English language course for students of language universities.

The purpose of the manual is the interconnected development of oral and written speech skills among students studying English for practical use V professional activity, including in the region international relations and intercultural communication. Contains extensive authentic text material on current problems modern world, carefully selected active dictionary and a system of exercises for it. A special section provides grammar (explanations and a system of exercises) in relation to written and oral speech.
The textbook is intended for Upper Intermediate students studying at universities with an extended schedule of teaching hours. English language.

Emphatic Structure.
Ex. 14. Read the following sentences and say what makes them emphatic. Translate them into Russian.
1. A week out of your life with Mrs. Sloane! I do feel guilty now.
2. I do hope you know what you are doing. Mr. Fitzpatrick.
3. Me did realize the effect his words would have on the parents.
4. Sally does care about her grandmother.
5. Do be reasonable.

Ex. 15. Make the following sentences emphatic according to the model.
Model: The parents satisfied the kidnapper"s demands. > The parents did satisfy the kidnapper"s demands.
1. I believe men and women are equal.
2. Kids have problems; but most eight-to-seventeen-year-olds get on well with their parents.
3. I like a woman who knows her own mind.
4. The judge made a mistake, and an innocent man suffered.
5. It's really kind of you. I appreciate it!
6. When Americans went to war they believed they were fighting for ideas.
7. Leave her alone if she wants some privacy.
8. Eunice looks very pretty in long skirts.

Ex. 16. Translate into English using the model given above.
1. I really want to live in a village.
2. She really found solace in children.
3. Please make yourself comfortable.
4. You take care of the children. You have nothing to be ashamed of.
5. Please be careful!
6. We actually visited her from time to time.
7. There really was an impression (it seemed) that he was ashamed.
8. He really deserves praise.
9. Be sure to tell them about the wedding.
10. Envy really ruins human relationships.

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Download the book English language course for students of language universities, Yastrebova E.B., Vladykina L.G., Ermakova M.V., 2003 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • English language course for international affairs and regional studies specialists, Bachelor's level, Competency-based approach, 1st year, Part 2, Yastrebova E.B., Kravtsova O.A., Kryachkov D.A., Vladykina L.G., 2014 Books on English
  • English language course for international affairs and regional studies specialists, Bachelor's level, Competency-based approach, 1st year, Part 1, Yastrebova E.B., Kravtsova O.A., Kryachkov D.A., Vladykina L.G., 2014 - This edition in two parts is intended as a basic textbook for first-year students of the faculties of international relations and regional studies who know ... Books on English
  • English Grammar, Book for Parents, Grade 4, Barashkova E.A., 2019 - This manual fully complies with the federal state educational standard (second generation) for primary school. It represents the third component of the training kit,... Books on English

The following textbooks and books:

  • Mr. Help comes to the rescue, Happy English.ru, grade 7, Kaufman K.I., Kaufman M.Yu., 2008 - The manual Mr. Help comes to the rescue is addressed to students and their parents, as well as beginning teachers working with the Happy textbook English.ru for… Books on English
  • It is clear and simple, English grammar in diagrams, Perel E.S., 2002 - This manual contains sections of English grammar necessary for practical use. Unlike other books and manuals, this is not a set... Books on English
  • Technique for memorizing foreign words, Ziganov M.A., Kozarenko V.A., Semin A.N., 2002 - In the proposed methodological manual The technique of memorizing English words based on mnemonic memorization methods is described in detail. The manual contains a large number of illustrations,... Books on English
  • Popular grammar of the English language, Ryzhak N.A., 2007 - This publication is an authorized translation into Russian of the popular grammar of the English language published by De Agostini ( original title Grammatica essential... Books on English

Previous articles:

  • How to be surprised and indignant in English, Givental I.A., 2007 - The manual is devoted to the problem of use modal verbs in modern English and developed in accordance with the principles of the author's educational technology. Author … Books on English
  • English alphabet, Counting tables, Koti T.Yu., 2007 - A wonderful study guide English alphabet: on each page there are bright illustrations, new words with transcription and translation, as well as short... Books on English
  • American English, Tretyakov Yu.P., 2005 - The textbook is focused on developing everyday and business communication for persons with personal, business and scientific contacts with American... Books on English
  • - The book talks about the origin and meaning of the names of states, cities, settlements The USA, which most vividly and picturesquely reflects the national characteristics of the country, ... Books on English

Target textbook - interconnected development oral skills And writing among students, English language learners for practical use in professional activities, including in the field international relations and intercultural communications.

Year of manufacture: 2003

Publisher: Publishing house "Exam"
Format: PDF
Size : 127,1 Mb

The goal is the interconnected development of students’ speaking and writing skills

Contains extensive authentic text material on current issues of the modern world, carefully selected active dictionary and system exercises to him. In a special section it is given grammar(explanations and system of exercises) in relation to written and oral speech.

Textbook designed for students intermediate-advanced level ( Upper Intermediate), studying at universities with an extended schedule of hours teaching English. It is expected to achieve level B2 (threshold advanced level) according to the Council of Europe classification.

For students of English for practical use in professional activities

Emphatic Structure.
Ex. 14. Read the following sentences and say what makes them emphatic. Translate them into Russian.
1. A week out of your life with Mrs. Sloane! I do feel guilty now.
2. I do hope you know what you are doing. Mr. Fitzpatrick.
3. Me did realize the effect his words would have on the parents.
4. Sally does care about her grandmother.
5. Do be reasonable.

Ex. 15. Make the following sentences emphatic according to the model.
Model: The parents satisfied the kidnapper’s demands. > The parents did satisfy the kidnapper’s demands.
1. I believe men and women are equal.
2. Kids have problems; but most eight-to-seventeen-year-olds get on well with their parents.
3. I like a woman who knows her own mind.
4. The judge made a mistake, and an innocent man suffered.
5. It’s really kind of you. I appreciate it!
6. When Americans went to war they believed they were fighting for ideas.
7. Leave her alone if she wants some privacy.
8. Eunice looks very pretty in long skirts.

Including in the field of international relations and intercultural communication

Ex. 16. Translate into English using the model given above.
1. I really want to live in a village.
2. She really found solace in children.
3. Please make yourself comfortable.
4. You take care of the children. You have nothing to be ashamed of.
5. Please be careful!
6. We actually visited her from time to time.
7. It really seemed like he was ashamed.
8. He really deserves praise.
9. Be sure to tell them about the wedding.
10. Envy really ruins human relationships.

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Innovative educational program







BBK 81.2 English I 85


Pavlova I.P. - Professor of the Department of Linguodidactics, Moscow State Linguistic University, Doctor pedagogical sciences; Department of English for the Faculty of International Relations of St. Petersburg state university(head of the department - associate professor, candidate philological sciences Timchenko N. M.)

Yastrebova E. B., Kravtsova O. A., Kryachkov D. A., Vladykina L. G.

I 85 English language course for international specialists and regional specialists. Bachelor's level. Competence-based approach. I year. /Part I/ - 296 pp., M.: MGIMO -

University, 2009.

ISBN 978-5-9228-0506-3

This publication in two parts is intended as a basic textbook for first-year students of the faculties of international relations and regional studies who speak English at the Intermediate (A2) level. The textbook is developed on the basis of a competency-based approach and ensures the interconnected development of the student’s speech, language, sociocultural and information competencies. As a result of working on this textbook, the threshold level must be achieved communicative competence(B1) according to the classification of the Council of Europe.


CHAPTER 1. The Glorious Past ............................................ ...................................................

Diagnostic Test 1 .................................................... ........................................................ ............................

UNIT 1. Across the English-Speaking World .............................................. ...................................

SPEAKING 1. Introducing and Greeting People ............................................... ............................

SPEAKING 2. Saying Hello and Good-bye..................................... ...........................................

READING 1. Meet Union Jack and Uncle Sam .............................................. ...................................

PROJECT WORK 1. Nations and Nationalities ............................................... ...................................

READING 2. A Glimpse into the History of the UK ..................................................... ....................

PROJECT WORK 2. How Independent are Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

within the UK? ........................................................ ........................................................ ............................

VOCABULARY LIST ................................................... ........................................................ .......................

UNIT 2. Across the Atlantic ............................................... ........................................................ ............

SPEAKING 1. Asking for Information ............................................... ...............................................

SPEAKING 2. Proverbs and Sayings ................................................. ...................................................

READING AND SPEAKING............................................... ........................................................ .............

PROJECT WORK 1. Russia’s advance to the East vsAmerica’s advance to the West.............

READING 1. The United United States.........................................................................................

PROJECT WORK 2. The Political System of the United States ..................................... ..........

READING 2. Russians in Northern California............................................... ...................................

CHAPTER 2. The Turbulent Present................................................................................

Diagnostic Test 2 .................................................... ........................................................ ...........................

UNIT 3. Land of Promise? ........................................................ ........................................................ .......

SPEAKING 1. Making Small Talk (1)................................... ........................................................ .

SPEAKING 2. Stating Opinion and Asking for Opinion (1).................................................. ...............

READING 1. The Legacy of the Past: Racism in Britain ...................................... ....................

VOCABULARY LIST................................................... ........................................................ ......................

VOCABULARY PRACTICE .................................................... ........................................................ ..........

WORD BUILDING................................................... ........................................................ ........................

READING 2. Russians in London ............................................ ........................................................ ...

THE RIGHT WORD IN THE RIGHT PLACE ............................................... ........................................

GRAMMAR ..................................................... ........................................................ ...................................

CHECK YOURSELF ................................................... ........................................................ .......................

UNIT 4. Born Equal? ........................................................ ........................................................ .............

SPEAKING 1. Stating Opinion and Asking for Opinion (2).................................................. ...............

SPEAKING 2. Asking for Information (indirect Questions) ............................................... ............

READING AND SPEAKING............................................... ........................................................ ..........

PROJECT WORK. Canada and Multiculturalism ................................................... ........................

READING 1. The Reality of Today ............................................... ........................................................ ..

VOCABULARY LIST................................................... ........................................................ ......................

VOCABULARY PRACTICE .................................................... ........................................................ ..........

READING 2. Fair Play?................................................. ........................................................ ....................

THE RIGHT WORD IN THE RIGHT PLACE ............................................... ........................................

GRAMMAR ..................................................... ........................................................ ...................................

CHECK YOURSELF ................................................... ........................................................ .......................

CHAPTER 3. The Uncertain Future................................................................................

Diagnostic Test 3 ................................................... ........................................................ ...........................

UNIT 5. Predictions and Expectations.....................................................................................

S PEAKING 1. Requesting, Suggesting, Instructing.................................... ........................

SPEAKING 2. Asking for Opinion. Negative Questions................................................... ..........

READING 1. What Will the Future Bring? ........................................................ ................................

THE RIGHT WORD IN THE RIGHT PLACE ............................................... ........................................

READING 2. Millennium Blues .................................................. ........................................................ .....

PROJECT WORK ................................................ ........................................................ ...........................

GRAMMAR ..................................................... ........................................................ ...................................

CHECK YOURSELF ................................................... ........................................................ .......................

UNIT 6. The World"s Best Hope for the Future.......................................................................

SPEAKING 1. Asking about one’s Plans. Making Small Talk (2) ................................................ .

SPEAKING 2. Giving and Accepting Congratulations ............................................... ...............

READING 1. The World is Running Out of Children............................................ ........................

VOCABULARY LIST................................................... ........................................................ ......................

VOCABULARY PRACTICE .................................................... ........................................................ ..........

WORD BUILDING................................................... ........................................................ ........................

READING 2. Enable the Future: Children in Russia ............................................. ........................

THE RIGHT WORD IN THE RIGHT PLACE ............................................... ........................................

GRAMMAR ..................................................... ........................................................ ...................................

PROJECT WORK. Showing the Sights ................................................... .........................................

CHECK YOURSELF ................................................... ........................................................ .......................

APPENDIX......................................................... ........................................................ ...............................

SUPPLEMENT ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................



This course in two parts is intended for first-year students continuing to study English from the Intermediate / high Pre-Intermediate level (level A2 according to the Council of Europe classification) at the faculties of international relations and regional studies, as well as intercultural communication; successful completion The course requires achievement of level B1.

The textbook is written on the basis of a competency-based approach, which assumes ultimate goal training foreign language at these faculties, the formation of an individual with competence in the field foreign language communication on international level. This approach defines the following course objectives:

1. Development of language competence as a whole language knowledge, skills


and skills corresponding to general and professional communication tasks

oriented topics, and readiness to master them and use them to achieve

communication purposes.

2. Development of speech competence as a set of speech skills:

reading, listening, speaking and writing and the willingness to implement them

in reproductive and productive speech activity in accordance

with communication tasks.

3. Development of sociocultural competence as a body of cultural knowledge

(in its broadest sense): the culture of one’s own country, the country of the language being studied and others

countries of the world; the ability to find commonality and see what is different from one’s culture; skills

and willingness to use this knowledge in the process of communication in English

with representatives of other cultures; willingness to accept cultural diversity

and recognize the right to a different way of thinking and life, while defending one’s position,

keeping the feeling self-esteem and without humiliating the dignity of representatives

other cultures.

4. Development of information competence as a body of knowledge about modern

sources of information (paper and electronic dictionaries and encyclopedias, Internet

resources), skills and willingness to work with them to extract, select and effectively

use of information for educational and cognitive purposes.

Specific educational objectives follow from these goals:

ensure consolidation and activation grammar material on the topics presented in the relevant sections;

expand active and passive vocabulary students on the topics studied;

deepen knowledge about the features of the English language system (word formation, the use of phrasal verbs and frequently occurring free phrases)

And develop the ability to use them;

develop the skills and abilities of introductory, viewing, searching

And analytical reading;

develop pronunciation skills, first of all, intonationally correct formatting of sentences of various types;

develop skills and abilities different types speaking, including conversation

And discussions, presentations;

develop communication skills in formal and informal settings;

expand knowledge about the countries of the language being studied, the cultural diversity of the world and place

Russia in it;

develop skills in searching and processing linguistic and other information using traditional and electronic media.


English for international affairs and regional studies. Part I

The most important educational objectives of the course:

formation of civic position;

developing skills and abilities to work in a team;

formation of leadership qualities.

The named tasks determine the structure of the textbook, which consists of 6 chapters and 12 lessons. The division into chapters is based on a thematic principle, and into lessons - on a lexical and grammatical principle. Each chapter consists of the following sections: Diagnostic Test, Speaking (includes speech models, speech etiquette, communication situations, including role-playing games), Reading, Reading and Speaking (texts for reading and discussion), Vocabulary List, Vocabulary Practice, Word Building, The Right Word in the Right Place (certain lexical and grammatical difficulties, including phrasal verbs), Project Work (project tasks of two types: 1) for the development of language competence (Build up your Vocabulary) and 2) for the development of communicative, sociocultural

And information competencies), Grammar (Ways to Speak about the Past, Ways to Speak about the Present, Ways to Speak about the Future, Comparison of Adjectives, Expressions of Quantity, Adverbs, Passives, Reported Speech, Infinitive, Complex Object, Modals), Check Yourself - questions

And self-test tasks, Appendix, Supplement.

The text material of the textbook is authentic, modern and informative, providing development general erudition and culture of the future specialist; language material (vocabulary and grammar, pronunciation patterns) is functional, i.e. includes what is necessary from the point of view of future professional activity; methods and methods of organizing educational and cognitive activities, implemented in a system of exercises and tasks, develop skills and abilities, as well as personal qualities that ensure readiness to use them.

A diagnostic test at the beginning of each chapter allows the teacher and each student to determine which material to pay special attention to, which tasks are mandatory and which are optional.

The sections Vocabulary List, Vocabulary Practice, Word Building, the Right Word in the Right Place, Grammar and project assignments Build up Your Vocabulary (active dictionary: general and thematic) are aimed at developing the language competence of students. Project assignments are especially important, since in addition to the language they form information competence(lessons 5, 8, 9–12)

And ability to work in a team (lessons 9–12). The ratio of time in the classroom and on independent work is 30–40% to 60–70%. Grammar sections textbooks supplied a large number tables with examples, which allows students to work through the material independently if necessary. The multi-level nature of the tasks gives the teacher the opportunity to select exercises that correspond to the language preparation of students. In the classroom, it is recommended to perform communicative exercises first (for example, Work in pairs).

The development of speech competence occurs when working on the sections Speaking, Reading, Reading and Speaking, Project Work and other sections in the mode spontaneous communication aimed at solving educational tasks in a classroom lesson. Develop skills quick reading necessary in class. Working on the Speaking section - practicing intonation

And speech models - carried out in classes (on average 25% of the time of each lesson). Pair work and role-playing games must be carried out in class. The textbook offers two types of role-playing games: 1) games where both roles and communication situations are specified; 2) games where only communication situations are given. Variability is aimed at developing the skills of both trained and unprepared dialogical speech. The Reading sections serve the same purpose.

English for international affairs and regional studies. Part I

Pre-reading Questions, Discussion Questions and Discussion Points. Prepared and unprepared discussions occupy up to 25% of class time.

A special place is occupied by the Project Work section of the second type on the topic of each chapter of the textbook (lessons 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 12), which ensures the interconnected development of all mentioned competencies and personal qualities. Work on this section is carried out both in the classroom and independently, in team and individual work, with and without the participation of the teacher. Classroom time is allocated to organizational stage, (in the case of a task for a team - 25% of the time of one lesson) and for the presentation of results (50% of the time of one lesson.).

The Check yourself section at the end of each lesson contains test questions and develops the ability to evaluate your own activity in mastering language material.

The tutorial provides more flexibility educational process due to the presence of choice and the pre-


applicants, and students in two areas: choosing modules in accordance with the specific

ties of a specific audience within the framework of the current curriculum and trajectory selection

independent work of the student (for more strong students all sections provide

new tasks of increased difficulty *).

The idea and development of the concept of the textbook belongs to E. B. Yastrebova.

Sections Speaking, Reading and Speaking, Reading, Project Work and the Articles section. wrote-

we are E. B. Yastrebova. Sections Vocabulary List, Vocabulary Practice written by D. A. Kryachkov

and L. G. Vladykina, Word Building written by D. A. Kryachkov, section The Right Word in the Right

place - D. A. Kryachkov, O. A. Kravtsova, L. G. Vladykina; Diagnostic Test and Check sections

yourself - O. A. Kravtsova. The Grammar section in lessons 1–8 was written by O. A. Kravtsova (exercise

sections 32, 36, 39–42 in lesson 1, Perfect Tenses section in lesson 3 - L. G. Vladykina), in lessons 9–12

written by L. G. Vladykina.

Art. teacher N.I. Tsvetkova for her enormous assistance in preparing the textbook

for publication;

All colleagues in the English Department No. 1 for useful comments.

Special thanks to the textbook reviewers:


This test is to help the student and the teacher to decide which material in Chapter 1 to focus on (particularly when working outside the classroom.)


1. I was born in the same house as my mother; our family ___________________there for generations.

2. By that time Philadelphia ________________ the second largest city in the British Empire.

d) had been becoming

3. The English Channel is probably one of ______________________ stretches of water in the world.

b) the more famous

c) the most famous

4. George isn't _________________ he looks.

5. John lives in _____ house. _____ house is small.

6. Many of the passengers _____________________ when the accident occurred.

a) were sleeping

b) had been sleeping

7. _____ Mississippi River and _____ Gulf of Mexico form the backbone of _____ North America.

8. I hardly recognized Mike as I _______________________ him since we left school.

a) hadn’t seen

c) haven't seen

d) hadn't been seeing

9. Queen Victoria ___________________ from 1837 to 1901.

c) had been ruling

Do you have _______ milk?

Helen is _________________________________ her sister.

I felt cold as I _______________________ in the rain for hours.

a) had been walking b) was walking

People never left _____ village from one year to the next.

Jane couldn’t help me because she _______________________ on the phone.

c) had been talking

Netherlands is often called _____ Holland.

Their team has lost all the matches; it is ____________________ team in the league.

a) the most successful

b) more successful

c) less successful

d) the least successful

Would you like ______ more tea?

He _________________ lunch with us, then wrote a letter to his parents in New Zealand.

It was a good movie, ___________________ than I had expected.

I ______________________ with him twice before I realized who the man was.

c) had been talking

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