Information and communication technologies in the work of a preschool psychologist. The use of information and communication technologies in the work of a preschool educational psychologist

We live in the information age. A world in which it develops modern child, is fundamentally different from the world in which his parents grew up. This places qualitatively new demands on preschool education as the first link continuing education: education using modern information and communication technologies. According to G.K. Selevko, educational information technology is educational technology, using special methods, software and hardware to work with information. We must understand that ICT is not only computers and their software. This means the use of a computer, Internet resources, TV, video, DVD, CD, multimedia, audiovisual equipment, etc.
In accordance with the Concept of introducing new information technology V preschool education, the computer should be in kindergarten core of developing subject environment. Therefore, it is important to create a system of work using a computer for the development of a child and, above all, the formation of psychological readiness to life and activity in a society that widely uses information technology. The idea of ​​using computers in teaching children belongs to Professor S. Papert. Working with J. Piaget in the 60s, he came to the conclusion that a child develops if he has the conditions for creative activity in an appropriate environment, while the quality of learning the material depends not so much on the child’s abilities as on the organization of the learning process. The scientist presents the concept of a school of the future, in which the computer acts as a means of activating mental, cognitive, and creative processes.
The theoretical justification for the need to use information technology for the development and education of children has been continued in the research of domestic scientists. A.V. Zaporozhets in his work “Problems preschool game and its guidance for educational purposes" gave detailed examples using a computer as a means cognitive development child. S.L. Novoselova in her book “Problems of informatization of preschool education” argued that the introduction of a computer into the system didactic means kindergarten can become a powerful factor in enriching the intellectual, aesthetic, moral and physical development child. D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya showed that children working with computers gaming programs according to a specially built system, the potential for intellectual, creative development. According to the results of research, Mashbits E.I. The computer has been shown to enhance learning motivation.
Modern medical research shows that negative impact on children's health preschool age when working with a computer is not observed if hygienic rules are observed ( high level illumination, clear and contrasting image on the screen, optimal distance eye to screen 55-65 cm, comfortable posture) and ergonomic (duration play activities should not exceed 10-15 minutes) requirements. To remove muscle tension For children, after working (games, classes) on the computer, it is necessary to carry out finger and oculomotor gymnastics.
Currently, information and communication technologies are widely used in work teacher-psychologist preschool educational institution. The use of ICT is carried out in various directions.
1. Methodological work.
Work in Microsoft Office(Excel, Word, PowerPoint). Preparation of reporting and current documentation, creation of a database based on diagnostic results, drawing up graphs and diagrams. Creating your own presentations and photo albums.
2. Preventive, correctional and developmental work with children.
When implementing preventive, correctional and developmental work using ICT, it is possible to include a variety of computer games, aimed at developing memory, attention, thinking (“What does it look like?”, “Find the odd one”, “Remember and name”, “Games for tigers”, coloring games, etc.). Also, it is necessary to use audio equipment - DVDs, CDs and audio cassettes (“Merry ABC” by Marshak, “Lessons of Aunt Owl”, “Voices of Birds and Animals”, etc.). The Paint application can be used as an art therapy technique, used together with music.
Therefore, information and communication technologies are effective technical means, with the help of which you can significantly enrich the correctional and developmental process, stimulate individual activities and development cognitive processes children, broaden a child’s horizons, educate creative personality adapted to life in modern society.
3. Work with colleagues (educational psychologists of preschool educational institutions, schools)
Creating your own blog, website, participating in professional online communities, chats, on-line conferences. Use of Internet information resources (,, and others). Exchange information with colleagues using email;
4. Work with teachers and parents of preschool educational institutions
Creation of memos, booklets, photo galleries, and other documents containing materials on the problems of development, education and upbringing of children, with their subsequent placement in kindergarten and on the institution’s website. Consulting parents and teachers using the Internet. Creating presentations in preparation for joint events with teachers and parents.
Thus, the use of information and communication technologies by a teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution is a factor in maintaining mental health children due to the possibility of solving the following tasks: development of psychophysiological functions that ensure readiness for learning ( fine motor skills, optical-spatial orientation, visual-motor coordination); enrichment of horizons; assistance in learning social role; formation educational motivation, development of personal components cognitive activity (cognitive activity, independence, arbitrariness); organization of a subject and social environment favorable for the development.

Pedagogical feasibility of using ICTin the activities of a teacher-psychologist

The 21st century is called the information age. And the further - the more: modern information technologies are being introduced into various areas life. Computer technology is becoming an integral part modern culture, including in the field of education. The computer has become an essential attribute modern specialist, regardless of the field in which he works. Increasingly, the applied nature of the use of modern information and computer technologies is giving way to its educational and developmental capabilities. Introduction modern technologies education and development of children, allows you to more fully realize personal potential every child. The benefits of using ICT open up great opportunities in practical activities educational psychologist.

I think that on modern stage The practical activity of a psychologist is no longer conceivable without the use of computer technology. Introduction of modern computer technologies into school psychological practice allows me to make my work more productive and efficient. The use of ICT organically complements traditional forms work school psychologist, expanding the possibilities for organizing the interaction of the psychologist with other participants educational process. I think it is possible to distribute the total volume of ICT use in working with various subjects of the educational process as follows:

Information interpretation system , reporting. Office programs Access and Excel provide me with indispensable help in this, which can even create complex species reports, both graphical and textual, make various selections, calculate analytics. These same programs allow you to create simple databases of children.

Carrying out computer psychodiagnostics allows me to release huge amount time spent on data processing and spend more time, for example, observing students. It seems to me that conducting diagnostics on a computer stimulates students’ interest in psychological research and promotes personal development high school students to the formation of their academic, personal and professional motivation, development of reflection. My collection contains tests for different topics(health, for family, character, business, for women, safety, personality, etc.). As an indirect psychodiagnostic tool, I use various computer games “Adventures on the plane of numbers” by the BUKA company, “Adventures on hot air balloon» BUKA company, “Baba Yaga learn to count” and simulators “Super Attention”, “Intelligence”, the encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius “Developing Memory”, “Developing Attention”, “Learning to Save Time”, etc.

Planning psychology lessons , cool watch I try to include in my plan the use of presentations “Temperament”, “Development and degradation”, “Lessons of love”, “Say no to drugs”, “Success in the profession”, “Life is given once”, etc. The piggy bank is constantly replenished with the children’s works and our own. Monitoring the success of mastering the program using tests. The test designer helps you create a computer version of the test and then use it in your work.

Widespread use of computer technology in correctional and developmental work school psychologist with students. Similar technologies include computer programs educational and developmental nature. Computer programs are a unique combination of technology, entertainment, psychology and pedagogy. I use some of these programs. I believe that these programs contribute to the development of sensorimotor, perceptual and higher cognitive functions; increasing the effectiveness of student learning, increasing their educational motivation, developing their intellectual and creative possibilities etc. We can highlight the direction of using ICT in correctional and developmental work: the use of ICT for development cognitive abilities child (a wide variety is now offered in this area computer simulators and sets of games aimed at developing sensory motor skills, attention, memory and thinking). In my practice, I use the following games: “Mushroom Age”, “Around the World in 80 Days”, “The Secret of the Old Chest”, etc.

When organizing psychological education and group counseling high school students on issues of professional and personal self-determination use a wide range of opportunities offered by ICT: I use the computer program “Information training » GLOBUS LLC, e-books“Your parent”, “A teenager and his problems”, “ Bad habits"etc. In the past academic year with teenagers we created small presentations of relaxation, in which we jointly selected photographs of flowers, waterfalls, landscapes, observing the transition color range, accompanied by a certain musical accompaniment, which required students to first familiarize themselves with information about the influence of color and music on mood and physical condition person. Having carried out this enormous, in my opinion, work, the guys gained a wealth of experience in the field of flowers, and they successfully defended research work“The influence of color on the human condition” at the district level.

IN present moment computer and information technology are not only a tool and means in the activities of a school psychologist, but also act as common basis to organize joint activities with teachers to solve the problem of informatization of the educational process. Many teachers are just beginning to master the “miracle technology”, sometimes they are afraid of the computer, often lag behind their students in their computer knowledge, and the majority do not have access to the Internet or do not always know how to use it. From all of the above, I do next output that the use of modern information technologies in my work with teachers and parents, in addition to solving specific psychological problems, helps to improve the information culture of teachers and parents and motivate the use of computers in their pedagogical practice.

To implement these ideas, a page on the school website was developed specifically for teachers and parents. There are two sections: for primary school and secondary, where parents and teachers will be able to receive useful information. Materials for the pages are selected taking into account requests, in September I publish material on adaptation, during the ten-day period of quitting smoking and AIDS, information about these diseases, help and support, in April - how to prepare for exams, etc.

I'm sure the site is some kind of virtual psychological service, designed to help provide teachers and parents, children with ample opportunities for psychological and pedagogical self-education, self-knowledge, and professional self-development.

Distance learning – a new concept in educational psychology. Distance learning is not intended to replace real job psychologist with children, it complements it through building remote forms The interaction of a psychologist with entire groups allows for more effective solution of development problems. Current situation social development– ordering target groups. It is no secret that now for some teenagers it is easier to access the Internet than to come to a lesson or consultation; they themselves ask to put educational materials on the Internet so that they can access them at any time; therefore, in order to keep up with the times, this academic year I developed distance course on career guidance “Find yourself” for grades 8-9. The course is a success among students rural schools who do not have the opportunity to come to every lesson in the city.

In my practice, it also happened that a teenager was more comfortable communicating not directly, but indirectly (in absentia). After all, many students would never come to counseling, so I wondered how to help them. And I found a way out - you can help teenagers via the Internet, using e-mail or the ICQ system. I have both. At this stage of work, there are many students on my lists who need help.

I think that using remote means it is often possible to get an answer much faster, solve a problem, and convey information to the majority of schoolchildren.

It is impossible to overestimate the resources provided by ICT for the professional self-development of a psychologist: I often use the opportunity to study electronic textbooks, articles, and news on the Internet psychological research, read " Psychological consultations", exchange information with colleagues via email, etc. I am sure that the opportunity provided to show creativity in the development of professional computer tools, albeit simple, is very important.

I hope that computer technology and will continue to be reliable assistants in my work. Horizons open up great opportunities further development ICT in practical psychology, and certain risks. From our activity and life position It depends on what information our children will perceive. A tandem of theoretical psychologists, practical psychologists and programmers can help make modern information environment more creative, developing and safe, and also sometimes reduce it negative impact for children and adolescents.


at work

educational psychologist

Completed by: educational psychologist

MBOU "Komsomolskaya Secondary School"

Yalovaya Yu. V.

ICT in the work of an educational psychologist

IN modern life Without ICT there is nowhere. The Internet penetrates into all spheres pedagogical work. Today, from the Internet you can find out the most downloadable materials for work (presentations, videos, music, literature) and much more; take part in online competitions and webinars. Teachers can share their experiences with their colleagues online. And, of course, in this situation, psychologists of the educational system could not stand aside. Educational psychologists are increasingly using information and communication technologies in their work: computer programs for diagnostics and correction, actively participating in online professional communities, using electronic library etc. Sometimes, due to the abundance of information on the Internet, it is difficult for a teacher to navigate, to decide what is more important, what is necessary. And, naturally, the question arises of systematizing the necessary resources.

Psychology happy life

Goal: analyze the possibilities of using ICT in work teacher-psychologist Objective: 1. define the concept of ICT in education. 2. list the types of ICT used in education 3. give examples of the use of ICT in the work of an educational psychologist

Definition of ICT in education ICT in education is the use computer technology and telecommunications means for implementation information processes for the purpose of operational and efficient work with information in educational system. .

Types of ICT used in education By decision pedagogical tasks: means providing basic training(electronic textbooks, training systems, knowledge control systems); funds practical training(problems, workshops, virtual constructors, programs simulation modeling, simulators); aids(encyclopedias, dictionaries, reading books, educational computer games, multimedia training sessions); complex means (remote training courses). .

Examples of the use of ICT in the work of an educational psychologist (tools that provide basic training) Electronic textbooks: Website of educational psychologist Elena Viktorovna Petrova kij_ja_l panko_e_a_igumnov_s_a_psikhicheskoe_razvitie_detej_v_norme_i_patologii/ kij_ja_l panko_e_a _igumnov_s_a_psikhicheskoe_razvitie_detej_v_norme_i_patologii/ . Mental development normal and pathological children. Y. Kolominsky, E. Panko Website of educational psychologist Elena Viktorovna Petrova amoukina_prakticheskij_psikholog_v_shkole/ amoukina_prakticheskij_psikholog_v_shkole/ . Practical psychologist at school. N. Samoukina Psychological library. Clinical Psychology. Ed. B. Karvasarsky

Examples of the use of ICT in the work of a teacher-psychologist (practical training tools). Workshops: Workshop on health psychology. G. Nikiforov Self confidence training. M. Smith Workshop on personality psychology. O. Eliseev

Examples of the use of ICT in the work of a teacher-psychologist (practical training tools) Encyclopedia: Encyclopedia depth psychology. Z. Freud Popular psychological encyclopedia. S. Stepanov.

Examples of the use of ICT in the work of a teacher-psychologist (practical training tools) Multimedia training sessions: Kit-Jobs Japanese IQ - Job Application Test World of Psychology Multimedia in psychology. Video and audio tips. Children in the middle of nowhere Knowledge tests, tests on various school subjects, to determine IQ, ability tests.

Examples of the use of ICT in the work of an educational psychologist Lesson with multimedia support - there is one computer in the classroom, the teacher uses it as an “electronic board” and the students use it to defend projects; The lesson takes place with computer support - several computers (usually in a computer lab), all students work on them simultaneously or in turns; The lesson is integrated with computer science and takes place in a computer lab; Independent study (possibly remote) with the help of special training systems. .

Conclusion: Use information and communication technologies in the field of education increases the efficiency of the educational and educational process; psychologically facilitates the process of learning the material; organically complements the traditional forms of work of a school psychologist. In my future teaching practice, I will always rely on various ICT capabilities, because it is very convenient and effective. Creating a presentation was far from an easy job for me, taking more than one month of accumulating material and working with it, but thanks to it I learned a lot of things that can help me in my future teaching practice.

Resources: 1. Education: yesterday, today, tomorrow 3. Website of educational psychologist Elena Viktorovna Petrova 4. Psychological library 5.

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