What is the importance of transport. §54

The importance of transport for the country is extremely great. It performs important economic, social, cultural and defense functions of the state.

Economic role transport is that it is an organic link in any production, specialization and cooperation of enterprises, and also serves for the delivery of all types of raw materials, fuel and products from points of production to points of consumption. Without transport, the development of new areas and natural resources is unthinkable.

Transport is an important factor in economic integration, as well as in international trade.

Social significance transport is to ensure the work and everyday travel of people, to facilitate their physical labor, in particular when moving large volumes materials in the production process and in everyday life. Transport promotes health by providing people with the opportunity to use health-improving areas not only in nearby but also in remote areas. It provides all people with territorial accessibility to resorts with their healing springs, as well as special medical centers in capitals and large cities.

Cultural significance transport is very large and diverse. This is communication between people and a way to satisfy their aesthetic needs. Transport delivers newspapers, magazines, books, etc. to settlements, and also makes it possible to make international exchanges.

A powerful stimulator of cultural growth is the communication of the broad masses of the people with scientists, writers, artists, musicians, trips to symposiums, conferences, festivals, exhibitions, etc.

Defense significance transport is one of the most important factors in the defense capability of the state. This is the transfer of troops and weapons, supplies, evacuation of people and material and technical resources.

Main task transport - full satisfaction of the transportation needs of industry, agriculture and the population, both in volume and quality.

Quality of transportation manifests itself:

In ensuring traffic safety;

Reducing delivery times for goods and passengers;

Maintaining regularity of transportation;

Increasing the level of comfort;

Ensuring the complete safety of transported goods;

Achieving higher transportation efficiency.

Economic theory, determining the place and role of transport in the development modern society, considers it as a universal means of labor, as one of general conditions production. By moving means of labor and workers within enterprises, transport carries out connections generated by the technological division of labor. These functions are performed by internal production transport. By moving various types of products between producers (suppliers) and consumers, transport carries out connections generated by the territorial division of labor. These functions are performed by transport in the sphere of circulation, which during historical process social division labor became an independent sphere of production. Transportation in the circulation process in modern conditions is carried out mainly by transport public use- railway, sea, river, road, air, as well as special transport (pipelines, high-voltage power lines and railway access roads of enterprises connecting them with the network of main lines of communication). These types of transport, together with the warehouse system, are the material basis of the circulation process. Transport, on the one hand, is part of the market infrastructure, “physically” implementing the exchange of goods and providing services to the population, and on the other hand, it itself, as a market subject, sells its services, moving goods and passengers. Different modes of transport can provide these services in different ways, thereby forming a transport market. The work of transport workers is productive work, it creates national income, increases social wealth, measured in monetary terms. The share of transport costs in the cost of industrial and agricultural products is 15-20%, reaching 45-50% for some goods.

The pace of transport development must correspond to economic growth. According to foreign researchers, the growth of gross domestic product in most countries of the world is accompanied by a proportional increase in the cost of fixed assets of transport. Thus, as the country’s economy develops, the transport industry must change in accordance with the dynamics of demand for transport services. There is also an inverse relationship, i.e. transport has an impact on economic development, being, if not the engine, then at least the “wheels” of economic activity. However, special studies have established that investments in the transport industry alone or even in the entire infrastructure do not guarantee economic growth. Success depends primarily on economic policy the state as a whole.

Logistics and transport

The influence of transport on life separate state diverse and multifaceted. With the help of transport, specialization deepens and cooperation between industrial and agricultural production expands on a national and international scale, and the economic position of the state as a whole is strengthened.

Abstract on the topic:

"Transport and its importance in life

society and the country's economy"



List of used literature


Transport is one of the general conditions of production. By carrying out transportation within enterprises, between enterprises, regions and countries, transport affects the scale of social production and the rate of its growth.

The influence of transport on the life of an individual state is diverse and multifaceted. Transport contributes to progressive geographical and structural shifts in the location of production and population, growth in labor productivity, and increased living standards of the population. Providing an international division of labor, mass tourism and cultural exchange, transport is causing major changes in the world economy, culture and international relations.

With the help of transport, specialization deepens and cooperation between industrial and agricultural production expands on a national and international scale, and the economic position of the state as a whole is strengthened.

In Russia, the largest country in the world by territory, transport plays a very special role. The role is not only economic, but also political and psychological. Providing a living connection between the republics and regions of Russia, the economic regions of the former Soviet Union, transport introduces millions of people to the achievements of world civilization, involves them in the process of vigorous activity - creative, economic, cultural.

For last decade XX century science pays great attention how and with what humanity will enter the 21st century, what we will take with us and what we will leave there, in the past. And these are not scientific essays and “reflections”, this is the trend and requirement of the time. Humanity has very carefully studied historical, sociological, economic phenomena, facts and events, especially after the Second World War. Society has come to a natural and completely “transparent” conclusion - progress is possible only when all thoughts are aimed at economic, social and cultural development.

The problems of transport and transport cooperation play a very important role important role in economically developed world, in which we live. We can talk a lot and for a long time about mineral resources, about the volumes of extracted raw materials, etc., but the transport component is a separate matter. By the way, in various publications, purely scientific, scientific and applied, designed for a general reader, transport issues in the context of economic globalization are somehow not visible, with the exception of only some specialized materials, in particular, ECMT.

The main purpose of this essay is to study the importance of transport in the development of the world economy. The work consists of four parts in which this problem is sequentially analyzed.

1. The role of transport in the economy

Economic theory, determining the place and role of transport in the development of modern society, considers it as a universal means of labor, as one of the general conditions of production. By moving means of labor and workers within enterprises, transport carries out connections generated by the technological division of labor. These functions are performed by internal production transport. By moving various types of products between producers (suppliers) and consumers, transport carries out connections generated by the territorial division of labor. These functions are performed by transport in the sphere of circulation, which, in the course of the historical process of social division of labor, emerged as an independent sphere of production. Transportation in the circulation process in modern conditions is carried out mainly by public transport - railway, sea, river, road, air, as well as special transport (pipelines, high-voltage power lines and railway access roads of enterprises connecting them with the network of main lines of communication). These types of transport, together with the warehouse system, are the material basis of the circulation process.

Transport, on the one hand, is part of the market infrastructure, “physically” implementing the exchange of goods and providing services to the population, and on the other hand, it itself, as a market subject, sells its services, moving goods and passengers. Different modes of transport can provide these services in different ways, thereby forming a transport market. The labor of transport workers is productive labor, it creates national income and increases social wealth, measured in value form. The share of transport costs in the cost of industrial and agricultural products is 15-20%, reaching 45-50% for some goods.

At the same time, transport has some features that distinguish it from other industries. national economy.

Firstly, transport does not produce new material products, but is, as it were, a continuation of the production process within the circulation process. The process of production ends when it is delivered to the place of consumption, so transport is a continuation of the production process begun in industry and agriculture. The final result of production is realized by the consumer, this determines the attitude of industrial and agricultural workers to transport, their concern for the conditions of transportation of their products, improving the use of rolling stock and saving transport costs.

Secondly, transport products - the transportation of goods and passengers - are inseparable from the transport production process. It cannot be accumulated, its reserves cannot be created. Therefore, the problem of reserves in transport is not the creation of product reserves, but reserves of throughput and carrying capacity. Maneuvering reserves by region transport network difficult and expensive, and often impossible, therefore optimal reserves of throughput and carrying capacity must be created everywhere, and primarily in directions with rapidly growing traffic.

Thirdly, transport products do not contain raw materials. Share wages its cost is twice as high as in industry. Costs for depreciation, fuel and electricity account for almost half of all transport operating costs. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to reduce the cost of transportation by increasing labor productivity, improving the use of vehicles, especially rolling stock, and reducing fuel and electricity consumption per unit of transportation work.

Fourthly, the circulation of funds allocated for the development of transport differs from the circulation of funds allocated for the development of industry and agriculture. In the transport market, it is not the product in the form of a new thing that is sold, but the production process of the transport industry itself, therefore, the requirements for efficiency and quality of work transport system relate not only to its market products, the final result transport activities, but also directly to the transport production process. Of particular importance are the acceleration and uninterrupted transport process, reducing delivery times and improving the safety of goods, trouble-free operation of all links of the transport conveyor, improving the quality of work of each worker, team, each enterprise, production association, each mode of transport and the transport system as a whole.

Transport is one of the branches of economic infrastructure, which, in addition to all types of mainline transport, includes energy, communications, public utilities(water supply, sewerage, disposal solid waste), as well as engineering structures such as dams, networks of irrigation and drainage canals. The concept of infrastructure thus serves as a general concept for many types of activities. The term "infrastructure" (from Latin infra - below, under and structura - structure, location) is used to designate a complex of components common device economic life, which are subordinate in nature and provide normal activities economic system generally. The level of development of transport in a country to a certain extent determines the level of development of its civilization. Therefore, underestimating the importance of transport in the state can have a very negative impact on the country’s economy.

The work of many sectors of the national economy is directly related to transport: mechanical engineering (automobile, locomotive, carriage, ship and aircraft construction), fuel and power engineering, metallurgy, etc. Transport annually consumes approximately 18% of diesel fuel, 6% of electricity, 10% timber, 4% ferrous metals.

Transport can significantly influence economic growth, expand trade, and improve living standards. It helps increase labor productivity by reducing the time it takes to deliver goods or travel to work.

Transport actively influences environment, and this impact is mainly negative. Thus, the share of transport in the total gross emissions into the atmosphere of all products of industrial activity is 40%, including the main share of pollution (more than 80%) from road transport. It follows that practically the reduction in pollution atmospheric air transport is largely determined by the solution to the environmental problem in road transport. The pace of transport development must correspond to economic growth.

According to foreign researchers, the growth of gross domestic product in most countries of the world is accompanied by a proportional increase in the cost of fixed assets of transport. Thus, as the country’s economy develops, the transport industry must change in accordance with the dynamics of demand for transport services. There is also an inverse relationship, i.e. Transport has an impact on economic development, being, if not the engine, then at least the “wheels” of economic activity. However, special studies have established that investments in the transport industry alone or even in the entire infrastructure do not guarantee economic growth.

Success depends, first of all, on the economic policy of the state as a whole.

In the transport and road complex of Russia, a program of corporatization and privatization of transport and road enterprises is being implemented. By the beginning of 1995, almost 94% of enterprises were transformed into joint-stock companies river transport, 70% of maritime enterprises, 30% of air, 45% of automobile, approximately 5% railway transport and 11% of road enterprises. Over 220 thousand cars and more than 200 river vessels have been privatized. However, a normal competitive transport market in Russia has not yet been created. This is due both to the general economic crisis in the country and to the unjustified destruction of unified technological complexes in transport. Many corporatized enterprises are now in a difficult economic situation. This indicates the great influence that the economy has on transport, and the transport market, in turn, on stability economic development countries.

transport economic specialization cooperation

2. The role of transport in society

Economic role

Transport provision is of great economic importance in the life of a metropolis. Interaction industrial enterprises, service sectors and the trade and consumer market directly depend on transport. Like blood vessels transport arteries entwined cities and regions with their main advantages: speed, accessibility and communication skills. The country's economy directly depends on the ability of the transport and industrial complex to satisfy the demands of the domestic and foreign markets.

Political role

In addition to its economic role, the development of transport is of great political importance, since it symbolizes and personifies the status of the state in the international market. The clearest example this is famous historical fact, namely (the first launch of the metro in England coincided with the abolition of serfdom in Russia)

Social significance

We must not forget that in addition to the economic importance of transport, this industry greatly satisfies the needs of the population. Various types of transport, namely: land, underground, water and air, make it possible to ensure the delivery of the population in the shortest possible time and, importantly, at their request, to their destinations.

Cultural function

Attendance, study and familiarization with the historical and spiritual life of the city directly depends on transport. And here the transportation of people both from abroad and from other regions of the country plays an important role. Taking into account the needs of people (tourists), the transport industry provides visits to historical and memorable places land and water transport.

Defense significance

Human life is connected with transport, and to ensure the safety of citizens, transport, in addition to social services, also has defense significance. The protection of air, water and land borders depends on transport. This includes transportation and delivery of military equipment and support equipment.


Transport is a unified (in socio-economic terms) transport system, including a powerful network of railway, sea, river, road, space, air, pipeline, electrical, urban and industrial communications. Moving annually billions of tons of raw materials, fuel, materials, products, as well as many billions of passengers with enough high level comfort and speed, thanks to the correct organization of the transport process, modern transport ensures mass industrial production, deep division of labor, internal and foreign trade, contributes to the development of culture, science and economics. The role of transport in life is great, because transport influences economically, politically, socially, and has cultural and defense significance.

Specialization of districts and their comprehensive development is impossible without a transport system. The transport factor influences the location of production; without taking it into account, it is impossible to achieve a rational placement of productive forces. Transport is also important in solving socio-economic problems. The specificity of transport as a sector of the economy is that it itself does not produce products, but only participates in its creation, providing production with raw materials, materials, equipment and delivering finished products to the consumer. Thanks to the presence of a unified transport system (a complex of various types of transport), all types of transport are in interaction and interdependence, complement each other and develop according to unified plan ensuring the effective use of each type.

List of used literature

1. Bogorel S. International transport corridors and Russia // Companion - 2003. - No. 7, p. 21-23

2. Novitsky V.E. International economic activity. Textbook. M.: Finance and Credit, 2003. – 465 p.

3. Palamarchuk V. Transport - important condition economic growth // Economics - 2000.- No. 6, p. 21-23

4. Revenchuk K. Problems of foreign investments // Economics - 2001 - No. 1, p. 8-10

5. Shnirkov O. New stage foreign economic relations RF // Economics - 2002.- No. 1, pp. 11-14

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(from Latin transporto - I carry, move, transfer) in living organisms, includes the delivery of necessary compounds to certain organs and tissues (with the help circulatory system in animals and the conduction system in plants), their absorption by cells and movement within cells, as well as the excretion of metabolic products. These processes can be divided according to their mechanism into transport with a flow of liquid (for example, with blood, bile, urine, with a flow of plant matter, juice contained in the vessels of xylem, phloem), diffusion in solutions (in cells and intercellular fluid) or gas phase (in the lungs, intercellular spaces of plant leaves), transport through biol. membranes. T.v. via biol. membranes are usually carried out specially. transport systems, their work determines the rate of processes of substance entry and metabolism in cells, and, consequently, in the entire body. There are passive and active TV. through membranes. In the first case, T.v. occurs spontaneously, while molecules and ions are transferred to an area with lower electrochemical. potential. Transfer of molecules (ions) in the opposite direction ( active transport) is possible only with the simultaneous expenditure of energy, the source of the cut can be ATP hydrolysis or oxidation-reduction. reactions in electron transfer chains, and special they say systems - ion pumps. A consequence of such active T. in., called. primary is the nonequilibrium distribution of H+, Ca+, Na+, K+ ions inside the cell and between the cell and the environment; it, in turn, ensures the operation of conjugate, or secondary active, fuel systems. through membranes. An example of a conjugate T. v. serves as the transport of sugars and amino acids into intestinal epithelial cells. The membrane facing the intestinal lumen contains a protein carrier, which transports glucose (or a certain amino acid) only together with sodium ions. Na+ enters the cell passively, but at the same time the molecule is transferred, which can be active; in total free energy in the system decreases. Na+ is removed from cells by Ma+/K+-ATPase, which is included in the membrane facing the intestinal circulatory system. Conjugate T.v. ensures the transfer of various metabolites through the membranes of all cells of organisms. Passive T.v. through membranes is quantitatively characterized by the amount of permeability, the edges can vary sharply for different substances, but is ultimately determined by the laws of diffusion and electrodiffusion. Simple diffusion easily occurs through the lipid layer of membranes only in the case of substances that are highly soluble in lipids, which include many. medicines. Ions (Na+, K+ and Ca2+) are transported through the membranes of nerve, muscle and other cells due to the presence of ion channels in them, which open and close depending on the magnitude of the electrical difference. potentials on the membrane or chemical actions. mediators. Shutdown or sudden change properties of carriers and channels underlie the action of many. toxic substances. Certain substances (ionophores) themselves are capable of creating channels in the lipid layer of the membrane. The action of a number of drugs and preparations is based on changes in the properties of channels and transporters, which makes it possible to regulate TV. in cells and the whole organism

Economy of any state cannot function successfully without transport. Transport plays a huge role in the country's economy and is integral part economy.

Figure 1.1 - Structure of the economy.

Depends on the operation of transport development and normal functioning of industrial, agricultural, supply and trade enterprises. Its importance is great in foreign economic relations, in the defense of the country, and in the development of new economic regions.

Transport satisfies One of the most important human needs is the need to move goods and passengers.

TRANSPORT(from Latin "transporto" - moving) is a branch of production that provides the vital need of society for the transportation of goods and passengers. Transport is a set of means and means of communication, the normal operation of which is ensured by various technical devices and structures.

Means of communication- This rolling stock of transport (cars and trailers, ships, barges, airplanes, helicopters, wagons, locomotives, etc.).

Communication routes- This tracks specially designed and equipped for the movement of rolling stock of a given type of transport ( highways, railway track, air routes, sea ​​routes etc.)

-Technical devices and structures - This a complex of cargo and passenger stations, terminals, loading and unloading points, repair shops, gas stations, communications and alarm facilities, etc.

Transport on the one hand is part market infrastructure physically implementing the exchange of goods and providing services to the population, and on the other hand, he himself, as a market subject, sells his services, transporting goods and the population. Different types can provide these services in different ways, thereby forming a transport market. The work of transport workers is productive labor, because it creates national income and increases national wealth, measured in value form.

Transport is characterized by Some features that distinguish it from other sectors of the national economy:

Firstly, transport does not produce material products, it is a continuation of the transportation process which ends when the products are delivered to the place of consumption.

Secondly, transport products- the transportation of goods and passengers is integral to the process of transport production, it cannot be accumulated (its reserves can be created), therefore the problems of reserves in transport consist in creating not reserves of products, but reserves of throughput and carrying capacity. Maneuvering reserves along the road network is impossible, therefore optimal reserves of throughput and carrying capacity must be created everywhere and primarily in directions with rapidly growing traffic.

Thirdly, transport products do not contain raw materials. The share of wages in its cost is twice as high as in industry. Costs for depreciation, fuel and electricity account for almost half of all transport operating costs.

Fourthly, the circulation of funds allocated for the development of transport differs from industry and agriculture - it is not the product that is sold on the transport market, but the production process itself, therefore, the requirements for the efficiency and quality of the transport system apply not only to its market products, but also directly to the transport itself production process.

Level of transport development in a country to a certain extent determines the level of its civilization. It can significantly influence economic growth, expand trade, and improve living standards. It helps to increase labor productivity and reduce the time it takes to deliver goods or travel to work. Transport has an active impact on the environment - its share in the total gross emissions into the atmosphere from all products of industrial activity is almost 40%. The main share of pollution comes from road transport (about 80%).

Transport development rates must correspond to the economic growth (usually gross product) of the country, must be accompanied by a proportional increase in the value of fixed assets of transport.

Meaning of transport:

1. Economic. The development of transport brings new territories into the economy, natural resources and labor reserves.

2. Socially- political. The development of transport increases the mobility of the population, improves the cultural level and public mood.

3. Defense. 95% of military transport occurs by rail.

4. Political. The development of transport systems, including international transport corridors, affects the interests of neighboring countries and large international transnational corporations.

Currently Almost no type of transport can independently ensure the movement of cargo from producer to consumer according to the “door to door” scheme. One transportation may involve several modes of transport, for example, road, rail, maritime transport. Such movement is possible only with clear interaction individual parts transport complex.

Currently interaction between individual modes of transport is very weak and ineffective. The main problems arise at the junctions of different modes of transport. As a result of uncoordinated actions, transport suffers huge losses and damages. Therefore, all types of transport are interested in creating a unified transport system. A diagram of an example of multimodal transport is presented in Figure 1.2.

Figure 1.2 - Scheme of cargo transportation by several modes of transport

Organizing the work of such a complex as the Unified Transport System is a complex and necessary need for the country’s economy.

The global transport network is developed unevenly across countries and continents. The densest transport network is in Europe and North America, the least developed in Africa and some Asian countries.

Total length The global transport network of all types of transport is 31 million km, including 25 million km of land routes. Of these, 86% are roads, railways - 7%, pipelines - 4%, navigable river routes, including canals, lakes and reservoirs - 3%.

IN Russian Federation , as in other developed countries, transport is one of the largest basic sectors of the economy, an important component of the production and social infrastructure.

Transport communications unite all regions of the country, which is a necessary condition for its territorial integrity and the unity of its economic space. They connect the country with the world community, being the material basis for ensuring foreign economic relations of Russia and its integration into the global economic system.

Profitable geographical location country allows Russia to receive significant income from the export of transport services, incl. from transit transportation foreign countries on your communications.

About the place and importance of transport in the domestic national economic complex is evidenced by its significant share in the country's main production assets - 27%. The share of transport services in the gross domestic product is 8%. Transport in the Russian Federation consumes approximately 18% of diesel fuel, 6% of electricity, 10% of timber, and 4% of ferrous metals.

Table 1.2 - Main indicators of modes of transport

All these circumstances make it possible to classify transport in Russia as a priority sector of the economy.

Transport plays an important role in the socio-economic development of the country. The transport system determines the conditions for economic growth and increased competitiveness national economy and quality of life of the population. Geographical features In Russia, the priority role of transport is determined in the development of the country’s competitive advantages in terms of realizing its transit potential.

Access to secure and quality transport services determines the efficiency and development of production, business and social sphere. In this regard, the role of transport in the socio-economic development of the country is determined by a number of volumetric, cost and quality characteristics level of transport services.

Cost characteristics transportation of any product (transport tariff) are reflected directly in its final price at the point of consumption, added to production costs, and also affect the competitiveness of the product and its sales area. The cost of passenger transportation limits travel opportunities for the population, and in many cases makes these trips unaffordable for part of the population with low incomes. Reducing the cost of passenger transport, mitigating these restrictions, has not only great social, but also economic significance.

Qualitative characteristics level of transport services are related to the speed, timeliness, rhythm, safety and environmental friendliness of the functioning of the transport system.

Speed transport communication influences the effectiveness of economic relations and population mobility. Increasing the speed of delivery of goods and passengers has a tangible economic and social effect. When transporting goods, it is expressed in the release of working capital from enterprises, and when transporting passengers - in the release of people's free time, which can be used for other purposes.

Cheaper and faster transportation on main modes of transport will make it possible to bring together remote regions of the country, improve the quality of life of the population and the level of business activity, strengthen the territorial unity of the country and create more favorable conditions for the realization of the potential economic and social opportunities of each Russian region.

Timeliness (regularity, rhythm) of transport services in freight traffic is of great economic importance, since the amount of safety stocks of products in the warehouses of consignees, necessary to maintain the continuity of production or supply to the population, depends on it. By increasing the regularity and rhythm of transportation, the amount of these stocks can be reduced, which, as well as increasing the speed of transportation, leads to the release of working capital and, in addition, reduces the cost of storing goods.

In passenger traffic, increasing regularity is also, to a certain extent, equivalent to increasing the speed of communication, since it reduces the waiting time for a trip.

Easing restrictions, imposed by cost, speed and timeliness, as well as the conditions of cargo transportation on transport and economic relations and the competitiveness of products, is a significant incentive for the development of not only transport, but also the entire national economic complex of the country and its regions. This is especially important for the outlying (mainly northern and eastern) regions of the country.

Important role plays in the socio-economic development of the country safety and environmental friendliness transport system. The role of transport in ensuring defense capability and national security Russia is due to growing requirements for the mobility of the country's Armed Forces. In addition to the importance of improving traffic, flight and shipping safety, the security of the transport system determines efficient work emergency rescue services, civil defense, special services units, compliance of the transport system with the tasks of ensuring military security country, and thus determines the conditions for increasing national security and reducing terrorist risks.

In the context of increasing public attention to environmental factors, a decrease in harmful effects transport has a large impact on the environment social significance and can greatly influence the development of urban agglomerations.

Thus, transport is one of the largest backbone industries, with close ties with all elements of the economy and social sphere. As further development country, the expansion of its internal and external transport and economic relations, the growth of production volumes and an increase in the standard of living of the population, the importance of transport and its role as a system-forming factor will only increase.

Under these conditions the formation of strategic directions for transport development should be carried out on the basis of a comprehensive analysis current state and problems of development of the transport system in close connection with the general directions and scale of the country's socio-economic development, as well as global strategic trends in the economy.

Transport(lat. transporto - moving) is a branch of production that provides the vital need of society to move goods and passengers in space and time.

Transport is defined as a set of rolling stock, specially adapted communication routes and a complex of technical engineering devices and structures that ensure their normal functioning.

Rolling stock - This vehicles, in which cargo is placed or passengers are located. In road transport these are cars, trailers, semi-trailers; in railway transport - locomotive fleet (steam locomotives, diesel locomotives, electric locomotives), freight and passenger cars; on water transport - ships, barges and tugs; by air transport - airplanes, helicopters and airships.

Specially adapted communication routes- these are tracks designed and equipped for the movement of rolling stock specific type transport, i.e. roads, railways, waterways and airways.

Complex of technical engineering devices and structures- these are cargo and passenger stations, terminals, hubs, cargo loading and unloading points, repair plants and workshops, gas stations, communications and alarm systems, control systems, etc. Railway transport has the most complex complex, which is due to its design features and production technology for the process of transporting goods and passengers.

All sectors of the economy, including the mining and processing industries, agriculture, communications, and energy, are served by transport. Due to the complexity of organizing the process of moving goods and passengers in space and time, transport is considered as an independent complex system. Transport, for all its independence, is an industry serving the economy. At all stages of economic development, transport ensures the development and satisfaction of various sectors of the economy, and in modern conditions the question arises especially acutely not just about the movement of goods and passengers in space, but also about meeting the delivery deadlines established by the customer of transportation.

Transport simultaneously acts as a consumer of products from individual sectors of the economy necessary for its operation.

Transport is obliged to deliver the required products from the manufacturer to the consumer in a timely manner, to prevent damage and loss of finished products and raw materials, and to reduce the time of death of material assets during transportation. When transporting passengers, transport must provide comfortable conditions and timely delivery at a minimum cost of moving people.

Since transport is a service industry, its pace of development must be ahead of the need for the transportation of goods and passengers. Transport reserves are considered the most appropriate types of reserve, since in their absence the development of economic sectors is hampered. If the finished product is not exported to the sphere of consumption in a timely manner, then it is impossible to return the material resources invested in the product.

The role of transport is not limited to the movement of goods and passengers; it acts as a catalyst for economic activity, connecting production and consumption and expanding their scale, i.e. actively influences the process of expanded reproduction. Transport unites all sectors of the economy into a single whole, delivering raw materials from the mining industry to the processing industry, and then exporting finished products to the place of their consumption. Only transport can ensure the circulation of goods by moving them from the sphere of production to the sphere of consumption.

The level of development of a country is determined by the level of development and state of transport. The importance of transport is multifaceted.

Economic significance transport is that it unites all sectors of the economy, ensures their development, communication and coordination. Transport, as stated earlier, is the only way to ensure the circulation of goods.

The role of transport in the development of tourism as an economic sector on which individual countries base their state budgets (Greece, Italy, Egypt, Tunisia, etc.) is interesting. The tourism industry involves all modes of transport. Road transport is widely used for excursion services. At the same time, tourism means the duration of transport services for people of more than a day, and an excursion less than a day.

Political significance transport is the ability to maneuver resources, quickly resolve any emergency situations, which ensures the stability of the state. This role is especially important for organizing assistance to regions suffering from natural disasters.

Cultural significance transport is an opportunity to spread various values ​​with its help to improve the culture and education of the population. At the same time, transport itself also becomes an element of culture: in many countries of the world, museums of various types of transport, exhibitions of transport achievements, etc. have developed. Transport provides educational tourism.

Sociological significance of transport is to save time, make work easier and increase productivity, since with poor-quality transport services for work trips (trips to the place of work), a person reduces work capacity by 10... 12%. Transport contributes to organizing leisure time for the population to restore working capacity.

Scientific significance transport is that it poses complex challenges for science to be able to provide services of better quality and at lower cost. Certain transport problems have not yet been solved by science. For example, there is no final solution to many of the environmental problems that transport creates; mathematical model such a complex, stochastic and unstable system as transport, as it requires taking into account a very large number of factors. To date, there are models of only individual components of the overall system.

Defense importance of transport lies in the possibility of rapid redeployment of the population, troops and production in the event of military operations and emergency situations. An example is the relocation of factories producing military equipment at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War from the European regions of the USSR to the Trans-Urals and the evacuation of the population to eastern regions countries and Central Asian republics. This made it possible to save the lives of the population and ensure the victory of our country over Germany.

The importance of sports achievements for the development of transport. For all types of transport, specialized rolling stock is created, on which various design features are developed, which make it possible, first of all, to achieve increased speeds. These are racing cars, boats, etc. When individual structural components of high-speed rolling stock are improved, such parts are then used in the mass production of vehicles.

The specific meaning of transport. Selected species transport, for example, air, are capable of performing special work for certain sectors of the economy. An example is the lifting of heavy and large-sized construction structures by helicopters during construction high-rise buildings, fertilization for farmland; fish processing on ships during transportation; expansion of the fairway (goal. uaarivater , iagen - move, swim and water- water, i.e. safe passage through a body of water characterized by sufficient depth) by dredging vessels, etc.

All modes of transport are managed by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation (federal ministry). Its functions are production public policy, legal regulation, strategic development, organization of work, development of technical policy, etc.

The ministry includes the departments of railway transport, civil aviation, road and urban passenger transport, sea and river transport, road facilities, international cooperation, property relations and territorial planning, transport security and special programs, legal support and legislative activities, development programs, economics and finance. Note that pipeline transport is subordinate to the Ministry of Oil Industry, which includes the Main Directorate for Oil Transportation and Supply.

Direct management of the transport process of transporting goods or passengers on any type of transport has its own specifics. The sequence of constructing management decisions is shown in Fig. 1.1.

Information comes in the form of an application (one-time transportation) or an agreement (longer transportation) from the customer about the need for transport services. The application indicates the location of the sender and recipient of the cargo, the volume and structure of the cargo, the frequency and time of delivery, the features of accepting the cargo and other wishes of the customer. In addition, the enterprise must receive current information from cargo owners, the hydrometeorological center, and the traffic police about the state of road transport networks.

The goal and objectives are the general political line in the economy of a given enterprise (conquering a certain market segment, using certain types of rolling stock, expanding the offer of services, increasing volumes, etc.).

Planning depends on the timing of interaction with the customer - from operational daily to annual.

Decision making is based on planning and current information.

Execution of decisions and control is the most critical element of the management system, which is ensured by direct and feedback with all participants in the transportation process, the main one of which is the driver. Control on the line is carried out using information systems, and after the transportation is completed - according to the readings of such instruments as a speedometer and tachograph. It should be noted that the information on the tachogram is accepted as material evidence when analyzing faulty situations in court.

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