their lives for their people.

Scout qualities

Intelligence is a unique profession, and in order to master it perfectly, you must have a number of certain qualities, backed by knowledge, experience and dedication to their country.

Military Intelligence Day in Russia is a holiday of selfless, self-possessed, competent and strong people. They often risk their lives to protect the safety of the Russian population.

It is currently difficult to imagine the functioning of the state without intelligence. As long as there are organizations that pose a threat to our country, the relevance of the intelligence service will only increase.

Military intelligence today

The functions of intelligence have remained unchanged in our time. It refers to government agencies, which were not significantly affected by the changes that affected other areas after 1991. Scouts continue to mine military-economic, political and other important information, doing his job behind possible enemy lines. In some cases, they find themselves on the front lines of military conflicts.

The names and tasks of military intelligence officers (November 5 is Intelligence Day in Russia) are kept in strictly confidential. There are serious criminal penalties for disclosing this information.

One of the main units of military intelligence in our country is counterintelligence, which suppresses the work of intelligence services of other states on the territory of the Russian Federation. Employees of this unit also accept my sincere congratulations Happy Scout Day November 5th.

Holiday traditions

Not all representatives of this profession officially celebrate Scout Day. After all, many intelligence officers’ jobs require them to hide their activities and maintain secrecy. They don't want to draw attention to himself, sometimes even their relatives have no idea about the type of their activity.

Scout Day is also the professional day of our compatriots who conduct intelligence work in other countries and for a long time live away from home country. IN ordinary life these people are absolutely not like intelligence officers.

Congratulations on Scout Day on November 5 are accepted by everyone who serves in the GRU: soldiers, officers and senior staff of the General Staff. Cadets and teaching staff of specialized educational institutions participate in the official celebrations. Command staff on this day, in a solemn atmosphere, it rewards military personnel who have linked their fate with intelligence, with certificates, medals and gifts, and assigns them new ranks.

According to tradition, on Scout Day, unique rituals are held to wash insignia, which will deservedly be placed on military uniforms. They are placed in a glass of champagne and the invigorating drink is drunk to the bottom.

Scout Day is celebrated by retired military personnel, their relatives and friends.

Intelligence is the main means of obtaining information for the Russian armed forces.

It makes it possible to prevent hostilities, and, if necessary, to meet the enemy in full combat readiness.

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