Eastern literature medieval sources. A separate division of the Publishing Company "Oriental Literature"

Publishing company "Oriental Literature"– a unique oriental publishing house with almost 60 years of experience and traditions in the field of academic book publishing; The Publishing House's staff consists of qualified scientific editors-orientalists with various regional and linguistic training, employees who can prepare texts for publication in oriental and other languages ​​of any degree of complexity. The publishing house was founded by the decision of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1957 (Publishing House of Oriental Literature, since 1964 - Main Editorial Office of Oriental Literature of the Nauka Publishing House, since 1992 - Publishing Company "Oriental Literature" RAS, since 2011 - separate division within the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Publishing House “Nauka”).

The publishing house specializes in publishing academic, scientific and humanitarian literature in all branches of Oriental and African studies - history, ethnography, archeology, economics, philosophy, religion, mythology, literature, art, linguistics, etc. The publishing house publishes monographs, collections scientific works, dictionaries, reference books, multi-volume publications (collections of works of classics of Russian oriental studies, volumes on the history and literature of the East), reference books on individual countries of the East, textbooks and teaching aids, scientific journals. The books of “Oriental Literature” are addressed to orientalists, researchers, students, graduate students and everyone interested in the East.

The history of the Publishing House is inextricably linked with the history of Russian oriental studies. It has always published books by both eminent and emerging authors from all centers of oriental studies in the territory former USSR. Among the publications that became an event in scientific and cultural life, can be called the first in Russia scientific translation Koran (1963), made by academician I.Yu. Krachkovsky, encyclopedic Dictionary“Islam” (1991), Large Chinese-Russian dictionary in four volumes (USSR State Prize 1986). Over the years since its founding, more than eight and a half thousand book titles have been published. Hundreds of books have been published in academic book series, created by academic institutes and the Publishing House: “Monuments of Literature of the East” (since 1959), “Monuments of Literature of the East” (since 1965), “Languages ​​of the Peoples of Asia and Africa” (since 1959), “Fairy Tales and Myths of Peoples East" (since 1964), "Culture of the Peoples of the East" (since 1969), "Ethnographic Library" (since 1983), "History of Eastern Philosophy" (since 1993), "Research on Folklore and Mythology East" (since 1969), etc. More than 150 monuments of writing and literature of the peoples of the East, translated from dozens oriental languages, published in the series “Monuments of Eastern Literature”, familiar to all orientalists, commonly referred to as the “black series” based on the color of the binding. It published translations and texts (facsimiles, transliterations) of monuments - from ancient times (for example, cuneiform Akkadian texts of the 19th century BC) to the beginning of the last century (a chronicle written at the court of the last Bukhara emir). Their themes and genres are varied. Editions of texts are based for the most part on manuscripts from domestic repositories, mainly in St. Petersburg. Manuscripts from foreign collections are also involved, including the British Museum (London), National Library(Paris), some eastern countries. Selected works and translations of Russian sinologists are presented in special series: “Corpus sericum”, “Chinese classical canon in Russian translations”. IN last years The publishing house also actively participates in the Program for the translation and publication of Chinese literature in Russian and Russian literature in Chinese. Other areas in which we publish books are Islamic studies, Indology and Tibetology, Turkic studies, Mongol studies, and the history of Oriental studies.

Over the past 10–15 years, a number of fundamental publications have been published, including the encyclopedias “Indian Philosophy” and “Philosophy of Buddhism” (Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences), the six-volume “History of the East” (Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences) and the encyclopedic dictionary “Islam in the territory of the former Russian Empire"(Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS). Laureates State Prize Russia in 2011 became the leaders of the project “Spiritual Culture of China” - an encyclopedia in 6 volumes, prepared and published by the Institute Far East RAS and the Publishing House "Oriental Literature" in 2006–2010. Chief Editor encyclopedia – academician M.L. Titarenko. Among the authors of this encyclopedia are dozens of leading Russian sinologists. This is a unique work, comparable in scientific significance and volume to the most respectable works in the West, created with the goal of giving a comprehensive and holistic description of the spiritual culture of China.

In 2006, at the Beijing International Book Exhibition, the publishing house was awarded the prize “For special contribution to the cultural relations of China with foreign countries» Main government controlled The People's Republic of China for Press and Publishing Affairs received a Letter of Gratitude from the Russian Embassy in India at the International Book Exhibition in Delhi in 2008 for its work to recreate cultural ties between the peoples of India and Russia. The publishing house has various diplomas, including the Book Publishing Council of the IAAN and the Association of Book Publishers of Russia, and has twice become a laureate of the national Russian Prize“Book of the Year”: in 2007 – for the publication of the two-volume “Masterpieces of Chinese Classical Prose”, in 2009 – for the encyclopedia “Indian Philosophy”.

The publishing house constantly negotiates with new partners and sponsors, participates in book exhibitions, conferences and other events. Presentations of published books are held at international and Russian book fairs, in academic institutions and large scientific libraries Russia.


"Eastern Literature"- a non-commercial site containing publications in Russian of primary sources - chronicles, chronicles, memoirs, documents, travel descriptions, etc. The site is maintained at the personal expense of enthusiasts.

Russia's largest electronic collection of systematized medieval historical sources from East and West. Sources are systematized, text searches are possible alphabetically and chronologically, documents can be searched by geographical principle. Tables and maps are provided in separate lists (there is a collection of maps Ancient Rus', medieval Europe and Byzantium).

The bibliography in some cases extends to the present day. Bibliographic indexes of Russian historical periodicals of the 19th-20th centuries, including indexes of publications of the Archaeographical Commission, Collection of Imperial Russian Geographical Society, Collection of Imperial Russian historical society, publications “The Middle Ages” (from 1942 to the present), etc.

Chronological framework of primary sources

The following materials are posted on the site:

  • relating to Europe, Russia, North and South America for the period from the 4th century to 1800;
  • related to Africa and Asia, including Ottoman Empire, the Asian part of Russia, the Caucasus and Central Asia for the period from the 4th century to 1914.

Exceptions include materials on the Crimean, Russian-Turkish 1877-1878. and the Russian-Japanese wars, since there is already information on them on the Internet a large number of materials.

History of site development

The idea of ​​creating a website-electronic library of primary sources appeared in May 2001. It was supposed to be published historical texts medieval East on the Internet, often in very small circulation (hence the name of the site). This trend was quickly joined by the publication of texts from Western Europe. Over time, the time frame expanded, covering not only the Middle Ages, but also the New Age.

In the process of working on the site, it became clear how small a number of such texts have been translated into Russian, so it was decided to also do the actual translations. The following texts were translated for the first time and completely:

  • "Royal Chronicle of Cologne" (Chronica Regia Coloniensis);
  • "History of England" by William of Newburgh (Historia rerum anglicarum);
  • “On Lithuania” by Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini (De Lituania);
  • "Chronicle of Louis IV";
  • “Extract from Prussian affairs” by the Sambian Canon (Canonici Sambiensis Epitome Gestorum Prussie);
  • Brief Prussian Annals;
  • Illustrated chronicle of Emperor Henry VII and Elector Baldwin of Luxembourg 1308-1313;
  • Chronicle of the Dukes of Bavaria (Chronica De Ducibus Bavariae);
  • Large and small annals of Colmar (Annales Colmarienses Maiores/Minores);
  • Devastation of Constantinople (Devastatio Constantinopolitana);
  • Latin Chronicle of the Kings of Castile (Chronica Latina Regum Castellae);
  • Pelplin Annals (Annales Pelplinenses);
  • Pelayo from Oviedo. Chronicle of the Kings of Leon (Cronicon Regnum Legionensium);
  • Adalbert. Continuation of Reginon of Prüm (Adalberti Continuatio Reginonis);
  • Chronicle of Alfonso III (Chronica De Alfonso III);
  • Annals of Saint Amanda (Annales Sancti Amandi);
  • Tilian Annals (Annales Tiliani);
  • Petavian Annals (Annales Petaviani);
  • Lobby Annals (Annales Laubachenses).

and many others.

A new stage in the development of the site was the beginning of the publication of sources on Caucasian wars XIX century. Accordingly, the time limit for the exposed sources was raised until the beginning of the 20th century.

Inclusion of one of the “Oriental Literature” projects in the NES

Historical glossary from the project “Elishe. The Word about the Armenian War” of the “Oriental Literature” website was included as a source in the project of Victor Korkiya “National Encyclopedic Service”, namely in the National Historical Encyclopedia.

Website in the methodological literature of universities

Thanks to electronic publications historical sources, the site “Oriental Literature” began to be included in methodological reference books of historical and other faculties various universities: in Tomsk state university, Moscow State University. Lomonosov, ASPA, Perm State University, ChGA, Institute of Philosophy RAS, IVR RAS, etc.

Project participants

“Oriental Literature” also actively cooperates with translators and publishes their works, thereby increasing the database of translated sources and making its resource unique in its kind.


  1. Eastern literature website
  2. Alexander Lyakhov. Is history a science? // Republican newspaper “Caravan” (Kazakhstan), November 28, 2008
  3. G. P. Myagkov, N. I. Nedashkovskaya, L. F. Nedashkovsky. Internet space for researchers of the history of the Middle Ages: information and reference resources, scientific centers, communication, sources. Tutorial for history students. - Kazan: Publishing House of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, 2008. - 56 p. // P. 21.
  4. "Middle Ages", academic periodical on the history of the Middle Ages and early modern times in Western Europe. 1942-2006 yearbook, issues 1-67; quarterly since 2007
  5. 1 2 A little history
  6. Elishe. A Word about the Armenian War
  7. Encyclica. Encyclopedia of Encyclopedias. National Encyclopedic Service. Project by Victor Korkiya. © Korkiya V. P., 2007
  8. Elishe - a word about the Armenian War. Historical glossary (Vostlit project)
  9. Questions of history, international relations and document management. Issue 6. Ed. Ph.D. P. P. Rumyantseva. Publishing house Tomsk University, 2010. - 160 p.
  10. Moscow State University. Faculty of Philosophy. Department of History and Theory of World Culture. Course program “Japanese culture and religions of Japan: introduction to the specialty.” Moscow, b/g. - 9 s. // History of the East in the Middle Ages and Modern Times - http://vostlit.info, p. 4.
  11. Information Technology for historians. Textbook of the Department of Historical Informatics, Faculty of History, Moscow State University. M., 2006. Section V, pp. 158-234. // http://vostlit.info. “Oriental Literature” - a library of sources on the history of the Middle Ages, p. 213
  12. Armavir State pedagogical academy. useful links. Historical sources // www.vostlit.narod.ru, www.vostlit.info
  13. Faculty of History and Political Science. // Portal “Oriental Literature”. Medieval historical sources east and west
  14. Black Sea humanitarian academy. Guide to Internet resources. Eastern Literature http://vostlit.info An excellent library of medieval historical sources of the East and West.
  15. Medieval historical sources of the East and West.
  16. Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS. Middle East Sector Annual Report 2010
    3.2.14. Khismatulin A. A. “Method of compilation of medieval risala using the example of Risala-yi abdaliyya Ya'quba Charkhi” // Iran-Name No. 4 (2009). pp. 64-82. Published ... also on the website of Eastern literature: Preamble, text


  • Website "Oriental Literature".

Oriental literature (site) Information About

It is observed in society increased interest to what is happening in the East, which immediately affects the increasingly popular literature of the East.
It was all the more surprising for the university participants to discover that modern Japanese, Chinese, Indian, Persian, Turkish or Korean literature bookshelves there is little, it is practically non-existent. Is this due to a shortage professional translators or the weak interest of publishers, it’s hard to say. But we paid attention to this thing: most of the authors classified as Eastern literature have long and happily lived not in their homeland, talking from afar about their country, its people, traditions and national characteristics. As for the subject matter of this literature, it is different. The reader will be able to find life stories, sometimes touching, and sometimes frightening in their frankness; there is also a detective genre here, love story or mystics. But it’s a rare book without traditional Eastern philosophy or allegory.
Most often we learn about life in Eastern countries through means mass media. But daily news comes and goes, but literature remains.

Japanese literature

Collection "Nocturnes" by Kazuro Ishiguro- these are five stories about love, human relations. It is no coincidence that they are permeated with music, because the author himself dreamed of connecting his life with music and once played in clubs. Music sounds in all stories...

Book by a Japanese writer Kazumi Yumoto "Friends" addressed to teenagers. This amazing story tells about the growing up of three boys, their meeting with their grandfather, at that time a useless, degraded man. But how timely they met! It has long been known that there are no chance meetings.

Fans of creativity Haruki Murakami, definitely a lot. People read him and admire him, especially since almost all of his works have been translated into Russian. Storybook "The Disappearance of the Elephant" attracted attention with its unusual name.

Ruth Ozeki– American Japanese origin, specialist in classical Japanese literature. "My fish will live"- a novel full of subtle irony, a deep understanding of the relationship between the author, reader and characters, reality and fantasy, quantum physics, history and myth. This is a fascinating, enchanting story about humanity and the search for home."

Banana Yoshimoto "She"
If your family line is all witches, and your favorite family entertainment, in addition to manipulating people, is sessions to summon the spirit - expect trouble. Here you have bloody murders and family secrets, witchcraft curses and forbidden love. The complete set also includes Eastern philosophy. Let me remind you that the most pleasant and unexpected moment is the ending.

The heroine of Yasutaka Tsutsui's story "My Grandpa" Tamako is in first grade. high school, lives with his parents and grandmother. She has many problems: she has become the object of ridicule and bullying from classmates, her father and mother constantly quarrel, the family is under pressure from a criminal structure that is trying to take away their home. And suddenly it turns out that...

Heroes of the book Kazumi Yumoto "Friends"- boys, three friends Kiyama, Kawabe, Yamashta. Everyone has their own problem. Kawabe's father left the family and he helps his mother a lot around the house. (“Kawabe is stupid, what can I get out of him?”) Kiyama’s mother drinks. Yamashta's father owns a fish shop, and the boy works there a lot. ("He's amazingly clueless") They are the butt of their classmates' ridicule because they are different. That's why they are together.

Chinese literature

IN Soviet time in the publishing house " Fiction“The series “Classical Prose of the East” was published. IN collection “Purple Jasper” samples of works of narrative prose of the 1st-6th centuries have been collected, and collection “The Reveler and the Wizard” consists of Tang short stories of the 7th-9th centuries. Here are a few conclusions after reading these books: the Chinese greatly revered their sages and knew and loved their history. And they also loved to study, because in many works the heroes are either preparing to take exams or are already going to school. capital city to pass or re-examine. About our historical figures The Chinese often write in a humorous manner, using the genre historical anecdote. But each work contains some deep philosophical thought.

Bo Yang "Those disgusting Chinese." This book is a collection of speeches during a trip to the United States in 1984. In the book, the author criticizes the philosophy, politics and life of the Chinese nation throughout its history. “The Disgusting Chinese” caused a huge resonance in the Chinese-speaking world and went through several editions in Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, South-East Asia and the USA. Bo Yang's collection will be useful to those who are interested in China not only from the perspective of a tourist.

Tung Su "Say I Flew Away on a White Crane"- a dramatic short story about how every day at dusk on the lake an old man saw with his own eyes a beautiful white crane: a long beak, snow-white plumage, lush, purer than cotton. The next morning, having once again heard the story about the white crane, the grandchildren shook their heads, refusing to believe in their grandfather’s fairy tales. Su Tong's small but touching story will surely make you think about many life values, besides, this one touching story unexpected ending.

Among all the books I read, one writer came across twice - Hosseini Hosseini, the most famous of the Afghan writers.

Khaled Hosseini "A Thousand Splendid Suns"
"Love is a great feeling. Deeply hidden, forbidden, secret, it will still wait in the wings. About this new novel Khaled Hosseini, who became a major world bestseller in 2007." The book in question was "A Thousand Splendid Suns."
The reader will not remain indifferent. Someone will shed a tear when reading about the miserable life of Muslim women. To someone because long wars and the entire people of Afghanistan will feel sorry for the devastation. I became scared: it would seem that people have been flying into space for a long time, building unprecedented architectural structures, fight all kinds of diseases, cultivate artificial intelligence or simply live, work, enjoy life, relax, travel around the world. And here everything is like a thousand years ago.

"The Kite Runner"- memories of childhood, what it’s like real friendship and loyalty, how meanness is born out of fear, and whether it is possible to atone for betrayal. In the center events - history two Afghan boys belonging to different social classes, castes, and nationalities.

Chaudhary Urmila, Schweiger Natalie. Prisoner. 11 years in cold hell- a dramatic and shocking confession of a slave girl. This book is the real memoirs of a Nepalese girl, Urmila Chaudhary, who was sold at the age of 6 to serve a wealthy family. The book is amazing. You read and think: “Is this really possible in the civilized world?!”

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