Which country does Tatarstan belong to? Population of Tatarstan and its ethnic composition

The history of Tatarstan (Republic of Tatarstan) is perhaps the best illustration of what the very spirit of Eurasia represents.
The first state - Volga Bulgaria - was formed at the end of the 9th - beginning of the 10th century. Here a slight digression from the history of Tatarstan itself is necessary: ​​the context of this is important historical period. In 453, after the death of the Hun leader Attila, his empire collapsed. The ancient Bulgars, one of the Turkic tribes that fought in his army along with the Huns, formed in the 630s. state Great Bulgaria. By the middle of the 7th century. it fell apart. The most numerous part of the Bulgars headed south, where they assimilated with the South Slavic tribes and created the state of Danube Bulgaria. In the middle of the 9th century. the Slavs found everything in it more weight, part of the Bulgars adopted Christianity. These are the ancestors of modern Bulgarians (to avoid confusion in historiography, the southern Bulgars, assimilated with the Slavs, are called Bulgarians, the northern ones - Bulgars). Another part of them, which submitted to the Khazars and was called historical chronicles“black Bulgars”, associated with modern Balkars and Karachais (“black-faced”). The third group headed to the Middle Volga region, where at the end of the 8th century. together with other Turkic tribes, at first also fell under the rule of the Khazars and assimilated with them. And then she moved further north, to the confluence of the Volga and the river. Here they began to build Volga Bulgaria with its capital, the city of Bulgar, switched to a sedentary lifestyle and began to engage in agriculture and cattle breeding, metal smelting and processing, pottery production and jewelry making, minted their own coin indicating the place of minting - “Bulgar al-Jadid”, that is, the New Bulgar. Other cities arose, and among them Bulyar (Bilyar). Kazan at that time was a border fortress. The borders of the state in the north reached the interfluve of the Volga and Vyatka, and in the south - the Samara River. The population of Volga Bulgaria was a mixture of various Turkic, Finno-Ugric and Slavic tribes, with the dominance of the former. In 922, at the request of the ruler of Volga Bulgaria, Almas Khan, an embassy arrived from Baghdad and the state converted to Islam. External relations based on trade, Volga Bulgaria had with different states, the most important were connections with Russia.
Begins in 1236 Mongol conquest Eastern Europe. In 1238-1240s. Mongols conquer Rus'. In 1243, on the site of Volga Bulgaria, the ulus of Jochi of the Golden Horde was formed. In the 14th century, during the heyday of the Golden Horde, the Old Bulgarian language, like the languages ​​of other Turkic tribes, was absorbed by the languages ​​of the Kipchak and Chagatai, preserving part of the vocabulary of the Finno-Ugric languages ​​(Old Hungarian, Mari, Mordovian, Udmurt), as well as Arabic, Persian and Russian languages. The ethnic group speaking this new language has been around since the end of the 14th century. in historical chronicles they are referred to as Tatars. In the 15th century Golden Horde splits into several states, one of them - Khanate of Kazan, which arose in 1438. In 1487, as a result of the campaign of Russian troops against Kazan, its ruler Ali Khan was overthrown, and his brother, Muhammad Emin, became a vassal of the Prince of Moscow Ivan III. In 1524, Safa-Girey became the Khan of Kazan, under which Kazan came under the rule of Turkish Sultan. In 1551, by order of Ivan IV the Terrible, the Sviyazhsk fortress was built at the confluence of the Sviyaga and the Volga, and in 1552, the Terrible, at the head of an army of 150 thousand soldiers, conquered the city.
Beginning with the conquest of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible, the relationship between Russian and Tatar peoples were generally calm, but by no means simple.
It is not known exactly who is the author of the popular expression “Scratch a Russian and you will find a Tatar”; most likely this is a somewhat paraphrased thesis from A. de Custine’s essay “Russia 1839”: “After all, a little more than a hundred years ago they were real Tatars.” In these words, which have become a proverb, there is, in fact, nothing that infringes on the national dignity of Russians or Tatars. After all, what is meant is not genetics, but the interpenetration of cultures. Many Russian aristocrats were by birth Tatars, and others were Germans, and most of them were men of honor and duty, that is what is essential, not origin. L.N. Gumilyov classified the Tatars as “Caucasians of the East.” Modern historians deny the concept of Soviet historiography " Tatar-Mongol yoke" The progressive role of the Golden Horde in strengthening the Russian state has been proven; a huge number of Turkisms live in the Russian language, as well as Russianisms and borrowings from other languages ​​in Tatar that came through the Russian language. It is also undeniable that before Peter I Russia had little in common with Western Europe. Just as Tatarstan did not and does not resemble Mongolia, it has much more in common with states Central Asia. But even more - with historical Russia. Discussions on the topic of national Tatar identity and mentality sometimes reach great intensity, halftones are swept aside, but both Russia and Tatarstan, it seems, need to go through this stage of understanding their, no matter how you look at it, common past, in Soviet period interpreted very one-sidedly.

As part of Russia, the former Kazan Khanate began to be called first the Kazan Kingdom, then the Kazan Governorate, which was governed by a governor appointed directly by the Emperor of Russia. After February Revolution 1917 project arose nation state Tatars and Bashkirs State of Idel-Ural, but its real embodiment was only the Zabulachnaya Republic in the Tatar part of Kazan, which existed from March 1 to March 28, 1918. In parallel, a project of the Tatar-Bashkir Republic was being created in Moscow, which remained only on paper. On May 27, 1920, a decree was signed on the formation of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic as part of the RSFSR - this is how the word “Tataria” (“Tatarstan”) came into official circulation for the first time in relation to this land. August 30, 1990 Supreme Council The TASSR adopted a declaration on the state sovereignty of Tatarstan, transforming it into the “Tatar Soviet Socialist Republic- Republic of Tatarstan”, and after the collapse of the USSR, from February 7, 1992, this name is shortened to “Republic of Tatarstan”. March 31, 1992 Tatarstan refuses to sign the Federative Treaty. On November 30, 1992, a new Constitution of the Republic of Tatarstan was adopted, declaring it sovereign state. In December 1993, when the all-Russian referendum on new Constitution Russia and the authorities of Tatarstan declared a boycott of him. However, some residents of the multinational republic, despite this, took part in the vote. The majority of them (74.84%) were in favor of adopting the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Since 2000, in accordance with the amendments made to the Constitution of the republic, Tatarstan has become an “equal subject Russian Federation, defining Tatarstan as a subject of the Russian Federation."
Today Tatarstan is one of the most successful in economically regions of Russia, ranks 6th in terms of GRP. The republic's foreign trade turnover at the end of 2010 amounted to $16.9 billion (125.3% compared to 2009). The network of technology parks is actively developing. In 2005, the 1000th anniversary of Kazan was widely celebrated. They prepared very seriously for this date, and the capital of the republic was noticeably transformed into better side. In 2013, the XXVII World Summer Universiade will be held in Kazan.


General information

, a subject of the Russian Federation as part of the Volga region federal district, part of the Volga region economic region.

Form of government: presidential-parliamentary republic. Established on May 27, 1920 as the autonomous Tatar Socialist Soviet Republic.

Administrative division: 43 districts and 14 cities of republican significance.

Capital: Kazan, 1,161,308 people. (2012).

Languages: Russian, Tatar.

Ethnic composition: Tatars - 53.2% (including Kryashens), Russians - 39.7%, Chuvash - 3.1%, as well as Udmurts, Mordovians, Mari, Ukrainians, Bashkirs, Azerbaijanis, Belarusians, Armenians, Jews and others (total Representatives of 115 nationalities live in Tatarstan) - 4%.

Religions: Islam (Sunni), Orthodoxy, small communities of Jews, Buddhists, Hare Krishnas.

Largest cities: Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Zelenodolsk, Nizhnekamsk, Almetyevsk, Bugulma, Elabuga.

Largest rivers: Volga (177 km across the territory of the republic) and Kama (380 km).

Largest reservoirs: Kuibyshevskoe, Nizhnekamskoe, Zainskoe, Karabashskoe.

Most important airport: international airport Kazan.


Area: 67,847 km2.

Population: 3,802,285 people (2012).

Population density: 56 people/km 2 .

The most high point: Chatyr-tau (Tent Mountain) - 367 m.

Distance from Kazan to Moscow: 797 km.

Climate and weather

Temperate continental.

Average January temperature:-13°C.

Average temperature in July:+19°С.

Average annual precipitation: 500 mm.


GRP: 1250 billion rubles. (2011).

GRP per capita: 245.2 thousand rubles. (2010).
6 economic zones (territorial production complexes (TPK)). On the territory of the Nizhne-Kama economic zone there is a special economic zone Alabuga (Elabuga), as well as the Nizhnekamsk petrochemical and Naberezhnye Chelny automotive clusters.

Minerals: reserves of oil, gas, coal, gypsum, limestone, dolomite, marl, gravel and clay. There are also deposits of oil shale, brown and coal, bitumen, phosphorites, bauxite, peat and copper.
Industry: oil production and natural gas, oil refining and petrochemical, chemical (production of polyethylene, pipes and pipeline parts from thermoplastics, synthetic rubber, car tires, film and magnetic tape, nitrogen and phosphate mineral fertilizers, products inorganic chemistry), mechanical engineering and metalworking: production trucks(KAMAZ), ships, passenger airliners, helicopters, laser equipment, equipment for the oil and gas production and oil refining industries.

Hydropower ( largest hydroelectric power station- Nizhnekamsk). A significant part of the electricity is supplied to neighboring republics (Bashkiria, Chuvashia, Mari El).

Agriculture: growing grains, potatoes, vegetables, forage grasses, meat and dairy farming, horse breeding, pig breeding, sheep breeding, poultry farming.
Service sector: trade, tourism.


■ Bulgar and Bilyar state historical-architectural and nature reserves(X-XIII centuries).
■ Raifa Bogoroditsky Monastery (XVII century).
Kazan: Kazan Kremlin (object World Heritage UNESCO): a fortress wall with 8 towers of the 16th century, the Orthodox Annunciation Cathedral (16th century), the “leaning” tower of Syuyumbike ( beginning of XVII I century), the complex of buildings of the Cannon Yard and the Junker School (XIX century), the Governor's Palace (XIX century), the Kul Sharif Mosque (XXI century) and other buildings; Zilantov Monastery (1552), Peter and Paul Cathedral (1726), church Miraculous Image Savior (XIX century), Temple of All Religions (1902); Staro-Tatarskaya Sloboda, pedestrian street. Bauman, Aleksandrovsky passage, Chernoyarovsky passage, Ushkova House (now the National Library); museums: National, fine arts, literary and memorial museums of M. Gorky, E. A. Baratynsky, V. Aksenov, museum-apartments of M. Jalil and Sh. Kamal; Blue Lake, the deepest (17 m) lake in the Volga region; Millennium Park, Zoobotanical Garden.
Chistopol: Museum of the county town, Memorial Museum B.L. Pasternak.
Volzhsko-Kama Nature Reserve, National Park"Lower Kama".
Yelabuga: Ananyinsky burial ground (1st millennium BC), Devil's settlement (fortified settlement of the 1st millennium BC), house-museums of M.I. Tsvetaeva, N.A. Durova, I.I. Shishkina, cultural center them. M.I. Tsvetaeva, library Silver Age, museums: history of Yelabuga, merchants, history of district medicine named after. V.M. Bekhterev, "Portomoynya", theater-museum "Tavern".
Sviyazhsk(island town, included in the tentative list of UNESCO World Heritage): Mother of God Dormition Monastery: Assumption Cathedral (1561), bell tower of St. Nicholas Church (1556); Trinity-Sergius Monastery: wooden Trinity Church (1551); Church of Constantine and Helen (XVI-XVIII centuries); Sviyazhsk St. John the Baptist Monastery: Sergius Church ( end XVI- beginning of the 17th century), Cathedral of Our Lady of Joy of All Who Sorrow (1898-1906); Monastery of the Makaryevskaya Hermitage on the other bank of the Volga.

Curious facts

■ In 1758, the first gymnasium in non-capital cities of the country was founded in Kazan, and in 1804, by decree of Emperor Alexander I, the fourth university in Russia was opened (after Moscow, Tartu and Vilnius). Now he wears official name Kazansky (Privolzhsky) federal university. Among its graduates is the chemist N.N. Beketov, botanist N.A. Bush, writers S.T. Aksakov, P.I. Melnikov-Pechersky, D.L. Mordovtsev, playwright E.L. Schwartz, poet K.A. Kedrov. Among those who studied at Kazan University, but did not complete the course, is L.N. Tolstoy, V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin), A.I. Rykov, V. Khlebnikov, M.A. Balakirev.
■ Kryashens are an ethno-confessional group that adheres to Orthodoxy. IN Soviet times they were considered unambiguously Tatars, in official statistics Tatarstan is considered as such even now, although the Kryashen intelligentsia has been active since the early 1990s. insists that this is a separate ethnic group. This point of view is supported by historian and theologian A.V. Zhuravsky. According to his version, the Kryashens are mistakenly considered to have been baptized in the 16th century. Tatars, in fact they are descendants of other Turkic tribes of the Volga-Kama region, baptized no later than the 12th century.
■ In October 2012, a moratorium on tree cutting was introduced in Kazan.



The Republic of Tatarstan within the Russian Federation. Official the name Republic of Tatarstan was adopted in 1992 G. The name Tatarstan is formed from the ethnonym Tatars and Turkic-Iran. mill "country", i.e. "country of the Tatars".

Geographical names of the world: Toponymic dictionary. - M: AST. Pospelov E.M. 2001.


Tataria (Tatarstan) is a republic within the Russian Federation (cm. Russia), located in the east of the East European Plain. The area of ​​the republic is 68 thousand square meters. km, population - 3772.8 thousand people, 74% of the population lives in cities (2001). IN national composition Tatars (51%), Russians (41%), Chuvash (3%) predominate. The republic consists of 43 districts, 20 cities, 22 urban-type settlements (2001). The capital is the city of Kazan; major cities: Naberezhnye Chelny, Zelenodolsk, Nizhnekamsk, Almetyevsk, Chistopol, Bugulma, Elabuga. The republic was founded on May 27, 1920 as the Tatar ASSR, since 1992 the official name is the Republic of Tatarstan; is part of the Volga Federal District.
The most important industries in Tatarstan include the oil and gas production and petrochemical industries (production of polyethylene, pipes and pipeline parts made of thermoplastics, synthetic rubber, car tires, film and magnetic tape, nitrogen and phosphate mineral fertilizers, inorganic chemical products). The largest enterprises in this industry are the associations Nizhnekamskneftekhim, Nizhnekamskshina, Tasma, Kazanorgsintez. The fuel industry is represented by the Tatneft enterprise. Mechanical engineering and metalworking are developed in Tatarstan: the production of trucks (KamAZ), ships, passenger airliners, helicopters, laser equipment, equipment for the oil and gas production and oil refining industries. The Nizhnekamsk hydroelectric power station plays an important role in the energy sector. A significant part of the electricity is supplied to neighboring republics (Bashkiria, Chuvashia, Mari-El). Basic industrial cities- Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Zelenodolsk, Nizhnekamsk, Almetyevsk, Chistopol, Bugulma, Elabuga.
Tataria borders on Udmurtia in the north (cm. Udmurtia) and the Mari Republic (cm. Mari Republic), in the east - with Chuvashia (cm. Chuvashia), in the south - from Ulyanovsk (cm. Ulyanovsk region) and Samara (cm. Samara region) regions, in the west - with Bashkiria (cm. Bashkiria). The republic is divided into three parts by the valleys of the Volga and Kama rivers: the right bank of the Volga (Pre-Volga region), which includes the Volga Upland, dissected by river valleys and ravines with steep cliffs to the Volga; the left bank of the Volga and the right bank of the Kama (Predkamye) is a softly undulating plain; the left bank of the Kama River (Zakamye) with the northern slopes of the Bugulma-Belebeevskaya Upland (height up to 364 m). Located in the north-west of the republic southern part Vyatsky Uval. The main rivers are the Volga, Kama, Belaya, Vyatka.
The Kuibyshev and Nizhnekamsk reservoirs are located on the territory of Tatarstan. The climate is moderate continental; average temperature January -14 °C, July +19 °C. Precipitation falls up to 500 mm per year. Tataria is located in the zones of broad-leaved and mixed forests, as well as forest-steppe. Forests, mainly deciduous (oak, linden and maple), occupy about 17% of the territory. Environmental protection zones on the territory of Tatarstan are the Lower Kama National Park and the Volzhsko-Kama Nature Reserve. Several resorts have been created on the basis of sulfide mineral waters and silt mud of the Blue Lake - Izhevsk mineral waters, Bakirovo, Vasilievsky.
In 550 AD, the Gothic historian Jordan wrote about the Turkic tribes of the Bulgars who lived in the Northern Black Sea region. Under the pressure of the Khazars, part of the Bulgarians went north and formed the Volga-Kama Bulgaria in the lower reaches of the Kama. In the Bulgarian cities between the Volga and Kama rivers, ferrous metallurgy, pottery, jewelry, and leatherwork developed. Since the 10th century, the Volga Bulgars minted silver coins with Arabic inscriptions. First major written work Bulgarian literature, Kul Gali’s poem “Kyyssai-Yusuf” dates back to 1212; it is written in a language close to literary language Kazan Tatars.
The Kazan Khanate was conquered by Ivan the Terrible in 1552. Since 1708, the Kazan province was formed, its many cities are still for a long time played the role of fortresses on the eastern borders of the Russian state. After establishing Soviet power, on May 27, 1920 the Tatarskaya was formed autonomous republic. After the collapse of the USSR in 1992, the Republic of Tatarstan received special status within the Russian Federation.

Preserved on the territory of Tatarstan large number archaeological sites, including the remains of the cities of Volga-Kama Bulgaria of the 10th-13th centuries - Suvara (fortification near the village of Kuznechikha), Bilyara (fortification in the village of Bilyarsk) and Bolgara. The most interesting cities from an architectural point of view are Kazan, Elabuga, Bolgar, and the village of Sviyazhsk. In the villages of Kshkar, Verkh, Vereski, examples of 18th-century architecture with Baroque elements, mainly mosques, have been preserved. Temples of the 19th century in the classicist style are located in Chistopol and Elabuga.
On the territory of the region, examples of folk architecture of the Kazan Tatars have been preserved - wooden log houses with a peculiar coloring (two colored horizontal stripes) and numerous decorative details (niches, columns on the gables of houses). There are many museums in Tatarstan along with branches - in Kazan, Elabuga, Bugulma, Tetyushi, Chistopol, Bulgar. Among them is the V.I. Lenin Museum in the village of Lenino-Kokushkino, Pestrechinsky district: in 1985-1887. here the restoration and reconstruction of the estate of A.D. Blank, V.I. Lenin’s maternal grandfather, was carried out.
The Bilyarsk Historical, Archaeological and Natural Museum-Reserve was created in 1992 in the village of Bilyarsk, Alekseevsky district. On the territory of the reserve you can get acquainted with the natural features of the forest-steppe of Eastern Europe, as well as with a complex of archaeological, historical and cultural monuments. The ruins of the Bulgarian city of Bilyar are preserved here; The museum displays objects discovered at the Bilyar settlement. The Iske-Kazan Historical, Cultural and Natural Museum-Reserve was created in 1992. Its exhibits introduce archaeological and ethnographic monuments from the period of Volga Bulgaria, the Golden Horde and the Kazan Khanate. On the territory of the reserve there are the Kamaevskoye settlement of the 13-15th centuries and the Russian-Urmat settlement of the 13-14th centuries.

Encyclopedia of tourism Cyril and Methodius. 2008 .


See what “Tataria” is in other dictionaries:

    Tataria- Tataria. Kremlin in Kazan. TATARIA (Republic of Tatarstan), in Russia. Area 68 thousand km2. Population 3696 thousand people, urban 73%; Tatars (48.5%), Russians (43.3%), Chuvash, etc. The capital is Kazan. 43 districts, 19 cities, 22 urban villages... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Tataria- Tataria. The numbers indicate: 1. Volzhsko-Kama Nature Reserve 2. Lower Kama National Park Tatarstan, Republic of Tatarstan, is located in the east of the European part of Russia. Included in the Volga economic region. Area 68.0 thousand km2. Population... ... Dictionary "Geography of Russia"

    TATARIA, Republic of Tatarstan, subject of the Russian Federation; located in the east of the European part of Russia. Included in the Volga economic region. Pl. 68.0 thousand km2. Population 3773.8 thousand people. (1998). Capital Kazan. Dr. large cities... ...Russian history

    - (Tatarstan) Republic of Tatarstan, in the Russian Federation. 68 thousand km². Population 3,723 thousand people (1993), urban 73%; Tatars (1,765 thousand people, 1989 census), Russians, Chuvashs, etc. 43 districts, 18 cities, 22 urban-type settlements... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Exist., number of synonyms: 1 Tatarstan (3) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Dictionary of synonyms

    - (Republic of Tatarstan), in the Russian Federation. 68 thousand km2. Population 3773.8 thousand people (1998), urban 73.6%; Tatars (1,765 thousand people; census, 1989), Russians, Chuvashs, etc. 43 districts, 19 cities, 22 urban villages. Capital...... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Tataria- Sp Totõrija Ap Tatariya/Tatariya rusiškai Sp Tatarstãnas Ap Tatarstan/Tatarstan totoriškai L RF respublika … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė

    - ... Wikipedia

    TATARIA- Republic of Tatarstan, part of the Russian Federation Area 68 thousand km2 We are 3658 thousand people (1989 census), 48.5% Tatars, 43.3% Russians, 3.7% Chuvash State. languages ​​Tatar and Russian Capital Kazan In 1989 per 1000 people aged 15 years. older... ... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

    Tataria- Republic of Tatarstan within the Russian Federation. Official The name Republic of Tatarstan was adopted in 1992. The name Tatarstan is formed from the ethnonym Tatars and Turks. Iran. stan country, i.e. country of the Tatars... Toponymic dictionary


  • Khan Rurik. The initial history of Rus', Konstantin Penzev. New job Konstantin Penzev, author of the books "Russian Tsar Batu" and "Giant Tataria. History of the Russian Land", became a continuation of his historical research and is dedicated to the question...

Russia - not only big country, but also the only power in the world, which includes twenty-two republics. Each of them actively interacts with the Russian government, but retains its sovereignty. A special place The Republic of Tatarstan ranks in the history and economy of our country. Today we will tell you about it.

Russia, Republic of Tatarstan: general characteristics

Tatarstan lies practically in the heart of the Russian Federation. The entire territory of the republic lies within the boundaries of the East European Plain, where the Volga and Kama meet in its most fertile place. And they, as you know, are among the most large rivers Europe. The capital of Tatarstan is the city of Kazan, located seven hundred and ninety-seven kilometers from Moscow, and is considered one of the most beautiful and major cities countries.

Republic of Tatarstan: area and territories

The area of ​​the Republic of Tatarstan is 67,836 square kilometers. If we consider given area as part of the Russian Federation, then this is less than one percent of common territory our country.

Almost the entire republic is located in the zone of plains and steppes, a little more than ninety percent of the territories lie at an altitude of two hundred meters above sea level.

About eighteen percent of total area Tatarstan is occupied by forests, with the advantage of deciduous trees. Coniferous forests make up only five percent of total number"green lungs" of Tatarstan. More than four hundred species of different animals live on the plains and forests of the republic.

Tatarstan: brief historical background

On the territory modern republic people have been building settlements since about the eighth century BC. A little later a state was formed here Volga Bulgars. In this territory they constituted the main population.

Tatarstan, or rather its territory, in the fifteenth century went to the Kazan Khanate, which a hundred years later became part of the Moscow state. Only in the twenties of the last century the name of the state was transformed into the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. After the breakup Soviet Union V official documents The name "Republic of Tatarstan" appeared.

Kazan is the most beautiful city of the republic

In every country, the capital represents the most beautiful city. Therefore, it is not surprising that from your first visit to Tatarstan, Kazan will become your all-encompassing love. This city amazes tourists with its unique combination of architectural historical monuments and modern buildings that fit perfectly into appearance capital of Tatarstan.

Every year the flow of tourists seeking to visit Kazan increases. For example, last year more than two million people visited this amazing city. For several years now, the capital of the republic has occupied a leading position in the list of the most popular cities where you can spend New Year holidays. In addition, Kazan has the official status of “the third capital of Russia.” All this, combined with the extraordinary beauty of the city and the hospitality of its inhabitants, is enough to attract the attention of tourists to the capital of the former Kazan Khanate.

Republic of Tatarstan: population

Tatarstan is a densely populated republic. According to the latest data, the population is 3,885,253 people. Annual natural increase The number of citizens of the republic is 0.2%, this figure allows Tatarstan to hold the eighth place in the Russian Federation in terms of population.

The average life expectancy has been at seventy-two years for several years now. This is the highest level in the last thirty years. The favorable situation within the republic is evidenced by the figure characterizing how the population is replenished. Tatarstan is a country where the birth rate remains at a consistently high level. For every thousand people, twelve new citizens are born. Sociologists predict that by 2020 the population of the republic will cross the border to 5,000,000 people.

Tatarstan: population density

The population density of the Republic of Tatarstan, according to 2017 data, is 57.26 people per square kilometer. These are the national averages. The majority of the republic's citizens live in cities, which very clearly characterizes Tatarstan. Kazan accommodates more than forty-five percent of the country's total population.

IN rural areas Only twenty-four percent of the republic's citizens live.

Ethnic composition of the former Kazan Khanate

Throughout Russia there is no such multinational state, like Tatarstan. According to the latest data, more than one hundred and fifteen nationalities live here, all of which are historically established populations. Since ancient times, Tatarstan has served as a haven for numerous ethnic diasporas. This policy turned out to be very beneficial for the state, because all peoples are united and conflicts based on interethnic hostility have never arisen in the country.

Now the state is home to eight nationalities, which number more than ten thousand people, among them Russians, Maris and Tatars. The most numerous include the following nationalities:

  • Tatars - more than two million people;
  • Russians - about one and a half million people;
  • Chuvash - one hundred twenty-six and a half thousand people.

As a percentage, Tatars make up fifty-two percent of the total population, Russians make up thirty-nine and a half percent of the population, and the Chuvash, respectively, make up three percent of the citizens of Tatarstan.

Religious preferences of the population of the Republic of Tatarstan

The largest faiths in the republic are Orthodoxy and Islam. Approximately fifty percent of the population professes Islam, predominantly Tatars and Bashkirs. Almost forty-five percent of Tatarstan citizens consider themselves Orthodox. According to sociological surveys, representatives of Catholicism, Judaism and others live in the country religious movements. At the legislative level, the republic has established a balance between two major faiths.

Economic development of Tatarstan

The economy of Tatarstan is one of the most developed in the Russian Federation. It ranks sixth in the country in terms of production volumes. The petrochemical industry plays a major role in the republic. In Tatarstan, they are engaged not only in oil production, but also in its refining, which brings significant funds to the state budget and raises its authority among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The share of mechanical engineering in industrial complex countries, which attracts foreign investment to the republic. According to information for last year, Tatarstan cooperated with one hundred and thirty world powers, with imports and exports accounting for approximately the same percentage.

From the first decade of this century, the Republic of Tatarstan began reorganizing the housing stock. Over six years, more than three hundred thousand were put into operation in the country. square meters housing. In parallel, the construction of satellite cities of Kazan and the construction of sports and entertainment institutions at the federal level began. This brought Tatarstan to new level in the international sports arena, which, in turn, gives the republic’s budget additional funds aimed at developing the regional economy.

Economists have long been pleased with the monthly increase in production in the republic, equal to 0.1%. If this trend continues, then in a few years Tatarstan will completely overcome its dependence on the oil industry, which over the past year has shown itself to be extremely unstable. All other constituent entities of the Russian Federation that depend on this industry have significantly reduced their economic growth. The Republic very far-sightedly directed the received investments into the development of the chemical industry, managing with its help to ultimately cover the existing budget deficit.

Despite the fact that inflation in the republic is slowly but steadily growing, the standard of living in Tatarstan remains consistently high. The Republic is one of the five regions of Russia with the most high level life. Now it ranks fourth, behind the constant leaders of the list - Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Moscow region.

The Republic of Tatarstan can be considered one of the most unique subjects of the Russian Federation. Sociologists and economists predict rapid growth in the region in the near future, which will take the republic to a completely new level of development.

All cities of Tatarstan have peculiar features, and at the same time, there is a connecting link that unites them. First of all, they are united by the fact that they are settlements of a single republic with a distinctive culture. But what are the cities of the Republic of Tatarstan like? List and population in data settlements x, as well as other features, will be the subject of our study.

General information about the Republic of Tatarstan

Before we start exploring individual cities of Tatarstan, let's find out brief information about this republic in general.

Tatarstan is located in the middle Volga region, and is part of the Volga Federal District. In the south it borders with Ulyanovsk, Samara and Orenburg regions, in the southeast with Bashkiria, in the northeast - with the Republic of Udmurtia, in the middle - with the Kirov region, in the west and northwest with the Republics of Mari El and Chuvashia.

The republic is in a moderate climatic zone with a temperate continental climate. The total area of ​​Tatarstan is 67.8 thousand square meters. km, and the population is 3868.7 thousand people. In terms of population, this republic ranks seventh among all federal subjects. The population density is 57.0 people/sq. km.

Tatarstan is the city of Kazan.

For a long time, the territory of modern Tatarstan was inhabited by Finno-Ugric tribes. They came here in the 7th century Turkic tribes Bulgars, and founded own state, which was destroyed by the Mongol-Tatars in the 13th century. After this, the lands of Tatarstan were included in the Golden Horde, and as a result of the mixing of the Bulgars with the alien Turkic peoples, modern Tatars were formed. After the collapse of the Golden Horde, an independent one was formed here, which was included in the Russian kingdom under Ivan the Terrible in the 16th century. Since then, ethnic Russians began to actively populate the region. The Kazan province was formed here. In 1917, the province was transformed into the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Republic of Tatarstan was formed in 1992.

List of cities in Tatarstan

Now let's list the cities of the Republic of Tatarstan. A list by population is provided below.

  • Kazan - 1217.0 thousand inhabitants.
  • Naberezhnye Chelny - 526.8 thousand inhabitants.
  • Almetyevsk - 152.6 thousand inhabitants.
  • Zelenodolsk - 98.8 thousand inhabitants.
  • Bugulma - 86.0 thousand inhabitants.
  • Elabuga - 73.3 thousand inhabitants.
  • Leninogorsk - 63.3 thousand inhabitants.
  • Chistopol - 60.9 thousand inhabitants.
  • Zainsk - 40.9 thousand inhabitants.
  • Nizhnekamsk - 36.2 thousand inhabitants.
  • Nurlat - 33.1 thousand inhabitants.
  • Mendeleevsk - 22.1 thousand inhabitants.
  • Bavly - 22.2 thousand inhabitants.
  • Buinsk - 20.9 thousand inhabitants.
  • Arsk - 20.0 thousand inhabitants.
  • Agryz - 19.7 thousand inhabitants.
  • Menzelinsk - 17.0 thousand inhabitants.
  • Mamadysh - 15.6 thousand inhabitants.
  • Tetyushi - 11.4 thousand inhabitants.

We have listed all the cities of Tatarstan by population. Now we will talk about the largest of them in more detail.

Kazan is the capital of the republic

The cities of Tatarstan should begin to be represented from its capital - Kazan. Presumably this city was founded around the year 1000, during the existence of the Bulgarian kingdom. But the city reached its real prosperity during the Golden Horde. And, especially after the separation of the lands of the middle Volga region into a separate khanate, the capital of which was Kazan. This state was called the Kazan Khanate. But even after these territories were annexed to the Russian kingdom, the city did not lose its significance, remaining one of the largest centers of Russia. After the formation of the USSR, it became the capital and after its collapse it became the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, which is a subject of the Russian Federation.

The city is located on an area of ​​425.3 square meters. km and has a population of 1.217 million inhabitants, whose density is 1915 people/1 sq. km. Since 2002, the dynamics of changes in the number of people living in Kazan has had a constant upward trend. Among ethnic groups Russians and Tatars predominate, respectively accounting for 48.6% and 47.6% of total number population. There are much fewer representatives of other nationalities, among which the Chuvash, Ukrainians and Mari should be highlighted. Their share in the total population does not even reach 1%.

Among religions greatest distribution have Sunni Islam and Orthodox Christianity.

The basis of the city's economy is the petrochemical and engineering industries, but, as in any large center, many other manufacturing sectors, as well as trade and services, are developed.

Kazan is the largest city in Tatarstan. A photo of this important center in the European part of Russia is located above. As you can see, this settlement has a modern appearance.

Naberezhnye Chelny - mechanical engineering center

Speaking about other cities of Tatarstan, one cannot fail to mention Naberezhnye Chelny. The first settlement here was founded by Russians in 1626. Its original name was Chalninsky Pochinok, but then the village was renamed Mysovye Chelny. In 1930, a new renaming took place, as the city began to be called Krasnye Chelny, which had ideological overtones. In addition, nearby was the village of Berezhnye Chelny, which received city status in the same 1930. From the merger of these two settlements Naberezhnye Chelny was formed.

The city developed most intensively in the 1960-1970s, during the Brezhnev era. It was then that KamAZ trucks were built to produce. From a small town, Naberezhnye Chelny turned into the second largest settlement in the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic after Kazan. After death Secretary General CPSU, in 1982, the city was renamed in his honor to Brezhnev. But in 1988, Naberezhnye Chelny was returned to its previous name.

Naberezhnye Chelny is the second settlement in terms of population and area in the region. It covers an area of ​​171 square meters. km, which accommodates a population of 526.8 thousand people. Its density is 3080.4 people/1 sq. km. Since 2009, the population in the city has been constantly growing.

This is also where the majority of Tatars and Russians live - 47.4% and 44.9%, respectively. More than 1% of the total number are Chuvash, Ukrainians and Bashkirs. There are slightly fewer Udmurts, Maris and Mordovians.

Nizhnekamsk is the youngest city of Tatarstan

Nizhnekamsk has the title of the youngest city in the republic. The regions of Tatarstan cannot boast of a city that was founded later than it. The construction of Nizhnekamsk was planned in 1958. The beginning of construction itself dates back to 1960.

Currently in Nizhnekamsk, located on an area of ​​63.5 square meters. km, home to 236.2 thousand people, which makes it the third most populous city in the region, after Kazan and Naberezhnye Chelny. The density is 3719.6 people/1 sq. km.

Tatars and Russians have approximately equal numbers and make up 46.5% and 46.1%, respectively. There are 3% Chuvash in the city, 1% each of Bashkirs and Ukrainians.

The basis of the city's economy is the petrochemical industry.

Almetyevsk is one of the oldest cities in Tatarstan

But the first settlement on the territory of modern Almetyevsk, on the contrary, was founded relatively long ago. It was originally called Almetyevo, and its foundation dates back to the 18th century. But it received city status only in 1953.

The population of Almetyevo is 152.6 thousand people. It is located on a territorial area of ​​115 square meters. km and has a density of 1327 people/1 sq. km.

The absolute majority are Tatars - 55.2%. There are slightly fewer Russians - 37.1%. Next in number are the Chuvash and Mordovians.

Zelenodolsk - a city on the Volga

The foundation of Zelenodolsk differs from the emergence of most other cities of Tatarstan in that it was founded not by Russians or Tatars, but by the Mari. Its original name was Porat, then it was replaced by Kabachishchi and Paratsk. In 1928 it received the name Zeleny Dol, and in 1932, in connection with its transformation into a city, Zelenodolsk.

The population of the city is 98.8 thousand people. with an area of ​​37.7 sq. km, and density - 2617.6 people/1 sq. km. Among the nationalities, Russians (67%) and Tatars (29.1%) predominate.

Bugulma - regional center

The regional center of the Bugulma district is the city of Bugulma. The settlement in this place was founded in 1736, and it received city status in 1781.

The population in Bugulma is 86.1 thousand people. The territory of the city is 27.87 square meters. km. Density - 3088.8 people/1 sq. km. Russians and Tatars predominate in the national composition of the population.

General characteristics of the cities of Tatarstan

We have studied in detail the largest cities of the Republic of Tatarstan. The largest of them is the capital of the republic, Kazan, with a population of 1.217 million inhabitants. This is the only millionaire city in the republic. Three more settlements in the region have a population exceeding 100 thousand people.

The majority of the population of the cities of Tatarstan are Russians and Tatars. Among other peoples there are relatively many Ukrainians, Chuvash, Mari, Udmurts and Bashkirs. The predominant religions are Orthodox Christianity and Islam. In addition, several other religions are common.

Russia is not only a large country, but also the only power in the world, which includes twenty-two republics. Each of them actively interacts with the Russian government, but retains its sovereignty. The Republic of Tatarstan occupies a special place in the history and economy of our country. Today we will tell you about it.

Russia, Republic of Tatarstan: general characteristics

Tatarstan lies practically in the heart of the Russian Federation. The entire territory of the republic lies within the boundaries of the East European Plain, where the Volga and Kama meet in its most fertile place. And they, as you know, are one of the largest rivers in Europe. The capital of Tatarstan is the city of Kazan, located seven hundred and ninety-seven kilometers from Moscow, and is considered one of the most beautiful and largest cities in the country.

Republic of Tatarstan: area and territories

The area of ​​the Republic of Tatarstan is 67,836 square kilometers. If we consider this area as part of the Russian Federation, then this is less than one percent of the total territory of our country.
Almost the entire republic is located in the zone of plains and steppes, a little more than ninety percent of the territories lie at an altitude of two hundred meters above sea level.
About eighteen percent of the total area of ​​Tatarstan is occupied by forests, with the advantage of deciduous trees. Coniferous forests make up only five percent of the total number of “green lungs” of Tatarstan. More than four hundred species of different animals live on the plains and forests of the republic.

Tatarstan: brief historical background

On the territory of the modern republic, people have been building settlements since approximately the eighth century BC. A little later, the state of the Volga Bulgars was formed here. In this territory they constituted the main population.
Tatarstan, or rather its territory, in the fifteenth century went to the Kazan Khanate, which a hundred years later became part of the Moscow state. Only in the twenties of the last century the name of the state was transformed into the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the name “Republic of Tatarstan” appeared in official documents.

Kazan is the most beautiful city of the republic

In every country, the capital is the most beautiful city. Therefore, it is not surprising that from your first visit to Tatarstan, Kazan will become your all-encompassing love. This city amazes tourists with a unique combination of architectural historical monuments and modern buildings that fit perfectly into the appearance of the capital of Tatarstan.
Every year the flow of tourists seeking to visit Kazan increases. For example, last year more than two million people visited this amazing city. For several years now, the capital of the republic has occupied a leading position in the list of the most popular cities where you can spend the New Year holidays. In addition, Kazan has the official status of “the third capital of Russia.” All this, combined with the extraordinary beauty of the city and the hospitality of its inhabitants, is enough to attract the attention of tourists to the capital of the former Kazan Khanate.

Republic of Tatarstan: population

Tatarstan is a densely populated republic. According to the latest data, the population is 3,885,253 people. The annual natural increase of citizens of the republic is 0.2%, this figure allows Tatarstan to hold eighth place in the Russian Federation in terms of population.
The average life expectancy has been at seventy-two years for several years now. This is the highest level in the last thirty years. The favorable situation within the republic is evidenced by the figure characterizing how the population is replenished. Tatarstan is a country where the birth rate remains at a consistently high level. For every thousand people, twelve new citizens are born. Sociologists predict that by 2020 the population of the republic will cross the border to 5,000,000 people.

Tatarstan: population density

The population density of the Republic of Tatarstan, according to 2017 data, is 57.26 people per square kilometer. These are the national averages. The majority of the republic's citizens live in cities, which very clearly characterizes Tatarstan. Kazan accommodates more than forty-five percent of the country's total population.
Only twenty-four percent of the republic's citizens live in rural areas.

Ethnic composition of the former Kazan Khanate

Throughout Russia there is no such multinational state as Tatarstan. According to the latest data, more than one hundred and fifteen nationalities live here, all of which are historically established populations. Since ancient times, Tatarstan has served as a haven for numerous ethnic diasporas. This policy turned out to be very beneficial for the state, because all peoples are united and conflicts based on interethnic hostility have never arisen in the country.
Now the state is home to eight nationalities, which number more than ten thousand people, among them Russians, Maris and Tatars. The most numerous include the following nationalities:
    Tatars - more than two million people; Russians - about one and a half million people; Chuvash - one hundred twenty-six and a half thousand people.
As a percentage, Tatars make up fifty-two percent of the total population, Russians make up thirty-nine and a half percent of the population, and the Chuvash, respectively, make up three percent of the citizens of Tatarstan.

Religious preferences of the population of the Republic of Tatarstan

The largest faiths in the republic are Orthodoxy and Islam. Approximately fifty percent of the population professes Islam, predominantly Tatars and Bashkirs. Almost forty-five percent of Tatarstan citizens consider themselves Orthodox. According to sociological surveys, representatives of Catholicism, Judaism and other religious movements live in the country. At the legislative level, the republic has established a balance between two major faiths.

Economic development of Tatarstan

The economy of Tatarstan is one of the most developed in the Russian Federation. It ranks sixth in the country in terms of production volumes. The petrochemical industry plays a major role in the republic. In Tatarstan, they are engaged not only in oil production, but also in its refining, which brings significant funds to the state budget and raises its authority among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
The share of mechanical engineering in the industrial complex of the country is large, which attracts foreign investment to the republic. According to information from last year, Tatarstan cooperated with one hundred and thirty world powers, with imports and exports accounting for approximately the same percentage.

From the first decade of this century, the Republic of Tatarstan began reorganizing the housing stock. Over six years, more than three hundred thousand square meters of housing were put into operation in the country. In parallel, the construction of satellite cities of Kazan and the construction of sports and entertainment institutions at the federal level began. This brought Tatarstan to a new level in the international sports arena, which, in turn, provides the republic’s budget with additional funds allocated for the development of the region’s economy.
Economists have long been pleased with the monthly increase in production in the republic, equal to 0.1%. If this trend continues, then in a few years Tatarstan will completely overcome its dependence on the oil industry, which over the past year has shown itself to be extremely unstable. All other constituent entities of the Russian Federation that depend on this industry have significantly reduced their economic growth. The Republic very far-sightedly directed the received investments into the development of the chemical industry, managing with its help to ultimately cover the existing budget deficit.

Despite the fact that inflation in the republic is slowly but steadily growing, the standard of living in Tatarstan remains consistently high. The Republic is one of the five regions of Russia with the highest standard of living. Now it ranks fourth, behind the constant leaders of the list - Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Moscow region.
The Republic of Tatarstan can be considered one of the most unique subjects of the Russian Federation. Sociologists and economists predict rapid growth in the region in the near future, which will take the republic to a completely new level of development.

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