Short form of adjectives rule. Full and short adjectives

Qualitative adjectives have constant sign– they have full and short forms. This article describes in detail the types of ratios of the two forms and provides illustrative examples to secure the material.

What are the forms of adjectives?

In the Russian language, there are full and short forms of adjectives. This grammatical feature is constant and is characteristic only of qualitative adjectives:

  • Full adjectives– attributive, inflected forms (change according to gender, number, cases), neutral in meaning. In sentences they are most often used as a definition. Examples full adjectives: dry, cold, red, neat.
  • Short adjectives– predicative, indeclinable forms (change only by gender and number, not indeclinable by cases), differ in book meaning. In sentences, as a rule, a nominal predicate appears. Examples of short adjectives: distant, young, white, meek.

Complete and short adjectives are studied at school in the 5th grade.

Types of relationships between full and short forms of adjectives

Not all words of a given part of speech have full and short forms of adjectives. According to the presence (or absence) of this grammatical feature adjectives are divided into three groups:

  • Adjectives that have both full and short forms (good - good, cheerful - cheerful, fresh - fresh, smart - smart). Short forms are formed by adding endings to the adjective stem -a (s), -o (s), -s (s) And zero (cute - sweet, strong - strong).
  • Adjectives that have only the full form. These include – adjectives with evaluation suffixes (tall, green), qualitative adjectives, formed from relative (coffee, brown, milk) naming the colors of animals (bay, brown) and non-derivative adjectives (alien, former).
  • Adjectives that are characterized only by short form (too small, necessary, much, dear).

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Adjective - an independent part of speech that denotes an attribute of an object and answers questions Which? what? whose? Adjectives agree with nouns , that is, they are placed in the same gender, number and case as the nouns to which they refer. In a sentence, adjectives are modifiers or part of the predicate.

Adjectives can be extended by nouns or adverbs, forming phrases with them ( weak from illness, very cheerful).

Declension of adjectives.

At the end of adjectives, after sibilants, the letter O is written under stress, without stress - the letter E ( a lot of snow, good rain).

Plural of adjectives.

Distinguishing adjective suffixes in writing -TO- And –SK-.

Suffix -To- is written:

1. in adjectives having a short form

2. in adjectives formed from some nouns with a stem on –k-, -ch-, -ts-.

In other adjectives the suffix is ​​written - sk-.

Sharp (sharp), weaving (weaver). Kyrgyz (Kyrgyz).

Hyphen and continuous writing complex adjectives.

A hyphen is used if the adjective is complex:

1. denotes shades of colors ( yellow-blue)

2. derived from compound nouns, which are written with a hyphen ( Tien Shan)

3. formed by adding equal words, between which you can insert the union AND ( bitter-salty )

Complex adjectives that are formed on the basis of the phrase ( railway – railway).

Classes of adjectives by meaning

Adjectives are divided into three categories:




Qualitative adjectives denote such a sign (quality) of an object that may be present in it to a greater or lesser extent (dark cloud). Qualitative adjectives form degrees of comparison and a short form. They can be combined with adverbs very, extremely, too and others. Compound adjectives are formed from qualitative adjectives by repeating them ( pale-pale), adjectives with prefix NOT.

Not all listed signs found in every qualitative adjective.

Relative adjectives denote a feature of an object that cannot be present in the object to a greater or lesser extent ( wooden log). They, as a rule, indicate the material from which the object is made, the object consists, spatial, temporal characteristics of the object, and more.

Relative adjectives have no degrees of comparison, no short form and cannot be combined with an adverb Very.

Possessive adjectives indicate that something belongs to a person or animal and answer the question whose? whose? whose? An object cannot have such characteristics to a greater or lesser extent.

When adjectives are used, their meanings may change. Thus, a relative adjective can become qualitative or possessive (fox trail(fox trail - possessive) – fox hat(fox hat - relative) - fox cunning(same as a fox’s - high quality) ) .

Adjectives with the suffix –IN-, -UN-, formed from nouns naming animals, can have not only a possessive, but also a qualitative meaning: donkey stubbornness, swan song.

Full and short adjectives.

Adjectives have full and short forms ( white - white, smart - smart, handsome - handsome, strong - strong).

Qualitative adjectives have two forms - full and short: kind - kind. Short qualitative adjectives change in number and gender, but do not decline (do not change in cases); they most often appear in sentences nominal part composite nominal predicate (He who is neat is liked by people).

Possessive adjectives of all genders in nominative case have only a short form; in other cases they can have a full and short form ( bear den, grandfather's sheepskin coat).

Relative adjectives have only the full form ( yesterday's).

For short adjectives with a sibilant base bnot written (mighty oak).

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  • 2. Lexical and grammatical meaning in the word. Distinctive features of grammatical meaning. Word and word form. Types of word forms (analytical, synthetic).
  • 3. Synthetic, analytical and syntactic ways of expressing grammatical meanings, means of expressing grammatical meanings.
  • 8. Noun as a part of speech. Signs of the morphological class of nouns. Lexico-grammatical categories of nouns. Proper and common nouns; real
  • 9. Noun as a part of speech. Signs of the morphological class of nouns. Lexico-grammatical categories of nouns. Concrete, abstract and collective nouns.
  • 10. Nouns, animate and inanimate. The problem of establishing animate-inanimateness, its expression.
  • 11. Category of gender of nouns and its subject-semantic content. Masculine. Feminine. Neuter.
  • 12. Category of gender of nouns and its subject-semantic content. Principles of distribution by gender of animate and inanimate nouns. Common nouns.
  • 13. Category of gender of nouns and its subject-semantic content. Gender of indeclinable nouns and abbreviations.
  • 14. Number as a morphological category of a noun, its character. Means of expressing numerical opposition. Types of nouns according to the implementation of numerical opposition.
  • 15. The nouns singularia tantum and pluralia tantum. Reasons for the defectiveness of the numerical paradigm. Basic and figurative meanings of number forms in nouns of different lexical and grammatical categories.
  • Using the plural form of nouns that do not vary in number
  • Using the plural form of nouns that vary by number
  • 16. Grammatical category of case for nouns. Ways and means of expressing case meanings.
  • 17. The meaning of case forms, their ambiguity.
  • 18. Russian grammar-80 about the declension of nouns. Types of declension of nouns.
  • 19. General characteristics of adjectives. Classification of un in Russian grammar 1980. Qualitative adjectives. Conventionality of semantic and grammatical boundaries between categories of adjectives.
  • 20. General characteristics of adjectives. Classification of un in Russian grammar 1980. Relative adjectives.
  • 21. General characteristics of adjectives. Classification of un in Russian grammar 1980. Pronominal adjectives.
  • 22. Degrees of comparison of adjectives. Education, use, stylistic characteristics of simple and analytical forms of degrees of comparison of different parts of speech.
  • 23. Short adjectives. Features of education, meaning, use, stylistic features of short forms. Restrictions on the formation of comparatives and short forms.
  • 24. Numeral as a part of speech. Lexico-grammatical categories of numerals. Compatibility of numerals with nouns.
  • 25. Numeral: features of meaning, syntactic features, system of morphological categories, features of morphemic composition and word formation.
  • 26. Simple, complex and compound numerals. Types of declension of numerals.
  • 27. Pronouns as a special part of speech. Classifications of pronouns by meaning and in relation to other parts of speech. General characteristics of pronouns in Russian Grammar-80.
  • 29. Pronouns-nouns: reflexive, interrogative, indefinite, relative, negative.
  • 30. Verb as part of speech. Question about the boundary of a verb word. Conjugated and inconjugated verb forms. Morphological and syntactic features of verbs.
  • 31. Semantic classification of verbs.
  • 32. Lexico-grammatical categories of verbs. Verbs are transitive and intransitive, reflexive and non-reflexive.
  • 33. Lexico-grammatical categories of verbs. Personal and impersonal (general characteristics).
  • 34. Person category of the verb. Personal and impersonal forms. Relationship between the category of person and other verbal categories. The figurative use of personal forms.
  • 35. Aspectual-tense system of the Russian verb. General characteristics. The figurative use of aspectual and tense forms.
  • Using present tense forms
  • 1) Present Historical
  • 2) Present When designating future actions
  • Using past tense forms
  • Using future tense forms
  • I. Significant (by meaning)
  • II. Pronominals (pronominal words)
  • I. Significant (by meaning)
  • 1) Motivated:
  • 2) Unmotivated:
  • II. Pronominals (pronominal words)
  • 49. Question about the status of the state category as a part of speech. The solution to the question of the category of state in Academic Grammar 1980.
  • 50. Lexico-grammatical categories of words of the state category. Formation of words of the state category. Formation of state category words.
  • Derived words of the state category are formed in a morphological-syntactic way and are correlated:
  • 51. Homonymy of words of the category of state, adverbs and short adjectives of the neuter gender, homonymy of words of the category of state and nouns.
  • 52. Prepositions. Meaning, structure, formation, functions of prepositions.
  • 53. Unions. Structure, functional-semantic types of conjunctions. Coordinating and subordinating conjunctions, single and non-single. Classification of unions by structure. Analogues of unions.
  • 54. Particles. The boundaries of a given category of words. Semantics of particles. The role of particles in expressing the modal meaning of a sentence. Formal-semantic categories of particles.
  • 55. Modal words, their place in the system of parts of speech. The relationship between modal words and significant parts of speech. Modals and introductory words. Lexico-grammatical categories of modal words.
  • 56. Interjections, their differences from significant and function words. Classifications of interjections. Interjections are primitive and non-primitive, emotional and motivating. Interjections and onomatopoeia.
  • 57. Morpheme as a unit of language. Morpheme and phoneme, m. And word.
  • Classification of morphemes
  • 59. Morphonological changes in the structure of a word (alternation of phonemes, truncation, superposition of morphemes, interfixation, change of stress).
  • 60. Historical changes in the composition of the word (simplification, re-elaboration). Reasons for historical changes.
  • 61. Concept of basis. Typology of bases: divisible / indivisible, derivative / non-derivative.
  • 62. Derivational and inflectional affixes.
  • 63. The purpose and methodology of performing morphemic analysis / conducting morphemic analysis.
  • 64. Word-formation meaning. The concept of word-formation motivation. Signs of motivated words. Word formant.
  • 65. Word-formation pair, word-formation chain, word-formation paradigm, word-formation nest. The structure of the word-formation nest.
  • 66. The concept of word-formation type. Word-formation types of different parts of speech.
  • 67. Affixal methods of word formation
  • 68. Addition as a way of word formation. Pure addition. Foundation. Abbreviation. Types of abbreviations.
  • Short form of adjectives

    Short form education

    Most qualitative adjectives have two forms -

    full and brief: talented - talented; noble - good -

    native; wayward - wayward; ferocious - ferocious.

    In modern Russian, the short form is formed from the stem

    full form1 with endings: zero for masculine gender, -а, -о

    respectively for female and middle childbirth. Sometimes between the ends

    With new consonants of the stem in masculine forms a fluent appears

    vowel -o, -e-.

    In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the following: for many

    adjectives ending in -native, -native, short

    form singular masculine has a truncated suffix:

    characteristic - characteristic; solemn - solemn; essential

    ny - essential; painful - painful; related - related, etc.

    The formation of precisely forms with a truncated suffix, according to observation,

    yam scientists, reflects the development trend of this group of adjectives

    nykh in modern Russian language2. Often arising in their absorption

    development parallel forms (immoral - immoral, immoral

    sensual - insensitive, numerous - numerous, mysterious -

    mysterious, etc.) are acceptable, but the option on

    En, not na-enen.

    Only a small number of adjectives of this group form short

    some forms ending in -enen: arrogant, inviolable, inviolable

    doubtful, ordinary, frank, heartfelt, respectful, timely

    change and no. etc.

    Not all qualitative adjectives form a short form1.

    They don't have it:

    1) adjectives with the suffixes -sk-, -ichesk-, -ensk-, -ov-, -ev-,

    a number of adjectives with the suffix -n-: “boorish act”, “ironic-

    some notes”, “beggarly wages”, “ordinary employee”, “key pro-

    problem", "early morning";

    2) some verbal adjectives with the suffix -l-: by-

    wavy, thawed; as well as many adjectives that are pro-

    origination by active participles: outstanding (capable

    ty), swollen (face), etc.;

    3) many adjectives with suffixes of subjective assessment:

    plump, blushing, clean, simple;

    4) many adjectives that are relative in origin,

    denoting colors: coffee, chocolate, lilac;

    5) adjectives denoting the colors of horses: dun, black

    noah, bay, savrasy;

    6) words: junior, senior, big, as well as some simple ones

    river words: lesser, cursed, etc.

    There are such qualitative adjectives that use -

    sya only in a short form, but do not have a full form: glad, much,

    love, necessary.

    Some ambiguous adjectives form a short form

    not to each of the values. For example, the adjective prominent, has

    having three meanings: 1) visible, visible; 2) significant

    ny, important; 3) tall, stately, representative, - short

    the form exists only in the first meaning: “The house is visible from afar.”

    There are adjectives whose full and short forms differ -

    are values. For example: imperious - ‘inclined to command, sub-

    to inflict on oneself” (“powerful man”) and imperious - “one who has the power to dis-

    to order, to command.

    Grammatical properties of short adjectives

    In modern Russian, short adjectives are not inflected

    are changed, but change only in numbers, and in the singular and in

    In a sentence, short adjectives appear most often in

    role of the predicate: “I like that you are not sick with me, I like-

    Xia, that I’m not sick with you” (Color.); “You don’t love me, you don’t regret me,

    Aren’t I a little handsome?” (Es.). In the definition function they can

    used only when they are isolated. In this role

    they are used mainly in poetic speech: “Dika, pe-

    calm, silent, like a forest deer, timid, she is in her family

    noah seemed like a stranger’s girl” (P.); “Filled with longing and trepidation, Tama-

    Ra often sits at the window in lonely thought” (L.); “But, sure, remember-

    nude on the fly, as Tashkent burst into flames in bloom, all engulfed in white flames,

    hot, smelly, intricate, incredible.”

Short forms are formed from the bases of full forms by adding special endings to them: in the singular in the masculine gender - zero ending: cheerful, young, strict; in the feminine gender a(s): cheerful, young,
strict; in the neuter o(s): cheerfully, young, strictly; in the plural and (s): cheerful, young, strict.
The bases for consonants preceded by vowels do not undergo changes: timid - timid, gray-oh - gray.
If at the end of the stem there is a confluence of consonants, then between the final consonants when forming a short form of the masculine gender, fluent vowels appear: o - between a hard consonant (except zh) and k (krok-iy - meek, low-iy - low); e - 1) between a hissing, soft consonant and k (heavy - heavy, stable - resistant, bitter - bitter); 2) before n (gentle - gentle, smart - smart).
The fluent vowel does not appear before the final r, l (dobr-y - dobry, smug-y - smugl). Exceptions: warm, sharp, bright, sour, cunning.
Words ending in -nn(y) can have short forms ending in:
  1. on -nen, if the adjective is formed using the suffix -n- from a noun with a stem in -n or -ni/ (length-a - long - long, doubtful-i-e - undoubted - undoubted), from a verb with a stem on -n (save-and-t - preserved - preserved) using the suffix -enn- from nouns with a stem in -n (life - lifeless - lifeless);
  2. to -en, if the adjective is formed from nominal stems with two or more final consonants using the suffix -enn- (disaster - disastrous - disastrous).
Parallel forms of short adjectives in -en and -enen are widely developed: immoral and immoral, inactive and ineffective, insensitive and insensitive, flighty and flighty, ambiguous and ambiguous, feminine and feminine, masculine and masculine, kindred and related, mysterious and mysterious etc.
Qualitative adjectives do not form short forms:
  1. with suffixes -sk-, -ov-: friendly, fatherly, childish, comic, etc.; private, frontline, etc.;
  2. with the suffix -N-: slanderous, bloody, area, etc. (but: fat - fat, sinful - sinful, etc.);
  3. with the suffix -l- (formed from verbs): burnt, shabby, backward, withered, faded, cold, etc. (but: stunted - stunted, hoarse - hoarse, etc.);
  4. with the suffixes -ush- (-yush-), -enn-, the prefix raz-, denoting high degree manifestations of the trait: fat, cunning, plump, amiable, etc.;
  5. adjectives starting with -ш(й), going back to forms comparative degree and those that have lost their former meaning: greater, younger, older, etc.;
  6. adjectives of color formed from nouns: chocolate, coffee, cream, lilac, etc.;
  7. adjectives denoting the colors of animals: dun, black, bay, brown, gray, salty, etc.
Some adjectives do not have the entire set of short forms. So, the adjectives sick, ancient do not have a feminine form; The adjective different does not have short singular forms in all genders.
The formation of short forms sometimes encounters obstacles from semantics. Thus, deaf in the meanings “not having the ability to hear”, “unresponsive” forms short forms (she is deaf, has not heard for a long time; he is deaf to all requests), but does not have them in the meanings “vague, hidden, hidden” (deaf discontent) , “quiet, without manifestation of life” (blind street), “solid, without holes” (blank wall). The adjectives poor, literate, naked, wild, false, etc. do not have a short form in all meanings. Compare: naked boy (boy is naked) and naked truth; false words (her words were false) and false money.
Some adjectives are used only in a short form: glad?, much, necessary. The word must in full form found only in phraseological turns: at the proper level, to pay tribute, in due measure, etc.

More on the topic § 78. Formation of short forms of adjectives:

  1. §18. Grammatical originality of the category of short forms of the adjective

An adjective is independent part speech, which denotes a sign of the subject being discussed in the sentence. Adjective answers questions Whose? or Which? For example: red (rose), huge (territory), iron (shovel), mother's (car).

An adjective is associated with a noun and agrees with it, that is, it changes according to cases, gender and numbers. Examples: Interesting story (masculine), interesting book (feminine). Interesting stories ( plural), interesting story(singular).

Qualitative and relative adjectives

Adjectives are divided into two types: qualitative and relative adjectives. Qualitative adjectives always indicate quality characteristics an object, as well as the characteristic that an object may have to a greater or lesser extent. Examples of qualitative adjectives: tasty, strong, beautiful, small, tall. From such adjectives we can create a degree of comparison: more delicious, very beautiful, very small.

Relative adjectives indicate the relationship of one thing to another. Relative adjectives very often indicate the material from which an object is made. For example: iron bed, porcelain dishes.

Relative adjectives indicate the state of an object at a certain point in time. For example: winter day, evening sun, morning exercises. In this case, adjectives are formed on the basis of a noun: morning - morning, winter - winter.

The category of relative adjectives also includes possessive adjectives. Such adjectives indicate that one object belongs to another person (or object). For example: sister's brooch, dad's car, bear's den.

Full and short adjectives

Qualitative adjectives are divided into the following subtypes: full and short adjectives. Examples of full adjectives: handsome, kind, young. From such adjectives we can create short adjectives by shortening the word, which does not change its essence. Examples: handsome, kind, young.

Full adjectives in a sentence, as a rule, they act as a definition. For example: A beautiful house stood on the edge of a forest. Brief qualitative Adjectives in a sentence are usually the predicate. For example: The breeze is fragrant and fresh.
Relative adjectives are never short.

It should be remembered that short adjectives that belong to the masculine gender, the stem of which ends in a hissing letter, are written the same way as masculine nouns - without adding soft sign at the end. For example: skinny, good, fresh, hot.

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