Blade of Galadriel DLC, you were supposed to destroy evil and nonsense, not join them! The grace of God delivers from the power of evil.

Since we are cultivating according to the true Law, no matter what activities we do, we must use all our Kindness when doing them. And then, based on good thoughts in the process of establishing the Law and revealing evil, Greatness and Mercy will be manifested in all the actions of the disciples-followers. At the same time, as for the forces of evil, they must be destroyed, because they destroy the Universe, destroy all living beings. That is, if this evil did not exist, then there would be no need for correction by the Fa. No historical period has solved such problems; there have been no precedents similar to this in history; there is no example that could be followed. Your ability to do all of this well truly demonstrates your greatness as Dafa disciples. You have been given this privilege because not a single Living being never had such a chance in history, this is the first time. Over the past two years, you have all done very well, I have already said this several times, and in general, students in the Fa-rectification process are not just doing well, but very well, excellently! Both the disciples on the Chinese mainland and the disciples overseas, you all did very well, realized your role as Dafa disciples to the fullest, used your abilities and your capabilities. You have done what ordinary people cannot do; This applies especially to those who have lost their human bodies for the sake of Dafa—all of this is a manifestation of your greatness in the process of validating the Fa.

During the Fa-rectification process, you did very well. And until evil has not yet been completely destroyed, we must try to do everything even better. We must reveal and destroy evil. In the process of this diabolical destruction, the Chinese people suffered the greatest sacrifices. All the methods used by the evil political cabal of scoundrels in Chinese government, are the most vile, the most devilish that history has ever known - in their actions they reached the limit, they truly exceeded themselves. Never before has any government committed such vile deeds. All the actions of our Dafa disciples, which came from their good thoughts, deeply touched the world's people and the lives of all levels of the hierarchy, while the forces of evil that raised their head on the Chinese continent enraged all sentient beings at these levels. The contrast between evil and our goodness (Shan) is enormous. You know that when the forces of evil see their the end is near, they become extremely frantic, evil, poisonous, devilish. This evil manifests itself as poison; if you ask not to poison others, it simply is not capable of doing this, it is just that kind of thing. Therefore, in the process of destroying it, you cannot be gentle, but you just need to take it and destroy it! Here I don’t mean people, I’m talking about those forces of evil that manipulate people. In fact, all of my students are capable, including Chinese students and overseas students, including even some new students. Virtually everyone has abilities. Because in the process of Fa rectification, each stage is a test and test left for different circumstances of different historical periods in the future, this is a magnificent Great Fa left in the history of the universe. As far as your personal cultivation is concerned, you have already gone through this process. You are lives that were created for the sake of Dafa. The last part of your journey is sublimation to your own, original, highest location. The exceptional breadth and depth of consciousness of Dafa disciples allows them to endure everything, but in the future, in different historical periods different things will appear. This Great Law of the Universe will be left as an example for lives at different levels of hierarchy, in different historical periods, so that when they different periods problems would arise at different levels, they had a path to which they could turn to different situations in different periods of history. That is, all the problems that appear today are examples left for history. They appear complex and seemingly random, but in fact, they are very well organized. They are left for history to show how to approach problems that will appear at different periods in the future. Thus, if the forces of evil reach such a degree that it is no longer possible to save them, dealing with this is no longer a matter of your personal improvement, but a matter of protecting the Law of the Universe. If necessary, you can use different abilities at different levels of the hierarchy to destroy them.

You all know that my Fa was not preached only for you, different levels of the hierarchy also listen to it. In other words, the problem of Fa-rectification exists at different levels of the hierarchy. A special situation allows you to destroy evil, you can do this. This has never happened before in the cultivation process in history. The various righteous states that appeared in you during this period, and how you acted in the most different situations, all this will be left for history. That is, it is both serious and key. Of course, when you destroy evil, you must keep in mind that if you have the intention of showing yourself, if you have the fear of ordinary people or impure thoughts stored inside, you will not be able to achieve the goal. Why were you given such abilities? You only have such abilities because you are Great Cultivators. Such a thought cannot be sent by anyone else, but only by a Great Cultivator. So when some students use their abilities, sometimes they work and sometimes they don't, that's where the problem lies. Although I said so, in reality, when something is truly to be destroyed, it must be destroyed. You are not the only ones who are engaged in eliminating evil, if a cultivator cannot do so, the Gods, including higher gods, also take part in this process.

And also, starting from now, during group classes or at a large Conference like this, our students can use this method: enter a state of peace for about five minutes, sitting with folded hands in the Jie-yin pose, mentally destroying bad thoughts in your mind, karma, false ingrained ideas or external interference. While in this state, think intently that you want to destroy it, and it will be destroyed. This will only take five minutes. (Applause) During group practice, mentally focus on eliminating the evil within the Three Realms, holding one hand vertically in front of your chest, and while thinking at this moment, use righteous thoughts - everything will be done within five minutes. (Applause) Your thoughts will work because you are Great Cultivators and different from ordinary people. But if you want to use this ability for something that cultivators are not supposed to do, there will be no result, and as soon as such thoughts arise, retribution will follow or you will fall from your level. You must remember this well!

Now I want to talk about another problem. What do I want to talk about? You know that the Law universal gravity which today's science believes is completely wrong. Why can such a state appear, about which the Law of Gravity speaks? Because all life and all matter, including air and water, everything on earth and within the Three Spheres, is created from particles different levels, located within the Three Spheres, and at different levels of the hierarchy between different particles there is a relationship. Such a relationship, under the influence of gravity, can stretch or move within the Three Spheres. In other words, if you pull it, it will stretch like an elastic band, and when you release it, it will shrink back to its previous position. That is, between particles there is one basic, stable form of existence. Therefore, if you lift any object within the earth's environment, it will return back to the earth. Of course, this does not mean that if you move a stone from one place to another, then it must certainly return to its original place, that is not the point. The surface of the globe is the boundary of one of the hierarchy levels. Within this level you can move horizontally because everything is on the same level. But if any object tries to move beyond this level, exceeding it, it will be attracted back, because all objects on the globe are in the sphere where particles exist this level hierarchy.

Think about it: Heavenly body The universe is incredibly huge. People and the Earth appear tiny when viewed from above, even within the Three Realms. A man, traveling, came from New York to Canada, but, in fact, in their eyes it was as if he did not move, because the scale of this movement was too small. When a rocket or spaceship rise into the sky, they strive to go beyond the boundaries of this environment, created from particles of different levels that make up Earth. So people use the rocket to increase driving force to give the movement more power. As is known, within the Three Spheres there is an atmospheric layer. It looks like an atmosphere, but in fact, inside it is an environment made up of countless microscopic living beings, whose task is to ensure the sustainability of human existence in this environment. As soon as something breaks through the space of this atmosphere, the connections between numerous molecules are broken under the influence of a powerful driving force. This leads to the fact that their relationships are preserved only with particles located on the periphery, and the force of attraction is no longer so great. In other words, although it [the object breaking through space] is no longer within the terrestrial environment, the relationships with the spaces of other particles within the Three Spheres are preserved. Only because of this can it be stable in that environment, this is the reason why the satellite can be there. Accordingly, the same relationships exist with the same weight of objects, but different volumes. Small object, but high density has the same number of interconnections as an object of large volume [but low density], so their weight turns out to be the same. In more detail, there are many more aspects to this problem. The point of what I have just tried to tell you is that gravity does not exist. The real reason are particles in this medium. Their existence in this environment is necessary and they are interconnected. As for cultivators, why would a person leave own body, and how can it take off? This is possible precisely because changes have occurred in the matter of which the body is composed, which is connected with the Earth and is formed from particles of surface matter. The connections with the particles of this environment have been severed; you are no longer an object of the forces that bind you to this environment and their limiting power. So you can take off. The composition of your being at the microscopic level is correspondingly related to the level you have reached in self-improvement. When you cultivate to higher levels, you establish a connection with the highest levels and break it with all other levels below. That's the kind of relationship. Connection and opening of a large Heavenly circle is the embodiment of this level of hierarchy. But the students have long passed this level, their abilities are simply closed. From now on, one by one our students will experience different states in the process of self-improvement, that's why I told you about this problem. That's all I wanted to say today. I wish this Conference a successful outcome. (Applause)

I know that you have all worked very hard. You have a job, you have to study, you have a lot of family concerns and social affairs, at the same time you have to take care of your family, do your job well, and you also have to study the Fa well, and do the exercises regularly, and more. Moreover, you must reveal the truth.. It's difficult! It is difficult both in terms of time and financially. It is difficult, but this is where your Greatness and Virtue (Wei Te) are manifested. It is difficult, but this is a great opportunity to establish your Wei Te. Perfect! Since you are cultivators, even though it is so difficult, you should do even better. That's all I wanted to tell you. (Applause)

Li Hongzhi

Apolitical (06/04/2001)

"Politics" is a term for a modern, deformed society. Such a term and the content that it contains, in historical times no worthy human society knew. When politics arose in human society, the process of decomposition in it had already begun, at the same time, moral values ​​became the object of attack from politics. Besides, obvious reason The reason why people strive to become politicians is their thirst for fame and pursuit of personal interests. It’s just that the moral values ​​of society at that time remained quite high and all the people living at that time were in this environment, so those who were involved in politics simply did not show themselves as unprincipled and unscrupulous in their means, as politicians do today . That is, politics was dirty from the moment it appeared. True, in political circles there were some honest [fair] people who were sincerely worried about the fate of their country and their people, but such were a drop in the bucket.

But, as for those honest politicians who resist the devilish political forces, destroying the country and its people, people also consider them as accomplices of politics, since they have certain Political Views. Even though people accept their views as righteous, political activity remains a product of a deformed society. If modern human society were not deformed, then there would be no politics.

Dafa disciples' cultivation exceeds the level of humans, cultivators have realized the truth of the highest levels, their knowledge surpasses the level ordinary people. Any knowledge that is below the level of the highest principles of the Law is no longer the truth of the Universe. Every Dafa disciple in the process of cultivation is very clear about this, so we especially shouldn't mix the politics of ordinary people with the Fa-rectification process. The disasters that Dafa disciples have suffered are a matter of Fa-rectification and cultivation. Dafa disciples expose the evil and clarify the truth to the worldly people in this world just to show them how the Fa and its disciples are being persecuted; the fundamental purpose of this is to save the worldly people, to destroy the poison that the devils have introduced into their minds, and to help them avoid the danger of being eliminated in the future because of their hostility to Dafa. This is a manifestation of the great Compassion of Dafa disciples who care about saving all sentient beings even while they themselves are being persecuted. On the other hand, how can Gods and Buddhas be involved in the sphere of politics in human world? Moreover, Gods and Buddhas cannot recognize the politics manifested in a deformed human society.

Human society- This good environment for self-improvement, since everything in it can cause attachment. That is why, the one who can go beyond these limits and get rid of all his attachments in the human world is excellent and is able to achieve complete Perfection.

Li Hongzhi

New Photo of Master Li (06/12/2001)

The Law Corrects the Universe, Evil is completely destroyed.

The Law Corrects Heaven and Earth, immediate retribution.


Note: When sending forth righteous thoughts, please perform the movements as shown by Teacher, without changing or adding anything.

Editors of the Minghui website

Chinese Pinyin for pronunciation of formula-verses:

“The Law Corrects the Universe, Evil is completely destroyed.”

"The Law Corrects Heaven and Earth, immediate retribution."

(If you are not familiar with Pinyin, you can seek help from Chinese practitioners in your area.)

What are Supernatural Abilities (06/14/2001)

Supernatural abilities (gunnen) can be called otherwise divine power. Modern people call them extraordinary abilities. Supernatural abilities are actually the innate abilities of a living being. The higher his level, the more effective his innate abilities; and vice versa - the lower the level of a living being, the more difficult it is for his innate superpowers to manifest themselves or the more difficult it is for them to manifest themselves fully. main reason This is that - from the highest level of the Universe to its lowest level - the lower, the higher the percentage of matter that makes up living beings, and everything that is in their specific spaces; The larger the constituent particles of matter, and the heavier the weight living beings carry within themselves, the lower the level, the more limited the innate (supernatural) abilities of a living being are by the matter itself, and the more they are restrained, the less effective they are. That's why the lower the level, the less ability. When it comes to the space where people live, everything innate superpowers living beings are already closed and do not act. Thus, if people do something or want to achieve something, they must work extremely hard using their material body to get what they want. Because humanity is completely immersed in matter, it cannot see the truth of the Universe. That is why human space is called the space of unsolved mysteries...

As for a cultivator, the higher the level he cultivates to, the more powerful his abilities. This is because the more spaces of the Universe he managed to break through, the less and lighter the weight of matter he carries in himself, the stronger his innate abilities (superpowers) manifest themselves, and the more more, they are released comprehensively. I said while preaching the Fa that in the process of cultivation according to our Dafa, disciples' superpowers are most fully manifested, because Dafa disciples cultivate themselves to a greater extent. high levels– the higher the level of breakthrough, the greater the liberation from matter, which makes it possible to fully demonstrate innate abilities (superpowers). Dafa disciples have already demonstrated their superpowers in the process of Fa-rectifying the universe. For example, during the Fa-rectification process, when students' righteous thoughts are very pure, their superpowers are fully manifested. Moreover, with righteous thoughts, many students are able to use their superpowers at will - whenever they want to use them, they can almost always do so. For example, to freeze in place ["freeze"] those devil collaborators who are persecuting Dafa disciples, all you have to do is say "freeze" (ding) or "stand still and don't move" or point at a group of them, and they will definitely not be able to move; after that you just need to think “I’m letting go” and everything will be removed. Actually, you yourself can control these accomplices of the devil who have lost their human nature who have become worse than animals, beating people to death or raping Falun Dafa disciples, as well as those who lead them, in your opinion at will. They will do whatever you want.

Everyone's level depends on their xinxing. That is, when you use your superpowers, your righteous thoughts must be persistent. Wrong thoughts—such as fear of the forces of evil, uncertainty about your thoughts when using your superpowers, or doubts about their effectiveness—can affect or hinder the action of your gunnen.

Achieving Total Perfection is ultimate goal Dafa disciples' cultivation process, while participating in the Fa-rectification process is their mission. Achieving Consummation is only a matter of time to return, while the Fa-rectification process will remain for the future. The future of the Universe, which beings of different levels saw, does not actually exist and is an illusion. Currently, every day lived by humanity is organized in accordance with the needs of the Great Law; everything Dafa disciples do in this human world will be left to history. In the future, at different historical times, if the Great Law is damaged in the universe or sentient beings show deviation, then how the Great Law of the universe will correct the Fa, harmonizing everything around and creating indestructible things, will become especially important. Everything Dafa disciples do at present creates the future, and now everything within the Three Realms exists only for Dafa. When the Great Fa perfects everything in the face of adversity, all the evil that plagues Dafa will come to an end.

Li Hongzhi,

To all participants of the Scandinavian Dafa Conference (06/17/2001)

To all disciples participating in the Scandinavian Dafa Conference:

For Dafa disciples, achieving Consummation is the end of the cultivation process, and Fa-rectification is a huge responsibility placed on you by history in the Fa-rectification of the universe. That is, everything we do in the process of clarifying the truth and exposing evil is the embodiment of Dafa. Whether we are revealing the truth, exposing evil, or participating in other Dafa activities, including our Dafa Conferences, we should always display the kindness characteristic of disciples of the Great Law, just like others good qualities, acquired through cultivation in the Fa-rectification process. I would like to wish the Dafa Conference great success.

At the same time, I want to express the hope that students in Europe will be able to to a greater extent act like disciples North America, that is, each disciple, in addition to participating in group activities, takes full initiative in his daily life as a Dafa disciple, asserting his prestige and the power of De in the process of clarifying the truth, and making good progress in his own way. own path Dafa disciple. That is, in seeking to clarify the truth, do not hesitate, do not rely on others, and do not hope for change external factors. Each of you is creating history for the future, which is why each disciple not only participates in group activities, but also takes the initiative to look for what more can be done for Dafa. If there is anything good that can be done for Dafa, you should take the initiative to do it and work on it. Every person you come into contact with in society is someone to whom you must reveal the truth, and what emerges in this process is Dafa disciples' Compassion and their desire to save people all over the world. I hope that every Dafa disciple will take full initiative and complete his mission as a Dafa disciple. Once again, I wish the Dafa Conference a speedy holding.

Please note: no matter how busy you are, you cannot be careless about studying the Fa. This is exactly what is the main guarantee for your progress towards the Attainment of Consummation and the key to the success of working for Dafa.

Li Hongzhi

The Great Law is Indestructible (06/23/2001)

Why do Dafa [Great Law of the Universe] disciples suffer cruelly and mercilessly from persecution by the forces of evil? Because they are firm in their righteous belief in Dafa and because they are Dafa particles. Why is Fa-rectification necessary? Because all living beings in the Universe do not meet his standards. Dafa disciples' righteous and steadfast thoughts are unshakable under any circumstances, because your renewed life is shaped by Fa-rectification. However, in achieving their goal, the old evil forces of the universe constantly use the devilish plans they have developed that are inconsistent with the true principles of the universe, directly participating in the persecution of the Great Law, its disciples and all sentient beings. They use Dafa disciples' unresolved ideas on their superficial, human level, as well as disciples' karma, to shake their righteous thoughts. This is why some disciples are unable to endure suffering during the persecution and do things that a Dafa disciple should never do and should not do. Such actions disgrace Dafa.

Master wants to save all sentient beings, and the evil forces are truly using all sentient beings to commit crimes against the Great Law. Their true goal- destroy all living beings. If a Dafa disciple did something that he shouldn't have done, and yet is unable to sincerely understand the seriousness of this act and make amends for the damage he caused to Dafa, then everything and all of these millions and millions of years of waiting will be realized in accordance with an oath taken long ago prehistoric times. As a Dafa disciple, everything that belongs to you is created by the Great Fa and is the most righteous, and only the unrighteous can be corrected. How can you submit to the forces of evil? How can you make promises to them? Even if it does not come from the sincerity of your heart, it is still an accomplice to evil. This is a bad thing even for ordinary person, and the Gods would never do such a thing. Even if a Dafa disciple actually gives up his human body, he still awaits the achievement of Consummation. At the same time, any attachments and fear will make such an achievement impossible. Ultimately, any manifestation of fear, in itself, is a barrier preventing the achievement of Perfection, as well as a factor in your change towards the forces of evil and your betrayal.

Let me tell you that all the natural and human disasters that occur in China are a warning to those sentient beings who commit crimes against Dafa there. If they fail to understand this, then a real disaster will occur. All the evil people who committed crimes against Dafa—those who are no longer needed for the devil's so-called “test” of Dafa disciples—are now beginning to receive retribution for the evil they caused. From now on, this will happen in on a large scale. The most evil ones will still be used to the very end, since there are still Dafa disciples who are gradually coming forward, and the old evil forces must use these evil scoundrels to test the disciples. This is the reason why these most criminal scoundrels continue to rampantly do evil.

Disciples of the Great Law must completely reject everything that is arranged by the old evil forces. Clarify the truth comprehensively, destroy evil with righteous thoughts, save all sentient beings, defend the Fa resolutely, because you are part of the indestructible Dafa; correct everything that is unrighteous. Those who will be “reformed” and those who will be saved can only be sentient beings deceived by evil. The devilish ones will be destroyed evil lives and the old forces of evil. After undergoing Fa-rectification, Dafa disciples will achieve Consummation and the Might of the Great Law will be formed and established.

Li Hongzhi

Evil is invisible, they rarely talk about it, more and more often, in fact, it is about the bad, ugly, inconvenient... We recognize it in terrorist attacks, it looks at us from military newsreels, and now we see its face - in the events that happened recently in Jerusalem, in Har Nof, where extremists killed praying Jews.

Here they are, these faces - you look at them, at the faces of those who committed this evil, and you think that they, like, are people too. Darkness, death and sorrow entered the synagogue, a place of light. They are in the hands of those who committed this heinous crime, and those who sympathize with them. It’s strange and scary that the rest of humanity, with such difficulty and reluctance, was outraged by what happened!

There are sins that deserve God's punishment. Sometimes we even seem to be able to grasp this cause-and-effect relationship between the cruelty, lies and theft of Sodom and its destruction. Selfishness and self-destruction have become synonymous. In other cases, we do not understand the reasons for the misfortunes that befall us; we simply pray to God for mercy, asking Him to cancel the sentence. Unable to bear punishment, we repent of all the sins we have committed - conscious and unconscious. One way or another, we are not given the opportunity to understand the logic of the Almighty, all that remains is to pray - this is the procedure for turning to G-d.

Let me start with the story of the fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Sholom Dov Ber (1860-1920). One day one of his followers, the Hasidim, came to see him. He came to ask for help, because he had recently been on the verge of bankruptcy, creditors were already eyeing his house, but that was not so bad. The worst thing was that his son was seriously ill, and nothing could help him, the doctors just shrugged their shoulders. The boy had only a few days left, and his father hurried to the Rebba for a blessing that could miraculously stop this series of misadventures and give mazal - good luck. The Rebbe listened carefully to the man who was close to despair, and then just shrugged his shoulders, saying, “I can’t help.”

The Hasid could not believe his eyes: Sholom Dov Ber was known as a kind, generous man who sympathized with everyone. He helped many, but here we are talking about human life. The visitor burst into tears and rushed out of the room onto the porch: “If the Rebbe couldn’t help me, then it’s all over,” he thought. After some time, the Rebbe’s brother, Reb Zalman Aron, approached him. After listening to the unfortunate man, he immediately advised him to turn to the Rebbe, and, having learned about the refusal, he decided to talk to his brother himself. Sholom Dov Ber received the Hasid again, gave him helpful advice regarding finances and blessed.

As it became known later, our hero’s affairs were settled, and his son was on the mend... It remains to be understood why the Rebbe did not help him right away. According to the interpretation of the seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe, the tzaddik could and wanted to help the unfortunate man, but he himself was not ready to accept the blessing and advice. He came for help, as for a thing, for something separate from himself. The initial refusal not only upset him, but also made him more receptive, “opened his soul.” A parallel can be drawn with rain falling on unplowed soil. Its water will remain in puddles, and that’s all. Grief gave the newcomer the ability to accept the blessing of the tzaddik, just as the earth, having known the plow, absorbs moisture.

We are waiting for the coming of Moshiach (Messiah), we are waiting for the light and goodness that He will bring with him. Light, goodness, joy, all the delights of our comfortable existence - aren’t we surrounded by them now, in the 21st century? Maybe “heaven” on Earth has already arrived? Probably not yet. There is evil in the world. It appeared to us at Har Nof. It will remind you of yourself. It's not enough for us to be good friend to a friend and protect the environment.

Evil must be wiped out from the face of the earth, and for this we need Moshiach.

Rabbi Aron Hecht belongs to the Hasidic movement Chabad.

His school is located in San Francisco at 423 10 th Ave.


Come to lectures or just for Shabbat dinner!

Details on the

Hmm, I'm amazing to the point of insanity. Or insane to the point of disgrace, that doesn’t matter. The main thing is, continuing the idea of ​​objectivity, I decided to write my own review of this monster,
highlighting the objective advantages of this DLC, and there are actually few of them, and secondly....roll out the Chinese.

P.S. I love the Chinese, and as a result of my education, I often come into contact with them, but damn, this is no good.
P.P.S. I remember that I spoke about copyrights and problems associated with them. And pointing out purely lore and logical mistakes, I don’t forget about this.

First, I'll highlight what I liked about all of Shadow of War, including the DLC, random facts, relevant real abilities elves, and for dessert, I’ll leave the breakdown of the problems and mistakes of this DLC. The criticism may be of a slightly humorous nature, but it will not change the essence of the problems presented.

Positive sides:

1. Palantirs on the towers
I really liked the idea that Sauron himself was able to create, albeit inferior and cut-off, an analogue of stoles. The secret of creating these artifacts went with Feanor, however, Sauron, being the blacksmith of blacksmiths, could well have made something similar. Moreover, if Sauron had not received Palantir, he would eventually have been able to create a normal analogue.

2.The idea that the light of Galadriel will disintegrate the orcs
From the point of view of the canons, Galadriel could know the soul of her interlocutor, and hit with a mental fist the mental evil lodged in the thoughts of her interlocutor. For orcs, such a technique is definitely fatal, since their entire nature is evil. Plus, elven magic itself is deadly to them. So, KANOON!)
Random fact: Galadriel really could communicate at a distance, albeit not always and not with everyone.

3.The very idea of ​​the Nazgul women. HUSSARS BE SILENT!
I am not kidding. IN real story, there were precedents (even in Great Britain and Sweden, albeit not officially) when female monarchs bore the title of King. For this reason, I liked the idea that something similar could have happened in Middle-earth, when one of the kings of the human race could have been a woman. And this, in my opinion, is not pandering to feminism, but a manifestation of knowledge of history. So, thank you very much for the idea itself. Really surprised. Bravo!

4. Proper supply of absorption by the Talion ring
Here, everything is good and correct. Throwing aside one's past personality/life, an internal (albeit not revealed in the end) transformation, does correspond to how the rings of the Nazgûl work (as far as can be judged, of all known facts). In fact, now I realize that it is this episode that allows me to remain calm when I think about this DLC.

So, the positives are over. I'm serious. Prepare for the death of logic and common sense, we begin to sort out the jambs and nonsense. Let's go!

Negative sides:

1. The Dark Lord and the Light Lord are united, and they, this flaming eye on the top of Barad-Dur...

Why were you looking for logic?!! We haven't started yet, and you're already dead. Noooo

2. Galadriel would never force anyone to wear such a trinket. She would never put so much pressure and give ultimatums. Elves are not prone to whining and asking: “Mommy, give birth to me back!”

3. Eltariel does not have magnetized fingers, and elves do not have telekinesis!

4. The ring(s) does not restore fingers, limbs, eyes, soaked liver, broken heart, virginity, does not cure schizaphasia, and so on.

5. Nazguls cannot teleport or spawn clouds carbon monoxide, cosplay MK characters, do somersaults, dance the lezginka and Nazguls, FUCKING NOT DEATH EATERS!

6. Shelob saw the future... If she had seen the future, she definitely would not have eaten Frodo. If she had seen the future, she would have left Mordor even when Frodo and Sam were approaching Minas Morgul. Why do they constantly give everyone and everything "specialities" that the characters don't have?

7. I understand that they justified this in the scenario, but watching the calm conversation between the Orc Elf and the Nazgul (Talion) causes cognitive dissonance.

8. Is Mordor rich in miracles? What other miracles is Mordor rich in?!!! Will I see fem Sauron? Or a visualization of a fanfic about femme Sauron and Morgoth?

9. All Orcs are prone to destruction. The Orc architect is nonsense, and those who invented it are Darwin Award winners. The orcs built something, only under pressure and from sticks and shit (I’m exaggerating, but the essence is clear).

10. Morgoth's bow... ha ha... Morgoth... *********************!!!
P.S. The orcs were afraid to pronounce the name of Sauron. Even in personal conversations. Remember how in Harry Potter everyone was afraid to say Volodya’s name out loud. Almost the same crap. The Orcs called him (whispering, and shaking with fear) HE, or “Crimson Eye”. And to call himself the Bow of “Morgoth”... Yes, at least mention his name, this is in principle impossible. Another Darwin Award for the creators.

P.P.S. In the Army of Sauron, there was strict discipline. The orcs had their own plaques with personal numbers (or names, this was not specified), and any violent ones were immediately reported to the top. The highest authority for the Orcs were the Nazgul. From them, the orcs fought with bricks. Yes, they would happily rush towards a crowd of elves/ents, Shelob’s brood, etc. than simply appearing before the Nazgul. Yes, everything that is happening between the orcs could not have happened in principle. Sauron, first of all, longed for order (Although objectively, I understand that it is quite possible that Sauron had just arrived in Mordor, and had not yet had time to restore order), and, with the help of the Nazgûl and such and such a mother, he would quickly undermine everyone arrogant and particularly violent captains. The demonstrative execution of several hundred such captains would be enough for the orcs to quickly realize what would happen to them if they continued at the same pace.

11. Shelob... hmm... wouldn’t let someone dig anything on their territories. She would have crawled out and eaten everyone, damn it.

12. Nazgul women, this is an interesting idea or plum, an interesting idea or plum. INTRIGUE! However, new Nazgûl, new pain, that’s for sure.

13. Orc creeping in front of the elf... Hussars Silence! I realized something here. She does not subordinate them directly. FISH SHE DOES NOT SUBMIT THEM, THEY FOLLOW HER THEMSELVES! Your *****
Let me explain. I can still understand the presence of an orc and a human in the same room, if we remember about this nonsense with submission, etc. But, the orcs themselves will NEVER come into contact with the elves. And the elves themselves will NEVER come into contact with the orcs. Both of them would rather carry out the ritual of crucifixion on barbed wire than for this to happen. Orcs are disgusted and traumatic by the light emanating from elves. How can an orc be fascinated by an elf if you yourself created the mechanics, thanks to which the light of the elves disintegrates the orcs?!!! (And she doesn’t just cast it. Logically, it should periodically break out against her wishes. It’s like an endless water generator inside a limited jug. Water will periodically pour out.)
Do you want analogies? I have them. Will you be fascinated by a pile of decaying meat that stinks and poisons you just by its appearance? This is how elves are for orcs (the analogy is rough, but it gets the point across correctly).

14. An elf who can appreciate the vision of an ideal orc state... And then I realized the trick. It dawned on me. Are the developers following in the footsteps of SnoopDog?

15. So, Nazgul renegades! Let's try to blow it!
uh... what... how... in the name of the holy spaghetti monster... Oh, Lord Mandos, we're all fucked up!
So: CHINESE IN MIDDLE-EARTH! I swear a lot. And, jokes aside, I want to personally look the scriptwriters in the eyes and ask if their brains are okay? I know for sure that a separate cauldron has been prepared for them in hell. And the Professor breaks Einstein's physics by overcoming light speed spinning in his grave. And don't get me wrong. I’m not finding fault with narrow-mindedness or race, but with the fact that this is not some made-up nation. These are the Chinese, directly taken from our world. This is the height of hackwork and arrogance.

16. So. We exhaled. Talion has not died, and cannot die while the Ring of Sauron is intact. In fact, the work of this elf is meaningless in principle (after the ring has taken possession of someone.) As a result, the end with Talion showed the complete meaninglessness of the work she did. And DLC accordingly too.

Even if we forget about the original and look at “this” without reference to context, the ending with Talion, the DLC has devalued itself. I hoped it would be better, but it turned out to be trash, complete and impenetrable. This is DLC, good as a game. Nose artistic point vision, the patient committed suicide on the way to the hospital.

Oh, and the last ones. I don’t know how, but they made Galadriel look ugly. I can't explain why, but in my opinion, she's ugly.

Why on modern stage In history, the main enemy of all humanity is capitalism. And, of course, about who will decide difficult task: finally send capitalism to the dustbin of History.

Yes, capitalism was once progressive. How about Mayakovsky:

"Capitalism in its youth"

there was nothing, a business guy:

the first one worked - I wasn’t afraid then,

that his shirtfront will be greasy from work.”

It was this “business guy” who moved forward industry, science, trade... In general, progress in all directions. Time passed, the boy grew old, but did not become wiser, but fell into insanity. Read on:

“Finally, he (the boy. N.M.) has outgrown himself,

just making money, eating and sleeping,

capitalism is swollen and flabby.

I got tired and lay down on the path of history

into the world as into your bed.

You can’t go around it, you can’t get around it,

the only way out is to blow it up!”

So Lenin blew it up. WITH with great difficulty, With great sacrifices, but led his country onto the path of progress: the country became the flagship of socialism. And the idiots Gorbachevs-Yeltsins-Gaidars-Chubais destroyed everything created with such labor Soviet leaders And Soviet people, and threw the country into the past. Supposedly into capitalism, as civilized as in the West. Figurines. The West, which helped our idiots destroy the USSR, does not need Russia as a full member of the developed capitalist countries, but as a raw material appendage and as a garbage dump where Western capitalism dumps its waste, its rot.

No one doubts that our “capitalism” is vile. All contenders for power have no doubt about this. But what do they offer? And they offer different ways improve this filthy capitalism. Don't destroy it, but improve it! Make it less nasty. But even this is impossible in principle. It's like patching Trishkin caftan: you sew it up in one place, it immediately breaks in another. In the West they are still patching things up somehow. In addition, the West was greatly helped in this by our idiots who destroyed the USSR. Now the West is shaking from half-dead former USSR resources, which prolongs the agony of capitalism.

The question is, why doesn’t the West, led by the all-powerful USA, swallow the entire space of the former USSR completely? And here I must say a few words about Putin. After all, who is he? He is Yeltsin's protege. And Yeltsin is a man who destroyed the USSR and after that began to destroy Russia, inventing more and more nasty things for the country. Well, Putin is his worthy successor. All those nasty things that Yeltsin intended, but did not have time to do, Putin quite successfully completed and is completing.

The only thing that, in my opinion, Putin is doing right is increasing military power. Many people scold him for this: they say, it would be better to spend money on health care, education and other social needs. But this is impossible even if he wanted to. The oligarchs, who, in fact, are Russian authorities. But spend money on military power allow. They don’t want Western predators, not them, to profit from Russian resources.

However, Western capitalist countries have tried to swallow our country more than once. It didn't work out. They tried in 1918. But then there was a great leader and a people who rebelled against tsarism. They tried in 1941. But then the country had a great leader and a mostly patriotic people. What about today? Instead of a leader, he is a servant of the oligarchs. And the people are no longer the same. Our people are not bad, but they have been fooled for so many years that it is useless to expect any kind of cohesion from them.

Let's face it: the only thing that is holding back Western aggressors so far is strong weapons. Including nuclear! Yes, yes, nuclear! That's North Korea would have been swallowed long ago if not for the presence in the country nuclear weapons. After all, even the most stupid and greedy capitalists understand that any clash with the use of nuclear weapons will destroy not only the country that is attacked, but the aggressor country.

So we have to admit that Putin not only serves the oligarchs, but also, without realizing it, gives us, the communists, time to decide on the tactics and strategy of the future anti-capitalist revolution. But it is necessary to decide. We need to think about the leader (the leader), without whom not a single serious turn in History occurs. And most importantly: it is necessary to understand which organization will go to break through the capitalist bastion. What is the name of this organization? Yes, even a “party”. After all, the word “party” has long lost its original meaning, when “party” was the leading part of a certain class. But there are no clearly defined classes for a long time. Especially in Russia.

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