A child with a developmental disorder. Psychological characteristics of children with developmental disorders

Psychomotor development is a complex dialectical process, which is characterized by a certain sequence and uneven maturation individual functions, their qualitative transformation at a new age stage. Moreover, each subsequent stage of development is inextricably linked with the previous one.

Psychomotor development is based on a genetic program, which is implemented under the influence of various factors environment. Therefore, if a child is developmentally delayed, it is first necessary to take into account the role of hereditary factors in this delay.

Various adverse effects in the prenatal period, during childbirth (birth trauma, asphyxia), and also after birth can lead to disturbances in the psychomotor development of the child.

For successful treatment and correction and pedagogical work with children with developmental disabilities, important has knowledge of the causes and nature of developmental disorders.

It is well known that children suffering from the same disease have different developmental delays. This is due to the genotypic characteristics of their central nervous system, various environmental influences, as well as how timely the correct diagnosis was made and treatment, correctional and pedagogical work was started.

The cause of developmental deviation is understood as the impact on the body of an external or internal unfavorable factor, which determines the specificity of the lesion or impairment of the development of psychomotor functions.

It is known that almost any more or less long-term adverse effect on the developing brain of a child can lead to deviations in psychomotor development. Their manifestations will vary depending on the time of the adverse impact, i.e. on what stage of brain development it took place, its duration, on the hereditary structure of the body, and above all the central nervous system, as well as on those social conditions in which which the child is being raised. All these factors together determine the leading defect, which manifests itself in the form of insufficiency of intelligence, speech, vision, hearing, motor skills, disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere, and behavior. In some cases there may be several violations, then they speak of a complicated or complex defect.

A complex defect is characterized by a combination of two or more disorders, in to the same degree determining the structure of abnormal development and difficulties in teaching and raising a child. For example, a complex defect occurs in a child with simultaneous damage to vision and hearing, or hearing and motor skills, etc.

With a complicated defect, it is possible to identify the leading, or main, disorder and the disorders complicating it. For example, a child with mental retardation may have mild defects in vision, hearing, musculoskeletal system, emotional and behavioral disorders.

Both the leading and the complicating defect can be of the nature of both damage and underdevelopment.
A combination of these is often observed.

Feature baby brain is that even its slight damage does not remain partial, local, as is the case in adult patients, but negatively affects the entire process of maturation of the central nervous system. Therefore, a child with speech, hearing, vision, or musculoskeletal disorders, in the absence of early corrective measures, will lag behind in mental development.

The developmental disorders described above are primary. However, along with the primary ones, so-called secondary disorders often occur, the structure of which depends on the nature of the leading defect. Thus, mental retardation in children with general systemic underdevelopment of speech will primarily manifest itself in weakness of verbal memory and thinking, and in children with cerebral palsy - in insufficiency of spatial concepts and constructive activity.

In children with hearing impairments, the development of understanding of spoken speech is impaired, and it is difficult to form active dictionary and coherent speech. With visual defects, the child has difficulty correlating a word with the designated object; he can repeat many words without sufficiently understanding their meaning, which delays the development of the semantic side of speech and thinking.

Secondary developmental disorders primarily affect those mental functions that develop most intensively in early and preschool age. These include speech, fine differentiated motor skills, spatial concepts, and voluntary regulation of activity.

A major role in the occurrence of secondary developmental disorders is played by the insufficiency or absence of early therapeutic, correctional and pedagogical measures, and especially mental deprivation. For example, an immobilized child with cerebral palsy, who has no experience of communicating with peers, is distinguished by personal and emotional-volitional immaturity, immaturity, and increased dependence on others.

Undiagnosed developmental deviations, for example, mild visual and hearing defects, primarily delay the rate of mental development of the child, and can also contribute to the formation of secondary emotional and personality deviations in children. Being in the mass preschool institutions without having to differentiated approach and without receiving therapeutic and correctional assistance, these children can remain in a situation of failure for a long time. In such conditions, they often develop low self-esteem, low level claims; they begin to avoid communication with peers, and gradually secondary disorders increasingly aggravate their social maladjustment.

Thus, early diagnosis, medical and psychological-pedagogical correction make it possible to achieve significant success in shaping the personality of children with developmental disabilities.

For a family raising a child with developmental disabilities, life sometimes turns into a continuous process of diagnosis, correction and rehabilitation of the child. Difficulties can both unite a family and, unfortunately, destroy it.

To prevent this from happening, parents and children need the support of specialists in various fields. ABOUT modern techniques carrying out diagnostic and correctional work with children with special needs, as well as about opportunities family psychotherapy in our country will be discussed in this article.

Mysterious Syndrome

It is most difficult to identify and correct those developmental disorders of the child, disorders in the development of children that are not associated with organic and physical origin, namely mental and functional deviations, because they can be interpreted in different ways. One such disorder in children is hyperactive disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

In recent years, publications have begun to appear more often about the problems of child psychiatry, which say that drugs have exhausted their usefulness in correcting hyperkinetic disorders in children. But at the same time, the use of psychotropic drugs in the treatment of people with acute respiratory disability has increased 9-fold in the world over the past 15 years.

Over the past 20 years, the number of mental disorders in children: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder began to be detected 3 times more often, and the number of autism spectrum disorders increased 20 times! Of course, it is necessary to continue to create effective medicines, but it is important to look for more promising ways to rehabilitate children with OPFR.

Key theory about ADHD

The key theory about the occurrence of ADHD indicates that problems in a child’s body exist due to the fact that the brain produces a small amount of dopamine, the pleasure hormone. A drug that is considered effective in correcting this disorder is methamphetamine. He is at the same time medicine and drugs.

This drug relieves behavior problems by 85 percent. But is this always good for the child? It becomes adequate only for as long as the drug is effective. Obviously, the decision to prescribe methamphetamine can only be made in the most severe forms SDUG, if it is completely impossible to cope with the child. In other cases, it is necessary to use methods of psychological and pedagogical influence.

There is an opinion that hyperkinetic disorders are simply characteristics of the child, which specialists cannot always cope with. Some believe that this is the result of poor upbringing in the family. It is believed that ADHD is the onset of another mental disorder, such as schizophrenia spectrum disorder.

Children with hyperactivity syndrome

Children with hyperactivity syndrome adult life more often than others have various emotional experiences, they may develop psychopathy, anxiety states, depression.

How does ADHD manifest itself? Children with this syndrome often have good performance intellectual development, but because inappropriate behavior, attention deficit, increased fatigue and problems with memory, children learn below the level of their capabilities. They are disorganized, prone to protests, and in response to requests from adults, their first word is “no.”

Such children are very impulsive, they need “everything at once”, they are not able to distinguish the main thing from the secondary. They do not know how to overcome themselves, it is difficult to motivate them to do any activity. They are also unable to analyze the results of one or another of their actions.

Children with ADHD are impaired sensory functions, they don't like it bright light, they are afraid of even slight noise, and some of them, on the contrary, are calmed by noise. These children have increased tactile sensitivity. Often they do not feel hungry, eat little, and refuse to eat with pieces of bread. They have speech impairments.

Such children really want to communicate, but not everyone invites them into their company, because from the point of view of ordinary children they behave like fools. Until the age of 10, such children should not be allowed to go out alone; they are more likely to be injured than their peers.

Whatever the nature of children with hyperkinetic disorders, they must be included in an environment of healthy people. And inform parents, teachers, doctors that special children do not need to be “broken” by adapting to an unfamiliar environment, but the environment should accept them as they are and help them.

“Targets” of psychological assistance

There are several levels of diagnosis. At the first stage, a symptomatic diagnosis is determined, which boils down to recording facts of behavior and speech activity that are noticed during direct observation of signs of development.

The next level of diagnosis involves making a functional psychological diagnosis, if the psychologist not only states the facts that he observes, but also describes the manifestation of individual mental functions And characteristic features the child (his memory, attention, thinking, self-esteem, temperament, etc.). A psychologist's assessment is usually displayed in numbers, and he often uses tests (for example, intelligence).

The assessment of deviations and disturbances in the development of a child should be not only quantitative, but also qualitative; it is important to understand the very structure of the defect, the mechanism of occurrence of the developmental disorder in the child. If before the functional diagnostics of a psychologist we add information about system connections between the child’s individual mental functions, the level of his involvement in relationships with other people and his ability to cope with various life tasks - we can talk about a systemic psychological diagnosis.

When conducting a systemic diagnosis of a child’s developmental disorder, it is necessary to compare the obtained data on the child’s development with data on the development of other children - both those who develop normally and those who have deviations.

Psychological assistance

In order to psychological assistance was effective, it must be “targeted”, in other words, have specific targets of influence, which must be noted in the diagnostic process. One of key ideas, which must be used in diagnosis, is the idea of ​​the “zone of proximal development”. It helps to assess a specific child in specific social conditions and the contribution of teaching and upbringing to the child’s condition at this moment.

More and more children with special needs are going to school today general education at your place of residence. Main goal The psychological and pedagogical service of such educational institutions is to help in the personal development of special children, in their positive socialization.

The main areas of activity of a teacher-psychologist are the diagnosis of child development disorders and correctional work. To determine the correct psychological diagnosis of a child, you need to observe him for quite a long time, have conversations with him, in a word, study him. At the initial stage, a psychologist conducts a screening diagnostic to determine for himself what is close to normal and what is not.

If a psychologist determines the presence of disorders, namely developmental disorders of the child, he refers the child to a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, where a team of specialists carries out a more accurate diagnosis and determines a specific educational route.

It is clear that it is impossible to carry out a complete diagnosis in 30-40 minutes under PMPC conditions. It will certainly continue in an educational institution, where the educational psychologist will gradually carry out in-depth diagnostics and, based on the data obtained, draw up individual plan correctional and developmental work with the child.

If specialists have the idea that a child has a central nervous system disorder, they usually advise parents to send him for a computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging scan, undergo an encephalograph test, or do an ultrasound examination of the brain.

However, these research methods help to identify only gross (structural) brain disorders. They cannot detect mild disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system, underdevelopment of brain areas and structures.

Diagnostic methods

Hardware methods are also ineffective in diagnosing children hyperkinetic disorders, minimal brain dysfunction, autism. Here a neuropsychological research method can come to the rescue, allowing one to differentiate underdevelopment and damage at subtle levels.

In our country, unfortunately, neuropsychology is not developed, there is no separate department of this scientific branch, there are no special institutes, only a few healthcare institutions have the appropriate specialists.

Although today in the world neuropsychology is a very relevant branch of knowledge that is constantly evolving. Neuropsychological rehabilitation and correction programs are very expensive.

The main task of the early intervention service is to prevent disability of children with special needs and social orphanhood, as well as support the family of such a child. Parents who learn about the birth of a child with developmental disabilities feel shocked.

Psychological help during this period is not always effective for them; they are not yet ready to accept it. Time passes, and parents become ready to take action; they are ready to do everything for their child. Although their actions are not always correct at first, often under the influence of emotions they try to find some kind of magic wand that should help the baby, but do not listen to the opinions of specialists.

If emotions give way to rational plans for the future and adequate discussion of prospects for the whole family, you can talk seriously with parents about diagnosis, treatment methods, and corrective work with the child.

Child development disorders - there cannot be uniform requirements

Let's talk in more detail about the main focus of correctional classes for children with severe speech impairments - the development of their communication abilities and the formation of speech skills. When selecting didactic material, speech exercises for conducting classes on the correction of oral speech disorders of children with speech disorders (including for the formation language analysis and synthesis), must be taken into account different levels mental abilities in children and, accordingly, provide a multi-level system of assistance to children.


Children with disabilities- these are children with various mental or physical deviations that cause disturbances in general development that do not allow children to lead full life. The presence of such shortcomings does not predetermine incorrect, from the point of view of society, development. L.S. Vygotsky argued that “an abnormal child is not abnormally developed, but differently developed.”

However, in special psychology, children who have physical or mental disorders lead to disruption of general development.

Purpose of the work: to study the classification of developmental disorders of children with disabilities.

Object of study: children with disabilities.

Subject of research: disorders of child development.

Classification of developmental disorders

Children with disabilities are children with disabilities psychophysical development who need special training and educational activities.

  • Children with hearing impairment (deaf, hard of hearing, late-deafened);
  • Children with visual impairments (blind, visually impaired);
  • Children with speech disorders (speech pathologists);
  • Children with musculoskeletal disorders;
  • Children with mental retardation;
  • Children with mental retardation;
  • Children with behavioral and communication disorders;
  • Children with complex disorders of psychophysical development (deaf-blind, deaf or blind children with mental retardation).

Depending on the nature of the disorder, some defects can be completely overcome in the process of development, education and upbringing of the child. For example, in children with speech disorders and mental retardation. For others, defects are only smoothed out, and in some cases only compensated.

T.A. Vlasova and M.S. Pevzner proposed the following categories:

  • 1) children with developmental disorders caused by organic disorders of the central nervous system;
  • 2) children with developmental disorders caused by functional immaturity of the central nervous system;
  • 3) children with disabilities caused by deprivation situations.

So, as we see, some subgroups move from classification to classification, others are presented only in single variants, or are combined from one system to another.

For example, G.N. Kobernik and V.N. Blue highlights a similar classification. They will highlight the following groups:

  • 1) children with persistent hearing impairment (deaf, hard of hearing, late-deafened);
  • 2) children with visual impairments (blind, visually impaired);
  • 3) children with persistent intellectual development disorders based on organic damage central nervous system;
  • 4) children with severe speech disorders;
  • 5) children with complex disorders;
  • 6) children with musculoskeletal disorders;
  • 7) children with mental retardation;
  • 8) children with psychopathic forms of behavior.

The table below presents options for mental dysontogenesis, according to V.V. Lebedinsky.

Based on the works of V.I. Lubovsky “General and specific patterns of development of the psyche of abnormal children” and A.R. Luria’s “Brain and Psyche” allows for the unity of the control point of the central control system sending motor commands. Individual characteristics highest nervous activity(GNI) affect learning abilities social experience, knowledge of reality. Biological factors create the prerequisites for human mental development. Without a doubt, blindness and deafness are biological factors, but not social ones.

“But the whole point is,” wrote L.S. Vygotsky, “that the educator has to deal not so much with these biological factors, but with their social consequences.”

The complexity and nature of the violation of the normal development of the child determine the characteristics of the child’s formation necessary knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as various shapes pedagogical work with him. The sociocultural status of a child is determined by hereditary biological factors and the social stratum of the child’s life.

The complexity of the structure of atypical development is due to the presence of a primary defect, which was caused by a biological factor, and secondary disorders that arose under the influence of the primary defect during the subsequent peculiar development on a pathological basis. Let's consider practical example: damage to the hearing aid before speech acquisition will be a primary defect, and the resulting muteness will be a secondary defect.

An important pattern is the ratio of primary, secondary and tertiary defects. In this regard, L.S. Vygotsky, based on research, argued: “The further a symptom is from the root cause, the more amenable to educational and therapeutic effects. At first glance, this results in a paradoxical situation: the underdevelopment of higher psychological functions and higher characterological formations, which is a secondary complication of mental retardation and psychopathy, in fact turns out to be less stable, more amenable to influence, and more removable than the underdevelopment of lower or elementary processes, directly caused by the defect itself.”

Theory L.S. Vygotsky about primary (nuclear) and secondary features of the psyche; primary defects include private and general disorders functions of the central nervous system, as well as discrepancies in the level of development age norm(underdevelopment, delay, asynchrony, etc.), disruption of interfunctional connections.

The primary defect is a consequence of disorders such as underdevelopment or brain damage. Perhaps a combination of both. Identification of the primary defect and work to possibly reduce it are the tasks of neurologists, psychiatrists, and pathopsychologists.

The manifestation of the primary defect occurs in the form of hearing impairment, vision impairment, mental impairment, and brain dysfunction.

Secondary defects arise during the development of a child with disorders of psychophysical development, provided that the social environment does not compensate for these disorders, but, on the contrary, determines the deviations personal development. Thus, a defect that prevents a child from normal communication with peers and adults inhibits his assimilation of knowledge, skills, and cultural values.

Based on this, intellectual deficiency, which arose as a result of a primary defect - organic damage to the cerebral cortex, gives rise to secondary disorders - deviations in the activities of higher cognitive processes(active perception and attention, arbitrary shapes memory, abstract-logical thinking, coherent speech), becoming noticeable in the process of the child’s sociocultural development.

Tertiary deficiencies are the underdevelopment of the mental properties of the personality of a mentally retarded child. Their manifestation occurs in primitive reactions to the environment, underdevelopment of the emotional-volitional sphere: high or low self-esteem, negativism, neurotic behavior. A fundamental point: secondary and tertiary disorders can affect the primary defect and aggravate it, in the absence of targeted and systematic correction and rehabilitation work.

According to research by Bgazhnokova I.M. Bikmetova E.Yu., Sizonenko Z.L., Yuldasheva O.N., Lebedinskaya K.S., Lebedinsky V.V., the majority of children with disabilities in the abstract groups show secondary behavioral disorders, which in most cases is determined by their emotional imbalance , inability to control and correct one’s behavior in studying and communicating with peers.

Behavioral manifestations include:

  • externally unjustified aggression,
  • a tendency to deviant behavior, which can be expressed in missing classes without a good reason,
  • maladjustment to school (primary school).

Children cannot concentrate on completing a specific task for a long time, quickly lose interest in it, are systematically distracted in lessons, and require constant attention from a teacher at school, a parent, a psychologist, or a mentor - teacher. additional education- outside of school.

Based on the concept of L.S. Vygotsky about primary and secondary manifestations in the structure of the defect, it can be argued that with an early start of correctional work, the plasticity of the nervous system is used to the maximum in the correction of the primary defect, and the possibilities for correction are quite promising.

To neutralize the problem, it is necessary to harmonize parent-child relationships, including through psychological relief and level reduction emotional experiences, which are associated with fulfilling the role of a parent of a child with disabilities.

Based on the effectiveness, therapeutic and restorative effects are manifested through the activation of central nervous mechanisms regulating autonomic functions, mental and motor activity, emotions and behavior, i.e. through increasing the nonspecific resistance of the body. The technology of audiovisual stimulation allows you to control the psycho-emotional state without using medications, the influence of extraneous attitudes and suggestions and the formation of dependence on them.

The number of children with developmental disabilities is growing steadily. Currently approximately 4.5% of total number children living in Russia are classified as persons with disabilities. There are a number of reasons for this: the destabilization of individual families and society as a whole, in some cases the lack normal conditions for expectant mothers and their children. Out of ten babies, only two have normal physical and mental health indicators.

Categories of children with developmental disorders

In children with developmental disorders, there is a deviation from the norm in mental functions due to congenital or acquired lesions of the musculoskeletal system, organs of speech, hearing and vision, or due to insufficiency of the central nervous system.

There are several categories of children with such developmental disorders:

  • With visual impairments;
  • Hearing impaired;
  • With speech disorders;
  • With musculoskeletal disorders;
  • With behavioral disorders;
  • With disturbances of the emotional-volitional sphere;
  • Mentally retarded children;
  • With mental retardation;
  • With complex developmental disorders.

Disturbances in mental development in children are caused by two groups of factors – biological and social. Biological factors are: various pathologies of pregnancy and childbirth, infectious diseases, traumatic brain injuries, metabolic disorders, neurosurgical diseases, intoxication in the first years of life. TO social factors include psychological trauma, aggression towards the child, insufficient communication with him.

Any deviations, especially in children with complex developmental disorders, require correction and timely prevention, since the further social adaptation of the child depends on these actions.

Prevention of developmental disorders in children

Main role in preventing developmental disorders in children of different ages plays complex system preventive measures. Regular consultations and examinations with a pediatrician come first. The second is the attentiveness of the parents themselves, who must learn to check the basic psychomotor reactions of the child, so that the first possible deviations in his psyche do not remain without close attention.

Pediatricians, child psychologists, speech therapists and defectologists can determine the state of a child’s mental development. The exact diagnosis and category of the disorder is established through diagnostic examinations. Prevention of developmental disorders involves the use of special medical, social, psychological and pedagogical methods checking the child.

In order for the child’s mental development to proceed correctly and without deviations, parents must use a positive correctional space in which the child can develop logic, thinking, learn and acquire new skills.

An important factor in the prevention of developmental disorders is medical and pedagogical consultations the expectant mother during pregnancy and maintaining safety.

So, effective prevention includes:

  • Lack of physical and mental trauma in the mother during pregnancy;
  • Favorable environment for the baby's development;
  • No conflicts in the family.

Correction of mental development disorders

Specialists of various profiles take part in the correction of developmental disorders in children: neurologists, pediatricians, psychologists, speech therapists, psychiatrists and defectologists. The effectiveness of treatment of children with mental development disorders depends on the interaction of these specialists, as well as on the methods they choose. Before choosing a specific technique, the doctor diagnoses the cause of the developmental disorder and its type.

Drug treatment is based on immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, nootropic and vascular drugs. Additionally, vitamins can be used.

Children with complex developmental disorders are prescribed the following types of rehabilitation: sensory exercises, correction psychological nature, speech therapy type correction, relaxation exercises, therapeutic exercises and physical education, physiotherapy.

One of important stages correction of developmental disorders is an individual curriculum for the child. It is developed by teachers and psychologists and is based on artistic, choreographic and musical classes. It also contains special intellectual exercises.

For a complete and effective correction of mental development disorders, it is necessary to combine all aspects of treatment - medications, rehabilitation and individual training programs.

Natalia Pavlova
Psychological characteristics of children with developmental disorders


Children with visual impairments

Attention The slowness of the perception process is manifested in the slowness of the rate of switching of attention, in the incompleteness and fragmentation of images. Decreased volume and stability of attention. Greater independence and activity are required, therefore the qualities of arbitrariness of organization and stability, and intellectual activity, breadth of attention, the ability to distribute and switch it are important.

Sensation and perception Sensory system- a system of sensory organs or analyzers that allow a person to carry out sensitive cognition and receive information about the environment. world. Vision, hearing, smell are means sensory knowledge the world, giving rise to sensation, perception and idea. Developed phonemic awareness is a prerequisite for successful literacy acquisition. The use of hearing by the blind as the only distant analyzer of the environment symbolizes the space of objects and their interaction, and develops a subtle differentiation of sound qualities. Tactile images arise as a result of the contact of objects with the skin and make it possible to perceive size, elasticity, density or roughness, heat and cold. All this underlies the mechanical skin analyzer. Children of the 1st grade do not have a sufficient command of the body diagram and do not have a sufficiently clear vocabulary reflecting the direction of movements. Children master topographical concepts and spatial diagrams. They learn in practice the ability to use walking techniques with a short and long white cane, using auditory, olfactory, tactile analyzers, vibration sensitivity, and residual vision.

Memory Defective development cognitive activity is reflected in the functioning of mnemonic processes (memory processes). Along with a longer time of recognition of visual stimuli, partially sighted people experience a decrease in the volume of operational and short term memory. Difficulties in classification, comparison, analysis and synthesis are associated with unclearly perceived qualities of an object and lead to insufficient logical memory. Improving mnemonic processes consists of numerous repetitions and training in the logical processing of material, clarifying images, and demonstrating the significance of the information being acquired. What is important is the organization of the material for memorization, its nature, taking into account the peculiarities of perception.

Thinking Comparison, classification and generalization are formed at a later date and with great difficulty.

Speech and communication Reliance on active speech communication is a workaround that determines the advancement of a blind child in mental development, the formation substantive actions. Difficulties:

Misunderstanding of the semantic side of a word that does not correlate with the sensory image of the object (ECHOLOLIY - does not understand what he is saying, simply repeats)

Lack of detailed statements due to lack of visual impressions

The speech of a blind person performs a compensatory function, being included in the sensory mediation of knowledge of the environment.

Emotional-volitional sphere A special place in the occurrence of severe emotional states takes into account the understanding of one’s differences from normally seeing peers at the age of 4-5 years, the experience of a defect in adolescence, the awareness of limitations in choosing a profession, a partner for family life - in adolescence. Glubokoe stressful state occurs with acquired blindness in adults. They are characterized by reduced self-esteem, a low level of aspirations and pronounced depressive components of behavior.

Features of the activity At the age of up to 3 years, mental retardation is observed due to secondary disorders, manifested in an inaccurate understanding of the surrounding world, and underdevelopment of objective activity. They develop slowly in practical communication. Defects in orientation and mobility in space, in the general development of motor skills. In typhlopsychology, there are 2 views on the development of will:

1. blindness has negative impact for the development of strong-willed qualities

2. overcoming difficulties builds a strong, strong will.

Children with intellectual disabilities

Attention: not stable enough. Children are easily distracted, they are characterized by weakness of voluntary attention necessary for performing various play and household tasks. Unable to distribute attention between objects. Increased distractibility. Poor concentration.

Feeling and perception: slowness, narrowness of visual perception, inaccurate recognition by color spectrum, impaired spatial orientation.

Memory: uses involuntary memorization. They remember what attracts attention and is interesting. Emotional fragments are highlighted in the texts. To memorize, it is important to establish connections between new and known material, to correlate words with pictures. Memorization is facilitated by the presence of rhythm and rhyme, and simultaneous visual and auditory perception when reading aloud. Unable to remember the names of real or pictured objects or short poems.

Speech: defects in the structure of the speech organs are common. Defective late development of phonemic hearing. Limitation of vocabulary to memorized and standard statements. The dictionary consists of NOUN. and prefixless VERBS, ADJ. : big, small, good, bad. Predominance passive dictionary over active.

Thinking: lack of development of all thought processes(analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, etc.). Great difficulties using visual-figurative verbal-logical thinking. Positive changes in the verbalization of actions and results.

Features of the development of personal and emotional spheres: the presence of difficulties in socio-psychological adaptation, manifested in interaction with society and with oneself. Pronounced lag in the development of emotions, extreme manifestations of joy and grief. Difficulties in formation correct behavior. Intellectual deficiency makes it difficult to adequately assess situations; the stereotypical reaction does not correspond to the created situation.

Features of the activity: completing the task they do not plan general plan implementations, simplify the task, and are not critical of the results obtained. Pronounced delay in all types of activities. towards the end preschool age visual activity at the level of simple scribbles and moves on to object drawings. Due to the lack of differentiation of visual perception, a low level of thinking and memory, and imperfections in the motor sphere, children draw people as “cephalopods.” They highly value their drawings and are happy to show them to others. By the end of preschool age, readiness for school – a system of motivational-volitional, cognitive and social prerequisites – is not formed. Shows little interest in going to school. They often move from a comprehensive school to a Type 8 school, where they have persistent academic failures. To increase work motivation, it is significant public assessment. Awareness of social significance has a positive effect on the effectiveness of actions, and the need for adult help appears.

Children with mental retardation

Attention: impairment of focused attention, inability to concentrate on educational task. The child works for 5 – 15 minutes, then 3-7 minutes. rests, falls out of activity. Reduced concentration, volume and selectivity of attention, increased distractibility. In relation to children whose attention deficit is complicated by increased motor and speech activity, the term “attention deficit hyperactivity disorder” is used.

Feeling and perception: fragmentation of knowledge about the surrounding world. Difficulty in recognizing contour and schematic images, especially crossed out and superimposed ones. The integrity of perception suffers. It is difficult to isolate an element from an object, to complete the image piece by piece. Slowness of the information processing process. Perception as an activity is disrupted: limited scope of analysis, predominance of analysis over synthesis, confusion of essential and non-essential features, rare use of generalizing concepts. Orientation in space: difficulties in right- and left-hand orientation, positioning of a figure on a sheet of paper, disproportionality of images, negatively affects reading and the formation of graphic writing skills.

Memory: deficiencies in the development of non-voluntary memory. Impairment of voluntary memory. Inability to use memorization methods; visual non-verbal material is better remembered. Children need more attempts to learn. Reduced memory capacity. Violation of the playback order, reduced noise immunity.

Thinking: there is no readiness for intellectual effort. Lack of formation of generalization operations. Violation of the formation of verbal and logical thinking. Poverty of conceptual vocabulary, inability to understand the relationships between phenomena. They do not master intellectual operations.

Speech: difficulties in differentiating sounds. Poverty of vocabulary. Violations of sound pronunciation, immaturity of the lexico-grammatical structure of speech. Reading and writing impairments develop into persistent dysgraphia and dyslexia. Graphic skills are undeveloped due to impaired coordination of movements and manual motor skills, “formation of an algorithm of movements.” The prerequisites for development are violated writing: underdevelopment of finger praxis, oral speech deficiencies; flaws phonemic awareness, problems in visual-motor and auditory-motor coordination; lack of development of sound-letter analysis skills.

Features of personality development: increased motor activity, high distractibility, low endurance. Mood disturbance. Difficulties in organizing one's behavior and activities. these children have a craving for contact with younger children, who accept them better. Fear of the children's group, they avoid it. Children with mental retardation have several ways to resolve conflicts: aggression, escape, regression (return to a lower level of development, denial of difficulties, inadequate assessment real situation. They do not have adequate forms of cooperation. They need to be taught the ability to communicate, reduce aggression in behavior, remove isolation, and accumulate experience in positive interactions.

Children with hearing loss

Attention: perception verbal speech lip reading requires full concentration on the face talking man. Every second fixation of facial expressions and lip position leads to fatigue and stability of attention. The productivity of attention depends on the qualities of the perceived material; it is necessary to use visual aids. To attract involuntary attention - a bright picture, to develop voluntary attention - diagrams, tables.

Visual perception. Children have difficulties in perceiving and understanding perspective images and space-time relationships. Objects will not be recognized if it is partially closed. When using tactile speech, it is necessary to perceive facial expressions and gestures, changes in the positions of the fingers, movements of the lips, face and head. Therefore, early development of perception along with speech training is necessary.

Skin sensitivity: to master orally development of vibration sensitivity is necessary. The vibrations are picked up by the child when the speaker touches them, or when he raises his palm to his mouth. This is how children perceive the tempo and rhythm of speech, stress, and exercise control over their own pronunciation.

Touch: there is a significant lag, especially in the development of complex types of touch (three-dimensional objects and contour images). Observed uneven development touch – asynchrony – underdevelopment of motor sensitivity of touch during high level development of visual and vibration sensitivity.

Speech 4 psychological conditions, determining the formation of speech in deaf children:

The primary is the visual image of the word, supported by motor sensations.

Different order of analysis speech material. For the deaf, acquaintance with a word begins with its visual perception.

Other types of grammatical transformations are a different sensory basis for speech acquisition. The image of a word is perceived visually, and its transformations are “purely external”

Unfavorable conditions for the formation of speech motor skills. Children do not distinguish parts of speech. Difficulties in mastering PLACES. and prepositions, in the use of suffixes and endings. Errors are related to features sensory experience deaf people and the development of thinking, because they master several types of speech (verbal, tactile, gestural)

Thinking T.V. Rozanova identifies the conditions for the development of verbal-logical thinking:

1. formation of speech as a means of mental activity at a visually effective and visually figurative level

2. learning the ability to think reversibly, to understand the relativity of phenomena

3. development of all thought processes

4. mastery of the beginnings of logical literacy - mastering the principles of classifications, building deductive and inductive reasoning, establishing logical connections.

Children with speech disorders

Sensation and perception Impaired phonemic awareness is observed in all children with speech impairments. Visual perception lags behind the norm and is characterized by an unformed holistic image of an object. Optical-spatial gnosis is at a significantly lower level than in children with the norm. Low level of development of letter gnosis, they have difficulty differentiating between normal and mirror writing of letters, do not recognize letters superimposed on each other, difficulties in comparing letters that are graphically similar, naming data letters in disarray. TO school age children are not ready to master writing. Persistent disturbance of spatial relationships, difficulties in orientation in one’s own body. Studies of facial gnosis show a relationship between the severity of facial gnosis and the severity of sound pronunciation.

Attention characterized by instability, low levels of voluntary attention, and difficulties in planning one’s actions. In children with OHP ( general underdevelopment speech) attention errors are present throughout the entire work. All types of control over activities (proactive, current, subsequent) are unformed.

Memory When studying memorization using the “10 words” technique, it was found that children are slow to navigate the conditions of the task. The results are low. Children do not notice and do not correct reproduction errors made. Delayed reproduction, low in all children. Children forget complex instructions, omit their elements, and change the sequence of their tasks. Children have intact capabilities for semantic logical memorization.

Thinking and imagination There is an insufficient amount of information about the world around us, about the properties and functions of objects of reality. Difficulties in mastering cause-and-effect relationships. Violation of self-realization is caused by shortcomings in the emotional-volitional and motivational spheres. They manifest themselves in psychophysical disinhibition or in lethargy and lack of interest in the task. Developmentally delayed visual-figurative thinking. Without special training, they master analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, elimination of unnecessary things and inference by analogy. They are characterized by insufficient mobility, inertia, and rapid exhaustion of imaginative processes.

Speech and communication There is a decrease in the need for communication, and undeveloped forms of communication.

Features of behavior lack of interest in contact, lack of ability to navigate a communication situation, negativism. Among the “unpleasant and isolated” are children who have poor communication skills. They are in a state of failure in all types of activities. their attempts to communicate with peers often lead to outbursts of aggressiveness. Weak orientation of preschoolers towards peers during joint activities. low level of development of communication and cooperation skills. They have an unformed culture of communication: they are familiar with adults, lack a sense of distance, lack intonation, are loud, harsh, and importunate in their demands. Children withdraw into themselves, rarely turn to elders, and avoid contact with them. A complex of violations of the speech and cognitive development of children leads to their isolation in a group of peers. Required special work on the development and correction of all components of speech, communication and cognitive activity, in order to effectively adapt to society.

Features of personality development, emotional-volitional sphere as a result of research using Luscher’s “Color Choices” method, it was revealed that children are characterized by passivity and spontaneous behavior. According to S. S. Lipidevsky, there are 3 options for the emotional relationship of stutterers to their defect: indifferent, moderately restrained, hopelessly desperate.

3 options volitional efforts to combat it: their absence, their presence, development into unobtrusive actions and states.

V.I. Seliverstov identifies the degrees of fixation of children with a defect:

1. zero degree of fixity

2. moderate degree compensates for degree verbal communication with the help of tricks

3. pronounced degree - children are constantly fixed on the deficiency, characterized by withdrawal into illness, self-destruction, intrusive thoughts, expressed fear of speaking. Disorders of the emotional-volitional and personal spheres impair the performance of children, leading to behavioral disorders and social maladaptation phenomena. Differentiated prevention and psychocorrection of the characteristics of personal and emotional development are necessary.

Features of the activity Gaming - a violation of general and speech motor skills. It causes the child to quickly get tired of playing and can switch from one type of activity to another. Sometimes there are cases when children who stutter show imagination and are not critical of their behavior.

Fine - narrowness of the theme of the drawing (alaliki) and repeated repetition of the theme, lack of methods of depicting and phenomena, poverty of sculpting and design techniques, inability to master scissors. Reduced critical attitude towards other people's and one's own work. Changes in habitual conditions lead to instability of activity and dissipation of attention. A person who stutters is characterized by instability of activity, weakness of switching, and reduced self-control. They prefer to memorize rather than comprehend what they read.

The table is compiled according to textbook: Fundamentals of special psychology: Textbook. A manual for students. avg. ped. textbook institutions / L. V. Kuznetsova, L. I. Peresleni, L. I. Solntseva and others; Ed. L. V. Kuznetsova. - M., 2003

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