How to easily learn a topic in English. Topics in English

Topics (from English topic- theme) are traditionally called short stories in English, dedicated to any one topic and involving their complete or partial memorization for further retelling.

There is an opinion that topics must be learned by heart. This is not entirely true: it is much better if the student can reveal the topic in his own words, only relying on the proposed text.

What is associated with cramming does not arouse enthusiasm among students. Therefore, tank tops are not particularly loved.

However, at the initial stages of learning a foreign language, even rote memorization can be useful for replenishing vocabulary, memorization stable combinations, development of skills of monologue and dialogic statements in a foreign language.

If you need to prepare oral communication on a given topic, perhaps next algorithm will help you prepare your presentation.

How to prepare a topic for retelling:

1. Read the entire text fluently, become familiar with its contents, identify the most difficult places (words), try to understand the main idea, what is the meaning of the text, what the author wanted to tell the reader.

2. Read the text again, write down (highlight) unfamiliar words (parts of a sentence), try to guess what they mean (based on the context), find their meaning in the dictionary (each word usually has several meanings, so only the context will help you determine , which meaning is used in this particular case), decide whether to use them, or whether it is better to replace them with familiar (simpler) synonyms.

3. Underline (highlight) those parts of the text that you will learn, try not to violate the grammatical and logical structure text, if you doubt its correctness, use those structures whose correctness you are sure of.

4. Try to retell the text in your own words; if you can’t, learn the constructions and phrases correctly, paying special attention to correct pronunciation words (it will be of very little use if you learn incorrect pronunciation words - mistakes can remain for life), do not hesitate to check the transcription in a dictionary (or the Internet).

5. If you learn by heart: learn the first sentence, repeat out loud several times, learn the second, repeat out loud, repeat the first and second sentences out loud, learn the third, repeat out loud, repeat out loud everything from the beginning of the text, continue in the same way until the end of the text.

6. At the beginning of the retelling, say introductory phrase like “I would like to tell you about... I would like to tell you about... / I will tell you about... I will tell you about...” so that the listener knows the topic of your speech, and at the end - final: “That"s all, thank you. That’s all, thank you. / Thank you for your attention. Thank you for your attention.” – to make it clear that your story is finished.

What is the best way to learn a topic:

Try to understand the meaning of every sentence and every word;

Replace complex, unfamiliar words with more easily pronounced ones that are familiar to you;

If you are not sure how to pronounce a word correctly, look up the transcription in a dictionary or Internet services;

Remember the main idea of ​​each sentence, if the sentence is long and complex, try to shorten the sentence by removing redundant (non-key) words, you can break it up complex sentence into its simple components;

If you can easily retell the main idea of ​​a sentence, try to add additional (minor) elements (adjectives, etc.);

Remember stable phrases– this is very useful for learning vocabulary and developing skills oral statement in a foreign language;

TOPICS IN ENGLISH They are short texts on a specific topic. Here you will find original English topics on a number of topics.

Why do you need English topics? Working with topics is very useful activity, since, mainly, the topic is always tailored to a specific topic, i.e. is filled with relevant vocabulary that you can write down and learn for your own further use. Educators love to get students to work with topics, often encouraging them to create their own topic texts.

On this page, publication of topics on English language, the collection of which will be regularly updated. Here you can find a ready-made topic, learn it by heart, or use it as a basis for composing your own statement.

Topic About Myself

Topic for those who need to learn how to talk about themselves, their character traits, interests and life in general.

Topic My Family

This topic will help you learn how to talk about your family members: describe their age, hobbies, personality traits.

Topic Home

Learn to talk about your home: characteristics of the house, description of the interior, actions around the house - this and much more in this topic.

Topic My Working Day

Topic about personal working day. What time does the working day start, how does it go, what do you have to do during the working day - all the necessary aspects are covered in this topic.

Topic My Day Off

My Day Off is a topic that talks about ways to spend your free time (staying at home, meeting friends, visiting theaters, etc.). If you need to learn how to talk about how you spend your weekends, then this topic will be of great help to you.

Topic My Household Chores

This topic is dedicated to doing household chores. You will learn to describe your daily household activities: sweeping the floor, washing and ironing clothes, tidying up the room and much more in this topic in English.

Topic My School

Topic for those who need to make a message about their school in English. You will learn phrases to describe appearance building and its interior decoration. You will learn to talk about academic subjects and schedule, as well as frequently performed activities at school.

Topic My Favorite Subjects at School

Do you need to talk about your favorite subjects and explain why you like them? No problem! In this topic you will find detailed description school subjects and arguments in their favor.

Topic Professions and Careers

Choosing a profession and future careerdifficult choice. If you want to learn how to talk about this topic in English, then use this topic. This topic is filled with in general phrases, as well as vocabulary that you can use to describe specific professions.

Topic Friends and Friendship

Learn to describe people, in particular your boyfriend or girlfriend. Appearance, character traits, habits and hobbies - all this is in this topic.

Topic Trips an Journeys

The topic is dedicated to trips and travel. Learn to talk about the delights of travel, ways of traveling, benefits various types transport and other things.

Topic Shops and Shopping

Being able to communicate on a shopping topic seems very important, since every day we are faced with the need to buy something. In our topic you will find useful vocabulary on the topic of visiting stores and purchasing goods.

Topic Seasons of the Year and the Weather

We learn to talk about the weather: we describe weather phenomena, characterize the climate, express our personal attitude to the weather. The topic is full of weather-related vocabulary and is useful for everyone learning English.

Top Hollidays

Our life would be much boring and uninteresting if it were not for the holidays. You are invited to get acquainted with the topic, which describes the most popular holidays that are celebrated by people all over the world.

Topic Sport

Learn to talk about sports: the benefits of playing sports, the advantages of various sports, sports competitions and much more are covered in this topic.

Topic My Favorite Writers

The topic is dedicated to your favorite English-speaking (English and American) and Russian writers - Charles Dickens ( Charles Dickens), Ernest Hemingway, Fyodor Dostoevsky.

Great Britain topic

This topic contains brief general geographical and sociocultural information about the UK.

Not a single lesson in a foreign language can be done without memorization. new information. And okay, when you need to learn vocabulary with translation, grammar rules or exclusion lists. This is all possible, although with difficulty, but everyone can do it. But what to do when you need to know a whole English text? This is where students often give up. And in vain, because it’s not that difficult. And today we will tell you all the secrets of how to quickly learn text in English.

Whatever study method you choose, before you start, you need to do a little preparation.

The first thing you need to do is psychologically realize that you must learn the text in English. No matter how trivial it may sound, the success of the whole business depends on it. Without a clear understanding of the need and responsibility, not a single technique will help you learn the text in an easy way in 5 minutes.

So, get rid of all distractions: phones, games, music, TV, etc. If possible, try to remain exclusively alone with yourself. Working with paper material puts you in a more serious mood, because... browsing files in electronic form, we are often distracted by other applications.

Be sure to set strict conditions for yourself: until I remember this text, I will not... ( I’ll go for a walk, start watching a movie, go online, etc.). Psychological limitation activates the brain to work harder to solve the task, which leads to effective memorization of text in English.

You should not refuse incentive motivation. Give yourself a small reward for a job well done. This way you will have an additional goal that promises the desired benefits. After all, you will agree that it is much more pleasant to learn English texts, knowing that at the end of the work a long-awaited reward awaits.

Psychology – important factor. But since you are seriously studying English, it will not be difficult for you to set yourself up to memorize texts. Now let's talk about more practical matters. Namely, what things should a person studying any foreign material have on hand in order to quickly remember the text.

In order to learn a large text in English you may need:

  • some clean sheets paper;
  • pen, pencil and colored markers;
  • study notebook;
  • English-Russian dictionary;
  • dictaphone.

Having tuned in to a serious approach to classes, and armed with everything necessary for studying English texts by subjects, let's move on to choosing a suitable methodology.

10 methods for quickly learning text in English

If you think that we are now going to tell you how to quickly learn a text in English in 5 minutes or remember it at first sight, then you are mistaken. We do not intend to sow empty hopes, so we say directly that any text must be carefully worked out. But after this work, the efficiency of memorization is improved using an individually selected technique. But first things first.

Before you think about how to quickly learn an English text, you need to understand what it is about. This requires:

  • read the material;
  • check the transcription or audio pronunciation of difficult words;
  • write down new expressions and their meanings;
  • perform full oral or written translation;
  • understand the content of the text;
  • break the material into meaningful fragments.

After completing all these steps, you can begin selecting effective methodology memorization. Below are 10 various methods, answering the question of how to easily and quickly learn a large text in English.

No. 1. Circular repetition

The technique is based on the development of automatic memorization.

The principle of operation is simple: we start reading the text, reach the end of the first paragraph and return to the beginning of the text. Now we read the first and second paragraphs, again go to the beginning. Then the first, second, third - again the beginning of the text and so on until the end of the material.

Such cyclical repetitions actively activate memory mechanisms and help you quickly memorize text in English.

No. 2. Turning on the subconscious

Using this method, we will practice remembering information “for bedtime.”

So, half an hour before bedtime, relaxing as much as possible, eliminating exposure external factors and, concentrating on the text, begin to read slowly. Say the text out loud, barely audible, and then work with each statement to yourself.

In other words, a cyclical repetition occurs again, but with alternating methods of learning. The sentence is read aloud, straining the auditory and visual perception, and then it repeats with eyes closed about yourself, including memory and subconscious in your work.

No. 3. Auditory memory

A method for people who perceive information better by ear.

Read the text carefully to yourself several times. Then prepare a voice recorder and start reading aloud, observing intonation marks and making short pauses after each sentence. Subsequently, during these breaks, you will need to repeat the statement.

After completing the reading, listen to the resulting recording, trying to repeat each sentence. For greater effectiveness, you can listen to the text before or during bedtime, bringing the subconscious into the work.

The good thing about this method is that it doesn’t require special effort and allows you to work with text outside the home: on the way to school/work, while training in the gym, etc.

No. 4. Improving visual perception

The technique allows you to learn to navigate the text well.

To work, you will need several colored markers. Select a specific color for each part of speech and work through all the material, emphasizing words that are difficult to remember. Then try to retell the text based on the notes you made.

The method allows you to avoid reading into forgotten words, and remember them by associating them with a certain color. The only downside is that it takes quite a lot of time to work through.

No. 5. Simplified retelling

Logical alteration of the text.

It is necessary to correct the original construction of the material “to suit you”, i.e. simplify complex revolutions, replace difficult words synonyms, remove unnecessary information. Having composed simplified phrases for retelling, learn them one by one, saying them out loud.

After such processing, students usually remember the sentences in no longer than five minutes.

No. 6. Written presentation

The method includes mechanical memory.

Ideally, this technique requires a second person who can read the text. This will make it traditional school presentation: they dictate to you, and you write down from memory, automatically receiving a simplified text.

But this technique can also be applied while in all alone. Read the text several times, delve into its content, and then try to write it down from memory. By working through sentences in your head and writing them down by hand, you automatically learn the information received, so all questions about how to quickly memorize material in English disappear by themselves.

No. 7. Developing a plan

A quick way to logically process material.

Here you need to divide the text into main parts, title them and write the titles on a separate sheet. After reading the material several times, retell the information you have learned, based on the brief plan you have drawn up.

Support in the form of strongholds will allow you to feel more confident and not forget important storylines, and at the same time you do not have to spend a lot of time drawing up such a “skeleton”. Great way how to learn English text in a limited time limit.

No. 8. Visual diagram-drawing

The method differs from the previous one by including visual memory in the work.

Read the material several times and highlight it central theme or the main character. They will become the support of the entire scheme. We write down a couple of words or sentences that will help start the story. From this base different colors draw secondary circumstances, also accompanying them with small notes.

Based on the resulting diagram and auxiliary words, try to briefly talk about all the parts.

No. 9. Reorganization of the text for questions and answers

Another way to quickly compose and learn an English retelling.

The technique is to obtain questions and answers to them from the sentences being studied. As a rule, a traditional scheme is enough to reveal the plot:

  1. Who? What?
  2. What does it do? What's happening?
  3. When?
  4. For what? Why?

By answering all these questions, you will receive a simplified version of the text, which will not be difficult to quickly learn.

No. 10. Method of associations and visualization

If you have a hard time getting ready to memorize, and the text just doesn’t work, then this method is for you!

The essence of the technique is an associative approach: mentally divide the text into parts and associate each block with an object. After reading the text several times, try to retell it, focusing your eyes on associative objects.

In the first lessons, you can supplement this method with the use of stickers. They can accommodate several supporting proposals. Thus, they will make it easier to remember the text and help you learn difficult words.

Imagine yourself on a walk. Each paragraph passed is a new turn in the journey. Feel free to imagine the surroundings of each segment - benches, people, trees, important objects. On the contrary, the more vivid an image you can create for a text passage, the easier it will be to remember.

So, we introduced you to techniques for effectively memorizing text. We hope you will choose the method that suits you and achieve successful results. But before you get started, I would like to note a few more important points.

1) Try to work with text during the daytime

The most productive hours are from 12 to 5. At this time, the brain actively performs its functions and is ready to master large volumes of new material.

If you want to exercise before bed, then no matter most of work must be done during the day. Read and translate the text in your free time during the day, and memorize it in the evening using one of the above methods. And then in the morning you will only have to repeat the already memorized material once.

2) Be sure to take breaks

Diligence in studying - good property, but in everything you need to know when to stop.

If working with text takes more than an hour, then a third of this time should be devoted to rest. A person’s non-stop attention and perception is just enough for 40 minutes of hard work. Then you need to take at least a 15-20 minute break and return to work with renewed vigor.

3) Don’t be lazy to repeat the text

It is not for nothing that proverbs and sayings are passed down from generation to generation; after all, they contain folk wisdom and everyday experience. Therefore, without the mother of teaching - repetition, you will not advance anywhere. It is recommended to repeat even a fully memorized text 2-3 times a day. Memory is characterized by legibility: it immediately gets rid of information that is not in frequent demand.

4) Combine different ways studying

A ready-made methodology is not an instruction with clearly prescribed rules. Feel free to change it to suit your needs to achieve the desired result. If you are uncomfortable conducting a lesson according to such a plan, then what achievements can we talk about? Therefore, fantasize and combine any methods, as long as you find it interesting and comfortable.

Hello everyone! To quickly replenish your English vocabulary and remember syntactic structures, the English topic is ideal remedy. Let me remind you that the topic is short story on a specific topic, which involves full or partial memorization and retelling in the future. Many are of the opinion that topics in English must be learned by heart, others argue that this is not necessary. English topics

There is still controversy about this. However, I share the opinion of those who believe that topics in English do not have to be learned from memory or by cramming. In my opinion, it will be much more effective if you understand the meaning of the text and can tell it in your own words, that is, reveal the topic based on the proposed topic. Because everything related to memorization has never aroused enthusiasm among students. Therefore, retelling topics is not popular.

At the same time ready-made texts- this is very useful material. Therefore, I accept the possibility that at first, when you are just starting to learn English, even mechanical memorization and further retelling can be useful for:

You must understand that memorizing and retelling texts in English is not just a useless, routine task. In fact, it is very effective and effective way skills development colloquial speech. It is through reading that the features and nuances of construction can be traced syntactic constructions. How to quickly master English text? First, you need to prepare the topic itself.

If you need to prepare an oral retelling in English on a given topic, then the following simple algorithm will help you perform successfully:

  • First, skim through the entire text, familiarizing yourself with its contents
  • Try to identify the most complex phrases, try to grasp what the author wanted to convey to you
  • Re-read the work again, highlight unfamiliar sentence fragments. Based on the context, try to guess their meaning
  • The most difficult words replace with simple synonyms that will be understandable and accessible to others and to you
  • Highlight the most important parts of the essay that you think need to be taught. Do not violate the logical and grammatical structure work. If you are not sure of the correctness of the design, then memorize those parts in which you are sure
  • Make the first attempt to retell it in your own words, pronouncing phrases and sentences in the correct order. Special attention pay attention to the correct pronunciation; if in doubt, look in the dictionary and check the transcription. Because the wrong pronunciation will negate all your suffering
  • If you are a supporter of learning an English topic by heart, then read the first sentence, repeat it out loud several times, then the second, then do the same operation with the third sentence and so on until the end of the paragraph. After this, try to repeat the entire paragraph, and then move on to the next fragment, and so continue until the end
  • Start your story with introductory phrases like “I will tell you about...” so that listeners are immediately aware of the topic of your message.
  • Finish the story final words like “Thank you for your attention” so that those listening understand that your message has come to an end.

I think if you follow this algorithm, you will make your life much easier.

How to quickly learn a topic?

You can quickly and easily learn any English text if you break it into small fragments (5-7 passages) and learn each of them separately. Print out the resulting passages on a printer, or better yet, rewrite each fragment by hand on a separate piece of compact-sized paper. Then start re-reading and sorting through the resulting cards.

How to quickly learn a topic? When memorizing, I recommend doing the following:

  • Try to grasp the meaning of each word, the meaning of the sentence and the text as a whole
  • Replace unfamiliar and complex words with easy to pronounce and familiar lexemes
  • Remember the micro theme of each paragraph
  • If the sentence is too complex and long, then shorten it and simplify it by removing secondary words, or breaking it into several simple sentences
  • Once you notice that you can easily recall and reproduce the main topic of a sentence using keywords(noun, verb), then you can add secondary elements (adverbs, adjectives)
  • If you have good pronunciation, then read the topic out loud, recording it on a voice recorder, and listen to the recording

In conclusion, I want to say: memorize stable expressions - this is very useful for developing conversational skills and oral expression in English, as well as for learning and expanding vocabulary.

I wish you success and good mood!

Topics are small-sized stories in English dedicated to a specific topic. They are given for complete or partial memorization and further retelling. Many teachers foreign languages They insist on meticulously memorizing topics on a particular topic. To effectively master lexical material, it is enough to use the proposed text as the basis for a story, adding your own details. Total cramming is only useful for early stages learning English when your own vocabulary and knowledge are not enough for independent speech.

Topics contribute to memorizing the rules for composing sentences and using set expressions, acquiring the skills of monologue and dialogic statements.

How to prepare a topic for retelling?

First you need to read the text fluently and identify the most difficult passages. It’s good if you managed to catch the author’s main idea without a detailed translation. After getting acquainted with the topic, you can begin a thorough analysis. It is necessary to write down all unfamiliar words and determine the context, since the dictionary usually provides several translation options. Think about how easy new words are to pronounce and understand. If they cause serious difficulties, you should find familiar synonyms.

If you need to learn the text completely, you can start. These actions are not enough for partial learning. We will also have to highlight the grammatical and semantic structure of the text and establish the main parts. They are the ones who will require a literal retelling. It is better not to change constructions and phrases to avoid mistakes and loss of meaning. In addition, when memorizing, it is good to check the transcription with a dictionary, especially for beginners. Pronunciation errors learned with the first topics can remain for life.

At the beginning of the retelling, say an introductory phrase. For example,
I would like to tell you about...
I will tell you about... I will tell you about...

At the end of the retelling say:
Thank you for your attention. Thank you for your attention.

When memorizing a topic, try to grasp the main idea of ​​each sentence. If you forget a phrase, you can try to replace it with a similar one. Long sentences it is better to shorten by removing additional members of the sentence without losing logical meaning. Conversely, if you can easily retell the main idea, try to add secondary elements. It will be useful to read the text into a voice recorder and listen to it several times.

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