What are parts of speech rules? What parts of speech are there? §3

Schoolchildren often ask the question: “How many parts of speech are there in the Russian language?” It is hardly possible to answer this unequivocally: there are various schools that, based on different approaches, highlight different number these categories. For example, the morphological approach of A.K. Polivanova - N.N. Durnovo allows me to name six. A.M. Peshkovsky singles out only five.

In general, linguists are sure that the question of the number of parts of speech is eternal. The deeper scientists dive into the study of language, the more often they ask themselves the question: “What features should be fundamental in the classification of these categories?” There are many theories, but none of them are indisputable.

The most common classification is based on morphological-syntactic parameters. It is taken as the basis for school acquaintance with the language. On philological faculties study all approaches to this issue, get acquainted with all linguistic works devoted to it. IN school curriculum in the Russian language are determined depending on their morphological, grammatical, syntactic roles. It is these parameters that form the basis of the classification.

All parts of speech of the Russian language are divided into classes. Highlight:



Independent (they are also called significant) parts of speech in the Russian language are characterized by their own meaning, constant/non-constant. They respond to specific questions, carry a communicative load, i.e. they serve to transmit information. This category includes all parts of speech, except function words and interjections.

Functional words include those words that do not have a nominative meaning and are not independent in lexical terms. Their task is to express semantic and syntactic connections between significant words, members or parts of a sentence. To these grammatical means languages ​​include the latter are necessary to change the tone of the message or form numerous

Functional (non-nominal) parts of speech in the Russian language are used much more often than significant ones, because there are much fewer of them.

Finally, there are interjections. They are used only to convey emotions or feelings, serve for onomatopoeia, have no own characteristics, no eigenvalue. There are actually interjections (Wow! Ah! Oh! Oops!), word imitation (Woof-woof! Crow!), substantivized (transferred from other categories) words or whole expressions (Wow! Wah! Nightmare! Fathers!).

Significant parts of speech in Russian are divided into nominal and verbal.

Noun. (Mom, father, blood, orgy, lot, silence, etc.). Their constant characteristics: gender, declension depending on it, as well as animateness/inanimateness. Non-constant characteristics include: number (singular, plural), the ability to change according to cases.

Adjective (red, strong, courageous, etc.). They denote a characteristic of an object, have a single constant characteristic: they can be either qualitative, relative, or possessive.

Numeral. Indicates a quantity or account number. Depending on this, it can be quantitative (five, three hundred and forty) or ordinal (second, eight hundredth).

Adverb. Necessary to convey a sign or state of action (far, away, for a long time, etc.). Doesn't have inconsistent symptoms, does not change.

Pronoun. Eigenvalue does not have one, but can be used instead of any name (nominal part of speech denoting it). (I, somehow, someone, someone, no one, etc.). permanent.

Linguists believe that the verbal parts of speech in the Russian language can be represented directly by verbs and their forms: participle, gerund. Some philological schools consider these categories to be independent (independent) parts of speech, others classify them as separate, special verb forms.

The verb denotes an action (run, sing, paint). Its constant features are appearance (sing-sing), reflexivity (washed-washed), transitivity (ability/inability to combine with nouns into a conjugation.

Communion. Can be either active (running, painting, drawing) or passive (drawn, spoken).

Participle. This is a sign of a sign. Does not change, always refers to the predicate because it denotes its additional action (or attribute). (I walk, humming. I run, jumping.)

Part of speech is a category of words determined by common features syntax and morphology. In world languages, the classification of a name (noun, adjective) and the main verb, which determines the action of an object or its state, are more often used. Morphology divides all words into categories into independent and auxiliary. IN separate group include interjections.


A noun often acts as a subject, denotes an object or person, and provides answers to the main questions “who?” (for animate) or “what?” This part defines objects in a global sense.

  • Things(house, car, column, stone).
  • Persons(Human).
  • Substances(acid, sugar, salt).
  • Living things(deer, bear, dog).
  • Facts and phenomena(concert, conversation, walking).
  • Geographical places(America, Russia, Europe).
  • Qualities and states(sadness, joy, euphoria).

Morphological and grammatical features of a noun

A household name is common name kind of individual objects (vase, book, table). It can be concrete, non-specific, abstract (friendship, life) and material (water, fire, ashes). Proper nouns called specific object, which stands out from among homogeneous ones (Anna, Himalayas).

The part of speech has important attributes that are characteristic of many world languages. These include:

  • Case grammatical category, carrying an inflectional function. In Russian linguistics, six types are distinguished.
  • Number - quantitative designation subject.
  • Animation.
  • Three gender structures that distribute words based on gender or lack thereof.
  • According to these categories, the noun has its own declension paradigm (3 classes).


In Russian, it denotes a feature of an object and gives an answer to the questions “which one?” and “whose?” Divided into three categories which are constant sign morphology.

  • Quality. Combined with the words “very” and “too”. Most adjectives of this order have two forms. There are three kinds of comparisons for a group.
  • Relative. They define a feature that is impossible in a qualitative formulation. Expresses the relationship of an object to another object, matter, time, place, etc.
  • Possessives. They indicate that an object belongs to an animate being.

An adjective is most often formed from a noun by adding a suffix or prefix. In syntax it plays the role of a predicate or definition.


A part of speech that identifies the state or activity of an object. Within a sentence it often acts as a predicate. In Russian they classify following signs:

  • Face– a category that defines the interaction between speaker and listener.
  • Time– the relationship of the described situation to the present moment.
  • Pledgeverb category, which determines the connection of any action with an object and subject. In Russian there is a distinction between active and passive.
  • Conjugation– inflection of the number or person of verbs.
  • Mood– a category denoting modality (the speaker’s attitude to the object of the statement or reality).
  • Aspect– a function showing the comprehension of an action over a period of time. It can be perfect or imperfect.

Features of numerals, pronouns and adverbs

A numeral is a part of speech that determines the quantity, permanent order and number of objects, provides answers to the questions “how many?” or “which?” Divided into four types of lexico-grammatical structure.

  • Quantitative(thirty, forty).
  • Collective(two, ten) - give an answer to the typical question “how many?”
  • Fractional(seven eighths, three ninths).
  • Ordinal(twenty-fifth, hundredth).

The pronoun defines characteristics, points to objects, quantities, but does not specifically identify them, i.e. completely replaces the main parts of speech. In the tradition of the Russian language There are several classes.

  • Personal pronouns establish an object without naming it.
  • Refundable express a reaction to the performer of the action.
  • Undefined indicate limited information about the referent, as well as its signs and properties.
  • Interrogative pronouns show that the speaker needs to define the subject (“who?”, “which?”).
  • Demonstrators accurately identify the object and its location.

Adverb- a part of speech that never changes. Answers typical questions “where?”, “how?”, “how much?” and more often identifies a sign of action.

  • According to its meaning, it is divided into detailed and definitive.
  • Compiled using suffixes and prefixes.
  • Synthesized through adjectives qualitative adverbs have a degree of comparison.

Participle and gerund - characteristics

The participle contains the characteristics of the verb and the adjective. Objective characteristics include the categories of gender, case and number. Education is built on appearance and transition.

A participle means an additional action in the presence of a main one. Combines the characteristics of both a verb and an adverb. Divided into perfect and imperfect view. In a sentence, it takes on the role of a predicate or adverbial clause and is not conjugated. Sometimes denotes an additional action if adjacent to a predicate.

How many parts of speech are there in the job category?

Prepositions show the dependence of independent parts of a sentence on other words. They are classified by origin (ancient, new), structure, and also by structure. They have valence (inherence to case). Prepositions denote relations of space, time, cause, etc.

Alliances bind simple sentences in the structure of the complex, and are also a unifying node homogeneous members. Unable to conjugate or bow. Define relationships between syntax units. They differ in origin, use, meaning and composition.

The particle is designed to introduce certain shades of meaning and emotionality into a sentence, and sometimes acts as an assistant in the process of word formation. In its structure and functionality it is close to conjunctions and interjections. The meaning of a particle is determined by the attitude it exhibits . There are 4 categories:

  • Subjunctive(let it go, come on).
  • Negative(no, no way).
  • Modal(interrogative, demonstrative, exclamatory, etc.).
  • Particles are classified by origin and composition.


Linguistics does not classify interjections as either significant or auxiliary. It plays the role of signal words and is used to manifest any desire, requirement, call to action.


This video will help you prepare for your Russian language exam and covers the topic "Parts of Speech".

Didn't get an answer to your question? Suggest a topic to the authors.

Remember! Words in Russian are divided into large groups - parts of speech. Each part of speech answers only its own questions and has its own distinctive features, fulfills its role in the sentence.

1. What parts of speech have you already become acquainted with in Russian lessons? Give examples of these parts of speech. Find the parts of speech you don't know in the list below.

2. Read it.

      Noun - school,
      Wakes up- verb.
      With an adjective funny
      A new school day has arrived.

      Got up We- pronoun,
      Beats the numeral seven.
      For learning, without a doubt,
      Everyone needs to accept...
      (O. Vysotskaya)

  • What parts of speech are named in the poem? What other parts of speech do you know?
  • Write down 1-2 words from the poem that relate to these parts of speech.

Sample. Verb: hits, ... .


3. Read it.

      Quiet go out the stars became
      AND Star The star said:
      “I dreamed that this night
      I've been to Earth!..

      All V lights and bright glitter
      Christmas tree in that hall stood,
      A at the Christmas tree on top
      With a proud shine I was beaming!”
      (B. Nikonova)

  • On what day could the Star have had such a dream? What did these lines remind you of?
  • What parts of speech are the highlighted words? By what criteria did you identify them?
  • Write down the words of the Star. Test yourself.

Remember! To find out what part of speech a word is, you need to ask a question about it and determine what the word means.

Book- this is a noun that answers a question What?, denotes item.

Draws- this is a verb that answers the question what does?, denotes action subject.

4. Read it. Determine what part of speech each word is.

  1. The humpbacked one stands on a bridge on four pillars.
  2. Buried, with, a ball, a stump, under, needles.
  • Make up a riddle sentence from the words of each group.
  • Write down riddles and answers. Underline the basis of each sentence.

5. Read it. Write by inserting the missing letters.

I admire the beautiful picture of the winter forest. See, the fir branches are decorated with leafy cones. Crossbills were circling above the tree. The nimble birds, with their crooked curves, fetched them from the bushes themselves.

  • Indicate the part of speech above each word of the first sentence (see Memo 4).
  • Choose any sentence and analyze it orally according to the parts of the sentence. Emphasize the main members in it.
  • Find words in the sentences that are not members of the sentence. What part of speech do these words belong to?

6. Read it.

There was a birch tree on the edge of the cliff. There was a gr..nest hanging on a birch tree. Recently, small..s..chat appeared there.

One night a strong storm began. She began to swing the birch from side..to side..well.

It was difficult for Birch to cling to the edge of the cliff, but she did not give up. The birch fought not only for its own life, but also for the life of little..n..people. This gave her strength, and the birch tree survived.

It all ended well.

(V. Stepanov)

  • Decide on a topic and main idea text. Come up with a title for the text that reflects the main idea.
  • What is the most important thing talked about in each part? Give each part a title.
  • Explain the spelling of words with missing letters. Write out difficult words from the text.
  • Write down the title. Prepare to write each part from memory.

7. Look at the drawing. Determine its topic.

  • What is shown in the picture? Tell me.
  • Make up a story based on the picture. Get ready to tell it. Write down the text.
  • Determine which parts of speech you used in your text and for what purpose.

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Municipal government institution education department of the Administration municipal district Bizhbulyak district

Municipal educational budgetary institution

average secondary school With. Kistenli-Bogdanovo

Research work


Antonova Yulia Olegovna

4th grade student at MOBU Secondary School

With. Kistenli-Bogdanovo


Russian language teacher MOBU secondary school

With. Kistenli-Bogdanovo

Antonova Olga Vitalievna


Table of contents


    First appearance of names of parts of speech……………………………4

    The emergence of parts of speech…………………………………………. 4

    Interpretation of terms naming parts of speech…………………… 6

    Statements by scientists about different parts of speech………………………. 7

    Creation artistic image in different parts speeches………...7

    Fairytale version - a story about the origin of the name of the adjective……………………………………………………… 9


Literature…………………………………………………………. 11



When we study the Russian language, we are faced with various parts speech. I have always wondered where they came from, why they are called that way, and whether these names have their own interpretations. I endlessly pestered my mother with my questions, and she agreed to help me understand this topic. Since there weren’t many books on this topic in the library, I turned to the Internet. So, what are parts of speech and what is their nature? It turns out that there is no single answer to these questions, even among linguists. Some believe that parts of speech are lexical categories of words; others think it's grammar classes; still others see parts of speech as lexical and grammatical groups of words. These “discordances are more of a terminological nature, that is, they are associated with differences in the names of essentially identically understood phenomena,” said the famous 20th-century linguist B.V. Golovin.
The purpose of my work:

Study the works of scientists about parts of speech;

Find out the origin of the names of parts of speech.


Systematize material about the origin of names of parts of speech;

Create a slide project and speak to school students.

1. First appearance of names of parts of speech.

Let's remember what parts of speech are?
If we open the “Russian Grammar”, published by M.V. Lomonosov in 1755, we read the following:It was in this book that Lomonosov not only defined the foundations and norms of the Russian language, but also developed concepts about parts of speech. As you can see, Lomonosov identified 8 parts of speech, and now there are 10 of them in the Russian language:1. Noun; 2.Adjective; 3.Numeral name;4. Pronoun; 5.Verb; 6.Adverb; 7.Preposition; 8.Union; 9. Particle; 10. Interjection.Sometimes the following groups are distinguished separately:1. Words of the category of states (considered as a group of adverbs);2. Participles and gerunds (we also consider them as special forms of the verb);3. Onomatopoeia (a small category of words that are considered together with interjections);4. Modal words (a small group of words that serve as introductory elements in sentences).

2. The emergence of names of parts of speech.
The roots of the doctrine of parts of speech go back to antiquity. Scientists of the Alexandrian school (for example, Dionysius of Thracia) established for ancient Greek language 8 parts of speech: name, verb, participle, member (article), pronoun, preposition, adverb, conjunction.The Romans adopted the teachings of the Greeks, replacing only the article, which was not in Latin, interjection.The doctrine of the eight parts of speech was also presented in the first grammars Church Slavonic language XVI-XVII centuries The most significant is the grammar of Melenty Smotritsky.In Lomonosov we find the same eight parts of speech as in the Latin version, but in his “Grammar” Lomonosov went further than the scholars of antiquity and distinguished between significant and auxiliary parts of speech. Significant parts of speech serve to designate objects, phenomena, processes, real world, that is, they perform nominative function- naming function. The service parts of speech do not perform a nominative function, but serve to express relationships and give shades to words.The departure from the ancient scheme begins with the grammar of A.Kh. Vostokov, in which the participle as a part of speech was replaced by an adjective.G.P. Pavsky and F.I. Buslaev entered a numeral name.The last ones, already in the 19th century, were strengthened as part of parts of speech, after which the system acquired the following structure:1. Significant parts of speech. These include:

a) name words: noun, adjective, numeral, verb and its forms, adverb, words of the state category;

b) demonstrative - pronoun.2. Modal words that are not members of a sentence and are related to the sentence as a whole.3. Interjections that are not parts of a sentence and express emotions.4. Functional parts of speech - particles of speech (preposition, conjunction, particle).Significant parts of speech are distinguished based on three characteristics:1) general categorical meaning;2) grammatical features; 3) syntactic properties(that is, what they are in the sentence).Functional parts of speech are distinguished based on two characteristics:1) general semantics class;2) functional purpose in speech.So, according to the most common point of view, parts of speech are classes of words, distinguished on the basis of their meaning and grammatical features.Common grammatical features include gender, number, person, and case. U individual parts speech also has its own special grammatical features. For example, nouns also have declension, animation, names (proper/common noun).

3. Interpretation of terms naming parts of speech.
Verb – “verb” - say something important (speech, word). It is fixed as a term from the “Grammar” of M. Smotrytsky (1619).Adverb - literally “verb”, “arrogance”, “speech”. The name of the part of speech is explained by the fact that the words that make it up are in most cases determined by the verb. Borrowed from Old Slavonic language, “speech” in the meaning of “verb”, that is“variants of dialects” are adverbs used casually, between important noticeable words.
Noun – “existing” - to be.Adjective - literally “to join”, “to be attached”.The pronoun is a literal translation of the Latin pronomen(pro “instead”, nomen"Name"). IN Old Russian language there was a combination “place of name” with the same meaning.The numeral comes from the word “number”, which comes from the common Slavic “clean” - “count, read”.Interjection - literal translation from Latin grammatical term interjectio – frominter"between",iectio"throwing".“Interjections” literally are “words thrown between other (full-valued) words.”

Communion – literal translation from Latinparticipiym(frompars

4. Statements by scientists about different parts of speech.

The verb is the most fiery, lively part of speech. The scarlet, freshest blood of the tongue flows in the verb. But the purpose of the verb is to express the action itself!(A.K. Yugov) A pronoun is a convenient link in the structure of language. Pronouns allow you to avoid tedious repetitions of speech and save time and space in your statement. (A.A. Reformed ) An adjective is the most figurative part of speech. adjectives can describe the color, smell, shape of any object, talk about our feelings, character, mood. (V.V. Vinogradov) According to scientists, nouns appear first in a child’s speech, as they name one or another object.(A.N. Gvozdev) Words are combined into sentences, sentences into text. And only within the text ordinary words enter a new context: a new alchemy is being created - the magic of words.

5.Creating an artistic image using different parts of speech.

Let's see how different parts of speech can be used to paint a picture.

1)...that’s right along Tverskaya
The cart rushes over potholes.
The booths and women flash past,
Boys, benches, lanterns,
Palaces, gardens, monasteries,
Bukharians, sleighs, vegetable gardens,
Merchants, shacks, men,
Boulevards, towers, Cossacks,
Pharmacies, fashion stores,
Balconies, lions on the gates
And flocks of jackdaws on crosses.
(A.S. Pushkin)

Each part of speech paints a picture in its own way, and they are completely different from each other, but each time the picture comes to life.
From some nouns or adjectives (or other parts of speech) you can write a story or poem.
2. Given the combination "The dog is barking." This is a simple proposal. Let's try, step by step, adding just one word or a word with a preposition, to build up the sentence. Let's describe each step and what it gives in terms of understanding the text and creating an image.

The big dog barks. A furry, large dog barks.A gray, shaggy, large dog barks. An angry, gray, shaggy, big dog barks.

The dog barks loudly. The dog barks loudly and angrily. The dog barks loudly, angrily, angrily. The dog barks loudly, angrily, angrily, furiously.3. Here are two versions of the same poem by A.S. Pushkin.

Draft version

Crushing against cold rocks,
The shafts rustle and foam,
And eagles soar above me,
And the forest grumbles,
And they doze among the wavy darkness
Mountain peaks

Final version

Crushing against the dark rocks,
The shafts rustle and foam,
And the eagles are screaming above me,
And the forest grumbles,
And they shine among the wavy haze
Mountain peaks

Now let's try to explain why the poet made such a replacement.In the final version, the poet replaced the adjective “cold” with “gloomy”, and the verb “dormant” with “shine” in order to more accurately and vividly imagine the beauty of this picture before his eyes.

5. And now Let's read the fairy tale version - a story about the origin of the name of any one part of speech.

Words are artists.

In the country of Linguinia, on the shores of the Sea of ​​Knowledge, lies the amazing city of Morphology. Its inhabitants live in words of different parts of speech. They live together cheerfully, amicably, and help each other in everything. But it wasn't always like this.

Somehow a lonely word wandered into the city. The city residents did not greet him friendly.

"Who are you?" - Verb, Numeral, Adverb attacked him.

“I am an independent part of speech and can make speech bright and colorful,” answered the word.

Only the Noun stood up for the word: “I’ll take you as my friend, you’ll be attached to me. I designate an object, and you will be my sign. You will change with me by gender, by number and by case.” With the light hand of the Noun, the word was given the name Adjective. Trying Adjective for a friend, obeying and attaching to him. The Adjective began to decorate the Noun, to praise it. It is kind, smart, beautiful, independent, merciful. Together - service, together - friendship! Over time, other residents of the city realized that they were in vain to attack the word. They became friends with him. And how the city has changed! It became cozy and colorful. Scarlet, fragrant poppies bloom in the flower beds. The bright, radiant sun turned the sky golden. The sea became azure and gentle. In autumn, the leaves on the trees are golden and crimson. And in winter, not just snow falls, but soft and fluffy snow.

Adjectives are artistic words that make our speech bright, colorful and expressive.


After doing this research, I was amazed by the diversity and richness of the Russian language. It turns out that only with the help of one part of speech can you draw a verbal picture, a description, or make a portrait of a person. I learned many names of linguists, their searches, and disputes. And I realized the importance of the meaning of each part of speech. Because each part of speech is like a puzzle in a picture, and only the presence of all the details makes the picture complete. So the parts of speech, interacting with each other, make up all the beauty and richness of the great and mighty Russian language.

Preserve beauty and diversity native language has always been important, but this is especially true today, when our speech is literally clogged in foreign words, the meaning of which they often don’t even try to understand. Moreover similar words even appear in textbooks. Of course, I did not discover new rules, but for me this work became important for understanding not only the language, but also myself, my roots, because language is the soul of the people.


1. Ozhegov S.I. and Shvedova N.Yu. Dictionary Russian language: 80,000 words and phraseological expressions/ Russian Academy Sci. Institute of Russian Language named after. V.V. Vinogradov – 4th edition, supplemented. – M.: LLC “ITI Technologies”, 2008. 944 pp.

2. Pushkin A.S. Poems. - Ufa: Bashkir Book Publishing House, 1986, 248 p.

3. Fet A.A. Poems/Comp., intro. article and notes V. Korovin. – M.: Sov. Russia, 1979. -368 p.

4. Encyclopedic Dictionary young philologist(linguistics)/Comp. M. V. Panov. –M.: Pedagogy, 1984, -352 p.

5. Etymological dictionary Russian language for schoolchildren/comp. M.E. Ruth. – Ekaterinburg: U-Factory, 2007. – 427 (5) p.


Examples of artistic images using different parts of speech

1) There is another wonder in the world:
The sea will swell violently,
It will boil, it will howl,
It rushes onto the empty shore,
It will spill out in a noisy run,
And they will find themselves on the shore,
In scales, like the heat of grief,
Thirty-three heroes.
(A.S. Pushkin)

2) This morning, this joy,
This power of both day and light,
This blue vault
This cry and strings,
These flocks, these birds,
This talk of the waters
These willows and birches,
These drops - these tears,
This fluff is not a leaf,
These mountains, these valleys,
These midges, these bees,
This noise and whistle,
These dawns without an eclipse, this sigh of the night village,
This night without sleep,
This is the darkness and heat of the bed,

EtrThis is a fraction and these trills

This is all spring. (A.A. Fet)

3) I’m looking for melodious words,
Folk, primordial,
Ebulling, flammable,
Bottomless, hundred-ringing,
Yes, so that they fall into the soul,
It’s like a little grain in a pole.
So that good and good,
They shone like the sun.
Yes, the radiant ones would warm,
Yes, their names would be pretty
With pure thoughts
Yes, things are good.
(V. Vyrkin)

4. Read the passages:

1) The officer raised his pistol and began to take aim. Tibul walked along the cornice to the place where the wire began, separated from the wall and moved along the wire to the lantern. The crowd gasped.
He walked either very slowly, then suddenly started almost running, stepping quickly and carefully, swaying, straightening his arms. Every minute it seemed like he was going to fall. Now his shadow appeared on the wall. The closer he got to the lantern, the lower the shadow fell along the wall and the larger and paler it became. There was an abyss below.
2) The doctor sat on the drum and examined the room. There was a fire on the box kerosene lamp. On the walls hung hoops covered with tissue paper, white and pink, long striped whips with shiny metal handles, costumes sprinkled with gold circles, embroidered with flowers, stars, and multi-colored rags. Masks peered from the walls. Some had horns sticking out; others had a nose like a Turkish slipper; still others had mouths from ear to ear. One mask featured huge ears. The funny thing was that the ears were human, only very large.
In the corner, in a cage, sat some small, incomprehensible animal.
There was a long wooden table against one of the walls. Mirrors hung above him. Ten pieces. Near each mirror there was a candle, glued to the table with its own juice - stearin. The candles weren't burning.
On the table lay boxes, brushes, paints, puffs, wigs, pink powder, and multi-colored puddles drying up.

From the life of unions.

"The Union is very ancient part speech and comes from the Greek language. By connecting words or sentences, conjunctions indicate the relationships that exist between them, therefore conjunctions, like prepositions, are relational words.”

V. Ivanova, Z. Potiha, D. Rosenthal

The preposition as the name of a part of speech has been found in the dictionary since 1636;

Comes from the Greek language. Literal translation of "before the word":

There are about 200 prepositions in the Russian language; ranks fourth in frequency of use (after noun, verb and pronoun):

The preposition B tops the frequency list.

Origin of names of parts of speech

Yulia Antonova, 4th grade student at MOBU Secondary School

With. Kistenli-Bogdanovo MR Bizhbulyak district

Head Antonova O.V.

Purpose of the study : study of the origin of names of parts of speech.

Subject of research: parts of speech of the Russian language

Research methods: - studying the works of scientists about parts of speech;

Finding out the origin of the names of parts of speech.

Research objectives: 1. Systematize material about the origin of the names of parts of speech;

2. Create a slide project and speak to school students.

My work “The Origin of the Names of Parts of Speech” is dedicated to studying the works of scientists about parts of speech and finding out the origin of their names. Today, our Russian language is replenished with numerous foreign words, the meanings of which are not always clear to us. Linguists say that you should not be afraid of other people's contributions. For a language to survive, it needs to adapt to modernity. We already need a translation to modern language to comprehend the text messages, obscene language teenagers An entire generation has already “grown up” on the Internet, unfamiliar with the rules of grammar and spelling. There were times when translations were introduced artificially in order to preserve the originality of the language. When we study the Russian language, we encounter different parts of speech almost at every step. I have always wondered where they came from, why they are called that way, and whether these names have their own interpretations. While studying this topic, I came to the followingconclusions:

Job protection

My work “The Origin of the Names of Parts of Speech” is dedicated to studying the works of scientists about parts of speech and finding out the origin of their names.

The purpose of my work : - study the works of scientists about parts of speech;

Find out the origin of the names of parts of speech.

Tasks: 1. Systematize material about the origin of the names of parts of speech; 2. Create a slide project and speak to school students.

Today, our Russian language is replenished with numerous foreign words, the meanings of which are not always clear to us. Linguists say that you should not be afraid of other people's contributions. For a language to survive, it needs to adapt to modernity. We already need a translation into a modern language in order to comprehend the text messages and obscene language of teenagers. An entire generation has already “grown up” on the Internet, unfamiliar with the rules of grammar and spelling. There were times when translations were introduced artificially in order to preserve the originality of the language. When we study the Russian language, we encounter different parts of speech almost at every step. I always wondered where they came from and why they were called that way.

He was the first to determine the foundations and norms of the Russian language, and developed the concepts of parts of speechMikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov in the book"Russian grammar", published in 1755, here we learn the following:
“The human word has eight significant parts: 1) a name for naming things; 2) a pronoun for abbreviating names; 3) a verb for naming actions; 4) a participle for shortening the combination of a name and a verb into one sentence; 5) an adverb for a brief depiction of circumstances; 6) a pretext to show the belonging of circumstances to things or actions; 7) a conjunction to depict the reciprocity of our concepts; 8) an interjection to briefly express the movements of the spirit...

Lomonosov distinguished between significant and auxiliary parts of speech. He said:« Significant parts of speech serve to designate objects, phenomena, processes, the real world, that is, they perform the function of naming, while auxiliary parts of speech serve to express relationships and give shades to words.” As you can see, Lomonosov identified 8 parts of speech, and now there are 10 of them in the Russian language:
1. Noun; 2. Adjective; 3. Numeral name;
4. Pronoun; 5. Verb; 6. Adverb; 7. Preposition; 8. Conjunction; 9. Particle; 10. Interjection.
The doctrine of parts of speech goes back to antiquity. Scientists of the Alexandrian school (for example,
Dionysius of Thracia ) established 8 parts of speech for the ancient Greek language: name, verb, participle, member (article), pronoun, preposition, adverb, conjunction.
Romans learned the teachings of the Greeks and replaced the article with an interjection.
The doctrine of eight parts of speech was also presented in the first grammars of the Church Slavonic language of the 16th-17th centuries
Melenty Smotrytsky . The departure from the ancient scheme begins with grammarAlexander Khristoforovich Vostokova , in which the participle as part of speech was replaced by an adjective.
Gerasim Petrovich Pavsky and Fyodor Ivanovich Buslaev entered a numeral name.
Particles were the last to become a part of parts of speech, already in the 19th century.

And so, parts of speech have their own interpretations: verb – from the word “verb” - to say something important;adverb - literally “verb”, “arrogance”, “speech”, that is, “variants of dialects” - adverbs; used casually, between important noticeable words;

noun – “existing” - to be;
adjective - literally “to join”, “to be attached”.
Pronoun – is a literal translation of the Latin pronomen(pro “instead”, nomen"Name"). In the Old Russian language there was a combination “place of name” with the same meaning.
Numeral - from the word “number”, which comes from the common Slavic “clean” - “count, read”.
Interjection – literal translation from the Latin grammatical term interjectio – frominter"between",iectio“throwing.” “Interjections” literally are “words thrown between other (full-valued) words.”

Communion –literal translation from Latinparticipiym(frompars"Part"). The participle is so named because it “participates” in both the adjective and the verb.

While studying this topic, I came to the followingconclusions:

After conducting this research, I was shocked by the diversity and richness of the Russian language; it turns out that only with the help of one part of speech can you draw a verbal picture, a description, or make a portrait of a person.

I learned many names of linguists, their searches, and disputes. And I realized the importance of the meaning of each part of speech. Because each part of speech is like a puzzle in a picture, and only the presence of all the details makes the picture complete. So the parts of speech, interacting with each other, make up all the beauty and richness of the great and mighty Russian language.

1. All words of the Russian language can be divided into groups called parts of speech.

Together with syntax, morphology makes up a branch of the science of language called grammar.

2. Each part of speech has characteristics that can be grouped into three groups:

3. All parts of speech are divided into two groups - independent (significant) And official. Interjections occupy a special position in the system of parts of speech.

4. Independent (nominative) parts of speech include words naming objects, their actions and signs. You can ask questions about independent words, and in a sentence significant words are members of the proposal.

The independent parts of speech in Russian include the following:

Part of speech Questions Examples
1 Noun Who? What? Boy, uncle, table, wall, window.
2 Verb what to do? what to do? To saw, to saw, to know, to find out.
3 Adjective Which? whose? Nice, blue, mom's, door.
4 Numeral How many? which? Five, five, five.
5 Adverb How? When? Where? etc. Fun, yesterday, close.
6 Pronoun Who? Which? How many? How? etc. I, he, so, my, so much, so, there.
7 Communion Which? (what is he doing? what has he done? etc.) Dreaming, dreaming.
8 Participle How? (doing what? doing what?) Dreaming, deciding.


1) As already noted, in linguistics there is no single point of view on the position of participles and gerunds in the system of parts of speech. Some researchers classify them as independent parts of speech, others consider them special forms verb. Participles and gerunds really occupy intermediate position between independent parts speech and verb forms. In this manual we adhere to the point of view reflected, for example, in the textbook: Babaytseva V.V., Chesnokova L.L. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 grades. M., 2001.

2) In linguistics there is no single point of view on the composition of such parts of speech as numerals. In particular, in “academic grammar” it is customary to consider ordinal numbers as a special category of adjectives. However school tradition classifies them as numerals. We will adhere to this position in this manual.

3) Different manuals characterize the composition of pronouns differently. In particular, the words there, there, nowhere and others in some school textbooks referred to as adverbs, in others - to pronouns. In this manual we consider such words as pronouns, adhering to the point of view reflected in “academic grammar” and in the textbook: Babaytseva V.V., Chesnokova L.L. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 grades. M., 2001.

5. Functional parts of speech- these are words that do not name objects, actions, or signs, but express only the relationships between them.

    TO official words you can't ask the question.

    Function words are not parts of the sentence.

    Function words serve independent words, helping them connect with each other as part of phrases and sentences.

    TO service units speeches in Russian include the following:

    pretext (in, on, about, from, because of);

    union (and, but, however, because, so that, if);

    particle (would, whether, not, even, exactly, only).

6. occupy a special position among parts of speech.

    Interjections do not name objects, actions, or signs (as independent parts of speech), do not express relationships between independent words and do not serve to connect words (as auxiliary parts of speech).

    Interjections convey our feelings. To express amazement, delight, fear, etc., we use interjections such as ah, oh, uh; to express the feeling of cold - br-r, to express fear or pain - Ouch etc.

7. As noted, some words in Russian can change, others cannot.

    TO immutable include all auxiliary parts of speech, interjections, as well as such significant parts of speech as:

    adverbs ( forward, always);

    gerunds ( leaving, leaving, accepting).

    Some also remain unchanged:

    nouns ( coat, taxi, blinds);

    adjectives ( beige coat, electric blue suit);

    pronouns ( then, there).

    by using graduation;

    Wed: sister - sisters; read - read.

    by using endings and prepositions;

    Sister - to sister, with sister, with sister.

    by using auxiliary words.

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