French character, features and differences from other nations. Main features of French absolutism

France is a unique country with an extraordinary population of more than 64 million people, 75.5% of whom are hereditary French living in urban areas, and only 74% of them speak exclusively French. native language. Annual population growth is more than 230 thousand people.
Get to know the way of life better French people, the features of his character and the main signs of the essence of men and women will be helped by this unique guide.

Everything is true about the French

Over the years, the established ethnic image of any Frenchman differs hypersensitivity to everything national and highly developed ambition. Based on ethnic characteristics, there are three personality types based on appearance.
The first refers to the descendants of the Gauls, which is characterized by tall French, blond hair, fair skin and Blue eyes. The second is the descendants of the Celts, characteristic type dark-haired brunette (ki) of medium or short height. The third are obvious descendants of legurs - short-headed and short with dark skin.
Among other things, all types are characterized by a straight nose, a slightly elongated face and, in most cases, a clear tendency towards thinness. Looking at a Frenchman, you can immediately understand that he is a refined nature, with a rich internal potential, full of romance and nobility.
Along with all the charm that emanates from everything French names have their own unique originality. It is not for nothing that many compare them with the singing of a nightingale - Louise, Elsa, Paul, Michel, which often once belonged to either grandmothers or grandfathers. However, modern families most often give their children names borrowed from other countries.
Over the course of centuries of history, distinctive features of the French have formed, which are manifested in their character and way of thinking. An analytical mind, a wealth of imagination, persistent inquisitiveness and courage in learning new things - this is the image modern Frenchman.
They are constantly driven by their restless temperament, so it is typical for them quick acceptance decisions sometimes contrary to common sense, but in any case this leads to a long-awaited result thanks to their extraordinary intuition.
They are also characterized by rapid excitability and short temper, which is often accompanied by increased emotionality. However, in everyday life- These are sarcastic, cheerful, sincere, a little boastful, but at the same time amazingly gallant people. According to statistics, France is considered the most frivolous country in the world. Many residents are fond of playing various lotteries, on which they spend huge amounts of money and are therefore known as slightly wasteful people.

The personality of each representative of the stronger sex of the French people, despite the characteristic originality of behavior and character, is endowed general features, which together form a certain stereotype.
The first is an irresistible joy for life, even despite the problems that have arisen, a true Frenchman will never fall into despondency and will not stir up a scandal out of the blue; most often everything turns into an ordinary joke and remains behind the walls of the house. For they consider it bad form to advertise personal troubles.
Second - increased attention towards their own person, the opinions of others are very important to them. They are characterized by careful choice of wardrobe and maintenance appearance. Chic and at the same time spiritual simplicity intertwined with real French humor is what especially influences the formation of each individual.
Third, they are romantic by nature and gallant from distant ancestors; for them, family is stability, peace, a reliable stronghold and support in life. difficult situation. It is not at all difficult for them to clean the apartment or babysit a child, from whom only one thing is required before reaching adulthood - to be able to behave at the table and keep up with their studies.
Hobbies include cooking, shopping, a nice car, your home and festive dinner parties, which are so revered in French families.

From the very early childhood representatives of the fairer sex are taught to take careful care of themselves, select clothes, and do not forget about good manners, so a mature Frenchwoman is self-sufficient woman, shining with attractiveness and endowed with a special charm. They have no equal in elegance; they manage to take incredible care of themselves in any situation. life situations– they are always at their best and look charming. Choosing and purchasing jewelry is one of the main passions of French women, for which they do not mind spending any money.
Family and work are no less for them important aspect in life, where raising children is given special attention. Whether in everyday life or in a restaurant, they have a special attractive charm and inner beauty.

French culture

What distinguishes the French is their zeal for special veneration of their cultural values, what they demand from everyone, at least in their presence. Recognition of other people's authorities is alien to them and this is completely justified. One need only mention the majestic cathedrals and churches that have become national treasure not only of this country, but of all humanity.
A special place The cultural consciousness of the French people is devoted to fashion, where all the diversity of its styles and trends is concentrated. Moreover, it gives the impression of an innate feeling own style every inhabitant of this country.
Moreover, when choosing a car, preference is given only to domestic manufacturers - this is a strict rule for more population.

Famous French

It's no secret that France is the “breadbasket” of the great minds of mankind, whose works and inventions have become the real heritage of all mankind. These are world-famous writers Jules Verne, Alexander Dumas, Victor Hugo, composers Charles Lecoq, Jacques Offenbach, couturier Pierre Cardin and Coco Chanel, singers Patricia Kaas and Marie Mathieu, and of course Napoleon I.
One cannot help but recall the famous painters Alfred Sisley, Henri Matisse, Edgar Degas.

In the 18th century, France was in a period active development capitalism. At this time, the country was preparing for intensive changes and restructuring - this ended with the well-known It was from this angle that the philosophy of the French enlightenment developed.

With such a course of development, the country, like the nation, needed a certain explanation of events and systematization of knowledge. The Renaissance period in France is characterized by very negative attitude to the feudal system, to the privileges of representatives noble origin. The philosophy of the French Enlightenment criticized religion and perceived the church only as an organ social influence and a way to manipulate the population.

On the other hand, the greatest minds of the time believed that the root of all evil is ignorance ordinary citizens, since limited mental development interfered with the normal perception of reality and understanding of one’s rights as a person. French enlightenment was based on the idea of ​​education. At the same time, it was believed that both the nobility and the nobility needed education. royal family— they needed to explain all the intricacies of government.

Philosophy and its main directions. During this period of development, three main points of view were clearly formed, each of which had its own adherents and followers:

  • Deism - this direction rejected the idea of ​​a personal God and the possibility that the divine principle has any influence on the course of events;
  • Materialism - developed under the influence of science, especially mechanics. Adherents of this direction believed that philosophy should summarize all scientific data. Of course, the existence of God was categorically rejected. Scientists explained the existence of the world only from the point of view of natural science;
  • The socialist, or utopian, direction developed after the revolution;

Philosophy of the French Enlightenment: Voltaire. Perhaps this is one of the most famous cultural and philosophical figures in history. This famous writer V certain time abandoned religion and its laws, joining a group of deists. Of course, Voltaire did not refuse, but he believed that God only creates the world, gives it a certain movement and does not prevent things from taking their course.

This famous thinker preached humane treatment to the common people. However, he believed that only the monarchy was the only ideal one. He saw the problem only in the rulers and their reluctance to take care of the uneducated poor people.

Philosophy of the French Enlightenment and its representatives.

J. J. Rousseau is another quite writer and teacher. He rejected the power of the church for its superstition, unjustified cruelty and fanaticism. At the same time, he recognized that the state needs a religion that would make citizens useful members of society. He even created the concept of a “civil” religion, which implied a belief in fair retribution for actions, reward for good and punishment for evil.

La Mettrie was a convinced atheist and rejected the possibility of the existence of God. Moreover, he denied the importance of religion for humanity and believed that true morality comes only with experience. This philosopher was inclined to think that every person is born evil, treacherous and vicious. And virtue and others positive qualities acquired in the process proper education.

Diderot - this scientist had slightly different views on life. He believed that man is born good by nature. Evil arises when a person grows up. The morality of a nation depends on its laws, social system of government and way of life.

Whatever traits are attributed to the French - they are too frivolous, lazy, unpunctual, depraved, too kind and mercantile. They are also gallant, sociable, playful and cheerful. As with any stereotypes, there is some truth in this, but behind all the listed features a rich, deep, subtle national character is hidden. Penetrating the secrets of the French mentality, foreigners are beginning to be more tolerant of the lateness, stinginess, and talkativeness of the French - after all, this is only one side of the coin, and on the other hand, they are easy-going, prudent and smart, polite and courteous.

The first thing that immediately catches your eye when meeting any Frenchman is this is the ability to speak well. The French are distinguished by easy and fast speech with graceful words(this beautiful French language - it’s impossible not to fall in love with it), interesting and beautifully expressed thoughts, the ability to convince and charm interlocutors, a subtle sense of humor. Those who believe that the inhabitants of France are carried away by empty chatter apparently do not know the language: the conversations are about politics, about philosophy, about literature, about culture. For the most part The French are smart and well-read, it’s not for nothing that there is a common saying that the Romans were created to conquer the world, the Russians - to feel, and the French - to think. Born philosophers, they are able to analyze their thoughts and actions and constantly feel the need to express their feelings and share their ideas.

TO national language The French have a reverent attitude. They can be charmed by just trying to speak French. True, for convenience they will immediately switch to English, which, however, most of them do not know very well and do not like. Same French residents express a caring attitude towards everything national: history, culture, literature, cuisine. They are distinguished by pride in their country and a desire for national isolation.

French temperament cannot be called calm, but thanks to their desire to follow the rules of etiquette and the ability to defuse the situation with witty comments, scandals and disputes rarely occur. Although they often act too impulsively, impudently and, at first glance, thoughtlessly - this is how French penchant for experimentation, for which they are often called frivolous. Flirting between a man and a woman- a common thing, even if they are strangers. Moreover, the absence of even a hint of seduction is perceived as discourtesy.

Due to their penchant for imagination and experimentation, the French, unlike the British, love everything new. They were the ones who became trendsetters both in clothing and in other areas of life. Passionate fans of any innovation, they eagerly await new products in cinema, technology, and design. Fashion in France changes rapidly, but the French enjoy such an active pace of life. It is surprising that with such a desire for everything new, they love old houses (they are specially restored to a minimum), antique things, aged wines, cheeses, cognac, old houses. For their food special treatment - a self-respecting Frenchman will never eat on the go, will never wash down cheese with juice or Coca-Cola, will never forget about the rules of table setting. But some culinary and eating habits, on the contrary, seem unacceptable to foreigners; for example, in restaurants, bread is placed directly on the table, and diligently dipping a piece of bread in the remnants of sauce or dipping cookies in coffee is not considered indecent. .

The French are less law-abiding than the Germans or the British, although they always strictly follow social norms and rules of etiquette. But punctuality is not included in the list of these norms, lateness- This national habit, and the higher social status person, the later he can come. They also take their work lightly; the French are slow to get into a business-like mood and often drink coffee in working hours, on Monday they may be significantly late. The lunch break is not one, but two hours, because lunch is not a quick snack, but a whole ceremony.

The emergence of absolutism How new form monarchy in France was caused by profound changes that occurred in the class and legal structure of the country. These changes were caused primarily by the origin capitalist relations . The development of capitalism proceeded faster in industry and trade, in agriculture For him, feudal ownership of land became an increasing obstacle. Serious obstacle on the way social progress The class system became archaic and conflicted with the needs of capitalist development. By the 16th century The French monarchy lost its previously existing representative institutions, but retained its class nature.

The inevitable result of the formation of capitalist way of life and the beginning decay of feudalism was the formation of absolutism. The transition to absolutism, although it was accompanied by a further strengthening of the king’s autocracy, was interested in the widest strata French society XVI-XVII centuries

Those who were interested in absolutism were:

1. nobility and clergy, (since for them due to the growth economic difficulties and political pressure from the third estate strengthening and centralization state power became the only opportunity to preserve their extensive class privileges for some time)

2. the growing bourgeoisie (which could not yet lay claim to political power, but needed royal protection from the feudal freemen, which arose again in the 16th century in connection with the Reformation and religious wars. The establishment of peace, justice and public order was cherished dream the bulk of the French peasantry, pinning their hopes for a better future on a strong and merciful royal power).

Gain royalty: supreme political power under absolute monarchy goes entirely to the king and does not share it with any government agencies. To do this, the kings needed to overcome the political opposition of the feudal oligarchy and the Catholic Church, eliminate class-representative institutions, create a centralized bureaucratic apparatus, standing army, police.

Already in the 16th century. The Estates General practically cease to function. In 1614 they were convened in last time, were soon disbanded and did not meet again until 1789. Some time to review projects important reforms and solving financial issues, the king gathered notables (feudal nobility). In the 16th century (according to the Bologna Concordat of 1516 and Edict of Nantes 1598), the king completely subjugated the Catholic Church in France.

As a kind of political opposition to royal power in the XVI-XVII centuries. spoke Paris Parliament, which by this time had become a stronghold of the feudal nobility and repeatedly used its right of remonstration and rejected royal acts. The Royal Ordinance of 1667 established that remonstration could only be declared within a certain period after the king issued the order, and repeated remonstration was not allowed. In 1668, King Louis XIV, appearing at the Paris Parliament, personally removed from its archives all the protocols relating to the Fronde period, i.e. to the anti-absolutist protests of the mid-17th century. In 1673, he also decided that parliament did not have the right to refuse registration of royal acts, and remonstration could only be declared separately. In practice, this deprived Parliament of its most important prerogative - to protest and reject royal legislation.

Changed and general idea about the power of the king and the nature of his specific powers. In 1614, at the proposal of the Estates General, the French monarchy was declared divine, and the power of the king began to be considered sacred. A new official title for the king was introduced: “king by god's grace". The ideas about the sovereignty and unlimited power of the king are finally established.

Features of French absolutism:

French absolutism was based on the concept of an inextricable connection between the king and the state, the absorption of the first by the second.

(It was believed that the king himself, his property, his family belonged to the French state and nation. Legally, the king was recognized as the source of any power that was not subject to any control. This, in particular, led to the consolidation of the king’s complete freedom in the sphere of legislation. Under absolutism legislative power belongs to him alone according to the principle: “one king, one law.” The king had the right of appointment to any state and church position, although this right could be delegated to lower officials. He was the final authority in all matters. public administration. The king made the most important foreign policy decisions, determined economic policy state, established taxes, acted as the supreme manager public funds. Judicial power was exercised on his behalf).

Difficulties in defining and comparing national characters give rise to long-term scientific discussions that have continued for more than a century, but have not yet led to final conclusions. Some scientists believe that national character is a reality manifested in the history, lifestyle, culture, and psychology of a nation. Another part believes that national character is just a myth, a stable psychological stereotype, while others think that national character is both, i.e. myth and reality. Without pretending to solve these complex issues, let's look at those features national character French, which are most often found in literature.

The nature of France is very diverse. Climatic features individual parts France influences the character of their population. The southern provinces are distinguished by their bright colors and expressive landscapes. Their residents are also famous for their intense emotionality. In the north there are endless pastures, fields, and orchards. The northern French are calmer and more respectable than the southerners. It is no coincidence that when meeting people, the French try, first of all, to find out their place of birth. Outwardly, stocky, dark-skinned southerners also differ from the thin, blue-eyed northerners.

Knowledge of human origin plays such a role important role because in France there are extremely strong stereotypes regarding the inhabitants of various provinces. In accordance with this, the Frenchman will build a model of his behavior. Normans are considered cautious, reserved, preferring vague, ambiguous answers. Bretons are famous for their stubbornness, which rarely can be overcome. The Marseilles are known as braggarts, and the Lyonnaises as stingy. Corsicans are described as proud, sacredly loyal to family ties, and unforgiving of insults.

The common thread for all French people is patriotism. They have deep respect for their history and culture. The French believe that it was in their homeland that the standards of democracy, science, philosophy, military art, gourmet cuisine, haute couture, etc. arose. By treating foreigners with friendliness and invariably polite French manners, the French do not lose their sense of exclusivity.

Another characteristic quality of the French is a sharp mind and rationalism, a tendency towards clear, precise, logical, elegantly formulated thoughts. The founder of French rationalism, Rene Descartes, demanded that nothing be taken for granted, that one’s opinions be clearly stated and strictly proven. From the natural version of Descartes' name - Cartesius - came the expression "Cartesianism", i.e. rigor, clarity, logic, which in high degree characteristic of the French. In France they like to say: “He who thinks clearly speaks clearly”; "it's not clear - it's not French."

Along with logic and rationalism characteristic feature The French character is considered to be a skeptical mindset, combined with freethinking and reluctance to obey authorities, authorities and established norms of behavior. Criticism and self-criticism are a kind of " national species sport". The French admit, not without pleasure, that they, unlike the Germans, are undisciplined, headstrong, love to argue, and prone to opposing authorities. The French tendency to criticize and protest is often associated with a quality they call individualism.

Thrift is one of the national qualities French. They strive to ensure a dignified old age for themselves and are afraid of humiliating poverty. The French do not like risky financial transactions, and there is always a desire to save more than to earn. Often French frugality develops into some form of stinginess.

Oratory is highly valued in France. The form is no less important than the content. The speech of the French is rich in epithets, hyperboles and comparisons. The speaker himself expects not only that the listeners will accept his position, but also that they will appreciate the beauty of the speech.

One more distinctive feature The French have a sense of humor. Wit in France is considered the most valuable quality speaker. However, French humor is not self-critical, and its edge is usually directed at the interlocutors. Very often a French joke borders on mockery. At the same time, the Frenchman is most afraid of ending up in funny situation. Therefore, for a Frenchman, humor is a unique form of defense. Foreigners also note some cynicism: for a Frenchman, there are no taboo topics for ridicule.

The French are great snobs. Their snobbery is manifested, for example, in what breeds of dogs they prefer to have. In Great Britain, these breeds have long gone out of fashion, but the French stubbornly continue to keep just such dogs (in France, the cocker spaniel and Scotch are still considered “chic”). The snobbery of the French can also be felt in the clothes they wear, in the choice of the area where they intend to live, or the school in which their children will study. The snobbery of the French is evident in where they buy things and food, where they eat and play tennis, where they take dance lessons, where they go on holiday and what kind of church they attend. French snobbery is perceived more easily than the snobbery of other nations due to the fact that it is based, rather, good taste, and not old-fashioned principles of what is right and what is wrong.

The French tend to be highly expressive. If, for example, when signing a letter, an unfamiliar Frenchman assures you of his most cordial feelings, it should not be taken literally in the same way as the assurances of readiness to be his most humble servant, common in the 19th century. It's just a desire to be nice. The French language itself is vibrant and expressive. An abundance of synonyms that carry semantic and emotional burden, allows you to express the slightest shades of a polysemantic concept. The number of French epithets is comparative only with the Russian language: in different situations words such as Parfaitement, Divinement, Magnifiquement, Drælement, Remarquablement, Parfaitement, Parfaitement bien (beautiful, divine, magnificent, wonderful, wonderful, etc.) are used. This provides the opportunity to clearly express one’s thoughts both in oral speech, and in the letter. French - good remedy to argue and defend own point vision. For the French, this is a kind of game - mastering the art of discussion, confusing and, if possible, driving your opponent into a corner, not allowing him to rest and object. French system education from childhood encourages clarity and eloquence of expression. French was once the internationally recognized language of diplomacy and was widely spoken on four continents. It's clinical exact language; many foreigners find it wonderful too.

In addition to language, the French actively use gestures. During a conversation, a Frenchman's hands are never calm. It is the hands that give his thoughts shape, outline, and volume. You can guess by the movements of your hands state of mind your interlocutor, about the level of his intelligence and heartfelt affections. In cases where others make do with intonation patterns and voice modulation, wanting to better express their feelings and experiences, the French also use eyes, hands, lips and shoulders, thus revealing the entire rich range human feelings. They kiss the tips of their fingers if they really like something. They raise their palm to their forehead as if intending to scalp themselves when they are full. They raise their shoulders mournfully if they are warped by some absurdity. They pat their cheeks with the back of their hands when they are bored. They take a long breath when they are irritated. Even without knowing a word of French, you can understand that you are being insulted, because... At the same time, the French stage a whole diplomatic act, using obscene gestures and disgusting grimaces. The French are great at using insults. They have gestures for everything - for disapproval, distrust, superiority, apology and regret, mild bewilderment and extreme surprise, for confusion and melancholy. This is why the French consider it terribly impolite if you talk to them with your hands in your pockets. Such liveliness of languages ​​once again confirms that the French are emotional.

The French are sociable, it is difficult to embarrass them, and they are truly created for all sorts of ceremonial banquets, weddings, festivals, holidays that turn into real performances. It is festivities, entertainment, shows, wine, cuisine, love affairs that occupy great place in their lives. At the same time, the French are confident that they have common sense, practical, economical, committed to property, able to count, save money.

All these contradictory qualities are difficult to combine into a common picture: some of them give grounds for respect, others for criticism. Nevertheless, all these qualities give an idea of ​​the character of the nation and allow us to identify the specifics of communication of the French at the social and business level.

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