Sound letter analysis with the word passed. Sound-letter analysis of a word

In progress schooling students get acquainted with the Russian language different types analysis. This and lexical analysis words, and analysis by composition and methods of formation. Children learn to parse a sentence into members, identify its syntactic and punctuation features. And also perform many other language operations.

Rationale for the topic

After reviewing the material covered in primary school, 5th grade students begin the first major section of linguistics - phonetics. The completion of its study is the analysis of the word by sounds. Why does a serious and deep acquaintance with phonetics begin with phonetics? in native speech? The answer is simple. The text consists of sentences, sentences - of words, and words - of sounds, which are the building blocks, the building material, the fundamental basis of language, and not only Russian, but any language. That is why parsing a word by sounds is the beginning of the formation of practical skills and abilities of schoolchildren in linguistic work.

The concept of phonetic analysis

What exactly does it include, and what do schoolchildren need to know in order to successfully cope with phonetic tasks? Firstly, it is good to be familiar with syllabic division. Secondly, parsing a word by sounds cannot be done without a clear distinction between phonemes, paired and unpaired, weak and strong positions. Thirdly, if it (the word) includes iotized, soft or hard elements, double letters, the student must also be able to figure out which letter is used to indicate a particular sound in writing. And even such very complex processes, such as accommodation or assimilation (similarity) and dissimilation (dissimilarity), should also be well studied by them (although these terms are not mentioned in textbooks, nevertheless, children become familiar with these concepts). Naturally, parsing a word into sounds cannot be done if the child does not know how to transcribe, does not know elementary rules transcriptions. Therefore, the teacher must approach teaching the “Phonics” section seriously and responsibly.

What is a scheme for parsing a word by sounds? What stages does it include? Let's look at this in detail. To begin with, the lexeme is written out from the text, a “dash” sign is placed, after which it is written again, only this time divided into syllables. Emphasis is placed. Then square brackets are opened, and the student must transcribe the word - write it down as it is heard, i.e., identify its sound shell, indicate the softness of phonemes, if any, etc. Next, under the transcription option, you need to skip the line, swipe down vertical line. Before it, all the letters of the word are written in a column, after - in the sounds and they are given full characteristics. At the end of the analysis, a small horizontal line is drawn and, as a summary, the number of letters and sounds in the word is noted.

Example one

How does all this look in practice, i.e. in a school notebook? Let's first make a trial analysis of the word by sounds. Examples of analysis will make it possible to understand many nuances. We write down: bedspread. We divide it into syllables: po-kry-va´-lo. We transcribe: [veils]. Let's analyze:

  • p - [p] is a consonant sound, it is dull, paired, para - [b], hard;
  • o - [a] is a vowel sound, unstressed;
  • k - [k] - consonant sound, it is dull, parn., [para - g], hard;
  • p - [p] - the sound is therefore unpaired in sonority, hard;
  • ы - [ы] is a vowel, unstressed in this position;
  • in - [v] - this sound according to, is voiced, its pair is [f], hard;
  • a - [a´] - vowel sound, in a stressed position;
  • l - [l] - this is a concordant sound, it belongs to the sonorant ones, therefore unpaired, hard;
  • o - [a] - consonant, unstressed.

Total: 9 letters in a word and 9 sounds; their number is completely the same.

Example two

Let's see how to parse the word "friends" by sounds. We act according to the already outlined scheme. We divide it into syllables, put the emphasis: friends´. Now we write it down in transcribed form: [druz "y"a´]. And we analyze:

  • d - [d] - consonant, it is voiced and is paired, para - [t], hard;
  • p - [p] - consonant, voiced, sonorant, unpaired, hard;
  • y - [y] - vowel, unstressed;
  • z - [z"] - according to, is voiced, has a voiceless pair - [s], soft and also paired: [z];
  • ь - does not indicate sound;
  • i - [th"] - semivowel, always voiced, therefore unpaired, always soft;
  • [a´] - vowel, stressed.

IN this word 6 letters and 6 sounds. Their number is the same, since b does not indicate a sound, and the letter I after a soft sign indicates two sounds.

Example three

We show how to parse the word “language” by sounds. The algorithm is familiar to you. Write it down and divide it into syllables: I-language. Transcribe: [th "izik". Parse phonetically:

  • i - [th"] - semivowel, voiced, always unpaired, only soft;
  • [a] - this and unstressed;
  • z - [z] - acc., voiced, paired, para - [s], hard;
  • ы - [ы´] - vowel, stressed;
  • k - [k] - consonant, deaf, paired, [g], hard.

The word consists of 4 letters and 5 sounds. Their number does not match because the letter I is in absolute beginning and means 2 sounds.

Example four

Let's see what parsing the word "squirrel" looks like by sounds. After he is discharged, make the syllable division: squirrel. Now transcribe: [b "e´lka]. And produce:

  • b - [b"] - acc., voiced, paired, [n], soft;
  • e - [e´] - vowel, stressed;
  • l - [l] - consonant, sonorant, unpar., v in this case solid;
  • k - [k] - acc., deaf., paired, [g], solid;
  • a - [a] - vowel, unstressed.

This word has the same number of letters and sounds - 5 each. As you can see, produce phonetic analysis this word is quite simple. It is only important to pay attention to the nuances of its pronunciation.

Example five

Now let's analyze the word "fir" by sounds. Fifth graders should find this interesting. It will help you repeat and reinforce phonetic features iotated vowels. The word consists of one syllable, which is also unusual for students. It is transcribed like this: [е´л"]. Now let’s analyze:

  • e - [th"] - semivowel, voiced, unpaired, soft;
  • [e´] - vowel, stressed;
  • l - [l´] - consonant, sonorant, therefore unpaired, in this word soft;
  • ь - does not indicate sound.

Thus, the word “fir” has 3 letters and 3 sounds. The letter E means 2 sounds, because it is at the beginning of the word, and soft sign does not indicate sounds.

Drawing conclusions

We have given examples of phonetic analysis of words consisting of different quantities syllables and sounds. A teacher, explaining a topic, teaching his students, should try to fill them with lexicon appropriate terminology. Speaking about the sounds “N”, “R”, “L”, “M”, we should call them sonorant, simultaneously pointing out that they are always voiced and therefore do not have a pair for deafness. [Y] is not sonorant, but also only voiced, and in this parameter it is adjacent to the previous 4. Moreover, it was previously believed that this sound belongs to consonants, but it is fair to call it a semivowel, because it is very close to the sound [and]. What's the best way to remember them? Write down the sentence with the children: “We didn’t see our friend.” It includes all sonorants.

Special cases of parsing

In order to correctly determine the phonetic structure of a word, it is important to be able to listen to it. For example, the word form for “horses” will look like this in transcription: [lashyd “e´y”], “rain” - [do´sch". Fifth-graders can figure out these and similar cases pretty hard. Therefore, the teacher should try to analyze in lessons interesting examples and draw students' attention to some linguistic subtleties. This also applies to words such as “holiday”, “yeast”, i.e., containing double or unpronounceable consonants. In practice, it looks like this: holiday, [pra´z"n"ik]; tremors, [tremors]. A line should be drawn above the “zh” indicating the duration of the sound. The role of the letter I is also non-standard. Here it denotes the sound Y.

About the role of transcription

Why does a word need to be transcribed? Phonetic analysis helps to see the graphic appearance of the lexeme. That is, to clearly show how the word looks in its sound shell. What is the general purpose of such an analysis? It consists not only of comparison (letters and sounds, their number). Phonetic analysis makes it possible to trace in what positions the same letter means different sounds. Thus, it is traditionally believed that in the Russian language the vowel “ё” is always in a strong stressed position. However, in words foreign language origin this rule doesn't work. The same applies to complex lexemes consisting of two or more roots. For example, the adjective tricore. Its transcription is as follows: [tr"iokh"a´d"irny"]. As you can see, the shock sound here is [a].

On the issue of syllabification

Syllable division is also a rather difficult question for fifth graders. Usually the teacher guides children to the following rule: the number of vowels in a word, the number of syllables. Re-ka: 2 syllables; po-soul-ka: 3 syllables. These are the so-called simple cases when vowels are surrounded by consonants. The situation is somewhat more complicated for children. For example, in the word “blue” there is a confluence of vowels. Schoolchildren find it difficult to divide similar options into syllables. You should explain to them that the rule remains the same here: si-nya-ya (3 syllables).

These are the features observed during phonetic analysis.

Educator: Ilyinskaya Diana Vitalievna MADOU "DS No. 48" SEVERSK TOMSK REGION

Goals and objectives: development of sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words; learn to correlate sounds with letters and symbols.

Teaching children to read and write in kindergarten carried out using the analytical-synthetic method. This means that children are introduced to sounds first native language, and then with letters. Modern school, according to the Federal State Educational Standard, requires from children entering the first grade not so much any amount of knowledge and skills, but the ability to act in the mental plane, which is formed in the process of assimilation of a system of knowledge in a particular area of ​​reality.

Therefore, already at preschool age, it is necessary to help children master a certain system of knowledge, which will become the basis for future study of the subject. Sound analysis is the determination, firstly, of the order of sounds in a word, and secondly, the selection individual sounds, thirdly, distinguishing sounds by their quality characteristics. The Russian language is characterized by the opposition of vowels and consonants, hard and soft consonants.

The ability to hear and isolate all sounds in order prevents missing letters in the future when writing.

Children five years old after classes in middle group are prepared to master sound analysis: they can identify sounds intonationally and determine the first sound in words.

But in order for a child to analyze a word, its sound composition must be materialized. The spoken word escapes, and it is very difficult for a child to identify certain parts or elements in it. It needs to be shown to preschoolers in terms of subject matter, presenting the sound structure in the form of a model.

For this purpose, a picture-scheme of the sound composition of words is used. It depicts an object, the word-name of which the child parses and places a row of chips under the picture according to the number of sounds in the word.

The drawing helps to always see the object whose name is being analyzed. The diagram makes it possible to determine the number of sounds in a word and check the correctness of its filling with chips.

The main type of exercise that develops students' phonetic abilities is phonetic analysis.

Getting to know curriculum shows that by phonetic analysis we mean sound-letter analysis. However, the methodology distinguishes between the actual phonetic (or sound, and phonetic-graphic (or sound-letter)) parsing. The purpose of the first is to characterize the sound structure of a word without resorting to letters, the second includes actual phonetic analysis only as its initial stage, since main task it involves clarifying the relationship between the sound structure of a word and its letter designation.

Children actually perform sound analysis during the preparatory period of learning to read and write. With the transition to the study of letters, sound analysis is unfairly almost completely eliminated from use.

However, noting the importance of phonetic analysis itself, one cannot but admit that it is natural that the main type of exercise from the moment children become familiar with letters is sound-letter analysis in its two varieties.

If we want to ensure that the child actually operates with sounds, that is, so that his phonetic hearing develops, it is advisable to conduct sound analysis in this sequence.

  1. Say and listen to the word
  2. Find stressed syllable
  3. Say the word syllable by syllable
  4. Reach out (highlight with voice) first sound in full word, name it and describe it
  5. Indicate the selected sound with a symbol
  6. Do this until the end of the word
  7. Say all the named sounds in a row. Listen to whether the word came out.

Let's comment on each point of this plan.

  1. Say and listen to the word. This stage in working on a word is extremely important for the development phonemic hearing a child who is presented with the object of the upcoming analysis. sound word there is a moment. Then he disappears. It is invisible, intangible. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that students pronounce words in accordance with the norms of Russian literary pronunciation. Thus, the first stage of working with a word during sound analysis also becomes a means of developing a culture of oral speech in students.
  2. Find the stressed syllable. Before isolating individual sounds in a word, it is necessary to find a stressed syllable, since the lexical meaning of the word sometimes depends on this. For example: [lock], [lock]. At the same time, children should know that a stressed syllable is only in a complete word.
  3. Say the word syllable by syllable. The student must say the word twice. The first time he pronounces it entirely with a questioning or vocative intonation, which helps to easily find the stressed syllable. The second time the word is pronounced syllable by syllable.
  4. Reach out (highlight with voice) the first sound in a complete word, name it and describe it. This is actually the beginning sound analysis words. Children need to be taught to stretch out the sound, artificially lengthen it, or designate it in some other way. For example, if the sound is explosive ([To], [d]…) , it can be repeated [kkot] or pronounce with effort while exhaling. This will help you hear the sound better. By isolating a sound in a complete word, the child controls whether the word is distorted, since between lexical meaning and the sound of the word exists unbreakable bond. Distortion of one of the elements of this integral connection destroys it.
  5. Indicate the selected sound with a symbol. At the stage of sound analysis of a word, its recording with conventional symbols of each sound should not be associated with letter symbols. Over time, children, led by the teacher, will correlate these conventional icons with transcription icons and write the word like this: [p'is'mo]. At first, words that do not have spellings are used for sound analysis.

Sound letter analysis- one of the most important types of work that contributes to the formation in the future spelling vigilance, development of phonemic hearing; developing the ability to isolate sounds in a word, correctly name and characterize them; the ability to correlate a word with its sound pattern and much more.

I carry out the work of sound-letter analysis of a word as follows:

I. I distribute cards:

II. I find out:

  1. What is shown in the picture?
  2. Divide the word into syllables (draw a line with a colored pencil), put emphasis (colored pencil).
  3. Count the cells with letters?
  4. Count the empty cells?
  5. Which cells are there more? (or less)?
  6. Let's find out why there are more empty cells (less, same)? The letter Yu makes two sounds [th] And [y], and in the word trees - ь - does not indicate a sound, but the letter i - will give two sounds [th] And [A] rush - makes no sound).
  7. We pronounce the word, listen to ourselves: we find out that the letter Y makes two sounds.
  8. We print sounds into empty cells.
  9. We find out whether all sounds are pronounced the same way as they are written (printed), that is, we check the spelling of the word with the sound scheme. (For example, in the word lion, the letter v will give the sound [f]; in the word trees - ь - does not indicate a sound, but the letter i - will give two sounds [th] And [A], fruit - the letter d - will give a sound [T]) .
  10. We characterize the sounds (vowel - stressed, unstressed, consonant - hard, soft, voiced, voiceless) coloring squares with colored pencils (green, blue. red), or lay out colored squares (green, red, blue) according to the sound characteristics.

In their work they relied on the research of: A. M. Borodich, G. S. Shvaiko, A. I. Maksakova, A. N. Gvozdeva, E. V. Kolesnikova, G. G. Golubeva, G. A. Tumakova, V. V. Gerbova, T. A. Tkachenko, A. K. Bondarenko, E. A Strebeleva, T. B. Filicheva, N. V. Novotortseva, etc., using the tables:

List of used literature.

  1. Alexandrova T.V. "Live sounds or phonetics for preschoolers" // "Child in kindergarten" . -2005. - №5, 6, 7, 8.
  2. Vasilyeva V.V. “Program for raising and training children in kindergarten” . - M.: "Education" , 2008
  3. Gerbova V.V. “Speech development of older preschoolers in kindergarten” - M.: “Prosvesh 2008.”
  4. Ilkonin D. B. "How to teach children to read" -M.: 1976
  5. Kolesnikova E. V. Program for preparing children to learn literacy preschool age "From sound to word" (author's program) ed. 2 – e. M.: Publishing house. "Iuventa" , 2001 - With. 18 6.

Kolesnikova E. V. “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” . M.: ed. "Iuventa" , 2003

7. Kolesnikova E. V. “Development of phonemic hearing in preschool children” . M.: ed. "Iuventa" 2005

8. Kulikovskaya T. A. "The best speech therapy games and exercises for speech development" LLC publishing house ASTREL M.: 2009.

9. Maksakova A. I. “Is your child speaking correctly?” - M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2005

10. Maksakova A. I. "Development correct speech child in the family" - M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2005.

In Russian language assignments there are some where you need to do sound-letter analysis words. In terminology, such an exercise is called phonetic analysis and is indicated in the task by the number 1 above the word, for example, “notebook¹”. Compared to other analyzes (lexical, morphological, etc.), phonetic is one of the easiest exercises, and after several trainings the student will be able to cope with it competently and quickly. Today I will tell you how to correctly perform sound-letter parsing of words, which will help not only schoolchildren, but also students who have already forgotten school material, and parents who help their children complete homework assignments.

What do you need to know before doing a sound-letter analysis of any word?

The simplicity of exercises for phonetic word parsing lies in the fact that they are performed by listening to the word. You don't need to look for spellings or morphemes, you just need to know what characteristics apply to each sound. Therefore, the first thing you need to learn is the table:

Letter tape for phonetic analysis

Red cells show vowels, blue cells show consonants. Let's look at the vowels first: the top row is allocated to hard sounds (from [A] to [E]), the bottom row to soft sounds (from [I] to [E]). Now let's turn to consonants, there are more of them, and they are classified differently. As can be seen from the table, there are paired sounds (from [B] - [P] to [Z] - [S]) and unpaired (voiced from [L] to [Y'] and voiceless from [X] to [Sh'] ). L and b do not carry any sound load.

It is not indicated in the table, but you need to remember that:

  • sounds [Zh], [Sh], [C] – always hard;
  • the sounds [Ч'], [Ш'] and [И'] are always soft (which is indicated by an apostrophe [’] when parsing a word in letters and sounds);
  • sonorant sounds (when pronounced in the vocal tract there is no vortex movement of air) - these are [Y'], [L], [L'], [M], [M'], [N], [N'],[ P], [P'].

Another interesting point, regarding the letters E, E, Yu and I: these letters denote both the vowel sound itself and the softness of the consonant in front of them, and two sounds at once.

Dual Role letters E, E, Yu, I

Having understood these initial requirements, you can begin the sound-letter analysis of the word.

How to make a sound-letter analysis of a word

After the tables given above have been studied, a schoolchild or student will be able to competently make a sound-letter analysis, since now he has basic knowledge about letters and sounds. The task is done according to the following plan:

  • the word being parsed is written correctly (to do this, remember vocabulary words, spelling and spelling rules);
  • is put correct accent(a spelling dictionary will help);
  • to the right of the word being analyzed, its transcription is written and the word itself is divided into syllables;
  • sounds are recorded in a column from top to bottom along with all their characteristics:
    • vowels – stressed/unstressed;
    • consonants – voiced/voiceless (paired/unpaired), hard/soft (paired/unpaired);
  • indicates which letter represents each sound;
  • counted total letters and sounds.


Let’s make a sound-letter analysis of the word “Day” according to the above diagram.

  1. First, let’s write it down correctly – “Day”. There is no need to put stress and parse the word syllable by syllable, since it consists of one syllable (there is only one vowel in the word).
  2. We record the transcription [d'en'].
  3. We put the letters and sounds in a column along with their characteristics:
    1. d [d’] – consonant, voiced/paired, soft/paired;
    2. e [e] – vowel;
    3. n [n’] – consonant, voiced/unpaired, soft/paired, sonorous;
  4. We count the total number of letters and sounds: letters - 4, sounds - 3, since “b”, as already mentioned, does not denote any sound.

Now let’s look at the sounds and letters of the word “Key”.

Sound-letter analysis of words

Most games are difficult to clearly subordinate to any one task. They require attention, reflection, application of knowledge, and the ability to draw logical conclusions. Therefore, their distribution into sections is quite arbitrary, but it helps to work on a specific task.

In order to write a word, a child must perform several operations: break the word down into sounds, establish their order, and associate each sound with a letter. To read, on the contrary, match each letter with the sound it represents. In addition, you need to be able to distinguish between vowels and consonants, the hardness and softness of consonants.

That's why we start with games that help you master sound-letter analysis, develop phonemic representations, visual attention and fine motor skills.

Memo for sound-letter analysis

  1. We hear and speak sounds, write and read letters. (We talk about sounds, but we denote them in writing accordingly with letters.)
  2. There are 33 letters in the Russian language: 10 letters representing vowel sounds (A, O, U, E, Y, I, I, E, E, Yu), 21 letters representing consonants (B, V, D, D, F, 3, J, K, L, M, N, P, R, S, T, F, X, C, Ch, Sh, Shch) and 2 more special letters (or signs) - b and b.
  3. Vowel sounds - 6 (A, O, E, I, U, S). There are many more consonant sounds. They are divided into hard and soft. Or, to put it differently, they form hardness-softness pairs, for example, [n"] ( soft sound) in the word touch and [n] ( solid sound) in the word throne. (Please note that, according to tradition, we recorded the sound in square brackets- [n], and the softness of the sound was indicated by the sign ". But we do not explain these icons to children yet - they will study this at school. Preschoolers, performing sound-letter analysis, use color: red - to indicate vowel sounds, blue - to indicate hard sounds consonants, green to indicate soft consonants).
  4. There are 3 always hard consonant sounds - these are F, W, C and 3 always soft consonant sounds - these are Y, Ch, Shch. All other consonant sounds can be either hard or soft.
  5. Vowels I, E, Yo, Yu can denote 1 sound (respectively: i - [a], e - [e], ё - [o], yu - [y]), if they come after consonants (for example: ball - [mach], squirrel - [ b"elka], flax - [l"on], hatch - [l"uk]), and 2 sounds (i - [y"a], e - [y"e], e - [y"o], yu - [y"y]), if they appear at the beginning of a word (yama - [y"ama], raccoon [y"enot], fir tree [y"olka], yula - [y"ula]); after a vowel (bayan - [bai"an], fan - [vey"er], tea (from tea) - [tea"ok], bayun (cat-bayun) - [bai"un], and also after Kommersant And b(ate - [sy"el], bunches - [grozd"y"a], jam - [varen"y"e], linen - [bel"y"o], bindweed - [v"y"unok]).
  6. Consonants also differ according to the bone-ringing-voicelessness principle. Always voiced: R, L, M, N, J, always deaf: X, C, Ch, Shch. The remaining consonants form pairs: B - P, V - F, G - K, D - T, F - W, 3 - C.
  7. Words are divided into syllables: the number of vowels in a word, the number of syllables.

Most games are difficult to clearly subordinate to any one task. They require attention, reflection, application of knowledge, and the ability to draw logical conclusions. Therefore, their distribution into sections is quite arbitrary, but it helps to work on a specific task.

In order to write a word, a child must perform several operations: break the word down into sounds, establish their order, and associate each sound with a letter. To read, on the contrary, match each letter with the sound it represents. In addition, you need to be able to distinguish between vowels and consonants, the hardness and softness of consonants.

Therefore, we start with games that help to master sound-letter analysis, develop phonemic awareness, visual attention and fine motor skills.

Memo for sound-letter analysis

1. We hear and speak sounds, write and read letters. (We talk about sounds, but we denote them in writing accordingly with letters.)

2. There are 33 letters in the Russian language: 10 letters representing vowel sounds (A, O, U, E, Y, I, I, E, E, Yu), 21 letters representing consonants (B, V, D, D, F, 3, J, K, L, M, N, P, R, S, T, F, X, C, Ch, Sh, Shch) and 2 more special letters (or signs) - b and b.

3. Vowel sounds - 6 (A, O, E, I, U, S). There are many more consonant sounds. They are divided into hard and soft. Or, to put it another way, they form pairs based on hardness and softness, for example, [n"] (soft sound) in the word tron ​​and [n] (hard sound) in the word throne. (Please note that, according to tradition, we wrote the sound in square in brackets - [n], and the softness of the sound was indicated by the sign ". But we do not explain these icons to children yet - they will study this at school. Preschoolers, when performing sound-letter analysis, use color: red - to indicate vowel sounds, blue - to indicate hard consonants, green to indicate soft consonants).

4. There are 3 always hard consonant sounds - these are F, W, C and 3 always soft consonant sounds - these are Y, Ch, Shch. All other consonant sounds can be either hard or soft.

5. Vowels I, E, Yo, Yu can denote 1 sound (respectively: i - [a], e - [e], ё - [o], yu - [y]), if they come after consonants (for example: ball - [mach], squirrel - [ b"elka], flax - [l"on], hatch - [l"uk]), and 2 sounds (i - [y"a], e - [y"e], e - [y"o], yu - [y"y]), if they appear at the beginning of a word (yama - [y"ama], raccoon [y"enot], Christmas tree [y"olka], spinning top - [y"ula]); after a vowel (bayan - [bai"an], fan - [vei"er], seagulls (from tea) - [tea"ok], bayun (cat-bayun) - [bai"un], and also after Kommersant And b(ate - [sy"el], bunches - [grapes"y", jam - [varen"y"e], linen - [bel"y"o], bindweed - [v"y"unok]).

6. Consonants also differ according to the bone-ringing-voicelessness principle. Always voiced: R, L, M, N, J, always deaf: X, C, Ch, Shch. The remaining consonants form pairs: B - P, V - F, G - K, D - T, F - W, 3 - C.

7. Words are divided into syllables: the number of vowels in a word, the number of syllables.


Draw a wavy line so that the vowels remain at the top and the consonants at the bottom.

Download the pictures to your computer and print them for your child.

What more?

What are more - vowels or consonants? Complete the letters so that there are equal numbers of vowels and consonants in each line.

Find the letters

Underline the letters you need to form words: house, bow.

Sound-letter analysis of words at school

Phonetics- a branch of the science of language that studies speech sounds. Phone (Greek) - sound.

Graphic arts- a branch of the science of language that studies letters. Grapho (Greek) - writing.

Letters- signs indicating speech sounds, we see and write them. The Russian language has 33 letters representing sounds. Graphic characters also include an accent mark, a hyphen (dash), punctuation marks and others, but the letters ь and ъ do not indicate sounds. Sounds are formed in speech apparatus when exhaling air. When consonant sounds are formed, the exhaled air encounters various obstacles in the mouth (lips, teeth, tongue, palate). A stream of air overcomes obstacles and this produces consonant sounds. Consonants in the Russian language are divided into voiced and voiceless, hard and soft. Hard consonant sounds have softness pairs [b] - [b"], [v] - [v"], [g] - [g"]. They do not have softness pairs [zh], [sh], [ts] , they are always hard.

They do not have a pair in hardness [h"], [sch"], [th"], they are always soft.

Note. The sound denoted by the letter ш is a long, soft, dull sound, for example: cheeks, brush. Paired with the long soft voiced one is [zh "zh"], which is found in a few words, for example: yeast, reins.

Consonant sounds are divided into voiced and voiceless. When voiced consonants are formed, the vocal cords vibrate and a voice is formed. And when pronouncing voiceless consonants, the vocal folds do not vibrate, and noise is formed. Vibration vocal cords can be felt by placing the back of your hand against your throat. They have a pair of voicedness and deafness [b]- [p], [v]- [f], [g]- [k], [d]- [t], [zh]- [sh], [z]- [With]. They do not have a pair for deafness [th], [l], [m], [n], [r], they are always voiced. They do not have a voiced pair [x], [ts], [ch], [sch], they are always deaf.

Voiced and voiceless consonant sounds can differentiate words. For example: house - volume, count - goal, ball - heat, etc. Paired soft and hard consonant sounds distinguish words, for example: bow - hatch, small - crushed, nose - carried, horse - horse. A voiced consonant at the end of a word and before a voiceless consonant is replaced by a paired voiceless one. This replacement is called stunning. For example: tooth - tooth, low - low. A voiceless consonant before a voiced consonant (except l, p, m, n, th) is replaced by its paired voiced consonant. This replacement is called voicing a consonant. For example: request - ask, hand over.

Examples of sound-letter analysis of words

Watchmen - [starazhyt] - 9 letters, 8 sounds, 3 syllables.
S - [s] - consonant, voiceless, paired, hard, paired;
T - [t] - consonant, voiceless, paired, hard, paired;

R - [r] - consonant, voiced, unpaired, hard, paired, sonorous;
O - [a] - vowel, unstressed;
Ж - [ж] - consonant, voiced, paired, hard, unpaired;
And - [s] - vowel, stressed;
T - [t"] - consonant, deaf, paired, soft, paired;
b - [-]
Volume "m - [aby"om] - 5 letters, 5 sounds, 2 syllables.
O - [a] - vowel, unstressed;
B - [b] - consonant, voiced, paired, solid, paired;
b - [-]
E - [th"] - consonant, voiced, unpaired, soft, unpaired, sonorous;
[o] - vowel, stressed;
M - [m] - consonant, voiced, unpaired, hard, paired, sonorous.

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