Personal economic culture. What is economic culture? Self-test questions

Economic culture– this is a set of socio-economic. norms and values ​​that govern economic behavior.

Basic economical features culture :

1) includes those values, needs, preferences that arise from the needs of the economy and have an important (positive or negative) impact on it.

2) channels through which economic interaction is regulated. consciousness and economic thinking.

3) orientation towards economic management. people's behavior.

Economic structure highlight crops T:

1. Social economical norms (rules of conduct in economics) formal and informal rules regulating economic activity. They can arise as models of mass behavior and as models for establishing state laws.

2. Social economical values :

Level 1 micro-level values– everything that is valuable to a person in everyday life (housing, clothing, food)

Level 2 organizational level values I am everything a person needs for work (relationships in a team, with management)

Level 3 macro level values(for country)

3. Social economical knowledge – consist of economical consciousness (theoretical scientific knowledge) and economic. thinking (practical knowledge obtained as a result of economic and economic activities).

4. Economic ideologies – an orderly view of how society should organize its economic life

Economy functions culture

1) Broadcast – there is a transfer of norms and values ​​from one generation to another.

2) Breeding – associated with the selection of values ​​and norms that are adequate in modern conditions

3) Innovative -manifests itself through the introduction of new norms and values. 1st way – borrowed, 2nd way – own invention.

4) Socializing – the process of accumulation and reproduction.

Basic features of a market economy crops:

High degree of rationality

High degree of innovation

High degree of law-abidingness

Performance discipline

Political neutrality

That. economical culture is a social mechanism, characteristic features which are global manifestation and functional universality. The scope of this mechanism is from the system of norms, rules and patterns of behavior of an individual economic entity (at the micro level) to the sphere of interaction of collective and even mass subjects (socio-professional groups, strata, classes, societies) in the process of social production (at the macro level).

14. Economic behavior of entrepreneurs

Economical behavior is behavior associated with the selection of economic alternatives for the purpose of rational choice, i.e. choice that maximizes costs and maximizes net benefits.

Entrepreneurship is an innovative modification of economic behavior, focused on residual income, inaccessible to other standard agents of the market process.

The innovative effect of entrepreneurial behavior consists of at least 3 components:

1. Unique personal qualities and abilities of individuals;

2. A market environment saturated with a huge variety of potential and actual combinations, which are a multi-alternative field of entrepreneurial choice;

3. Entrepreneurial culture, which includes a certain set of instrumental and terminal values, standards and patterns of behavior.

Functions of entrepreneurial behavior:

Permanent search for rare economic resources;

Invention of new economic resources;

Accumulation and concentration of rare resources in the ownership of individual agents of the market process with the aim of their subsequent launch into entrepreneurial circulation;

Protection of confidential information and other economic advantages from the encroachment of competitors;

Ensuring the stability and survival of business units and structures;

Transfer of entrepreneurial culture;

Rapid search for information in order to select those market sectors where production success is most likely.

In the system entrepreneurial activity There is a spectrum of division of labor where narrowly professional programs (models) of entrepreneurial behavior are formed: 1) investment (organization and implementation of venture investment projects); 2) intermediary (integration economic interests various agents of the market process); 3) commercial (creation of new non-standard channels for the exchange of various goods, services, information); 4) etc.

The characteristic features of the economic behavior of an entrepreneur can be represented through a certain model that expresses the main most typical patterns and trends of entrepreneurial behavior.

The economic behavior of an entrepreneur is characterized by:

Energy and initiative, which are based on legal guarantees of economic freedom, free choice of the type, forms and sphere of economic activity, methods of its implementation;

Competence and intelligence; entrepreneurial activity makes it possible to fully realize a person’s creative potential, she is capable of making non-standard decisions, correctly assesses the situation in the face of a significant lack of information;

The ability to select a “team” for yourself and lead it, direct and organize the effective work of your colleagues, give them the opportunity to ensure their own independence with their work; the entrepreneur subjugates his comrades with high efficiency and dynamism;

Ability to take risks; When making decisions independently, the entrepreneur is financially responsible for their consequences; in all his achievements he owes only to himself; ups and downs in entrepreneurial activity are inevitable;

The desire for leadership and competition; an entrepreneur is able to lead people in the name of business and success; to achieve results, he is ready to be completely exhausted at work;

Focus and Innovation; An entrepreneur is an innovator who, in order to achieve commercial success at minimal costs, always focuses on the introduction of new equipment and technologies for organizing and regulating labor.

It is the typical characteristics of an entrepreneur, as a social stratum in modern society, that constitute one of the most important components of the subject area of ​​economic sociology. If we bring together all these characteristics, then we will get a social portrait of an entrepreneur that is more or less adequate to reality. The following typical features of the social portrait of an entrepreneur should be embodied in such a portrait:

1) ownership or disposal of capital;

2) entrepreneurship;

3) initiative

4) responsibility;

5) ability and willingness to take risks;

6) focus on innovation;

7) entrepreneurial spirit;

8) freedom of enterprise;

9) uncontrollable desire for profit.

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§ 18. Economic culture

Essence and functions

Economic culture is an integral and essential part general culture. Civilized man- this is a person with

developed economic culture. Different scientists define its essence differently. However, all these definitions boil down to the fact that economic culture can be considered, like political culture, in the narrow and broad sense of the word.

Economic culture V in a broad sense words - this is the totality of material and spiritual means of production created by society: machines, buildings, cities, roads, etc.; economic knowledge, skills, methods and forms of communication between people, economic intelligence.

Economic culture V in the narrow sense words- this is a typical way of economic thinking and activity of a people, group, and individuals. With its help, people adapt to specific socio-economic conditions

of its existence. Economic culture also includes a set of economic interests, values, norms, rules, abilities and skills that are regulators of economic behavior. In other words, economic culture consists of behavioral stereotypes and economic knowledge.

Figuratively speaking, economic culture is a tool, a “language” with the help of which people can communicate with each other in the process of economic activity and behavior and, accordingly, understand the essence economic phenomena and processes occurring in a given society and throughout the world.

Each economic era is characterized by its own level and type of economic culture of the population. At the same time, of course, different groups population have significantly different levels economic culture. Thus, economists have theoretical economic consciousness. Officials government agencies, directors, managers, entrepreneurs must have culture of practical economic thinking.

And for mass consciousness in economic culture, production and consumer motivations are primarily important.

Modern economic culture largely coincides with the civilization and sociality of society. In it main role ot-

takes into account the interests of individuals and groups of people. Traditional "idols" economic development(profit, quantitative growth) are replaced by more human goals.

Today's type of market and especially socially oriented economy is assessed from other positions - as more “concerned”, “understanding”, “reasonable”, “expedient”, “useful”, more and more in line with the interests of each person. The foundations are now being laid new economic culture: creation in society of conditions that provide the necessary social orientations for the behavior of business entities in general and separately for the behavior of decision makers; maintaining a mobile information and communication system; improving advertising; organization of economic and financial institutions(exchanges, banks, insurance companies, audit services), etc.

All this should lead to the creation of an information and computer society, in which the diversity of people's needs and differentiation of their interests is the key to the development of the entire society, a condition for its improvement. The features of such a society will be a variety of choices economic decisions, based on satisfying the pluralism of interests, motives of various subjects of economic activity, as well as taking into account many factors and objective conditions: economic, social, economic-psychological, technical.

Economic culture performs several functions: cognitive, applied, educational etc. New economic knowledge stimulates a critical re-evaluation of old knowledge and especially

knowledge of trends in the development of society for the future. Regarding application function economic culture, then the activity of subjects of economic relations largely depends not only on the level of their economic knowledge, but also on the ability to apply them in practice, i.e. economic consciousness people.

Economically cultural personality

Being economically cultured is important these days for every person, regardless of whether he works for state enterprise, whether he is engaged in his own business or does not work at all. Let's think about what makes it different an economically and culturally developed person? Apparently, first of all, the availability critical economic thinking.

The basis of critical economic thinking of an individual is an understanding of the essence of economic laws, economic processes and phenomena both within the economic system of their country and between various types economic systems other states.

Critical economic thinking is not only the result of mastering the course of economics and other academic disciplines. It is also formed in the family, in the immediate social environment as a system of views and ideas, for example, regarding how to plan and manage a family budget, how best to spend money, what economic priorities exist, how you can earn a living, what needs to be produced first queue.

A person always faces specific life situations and problems, including economic ones. He needs to strive for a clear formulation of the question, versatile awareness, a holistic consideration of the situation: identifying alternatives; to a consistent, turn-by-turn consideration of parts of a complex whole; analysis specific situations, actions and deeds of an opponent and competitor, etc.

Economic culture is manifested in the ability to realize one’s individual abilities in any given specific situation.A To do this, you need to constantly replenish your economic knowledge, find strength, if necessary, change your ideas, areas of activity and even economic interests.

One of the complexes of an individual’s economic culture is certain economic skills, abilities, and experience.

Economic skills These are the actions of a person that, as a result of frequent repetitions, are performed quickly, accurately, and automatically.

In economic activity, useful skills can be

include computer work, calculations, analysis economic activity, developing a business plan, calculating the rate and amount of profit, determining the amount of taxes, drawing up home budget etc.

Certain skills are also required for business communication, independent selection of an object of labor, planning and organizing one’s work, buying and selling products, setting prices, creating and popularizing advertising, etc.

A person's ability to perform a certain economic activity or individual economic actions based on economic skills is called economic skill. For example, even a seller at the Minsk Komarovsky market, not to mention a designer, manager, etc., needs to be able to organize his workplace, your working day, determine the sequence of the upcoming work, take risks, behave thoughtfully at auction, etc.

A repeated certain level of economic skills and abilities is nothing more than experience. You can often hear the following words: experienced economist, experienced entrepreneur, experienced manager, experienced consultant, etc. Experience is acquired as a result of practical activity.

This means that economic culture is manifested in a person’s functional economic literacy, in knowledge of the basics economic life not only families, enterprises (firms), but also the entire society as a whole.

Economic culture makes it possible to form such personality qualities as economic motives for activity.

Motives are a person's motivation to certain activities. Economic motives determine the direction of a person’s thoughts, his actions, his line of behavior, etc.

In any case, the individual bears personal responsibility for his own economic behavior.

To answer the question of why a person in a given situation acts this way, you need to know the motives that prompt him to such actions.

Economic motives can be personal and socially significant. Personal motives directly related to human needs. Conscious needs become the leading motive of individual behavior. Awareness of rational needs is impossible without the economic culture of the subject.

Most best option- unity, coincidence of personal and public interests. If this occurs in a given society, then the level of economic culture is considered to be the highest.

One of the main components of economic culture is creativity. Creative thinking person faster and deeper

acquires economic knowledge. On the other hand, such an employee is able to more quickly and effectively find ways out of constantly emerging difficult economic situations.

Creativity as essential component economic culture accompanies the work of a person of any profession. Creative activity may manifest itself in the analysis of ways to improve working conditions and sales markets, new forms of organization and remuneration; in improving the means of labor; V economic analysis labor results, etc.

The economic culture of any business entity must include humanistic beginning. This is especially important in the field of entrepreneurship.

Culture of civilized entrepreneurship

Civilized production and entrepreneurship are moral only when they lead to an improvement in living conditions and to the self-discovery of the talents and desires of each person.

Ideally economic principle civilized business activity is service to man.

Entrepreneur- creator in economics, and therefore- and in the history of the country. Therefore, all the components of economic culture, as just mentioned, must be inherent in it in the first place. In addition, a modern entrepreneur needs other qualities:

capacity for economic choice- what needs to be produced first and how much so that the goods and services find their consumers, the ability to effectively use resources so that the produced goods are not only competitive, but also accessible to the consumer;

economic activity, which is expressed in individual independence in the decision-making process, in the organization of production, in personal responsibility for the results of their activities.

Along with civilized entrepreneurship, in almost any country, in one form or another, the so-called "shadow" economy. It gave rise to a kind of distorted market.

Here, entrepreneurship, although combined with the ability to establish contacts with potential counterparties and the skills of collecting and using local economic, scientific and technical information (mainly through the dating system and random channels), still clearly prevails negative aspects economics: lack of guarantees of business obligations; aggressiveness, rudeness and pressure on a colleague or partner, which increase as a result of the desire for financial success and profit; legal nihilism leading to crime situations, etc.

In a civilized market, relations between partners must be civilized, that is, mutually beneficial and safe.

Conclusions./. Economic culture is integral part general culture. A civilized society without it is unthinkable. 2. Economic culture is a “language” with the help of which people can communicate with each other in the process of economic activity and behavior. 3. Each economic era is characterized by its own level and type of economic culture of people. 4. Economically cultural personality- this is a person who has modern economic knowledge, skills, experience, helping him to navigate well in existing socio-economic relations and avoid mistakes, wrong economic actions.


"Shadow" economy- an economy carried out for the purpose of profit outside the official existing rules, norms and conditions of doing business.

Economic culture in the narrow sense of the word- a set of economic knowledge, skills, intelligence, methods and forms of communication between people in the process of their socio-economic actions and relationships.

Economically and culturally developed personality- a person with a system of knowledge, skills and abilities that allow him to successfully operate in the production and economic sphere.

Economic consciousness- a person’s way of reflecting economic relations, a form of knowledge and meaningful use of the laws of economics.

A 1. What is economic culture?

2. What does it mean to be an economically cultural person?

3. What is the difference between a civilized and a “shadow” economy from the point of view




Test your economic knowledge. What is it called:

  • The house where money lives and works.
  • An establishment where goods are purchased and sold in bulk.
  • A security, a document indicating that a share of the capital and part of the profit of the company belongs to you.
  • A legal means of exchange that can be exchanged for any goods.
  • Part total amount net profit joint stock company, distributed among shareholders in proportion to the number of shares they have.
  • The price at which the share is sold.
  • A sum of money lent by a bank to a client for a specific period.
  • The monetary expression of the value of a product, depending on the relationship between supply and demand.
  • The amount of money that the subject lent to the bank.

10. A product that is an object of sale and purchase (teacher G. Venis)?


The higher the culture, the higher the value of work.

V. Rosher

Time is money. B. Franklin

What matters is not the place we occupy, but the direction V which we are moving.

L. N. Tolstoy

Ponomarev L.N. and others. Economic culture (essence, direction of development). M., 1987.

Mishatkina T.V., Borozdina G.V. Culture of business communication: Textbook. allowance/Under general ed. T. V. Mishatkina. Mn., 1997.

Social studies lesson in 10th grade

Economic culture.

Lesson objectives: - Find out the essence of economic culture.

Orient students to perceive and

collective decision complex issues.

Improve students' analytical skills

compare, compare, generalize, decide

creative tasks.

To cultivate tolerance and kindness in students

desirable attitude towards participants in saving -

economic activity, social


Lesson equipment: - Handouts

Lesson presentation

Teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 72, Lipetsk

Kokoreva Olga Mikhailovna

Lipetsk -2011

    Self-determination for activity.

“Ignorance of economic laws does not exempt you from responsibility.”

“Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for the rest of his life.”

Lao Tzu.

Reveal the meaning of these statements.

How do these words relate to our lesson?

Do we have enough knowledge of economics?

Economics is important and interesting science. And no one denies that economic knowledge and thinking are the requirements of today. When faced with economic relations in a changing world, only with the help of economic knowledge can one answer the questions: how to make money and how to spend it wisely? According to what economic laws society lives and what needs to be done to make our life worthy?

Today we will once again be convinced of the value of economic knowledge.

Earn squalls (money) during the lesson.

They can be exchanged for grades at the end of the lesson.

II. Updating knowledge.

What is the importance of economics?

Scolded Homer, Theocritus;

But I read Adam Smith

And there was a deep economy,

That is, he knew how to judge

How does the state get rich?

And how he lives, and why,

No need gold for him,

When a simple product has...

Repetition of exercises in groups.

1 group. Working with concepts.

Compiles definitions of economic concepts from the listed words.

2nd group. Makes sentences and defines concepts.

3rd group. Finds correspondence between concepts and their definitions.

II row. Working with tests.

III row. Reveals the functions of the state in the economy.

Tasks in Appendix No. 1.

III. Statement of the problem.

Why have we failed to reveal the meaning of these concepts?

Lack of knowledge in economics.

Knowledge, education - what area do they relate to?

What unites these concepts? What word?

Culture can characterize individual, or maybe the sphere of public life.

Try to name the topic of our lesson.

State the objectives of the lesson.

Lesson topic: Economic culture.

The purpose of our lesson is to find out the content of economic culture, its main elements. Let us once again be convinced of the importance of economic knowledge. Familiarity with economic culture will help you make a more informed choice in such an area as economics.

IV. Building a project to solve a problem.

What qualities are inherent cultured person?

What characterizes culture?

Which of the following can be attributed to economic culture?

Knowledge - social attitudes

Thinking - economic freedom

Values ​​- personal qualities of a person




V. Project implementation.

Work in groups.

1 group. The role of economic knowledge.

2. group. The role of economic thinking.

3rd group. Economic orientation of activity.

4th group. Social attitudes.

Assignments for groups in Appendix No. 2.

VI.Primary consolidation of knowledge in external speech.

An important manifestation of economic culture is economic relations.

Not only the development of production, but also social balance and the stability of society depends on the nature of economic relations between people (relations of property, exchange, activity and distribution of goods and services).

Economic interests act as a reflection of their economic relations.

What are the economic interests of the entrepreneur and the employee?

Economic interests are a person’s desire to obtain the benefits he needs for his life and family.

The main content of the economic life of society is the interaction of economic interests. Hence the task is to develop principles and ways of optimally combining their interests, their harmonization.

Today, in countries with developed market economies, the moral aspects of economic activity are given great attention. Ethics is taught in many business schools, many corporations accept ethical codes. An entrepreneur must remember that an unscrupulous business will receive an appropriate reaction from society. His personal prestige and the authority of the company will fall, which, in turn, will call into question the quality of the services offered. Ultimately, his profits will be at risk. The slogan “It pays to be honest” becomes popular.


The level of economic culture of a society is also manifested through the state of economic freedom and social responsibility.


Building a house:

the foundation is a person’s personal qualities: hard work, responsibility, the ability to rationally organize one’s work, innovation, frugality, discipline.

The building blocks in this house are: economic knowledge, economic thinking, economic orientation, social attitudes.

The pinnacle of this house is economic culture itself.

Thus, we have once again confirmed that without economic knowledge it is difficult to navigate modern life.

Cultivate in yourself economically significant qualities that will help you gain greater resilience and competitiveness: efficiency and enterprise, initiative and independence, the need to achieve success and social responsibility, creative activity.

VII.Independent work with verification using a sample.

Appendix No. 3.

VIII. Inclusion in the knowledge system.

Working with creative tasks.

IX. Reflection.

What did we learn in class today?

Where will your knowledge of economics come in handy?

How do you feel when you leave class? (select emoticon)

Finishing the lesson today, I want to tell you, you did great!

Someone will go into business in the future. And do not forget that an entrepreneur must show social responsibility, i.e. must be guided not only by his own personal benefit, but also by the interests of society as a whole.

Thank you and I join in the words of the song that you will hear.

Not all of you will be economists, not all of you will choose a specialty in economics, but knowledge is something that will not hurt in life.

Homework. Paragraph 13.

    *Calculate your expenses in the family budget as a percentage.

    *How can schoolchildren earn money? Suggest your option

20. Economic culture. Bogbaz10, §14.

20.1. Economic culture: essence and structure.

20.2. Economic relations and interests.

20.3. Economic freedom and responsibility.

20.4. Concept sustainable development.

20.5. Economic culture and activity.

20.1 . Economic culture: essence and structure.

Cultural development presupposes the identification of a cultural standard (model) and consists in following it to the maximum. These standards exist in the field of politics, economics, public relations etc. It depends on the person whether he will choose the path of development in accordance with the cultural standard of his era or simply adapt to life circumstances.

Economic culture of society- this is a system of values ​​and motives for economic activity, the level and quality of economic knowledge, assessments and human actions, as well as the content of traditions and norms governing economic relations and behavior.

Economic culture of the individual there is an organic unity of consciousness and practical activity.

The economic culture of an individual can correspond to the economic culture of society, advance it, but it can also lag behind it and interfere with its development.

The structure of economic culture:

1) knowledge (a set of economic ideas about production, exchange, distribution and consumption material goods) and practical skills;

2) economic thinking (allows you to understand the essence of economic phenomena and processes, operate with learned economic concepts, analyze specific economic situations);

3) economic orientation (needs, interests, motives of human activity in the economic sphere);

4) ways of organizing activities;

5) norms governing relationships and human behavior in it (frugality, discipline, wastefulness, mismanagement, greed, fraud).

20.2 . Economic relations and interests.

Not only the development of production, but also the social balance in society and its stability depend on the nature of economic relations between people (property relations, exchange of activities and distribution of goods and services). The economic interests of people act as a reflection of their economic relations. Thus, the economic interests of entrepreneurs (maximizing profits) and employees (selling their labor services at a higher price and getting big salary) are determined by their place in the system of economic relations.

Economic interest is a person’s desire to obtain the benefits he needs to provide for his life and family.

The main content of the economic life of society is the interaction of people's economic interests. From here important task– develop ways to optimally combine their interests, their harmonization. History shows us two levers of influence on people in order to achieve greater productivity - violence and economic interest.

One of the ways of economic cooperation between people, the main means of fighting against human selfishness, has become the mechanism of a market economy. This mechanism has made it possible for humanity to introduce its own desire for profit into a framework that allows people to constantly cooperate with each other on mutually beneficial terms (Adam Smith on the “invisible hand” of the market).

In search of ways to harmonize the economic interests of the individual and society, they also used various ways influence on people's consciousness: philosophical teachings, moral standards, art, religion. This led to the creation of a special element of the economy - business ethics, compliance with the norms of which facilitates the conduct of business and cooperation of people, reducing mistrust and hostility. The civilized understanding of entrepreneurial success today is associated, first of all, with moral and ethical, and then with financial aspects => “It pays to be honest.”

20.3 . Economic freedom and responsibility.

Economic freedom includes freedom to make economic decisions and freedom of economic action. Economic freedom without regulation of property rights by law or tradition turns into chaos, in which the rule of force triumphs. Therefore, state regulation of a market economy often acts as a tool to accelerate its development. Economic freedom of the individual is inseparable from social responsibility. There is a contradiction inherent in the nature of economic activity. On the one hand, the desire for maximum profit and selfish protection of private interests, and on the other, the need to take into account the interests and values ​​of society.

Responsibilitya special social and moral-legal attitude of an individual to society as a whole and to other people, which is characterized by the fulfillment of his moral duty And legal norms. In the beginning, social responsibility was associated primarily with compliance with laws.

!!! Then her necessary sign became an anticipation of the future (creating “tomorrow’s consumer”, ensuring environmental safety, social, political, stability of society, increasing the level of education and culture). The social responsibility of participants in economic activity today increases immeasurably due to the breakthrough of science and technology into the deep levels of the universe. Exacerbation environmental problems led to a change in the attitude of entrepreneurs towards the environment.

20.4 . .

In the 1980s, people began to talk about eco-development, development without destruction, and the need for sustainable development of ecosystems. On the need to transition to “development without destruction.” about the need for “sustainable development”, in which “meeting the needs of the present does not undermine the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

Sustainability concept– such a development of society that makes it possible to meet the needs of the present generation without causing damage to future generations to meet their needs.

World Bank experts determined sustainable development as a process of managing a set (portfolio) of assets aimed at preserving and expanding the opportunities available to people. Assets in this definition include not only traditionally measured physical capital, but also natural and human capital. To be sustainable, development must ensure that all these assets grow - or at least do not decrease - over time (and not just economic growth!). In accordance with the above definition of sustainable development, the main indicator of sustainability developed by the World Bank is the “true rate of saving” or “true rate of investment” in a country. Current approaches to measuring wealth accumulation do not take into account depletion and degradation natural resources such as forests and oil fields, on the one hand, and, on the other, investment in people is one of the most valuable assets of any country.

The emergence of the concept of sustainable development has undermined fundamental basis traditional economy - unlimited economic growth. Traditional economics argues that maximizing profits and satisfying consumers in a market system is compatible with maximizing human well-being and that market failures can be corrected government policy. The concept of sustainable development believes that short-term profit maximization and the satisfaction of individual consumers will ultimately lead to the depletion of natural and social resources, on which the well-being of people and the survival of biological species is based.

In one of the main documents of the UN Conference on Environment and Development (Rio de Janeiro, 1992) “Agenda 21”, in Chapter 4 (Part 1), dedicated to changes in the nature of production and consumption, the idea is traced, that we need to go beyond the concept of sustainable development when it is said that some economists “question traditional concepts economic growth”, and proposes a search for “patterns of consumption and production that meet the essential needs of humanity.”

In fact, we may not be talking about an immediate cessation of economic growth in general, but about stopping, at the first stage, the irrational growth in the use of resources environment. The latter is difficult to achieve in a world of growing competition and the growth of such current indicators of successful economic activity as productivity and profit. At the same time, the transition to the “information society” - an economy of intangible flows of finance, information, images, messages, intellectual property - leads to the so-called “dematerialization” of economic activity: already now the volume of financial transactions exceeds the volume of trade in material goods by 7 times. New economy driven not only by the shortage of material (and natural) resources, but in all to a greater extent abundance of information and knowledge resources.

20.5 . Economic culture and economic activity.

The level of economic culture of an individual influences the success of implementation social roles producer, owner, consumer. In the context of the transition to a new information and computer method of production, the worker is required not only high level training, but also high morality, a high level of general culture. Modern labor requires not so much externally supported discipline as self-discipline and self-control. An example of the dependence of the effectiveness of economic activity on the level of development of economic culture is the Japanese economy. There, the rejection of selfish behavior in favor of behavior based on rules and concepts such as “duty”, “loyalty”, “good will” contributed to the achievement of individual and group efficiency and led to industrial progress.

Topic of the social studies lesson in 10th grade:

Objective of the lesson:

1. Formation of ideas about the essence and structure of economic culture, its influence on the goals and results of economic activity.

2. Implementation of the regional target program “Quality”, aimed at improving the quality of life of the population as the basis of social stability.

3.Promotion of development cognitive activity students, the ability to identify their needs, determine the quality of goods and use the information received in class in practical activities.

4. Instilling a consumer culture, a conscious attitude towards actions in the consumer sphere.

Basic concepts:economic culture, economic orientation of the individual, economic freedom, rational consumer

Preliminary preparation : individual forms are prepared for participants: form No. 1 - “Items of family income” and form No. 2 - “Items of family expenses”

Lesson progress

Teacher's opening remarks:

That is, the first enemy of money is ourselves, if our desires outstrip our capabilities. In pursuit of financial well-being, we try to earn as much as possible more money, and then we discover that the more money, the more desires.

To successfully complete this task, we need to understand

Firstly, what is economic culture and how does it influence the economic activities of people,

Secondly, who is a rational consumer? Each of you can check the degree of your prudence in the consumer sphere by answering the questions of the test “Are you a rational consumer?”

So, what is culture?There are many definitions - more than 140 of them. Here are some of them:

(from the proposed definitions, students choose those that fit into the context of economic culture)

This is a collection of spiritual and material assets created by humanity in the process of life;

These are the actions and deeds of a person, which express his conscious attitude towards the world around him, his understanding of good and evil, justice and injustice;

It's all holistic human activity V natural environment, its results, accessible to other people.

Economic culture- this is a system of values ​​and motives for economic activity, the level and quality of economic knowledge, assessments and human actions, as well as the content of traditions and norms governing economic relations and behavior.

Analysis of the definition and textbook materials allows us to highlightstructural elements of economic culture. You can invite students to complete a complicated task of the Unified State Exam Part B - fill in the missing elements in the diagram (offer a layout of the diagram, and enter all the data themselves):

Can students offer different options, can the teacher correct them? offers the following scheme for recording:

How is the economic culture of a society manifested?

What does a person with high economic culture know and do?

How to assess the level of economic culture?

I suggest you evaluate the level of your economic knowledge by completing the Unified State Examination B3 task:

Match titles government programs with their goals:

Program name

Goals and objectives of the program

  1. Pension reform of the Russian Federation
  1. Regional target program "Quality"
  1. Programs to improve the level and quality of life of the population of the Russian Federation

A. Increasing the standard of living of the older generation and guaranteeing the financial sustainability of the state pension system.

B. Formation of a new quality of life corresponding to the goals of the social market economy

IN. Identifying high-quality goods and services and facilitating their promotion to the consumer market; protection of the region's population from low-quality products harmful to the environment and human health

Answer: AVB

2. Nowadays they are thriving in Kuban various industries economies that influence both consumer demand and the activity of entrepreneurs.

Question for students:Who was in more advantageous conditions in Kuban - consumers or producers?(based on the answers to the question, the class is divided into two groups)

I suggest that groups - consumers and producers - listen to brief information about the development of the economy in Kuban, try to solve the problem (teams receive cards with a task-problem):

Card No. 1 (For consumers)

How to manage a household rationally, taking into account the peculiarities of the Kuban economy?

Card No. 2 (For entrepreneurs)

Which sector of the Kuban economy is more profitable to choose for your business activity?

Brief information

about the main sectors of the economy Krasnodar region:

The development of the economy, and, consequently, the characteristics of consumption and production, largely depend on natural factors.

The leading sector of the economy in our region is agriculture, which employs almost a quarter of all working people in the region. More than 100 are cultivated in Kuban various types agricultural crops. The overwhelming majority of Russian production of grapes, tea, and citrus fruits is concentrated in Kuban. Poultry farming and beekeeping are developing successfully.

The characteristics of agriculture are inextricably linked with the development of Kuban industry. The processing industry of the region is based on agricultural raw materials, creating in unity with agricultural enterprises agro-industrial complex. In Kuban, over 1,000 processing enterprises produce more than 2,000 items food products, of which more than 700 meet European standards.

Like agriculture, the industry of the Krasnodar Territory is constantly modernizing. New, advanced technologies are being introduced into production, which allows us to produce more high-quality products without causing damage to the environment.

Kuban is famous for its resorts and health resorts - Sochi, Gelendzhik, Anapa, Goryachy Klyuch and others. Unique sea and mountain resorts, healing springs make Kuban a place where millions of vacationers flock from all over Russia.

Teams are given time of 3-4 minutes to complete the task, they are asked to choose a captain who will give an answer with explanations for the tasks, time to speak is 1.5 minutes

Possible consumer conclusions:

IN household It is more profitable to use goods from Kuban manufacturers, because prices do not increase due to the costs of transporting goods, and the quality is higher than that of goods produced by foreign manufacturers or manufacturers from other regions.

Due to the characteristics of the soil and climatic conditions Some of the products (fruits, vegetables) can be grown on your own farm.

Possible conclusions for entrepreneurs:

Students announce their chosen industry ( farming, processing plant or resort business), which is due to the climate (or geographical location) Krasnodar region.

In general, it can be argued that the economy of the Krasnodar region has enormous potential, having the necessary natural and human resources for further successful development. It is only necessary to take a reasonable and balanced approach to economic management and use advanced domestic and foreign experience.

A rational consumer knows his rights well. Are you a rational consumer?

Close to the concept of “rationality” is the concept of “prudence”. Agree that prudence shown when purchasing goods can protect you from thoughtless waste and many problems in the future.

Test “Are you a rational consumer?” and results

  1. 1.Do you often lose your temper over little things?
  2. 2. Are you afraid of angering a person who is physically stronger than you?
  3. 3. Do you start talking loudly so that your classmates pay attention to you?
  4. 4. Do you like to slide down railings?
  5. 5. Do you enjoy taking medications when you are sick?
  6. 6. Will you do anything to achieve your goal?
  7. 7.Do you like big dogs?
  8. 8. Are you sure that you will someday become a celebrity like your idol?
  9. 9. Do you know how to stop in time when you feel like you are losing?
  10. 10. Are you used to eating a lot, even if you are not hungry?
  11. 11. Do you want to know in advance what you will get for the holiday?
  12. 12. Do you like to sit for hours under the sun or moonlight?

Calculate points: YES - 0 points, NO - 1 point

More than 8 points:

You should consider yourself as the embodiment of life wisdom, rationality and self-confidence, which, however, prevents you from quickly navigating life situations and can lead to severe megalomania

From 4 to 8 points:

You are a person of the “golden mean”, possessing developed sense measures and realistically assessing their capabilities. True, your sense of proportion is so developed that it is not easy for you to feel immensely happy.”

Less than 4 points:

Apparently, you are a reckless individual who can never get enough of everything. Because of your apparent dissatisfaction, you often feel unhappy, and, really, it would be useful for you to enjoy the little things in life.

Based on the test results obtained, we need to determine who a rational consumer is. Rational consumer behavior in the market for goods and services requires a certain sequence of actions:

Students are asked to fill out form No. 1 “Family income”

Conditions: 1. total family income cannot exceed 60 thousand rubles per month.

2.calculations are carried out only in rubles.

Form No. 1 “Family income”

Full name of the participant ___________________________________________________

Number of family members _________

Who is in the family


The amount (in rubles) contributed to the family budget

% of total income

Total consumption


After filling out forms No. 2, participants compare income and expenses.

The winners are those participants who list all the necessary expenses (including expenses for food, taxes and fees public utilities), there is no budget deficit, and there are savings.

If you have time, you can arrange for correction of form No. 2 (adjustment of form No. 1 is prohibited!).

Teacher's word:

The consumer’s ability to maximally satisfy their needs for goods and services depends not only on the amount of income, but also on their rational use. Try to plan your purchases. This will allow you to better understand your needs and eliminate what you can’t live without. at the moment make do.

Thus, today in the lesson we defined who an economically cultural entrepreneur is - a competent, proactive, active person; and who is an economically cultured consumer - a prudent buyer who spends every ruble earned in a balanced way. (Students’ independent conclusions are possible.)

I wish you financial well-being and prosperity.


1) Textbook materials

2) Write a social science essay based on the statement of E. Servus, a Russian writer:

“A man with many virtues will add two more to them if he is able to earn and spend a lot of money wisely.”

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