Notes letter yu preparatory group. Summary of the correctional lesson “Letter U”

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Abdulova Dzhume Sirazhutdinovna

Target: consolidate the concept of the letter U

Tasks: introduce children to the letter U, improve the skills of sound analysis of words, consolidate visual image letters, develop phonemic awareness, memory, attention.

Material: demonstration material, workbooks part 2, a simple pencil, colored pens and pencils, tumblers, felt-tip pens for working at the board

I. Organizational moment

Educator:- Guys, today we will get acquainted with the last vowel letter of the second row, this is the letter Y. denoting two sounds [u] and [yu].

Let's remember and repeat all the letters of the second row.

There are more vowel letters in the Russian language than vowel sounds - there are 10 of them.

Each such letter of the second row can represent either one or two sounds:

I - [a] and [ya],

Yu - [y] and [yu],

E - [e] and [ye],

Yo - [o] and [yo].

These letters represent two sounds in the following positions:

At the beginning of the word (apple, yurt...

After soft sign(monkey, pour. ,

After solid sign(ad, disconnect. ,

After a vowel (capital, moe.).

In other cases, such a letter is read as one sound, softening the preceding consonant sound (meat, ice, seed, backpack.).

Educator: Today Julia will go to the blackboard with us

II. Main part.(Work in a notebook Elena Astafieva: We play, read, write. Workbook No. 2. Federal State Educational Standard) children write the letter Y, paint the roof of the house and the tumbler in red, write the letter Y in their pocket.)

1. Game exercise“Place the letter in her apartment”

Objectives: consolidate knowledge about the studied sound and letter; learn to choose the right and left front house, count the floors in order, starting from the bottom; explain the choice of your solution based on knowledge about the letter.

Educator: which tumbler we choose (red).

Children's answers: red with a star

Educator: why red with an asterisk

Children's answers: Because the letter Yu softens the consonants and when pronounced it has two sounds [yu].

Educator: That's right, we take it from the owner's pocket colored letter We place Yu on the right on the fourth floor, next to the letter U. And now, we do it in our notebooks.

Educator: Julia, determine the place of the given sound in the word (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word); Explain why you wrote the letter in this particular color

Skirt Yu vowel, located at the beginning of the word, written in red

Key Yu

Yula Yu vowel, located at the beginning of the word, written in red

Educator: - Draw objects with a given sound yourself (in the empty cells on the right); - Show on the diagram under each picture the place of the letter in the word and its characteristics (beginning, middle or end of the word)

Pants Yu- vowel, located in the middle of the word, written in red

Pan Yu vowel, located in the middle of a word, written in red

Julia Yu- vowel, located at the beginning of the word, written in red

Educator: Well done guys, you did it all

2. Game exercise “Continue according to the model”

Goals: consolidate knowledge about sounds and letters. We train visual memory baby

3. Exercise “Continue the ornament”

Goal: continue according to the example; develop visual memory

4. Exercise “Finish the drawing”

Goal: develop hand motor skills

5. Game “Animals of Hot Countries”

Goals. Learning to form present tense verbs plural, coordinating them with nouns. We strengthen the skill of reading three-syllable words with a combination of consonants (crawl, swim, jump). We strengthen the child’s knowledge about animals of hot countries, the ability to recognize them in pictures and name them.

Progress of the game. The child names the animals depicted in the pictures and generalizes them: animals of hot countries. (A child’s comments or an adult’s story about the life and behavioral characteristics of these animals are required.)

After reading the words written in a column on the right, the child remembers which of the drawn animals perform these actions best (run, crawl, fly, swim, jump). The child connects with an arrow the word and the corresponding animals (running - ostrich, giraffe, etc.).

Finally, the child colors the pictures.

6. Game “Going to the Zoo”

Goals. We reinforce the recognition and correct spelling of the letters we have learned. We train the ability to compose names from the given letters, consolidate knowledge of the rules for writing names with capital letters. Using the example sound-letter analysis and the synthesis of the names Yura, Yulia, we consolidate knowledge about the letter Y. We train the ability to differentiate R and L, A and Z. We consolidate the ability to draw up a sentence diagram highlighting prepositions in it as separate “little words.” We develop the ability to write a story using story picture.

Progress of the game. Having crossed out the incorrectly written letters, the child makes up from the remaining letters the names of the children drawn in the picture (at the same time remembering the rule about writing names with a capital letter); writes down names (Yura, Yulia), follows their sound and syllabic patterns.

Based on the adult's leading questions, he guesses where these children are coming from. Then he reads the unfinished sentence under the picture, guesses what words need to be written in, and writes them in with the help of an adult (Yulia, Yura or Yura, Yulia). An adult's explanation is required correct spelling words by Yura (or Yulia).

The child checks if everything is correct this proposal. Having guessed that there is no punctuation mark at the end of the sentence, he puts it at his discretion (.) and reads the sentence with the appropriate intonation. Having analyzed the sentence by the number of words, highlighting the preposition as “ small word", the child completes the sentence pattern.

After completing the game, the child composes a story based on this plot picture about the children’s visit to the zoo.

7. Game “Ostrich” (Isograph)

The goals and course of this game are similar to those described earlier.

Bottom line

How many vowels are there in the alphabet?

What letter did we study?

Municipal budgetary institution

additional education

"Center children's creativity» Orenburg

Abstract open class

on literacy

Topic: “In the world of vowels”

Children age 6-7 years,

Lesson form: group

Additional education teacher

Zagrebelnaya Lyudmila Alekseevna

Orenburg 2015

Lesson topic: The letter "Y" and its sounds.

Target: generalization of knowledge about the letter “U”, familiarization with the features of its sounds: the letter “u” denotes the sound [u], at the beginning of a word it denotes two sounds [th], [u]

Training tasks:

Consolidating the skill of conducting sound-letter analysis of a word (correlating sounds with letters);

Activating children's vocabulary, working on understanding the meaning of words;

Developing the ability to find the position of sound in words.

Developmental tasks:

Development cognitive activity;

Development of voluntariness, conceptual thinking;

Formation of control and assessment skills

Educational tasks:

- developing the ability to interact with each other;

Development cognitive motivation;

Cultivating curiosity, the ability to listen to each other, and express your thoughts.

Methodical techniques:

Verbal: questions for children, conversation, encouragement, recommendations.

Visual: finding the position of sound in words, reading syllables and words, composing big word small words.

Practical: guessing riddles, making small words from a big word, health-saving exercises, forming an affectionate name from a full name using the letter “u”.

Equipment: subject pictures, interactive whiteboard, magnetic boards, picture “Sun”, “Clouds”, sets of circuits for sound analysis, reading table, graphic image letters Y.

    Organizational moment :

Eyelashes droop, eyes close

Let's fall asleep in a magical sleep

We are flying to the land of fairy tales.

One, two, three, four, five -

Let's take a look again!

It's easy to breathe

Smooth, deep.

We are cheerful and vigorous again

And ready for classes.

    Guys, we will start our lesson with an articulation warm-up.

Let's repeat pure sayings with the studied sounds. (Appendix 1)

ry-ry-ry We have balls (girls)

sa-sa-sa There is a fox in the forest (boys)

Us-Us-Us There is a goose in the meadow (individually)

zu-zu-zu We wash Katya in the basin (in unison)

2) Pronunciation of tongue twister:

Six little mice rustle in a hut.

    Goal setting (establishing a connection between the content educational material– repetition of the letter “U” and completing tasks).

Guys! A letter came to our group (showing the letter). Look how beautiful it is! What time of year is shown on the envelope? I don’t know who this letter is from. But I know who it is addressed to. Who can read it? (cheerful preschool children). Who sent him? The letters on the envelope fell apart. Help me collect them, what is written on the envelope? (Yura).

Let's open the envelope and find out what Yura is writing to us?

Dear guys! Cheerful preschoolers! I am already in first grade and I found out that you will also go to first grade in the fall. I have prepared tasks for you and I want to see if you are ready to complete them. I wish you success and good luck.

So, what is the first task Yura has prepared for us?

The letter Yu was spinning,

So that Julia doesn’t feel sad.

Yulenka took the spinning top,

Spun in an instant.

What is this? (Patter). Why? (It is pronounced very quickly). Tell me, which letter is found here more often than others? (letter Y). So, we will continue to talk about which letter? (about the letter Y). Let's remember the quatrain about the letter "yu".

So that O doesn't roll away

I'll nail it firmly to the post

Oh look, what happened?

The result is the letter... Y

Let's write it in the air. (The letter “Y” is posted on the board).

In the last lesson, we got acquainted with the letter Y and we know that it is not simple. So why is this letter not easy?

The letter Y is a vowel;

The letter Yu means the sound [U];

It shows that the consonant before it is soft. For example, an iron.

Now we are going to play the game “Say My Name Kindly.” (work in groups) Appendix 2.

Let's, guys, mark each task with an asterisk. For the first task you have already received a star.

    Planning and self-control (team and individual work - establishes a sequence of actions to solve educational task, carries out step-by-step control over the execution of actions).

The second task is very difficult, we will complete it together. Let's see that the letter "U" is not only a difficult letter, but also a very tricky one. Guys, pronounce the boy's name Yura by sound. [Y], [U], [P], [A]. How many sounds do you hear? (4).

Now we will do it with you sound-letter analysis words

Count how many sounds are in this word?

Which one is the first? What is he like? (Consonant or vowel, soft or hard).

What's the second one? [U] – vowel.

Third? (consonant, firm).

What's the last sound?

Children, write the name Yura on the magnetic board.

How many letters are in the name (3).

How many sounds? (4).

Where is the letter Y? (at the beginning of the word).

It is a special, cunning letter. Why? Because it stands at the beginning of the word and means (How many sounds?) two sounds: [Y], [U].

You have completed the second task and receive a second star.

    Control and self-control (guessing riddles and finding the position of the sound [y]). Working on an interactive whiteboard.

Are you ready to complete Yura's third task? I want to invite you to solve riddles.

I'm red, I'm sour

I grew up in a swamp.

Ripened under the snow,

Come on, who knows me? (Cranberry)

Who ate this berry? Where does it grow?

On a piece of paper, mark the position of the sound, and exchange the pieces of paper with each other, check. The teacher posts the correct answer on the board. Children check. They are assessed according to the traffic light system.

Spinning on one leg

Master ballerina,

Got everyone in motion

Multi-colored... (Yula)

Sometimes they take it out of me

Rivers have their source

And in your hands I will open

I am any castle. (Key)

In which word does the letter “U” represent two sounds? (Yula) Why?

You have completed the third task and receive another star.


If we get very tired

Let's do exercises.

We really like everything

Do it in order.

Walking merrily (one, 2,3,4,5)

Raise your hands

Put your hands down

Squat, stand up

And walk again (times, 2,3,4,5).

    Self-regulation (ability to concentrate to overcome intellectual difficulties).

And now Yura wants to see how you read syllables and words.

liu mu ryu nu kyu shu

yul yum yun yuk yus

spinning skirt beak

people plus suit

Another star for you, well done!

And the last is the most difficult task.

Game "Typesetter".

How many of you know what the word still life means? (Still life - image inanimate objects in art: vase, flowers, fruit) Comedian? (Comedian is a woman who notices funny stories in life and tells them cheerfully).

Children are divided into two teams, each of which gets its own word.

The first team is still life. The second team is a comedian.

From one long word make up a few small words. (For example, Nora, Yura, cake, mouth, etc.)

Well done! The fifth star is yours!


Children, I want to ask my question again, why is the letter “U” a tricky, difficult letter? (If it is at the beginning of a word, then it contains two sounds at once. Which ones?) What else do you know about the letter “U”? (The letter Y is a vowel, it shows that the consonant before it is soft.)


What tasks did you like the most? What else did we do in class? Did you have any difficulties completing assignments? Let's try ourselves, with the help of the sun, to evaluate our work in class, choose a sun for yourself:

Cheerful sunshine - you are satisfied with your work, you coped with tasks easily and simply.

Sunshine with clouds - you had some small errors in your answers, but you corrected them.

(Children choose their own sun).

I thank everyone for the lesson. Well done! Goodbye.

Good day, my dear readers!

I continue the column, learning letters and today is a vowel letter "U". Practical material the one I selected will help your child remember the letter “U” faster, your child will not only remember the letter, but will also learn to distinguish the sound [yu] in words.

Invite your child to listen to G. Yudin’s fairy tale “The Little Camel Bul-Bul” and remember words with the sound [yu]


The camel Bulbul really wanted to have everything like people do.

- Mother! I also want to sleep in a cradle.

– Is the warm sand on which you sleep worse? – asked the camel.

“No, he’s so soft...” Bulbul was happy.

“Mom, I also want to play with the top,” he said the next time.

- Is the bell on your neck worse? – asked the camel.

- No, he's so funny! – Bulbul was happy.

“Mom, I also want to eat apricots,” he said the next time.

– Are the thorns we eat worse? – asked the camel.

- No, they are so sweet! – Bulbul laughed.

“Mom, I also want to live in a yurt,” he said the next time.

– But do as many tulips grow in a yurt as in our steppe? – asked the camel.

- Of course not! – Bulbul laughed. - And it will never grow up.

Letter "U"

Funny poems

Young sailed on the ship, Young led the ship to the ground.

Young man steered the ship skillfully,

And he looked forward boldly.

Yurka rolls a snowball.

A blizzard swirls outside the window.

I don’t recognize Yura...

With a lump he is like a letter Yu.

V. Stepanov

Yura is carrying a tasty cargo -

Wonderful watermelon.

In the arena the tamer -

Lord of the formidable tigers.

He's like a letter Yu, with ring

He boldly faced the tigers.

V. Stepnov

Yura just sat down on the chair,

He dangled his legs and fell asleep.

Yura is very tired -

I was spinning like a top all day long.

F. Bobylev

* * *To ABOUT didn't roll away

I'll nail it firmly to the post.

Oh look what happened:

The result is... a letter Yu.

A. Shibaev

I sewed a skirt for a doll,

I'll cut a new jacket.

The doll tells me: “Mom!”

So, I sew for my daughter.

Piggies love the letter Yu:

Without it you can’t say: “Oink!”

On the way, in an unknown land

The compass is our best friend.

One capital letter Yu

South is marked on it.

We're flying above the clouds

South by compass.

To the seashore, to southern Crimea,

Where there are no blizzards in winter.

I recognize my spinning top,

When I look at the letter Yu.

Proverbs and sayings

1. Young men think about the future, and old men think about the past.

2. If you like to ride, you also like to carry sleds.

Tongue twisters


Game "Who is attentive?"

1. Name the same sounds in words: cabin boy, south, skirt, yunnat, nimble, yurt.

2. Clap your hands when you hear the sound [ yu] in the words: apple, Christmas tree, Edik, Elena, Julia, humor, street, pit.

Game "Who is bigger?"

Come up with as many words as possible that start with the letter "u".
(Yula, skirt, youth etc.)

Game “Say the Word.”

Game "Find the word".

1. Lesenka. 2. T h o w n a b u c k a.

yu – – yu – –

yu – – – yu – – –

yu – – – – yu – – – –

yu – – – – – yu – – – – –

Possible option answer: Possible answer:

south, yula, cabin boy, yunnat. people, Duchess, budget,


Game "Transforming words - magic chain."

1. Replace one letter in the words: bite, cap, hole, onion, lettuce, scream.

Answer: beak, boat, Nyura, hatch, salute, hook.

2. Make a chain of words containing the letter “yu”, in which each subsequent word begins with last letter previous one.

Answer: yunnat – tulip – still life – tube – cuvette – tulle etc.

Game "Add Sound".

– ny, – burden, – g, – beat, – rist.


1. Baby cot.

2. Lighting device.

3. A wine vessel with a thin stem.

4. A stick with a curved upper end for support when walking.

Answer: cradle, chandelier, glass, stick


Thank you for visiting my page.

Letter U


correctional and educational:

- give the concept of the letter U;

- form a dictionary;

correctional and developmental:

- perform exercises aimed at strengthening the printed image of the letter;

- develop phonemic hearing and perception;

- develop general, fine and articulatory motor skills;

correctional and educational:

- cultivate a feeling of love for the Motherland;

— to cultivate a sense of pride in being a citizen of Russia.

Equipment: symbolism Russian state, notebooks, pencils, object pictures, cut-out alphabets, sentence diagrams, mirrors.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

Playback syllable rows(at the discretion of the speech therapist).

II. General development. small and articulatory motor skills. Work on developing breathing and voice.

1. General relaxation

2. Development gross motor skills

3. Development fine motor skills

4. Facial massage

5. Development of facial muscles

6. Development of articulatory motor skills

— Differentiation of oral and nasal exhalation EI

III. Exercises to develop pronunciation and literacy.

1. Announcement of the topic. Today we will get acquainted with the letter Y.

2. Introducing the letter Y.

To prevent O from rolling away, I’ll nail it firmly to the post.

Oh, look, what happened: The letter Y turned out. (A. Shibaev) Children find the letter in the cut alphabet.

3. Consolidating knowledge about letters in syllables, words, sentences and texts.

— Composing syllables with the letter U (consonants of the children’s choice). Each child reads his own syllables.

Look at the pictures. Analyze after which consonants the letter Y is written. What other letters come after soft consonants? (I, E, Yo, I.)

Sound analysis words: beak, iron. Laying out a color scheme of these words. Print them in notebooks.

— Dividing words into syllables. Game "Syllable Store".

— Drawing up proposals for given schemes.

IV. Physical education minute. Performing actions on text.

I’m straight, I’m sideways, And I’m running, I’m turning, And I’m standing still,

And with a jump, And with two legs together.

V. Exercises to develop the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech. Introductory conversation about the symbols of the Russian state. Introduction to the flag, anthem and coat of arms of Russia.

Speech therapist: “Every country has a flag, anthem and coat of arms. On our Russian flag three stripes. White means purity and justice. Blue is a peaceful sky. Red - strength and beauty. This flag of Russia was introduced by Tsar Peter I. When it sounds National anthem and rises national flag, the citizens of this country stand up as a sign of respect. Each country also has its own coat of arms. Coat of arms of Russia - double headed eagle».

Children answer questions about the story.

VI. Summary of the lesson and assessment of children’s work. What letter did we meet today? What makes it special? What symbols of our state do you know?

VII. Homework.

VSh. Material for consolidation outside of class

1. Phonetics games.

- Game "Daisies". Children are asked to make two daisies from the petals. The petals depict pictures, the names of which contain either the sound C or the sound C. The child takes the petal, names the picture, determines which one given sounds is in this word (S or C), its location and places the petal to the core of the corresponding daisy.

- Game "Squabble". Children are divided into two teams, one of the teams must name words with the sound 3, and the second - with the sound 3. The team that comes up with the most words wins.

- Game "House, Castle, Hut." Arrange words depending on the number of syllables. Words with sounds Ts, S.

Game "House". Determining the place of sounds Ts, S in words.

— Sound analysis of words like heron, saber. Work in notebooks with letters and words.

2. Lexico-grammatical games.

- Know the name of the country, city, district, street, home address, capital. (Introduce children to the sights of the city, some historical facts our country.)

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