Statuses about difficult children and teachers. Statuses about Teacher's Day

You can't fall in love with teachers: they, like doctors, have no gender.

Teachers constantly scold students because last year’s knowledge has completely disappeared from their heads, but the next test comes - and they themselves no longer remember anything from what they have learned.

In order to raise worthwhile students, the teacher must teach them to compete, becoming the main enemy for their pupils.

The teacher is the same creator, he has to model character and lead destinies.

Best status:
When you study, you seem to relearn what you know. And when you do, you show how well you understand the situation, that is, your knowledge.

Teacher: “Do you even know how to behave normally?” Friend: “This usually happens to her during the full moon.”

A university student fails a history test. The teacher tries to help with a leading question: “Maybe you can remember what kind of documents Vladimir Ilyich signed without reading?” The answer is silence. The teacher sadly: “Dear, these were mandates.” The student shouts indignantly: “I hear from the mandate!”

Our teacher constantly gives us quotes from popular cartoons, and after that he makes an excuse that, they say, it’s his kids who watch this. But you can’t fool us!

Teachers teaching grammar or writing, without five minutes, decoders. Just imagine that every day they have to parse not only handwriting, but also students’ thoughts.

The expression “A shoemaker without boots” is also relevant for teachers, because it is much easier to teach other people’s children, but not your own.

Sometimes I write my homework on pieces of paper or an essay, a report and then I staple it together... They return my work to me, but where are the paper clips... I damn well can’t stock up on them xD our poor teachers!)

A true teacher is not only the one who teaches, but the one who studies his science and tries to enrich it with new discoveries

Biology teacher Marya Ivanovna, out of habit, hid a laboratory skeleton from her husband in the closet.

When will teachers understand that they cheated, they cheat and will always cheat!

The teacher, like an actor, must often play different roles while maintaining confidence in each of them.

Teachers cannot teach someone successfully unless they are also diligently learning themselves.

When learning science, examples are more useful than rules.

Labor teacher: - Today in class we will make a coffin. - For what? - I need to hide...

It's still nice when a teacher respects you!

Only teachers wield true power.

The student’s banal response to the teacher’s phrase: “Why did you forget your diary???!!!” Is your head at home too?! -Yeah, go find it!

A teacher cannot teach much, but he opens a new world for each student.

During the summer, teachers teach how to decipher hieroglyphs. Because since the beginning of the year, in every notebook there seem to be Russian words written, but in some incomprehensible language 😀

The main goal of teachers is to teach learning.

The future of people, organizations and entire states is created at school.

A classmate sat furious in class, his teacher asked: “Why are you behaving like this?” The answer knocked everyone down: “Young, hot...”

Teachers are the embodiment of ideals and perfection, but in our time this ideal is so unattractive that few people strive for it.

I'm always happy to learn, but I don't always enjoy being taught. Winston Churchill.

I broke up with my boyfriend 3 years ago, but every year I congratulate him on Teacher’s Day, because he taught me to love...)*

Only the first teacher remains forever in memory.

A teacher should be proud not of students' grades, but of their achievements and victories.

When the teacher asks you why you didn’t do the homework. Feel free to answer: “Why is the end of the world coming soon anyway?” 😀

Thank you, teachers. We are hurt, we are hurt to the point of tears. We love you all and will remember you.

Some people devote only a few years of their life to school; who can say that he devoted the longest period of time to school; The teachers say that they have dedicated their whole lives to the school.

Everyone can learn, only a few can teach.

It is also permissible to learn from the enemy.

That's why when teachers tell you serious things you want to laugh so much?

You cannot teach what you do not believe in yourself.

A teacher is one of the most multifaceted professions, because he combines a researcher and a scientist, a writer and a creator, a psychologist and a strategist.

Serfdom was abolished in 1861, but the history teacher didn’t tell us about it

A teacher teaches not only science, but also life, becoming an example for students, so when choosing a teacher, think about whether you want your children to become the same.

Only a mentor can teach you how to apply knowledge in practice, which cannot be said about books.

If heaven heard the prayers of children, there would not be a single living teacher left in the world.

The teacher asked the students to write an essay on the topic - Laziness. Vovochka had nothing on the first page, and the second and third were also empty. On the fourth page there was an inscription - “This is what laziness is” 😀

Not everyone who tries to teach is worthy of the title of teacher.

tells, forcing him to dig potatoes at his dacha.

School teachers have power that prime ministers can only dream of.

A teacher is one who learns every day.

teachers always drew twos ten times more than fives so that it was obvious)))

Why do you have to get up when the teachers come in if they still say “sit, sit”?

A tipsy man buys a bottle of vodka and says with annoyance: “You can’t really get around on a teacher’s salary...” “Are you a teacher?!” – the saleswoman is surprised. – My wife is a teacher

Often a teacher must sacrifice his ambition and dignity and allow his students to surpass him.

Teachers, like students, do not like exams, but, unlike students, exams do not bring new knowledge to them.

Only teachers came to the cinema to see the film “The Ring”, because the bell is for the teacher.

Our children's best teachers are our grandchildren.

The teacher must make it clear to students that it is important not to know everything in the world, but to know those who know.

A good teacher is one who loves what he teaches and those he teaches.

I'm sitting in class, reading statuses. She was daydreaming and didn’t notice the teacher approaching. He yelled, took my phone and read the status to the whole class: just shut up and don’t stop the child from dreaming. :ABOUT

The merits of a teacher cannot be judged by the size of the crowd that follows him.

Being short is not always good; teachers have given me an “n” more than once.

Teachers at school - “Children, study, this knowledge will be useful to you in higher educational institutions!” – Teachers at the university – “Forget what you learned at school...”

What is the difference between a good and a great teacher? A good teacher develops a student's abilities to the limit; a great teacher immediately sees this limit.

A bad student is one who is not superior to the teacher. Leonardo da Vinci.

Just because a teacher decides to have fun during an exam doesn't mean the students will laugh along with him.

The work of a teacher is considered one of the most respected and at the same time difficult. Especially in Russia, where wages are school teachers, and university teachers leave much to be desired. For children, the teacher is a significant figure, obliged to teach not only school wisdom, but also life. A good mentor can find an approach to each child, get them interested in their subject, and teach them to respect their classmates. In a friendly class, where class teacher listens to the opinions of students, learning is much more comfortable.

The teacher repeats magical things every day

Famous writers, philosophers, scientists, and politicians had mentors who passed on to their students important or useless - it happens - knowledge. Quotes about teachers give an idea of ​​the difficulties of the profession, the image of an ideal teacher, and the mistakes of education.

Phrases of great people can help adjust the goals of young people who only dream of connecting their destiny with the field of education. Wise and humorous statements will help future teachers communicate correctly with children and set priorities correctly.

Primary school- period of acquaintance with the teaching profession

How important, great and sacred is the rank of a teacher: the fate is in his hands whole life person. A student will never surpass a teacher if he sees him as a model and not a rival. (Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky)

Teachers are given the floor not to lull their own thoughts, but to awaken someone else’s. (Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky)

All the pride of a teacher in his students is the growth of the seeds he sows. (Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev)

Some people believe that the teacher is stealing from his students. Others say that students rob the teacher. I believe that both are right, and participation in this mutual theft is wonderful. (Lev Davidovich Landau)

To educate others, we must first educate ourselves. (Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol)

Even professors were once naive students

The teacher must be an artist, an artist, passionately in love with his work. (Anton Pavlovich Chekhov)

The teacher himself must be what he wants the student to be. (Vladimir Ivanovich Dal)

For a teacher, perhaps the most important thing is not to take himself seriously, to understand that he can teach very little. (Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin)

A real teacher is not the one who constantly educates you, but the one who helps you become yourself. (Mikhail Arkadyevich Svetlov)

A teacher, if he is honest, must always be an attentive student. (Maxim Gorky)

Grown-up mothers and fathers - past students

Quotes from foreign writers, poets

A teacher is not the one who teaches something, but the one who helps to reveal to his student what he already knows. (Paulo Coelho)

Knowledge - like heaven - belongs to everyone. No teacher has the right to withhold them from anyone who asks for them. Teaching is the art of giving. (Abraham Joshua Heschel)

A person always learns only from those he loves. Those from whom we learn are rightly called teachers, but not everyone who teaches us deserves this name. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)

Your teacher is not the one who teaches you, but the one from whom you learn. (Richard Bach)

Everything you need to know cannot be taught; a teacher can only do one thing - show the way. (Richard Aldington)

Which path will you choose?

In order to teach another, it is required more intelligence than to learn it yourself. (Michel de Montaigne)

Teaching means doubly learning. Children do not need teachings, but examples. (Joseph Joubert)

If you wash a cat, they say it will no longer wash itself. A person will never learn what he is taught. (George Bernard Shaw)

What the teachers digest, the students eat. (Karl Kraus)

If you have knowledge, let others light their lamps from it. (Thomas Fuller)

Inner light- an example of productive learning

Opinions of famous women about teachers and teaching

You learn fastest and best when you teach others. (German revolutionary Rosa Luxemburg)

The greatest joy for a teacher is when his student is praised. (English poet and novelist Charlotte Brontë)

What is the difference between a good and a great teacher? A good teacher develops a student's abilities to the limit; a great teacher immediately sees this limit. (Greek singer Maria Callas)

Education is the knowledge that we receive from books and which no one knows about except our teacher. (Virginia Hudson)

The secret of good teaching is to regard the child's intellect as a fertile field in which seeds can be sown to grow in the warmth of a burning imagination. (Maria Montessori - Italian teacher, doctor, philosopher and scientist)

What seeds are sown by the teacher, so will the student reap

Sayings of ancient thinkers

Teachers to whom children owe their upbringing are more honorable than parents: some give us only life, while others - good life. (Aristotle)

Whoever has not been a student will not be a teacher. (French philosopher of the 13th century. Boethius of Dacia)

He who comprehends the new while cherishing the old can be a teacher. (Confucius)

A good teacher is one whose words do not differ from his deeds. (Cato the Elder)

One should trust more those who teach rather than those who command. (Augustine the Blessed)

A phrase uttered by a teacher in anger is etched in the student’s memory for a long time.

Phrases of statesmen

A mediocre teacher expounds. A good teacher explains. An outstanding teacher shows. Great teacher inspires. (William Ward)

A teacher is the person who must pass on to the new generation all the valuable accumulations of centuries and not pass on prejudices, vices and diseases. (Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky)

Strengths and weaknesses are rooted in school, and the keys to well-being lie with teachers. (Ruhollah Mousavi Khomeini)

A teacher works on the most important task - he shapes a person. A teacher is an engineer human souls. (Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin)

School teachers have power that prime ministers can only dream of. (Winston Churchill)

Winston Churchill was his own teacher, as he regularly educated himself

What the teachers themselves said about their profession

They have been given an excellent position, higher than which nothing can be under this sun. Eternal law let it be: teach and learn everything through examples, instructions and application in practice. (Jan Amos Comenius)

The teacher is a person with humor. Imagine a teacher without humor and you will understand that he will not last long, and if he does, it will, unfortunately, last only his legs. (Alexander Ryzhikov - mathematics teacher, laureate All-Russian competition"Teacher of the Year 2009")

A teacher who does not begin by arousing the student's desire to learn is striking cold iron. (Horace Mann)

The teacher should appeal not so much to the students’ memory as to their minds, to achieve understanding, and not just memorization. (Fyodor Ivanovich Yankovic de Marievo)

The role of the teacher is to open doors, not to push the student through them. (Arthur Schnabel)

The bright world of knowledge is open to everyone

The everyday life of people in the teaching professions consists not only of tests, essays, exams, admonishing careless students and encouraging geniuses. Without humor it is very difficult to cope with a huge workload and children's problems. IN school life There are many funny moments that are aptly noted in the aphorisms. Pedagogy has not escaped the sarcasm of witty people.

Ironic, humorous, sarcastic aphorisms

A good teacher can teach others even what he himself cannot do. (Tadeusz Kotarbiński)

From the lessons of some teachers, we learn only the ability to sit up straight. (Wladyslaw Katarzynski)

He who teaches himself has a fool as a teacher. (English proverb)

Students remember nothing more firmly than the mistakes of their teachers. (Anton Ligov)

According to teachers, eggs do not teach chicken; according to students, chicken is not a bird. (Alexander Botvinnikov)

Oh, this eternal dispute!

The teaching profession provides a lifetime guarantee against kidnapping for ransom. (Stanislav Motsarsky)

School is a place where teachers demand knowledge from students in all subjects, while they themselves know only one.

The secret of teaching is to show that you have known all your life what you read about last night.

Judging by teachers' salaries, our government consists of vindictive losers.

There are three good reasons to become a teacher: June, July, August.

Not all students don’t want to go to school on September 1

The role of a teacher in life modern man cannot be overestimated. Now it's fashionable to get a second, a third higher education. Many people study foreign languages, improve their skills, hoping to find a more prestigious and highly paid job.

Essentially, we learn throughout our lives. Someone on own experience, someone on other people's mistakes. Ideally, it is better to meet a wise mentor. It’s great if this meeting happens in childhood, when habits and character are just being formed.

A teacher who loves his profession is able to direct the interests of the child to the right direction, instill the necessary skills for construction happy life. At the same time, the teacher himself must constantly expand his knowledge and update the information stored in his head. Science does not stand still. And if you don’t improve, then schoolchildren and students will prefer the Internet to such a mentor.

Video: a parable about the importance of a teacher

The presented quotes reveal the essence of this profession, show teachers where they can improve, what they should strive for.

Slide number 1.

The status of a modern teacher.

Slide number 2.

Eastern wisdom says:

“If you plan for 1 year, grow grain; if for several years, plant trees; if for centuries, raise a disciple.”

Right now, the well-being of our children, grandchildren, and all future generations depends on how modern and intellectual we manage to make our education.

Slide number 3.

The task of developing education is a task of national importance. This is the main thesis of the national educational strategy - the presidential initiative “Our new school».

How to implement the main directions of the presidential initiative in modern school in our difficult times, time of crisis? How do local authorities and social partners help the school so that bold projects become a reality?

The profession of a teacher is one of the most important in the modern world. The future depends on his efforts human civilization. A professional teacher is the only person, which most of spends his time raising and teaching children. If the process of teaching children by a teacher stops, a crisis will inevitably occur. New generations, due to the lack of specific knowledge, will not be able to maintain cultural, economic and social progress. Without a doubt, society will not receive morally and professionally prepared teachers. Teaching profession is both transformative and controlling. And in order to manage the process of personal development, you need to be competent.

I must admit that the task that now faces us, whereharder than before. We have to share thoughts on a topic that we would not like to simplify or turn intospectacular statements,I wanted today to be not a ceremonial speech, buta detailed statement of our working thoughtsabout modern school and the role of the teacher in it.

Slide number 4.

The theme of the modern school has two levels of understanding.

First – global, determining what changes occur in the life of society and what they lead to the modern school.

And, second, - personal, determining the possibility and necessity of change in the subjects of education themselves: students and teachers.

A very interesting idea expressed in a speech by the head of the department public policy in the field of education:

“The most important priority is the desire of children and parents to study in normal school, with normal teachers, in normal conditions.”

A strange idea at first glance.

Didn’t we educate a person before, didn’t we teach a student?

Yes, we did. Yes, they did.

But why then, in our country in the last half century of the 20th century, 95% of cultural values, why did callousness and rudeness begin to flourish? Why is it sometimes so difficult to find sparks of kindness and mercy in our children, why are they indifferent to the elderly, and why do parents abandon their children?

What did we do wrong? What have you lost? What have we missed if the core institution of our society is collapsing?

Slide number 5.

The modern era is a time of information civilization, and it requires the formation of a new type of thinking, a new attitude of people to life, the formation of a new idea of ​​human life itself.

What should be taught in a modern school?

However, and you know this very well, in modern schools there are also early pedagogical crises, a slowdown or cessation of professional growth teacher

Only talented teachers, teachers by vocation, master teachers should work in the school of the future

The teacher is the most main factor training: the success of innovation depends on it. If the teacher does not embrace innovation, it cannot be successful.

The development of teacher potential depends on various factors: material and moral incentives, effective system advanced training, development of professional reflection based on programs personal growth(acmeogram). Acmeogram - the main method of the acmeographic approach. A. - a specific system of requirements, conditions and factors contributing to progressive development professional excellence and the personality of the specialist. Acmeogram always individual, compiled exclusively for a specific specialist and aimed at his individual personal and professional development. The development of A. should be carried out according to a unified methodological scheme. In the typical A. diagram there are sections related to the general level (substructure professional qualifications, general acmeological invariants of professionalism), special (substructure of personality orientation, specific acmeological invariants of professionalism), individual (substructure of abilities, characterological features, moral qualities).

“The teacher must choose for himself big goals, disproportionate to his efforts, and this is because only in this way can he elevate his students and elevate himself. Goals that are higher than himself will make him an optimist, a seeking romantic, and he will then be able to create

Slide number 6.

The Presidential Initiative “Our New School” includes

five key areas

Updating educational standards;
- support system for talented children;
- development of teacher potential;
- modern school infrastructure;
- health of schoolchildren

The main one of the five directions is calledteacher capacity development. The creation of a network of pedagogical workshops and the development of a system of advanced training are part of the proposals that are currently being considered within the framework of the project.
No matter from what position we approach the issue of the role of teachers, we recognize it as key

It all starts with the teacher

The majority of teachers working in schools are tired (retired or nearing retirement age) people, burdened by a mass of unresolved problems of a wide range (housing, material wealth, inability to receive free and sanatorium treatment etc.). Values, knowledge, set methodological tools and the techniques of most teachers correspond to another era and often conflict with the requirements of today.

Slide number 7.

The transition to the New School is expected to be built in the following stages:

  1. 2009: development and approval of the NNS concept;
  2. 2010 - organization of a network of experimental sites;
  3. 2012 - creation of an innovative network of schools;

2017 - transition to NNS as a mass

Is the teacher ready?..

The Education project is not only informatization, the project is, first of all, new requirements and new look on the oldest profession- teacher. Are teachers ready for modern view to their profession, are they ready to change their worldview, their principles in order to bring students and the country to new round development?

In post-Soviet times, the authority of the teacher was sharply undermined (the media played no role in this last role). The attitude of society towards our profession has changed.

It’s good that the government is now trying to raise the status of teaching.

People with a calling should go into this profession. Modern schools need young, smart teachers. Unfortunately, the “old guard” has already exhausted its capabilities. Their rich experience and knowledge of the subject is no longer perceived by students at the translational level, but interactive technologies many are too tough.

Young, smart and with a calling can be provided, in best case scenario, a hundred experimental schools throughout Russia, but what about the rest of the municipal educational institutions. A young and smart person will not go to school for 7,000 rubles, but will get a job somewhere for 30,000 rubles. Without creepy supervision from above, stacks of reports and constant checks.

The quality and effectiveness of any education system ultimately depends on the work of teachers, so the level of training of teachers and their role in society are important. There is an expression:“The school cannot have better teachers.”This means that changes need to start with teachers, first of all, with raising the status of the teacher.

High quality educational services can only be achieved if there are highly qualified teachers who constantly improve their skills and respond flexibly to changes occurring in the educational space.

A modern teacher has the skills to use computer telecommunications. A computer-illiterate teacher is ballast, not only in terms of his own capabilities, but also in terms of the status of teachers in general. Time demands that a teacher be a dynamic person, a carrier of change. It is he who will have to teach children to live in a world where changes occur every day. General task teachers will be to give students the opportunity to join not only the known information technology, but also the technology that will replace the current one. New information Technology urgently require strengthening and strengthening the role of teachers. Teachers should be given every opportunity so that they can enter into new century with dignity and so that their status is higher.

In a modern school, we will need teachers who have a deep knowledge of psychological and pedagogical knowledge and understand the developmental characteristics of schoolchildren, and who are professionals in other areas of activity, who can help children find themselves in the future, become independent, creative, self-confident, and energetic people. “Personality educates personality” - this is the ABC educational process. Therefore, the personality of the teacher has an exceptional role in the education and upbringing of the child. Personal qualities teachers provide the learning process with a value-meaning orientation and originality of influence through an individual culture of communication, behavior: to be self-possessed and calm, distinguished by clarity of diction, expressiveness in the presentation of thoughts, evenness in the dynamics of feelings. Intellectual development should complement moral and value education. It is in the conditions research activities become real qualitative changes V pedagogical thinking teachers, there is an intensive development of their creative abilities and, as a result, the effective formation of a teacher-researcher.


1. Orients his teaching activities towards new achievements of science.

2. Continuously examines his system of work, implements scientific analysis its different components.

3. Strives to constantly improve the effectiveness of his work.

4. Possesses skills practical use methods of pedagogical research.

5. Tends to communicate with scientists and innovative teachers to get acquainted with current problems domestic and foreign pedagogy, advanced work experience, innovative technologies, knows about professional achievements their colleagues

The tendency of the new education should be to make the child a conscious master of his equipment; education should open his eyes to life, open the doors to the world for him objective phenomena and relationships. Initially, it is necessary to find out the nature of his natural impulses:

Do they gravitate towards physical expression, manual labor, which can include a wide range of qualification opportunities by specialty;

Does he have hidden abilities for this or that type of art, a reaction to color and shape, a response to music and rhythm;

Does it allow intellectual level undergo purely mental training in the field of analysis, deduction, mathematics or logic.

The teacher must identify creativity students intuitively or through diagnostic work, correctly assess the child’s capabilities and help him solve his problems, and provide guidance regarding his future profession.

For this you can use practical work, creative projects, Olympiads, experiments, creative search They light up sparks of interest in the eyes of students that do not go away for a long time. The desire to learn about something new increases every day. Working in groups and pairs does not give weaker students the opportunity to become confused; everyone begins to believe in their own strengths.

Slide number 8.

According to J. Comenius, “the teacher is nature’s helper, not its ruler, its builder, not a reformer,” so he himself chooses the forms, methods and techniques that contribute to the development of the students’ natural inclinations.

The main task of the teacher is not just to convey, explain and show to the students, but to organize a general search for a solution to the problem that has arisen in front of them. The teacher acts as the director of a mini-play that takes place directly in the classroom. New learning conditions require the teacher to be able to listen to everyone on every question, without discarding a single answer, to take the position of everyone who answers in order to understand the logic of his thoughts and find a way out of the constantly changing educational situation. Teaching logic, discussion, dialogue, and problem solving does not provide for quickly obtaining the correct answer. Therefore, situations are possible when it is not possible to discover the truth in one lesson. The teacher’s painstaking work makes it possible to carry out tasks that are interesting for children, to approach the problem with different sides, encourage students to think, find ways to solve problems, teach them to think, prove, justify their thoughts. From the first steps in mastering knowledge, schoolchildren must look for a way of action, learn to use it until it appears before them. new problem... The purpose of all this is to minimize the passive presence of children in the lesson. For them, a teacher is a partner, only a more experienced one.

The task of teachers is to teach children to think independently, be able to argue, defend their thoughts, ask questions, and be proactive in acquiring new knowledge.

Slide number 9.

After all, as L. Tolstoy said, “Knowledge is knowledge only when it is obtained through the tension of one’s thoughts, and not through memory.” It is under such conditions that it is possible to raise a creative student who is able to maintain curiosity, energy, willingness to take risks and openness to new things. To complete these tasks modern teacher must be creative.

Creativity is the ability to create, create something new, and solve problems in an innovative way. This manifests itself in different areas of life, not only in science and art, but in communication, learning, time planning, and everyday life. Therefore, we can develop creativity in one area, and it will manifest itself in other areas. Creativity gives meaning, makes life richer, more intense and happier...

Creative teacher:

Stimulates and supports a creative atmosphere in the group, which allows you to talk, think, and work without stress, anxiety and fear of punishment.

Provides the emergence of stimulating, demanding creative attitude situations.

Demonstrates through creativity, pedagogical improvisation, finding an unexpected pedagogical solution and its implementation;

Conducts reflection on his abilities, awareness of himself in pedagogical activity and evaluation of its effectiveness.

Shows tolerance and approval of unusual thoughts, original ideas, and creative achievements.

Teaches students to accept and value their own opinions (as well as someone else’s) creative thinking and the results achieved.

We can say that creativity is a person’s duty to himself.

Teachers who are enthusiastic about developing their own creativity are constantly growing creatively. They achieve successful results more often. Teachers who can sense what others are thinking and feeling have special gift group creativity. They are able to absorb students' ideas and add something of their own. To increase your ability to empathize, develop the ability to listen and empathize. This is exactly what a modern teacher should be like.

Currently, scientists, teachers, and psychologists repeatedly address the problem of the teacher, giving this concept other names, for example, “competence,” “ professional qualities"teachers. This question remains relevant, since, naturally, the state and society change over time, which means that the requirements placed on the teacher by the state and society change. The question remains what teacher qualities (or “competencies”) should be, i.e. independent of time, and what qualities should be “mobile”, i.e. necessary teacher-educator in connection with the demands of the “new” time. For example, just 10-15 years ago, mastery of computer technology was not among the “competencies” of a teacher, but now this quality is necessary for a modern teacher.

These questions are also relevant for teacher education:

“What kind of teacher should a pedagogical university prepare?”,

and for school principals:

“What kind of teacher should work in a modern school?”; “What kind of teacher does a modern student need?”

and for parents who now have unlimited opportunities to choose educational institution for your child, and most importantly, this question is important for students:“Which teacher would they be happy to learn from?”

How much is said about student motivation!But there are often cases when a teacher turns out to be unmotivated. Will such a person with a teacher’s diploma show the high class of teaching that the hiring director expects from him?..

The in-school model for developing teacher potential contributes to the creation whole system interrelated measures, actions, activities aimed at comprehensive improvement of qualifications and professional growth of each teacher.

Based on the andragogical approach in the field methodological work, the proposed model allows:

  1. expand the "space" possible actions» teachers in the field of improvement own skills by use educational technologies, forms and methods of teaching;
  2. build each teacher’s own trajectory for improving professional skills and creative self-development;
  3. unite the efforts of teachers and administration to solve development problems educational process posed to the modern school.

Slide number 10.

Shaped and structured according to the components pedagogical work. The work of a teacher is a complex mental reality, presented in the form of a multidimensional space consisting of three interconnected elements:

Pedagogical activity;
- teacher’s personality;
- psychological and pedagogical communication.

All of them are united by one global task development of the student’s personality, but do not overlap each other, are not repeated, are not duplicated, but enter into complex dialectical relationships. Moreover, each of them in the process of teacher’s work acts either as a prerequisite, or as a means, or as a result of development.

Slide number 11.

Intra-school model for developing teacher potential

Slide number 12.

In the direction of developing teacher potential, it is necessary to develop and implement:
- the practice of attracting teachers to schools who have basic
non-teaching education;
- new technologies for organizing and financing the system of training, retraining and advanced training teaching staff, including the development of consulting and methodological support services and qualification certification with coordination of their activities at the federal level;
- models of using modern information and communication technologies in the system of training, retraining and advanced training of teaching staff;
- practice of networking, activities social networks teachers aimed at updating the content of education and mutual methodological support;
- new model certification of teaching and management personnel of the system general education, which requires mandatory periodic confirmation of qualification level.

Slide number 13.

Important role in development professional competence and the innovative potential of the teacher plays the managerial credo of the administration of the school, lyceum, and university:

  1. inspire teachers by personal example;
  2. timely thank and provide financial incentives for work performed, strengthen the teacher’s faith in himself and his strengths;
  3. support all positive innovative initiatives, provide practical help in them;
  4. maintain your administrative motivation in the team to achieve success, at the most effective implementation tasks educational institution;
  5. be focused on finding new opportunities for the team, subordinates, and oneself;
  6. be able to quickly respond to promising innovations;
  7. do not give in to pessimism, radiate optimism, always see your educational institution as what it could become.

Slide number 14.

The key concept of “Our New School” is the figure of the teacher. Without it, it is impossible to implement any reforms. It depends on the teacher what Russia will be like.

Be good teacher is possible only by being a good teacher. If we see a student only from behind the table in the classroom, if he goes to the teacher only when called, then no amount of knowledge will help such a teacher. You need to meet him as a friend, experience with him the joy of victory and the bitterness of defeat. If the mind is educated by the mind, then CONSCIENCE is CONSCIENCE. After all, give advice main rod person. They used to say: “If your conscience doesn’t correct you, then the prosecutor will correct you.” During the modernization of education in schools, this main core of man began to weaken, and all this was done with good intentions. And as you know. With good intentions The road to hell is paved. Therefore, I would like the national initiative “Our New School” to pay enough attention not only to the education of the mind, but also to the cultivation of conscience, devotion to the Motherland - effective service to the Motherland.

Intelligence, advice, devotion to the Motherland are the main teaching potentials, and they will help form the basic positive results in the district's education system.

Slide number 15.

Key changes

Happens at school then,

when the teacher changes.

Slide number 16.

Teacher's Day - professional holiday education workers. Celebrated annually on October 5th.

Happy holiday to our dear accountants! It was only in 10th grade that I realized how hard it was for them with us! Today I taught 4 lessons for class 3 "B"! Our poor teachers... after all, they have this every day...

Teacher's Day... OH I feel how they are drinking at school now... :))

Labor makes a man out of a monkey, and on the day of the teacher, out of a Trudovik, into a monkey...

It's too bad that Teacher's Day is in October. I no longer want to climb into the fountain drunk.

May we not always be obedient,
We do not fulfill all your requests on time,
We are grateful to you, we are in a hurry for advice!
You are our dear ones, thank you for this!

Who teaches us?
Who is tormenting us?
Who gives us knowledge?
This is our school teacher -
Amazing people.
With you it is clear and light,
The soul is always warm.
And forgive me if it's on time
The lesson was not learned.
We sincerely congratulate you
All our teachers
And we wish everyone good health
From prankish children!

A cheerful noisy school
On this holiday - Teacher's Day
Congratulations to the teachers,
Congratulations to the educators!
They pass on knowledge to us
About our universe.
With them everything is clearer around,
They are our most faithful friend!
They will help and support
They will also give you hope!
The world is a nicer place with them!
We wish you happiness in your personal life!

Happy Teacher's Day!
And we'll let the teacher know
Excellent marks
For how to our children
Treats with soul
And with affection, like a native.
We wish, without a doubt,
And health and patience!

The main holiday in October is
Teacher's Day!
Why do they bring flowers?
Teacher's Day!
Congratulations, congratulations -
Teacher's Day!
And we wish everyone health -
Teacher's Day!
Sea, sea kind words -
Teacher's Day!
Low, low bow to you -
Teacher's Day!

Being a teacher is a calling
The work is not easy every year,
Give knowledge to children
Make the outcome correct.
Let every class inspire
Something new surprises.
Let the grades be positive
And the bell plays the blues!

Dear, dear teachers! We sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming holiday - Teacher's Day! But there is no teacher without students. This means that today is not only your holiday, but also that of everyone who has studied and is studying. Everyone studied at school: our grandparents, mothers and fathers. It turns out that Teacher's Day is a national holiday!!!

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