Psychological impact. Psychological influence as impact

Okra is a plant of the malvaceae family. This vegetable is also called gombo, lady fingers and okra. Many Europeans are interested in what okra is and how it is eaten, as this product is becoming increasingly popular among experienced housewives. The nutritional composition, impeccable taste and the ability to include the vegetable in various dishes guarantee the successful use of okra for culinary purposes.

Okra fruits have 5–7 sides, which contain numerous small seeds. Typically the length is 25 centimeters.

The surface of the vegetable is covered with a small fluff, which it is advisable to remove before consuming the product to prevent allergic reactions.

Okra has bright green fruits whose taste is vaguely reminiscent of asparagus and eggplant. It should be noted that the product contains a large amount of mucus, so it is advisable to get rid of it with the help of acidic additives (for example, vinegar, tomatoes).

The origin of okra has not yet been established. It is believed that the vegetable may come from West Africa and India, since a large number of plants of this type grow in these regions.

Currently, okra is just becoming popular in Russia. Many people are trying to find out what okra is, where it grows and how it is eaten.

In fact, the vegetable is becoming more and more interesting for preparing European dishes, but the pickled product is still the most accessible option.

Varieties of okra

In Russia there are different varieties of okra, differing in shape and size.

  1. Lady fingers (okra). This variety has pods with small seeds that can be used for culinary purposes. Maximum length the plant is about a meter. After planting the seeds and before receiving the first harvest, it usually takes a little more than 3 months. The stem of a ripe vegetable is covered with sparse and sparse hairs. Visually, the Lady Fingers variety has inedible hairs, which it is recommended to get rid of in order for the fruit to reveal good taste characteristics and delight with its benefits. The fruit is hidden in the axils of the leaves, so you need to understand how to peel okra. The variety in question exhibits resistance to hot and dry weather. Okra can be harvested twice a year if the climate is favorable. Recommended consumption unripe fruits, since they contain a special substance necessary to improve the structure of dishes. Okra is ideal for adding to vegetable salads, soups, and side dishes. It is recommended to can the vegetable and freeze it for long-term storage. Okra variety “Lady fingers” is recommended for consumption by people who observe dietary food and suffer from atherosclerosis.
  2. The oak forest is low-growing. The height of the plant stem usually reaches 80 centimeters. The ripe fruit acquires a dark green color, which distinguishes it from unripe vegetables. Proper cultivation of okra involves the possibility of obtaining up to 8 fruits, each of which will contain up to 50 seeds.
  3. The oak forest is mid-season. The first collection becomes possible after about 2 months. However, it will take up to 4 months for the seeds to fully ripen. The fruiting cycle lasts a month, and during this time the harvest can be harvested 7–9 times. The mid-season Dubrava variety is planted only in open ground. The vegetable is ideal for people on a healthy diet.
  4. Medium-sized pipe. The stem reaches a height of up to 120 centimeters. Yellow small inflorescences are distinguished by the presence of medium-sized green fruits. At the same time, the flute, which is grown specifically for harvest, can please big amount delicious fruits.
  5. The flute is mid-season. The first harvest after planting can be harvested in about 2 months. This variety of okra bears fruit for about a month, and during this time it is possible to obtain a harvest up to 9 times.

A photo of okra, what it is and how it is eaten interests many people, and each variety requires a special climate and the right approach to its cultivation.

Useful properties of okra

The rich composition of okra guarantees the presence of numerous positive properties.

  1. Increased content level folic acid contributes to making okra an ideal product for women while pregnant.
  2. Plant mucilage is a kind of dietary fiber. This substance normalizes blood sugar. For this reason, the vegetable is good for diabetics.
  3. Okra removes excess cholesterol, bile products, and toxic substances from the body. This kind of cleaning human body guarantees maintenance good condition health.
  4. The nutritional composition of okra improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Initially, the prevention of constipation and flatulence is guaranteed. If you regularly consume okra, you can count on successfully improving your health with gastritis and stomach ulcers, as the intestinal microflora improves.
  5. Okra is an ideal low-calorie dietary product. A large number of nutrients helps improve well-being and maintain the necessary body tone.
  6. Regular consumption of okra guarantees improved well-being in cases of depression and chronic fatigue.

The above positive properties of okra contribute to the fact that this vegetable is becoming more and more in demand. If you know what okra is and how it is eaten, where to buy seeds, you can count on guaranteed benefits for the body.

Okra is used not only in cooking, but also for cosmetic purposes. Masks are successfully prepared from boiled vegetables to improve hair condition.

If you use cream with okra extract, you can count on effective cleansing skin from acne and eliminating any unevenness on the skin.

Possibilities of using okra for culinary purposes

Okra is a vegetable that can be successfully used in cooking.

The following product processing methods are often assumed:

  • salting;
  • pickling;
  • frying;
  • stewing;
  • steaming;
  • deep-frying.

Moreover, okra can be safely consumed raw, and it is in this form that the maximum availability is guaranteed. possible quantity nutritional components.

Knowing what okra is and how it is eaten can help you study the recipes carefully.

For example, okra is used to prepare almost any dish, but to open it best characteristics It is advisable to use spices and natural oils, which add additional notes of taste and reveal pleasant facets of aroma.

Okra can be used dried or frozen.

Okra seeds are also edible. They are used to prepare a drink reminiscent of coffee, oil with a specific taste and smell.

Regular use of okra for culinary purposes guarantees large quantity nutrients.

At home, okra can be stored for no more than 3 days, as the product quickly deteriorates and subsequently loses its nutritional value.

If you know what pickled okra is and how it is eaten, you can eat a delicious dish that is distinguished by its nutritional composition.

Contraindications for eating okra

It would seem that okra should be healthy vegetable. However, the product may cause potential harm to certain categories of people.

The greatest risks of occurrence side effects appear due to individual intolerance of the body and the possible manifestation of allergic reactions.

In such cases, people may complain of itching and other signs of skin allergies.

To reduce the risk of allergies, it is advisable to clean the okra from existing hairs on the fruit. Cleaning is carried out with rubber gloves, since when carrying out such a procedure you need to take care of protection.

Okra pods may seem spicy. To improve the taste characteristics, heat treatment of the vegetable is recommended. As a result, the excess spiciness will go away and the taste characteristics will please you.

Okra is a Mediterranean vegetable that has recently become increasingly in demand among Russian housewives who want to prepare healthy and tasty dishes.

psychological influence is an influence on the mental state, feelings, thoughts and actions of other people, bypassing consciousness, logic and reason: through suggestion and infection, through appealing to feelings and experiences, to the unconscious and habits, to living impressions and muddy fears.

Types of psychological influence

Argumentation - Expressing and discussing arguments in favor of a certain decision or position with the aim of forming or changing the interlocutor’s attitude towards this decision or position. Self-promotion - Declaring your goals and presenting evidence of your competence and qualifications in order to be appreciated and thereby gain advantages in elections, when appointed to a position, etc.

Manipulation - Hidden encouragement of the recipient to experience certain states, make decisions and/or perform actions necessary for the initiator to achieve his own goals. Suggestion - Conscious unreasoned influence on a person/group, aimed at changing their state, attitude towards something and creating a predisposition to certain actions. Infection - Transferring one's condition or attitude to another person or group of people who in some way. The state can be transmitted both involuntarily and voluntarily, and acquired - also involuntarily or voluntarily. Awakening the impulse to imitate - The ability to evoke the desire to be like oneself. It can manifest itself either involuntarily or be used voluntarily. The desire to imitate and imitation (copying someone else's behavior and way of thinking) can also be voluntary and involuntary. Building Favor- Attracting to yourself involuntary attention the addressee by the initiator demonstrating his own originality and attractiveness, expressing favorable judgments about the addressee, imitating him or providing him with a service. Request - An appeal to the addressee to satisfy the needs or desires of the initiator of the influence. Ignoring - Deliberate inattention, absent-mindedness towards the partner, his statements and actions. It is perceived as a sign of neglect and disrespect, but in some cases it acts as a tactful form of forgiveness for tactlessness or awkwardness made by a partner. Coercion - a person to perform certain actions with the help of threats and deprivations. Attack- A sudden attack on another's psyche, carried out with or without conscious intent, and is a form of release of emotional tension.

(2nd source:)Psycho. the influence can be operational and strategic, everyday and professional, analytical and constructive, at different levels - the communicative level, the level of relationships, the level of activity and life. See→

12. Methods and techniques of psychiatry. Impacts: (methods)

The term “method” (from the Greek methodos - research) means the path of research or knowledge, the method of practical implementation of something.

1.1 Persuasion- influencing the consciousness and will of people through communication, explanation and proof of the importance of a particular position, view, action or their inadmissibility in order to force the listener to change existing views, attitudes, positions, attitudes and assessments. Based on the activation of human mental activity, appealing to the rational side of consciousness. 1.2 Suggestion: purposeful verbal influence is carried out, causing uncritical perception or assimilation of any information. 1. Direct suggestion . Suggestion is achieved through direct verbal influence in an emotionally rich, commanding tone. The phrases are sharp and easy to remember. The most important phrases are repeated several times. Speech is accompanied by gestures, facial expressions, intonation and rhythm. 2. Indirect suggestion . With indirect suggestion, they always resort to the help of an additional stimulus. Without words: appearance, authority, setting and objects, behavior. Compulsion has two modifications: physical and moral-psychological coercion. The first is associated with the use of physical or military force and will not be considered by us. The second modification manifests itself, for example, in managerial or educational practice. The method of coercion essentially coincides with the method of persuasion. In both persuasion and coercion, the subject justifies his point of view with the help of evidence. The main feature of the coercion method, compared to persuasion, is that the basic premises with which this thesis is substantiated potentially contain negative sanctions for the object. Promotion- externally active stimulation, encouraging a person to positive, proactive, creative activity. Punishment is a method of conflict inhibition, suspension of harmful, immoral, activities that are contrary to the interests of the collective and the individual, consciously committed by people

Techniques of psychological influence:

Hint. Based on the use of the mechanism of indirect suggestion. It consists in the fact that, wanting to slow down the development of an undesirable quality, it does not directly indicate the required behavior, does not criticize, but follows a roundabout path.

An imaginary ban. Wanting to attract the attention of employees to something ordinary, a manager can deliberately dramatize the situation, emphasize the difficulty and riskiness of achieving a goal, the limited possibilities for satisfying requests, etc.

Retreat. It is used most often in conflict situations to defuse the situation and prevent the conflict from reaching its climax.

Resource Gain Demonstration. The essence of the technique is that the subject informs the object that he has the opportunity to increase his own resources to such an extent that they will greatly exceed the object’s resources.

Masking responsibility. The point is to transfer responsibility for the results of work to another. This stimulates activity and educates

independence, relieves excessive anxiety. More (Informing, Argumentation, Proof by facts., Illustration, Dispute, Discussion, Analogy, Activating attention)

2. The essence of psychological impact

Psychological impact - socio-psychological activity of some people, carried out in various forms And by various means, aimed at other people and their groups with the goal of changing psychological characteristics, personality (its views, opinions, relationships, value orientations, moods, motives, attitudes, and behavioral stereotypes), group norms, public opinion or experiences of people that mediate their activities and behavior.

Information psychological impact(often called information and propaganda, ideological) - this is the influence of words, information.

Psychological influence of this type has as its main goal the formation in people of certain “ideological (social) ideas, views, perceptions, beliefs, while at the same time evoking in them positive or negative emotions, feelings and even violent mass reactions.

Psychogenic effects are a consequence of:

A) physical impact on the brain of an individual, as a result of which there is a disruption of normal neuropsychic activity (for example, a person receives a brain injury, as a result of which he loses the ability to think rationally, he loses memory, etc.; or he is exposed to factors such as sound, lighting, temperature, etc., which through certain physiological reactions change the state of his psyche);

b) the shock effect of environmental conditions or some events (for example, images of massive destruction, numerous victims, etc.) on a person’s consciousness, as a result of which he is unable to act rationally, experiences affect or depression, panics, etc. .P.

The less prepared a person is for the psycho-traumatic influences of the surrounding reality and its physical influences, the more pronounced it is mental trauma, called psychogenic losses,

Psychoanalytic (psychocorrectional) influence is the influence on a person’s subconscious by therapeutic means, especially in a state of hypnosis or deep sleep.

Neurolinguistic influence (neurolinguistic programming) is a type of psychological influence that changes people’s motivations by introducing special linguistic programs into their consciousness.

Psychotronic (parapsychological, extrasensory) influence is an influence on other people carried out by transmitting information through extrasensory (unconscious) perception.

Psychotropic effects are effects on the psyche of people with

2.1 Types of influence in psychological influence

Influence in psychological influence is the implementation of its functions by the subject of influence, his activity, leading to a change in any features of the object’s individuality, his consciousness and behavior.

The individually specific influence of the person carrying out the psychological influence consists in transferring (or imposing) on ​​people patterns of personal and other activity that they have not yet mastered, in which his individual psychological characteristics are expressed (kindness, sociability or, conversely, hostility, selfishness, etc.). P.).

The functional-role influence of the subject of psychological influence is the form in which he exercises his functions and interacts with other people, expressed in the imposition of social values ​​and actions, ways of possible behavior on other people, set by the goals he pursues and determined by the role he plays ( or performs).

Directed influence is the influence of the subject of psychological influence, which is focused on certain people or their specific personal qualities and socio-psychological characteristics.

Non-directional influence is influence that is not aimed at a specific object.

Direct influence is the direct influence of the subject of psychological influence or his personal qualities on other people.

Indirect influence- impact directed not directly at the object of influence, but at its environment.

2.2 Principles of psychological influence

Individual and differentiated approach in psychological impact presupposes: deep and comprehensive knowledge and consideration of individual psychological characteristics its subjects; determination of specific influence tasks in accordance with their personal characteristics; constant analysis of the results of psychological impact; timely introduction of adjustments to the methodology for its implementation, taking into account the characteristics of each specific object of influence.

The principle of psychological influence in a group and through a team requires: priority influence on informal leaders and leaders of a group or team; determine the prospects for the development of the group, uniting the thoughts and actions of all its members, and it is on them to concentrate the focus of the main influence of the subject of influence; skillfully use the power of group opinion in order to increase the effectiveness of influence; force all members of the team to subordinate their personal interests to common ones; ensure the unity and cohesion of the asset in actions that contribute to the implementation of the goals of the psychological impact carried out on the team.

Psychological influence in the process of activity suggests that during its course the influence on people can be less noticeable and more productive.

The principle of combining high intensity of influence, taking into account the specific characteristics of its object, presupposes the implementation of continuous achievement of the goals of psychological influence, the temporary suspension of which is possible only when it is necessary to adjust it based on the specific manifestation of specific psychological characteristics of people, which were not possible to comprehend in advance.

The principle of relying on the positive or negative in an individual and a group requires studying and taking into account, first of all, what can promote or hinder psychological impact. Some positive or negative characteristics Individuals or groups can both hinder the impact and increase its effectiveness, which must be taken into account in advance.

The principle of unity, consistency, continuity in psychological influence presupposes: the unity of views of all subjects of psychological influence on its tasks; achieving unity in all elements and content of psychological impact; use of achievements modern science in the interests of increasing the effectiveness of the overall impact on different people and their groups; coordination of the line of psychological influence in relation to individual people; generalization of experience in achieving consistency and continuity in psychological impact in various social conditions.

... ", "ideology", etc. From this point of view, his position in the discussion stands apart, in any case, he is not directly included in the polemics with G.I. Chelpanov. His contribution to the formation of social psychology from the outside related disciplines journalist L.N. Voitolovsky also contributed (1925). From his point of view, the subject collective psychology- psychology of masses. He examines a number of psychological mechanisms...

Social-psychological knowledge (from the 50s of the twentieth century to the present): neo-behaviourist, cognitivist, psychoanalytic, interactionist, cultural and domestic directions in the development of social psychology. Neo-behaviourist concepts: 1. The theory of aggression and imitation (N. Miller, D. Dollard, A. Bandura) about the operant conditioning of actions and behavior, about intermediate...

Knowledge and understanding by one person of another acts as an obligatory component of communication; conditionally, it can be called the perceptual side of communication. Social perception- one of the most difficult and important concepts social psychology. It can even be argued that it is one of the most significant contributions of social psychology to modern and promising Human psychology. His...

On a friend. Social Psychology- exogenous science; she reveals how social conditions influence behavior. Let's see how the definition of social psychology is interpreted in the textbook by Andreeva G. M. “Social psychology is a branch of psychological science that studies the patterns of behavior and activity of people, determined by their involvement in social groups, as well as psychological...

In order to most deeply study such a phenomenon as psychological impact, the author of this course work seems necessary to understand the following terminology: essence and impact.

Essence (Latin) - 1) philosopher: the internal content of an object, revealed in the external forms of its existence; 2) the most important and essential thing in something.

Influence (English) - exerting influence in order to achieve the desired result. The impact can be indirect and direct. Direct impact is contact communication, for example through a blow or touch. Indirect influence - information transmitted via coded signals (including advertising).

Now let's move directly to the concept of psychological impact. Psychological influence is the directed transfer of information from one person to another in order to change the psychological characteristics, behavior and other characteristics of a communication partner.

In general, ancient philosophers addressed the issue of influencing people. For example, in Aristotle’s work “Politics” the idea is clearly evident that man is by nature a political being, that he cannot exist outside of society, that in order to achieve the highest happiness, happy life is possible only through joint, complementary activities. And the implementation of this activity is impossible without communication and mutual influence.

With the development of mankind and civilization, attention to this phenomenon has constantly increased. In the 18th century, communication was associated with the interaction between the individual and society, and the question of educational influence also came to the attention of researchers. One of the prominent figures of this time was J. J. Rousseau. In his work “Emile or on Education” (1762), he wrote that the task of education is to protect moral feelings from the influence of society.

In the 19th and 20th centuries there was increased interest in the problem of psychological influence. Western scientists are studying this problem from the perspective of the theory of the hero and the crowd. The masses of the people are recognized as easily susceptible to influence.

With the help of influence, you can shape a person of any type and behavior. This assumption was put forward by J. Watson in his book “Psychological Child Care” (1929).

In the 30-50s of the twentieth century, the development of techniques and methods of psychological influence and interaction continued, especially in relation to the impact of the team on the individual. Special attention paid attention to clarifying the conditions for the effectiveness of imitation, suggestion, and actions by example. They were associated both with the characteristics of the team and with the characteristics of the individual. Similar conclusions were made in the work of A. G. Kovalev “On Social Psychology” (1959).

Research into the psychological effects is currently ongoing. One of the recent ones was the book by Vladimir Gavrilovich Krysko “Social Psychology”. This book It has great value for this course work.

So, in the process of development of the psychology of influence, it appeared great amount ways to influence masses. Some of them we encounter every day, but some of them not so often. Exists specific classification methods of influence. The author of this course work considers it necessary to become familiar with the main types and classifications of psychological influence.

Like any other communication, psychological influence has a certain structure: subject, object, the process of influence itself, as well as feedback.

The subject of psychological influence is a consciously acting person who directly carries out the influence. The role of the subject can be one person or a group of people.

In order to influence (correctly) effectively and with the desired effect, the subject must be able to study the object and the situation in which they find themselves, must be able to interpret and predict the behavior of their subject, as well as correctly choose the methods with which to influence the object.

However, not only the subject’s knowledge of how to influence an object can make this influence effective, but also the personal qualities of the subject himself, such as sociability, authoritarianism, activity, emotional stability, self-esteem, and so on.

To identify the most important qualities, which a person acting as a subject must have at the St. Petersburg University named after V.M. Poland conducted a study. As a result, “a complex of communicative and personal properties was established, including ease of communication, communication skills, adaptability, confidence, active position in interaction, achievement motive, understanding of the interlocutor and social intelligence.”5

The object of psychological influence is a person or group of people at whom the process of influence is directed. Most often, a person does not suspect that he is a participant in the influence process. Based on your life experience, having education, gender and age, he analyzes the information provided to him and reacts to it accordingly. The reaction can be varied: from complete agreement to non-agreement, and sometimes attempts to mutually influence the subject (feedback).

The process of psychological influence includes an analysis and assessment of the situation in which the influence will be carried out, obtaining information about the subject, the choice of types of psychological influence, its methods and means.

Means of psychological influence, in turn, are divided into verbal and non-verbal.

Verbal means of influence are language means And speech techniques, which are used in PR and advertising; text part of advertising messages, slogans, brand and product names.6

Here it is very important to know the audience to whom the influence is directed, depending on its characteristics (gender, age, nationality, level of education, social status), the subject chooses certain words and expressions that will certainly be understood by the object and will be perceived that way , as the subject wanted.

Nonverbal means of influence are extra-linguistic forms and methods of transmitting information.

These include postures, gestures, facial expressions, hairstyle, clothes, shoes, the smell of the subject’s perfume, the noise it makes, the environment of the place where the influence is carried out (location, interior).

Here it is important to ensure that the subject feels comfortable and at ease, which will contribute to full understanding and acceptance of the information.

To methods of psychological influence (based on the classification of V.G. Krysko, doctor psychological sciences, professors) include persuasion, suggestion, infection, imitation and hypnosis.7

Persuasion is a method of psychological influence on the patient’s consciousness by changing his own previous judgments.8

The purpose of persuasion is acceptance by the object independent decision based on the information received using logical and correctly constructed arguments on the part of the subject.

That is, the basis of persuasion is argumentation. But, despite the correctly constructed information, the subject must have some authority in the eyes of the object and must be able to win his attention.

Suggestion is a type of targeted communicative influence on the behavior and consciousness of a person (or group of people), as a result of which a person (group of people), contrary to available factual information (perceived, retrieved from memory), recognizes the existence of something that does not actually exist, or something does something contrary to one's intentions or habits. 9

Suggestion is aimed at the unconscious level of a person’s mental system, and the person’s mental activity at the time of suggestion is absent or significantly weakened, which makes it possible to perceive the information transmitted by suggestion with exactly the effect that the subject put into it.

Suggestion can be carried out both in a state of wakefulness and in a state of sleep (N.V. Vyazemsky Use of medical suggestions 1903, V.M. Bekhterev “Suggestion and its role in public life” 1897).

There is also a type of suggestion called self-hypnosis, which is the suggestion of some information to oneself. Significant contributions to the study of this area were made by such scientists as I.R. Tarkhanov (“Self-hypnosis” 1881), N.I. Spiridonov (“Self-hypnosis, movement, sleep, health” 1975), E. Coue (“Conscious self-hypnosis” 1932).

Contagion is an unconscious, involuntary exposure of a person to perception mental states and the behavior of other people.

A person who is, as it were, a hotbed of infection must have such a strong emotional mood to “infect” the people around him.

As can be seen from the definition, a person does not realize that he is the object of influence, since he especially deeply experiences the emotions and moods of the subject.

This method of influence mainly groups large masses people, such as sports fans, religious followers, fans at concerts, and situations of panic or mass aggression.

Imitation is following an example or model; independent copying of actions perceived from others.11

A person encounters this method of influence in the very early age, when, imitating his parents, he speaks the first words, and then, as he grows up, imitates various skills and norms of behavior.

There is also such a type of imitation as imitating your idols, leaders or famous and successful individuals.

Hypnosis is a technique of influencing an individual by concentrating his attention in order to narrow the field of consciousness and subordinate it to the influence and control of an external agent - a hypnotist, whose suggestions the hypnotized person will carry out.

Types of psychological influence will be considered in this course work according to the classification of V. G. Krysko.

Information-psychological is the influence on an object with the help of information, and this information can not only be transmitted by the subject, but also created by him. This type of influence is to some extent similar to informing, but the purpose of informing is not to change or strengthen the opinion, attitude, or views of the object.

Psychogenic is an effect caused either physical violence, or shocking environmental conditions or events.

In such situations, a person is not able to think adequately. With this type of influence, special attention is paid to the choice of color. Scientists have long proven that different colors affect people differently and can cause different reactions.

Psychoanalytic is the influence on a person’s subconscious by therapeutic means, especially in a state of hypnosis or deep sleep.

Also, when studying this type of impact, one cannot help but pay attention to the work of professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences I.V. Smirnov, who created the technology of psychoanalysis using computer technology. This technology makes it possible to diagnose a person and regulate his behavior (Computer psychoanalysis and psychotherapy 1994).

Neurolinguistic is an influence carried out using special verbal and non-verbal programs used in neurolinguistic programming.

Psychotronic is an influence carried out with the help of psychics, or psychotronic weapons, such as generators of high-frequency and low-frequency brain coding, or the “25th frame phenomenon”.

Psychotropic is the effect on a person with the help of medications, chemicals and biological substances. You need to choose the right drugs that can change consciousness and use them. Currently, there are neurotransmitters that can control (strengthen or suppress) aggressive behavior person.

Of course, not all types are described above, but only the main and most famous ones. Naturally, some of them are more effective than others. Every person in his life, in one way or another, not only encounters psychological influence, but also successfully applies it in everyday life.

Psychological influence is an influence on people (on individuals and groups), carried out with the aim of changing ideological and psychological structures their consciousness and subconscious, transformation emotional states, stimulating certain types of behavior.

There are three stages of psychological influence:

Operational, when the activity of its subject is carried out;

Procedural, when there is acceptance (approval) or rejection (disapproval) of a given impact by its object;

Final, when responses appear as a consequence of a restructuring of the psyche of the target.

Restructuring of the psyche under the influence of psychological influence can be different both in breadth and temporal stability. According to the first criterion, partial changes are distinguished, i.e. changes in any one psychological quality (for example, a person’s opinion about a specific phenomenon), and more general changes psyche, i.e. changes in a number of psychological qualities of an individual (or group). According to the second criterion, changes can be short-term or long-term.

The use of psychological influence in a combat situation has its own characteristics:

Not only humane, but also inhumane methods and techniques of psychological influence are allowed;

Psychological influence is carried out in combination with the use of means of armed struggle;

There is a desire to achieve maximum psychogenic impact.

Psychological impact is exerted on specific areas of the psyche individual person, groups of people and social consciousness as a whole:

Need-motivational (knowledge, beliefs, value orientations, drives, desires);

Intellectual-cognitive (sensations, perceptions, ideas, imagination, memory and thinking);

Emotional-volitional sphere (emotions, feelings, moods, volitional processes);

Communicative-behavioral (the nature and characteristics of communication, interaction, relationships, interpersonal perception).

This means that psychological influence only gives the greatest real effect when the peculiarities of the functioning of individual, group and social consciousness inherent in these specific areas are taken into account.

The psychological impact has its own patterns:

If it is aimed primarily at the need-motivational sphere of people, then its results affect primarily the direction and strength of people’s motives (inclinations and desires);

When the emotional sphere of the psyche is targeted, this is reflected in internal experiences, as well as interpersonal relationships;

The combination of influences on both of these areas makes it possible to influence the volitional activity of people and thus control their behavior;

Influence on the communicative-behavioral sphere (the specifics of relationships and communication) allows you to create socio-psychological comfort and discomfort, force people to cooperate or conflict with others;

As a result of the psychological impact on a person’s intellectual and cognitive sphere, they change in right side his ideas, the nature of the perception of newly received information and, ultimately, his “picture of the world”.

The human psyche (i.e., the object of psychological influence) is a system of need-motivational, intellectual-cognitive, emotional-volitional and communicative-behavioral components. It can function in a balanced manner or with a distortion in existing relationships. Both are determined by the effect of cognitive dissonance.

Cognitive dissonance is a phenomenon characterized by the following characteristics:

A) there is dissonance between the intellectual-cognitive and all other components of the psyche, i.e. inconsistency, inconsistency;

B) the existence of dissonance causes a person to desire to reduce it or at least prevent its further increase;

C) the manifestation of this desire looks like:

Distrust of new information, or

Changing behavior according to new information, or

Rethinking previous information from a new perspective.

In accordance with the above, in order to have a psychological impact, it is necessary to first provoke failures and distortions in the functioning of individual components of the psyche of the target. The dynamic balance between them will be disrupted and he will begin to experience a state of cognitive dissonance. After this, you can encourage him to recover peace of mind by changing his previous, habitual views, beliefs and attitudes, and then behavioral stereotypes.

This is most clearly seen in the example of the psychological motivation to surrender and in working with prisoners of war.

Almost every serviceman is aware that surrender, to which the enemy calls him, is a very negative act. But during combat operations, he often sees that captivity (or, alternatively, desertion) is the only way to save his life. He is then faced with an alternative: to lose the respect of his front-line comrades, friends and relatives, or to lose his life. A painful search for a solution begins (i.e., the experience of cognitive dissonance). A person must choose one of these two options, internally accept either the possibility of death or escape from it. Often this is a choice in favor of surrender.

In captivity, work is carried out to further transform the worldview of prisoners. Specialists in the field of psychological influence seek to replace their existing value orientations (for example, bourgeois-democratic ones) with others (for example, socialist ones, as was the case when working with prisoners during the Great Patriotic War). Patriotic War, Korea and Vietnam). Acquaintance with new views, ideas, and norms of behavior that require the abandonment of established beliefs again leads to the emergence of cognitive dissonance. In whose favor the decision will be made in this case depends on a number of factors (the age of the prisoner, the degree of his intellectual development, level of education, the quality of the work carried out with him, etc.).

The effectiveness of psychological influence also depends on the characteristics of the mechanisms for transforming beliefs, stereotypes and attitudes of people.

The mechanism of transformation of beliefs. Beliefs are meaningful, stable motives for people’s activities, usually having an ideological basis and manifested in their actions, deeds and behavior. For example, in any army they usually cultivate the so-called “eternal soldierly virtues” - courage, perseverance, trust and subordination to commanders, pride in their branch of the military and in their unit, military camaraderie, self-confidence, etc., supposedly devoid of political direction. This is bearing fruit.

Often high results in combat training, readiness for decisive action V extreme situations(especially during exercises) many military personnel are based mainly on internal acceptance"eternal valor", as well as on a sense of duty, pride in one's weapons, personal vanity and the desire to demonstrate one's capabilities.

However real threat life in a combat situation, other dangers modern warfare force the soldier to also care about his survival. At the same time, in accordance with the laws of cognitive dissonance, established beliefs are subject to fluctuations. Therefore, targeted psychological influence from the outside helps to weaken, neutralize or replace them with the opposite.

The use of psychological warfare means best results when they are used in a favorable environment. One of the most effective ways creating such a situation is to logically lead enemy soldiers to the idea of ​​surrender. For example, reports of mass surrenders, descriptions good conditions life in captivity and the promise of the opportunity to return home after the end of the war, as the practice of psychological warfare shows, helps to persuade enemy troops to surrender.

The mechanism of transformation of stereotypes. Stereotypes are common in certain social and ethnic groups schematized ideas about the facts of reality, which determine very simplified (usually inadequate to reality) assessments and judgments by representatives of these groups. They are formed as a result of repeated semantic and emotional emphasis of people’s consciousness on certain phenomena and events, their repeated perception and imprinting in memory.

Stereotypes most often reflect not essential (deep) but external, most noticeable, most striking features of a phenomenon or event. Any assessment of the latter that corresponds to the stereotype is usually accepted without evidence and is considered the most correct, while any other is questioned. It is important to note that stereotypes arise in individual, group and social consciousness as a result of the influence not only of the surrounding reality, but also as a result of the perception of the experience, opinions, and judgments of other people.

That is why stereotypes can become the object of psychological influence. Their transformation is both a prerequisite for the effectiveness of such influence and a condition, the observance of which makes it possible to ultimately change people’s behavior. Thus, the state forms a stereotype of the people’s positive attitude towards political leadership of your country. The goal of the enemy’s psychological warfare agencies is to discredit this leadership and destroy the stereotype of citizens’ positive attitude towards it.

For example, the United States, during its intervention in Panama (December 1989 - January 1990), clearly showed how to do this. To discredit the President of Panama, General M. Noriega, in the eyes of Panamanians and the world community, a Florida court brought 13 charges against him, including drug trafficking and racketeering. American funds mass media constantly emphasized personal responsibility Noriega for the cancellation of the results of democratic elections and the brutal reprisal of a group of Panama National Guard officers who tried to carry out a coup. His dictatorial habits, in particular declaring himself “president for life,” were widely commented on. Most of the world's newspapers circulated a photograph of M. Noriega's office, the walls of which were decorated with a portrait of Hitler in a fascist uniform with the inscription German"One leader - one nation"The press constantly reported on Noriega's passion for pornographic magazines and videos, and his drug use.

People's attention was also drawn to the fact that in the dictator's residence there were various ritual objects, indicating that he was serious about witchcraft and the occult.

As a result, in the eyes of the Americans, and not only them, Noriega began to look like a drug dealer who had usurped presidential power, mercilessly cracking down on the opposition, poisoning the American people with drugs from the Colombian drug mafia, and, moreover, not quite mentally normal person. All this propaganda charge served as sufficient cover for the entry of American troops and their further actions to overthrow the dictator. US President George W. Bush made his decision to send troops to Panama in the context of an already formed new stereotype of the attitude of Americans towards Noriega, programmed for the need for armed action.

Soviet special propaganda, as evidenced foreign sources, during the war in Afghanistan, it was also possible to carry out a number of successful events aimed at changing the stereotypes of perception of specific field commanders by the population and the Mujahideen. The goal of one of them was to undermine the authority of the field commander Khoja Rustam. Here's how it was done.

At first, rumors were spread that he was allegedly collaborating with the ministry state security, as a result of which his squad suffers failure after failure. But the opposition leadership still trusted Rustam and, for the purpose of verification, transferred him to another site. Then a leaflet with the following content was distributed in his new combat zone:

"Brothers Mujahideen and fighters for the faith! Among us there are those who are supposedly waging a holy war for the faith, but in fact they express their hostility and hypocrisy towards Islam. Khoja Rustam is one of this number. For 7 years he incited Muslim brothers in the valley of the Nijrab gorge, which usually led to the death of many of them. Know, this despot who does not fear Allah, allegedly leading on behalf of the people. holy war, was recently removed from the leadership of the Main Directorate of the Islamic Party.

And so the evil and damned intriguer has now arrived in Kuhistan to sow death and kill people, in order to discredit the title of Mujahideen here too."

This leaflet caused a certain result. The stereotype of Khoja Rustam’s perception in the new place turned out to be completely different, as a result of which he had to surrender command.

Mechanism of transformation of installations. Installation is a state internal readiness(disposition) of people to a manifestation of feelings specific to them, intellectual-cognitive and volitional activity, dynamics and nature of communication, objective-practical activity, etc., corresponding to their needs.

The emergence of an attitude usually precedes people's awareness of a certain need and the conditions under which this need can be satisfied. Targeted psychological influence creates a situation in which the existing need is satisfied by providing people with specific information presented in a certain way. Thanks to it, an attitude is formed, consolidated, replaced or changed in the minds of people.

There are patterns in the formation and manifestation of attitudes, among which the following are most important for psychological warfare:

If psychological influence is aimed at the formation of new beliefs, views, value orientations, and a person at this time is simply hungry, unemployed, has no roof over his head, is sick, etc., then such an impact will not lead to their change in the desired direction;

Regardless of the skill of presentation and the specifics of the content of psychological influence, it will not be effective if it does not correspond to the internal needs of a person.

It is possible to achieve a long-term sustainable change in people’s behavior as a result of psychological warfare only to the extent that it is possible to shake the system of attitudes they already have. Then, on this basis, new settings can be formed.

The process of changing attitudes also follows certain patterns:

1) A person needs to explain the general direction of the process of changing his attitudes;

2) The transformation of attitudes takes place successfully when the psychological influence carried out for these purposes corresponds to the needs and motives of the person;

3) A change in attitudes is more likely if the content of information perceived during psychological influence corresponds to the established norms of the group and individual behavior people, and the source of information is trustworthy and competent.

4) A change in attitudes turns out to be more stable if the reality surrounding a person confirms the content of the information perceived during psychological influence.

5) The transformation of attitudes is more effective the more actively they are used various ways psychological impact.

Psychological influence allows you to partially or completely change (weaken, strengthen) previously acquired attitudes and form new ones.

Small changes in attitudes are possible, which is understood as a partial transformation of any of their components: intellectual-cognitive (informational), emotional-evaluative or communicative-behavioral. Here's an example of how this is achieved.

During the Battle of Stalingrad, the German group included Romanian and Italian units, whose personnel showed a generally positive attitude towards the Germans. At the same time, there were isolated cases of clashes between Romanian, German and Italian soldiers.

The special propaganda organs of the Red Army carried out events with the aim of strengthening the hostility of the soldiers of the Romanian and Italian troops towards the Nazis. On November 21, 1942, the operational reconnaissance group of the Don Front learned from the testimony of prisoners that between Romanian and German soldiers in the 4th army corps A clash occurred, as a result of which three Romanian soldiers were killed and a German lieutenant was seriously wounded. On the same day, the group captured an order signed by German Colonel W. Neudorf, which indicated poor discipline in the 47th Italian Regiment. Already on November 22, both of these facts were presented in leaflets specially prepared for Romanian and Italian soldiers. It soon became clear that the leaflet contributed to increasing the hostility of the Romanian and Italian army to the Nazis. Thus, although the informational component of the attitude toward a positive attitude towards the Germans remained the same, its emotional-evaluative and communicative-behavioral components changed: a feeling of distrust towards the Germans appeared, dissatisfaction with their relations with the allies, resulting in the readiness of the Romanians and Italians to fight side by side side with them fell.

A radical change in previously established attitudes using psychological influence is achieved quite rarely. The fact is that the attitude is formed over a long time, is associated with a person’s value system, and is sustainable. In order to transform settings, you must:

Carry out continuous psychological impact for a long time;

Repeatedly use different arguments supported by real facts;

Systematically strengthen the persuasiveness of the argument.

An example of effective influence for the purpose of changing previously learned attitudes is the work among more than 350 thousand soldiers and officers of the Japanese Kwantung Army captured Soviet troops at the end of World War II. In general, the contingent of Japanese prisoners of war, despite the differences in their previous social status, age, length of service, and military ranks, represented a mass that was united in its sentiments. But as a result of a large number of events being carried out over a long period of time - the publication of a newspaper for prisoners of war "Nihon Shimbun" ("Japanese Newspaper"), the isolation of the most reactionary part of the prisoners of war (mainly command staff), promoting representatives of democratic activists to leadership positions, creating courses for democratic activists - it was possible to achieve the ideological conversion of many Japanese prisoners of war. An Associated Press correspondent reported from Tokyo in 1949:

"The Japanese prisoners of war who arrived from Siberia are solid communists and are a matter of concern to the Japanese government."

During the Korean War (1950-1953), the Koreans also carried out efficient work with prisoners of war. US political and military leaders were concerned that many of the 7,000 American soldiers captured, succumbed to the influence of enemy propaganda. According to the foreign press, “every third American prisoner in Korea was guilty of collaborating with the enemy, and 23 people refused to return to their homeland altogether.”

Psychological influence in war is carried out primarily for the sake of initiating certain reactions and actions, specific behavior (action or inaction) of the object. Here is a typical example. During one of the combat operations of the Israeli troops, called "Din Veheshbon"

("Pay the Bill"), residents of South Lebanese settlements warned in advance about the upcoming bombings. They were also advised to urgently evacuate. All this was done in order to cause a massive outflow of population to the interior of the country and thus block the region’s infrastructure and provoke civil unrest. And ultimately, to destabilize the situation in Lebanon and persuade the country’s leadership to negotiate. The goal was eventually achieved.

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