Personal growth of a person: what is it and why is it needed? Personal growth of a person and his inner potential. What is personal growth

Personality is one of key concepts philosophy, sociology and psychology. This term is often found not only in scientific research and treatises, but also in our everyday life. How often do we hear in everyday life phrases such as "odious personality", " interesting personality", "outstanding personality". What is she all about? And what does the word “personality” mean?

There are many definitions of this concept. If we combine and simplify them, it turns out that personality is a system of moral qualities of a person acquired by him in the process of interaction with society. That is, the individual is not endowed with it from birth, it is formed in the process of learning about the world and communicating with other people.

Personality is a quality that manifests itself in the processes of activity, creativity, perception and communication. It is divided into several components- temperament, character, abilities, as well as cognitive-cognitive, need-motivational and emotional-volitional spheres. Temperament represents the characteristics of perception and neuro-dynamic organization of personality. Character is a generalized concept that includes the entire spectrum of sustainable psychological properties personality. Abilities are those that provide the ability to perform various types activities.

It should also be taken into account that personality is not a solid monolithic quality, it is a whole system various properties. Its main features include emotionality, activity, self-regulation and motivation. Emotionality determines a person’s sensitivity to various situations that arise and the dynamics of the emergence and course of experiences in him. By activity we mean the frequency and completeness of performing certain actions. Self-regulation is an individual’s voluntary control of one or another of his or her parameters. And the urge is to action. A holistic personality has the full set of these qualities.

At all times, there have been problems such as the state and the individual. Sometimes conflicts may arise between an individual and society. Their reasons lie in the impossibility of satisfying the individual’s needs for communication, self-realization and activity in a given social structure. To avoid such conflicts, the state issues laws to protect people's rights. Thus, a comfortable existence of the individual as a part of the state and society is achieved.

One more reverse side desire for self-expression. Entire sections of psychology are devoted to their solution. After all, a person is a complex of interests, principles and judgments that do not always coincide with the thoughts of the people around him. To achieve a calm and peaceful society one must learn to avoid conflict situations and see individuality in the people around you. This will probably become possible someday, as society is developing for the better every day. In the meantime, we can only learn to see personality not only in ourselves, but also in each of those who surround us.

Sooner or later, all people begin to think about new stage personal growth. The point is that such a process life path simply inevitable. After all, there are no limits to perfection. Everyone comes to the stage of self-knowledge in completely different ways: some begin to improve with early childhood, and some only in mature age. In any case, personal growth is present in our lives. The only question is whether we can hold it and continue to move in the right direction.

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Personal growth- a concept familiar to everyone who has at least once achieved success along their path. Without this process it will not be complete. active life, but the result will only be a purposeless existence. Few people want to spend their whole lives settling in the quagmire of their swamp, without moving further in the direction of their goals.
People have deep potential for development own skills, embedded in them from birth. They are created for great achievements, unprecedented discoveries, to conquer new heights and educate the next generation. Each person decides for himself which path he will choose. Either throughout your life, constantly improve yourself and grow further, or carelessly go with the flow, without developing in any way.

Personal growth will come only when the person himself wants it, having made his share of efforts. Therefore, it is always important to remember that this process requires special attention, as well as great works.

What is personal growth?

Personal growth is a long, labor-intensive process own improvement as a true individual with special talents and unique features character. This process carries both personal and social benefits. The fact is that on the path of personal growth a person develops in order to declare himself in society, to achieve some positive results in the chosen business, heights in the social sphere. That is, he receives not only spiritual and personal development, but also recognition in society, without which it is difficult to find his niche.

Each of us has in our subconscious perfect image our own “I”, to which we automatically strive. Such an ideal is created through self-identification with idols and public people, as well as from personal ideas about what is “good” and what is “bad.” Therefore, we create ourselves, just as a sculptor carves out another sculpture, so we cultivate in ourselves a new quality or skill. This is the most accurate and simple indicator of personal growth.

10 Signs of Personal Growth:

The famous Russian psychologist Vladimir Lvovich Levi, thanks to many years of work, was able to deduce the main signs of personality development. These include:
1. Increasing the flow of interests and hobbies;
2. Strengthening life views and positions;
3. The emergence of interconnection, understanding of the actions of other people;
4. Awareness of your needs and desires;
5. Finding inner freedom, liberation of thought;
6. Unauthorized acceptance of responsibility for one’s actions;
7. Upholding personal opinions and interests;
8. Full acceptance of yourself as a unique individual;
9. Inevitable work on one’s own shortcomings;
10. Search for internal talents, their further development.

If at least one of the above listed signs observed in your life, undoubtedly you are on the right track personal growth and self-development. Don't stop there achieved result, because there is still a lot of work ahead to create an ideal personality.

Personal growth of a person and his inner potential

Personal potential is a person’s greatest ability to improve their own talents and skills. It is embedded in each of us from birth. This potential gives us the opportunity to try the life we ​​want, to be exactly who we want to see ourselves as. Without developing internal potential, personal growth is simply impossible. After all, a strong relationship keeps them close to each other.

With the growth of personality, new discoveries and opportunities for achievements come to people. Thus, they become more significant and valuable to society. If you don’t bury your potential in vain, but work hard to realize it, then it is quite possible to achieve great heights in life and a respectful position in society.

Through self-knowledge to personal growth

The process of self-discovery has always been a part of every person’s life. It doesn't matter what age, height or skin color he is. We all gradually learn our habits, characteristics, reveal our inner “I” and our own potential. Every action contains a person’s choice, his idea, his thought. Therefore, actions are part of self-knowledge. For example, the common saying “a friend in need is a friend” applies perfectly to this conclusion. No one knows in advance how he will behave in a given situation until he himself gets there and shows his abilities.

Drawing a conclusion, we can say that without self-knowledge it is quite difficult to understand in which direction it is worth developing further, where there are shortcomings that need to be eliminated and which character traits require improvement. Without knowing thoroughly own abilities, it is not possible to improve them to the required level. Only those who are not afraid to study themselves are capable of further personal growth. Those who strive to become more perfect are always ready to overcome difficulties in life. this path, are not afraid of change and are open to new events.

Self-discovery through destruction

It can be very different, and sometimes even dangerous for humans. You never know where your own thoughts, ideas and desires will take you. Sometimes, in order to learn about the possibilities inherent within yourself, you have to descend into the darkest corners of your personality. If you accept your own “I” as it really is, you should also take into account its shortcomings. Smart man not only will he accept them, he will begin to work on transforming them into virtues.

Was mentioned in the popular teen comedy Bridesmaids wonderful quote: “Falling to the very bottom is not so terrible, because now the only way is up.” The meaning of this phrase is quite simple; it motivates you to never despair, even if your thoughts and desires have led you to a dead end. There is always a way out, the main thing is to take advantage of any situation and draw conclusions that will be useful in the future.

Personal growth trainings

Not all people are able to deal with impending problems on their own. And this is quite normal! For example, when a person has a toothache, he naturally goes to the doctor. The same should happen with mental wounds. If a person has a crisis in his life, he cannot find motivation for action or a solution to a depressing problem, then he needs urgent help from a specialist.

In Russia in lately are gaining great popularity. They are aimed at motivating the audience for their self-realization. In fact, for many of us, such practices are simply vital! At such events you will be taught how to believe in yourself and unlock your deep potential, as well as how to properly use these resources to achieve personal growth.
Why do we need personal growth training?

Such trainings are an incentive, an impetus for the beginning of decisive changes in life for the better. They allow you to see a positive future, as well as discern in yourself certain inclinations for its implementation. At such events it is important to believe in their results. If you come there with the attitude of an inveterate skeptic, then even the most experienced coach will hardly be able to convince you. Remember that the main task of a coach is to motivate and stimulate the audience, the rest is just your efforts and work.

Criticism of personal training programs

Unfortunately, for residents of Russia, training practices are newest discovery Accordingly, they raise doubts in the eyes of people. Why is this happening? The answer is quite simple, it is always difficult for a person to believe in promises from the outside until he himself sees a clear result.

The main problem of the trainings was human laziness. A trainer is able to put knowledge and motivation into the heads of listeners, but only from their independent work will depend on achieving your goals. No matter how much the coach tries to convey to the listener the need for certain actions, until the listener himself tries to implement them, changes will not come. This is where criticism of training comes from. Many people who come to them expect instant changes, but they don’t always get them, because they don’t want to put in much effort or effort.

The positive outcome and benefits of personal growth training will only come when the participants themselves begin to apply own strength to achieve them.

Sociology of personality I.S. Con

Soviet and Russian sociologist Igor Semyonovich Kon argued in his works that the concept of personality refers to one specific person and explains his individuality and difference from other people.
To the main distinctive features personality I.S. Cohn attributed:
1. The specifics of the structure of everyday life;
2. Individual characteristics;
3. The individual’s activities.
As for the importance of personal growth for society, here, of course, it plays important role. Without a certain status in society, it is quite difficult to occupy an advantageous position. If an individual does not comply with social norms of behavior, then he will most likely face misunderstanding from the people around him.

The human “I” according to Freud

Sigmund Freud is the most familiar person to modern society. Austrian psychoanalyst, a psychiatrist and neurologist, put forward many theories and opinions on the topic of the human “I” and its self-expression.

According to S. Freud, individuality is created independently, with the help of analysis of the surrounding world and already existing ideals. Every member of society strives for recognition, which is why it is so important for him to achieve the canons of a sustainable ideal. But it is important to remember that “there are as many opinions as there are people in the world.” Based on this, it is easy to conclude that true personality is the result of a person’s self-education and self-development. And personal growth is a process of self-realization.

Why is personal growth necessary? We draw conclusions:

  • To start life with a “clean slate”;
  • Searching for inner potential;
  • Spiritual improvement;
  • Victory over yourself;
  • Receiving recognition;
  • Skill improvements;
  • Finding yourself;
  • Development of personal abilities;
  • Creating and using new opportunities.


Sometimes we all need a push for self-development, having received it, it is not difficult to truly achieve high performance. Even those people who have already achieved full realization in life should not stop there. There is always something to strive for, in which direction to move further, to become even better!

And if you are confused in yourself and don’t know how to correctly set goals on the path to success, then personal growth trainings will definitely help you untangle the tangle of your capabilities and direct them towards the right direction. Sometimes it is good motivation and valuable incentive that we so lack on the road to our goals. Good luck!

1. Origin and definition of the concept of “personality”
The word personality has long history and its contents have changed over the centuries. It comes from Latin word persona, used even before the new era. Cicero used this term in four meanings - very different, related to the theater, with which its original meaning was connected.

Firstly, persona, like the mask of a stage actor. Secondly, persona, as the role he plays. Thirdly, persona, like the actor himself. And finally, fourthly, persona is the source that provides historical development, where the main thing becomes social character, dignity, distinctive property, which an individual possesses.

In antiquity, attempts were made to derive this expression from the verb personare, meaning something like “to sound continuously” or “to fill with sounds.” Late antiquity called a person a person to emphasize that he is not only a natural organism, but reveals purely human properties.

Personality is a very mobile phenomenon. Firstly, the human individual is not always a person. He acquires the status of a sane subject, i.e. possesses rational motivation and is responsible for his actions and may lose it forever or for some time due to illness. Secondly, full sanity, i.e. the ability to dispose of property, one’s body, different societies recognized with the onset of various ages. In India it is 12 years, in Russia - 18, in Britain - 21. Thirdly, there are psychological, moral and the narrowest legal boundaries of the individual. For parents, their baby is already an individual from birth. But only for them. Because for society, he is a being who is not yet capable of answering for himself, and other parents and guardians bear responsibility for him.

2. Individual, individuality and personality

To understand what a personality is, it is necessary, first of all, to distinguish it from an individual, which is much more difficult than it seems at first glance. For a long time personality and individual were almost identical to each other and often these concepts were used together. Then, in the course of cognition, they were contrasted with each other, giving the word “individual” a lesser, and sometimes pejorative, meaning.

The term “individual” is used primarily to designate any individual representative human race. In social philosophy, the word “individual” has long been used to designate a single representative of a group (historically defined society, community, corporation). An individual is exemplary; it is not just “one,” but always “one of.” The differences between people as individuals are, firstly, differences between the very social groups to which they belong, and secondly, differences in how fully the typical characteristics of one and the same group are expressed in its different representatives.

The individual is a social being; he is social by nature. According to E. Fromm, social history man began with the fact that he grew from a state of unity with nature, realizing himself as a being separate from the world around him and from other people. First of all, man separated from nature. By becoming an "individual", he took the first step towards becoming a man.

According to Jean Lacroix, Labertoniere contrasted the individual and personality most radically. For him, everything is subordinated to the personality’s own ontology, to what determines the nature of its existence and complicates the concept of “I” and its relationship to others and to the world. Knowledge of the latter can only be scientific, however, according to Labertoniere, science is not that significant. "Things" outside world are intended only to be used; they are objects of knowledge, but this knowledge is relative from beginning to end. “Scientism” makes science a “modern idol.” The world is nothing more than a projection of our feelings, elevated to the rank of being. Only psychology distinguishes a person from an animal and makes him a person. Only true psychology teaches us that “people” are unique and, therefore, each of us, each “I,” is also unique. This uniqueness of every human being does not allow any of us to repeat anyone else. This is the first, fundamental characteristic of personality.

So, the individual is an atomic part of society. Individuality is the link between the individual and the personality.

Individuality is the unique identity of a person, a set of his unique properties. The concept of individuality distinguishes a person from the mass or group. Here the “atomicity”, “elementarity”, “instance” of man is overcome. At the same time, the dissimilarity of this subject from others emerges.

Man, as an individual, expresses himself in productive actions, and his actions interest us only to the extent that they receive limited objective embodiment. The opposite can be said about personality: only actions are interesting in it. The very achievements of the individual (for example, labor achievements, discoveries, creative successes) are interpreted by us, first of all, as actions, i.e. intentional, voluntary behavioral acts. Personality is the initiator sequential series life events, or, as M.M. accurately defined. Bakhtin, "subject of emergence." The dignity of a person is determined not so much by how much a person has succeeded, whether he has succeeded or not, but by what he has taken under his responsibility, what he allows himself to impute.

Thus, an individual is a human specimen that has differences from other creatures. Individuality is an expression of even greater dissimilarity from others. Personality is an individual endowed with many social properties.

3. Basic personality characteristics
Personality is holistic, it includes spirit, soul, and body. Personality is also the preservation of integrity and unity, the preservation of the same single, unique image in constant change, creativity and activity. It has an unconscious basis, but presupposes heightened self-awareness, consciousness of unity in change.

The personality, which always carries within itself psychophysiological individuality, also has another feature - the desire for self-giving, for unification with another and with others, which can end in the sacrifice of the individual. To become a person means to do justice to the individual moment in the very high value these words. This presupposes that each individual has values. They are related to mutual exchange desires arising from the consciousness of individuals. For most people, the primary value is work.

The concept of “personality” has been developed in many ways by religious philosophy. V.S. Solovyov emphasizes, first of all, the inexhaustibility of personality as an expression of the universal. “The human personality was written by V.S. Solovyov and, therefore, every individual person has the opportunity to carry out unlimited activity, or a special form of infinite content. According to the philosopher, personality is inexhaustible, in this he sees an axiom of moral philosophy.

The value of these reflections by V.S. Solovyov is that he does not at all limit personal wealth to the framework of a specific society, that civil loyalty to society cannot always be realized in conditions of devotion social structure. Since humanity is faced with the experience of totalitarian regimes. From this follows the idea that the sociality of the individual goes beyond the boundaries of a specific social organism. The personality relates itself to the universal practice of humanity.

Personality is openness not only to others, but also to the world. Just as memory testifies to our presence in ourselves, sensation testifies to our presence in the world. To strive to renounce one’s earthly origins means to renounce oneself as a person. So, openness to oneself, the world and others is characteristic feature true personality.

According to Berdyaev, personality is not nature; it does not belong to the objective, natural hierarchy, as a subordinate part of it. Man is a person not by nature, but by spirit. By nature he is only an individual, like an animal or a plant. Personality is a breakthrough into the spiritual sphere. A person may have bright personality and have no personality. A person is not a part and cannot be a part in relation to any whole, at least to a huge whole, the whole world. Personality is the unchangeable in change, unity in diversity.

Personality is not an absolute: personality is a relationship. A person has many of these relationships, they are very diverse: family life, education, professional life, etc. In all these cases, the true personality expresses itself with the help of two fundamental concepts: right and love. The role of law is to establish relations between people that are still quite “impersonal” in the sense that they affect them only as individuals. Essentially, it is necessary that law be inspired from above. And it is the inspiration of love that comes to personalize the concept of law. Love is the revelation of the second “I” and the other in the otherworldly sphere, which simultaneously substantiates their connection and difference. Just as love inspires true law, law acts as a necessary guarantee against coercion to love.

From the above we can conclude next output that a person is always holistic, self-sufficient, multifaceted, but at the same time always remains in unity. Not everyone can become a person; “personality” becomes a characteristic of a higher being, which is a person who can keep his actions to himself.

4. Personal development
Personality is constant creativity. Personality can be defined by its ability to create, to confront: the human personality is more a conquest than something given, it lives, constantly indulging in creativity, from here two consequences follow that clarify and clarify everything that we have said so far. Personality constantly penetrates the individual, shaping and developing him. She respects what characterizes individuality, its unity, integrity, difference from all other individuals. The role of personality is to develop individuals, in a certain sense to educate, change, in a word, to elevate them. Personality is not the creator of the individual, it is what permeates him, guides him, entails him. The second consequence is that personality is not completely created, it needs to be created.

According to Jean Lucroy, there are three essential elements of the concept of personality: Originality - Rationality - Vocation.

Vocation is “a marriage of character and value. A person must seek, find and develop in himself what he, as such, really is. However, he never achieves this completely. Strictly speaking, in any human life there is what is called "beyond" in relation to him, which he must constantly strive for and which he must use, not the name of the opportunity to achieve completely. The creative source is within himself: he can and must use and deepen it. Consequently, the personality achieves self-understanding only if it comes into contact with this deep activity in which it reveals itself as creative personality, while simultaneously catching the call of other people in the same source. Become yourself and become a person - these expressions define various aspects the same process. Human existence“personal” in its essence if we do not give the word “personal” the same pejorative meaning that is sometimes given to the word “personality”. The personality does not join as something external to the impersonal, which it can carry within itself, it permeates it from the very beginning, and its goal should be continuous self-development. The historical character requires involvement from our lives, which has become a condition for humanizing the world. Our human existence is intertwined with a collective destiny, and its meaning is ours. own life can only be realized if it participates in the history of a large number of collectives to which we belong. With every step, roads to the future open before us, representing a set of specific opportunities. We must live with perspective, being ahead of ourselves. The core of personality is unbreakable loyalty. The individual must become involved by connecting himself to what he is responsible for.

The problem of personality is one of the most pressing topics in modern psychology. This term is characterized by some features; it is worth noting that these do not include genetic or physiological aspects. In addition, psychological and individual person. Rather, they include deep-seated social features that indicate the direction of human life and reflect the nature of man as the author of his life. So, what is personality is a question many people ask, so we should consider the basic definitions.

Broadly understood, personality is a substance that internally distinguishes one person from another.

There are three different definitions, which describe the concept of personality.
1. The concept is interpreted as the individuality of a person, which indicates his life experience, values, aspirations, abilities, spiritual development and temperament. If we consider this understanding in more detail, we can say that humans and animals have it, since each animal has its own individual characteristics and character.
2. With an intermediate understanding, the concept of personality is a subject of society that has social and personal role. This definition of the concept of personality belongs to Adler and begins with social feeling. After all, finding and feeling great is not an easy task; if a person copes with it successfully, then it develops into something higher. That is, in this concept such a person is a subject who interacts with other people at the level of habits.
3. Narrow understanding: personality is a subject of culture, a self. He is defined as a person who is the author of his life. That is, the child is not one, but may or may not become one.
The definition of such a concept as a person can be anything. However, all definitions have a general meaning.

Personality problems in the psychological aspect

If the concept of an individual is accompanied general qualities homo sapiens, then the concept of personality has a close and inextricable connection with the concept of individuality, that is, with social qualities, with a person’s attitude to the world, with his abilities. A person can be characterized by the level of his consciousness, by the degree of correlation of his own consciousness with the consciousness of society. A person's ability to public relations. The main points that characterize the concept under consideration include the following:

  • Attitude to society;
  • Attitude towards individuals from society;
  • Attitude towards oneself;
  • Attitude to one's own work responsibilities.

Based on these criteria, we can explain what personality is. Also, the main characteristic is the level of awareness of the relationship and the degree of its stability. In the concept of personality, an important role is played by its position, as well as the ability to implement relationships, which depends on how developed creativity person, his knowledge and skills. After all, no person is born with ready-made abilities or qualities; they are formed throughout life. The hereditary component does not determine the level of development, it is only responsible for physiological abilities personality, qualities nervous system. But in biological organization A person has his natural capabilities associated with mental development. A person becomes a person only thanks to social heredity, the experience of other generations, which are consolidated in knowledge, traditions, and cultural objects. The problem of personality lies in numerous points that are basic for

Personality formation

The formation of human nature occurs under strictly defined conditions. The demands of society often determine the model. And what actually acts as natural characteristics of a person’s essence is actually represented by the consolidation of social requirements for behavior. Below we will consider what stages a person goes through in the process of becoming.
Main driving force- This internal contradictions, which arise between needs that are constantly growing and the possibility of satisfying them. An entity formed in normal conditions, is constantly growing and developing its capabilities, while creating new needs. The main problem of personality is considered in psychology and philosophy and includes its definition as such.

How to determine the level of personality development

The level at which a person’s problem is located, its development, can be determined by its relationships. As a rule, undeveloped persons are limited to mercantile interests. If it is highly developed, then this indicates that relations of social significance predominate in it, and numerous abilities of the individual are observed both for social relations and also for. Every individual spends his life making decisions quite complex tasks, and the essence is largely manifested in the way he solves these very problems. After all, each person solves difficulties using different methods.
Understanding an individual means understanding what life values he has priorities, what principles he is guided by when solving problems. The problem of personality lies in self-awareness and self-improvement, which must be continuous.


There are several main personality types:

  • Socialized - which are adapted to the conditions of social life.
  • Desocialized - who deviate from the requirements of society. These include marginalized individuals. The problem of personality in in this case lies in non-acceptance by society.
  • Mentally abnormal are persons who have some delays in mental development, psychopaths. Here the personality problem is that people try to avoid such persons.

A socialized normal entity has a number of features. She has autonomy, assertion of her own individuality. If there are critical situations, socialized nature retains its strategy, does not change its life principles and positions. If there are extreme situations and psychological breakdowns, such a nature can prevent consequences by reassessing values. The concept of such a personality involves maintaining an optimal mood in any situation.

If an individual is mentally balanced, then he builds friendly relationships with other people and is altruistic in relation to their needs. When building life plans a normal nature comes from reality, has a sense of honor and justice. She is persistent about achieving goals and can easily adjust own behavior. The sources of success or failure for her are herself, and not external circumstances.

If there are difficult situations, Fine developed individual able to take responsibility and take justifiable risks.
So, the human essence is something that has the consciousness of its own isolation, which allows it to be free from the dictates of power, to remain calm under any conditions. Such abilities of the individual make it and contribute to its further development.
The core is spirituality, which is represented by the highest manifestation of human essence, commitment to morality.


The structure consists of a number of elements - personality abilities, among which the following can be distinguished:

  • Self-awareness. That is, she is aware of any actions and considers only herself to be the source of her life. Self-awareness is aimed at the consciousness of one’s own self, and next to this concept is self-improvement, which also plays an important role in the formation of the human essence.
  • Direction characterizes its character traits, goals, directions for achieving them. Focus is the most important element and characterizes social and spiritual development. Direction is the leading element in the structure, and also allows you to get an idea of ​​the personality as a whole.
  • Temperament and character. These qualities are formed under the influence public opinion, and are also transmitted genetically. Temperament means certain properties psyches, which act as the foundation for the formation. Such qualities are equally manifested in any human activity, since they are basic.
  • Mental processes and states. They can be transmitted genetically, but, as a rule, they are formed throughout life.
  • The abilities of the individual, as well as his inclinations, must develop continuously; it is thanks to their development that growth is supported. The abilities of any individual are acquired and are formed depending on a number of factors.
  • Psychic experience. This fragment is also very important in the formation of the entity.

Thus, the structure is quite extensive and unique, each link must be fully implemented.
The concept of personality is quite broad and versatile, it is characterized by such factors as temperament, behavior, abilities, mental health. The problem of personality lies in the main points of its formation, which are associated with behavior, development, skills and abilities. Human nature is diversified and special, and the main task is to create the most comfortable conditions for further development.

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